Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1965, p. 20

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EPROM acti Ss sewee SFES THE-CH - Services Will Fediure Christmas Message Pentecostal Church, Ritson rd.| The message of Christmas in| s. | song and story will feature the! services in all the churches in) : A | The Sacrament of Holy Com-, oe ee Py |munion will be held at the | morning service in Albert Street At the morning service in : United Church. A Christmas King Street United Church the choir, directed by Rhyddid Wil- liams, will sing selections from Part 1 of Handel's Messiah and the "Hallelujah" Chorus from the end of Part 2. The soloists will include Mrs. Gordon 'Haw- ker, Mrs. Alan Thompson, M iss Hazel Rundle, Fred Densham and Donald Allman. In the even- ing a candlelight service wwvill be conducted by the Scouts and Cubs. the evening. At 11 p.m., Dec. 24, a Christmas Eve Candle- light Service will be held. A Christmas Eve Service will be held at 7 p.m., Dec. 24, in Miss Marion Greenleese, a missionary home on furlough from Africa, pvill be the speak- er at the morning. service in |Rossland Road Free Methodist at St.j/Church. Rev. Dr. Stonehouse Christmas services George's Anglican Church be-}| will speak at the evening ser-! Force?" will be the subject of gin Sunday evening = the! vice. Festival of the Nine ssons ne and carols sung by the senior} The Sunday School will ar and junior choirs and the con-| en! Ne Christmas ao ee ala. gregation. This service will] 'Re digs Neve Mas cribanie olen with readings from the cau an sdearala Old Testament showing the pre-| Church. parations for the coming of Christ and concludes with read- presented by a 30-voice choir, ings from the New Testament] will be the feature of the Can- telling of that coming. dielight Service at 7 p.m. this Christmas services at St.|Sunday at the Simcoe Street George's will include the Christ-| Pentecostal Church. mas Eve Choral service of Holy ; Communion. On Christmas Day, The choir of St. Andrew's services of Holy Communion| United Church will present spe- will be celebrated at 9 and 11/cial Christmas music at the 11 a.m. The 11 a.m. service is for!a.m. service this Sunday. ies at which time the chil- ee Be j : ng come, with their parents, At Simcoe Street" i nite ' to the altar to be blessed. Chureh the choir will presen Due to last Sunday's bad wea-| SPecial anthems at the morning ther an opportunity will be! Service in keeping with Pog given for children and adults to Christmas season. Mrs. D. Wel- ; ' F Il be ; dy|son and Robert Henry wi pried pret neg hen) Svan 7 the soloists. The senior and jun- ior choirs will present a choral Rey. Dr. W. J. Stonehouse, program at the evening service ea superintendent, will de- e Teena te eee tier tr sittaes at the morn- A npg re a eagtage ing service in the Free Method Pease LeBiihe Ch ea : ist Church, Erie st, The annual! "ace Lutheran Chui cil Christmas Candlelight service| 4, Carol Service will be held te 7 {at 7 p.m. this Sunday at Christ hed De ped, Bb Met Diy a0 Memorial Anglican Church. The special speaker at both sefvices this Sunday at King Street\ Pentecostal Church will be'Rev. Earl McNutt, of Peter- ee Matthew Gouldburn, will pre- The annual Christmas projesent appropriate carols. The gram will be presented at the) play will be directed by Mrs evening service at the United|Stella Gouldburn. Churches Plan To Issue Guide To Study Of Union TORONTO -- Steps to me haa nee to the study guide, At the up examination of the joint/Same time it will be emphasized document setting out the basic|they represent a milestone in principles of union have been|ecumenicity and church unity as, taken by the Anglican and Unit-|well as a new manifestation be ed Churches. It is hoped ;that|the one Church of God. he <= 50,000 copies of a study guide,|review the ground work t ai ie based on the document, will be|*® the adoption of the principles available for congregations oe rege gp reasons i coups shortly. jfor church union e ecumeni a. reed lg kta g jcal movement that started in} --" ~~ y Pea a by/1910, and 20th-century, church-) ae BRR almers 0 ine} ; il is . Hitt Divinity Hall, Halifax, sgn haga oo collaboration with a committee) MLS of"three members of the Unit-| ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS ed,Church and three yer Part one of the study guide he pe gery ar wt aot bal wilt deal with the agreement on 10p Of a guide vail essential elements in faith and too. technical for studies involv-\grder. Studies will cover the ing. the rank and file of the nature of the faith, the churen caurches the sacraments" and~ the Dr. Chalmers is Professor ofjtry. The agreement on the main Systematic | principles of union is considered Theology at th e| ion United Church theological col-jin part two. Studies will deal with the unification of minis lege. Anglican committee mem- nil jtries, the ministry of the church The pupils of Knox Presbyter- ian Church Sunday Schoo! will present a Nativity Play at 7 p.m. this Sunday. The senior and junior choirs, directed by mints bers are Ven. G. H. Johnson, Mrs. John D. McLean and Ar-|government and authority noid Edinborough, all of Toron- UNITED to. United Church representa- tives are John Foster and Rev : PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Greer W. Boyce of Toronto and Mrs. W. B. Cruickshank, Wing 320 Ritson Road South (neor Olive) ham, Ont 723-6325 PRODUCED JOINTLY The document "Principles of Urtion Between the Anglican Church of Canada and the Unit- ed: Church of Canada," pro- duged jointly by Committees of Teh of the two churches. was approved by the Anglican Gen eral Synod in August. Before definite planning for union car be-undertaken it has to be con sidered by the United Church Genera! Council. The Council méets next year. The fact that the principles are only a preliminary, if vita! phase of the proposed union will be stressed in the introduc- The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:00 P.M --Annual Christmas Program Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Fri., 8:00 P.M.--Young People FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rossland Rd. W., East of Garrard PASTOR--REYV, R. H. JAMES, 725-1280 "ROSSLAND ROAD 10 00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 41:00 A.M.--Miss Marion Greenleese, returned missionary from : Africa '7:00 P.M.--Dr, W.J. Stonehouse, Area Superintendent. ., 6.30 p.m Monday Wed. 8 cre Prayer and Proise the 1270 Light and Lite Hour an Radio Station WHLB, Niagara on dial of 4 pm THE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CHURCH Do not miss Falls, N-Y., FREE METHODIST CHURCH 40:00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP Rey. W..J, Stonehouse BD., Area 5 7:00 P.M FAMILY GOSPEL Anni ristmos Candlelight sperintendent will be HOUR peaking Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Proyer Meeting A WARAA WELCOME AWAITS YOU Carol Service will be held in| Harmony Road Baptist Church. | A 40-minute sacred cantata,| Golden Text is from 1 Chronicles Tomorrow will be a memor- able day for the Christian Re- formed Churfh in Oshawa. Mem- bers of the congregation will! worship for the first time in their new church edifice at 409 Ade- laide -ave. e. The construction of the church took precisely eight months. Es- pecially in the finishing stages much free labor was contributed by the members, The spirit of the congregation is high, It will be a thrill for old and young to worship in their new building} after 24 years of meeting in; temporary quarters. "Is Man, the Universe, evolved by Including Atomic the lesson-sermon this Sunday at the Oshawa Christian Science! |Church, A major theme will be |the ultimate supremacy of the} | spiritual through which} ae government of The} laws God's will and the universe is expressed TY PLAY PLANNED | Gouldburn. The senior junior choirs, directed by Matthew Gouldburn, will contributeappropriate carols. The members of the of play are seen (16:31): "'Let the' Heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; and let men say among the na tions. "'The Lord Reigneth". NATIVI of the evening at Knox Presbyter- jan Church, Oshawa, Sun- day night will be the pres- entation of a Nativify Play by the members of the Church School. The play will be directed by Mrs. Stella A and service feature A Christmas Service will be held at 10 a.m. this Sunday in St. John's United Church Brougham. New members will be received at this service. The Sunday School of the church will hold its Christmas Concert in the town hall at 8 p.m Dec cast the here. --~Photo by Aldsworth The plant, to produce not Jes 400 a year, built Lid ompany than tons of heavy water vas to have Deuter But the its bid be cold originally been by. Western lum of Calgary Vesper Service in the Church seasonal anthems and carols. OTTAWA withdrew 22 The Port Perry United Churc} Second Heavy Choir is presenting its annual z auditorium Dec. 19, at pa Water Plant Plans are underway to have (CP) which will be presented by the' Energy senior and junior choirs. Canada Atomic Ltd has of an-|cause it feared it not nounced Thursday it complete _ it plant within A cantata entitled "The Celes specified 31-month deadline tial Visitor" by Noble Cain will be the highlight of the service Electric To round out the program there | struction will also be a piano and organ heayy duet. authotized to enter into negoti of Canade anadian Genera Atomic Ltd, about con-|Ltd. would Canada's 'ondiof up to 4,000 tons plant production with ¢ Co of water ations the first underwrite SE the ears of FAITH }--- LUTHERAN CHURCH © (Eastern Canada Synod THe REV FISCHER 725-2 Owing to the bad weather tas! Sunday, the White Gift Service was not well attended. Arrar ments have been made ceive any white gift contribu tions this Sunday HARMONY Guise UNITED CHURCH ge ebb WW "x BA Mrs. Marie ARC.T. (Piano and Organ), RMT Organist and Choirmoster to re HENRY 755 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th 9:45 AM SUNDAY CHURCH SCHC 11:00 A.M THE SERVICE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St. You Are Invited to Worship With Us B Mir Taylor ister 9:45 AM 11:00 A.M.--Kindergarten and Tiny Tots Classes Sunday Schoo 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP A t All FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD jearty Welcome GRACE LUTHERA PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rew. Philip Fiess Ronald A, Jor M 7:09PM LIVING PICTURES painting SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45.A.M SUNDAY §$ SCHOOL 11:00 A.M DIVINE WORSHIP 7:00 P.M Childrer Christma 'eapiiae HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST Meeting in Harmony Road, Public School PASTOR: REV. W. LEWIS, 135 Harmony Rd, 5 cost Pianist 9:45 FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 1 1:00--FAMILY WORSHIP "UNTO YOU IS BORN" CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE FRIDAY AT 7:00 P:M -- *YOU ARE WELCOME -- Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray REV, ERNEST WINTER Catvary Baptist CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Post Postor--REV. ROBERT B. LYTLE stor: 9:45 A.M.- BLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES TWO CHRISTMAS: MESSAGES "INFALLIBLE ADVICE" --"INCOMPARABLE- POWER'! SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO 9:45 BIBLE 1:00 A.M | OF CHRISTMAS" | 00 P.M FROM HIS AM SCHOO 11:00 7-06 7:00 A.M P.M P.M.- "THE GIFT DOWN GLORY" ii WEDNESD <> WED. .7:45---81BLE STUDY WEDNESDAY, 7:45 P.M | King St. United Church and PRAYER BIBLE STUDY PRAYER WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House is losing its French chef, Rene Verdon, hired by |Mrs. John F. Kennedy in 1961 | to' preside over the president's | cuisine. | Verdon is resigning as of Jan. /1 'for personal, reasons," said Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter, press secretary for Mrg. Lyndon B. Johnson. | Mrs. Carpenter said- he will |pe replaced, but the name' of lthe new chef was not an- | nounced. Werdon has done the cooking 'for the state dinners at which ithe president and his wife en- itertain visiting dignitaries - in- cluding kings and prime minis- ters. The Johnsons also have main- tained their personal cook, Ze- Other menu suggestions, The | Times continues, referred to [recipies printed in ine gouiine: | cookbooks. : "WESTMOUNT -- UNITED CHURCH Bond Street West at Rosehill Bivd. (Just north of the Oshawa Shopping Centre) Minister: Rev. Frank H. Ward, B.A. Orgonist-----Choir Director Rowlana L, McCord, Mus, With a background of cook- ing for fine Parisian kitchens, the French liner Liberte, and the Carlyle Hote!' and the Es-| sex House in New York City, Verdon was accustomed to pre-| paring exotic gourmet dinners. | The Times points out that! "the Johnsons have a widely) publicized penchant for barbe- | cues, spoon bread, popovers, fried chicken, brownies and Pe- | dernales River chili." 1 The newspaper says that Ver- | don was reluctant to discuss de-| tails of changes since the ap-|° pointment of Mrs. Kaltman, but) admitted he had been asked to) prepare some dishes strange to) his taste. Cited as an example was a cold puree of chicken peas which Verdof character- ized as "already ha hot." Boe. 11:00 A.M. CHRISTMAS FAMILY SERVICE 7:00 P.M, * THE CHRISTMAS STORY IN SONG AND WORD Junior and Senior choirs together with the ©.C.V.1. Brass Quartet will lead in the ministry of music. phyr Wright, who has been with the family for years, to oper- ate the special family quarters kitchen for their own needs. The New York Times reports that Verdon's departure had been expected in some quarters since the recent hiring of a White House food co-ordinator, Mrs. Mary Kaltman, a Texan eThe Times says Verdon in-) CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre St REV, ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER Organist Mrs. A. H, Foy 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. 'sisted his resignation had noth- ing to do with the food prefer-| ences of President Johnson and his family. ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. and Qlive Ave.) MINISTER: REV. HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. Organist-Choirmaster: Harold Ellis SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL Intermediate and 1:45 A.M.--Beginner THE SA IT OF HOLY COMMUNION GIVING OURSELVES ervice pecial Music by the Choi A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL EMBER 24th ervite and Communion s OME and NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) H. .A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D. RONALD KELLINGTON MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE CORNER OF REV MR MINISTER OR S DEACONESS CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS Primary Gra and 3; Junior 4, 5. and 6 A.M.--lIntermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; 10 ond over jes 1,2 Senior Grades oges 3 ndergarten ages 4 and 5; Primary Grades 1, 2, ond 3 Christmas Sunday Services 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. "GLAD TIDINGS" vice by Come Double Club, 7:00 P.M. "The Good News of Christmas is in the present tense" 7:00 P.M. -- "Offended. in Christ" Care provided for babies and small children during the service. Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister: THE REV. JOHN F G. MORRIS, B.A.. S.1.M, Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. The ADVENT IV Junior and Intermediate Deportments 1 (Children 9-13 years Pre-Confirmation Class --- Grade 9 Senior Discussion Group -- Teens 11:00 A.M.--"'WRAPPINGS and REALITY" The core of Christmas among the externals The Primary children will enter church briefly Special Christmas music by the choir WHITE GIFTS FROM LAST SUNDAY MAY STILL BE BROUGHT FOR DELIVERY Bobes ond toddlers ore cored for during -service SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB EVANGEL Pentecostal Church Meeting in the T. R. McEwen Senior Public School Auditorium WILSON RD. SOUTH R. D. Ellis 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School Classes for all ages. 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Subject: The Incarnation 7:00 P.M.--Special Program presented by the Youth Department % Fellowship you will enjoy %*% Christmas Carols % Trios, Duets and Solos We invite you to worship with us. 9:30 AM. Pastor: Rev. 725-9617 Annual Carol Service with Junior and Senior Choir 129 KING STREET EAST L. WESLEY HERBERT Minister h y Fraser, Deaconess s Choir Director and Organist Baby Creche Y Nursery and Church School uth Department 10:00 A.M 1:00 -A.Mo-- CHRISTMAS CHORAL SERVICE d Orgen e My People Glory Of The Lord Darkness N Shepherds ! The Ange! Of The Lord e Angel Said Unto Them there was with the Angel d ne Eyes Of The Blind dis Flock Gordon Ha Mrs. Alan' Thompson Miss Hazel Rundle Mr. Fred Densham, Mr, Donald Allman 7:00 P.M.--Candlelight Service under the direction || of the Scouts and Cubs. FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH i A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE E STREET UNITED CHURCH BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. PASTOR--REV..G. A. CARROLL RES. 728-2426 OFFICE 728-2931 7:00 P.M. -- SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE Christmas Carols by the Choral Group Instrumentals, plus "O Holy Night' by George Bateman Message: The Ange! Song, Peace on earth good will to men a Farce or a Force? 10:00 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL ~ 11:00 A.M Thou Shalt Call His Name Soloist Ruby Carroll JESUS a Message King Street Pentecostal Church One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre Church Secretary 723-2570 Church Treasurer 725-7089 -- SUNDAY -- 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Rev. EARL McNUTT, Peterboro BRIGHT SINGING SOLO -- SPECIALS Tues,, 7:45 P.M, -- Young People Wed., 8:00 P.M. -- Study and Prayer Fri., 6:45 ---- Children's Church Don't Forget Sunday School at 9;45 A.M. TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. -- CHRISTMAS PROGRAM ALL WELCOME { SIMCOE ST. S, AT BAGOT STREET The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A, Director of AJusic: Mr, -R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M, CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. "WHAT'S RIGHT ABOUT CHRISTMAS" THE SAVIOUR COMES Mrs. D. Weldon JESU BAMBINO Robert Henry REJOICE YE CHRISTIANS GREATLY 7:00. P.M. "MESSAGE FROM A MANGER" yan f tal at 6:45. P.M. by ¢ Choir wilt sing two Ch HARK, Drummond Soloist: Anthem lo -- Pietro Yon Bach Anthem Fred Grohom The a ic by the Senior » Carol and "ON THE DAY" -- T CHILD LIVES" Ross Cotton TRADITIONAL FRENCH CAROL "CAROL TO A BABY" NIGHT OF NIGHTS' Marina Puffer and Larry Marsholl TELL OUT THE NEWS UNDAY SCHOOL Study Group, Young Adult Class Fraser Muriel Davis LABY JESUS THE CHRIS -- Cockshott Malcolm Sargent Vanderwoter Curry 9:45 AM Adult Youth Department Baby. Care SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. $ Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor SUNDAY -- 7 P.M. Christmas Candle-Light Service -- THE 30-VOICE CHOIR PRESENTS -- "A SONG UNENDING"' by John W. Peterson A SONG UNENDING c ages. It is henutiful -- if will thrill you as it tells the wonderful story of Christmas ino fresh ond inspiring way. There will be congre- gational singing of the Christmas Carols, Pastor Smith will speok The Church auditorium will be beautifully decorated in keeping with the Christmas season. Join the great crowd that will attend this Sunday night s a 40 minute Contata of the greatest story of the 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11 A.M. WORSHIP CHRISTMAS DAY. SERVICE Dec. 25th, 10:30 a.m 11:30 a.m. to Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 11:05 bead

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