oe. a Ci, Pe aat Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, oe 8 to 12. 13--Articles For Rent 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale CRA SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT OSHAWA PUBLIC BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ] scisseuss | RENTALS | untiris comssion] AT |\/E \ preegey dapcp tg Lee. : ff OF ALL KINDS Yogi ek Meare J ey & Sthat LICENSED REALTY LTD. AHE SALT PARAICLES Sanding Machines "Action Office' Accountants Barristers Janitor Service TV--Radio Repairs pec ph oa AA >. x Plumber's Tools MECHANIC LEAN YOUR BACKYARD db THE ( ' * JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account|JOSEPH | P.MANGAN, QC; Solicitor CLEAN YOUR BAC! es ee : aa : Painter's Equipment reper ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street|Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street;ment. Also scrap taken away. Call Joe, Ml f have cor and truck East. Ti 723-4833. East, Oshawa, 728-8232, 723-7368. FORMING 5 . ; ' , owl GORDON R. DAY, Cerllfied General|McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barrisiers,|ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- pad ae Lh 4 i Welding Equipment ae % Cert / buses would be an asset nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by . é i pcg aha gl Oshawa Shop Trust Bulldingy 32. siege sree Sout, médern machine. Free estimates. Work ECONOMY, AND <1 4 " \ Builder's Equipment 40 Hour week, Rate $2.69 728-5157 pe etlh ee sing Sarvice |72%-7336;_ Charles C. McGibbon, Qc; |guaranteed, 728-7736. C ' Zz ay Sy Lee. AY 3 after Feb 1/66, Shift pre- BOB CLANCY'S Accounting" Servics.| Eagar F, Bastedo, GC; Grant H. Arm. : DELUXE : a , : Ee SKATE AND mimum 5%. ice, 299 Simcoe pt ge yo gry nt strong. Money To Loan Benefits include 9 statutory © HARMONY VILLA : Priced to suit your budget, C PS. a : HOCKEY ALBERT HOWMAR, Chartered Account ---- Trades ' 1 ee ee Dierat & taoenante TERMS ARRANGED 'i i Sites holidays, sick leave credits, *: See thie ultes modern, new; rea: -- ' + . Bade aera oe og ag eos eaancamc] \ ee | EQUIPMENT -- | ison, ar osptalzation. | Scbavisin, 24" homes al 1 nti e Ontario, Purpose providing you are steadily em- ¢ i ' ' YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. played and have good credit. telephone] (SHAW A TV [at amen) \ ae j EXCHANGE heey by tle wet under yee eee bonus. ts, Licensed Trus- 723-4631. : a a pesto, ai Simece Street BIGGEST OFFER SUPPLY LIMITED Pertinent information to -- Prices as low as $17,400. North, Oshawa, 728-7371. Mortgages TON RD. E Now at Stan's you can ex- Milton clay brick. All have 3 TAUN < 7" MR, L. J. ALGAR HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- ° bedrooms, tiled bathrooms Piiatd Treie Bone N TOWN i change your old SKATE , bedrooms, . nor 1g) King. Street Eest, Oshawa, ie | | | MORTGAGE Just East of Ritson 100 Simcoe Street South * Call us for information. Built tario, 725-3509; S. T. Hopkins, CA: H. : ; _ | and HOCKEY EQUIP. Gihaieds Grtetio. by TONNO. NHA. finane- Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. And we mean business, the finest LOANS 728- 8180 > eer crtr MENT with a fair allow- in WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO..|in materials and workmanship on} Money for first mortgages CROSSED OFF THE. of % , ance on New or Used Chartered Accountants, 362 King Street * REC. ROOMS 0 M etn [ THE 105 : ; 725-6539; William C. Hall, . pen Mortgages (OR 0k EXPERT Equipment . Bast, Osnewe, pavid G. Perkin, CA:| %& REMODELLING Interest at 7% HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Stik ated ae NERS ARE PROBABLY 'ugha YOUNG MAN TWO BEDROOM BRICK J. Graham MacMillan, CA, * ALTERATIONS No Bonus TV TOWERS a : , HX SUR DECEMBER HOURS $11,500. full price. Consider- * CUSTOM BUILT No Charges for Valuations 9 : ' THEY ARE UNM cra iy YM Mon, - Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. For Mail Desk and Gen- able cash needed. This neat Barristers KITCHEN CABINETS Mortgages and Agreement ! : poy hte te 1964, et pee caer | Sat. 8 - 6 p.m. ; home is an excellent invest- GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- and CUPBOARDS purchased ARE THE BEST ! : a | eral Office Duties. ment for a rental, Buy and tors, efe., 114 King, Street | East. Dial) * FLOOR ond CEILING Money for Second Mortgages WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! | Age 17-21 Y let the revenue pay for it. 723-2278. Residence Phones: Greer, TILE ETC Fost Service. 2 ge - eors QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Ketiy, BA, BCL: ' ; ' 8--Articles For Sale \8--Articles For Sale } , : 728-8832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,/For the deal of a lifetime . . . T | em en msn jclbaltibsidettshe _ -- Minimum of Junior Matricu- NORTH EAST ey "ears CALL. NOW! M. F. SWARTZ ATTENTION MEN fation, Excelent PppPruniy:: 1° sig ond, fill mite for Wie Barriier'and Solchor and. Notary Pub ; a Se on TELEVISION MAKE IT A "WHITE" sharpening 6 Rantol Lig: | for sdvancenent Fal ee | cine Wr 3 Goma Aad bs: ae Ree ont Soe parking McKo S Const "723. '4697 Corner Bond and Division SEWING MACHINE 223 King St. West, Oshawa yey eee eee home. Extra large kitchen, pie any fe geal "oF. 725-4717. . a ~ -- 728-5143 CHRISTMAS B 3 nek Out Apply in person to: finished recreation room. Ask GENERAL REPAIRS cc ie ee . ig savings on Skating Out- PHONE 723-32 paisa Bagg CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, end oe MORTGAGE LOANS Brand new S stitch, zig-zag fits for the whole family dur- 3- 3 24 Staff Personnel Department Bank of Commerce Bullding. § Sim! Ochawa 725-8576 TELEVISION - RADIO | and automatic portables, con- | ing our Big Foll Sole |_ hae Sireet "North, Oshawa, 720-446; T- FIRST & SECONDS 24 HOUR SERVICE soles, and desk models. from $7.25 pr Chairs, Linens, Dish DUNLOP ath wee ™ ° s ulelisy nens, isn- Creighton, QC; or residences: G. ane s, a as ponaek: NO BONUS SALE FROM $49.50, Glasses, Coffee The "ACTION" Office Drynan, QC, 728-8554 Bowmanville eh ted | | fmoriaapes srrenged. cl 623-341] "798 51 Re HOLMES nee fe Highonopat 303 R FLE | Wee, kets memee Gee CANADA ACTIVE REALTY LTD, : Wear, Men's Formals, White Bee Sart ee, Solin, 73 Active Realty Ltd. ELECTRONICS nae A ond Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. LTD. 48 Simcoe Street South Sire sil liability rugged_aun | SARGEANT'S. RENTALS WHITBY, ONT, Ras =i aim at By oles ing appointments, Dial 723-1661. FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale 29 Simcoe HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- LOOK | agreements purchased and sold. Hennick " ; ; deliver years of sot MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Woden d and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street] ud Day or Night factory shooting 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 ede Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, East, 723-723 728-2391 f >pointment = ' ALL 74 371 for oppointr $24.95 |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, MRS. BETTY KEIP QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman.) Never before offered at this ist AND IND MORTGAGE avaliable. ag 6 9 | LLB; J. D. Humphreys. BA: LLB. Ontey,| low cost. Kitchen $495 up. |W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock = Whitby 68-567 oe laid Renita 10s Rest 668-3361 td * rs re KK! | Aid ntals rice, 44 af } (e276; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA 2rd! Rotary cut mahogany cup. [North Whitby. 668-2328 BEE Aa HER Fairchild Cinemas | Bd Rol bilb BL sh a oct | FLE( ERIC Le -- rey 7' | CHAIRS, | t 4 other first mortgage funds available, boards, rangehood, stainless |PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies tor) Ty - SERVICE Voice Camera and = SNOW TIRES ace ices and banquet Tables, church all mortgages. Mortgages and agree- steel sink, floor tile, complete artes of sale purchased, Creighton, | ; Projecter ae Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414. +f four piece bath $395 'up, | Orynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See "Bar| DAY OR EVENING Fairchild Cinefonic Eight | nylon construction, ful THREE-TON STAKE TRUCK for rent, HOMES Classified Rates New fixtures, floor, wall tile |rsters Sa 728-5286 COMPLETE depth traction tread, A | evenings, with driver, Telephone 720476. WANTED complete rec room $225; ; new winter tire 2d almos ENTERTAINING -- ~Finy to one-hundred i ides | wee ee fe cae, oc | Musical 'Services OSHAWA Brand Ne\ Comera =F gi és Sow hea peaaal jpeople? Oshawa "Tennis Club' for" bane OPEN DAI ni & 08; --- -- | jector Microphone' an al a ets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. LY additional words, "3 ard, Sis; | ample 12 x 20 $540. SMALL DANCE, BAND. avaiab onE%| t Sinent from $ 17.56 UP | Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking, Reason- 2 Young and secutl insertions of ords, G rienced, i * | | t a $. 728-63 he , ' Complete Ted Taylor, Alax 942-1663 ELECT RODICS |=. Original. Price $900, now only Jable rates. 728-6315. additional. words 12c. each, Prarie = Sono Mun be od Fes DOMINION '4 Basiness "Opportuni Nn Aggressive Salesmen DEVON PARK secutive Insertions of 24 words, $504) TRIO (piano, , drums, guitar). Exper 8 ica eS additional words 21c. each. | ' enced, reliable, available Friday and Sat | t | , , ate . ae ings. 728-0240. IN TI eee To start January 2nd for one Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge i> ORDINATED vrnay syenings, 72 e WINTERTIME 843 Ritson South or " Whitby' laraast iad fb Here ore a few of the quality i / IME : oe on? REMODELLERS [Optometrist ee Tel. 728-3222 TIRE STORE TRADE dealers, Must be of good features: Method of Counting -- Less than 24 --| T.V, Service Anytime _ --- h dhe: bondi! jords counts as 24 words) each Word, | F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe| VARIETY STORE character ani ndable. © Aluminum siding Initial, figure or abbreviation counts ries oe R. ie C). FREE -- 24-hour Burner | 145 King SW Owner. will. 'consider your Experience not necessary, 4 Mahogany tH ond TELEVISION Service soda areal home in trade on this first but helpful. Salary si La cupboards 728 5143 TEXACO -- Fuel ond Stove | Telephone 725-6511 ass variety store. Tremen- matinee i shy Set © Plastered walls poate oka |, 'Blue Coal' stove, nut, | dous potential and showing PP: @ 2 exhaust fans stop renovation shop Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone two words. top. er : seth emir. " Painting and Decorating SOCIAL NOTICES 723-0966 PAINTING AND $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents addi- BI er coals @ Slab Wood @ - good turnover at present Apply in person to: - @ Storms and screens on OSHAWA AND areas | Cannel Coal @ Building Sup- SPRUCE - --~ _ TREES -- PINE ite Worth enquiring about. all windows and doors -- INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR NIGHT SERVICE eo re Simek Cor are ee ree LL We sigsto pokL eunes MOTORS LTD. ¢ IMMEDIATE. POSSESSIONS | IN MEMORIAMS Broadloom, Custom Draperies VAY 1 ; | nd Se. CHRISTMAS y : SAWDONS' (Whitby) | SS Silt owe ise per FREE ESTIMATES | 725-8541 or 668-5830 LIMITED | 49c and up 728-5123 1250 Dundas E., Whitby | fiona charges. if not pald within & | aor aia oar einer Ua are nm TT DECORATING aa | | | as one word; phone number counts from basement to chimney 723-4191. | | | | | each thereafter, plus 12c. per line of | : sata' within ggg se SPECIAL DODD & SOUTER 244 Brock St. S. Whitby H. CHINN, Directions: id within 8 d | A pont . pies } 25% OFF 668-5862 R E'S New, use ere Park South at Hillside B Follow King St. E. to Wilson | F -- vacuums, polishers. Re| aE com £200 for the firs! as wards ana sc. | _ ON ALL ORDERS [Plumbing and Heating RADIO & TELEVISION _ pairs fo ail mages. New hoses. Prose) 723-7088 for delivery OLAHOOD WOODWORKING | 12Gpen House sign, tum @ach thereafter, with 25c. additional i. lJack Lees, Be eae i charge if not paid within 8 days. esiigeratine ail eon al ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-/Well Dr ling--Digging BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|BASS amplifier, 25 watt with two 40 watt] East. ing, painting, plumbing, elec- plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark | Get --pieeinG | by machine specializing|2nd appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215|Goodman speakers, $200, Telephone 72 MACHINE | | | COMING EVENTS trical work, roofing, eaves- Ltd. Plumbing, Heating and Engineer oe ee ey ree od Chesinut| Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. 6780 $2.00 per inch (display); $1.50 for the | troughing, plastering, cement |/#-_225 Simcoe Street_South. Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809.|FURNITURE -- three new 4 i \ | ¢ ' eer , a e rooms, new qual-|PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; ma LIMITED first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter work 'of all kinds, Aluminum Aut TYPES of 1 repairs and remodelling, | pie ty furniture, only $299, inc. complete|ternity dresses, sizes Vata' deans osep doors and windows, siding. [Pates, Estimates tree. 72-1191, J. Foley. | /---- Women's Column 4 bok Pay GOW. So Wkly, Ueuon tot ieee oe 23 Drew sire! _ ARE YOU A" WMRDRERERET Required AUCTION SALES 20 skilled men ready to < PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-\vaive! Barons' Home Furnishings, d24| NEW USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-|you like to have your own business? REALTOR $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION serve you Rug-Upholstery Service idressing, 396 Pine Av corner of|Simcoe South |Back fe. 21 makes. New: hopes, Phone|Beauty Salon available to vent or buy-- ANI sone. weberlines on ' Westmount. Telephone 363, ------ m ® _|now! Apply 194 Farewell Avenue. DEADLINES NELLIS HOME RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Eviebiish| i ADBING MACHINES, 'typewriters, cash | LARGE CRIB and child's dresser. Good |---| shapers and routers, 728-7377. WORD ADS IMPROVEMENTS ed 17 years. Complete range of materials. |2--Personal desks, chairs, We buy, selly rent' service| condition. Telephone 728-5808, \17--Female Help Wanted 5 p.m. DAK.PREVIOUS Oshawa -- 728-2061 Workmanship guaranteed five. y @ 8 £ 8, |r =| and trade, with budget terms. New and|TRICYCLES, various sizes. Also bicycles. |------------------___---- APPLY TO Febulli: Furniture retinianea. Oshawe Ur | Removel of superfluous holr: [uit bom low prices. Bi beahatg, be sah LOST AND. FOUN Foon a ane en = |holstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, will tas ] A A N A.M, DAY OF PUBLICATION or eigen feore fe reece, east vas ee Bariosll ' w ' ae ag "ie PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, 9--Market Basket SEWING rs aor shaw r th, . 5 H BIRTHS AND DEATHS Large and small lobs. L. and H. Roofing|CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re) yoy ne, O Bee | Tek, Nelnae at Weekends APPLES Meliiggh $250 Bua Uo Furniture Company 9 a.m. day of publication and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. daar like new. Get the best for less| . 7, 325 Brock North, Whitby | Spy, $1.75 bushel; Courtland, $2.50 hush MACHINE WHITBY ONT BUILDING GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer|er pect "South cai y2e east |WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| ' : sab OHLAY Modern Upholsterers, 142 Si Hotel on these dates for ap- - aly Delicious, 33.50. bushel, Bring cor CLASS! Aara ahe rience: rhb valimates: Corr } 6451, pointment ' ltainers, Algoma Orchard, _ Thickson , . " pene | day previous:.2 col | WS ee. Free estimates, Celli estimates , jture or anything you have. The City : Senna or werosiere ete cay prevgse MRNEME: Sere APIECE Sus ELECTROLYSIS [Trading Post "Store, 446 Siméoe. Street cai as oe teers ; or Telephone with area for ---- | SHESTERFIELESS rouphsls Air ty page" wth, 723-1671 i Ca P You ifario ol NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco,|sivieg, Free esctimaie, See' oof materiel 723-4641 é ____ | SAN SUPPLY. you "with Ontario or . 668-3315 _RESTAURANT, CANCELLATIONS AND sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Freeltor recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 - TYPEWRITER, | , $25. | 4 srices. Free delivery, Osh REQUIRED otis dBi es BARBER SHOP CORRECTIONS estimates, A. C. Woods, 728-3420 OF |Charies Street, 723-7212 AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Can-|$35.i adding machine, $25.; electri |Swa, Whitby, Alan. 656-4983 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION 728-4717. - riter ; two total el abbas da, Florid sy Bonded delvers, (write ; two total electrical ; i oroeearrer eer ; dl Beater Sat to baht ade gg <SeLth Me pe rae rye ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders taken| Experience on factory power ~ BOOKKEEPER - New hot-water heating sys- Any advertisement -cancelted---bet: ALL FY¥PES building, root epairs|Sales and Service |Toronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge (reg >: publication will be eherged one day's [arg remodelling; chimneys, new and re- ie Street. Tetephone -225-7754 _ITHREE ROOMS of furniture, $296 O Baiivery oh Wa 'more. 728 ai ina e ed, "Good EXPERIENCED tem. Basement area excellent for fourth apartment with pri- § ¢ Bhd. a : N insertion. paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs. ACCOMMODATION for male boarders. do wn. payment, $15 monthly at Honest iscanieomeaa -- working conditions. BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c. Pere rs For Travel Bureau vate entrance, Income over Ro ae Gord May. Before You Buy A Telephone 725-6185 I's, 424 King West, 728-9191. 10. Farmer' s _ Column NT WORK, inets, recrea- s esr ee i i j While every endeavor will be made |tion fateh and Stoning. RA ae Piano or Organ, See WILL MRS. DORIS" PARSE INCHAN: Ri Neg ge AN cc RR Pe d if k pl icked APPLY heegted in Whitby $3,600 yearly, excluding nowing uy n t please " and cri arm . stoc! c i : . to forward replies to. box numbers to |Mates. 728-7680. HEINTZMAN |phone Mrs. | Baker 23-4659 between|Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,lun promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone COLE of Position includes, accounts front business section, Selling of st Epa beh) Oe aed gs acer ype! 9 am. - 5.30 p.m Pickering __ [Telephone 'Collect. Hampton | 263-2721 receivable, accounts payable, for $36,000 with reasonable loss "e devee alleged to arise & Co Aap oF ------| STUDENT "TYPEWRITERS, new, used,|Licence 389-C-65. -- = 4 CALIFORNIA bank reconciliations, general down. payment to a respon- +4 3--Sportsman' '7. Column ash registers, adding machines, $35. up.|30 GRADE caftie, Holstein, some Charole (CAN.) LTD bookkeeping and other sible buyer. Ten year open 9 . . 9g through either failure or delay in for- |MAN with new two-ton panei. truck tor js | warding such replies, however caused |hire, odd jobs, etc. Ajax 942-0673 165 Simcoe Oshawa ------| Year guarantee. Oshawa Business Ma-|geese, ducks, police pups 668-2067, 7 office duties. Duties to con- mortgage for balance with a SKATE EXCHANGE -- Sharpening; new,|chine', 728-3664, 725-9748 whether by negligence or otherwise. TELEPHONE 728- 2921 i . -- -- nevi EAD and ied. fi stock _ pick The Times will not be responsible for Dentistry sec ous EC ponte Bau er boceey ei pment. Valley | eeeT Furnaces cleaned, adjusted' tree. As o Sand crea arm Stock picked 804 Ritson Rd. South mence early in new year. renewable clause. repiles uncalled for in 20 days. BAMBOO "DRAPES, venetian blinds, can-| - Said be btceiha : _|Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you!Telephone Collect Hampton 243-2721.| OSHAWA Apply in person CALL BILL MILLAR CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental/v@S awnings. Complete service, free esti- |purchase from Western oil Co. 725-1212 Licence 389-C-65. REGULATIONS Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa.|mates. Mil Jelinek. 728-1993 fg Barter ____|TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower|BALED OATS and wheal siraw. Excel Phone 725-7350 DONALD TRAVEL 725-1186 or 725-2557 1e) For appointment, 728-517) 4GUARANTEED REPAIRS to al structure all-channel antenna installed, nt The Oshawa Times will not be re . AE EEE Pa 0 all wringer|CHRISTMAS TREES Fr ree with $1 Saat P , lent for bedding or builders. 25 cents a sponsible for errors in advertisements |BIALEK, DR. E. P., Dental Surgeon,|washers and ranges, Free estimates, Calll chase, Tubs $10, basin $19 pur $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361/baie, picked up. 40 cents a bale deliv-| 102 BROCK SOUTH, submitted otherwise than in writing not |112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, For| 728-1742 Imedicine and kitch binets stainless| Gibbons Street, 728-8180. =| ered, Telephone 668-8003 Joorres i WHITBY W 1 LA for more than one voce ~ appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441 PIANO tuning and repairs. Telephone|Steel kitchen and bar sinks, sump pumps, | TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, stand-\-------- a PA RT- TIME advertisement nor beyon price Heintzman and Com an 728-292). pressure systems (and repairs) fittings,|ards, portables, electrics. The ideal, gift " ; charge for a single Insertion in wnich {Dressmaking rae Sey: Tasks, (DIGI) Pediators; bolldta, boat kite, tein re students, ,Large stock to choose RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want REAL ESTATE error occurs. Reet tei ntasc N at La dry tubs. H. Chinn, Iside and Park reed Bla full. guarantee. Low prices.|Ads give you speedy 'elp, in any kind of ¢ . ce ORESSMAKING -- Suis, coats dresses, Sep : Service ___ | Road South. Phone jJenkins Business Machines, Sales and|weather, To buy, sell, hire or rent tele $1 to $1.50 per hour AL 67 King St., East fag eel sg stverlattg " bexoraiie "te alterations. Fitting a specialty. Quick|SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prom a ---- | Service, 728-7783. Open evenings. Johone 723-3492, Woman for pleasant tele- Sse '0, i t 2 \ 5 AEE pre . A : service. Phone 723-8755 lice or calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut |8-- ~Articles For See SKATE EXCHANGE -- New 'and used _| phone work, 4 hours daily. ALERT young man for Osh- its proper classification, ide seep beecsticanicain situs las \ yt 5 p DRESSMAKING -- Suils, coats, dresses, Street W. Whitby 668 vette kate Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen 5 CEE TRG SE SE EB 4 > ah FAR In the cases of display advertisements| alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a S HONDA SHOP ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344 11--Pets and Livestock | 723-5051 awa's finest MEN'S WEA : . The Times will not be held respon- |specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 urveyors = oie ere BRAND NEW high-back swivel rocker, . | STORE. Experience not nec- Service Station site for ynore space nen thet Wie) JALTERATION, pant. cutfing, meding./iy SLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onfarl jo Lana} 2 NOW HUS-SKI |$23.00; 9° x 12 carpet, $38.00. 20 Church}COZY-J RANCH KENNELS. German) MR. GOULD essary -- we will train. the actual error occupies, The pub- id : 95 Street spherds, trai 0 ' Fast, accurate service! Gift items madel surveyors. 113 Elgin Stree! East. Phone| Model 600. 10 hp. $595 re Shepherds, trained grown ieee hour | HOMEMAKER -- nousekeeper, to live in| Write stating age, experience General Ga rage ja \ vor: fo r e all ad- 5 s o lishers sncanvar Sone a to order. Telephone 728-1823. Jo5.cen ; XMAS GIFT VIKING automatic washer, regular cycle Pel sll lt i foals, ponies nd help care for two children. Private! if any and telephone number no liability of advertisement if any DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Oniari helmets carriers, windshield: and short cycle for light material. Excel- debts --_________|room. Good remuneration. Apply Mrs. inaccuracies in any form are contained Gardening and i Supplies Land 'Mirvercr:: Commercial 'blu orate, ata fe ka F age condita Usad about 6 months.|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready. for|Sherman. Telephone 723-3211. to 2 bay, 4 car, plus show room therein, Tl Ontario Street, 725-5632. a EW. HONDAS ne wk Hee eau __|{raining. talking strain. Apply Mrs. T-lmiGH SCHOOL or college girls to sell BOX 10453 ' é ; ' ; Sth ONDAS USED LUMBER for sale, 3 x 8, 12 to 16|8road, 114 Elgin Eas |Dri-N-Sweet, new decdorant. Make good stock room and office, a well IT'S EASY TO PLACE A FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guests 10 dov ayment feet long. 250 Bruce Street, or telephone|SJAMESE KITTENS, purebred sealpoint,|income at school in spare time. Phone OSHAWA TIMES .) built business, lorge turnover, TIMES ACTION WANT AD My ' 47 pial 723-3492 now for an adc-writer to ir 28.42 725-0897. eight weeks old, adorable Christmas| 725-9272 Call Classified Direct njoy ourse help you phrase an ad. ------ wo ~|FILTER QUEEN, Sales and Service.|9ifts. Will hold. Telephone /78.7665 BOOKKEEPER, experienced esseniiai| OR IVER, part-time, with own compact] busy corner location in good Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free Es-|KEESHOND puppies. Just like wee feddy|to handle a complete set of books tp trial |Car to take Pickin' Chicken deliveries, cn} 4 Huet be sold to close 723-3492 SUNFLOWER SEE TV--Radio Repairs 4 S timates, 323 King West, 728-7552. bears; wonderful temperament, reqister-|balance. Apply Wilson's Furniture, 20) eekends. Top 'commission. Apply in per- SEED 3 vi : a ed stock. Ready for Christmas. Tolephone| Church $1... 723-3211. atl Beata Pickin' Chicken, 522 Ritson] orn Estate, value here at 08 OU $32,000. Call WILD BIRD MIX : For Washers, Stoves and 2)" ADMIRAL TV; space-saver, converis| °° ° c Dicare to full size bed. Bath good- condition, | 725-1753 Se i HOUSEKEEPER to" live In" Weiherk INDEX TO CRACKED CORN HOLIDAY SPECIAL payers TelepHone 725-9312 $3. AND UP,.100 geese for sale; also|home and care fo three ads WAITERS for cocktail lounge. Telenhene MILLET TO DEC, 31ST ELECTRIC MOTOR PIANO, clectric stove, fourcburner, re.|ducks, $3. Christmas pups, large andlare school age. Own private room. Tele-| 728-3671. oc matic Repair and Exchange frigerator and aoresser. All 'n good con-|SMall. 668-2067 |phone 725-7547 after $ p.m EXPERIENCED typewriter and sddirg WwW ¢ f and } 9 Bre i HEAT SERVICE CALLS $2.00 OSHAWA APPLIANCE _ |dition. Telephone 655-3759 WHITE SHEPHERD pups and grown|KITCHEN HELP WANTED, 4 to 12 p.m.|machine mechanic required. prnly: Gav L. S°'Snel 1--Women's Column BIRD FEEDING STATIONS Rae's Radio T.V soy grag {CHRISTMAS TREES, pruned, fresh -cut,|4008;. part-Spaniels, four months; part-|Steady work. Must be willing to take scan gr © DA Ll . oo. oneigrove 2--Personal ve 186 Simcoe S, 728-7535 144 Annis Street. Will deliver Telephone| Police and Husky pups; Reasonable,|responsibility. Top wages. Also _part- : ons Column WATER SOFT SALT 725-854] itis Wits Stanton sons 668-2067 1 help weekends. Apply in person,|@nd_5 p.m c Ltd railers - is Ouse. ued 4 or sen Gor's 'Pid Chicken, 522 Ritson R ; 6--Marine Equipment ICE SALT BAe Apcllaneae Ore fenton ae tie ty|SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one:foot Teng ee eee ne aamasgyery Suleh| South ney e119 Mele or Female 0. : 7--Swap and Barter SAND or (668- 5830 Fumiurd, 444 Simcoe Sous T2eaz71 ingle cord. Phone 723-228) betore| Well broken. Telephone 723-5070, APPRENTICE or shampoo girl. Heidi's| Hel Wanted -- ich i | | 9 or er 9 chs: ad ; Marie das SNOW SHOVELS CAR RADIO, nearly new, all transistor LIFT TRUCK, ce ied ity, 6,000-Ib afer Stocking. sien geal we A | Mode odern Hairstyling, 367 Wilson Road Sand il hl 723-9810 10--Farmer's Column fits almost any car, $35. (Cost $65.) Tele 4 a 1 64 ' le. Ph 728-5089 outh. Uichrtictes Wanted BET SUPPLIES nbiilod SERVICE oe See Ines Von sod thorege Fiviase'"" IRORBUR CBILIN' anc tomeil puppies|18--Male Help Wanted _ TAXI DRIVERS. 2--Articles Wanted a jal J pao bo ale Me ante 2 Service Call only $2.50 FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- Specials - trained, Children's small companian, $2 Pp Vecbusiness Sppertuntties . DOMIN ION oa 8 Fist Christmas, Telephone SATE sires ka to 38. Delivery. Christmas Tele»none| sepia ue, Part or Full Time steed sc ber Sts Minimum "Age 25 D. W. McQUAY S he it i o nieeeesienen inimum e ie) elas Cooper Smith TELEVISION GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- %0-t1 CON eae ee Spor ae rr BARTENDERS : : . 17--Female Help Wanted at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, |i ced" single ail-channel antenna com-|0ld. Black-white spotting. | Reasonably d MERCURY TAXI ibe-fnale Help Wanted co 728-5154 9 9 deal RE plete, installed, tax. In Taranteeg|Priced. Must.have good home! Telephone hg REALTOR J9---Male or Female Help Wented 16 CELINA ST. 9.1. 107 P.M scm enow machine, Model 600, 1 50. See---all-towerse at. Tio |228-4522_ after. 4 p.m WATTERS 14. Albert St. ni 0 chi 0, 4 7, $90.3 t : t 2oa--summer' Propert We Deliver sc ---- piel eee. sll alas Television, corner Bond and Division,| FOR SALE -- Pony, gelding, part Weish bd 725-4771 WE LAST. Tae aren Sal. after 6 p.m. } 43 Shetland, two years old. lal Picker eae Coch i a ag Fg 723-1139 723. 231 2 T TY. Towers $50 Ln BOY'S two-wheel bike, blue and chrome, : $44.95; beds, $12; |'N@_942-1924 Per Corea eae COLLECTOR, part-time for establisneg owers $50 Lr j oats for Sale , 5 1 od i 73--Real Estate Wanted -- we WORE er F age %1/ years; ff : I ws Ps es, $19.98:1 YOUR CHOICE 4 nd colts. $100. Good IN ive monthly debi Experience not EXCl USIVE nepues. Car es 'ing. For in- 24--Stores Offices and Storage TREE TO TRIM? Cali Slim. Or I'll cut walk bike. Both in excellent conditian. |stove: 5 "$10.95; "new. ¢riblselection of mares in foal, show ponies : Xo 36 25--Houses for Rent, them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or RON S TV Whitby 668-5613 after. 7 p.m * ¥--stoves; $24.95; TV's, land saddle horses, 67 head, Patominos NEW-MOTOR HOTEL ferview write giving telephone i 3 ey & M.LS. 977! wright, hore Iv 26--Apartments for. Rent 728-0610 3 WwW sare' ¢ re; Petr $29.95; space savers, $54.95; sers, loosas. Cail Pat Milne, 839-3779 b--Apa E ' Yeors' Experience ELECTRIC STOVE, refrigerator, kiftchen| ridddall dao 7 Cressers,|and Appaioosas. Cail Pat Miine, | ECall 728-367 1 West, Suite 205, Toronto 14. ¢ 2 ~ ¥2 T7--Rooms for Rent --_ sets, radios. Guns, new and used. | Dunbart: 722-3937 Sutt te4 . set, sectional suite, tri-light, end table,|© lunbarton, or j7_ sutton, All Work. Guaranteed rocking chair, bedroom suite, child's| balla GUINEA PIGS, and Golden Pheasants, For listing service 28--Room and Board Instruction '\Valley Creek, 16 Bond. Street West 723-7521 dresser, electric sev nine, tele-|HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appii-|Ring Neck Doves, Christmas prasents.|MAN, over 21, for coffee shop in men's 9) PER MONTH and Real Estate W--Automobdiles for Sale PRIVATE TUITION in English, Le 29--Wanted to Rent RON BRIGHTLING phone table, 2 jances Big discounts without sacrificing|Phone 623-3430, lounge. Must have birth certificate. Apply information in the 3--Compact Cars for Sale French and Math. for adults and high| -- ------ ~ = 1 + ae A t 32--Trucks for Sale school _students ludents, 668. 3846. cam. 9 PM WASHING MACHINE, f vm quailty. 424 King Street West, Oshawa, POODLE PUPS, biack miniature. Phone own tby Hofel Coffee Shop, 207 Dundas 33--Automobdiles Wanted youth bed, mattress b attress; a j 660-8288 YY es fe CITY TV TOWER, antennas r rig gida spartn ELECTRIC GUITAR c | {LICENSED MECHANIC wanted. 'ear doily for one 4--Automobile Repair S--Lost and Found Want- Ads honk All work 4. 5 A t id. 7 " riple, pick-up, lead guitar. 'Tike *!12_ Articles Wanted pound work, Jmeely Ame. Ming Street 100 smoli IVAN KELLESTINE i6--Legal Telephone 5 7 p af a ell relenone ae to be noticed? You're read- The cost of this Whitby area call SKATE EXCHANGE - Tm Auctions | TELEVISION RADIO seryice. Fred, trade. Sportsman's Corner jron| BUYING OR SELLING furniture a r part-time out- 3 sports ; yron rni p-|USED CHILDCRAFT Encyclopedia, all|TV SERVICE MAN tor parttime oul / ae Events Cost--Thev Pay | Thompson, 157 Elliot, 723-9792, Parts and)S., Whitby, One block of Four jpiiances, Call Eimer, Hampton 263-2294/ fifteen volumes, in @ recent edition, Tele-|side work, Experienced only, Telephone ing it? Whitby 668-5868 --tiotlcas 'cork suarantesd, Corners. 'or 263-2995, phone 263-2544. 728-5154,