Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1965, p. 7

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THIS IS HOW the Gemini 7 spacecraft looked to astro- nauts Wally Schirra and Tom Stafford in Gemini 6 30 Days Derived From Gemini 7 By RALPH DIGHTON HOUSTON (AP)--The record- breaking flight of Gemini 7's "crummy and itchy' 'crew al- ready has persuaded medical officers that future pilots will be able to endure the confine- ment of space travel for at least 30 days. Dr. Charles Berry, Gemini flight surgeon, says '"'There is no limit to in-flight time if we can solve the comfort problem." "T personally feel the Gemini 7 astronauts will be in no worse shape after 14 days than the Gemini 5 pilots were after eight days," he said. In their six- by eight-foot in- strument - jammed cabin air force Lt.-Col.. Frank Borman and navy Cmdr. James A. Lo- yell Jr. have been unable to bathe, shave or even stretch out full length since their 'aunch Dec. 4. They have made only a few complaints, however, except to say they felt "crummy and itchy' and that they were too warm when required to. wear pressure suits. When allowed to during their historic rendez- vous Wednesday. The pic- ture made on 70 mm. color film, was released today In Space wear, both agreed that was "'the only way to fly." "Admittedly, Gemini 7 is aj small spacecraft," Dr. Berry! said in an interview toward the end of the two-week flight. "But if they had a larger vehicle in which they could move around I believe they could go to 30 days or even longer. "These two men have adapted normally in their heart rates, sleep and performance. For the rest of the flight we are going to watch closely the small com- ASTRONAUTS Frank Bor- man and James Lovell in their Gemini 7 spacecraft move toward Gemini 6 dur- ing the rendezvous between the two ships 160 miles above the earth Wednes- day. Borman is behind the window to the left of the words "United States."' The picture, made on color film with a Hasselblad camera, was processed at the Manned Space Center near Houston, Tex., and released there yesterday. at the Manned Space. Center near Houston, Tex. (NASA photo via AP Wire- Okay more variety in the diet of fu- ture astronauts but he was| more concerned with the prob-! lem of entertainment. "We've been sending music up to them and we certainly plan to continue this in future flights,"' he: said. "So far we've kept them pretty busy. No boredom has (NASA photo via AP Wire- photo) Dr. Berry Gemini 7 astronauts took a book lof fiction with them--he didn't been apparent. But in longer | know what titles they finally se- flights, with more idle drifting |lected--and that reading mate- time, this may become more of|rial probably would be aboard a problem." long flights in the future. fort items that may get more bothersome, such as the simple problem of getting clean." SPARED MOTION ILLS Dr. Berry said Borman and Lovell have shown no signs of the motion sickness suffered by two of the three men aboard the Russian Voskhod I space- craft in October, 1964. Dr. Berry said there are no plans to let future astronauts shave. Razors or electric shav- ers would take up valuable ¢a-| bin space and there always is| the chance tiny pieces of whis- | kers might sift into electrical | equipment and caus eshort-cir- | strip down to their long under-| WAYWARD BUS | CAUSES FUSS LONDON (AP) Police seized one of London's big red double - decker buses Thursday and refused to give it back until the publicly- owned transport system pays a parking fine. The fine is only £2 ($6), but the London Transport Execu- tive was so angry it declined to cough up. "This bus was snatched by the bobbies in a very unfair way," said a transport spokes- man. "The driver could not pull into his reguiar stopping | place because several private cars were parked there. "It was the end of the route, so everyone got out and an inspector told the police to remove the parked cars. In- stead, they It's a bit thick." The bus was driven to a po- lice pound, where it will stay until the transport executive pays the fine. WE'RE SPECIALISTS IN OUTFITTING Sizes 44 to 60 MR. TALL 61" to 611" Ready-to-Wear Clothing and Furnishings SPORT SHIRTS Sleeve lengths to size 37. Stout men's to size 20 neck By DUNN'S DOWNTOWN STORE 36 King Street East And cuits. said each of the} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 18, 1965 JF reach Health S OMA OTTAWA (CP)--Persons trained in medicine, nursing and psychology should direct health education in Ontario schools, the Ontario Medical Association said Friday. should be made available to} The association made the|parents "in order to assist) recommendation in a 19-page|them to instruct their children! brief to the committee on aims}properly in preparation for! and objectives of education, | puberty and in sex." | Which ended a two-day hearing) -Specially-qualified individuals | here Friday. should be employed to teach The association wants per-| "psycho - social and emotional sons trained in the health pro-| aspects of sex education." | | | : | that at junior level sex educa- tion may be introduced as part] of a course in biology, includ-| ing mammalion reproduction." Also adult - education courses ners HiCa but changoe in the social . studies topics and sab- TOPICS for thes tactial..commees little or no. direction is given as to what skills should easkahe wWitat be taught in any grade." SALES & SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN WERNER'S SERVICE CENTRE fessions to teach health at the oid : 4 : John L. Field, inspector of | primary and junior levels. | public schools for Kingston, | MANCHESTER ® "and Highway No. 12 + 985-7162 Textbooks, pamonies, {11m prsenied » bret prapsig should be developed with the co-operation of the medical as- sociation. Research should continue into the methods and contents of teaching and into maturation and the behavioral sciences. Elementary anatomy and physiology should be taught at junior and primary levels. Some books used as health texts are inaccurate, said the association. | CONSIDERS SEX | The association' "considers Pedestrians & Motorists Pedestrian Crosswalks In Operation In The Following The crummy, itchy feeling apparently hasn't bothered Bor- | man and Lovell too much, he said. "They have adequate wa- | ter left. They could saturate tis- | |sue with water and rub their bodies down while unsuited, but they apparently haven't done so yet. As far as I know, they have | used moist towels only on the} face."' Dr. Berry said -attention | jwould be :given to providing RETAINS TITLE ROME (AP) -- Undefeated Nino Benvenuti of Italy re- tained his world junior middle- jweight boxing championsluip {Friday night by outpointing the leauntryman he dethroned, San- oro. Mazzinghi_in_ a' 15-rounder jin the Sports Palace Locations: -- SIMCOE ST. NORTH. ..ot ROBERT STREET ADELAIDE AVE. WEST... .ct GOLF STREET BOND ST. EAST at DIVISION STREET KING ST. EAST... at DIVISION STREET WILSON RD. SOUTH.... at TAYLOR AVE. RITSON RD, NORTH ot WILLIAM ST. EAST PEDESTRIANS -- Point your way to safety when using the Crosswalks. MOTORISTS -- Use care and courtesy when approaching a Crosswalk. @ SAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS @ Ald. J. G. Brady Traffic Committee City Councii. i. General ok away the bus. | Motors of Canada Presents H bs, ee andels Ylessialt condu OSHAWA SHOPPING | CENTRE The Huddersfield Choral Society directed by Herbert Bardgett The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Wednesday, December 22 with and cted by Sir Malcolm Sargent LRRRRRARAR vas RAARRRARARRARRRARRARRR CKLB--AM and FM 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm RARAARARERARRR from BASSETT'S . «PUT. STARS IN THEIR BYES... For Christmas girts thot last forever. . gifts from BASSETT'S ... e Figurines @ Tie Tacks @ Diamonds @ Rings @ Watches © Silverplate When You Buy UAL! LY ga A HALLMARK OF Q Oshawa Oshawa 1 Simcoe St. S. Buy Quality Fro Shopping Centre Brewers Retail Special Hours of Sale Brewers Retail Oshawa will close at . buy quality jewellery China Handbogs Lighters s ry ° @ Crystal Me sy 3 Convenient 6 P.M. FRIDAY DEC. 24TH AND WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY DEC, 25TH AND DEC. 27TH Whitby -- 106 Brock St. N. No slide has VEG-O-MATI AS SE oraet ae 9% a Hh SLICES... DICES... WHOLE FOODS IN JUST ONE STROKE! FASTER than an electric machine! Prepares WHOLE Potatoes... 'Tomatoes... Cucum- bers... Onions... Hardboiled Eggs! Makes thick slices or thin slices, Slices a WHOLE ONION in one stroke... every slice perfect! " » COMPLETELY SAFE. Makes food preparation a breeze instead of a burden! Come in and get YOUR VEG-O-MATIC TODAY, or CALL ON HIGHWAY 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY comall = | aati Fet yours here for The Most Revolutionary It's the dramatically tray. Takes regular a tray. much, so well. Kitchen Appliance of the Century! HERE'S HOW IT WORKS "NEW 550-R" Remote control forward, reverse and focus COMPARE AT 137.50 AT KARN'S Complete with | roto tray and | easy Edit Tray "NEW 550-ER" Remote control to advance or reverse slides COMPARE AT 199.95 COMPARE AT 119.95 S &. Press Down 28 King St. East ever looked like this hefore . ; . or did as much Shows 100 slides non-stop with new circular show up to 40 slides automatically without Shows 35mm slides, Super Slides, and slides from instant cartridge cameras. No other projector, at any price, does so Complete with Roto Tray and Easy Edit Tray Open Evening till 9 P.M. projector successful Sawyer's. trays, too. Can even 119.00 99.00 723-4621

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