x ¢ -- Sonne ot ae ~~ Sa eee Ton at hale : TET a mn mee at 1, ; fa I nf penny stocks for Mrs. English; Weaver strongly_advised Edwin wo eee os ieee Aw 72 aatme ein ie | a | and eveniugliv created a $4i.-lH Pringle oF the Roval Trust |-- w : its A riappy Jule Lidiris La ee : aa aaa aad Lf estate for_her Hie said. | rs. Englih'and that Me, Prin, Be8 t oe paid by Te trust] eae oASEE acco Doing First Comedy Stint |from Employers Estate -- jgle then exercised aii possivic | S°SPE77 RECEIVED LITTLE jinfluence on her to return the |be paid a $7,500 legacy left to| Mrs. English received less | gifts, 'her in Mr. Weaver's will. i Ae than 10 per cent of Mr.\ «a there be any undue influ- | TORONTO (CP)--A 73-year-|dered to the Royal Trust Co.|Weaver's estate while the as-| |Andrews or Mary Martin keen| 'My first impression of a part old woman now living at Na-)the gifts Lester Everett Weaver lence anywhere in this case, I NEW YORK (AP)--Whether competition. jis sometimes overwhelming--I|naimo, B.C., Friday was |bad given her on her retirement she jumped or was pushed isn't) In Skyscraper, she plays a girl|see it in an exaggerated per-|awarded about $50,000 in securi-/as his housekeeper. quite clear, but Julie Harris ol Foger se to daydreams who tries|spective that perhaps I never|ties and cash from the $484,000' Mrs. English was "'instrumen- 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 20, 1965 92 Justice Landreville said, MORE BUY OUTSIDE, Less than 35 per cent of city householders' milk is delivered nowadays, compared with 85 per cent in 1925. By WILLIAM GLOVER sets of it went to the Weaver © : . family. The judge also noted"in4 it existed at this stage, having a fine time in her first|to stymie a mammoth building|get back to again. It's the de-|estate of her former employer|tal in Mr. Weaver's spending musical comedy role. | project. sire to recapture that feeling) who died here in 1960. lthe last nine years of his life that both sons--Judge Everett/the judgment said. Lane Weaver of York. County! Mr. Justice Landreville said "It's a joy to be doing," she| In it, as she did in past roles | which is the difficult part." Mr, Justice Leo Landreville|in relative happiness, peace and said while trying to be exact/as a party girl, a marathon! Twenty years on Broadway |of the Ontario Supreme Court comfort," said Mr. Justice Court here and William Erskine|he had no doubt that Mr. Prin- about how the latest switch in\dancer or as Joan of Arc, Miss} ond 46 years O14 this month: the| ruled that a trust company of.|Landreville's written judgment.|of 87. | had wo been dectated aittier 08 song-and-dance stage. DOESN'T HIDE wn, | widew, ahd Me Weaver a ait ower. The attachment "was not} LEELA LLL LEE EE INE a test for Richard Rodgers, |!'ve never lost that feeling. MELINA tenet = MELINA PETER MAXIMILIAN | é ! MERCOUR! ULES DASSIN \there is more than just excite- * 3 Old Time -- Modern Dancing kecaME FRIGHTENED strange and difficult. This Week ... at the SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE Lloyd Cooper and Jinny Latiner HONKY TONK DUO Featuring -- Gay Ninties and Roering 20's Music Lots of Comedy end @ Fine Vocel Group FRENCH BUFFET cescoecsesecones Bite 2 SCARIFIC HITS Weaver, an investment dealer--|gle convinced Mrs. English that already were men of means be-|Mr. Weaver's sons could make fore their father died at the age| trouble for her because the gifts her career came about. |Harris demonstrates amazing . : eda "fl : | The judge found that a natu-| Mr. Justice Landrevill ia|her or her employer's income : ji i ili > r|§ e~ d s to go|ficial exercised undue influence} e judg r, Justice Landreville sai For quite a while the slimjability to become somebody rad flag gy. gran ro hg on Mrs Ethel Margaret English|tal bond of attachment had|he could arrive at no other | tax returns. re) ceding: alae pany of her own, : six years ago when she surren-|formed between Mrs. English, ajconclusion than that William! The judge ordered costs of the ee ee ee My | at the theatte unie acak es ; 1 d designed by h it! , Fair Lady, Miss Harris asked : : |planned or designed by her; it) for an audition. There also was| Wonderful make - believe, and| SOX and STEALING!..seethe hest of both! 9 J ws the consequence of her nat-| ri P '000 WOR iD, WA BML AN IO HOG HOR OO NE I UA: Elle VN Gi HOR EE A AR EOE Ht BOE Ht ural personality." 1 "even though I didn't think I| 'When I step out of the wings, Se Oe Mr. Weaver at first bought| was good enough, and of course, | there is the excitement of being, _ - | I didn't get either job." |someone other than me. But MERCOURI USTINOY SCHELL D A N be E She didn't stop looking or) F . i z |ment. The fulfilment you get in "adnan aid an patted acting comes from doing some- bd wetinesd | thing you believe in, even if it is @ HATS © HORNS ® BALLOONS © NOISEMAKERS e FUN GALORE 9 P.M, TILL? But when Cy Feuer came to|~~ r about a production he and FEW MARRY ON MAN od smal get planning There are 10,345 adult spins: | TOPKAPI In of the ciule" field hacky |ters and 9,320 bachelors in the NEVER ON SUNDAY -- | age fea As ; Mi F {Isle of Man's total population " Bie, BCT | of 48,133. j @ it frightened. j #"'It took a lot of pushing to get . ' Rav into thik?' she eonfesaae, SPARKS SCARE SHARKS "My husband was very encour-| South African aging, and Feuer was absolutely experimenting with electrically g Featuring -- This Week The Talented eh and overwhelmingly confident." charged barriers to keep sharks Their expectations. proved away from bathing beaches. McQuillan well founded, Favorable reviews) __ greeted the musical at the, DEATHS ARE VIOLENT Lunt-Fontanne Theatre. Even) Deaths from accidents, alco An exciting variety act with saxaphone, accord- ion, drums, trombone and the ever popular Honky-Tonk piano. The Brothers Eric and Bob warmer praise was sounded for holism, suicide and homicide in Miss Harris, although her sing-|Alaska outnumber those from formerly starred at the Colonial Tavern in Toronto Aegtrited by LOPERT 3:45 - 7:25 Be R: 1 vases oF ace oo oom see ee eneee COUPLES --- $6.00 Sat., Sun. and Holidays SINGLE TICKETS $3.50 a Reserved Tables Available PHONE 725-3093 or 725-0022 RED BARN "More Fun For Less Money" scientists are | WHO WALKED fy Harry's Hideaway Presents Nightly THE BRADFORDS ing voice may never give Miss'any other group of causes Police Must Raise Standards To Take On 'New Crime': Fulton VANCOUVER (CP) -- Cana-| Mr. Fulton advocated estab- dian police forces must have the} lishment of a police college to standards of their personnel up-|provide extensive training for graded to keep ahead of highly-| policemen and enable them to organized and efficient crime,|keep one step ahead of the Davie Fulton, former Conserva-| criminal tive justice minister, said Sun- ' ay 1 vied Complete Show 8:30 p.m. ----WIN A FREE -- NIGHT on the TOWN KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD, eee. DENNIS ARSENEAU Fuel Oil Soles | Mr. Fulton, who won the Kam- ond Service Free Burner Service Crime in Canada is creating a| loops seat in. Parliament in the for ENTERTAINMENT AT ITS BEST real threat, Mr. Fulton said in)Noy, g election, said there an interview. The criminal 18} cho 'aca petended nrecrinik intelligent, highly organized and| 5°" pine program: GUARANTEED USED CARS "We are never satisfied until THE GENOSHA HOTEL HOTEL LANCASTER "The Friendly Spot' uses the latest technological de-| available to send RCMP person- vices. - |nel to university. FOR MEN : ; ; B64 WILSON RDS. Telephone 728-600) Heir Styling Staff under direction of TERRY. you are." 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 668-5891 Oshawa Bh) Whitby MEAT Phone 668-5347 ~ U.S. Businessmen Smiling WHITBY ONTARIO DELICIOUS COFFEE 144 Varieties of Donuts Raiph W. Mabley Decorator Presenting Nightly in SPRUCE UP SPECIAL FOR Reduced Prices For = . Groups, Clubs, Meetings, ete. COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING || 725-9063 SERVICE FOR YOUR HOME OPPOSITE 723-9033 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HOW TO Win Each week for 26 weeks you can win a "Night on the Town", compliments of the participating businesses on this advertisement. All you are required to do is read through each advertisement corefully, There will appear in a r - ad ber of the advertisements each. w 725-4771 the letters forming the name of one | 14 ALBERT of the participating businesses, Cor- rectly identify the business each week and send your answer along with your name_and address to "Night on the _ . Town', Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshowa Times.' The first correct onswer arewn | Q@@nosha Hotel each: Week will win Oo night on' the town, _ Entries must be received no later than Friday noon of each week YOU RECEIVE %, Hoir Style for the ledy et the Osheweo Beeuty Parlor. 2. Hair Style for the mon et Rudy's Hairstyling for Men. 3. One Casucl Dress and one man's Mon. to Fri. suit dry cleaned ot Rinkers Cleaners Set. 3 to 8 . Transportation for the evening by ar. ° Mercury Toxi. 70 King E. 5. Dinner for two In the Rib Room et w the Genosha Hotel. Two Guest Tickets To See Cinderella in Colour at The Regent Theotre. 7. Entertainment In the Starlite Room ot the Genosha Hotel, 8. A Lote Lunch of the Mister Donut. "MY ANSWER IS" I] % Open Bowling -- Sat. Evening end Sundey P.M. Il & Automatic Lones & Snock Bar COUNTY BOWL 118 BYRON ST. N 668-2631 MERCURY TAXI ay Mercury Auto Body she one ard Only... eee @ Collision Custom Bodywork @ Modern Equipment ® Courteous N @ Free Estimates @ 24 Hour Road Service OWNER--KONRAD CSER 322 Ash Whitby 668-8522 Georgina & Jimmy Honky Tonk Duo T? By JACK LEFLER | predicted an increase in earn-| * <NEW YORK (AP)--With 1965) ings of five to 10 per cent for 'bing rapidly, U.S. business- ghar' industry in the first half in turned their sights this).° . if ek on 1966. What they saw) The automobile industry this They were almost unanimous vind dea csey > Rye V "predicting that next year| 195 pat in 1eks record of 7,942,- shif' {be abodt as good as 1965, Steel ait a uak" wank fede*4ich was a good one indeed.) dain ak Erode ces ere 'There was little talk about the| moved up 2.9 percent to 2,178,- ju. who mentioned it minimized it | Vious week. pr. Frederic Donner, cheirman of * feneral Motors Corp., the diyiorld's bigges' manufacturer, | in' redicted 1966 will be another is © .dustry. . Ca: Bn 1965, sales of 9,300,000 cars =e 4 : y d 1,500,000 trucks topped 1964/ WS lor dvels by more than 13 per ON' ent. letroCOLOR L oe cr @ ADDED COLOR HITS @ i be APs LODAY! --y-4 6 ' Fit Next-Year's Prospect At Next-Years Prospects yked good. |week rolled out its 9,000,000th is! Janger of inflation, and those| 0 tons, from 2,119,000 the pre- catiixom year for the automobile spo.s ».. AND TUESDAY 4) & Fost #& Friendly % Courteous OSHAWA out! Another automobile executive the 2nry Ford IT chairman of izatrac' Motor Co., was" equally Rimistic We 'carry a compicte line of pets and supplies The Pet Centre 9 Celina' St. 728-0403 Supertest WALTON'S AND Snack Bar 728-0231 DAILY SPECIALS Pies and Pastries Fresh Daily "We pay special attention te children" Open 24 Hrs, A Day Every Da KING ST. E. AT PRESTON VAL Prin ? inet He said: 'We detect no signs e f strain in the automobile mar- a et and another good year for sc te economy should mean an- the ther good year for the automo- tio. dle industry." i "EDICTS STEEL GAIN , seph L. Block, chairman of Tax Steel Co., predicted a tice jinued rise in steel consump- unfo 4with a gain of perhaps four said. jcent in the first quarter of, *,* compared with the like od of 1965 John R. Kimberly, president of Kimberly-Clark Corp., said the expanding economy of 1966 should favor. continued growth of sales and earnings for the vulp, paper and paperboard in- ustry. John E. Searingen, chairman of Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, ENJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET THE RIB ROOM Hrs, 11:30 - 2 P.M, & & + 8 P.M, Continuous From 2 P.M. Mi dg 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE (Central Hotel : GOLD RUSH if eccasave!: Lounge and Dining Lounge || é"*.:" OSHAWA"S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT 723-464) KING WEST OSHAWA The NEW OSHAWA BEAUTY PARLOUR for Appointment 723-7011 Ins* fur e a] LADIES Address Dresses, Plain RINKER'S CLEANERS BURK ST. 725-1191 15 KING ST.+E. _ OSHAWA "The Best In Town' COMFORT ARMSTRONG "xc HOMES AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS i ROLLING HILLS SOUTHWOOD PARK ESTATES Harwood Ave. South wnt wa AJAX 4 MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS Gary Esso Service SARY HARDING Last Week's Winner Was MRS, £. DURNALL Apt. 2, 241 Kendall Ave. Oshawa [ | i '| The Fernwood Trio | appearing THIS WEEK at The CADILLAC HOTEL | FOR SALE | | | | J. A. Janssen & Son Ltd. Now Is the time to plant those shade trees and CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANED in your home the "fower-freah" way ty Duraclean® vie) « mo messy soaking y aie » to harsh scrubbing for free quotation call Mr. Bonney's Showcase is very, very pleased to present The Fernwood Trio, a group of young Men well known to Oshawa. The three; Ted Parrat, Bob Cunningham -and Dave MacMilan, are from here, and are ' now well travelled and recorded BALLA- | DEERS. | | have your sodding } done. ® Ignition @ Carburetion @ Licensed Repairs 89 Simcoe S. braemor gardens Come and inspect Oshawo's . most convenient s scOmmunity at Stevenson Come in Now for Fall Savings 843 King W. 728-9429 ") 728-8518 S.--_-- SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE * Brigham Brior Pipes * Guns * Afmunition The Coronet Lounge at The Cadillac Hotel Some §=shimuny MUN) AM AiR orem mim F "a 8 t wi i | THE BOB MERCER 3 Cool Jazz For Young Moderns rere Sie OSHAWA"S FINEST jen hacolic. You e Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. ¢ * 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobacco ane AGvattining Masses Annape - whet veueen't SAM TOCHPAN -- Manager eS oy to 10 Gane Sen PHON E 723-3 474 « a \ Make Your Reservations Now for Christmas and New Years Dinner THIS SPACE IS OPEN FOR is. You'll like | I | 723-6532 || | | | |