MAY I HAVE | | he Fesnare Spadicatay tony 1965, Wold alt SITTIN [Yaa can work ties i | EVERY NIGHT NEXT MONTH 7 TO MAKE UP FORT IP Nees Settee _----s, | . Moy val BUZ SAWY i NOW THAT YOU REMIND ME, | HAVEN'T SEEN MY BABY BOY SINCE GOLLY GEE, ZERO -- MISS WINNIE Me bl TI NEWSPAPERS RIGHT FRONT PAGE, BUSY//- BUT NO ONE: CAN SAY YOU HAVENT BEEN AGOOD FATHER SY CHASIN' US WERE @ Kis f cemree Syntioene, nn, 1968, Werkd mghen ronerwad | P= ALL BECAUSE THESE MEN WHO WERE ROBBERS WHO HELD UP AN ARMORED TRUCK AN STOLE HALF A MILLION POLLARS-- 1 GUESS I'VE BEEN AN INDULGENT DAD -BUT AFTER ALL, HE'S THE. ONLY INTEREST | HAVE IN LIFES? WHEN YOU HEARD HE WAS BORN, YOU CABLED INSTRUCTIONS TO GIVE HIM AN ALLOWANCE OF A MILLION A MONTH!" Pariser a penne come Tey cal ly ere 'BOUT EM GOLLY, I WASNT BRAVE- I WAS TOO SICK AN'SCAIRT TO " £VEN KNOW WHAT WAS GOIN' ON? 50 MUCH FOR THE WALTZ. SOUR HORE, SERORITA CASEY! RIDE FOR THe) 7 BUT WHY, PABLO? --?< RANCH. / ii 2 Arey 7 AS SUT ONE MAN, CAPT. ANGUS WALTERS OF Py dae TO T THIS DBFEAT . THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 ALL DOLLED UP FOR A DAY IN THE RICE PADDIBG! | 4 DONALD DUCK La VE, MILLER' gM ENS 7 A HOP THAT DONE COME TO YOU ASA ._ SURPRISE, EH, SNAKE, BOY ? MICKEY MOUSE BACK SOON... * © [ AND BRING YOUR BUBBLE PIPES AGAIN / Fentarme Symiiontn, ta. 196. Wen dt ride seenenedt 7 BELIEVE IT!! VENUS...AND --~I CAN' T Ph HANG ON TOIT... 1F ITS COUNTERFEIT, IT AMY EVEN HAVE SOME SILVER. IN IT! CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Portal 5. Blemish 9. Common mosquito 10, Carries 12, Greet 43, Let sleeping ---- lie Now DOWN . Tropical fruit 44. OF ALL THE " SLIMY, UNDERHANDED bm «TRICKS... » += CLAWED BACK \ "_-- SO, BABY DOLL --GET y OUT YOUR CLAW A ta MBDICINE! YOu AND S™ RAT DELMONICOLL) Y K BOTH NEED ITI! Ay, rad Ba ARES ; yy) y S 13, Most lucid 14. Rosary bead 15. British ore truck 16, Keystone State: abbr, 17, Malice 19, Sgle thing 21 Garden tool . Foreign . Distant: prefix . Formert prefix . Pollux or Castor . Perplexing Noun suffix of condition 8. Breathe STE IG) AIGIATLIN JEIRIRIOTR Mu Th ILE} [SIT IGIN MED IAINIUIBIE | Oe) iw (i LLIVISIE|R FRG (EIS MEO [AIS |i (L JOlO/P |S MEOIAINICIE) SINC MEPS el JE JAISIT BRIA] 9. Burn 11. De- clared 13. Painful 15. Sea duck 18, French seaport 20. Nothing 23, Agave fibers 24. Ladled 25. Lever in loom 26, Rip (ATSIOIE OMT IE EINIS] Satardsy's Answer 33. Auction or bargain 36. Headland 28, Tare 39. P.I. tree 31, Workers, 40. Unclose collectively 42, Exclama- 22, "Your ! 2 majesty" 32. Eat away tion 6 8 Y/, 23. Cay 26, Surfaced W a floor 27. Sprit 28. Skin tumor 29. Grave 30, Falcon family members 34, Behold 35, Extraor- dinary person: sl, 37. Borneo 40, Greek coin 41, Scorches 42, Kind of lyric poem | YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: What are/ the symptoms of "'low blood) sugar," the cause and the treat-| ment? Would early morning and late afternoon weakness be a Sign of it? I am a woman of 60 and have this type of weakness which prostrates me for half an hour or so, with rapid pulse and heart palpitation. Would a test have to be taken) during one of these attacks for! it to show low blood sugar?--+ Mrs. M. M. What Is Hematoma And What Causes It? By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD be done, a much better course/ is a sugar tolerance test. This is a series of tests taken over a period of six hours, to show the degree of rise and fall, if any, in the blood sugar, and gives a very useful picture of how your system supplies and uses up its blood sugar. The ordinary procedure is to have the patient eat a liberal diet, including substantial amounts of carbohydrate, for three days before this test ts made. | & Doble Gillis | |8-2--Kraft || T--Man Ci Shen THIS KIND OF GUERRILLA | WARFARE WITH | | '| |than to jump to conclusions The symptoms you recite} There is no single cause of could fit the picture for low|low blood sugar. Our individual blood sugar, but this condition|differences in metabolic rate, manylour eating habits,-our-degree of ways, so it's better to be sure|nervous tension all are common factors, and the treatment must It is true that a blood sugar|be 'aimed at the dominant fac- test taken during one of these/tors in any given case. weak spells would be enlighten-| One frequent misconception ing, but since that can't always/is that people should eat sugar Channe Channel Channel Channel 6Toronte Channel 11--Hamilten ote trrcereemancemen ar MONDAY MV IRIS 5:30 PLM. _Pesnity Trestre $--Five O'clock Mavis 5:30 PLM. 9--Supermen 6--Passport fo Adventur: Movie Leave n To Beever | &--Music Hop B--Gunsmoke 6:00 P.M. 7--Twilight Theatre a or The Tom §--Huntley-Brinkley amtedete sey News ¥--Cheyenne 8:00 sieht NN--$ehnitzel 7:00 P.M. 4 --Caeh ote li--My Three Sons 9~Thunderbirds 7:30 P.M. Combat %--The Lucy +2--Hullabaloo T--12 O'clock High 63--Don Messer's Jubilee 4--To Tell The Truth 9--Meta 1--Topper --Playti Bobby +3--The Fugitive at 11--Ed Allen T--Donna %<Country Music Maw Music Hali led 7--Peyton Place 4-The Law and Mr. Jones TELEVISION LOG 10:00 P.M. Art Linkletter 10:30 P.M. lean File a McCluskey 16:45 A.M. 63--Chez Helene Tonight 3--Third Man 4:40-.P_M, %--Plerre Berton The Long Hot Summer 12:30 A.M. Ti--News; Weather; Sopris 's Cap TUSSDAY Kengeres As 9:00 A.M. onent 4--Aike's Carnival bat: ime With Unete y %--Dialing For Dotiers with Girt Tem 9:30 A.M, 3a om Ne Giills 10:00 A.M, ime With Uncie $-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Ivanhoe Love Lucy 10:30 A.M. 9--BIngo &-2--Concentration Reed 63--Friendly Giant 4--The McCoys 45 AM. 9--Peyton Place tional 11:06 A.M. Mike Douglas %&--Mr. and Mrs. #-2--Morning Star 7-Supermarket Sweep &3--Butternut Square +--Andy of Mayberry 14:20 A.M. 63--Across Canada 11:30 A.M, S--Abracedabra &2--Paradise Bar Dick V. '¢ Show JOON 4--Luncheon Date +News ond W. o--Pepeye ond Pols 12:18 PM, 4--Speaker of the Howse 12:30 PLM. 1t--Noon Time o--1 Love Lucy $-2--Let's Play @4--Search For Tomorrow Bteenday Repert 12:48 PLM, Vi--News 44--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, li Theatre %--James Beard Show Ske Hee y=Ben Casey ¢@~Luncheon Oe 4--Mest the Miers Movie Ske Dougie Show 1:30 P.M, f--Sergeant Slike $3--Luncheon Date The World Turns le A.M. House 2:00 P.M. Kids is People éJune Allyson Show 4Linkietter's Party 3:00 P.M. li--Donna Reed Fractured Phrases Werte Le etal +43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, 1i--Funny Company its Your Move @-You Don't Say ~ 7--Superman Show 5:30 P.M. +3--Teke 30 +--Bdge of Night %Kartoon Karnivel 4:00 P.M. %--Mickey Mouse Clu® STs Match Comme 7--Early Show 63--Bonnle Rudden Show 4--Secret Storm 3--Rocky end Hie Priends to combat this "low blood su- gar" condition. That isn't so, because such doses of sugar stimulate the pancreas, which in turn speeds up its rate of insulin production. This speeds up the utilization of sugar, and you have a sort of roller coaster effect, sugar rising rapidly, then plunging--to--a--_very--low. level. ' The better way is to get more protein in the- meals, since this will release its sugar content more gradually, and help hold the average sugar level more steady. Dear Dr. Molner: I am a boy 15 and _ interested lenses, but my parents | in contact/and expensive to replace if not, are|found. against the idea. Can you give|thoroughly with your eye doc- 'me some pros and cons? Canitor before going ahead THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 20, 1965-- BRIDGE by 6. JAY SECKER bas Mesters® -- Individual Championship Play) . FAMOUS HANDS East dealer, Neither side vulnerable, NORTH | 433 @AK109658 330° NAST A1085 KQ54 987382 rteh ys QI742 oo hI64 'The bidding: East South West N. a ie Pass 36 pit 4 2 é& 109732 4 as 8s OA #AKQS Opening lead--king of hearts. This remarkable hand occur- red in the Masters Pairs played in England ih 1963. It was diffi- cult for West to realize, after East had passed, that a grand slam in diamonds was unbeat- able, and in the only case where East-West bought the contract, West became declarer on the bidding shown. West made seven, but despite having stopped at only five, East-West got the top score in their direction for being plus 440 points. This was because at all other tables North-South played in five or six hearts, eithér making the contract or going down one. At one table the bidding fol- lowed this peculiar course: East South West Pass Pass 16 4@ 49 6 Dble The psychic notrump overcall proved to be very successful when South easily made five hearts doubled. Normally this would have turned out to be a top score for North-South, but making five hearts doubled was excelled at another table bya different North-South pair. who succeeded in making six hearts doubled!: This extraordinary result came about after the bidding had gone: ~ South West North West was an imaginative play- er who thought he might become declarer at six diamonds, which he felt he could make if he cowid somehow or other prevent a spade lead. Accordingly, he bid five spades over South's five diamonds. a Unfortunately, the bid boom- eranged, East, a trusting soul, led the ace and another spade against six hearts doubled, ex- pecting his partner to ruff. West didn't, and North made six hearts. When the hand was over, West said rather heatedly to East: "What in the world are you do- ing, partner? Trusting my bid- ding?" SEEKS YOUNG MEMBERS ARLEY, England (CP)--The Women's Institute in this Wor- cestershire village has elected the youngest district president in Britain. Diana Pratley, 17, wants to get rid of the W.1's middle-aged image and per- suade her teen-aged friends 'to join. You Con Exchange Sketes Thet Are Too Small For A New of Used Pair. : : WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON: DITION. ; they damage the eyes? Are they a good risk?--L.. N. Arguments for contacts: They do a good job. They won't dam- age the eyes, unless they cause undue irritation, in which case you would stop wearing them. They are especially good for special purposes -- for actors, some athletes, models who don't want tg.wear glasses, and s0 on. Ar ents against: The cost contacts, you want an expert job of fitting. Some individuals find they cannot wear contacts for more than a relatively short period at a time. If a lens is lost, it can be difficult to find situation| Discuss the COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY - EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, ete. . STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 Mon. to Fri. 8 @.m, to 9 p.m. Set. 8 a.m, to 6 p.m.