Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1965, p. 34

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pee: v v 34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 15, 1965 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For Sale 14--Business Opportunities'17--Female Help Wanted ELECTRIC GUITAR -- Fender, SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By RJ. SCOTT |supr0 'rine, 'vickup, ieaa guile, 'Like BOOKKEEPING ERV CF DIRECTO RY rrewnitts Se a eaieeam| MUST BE SOLD | machine OPERATOR : ; Gri, Hayden"? meiy ew at Neighbourhood Grocery Store | freferably experienced on place sink, $887 fan, $9. Bill Hamil-| and living quarters in N.W. Burroughs equipment, | fon, Raglan 985-71 \ A Alsop require experienc . -omamivmmvenen| Only one in this area, fliness BOY'S twownesl ie nd str forces sale. Low down pay- FILING CLERK won bibs' bole te gh ment possible, All details on Must be quick and rt 1 j So, '= 08 Barristers Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs sai WA request. Call Maible Bou- Apply Box 11303 Accountants le = lego Ages A alee tng ae Dr Ltd, Onis Hines ecount-| JO! H PP. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. Ms ' ; e JOSEPH GUTMANN, cir Bond Sie Street ey to loan. Office, 14¥2 King Street MORTGAGE TV SERVICE \ aut WAAKIS 40 : joe pend these ¥6 ie 1 Frigidere at 723-2265 or 728-2233, cence tS ant, Licensed Trustee, i 4 East. T 723-48: Kost, Oshawa, 720-4222. Wi" MAKE A CROW. MAWS WINTER COAT] 7 j/INVESTMENT PROPERTIES -- income.cn GORDON R. DAY, cavid General|/icGiBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, LOANS OA oe ag ; / AWE HESTLING CROW REQUIRES ABOUT -- | Vinter ht Abripdlpae Bs sites av40 (homes, apartment iKing 'sifest Wee, ee Here Grit? Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-/Solicitors. Mortgages arranged. National Money for first mortgages ee "EH OUNCES OF Food PER DAY, OR AROUT Reasonable, Telephone 723-1267 office buliding with warenarel space. We A Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Street South, AWIR(EEH AND ONE-HALF POUNDS FoR Mt seidiasibabieaseiend boty a@ number of investments to suit 18 Male Help Wan j ping Centre, 725-9953. 28-73 Charles C. McGibbon, ac; Open Mortgages , down payment. Call our investment BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. eaoer | 'F. Bastedo, GC; Crant H. Arm| Interest at 7% OSHAWA sce ADS. WEEKS, 9--Market Basket det Ne 4k Sebi Gone service, 299 Simcoe South aay oh strong. No Bonus : ELECTRONICS ~ d { ROASTING CHICKENS --~ Orders taken Really (Bond Street) Li penton O oo eed Neat | Buildine Trades No Charges for Valuations ee! tor freezer, 4 |b, $1.45, 3 tb, $1.15. Free ya ge a REAL ESTAT ar Prine, ree Suite 4, Oshaws, ee Mortgages and Agreements : : y HRs SCRAPS ' Belivery on 10. oF more, 72-5201, |cation on, Simcoe Street North, nee . E Ontario. TBN22 purchased Go your. 5h WA 1 \ 1 CAN SUPPLY you with Ontario or) ing. Excellent opportunity for right party. YALE, TeIeDLANDER: AND _6O., Money for Second Mortgages WINTERTIME | Ot - ; at sliractive Briees., Pree. Getivers, Ook-|coreturneer_.ntormation call, 735482, SALESMEN Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus- Fast Service. T.V. TIME Y f awa, Whitby, Alan, 655-4989, if ARE YOU A HAIRDRESSER? Wovid fees in Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Street T.V. Service Anytime & 5) N r : salut i shit bed have your own business? Bathe) id und me th ochawa. 7287371. v. = . + Beauty Salon available to rent or buy- usiriess is good and we ar North, Oshawa, M. F, SWARTZ : " 4 10---Former' s Column now! Apply 194 Farewell Avenue. short of help. Prefer man with a Mae St! deskinacar kb. TS AEOT TELEVISION =e couw in suopemiy | PO pnshxans, [yaseemate cance fur arm, yanes| SS but you can learn like many = = N haus ame . some knowlege of bookkeeping, requires fi WALL, PERKIN, MacMiLLAN AND iD CO.|in materials and workmanship onlist AND 3ND Th MORTOAGE Hable, , By = AMON ia GNABE catlior halatelny seme Chavels, Perse pa Mealy eet udae pe: ications and desire to learn. Chartered Accountants, 362 King Street REC. ROOMS W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Stree 16 pn 4 ' ¥4ohttG ps! ALKS ONLY 40 THE 0! +4 OhLD, ' B.Comm., CA; David G. Perkin CA; PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for MA COLD 4 WIMALAY ioc DEAD and crippled farm stock picked] LADY SERKS work 9:90 to 4 pum. Cleri-| - Confidence. USTOM BUILT ments of sale purchased. Creighton Ab pie AD wi EXPERIENCED woman with reter - Barristers SaTCHEN CABINETS riters?) gia Sealghdl ned ula' 725-8541 668-5830 tee fee RGIS HE Wal i ad bebe nile ences will clean vou! home for, holiday TELEPHONE is Her but J = : or Pets and Livestock season ook after buffet lunches an TIM VIPOND MAN, Barristers, Sollcitors, 36% King} %* FLOOR and CEILING ptometrist 1 WOnIES BOARDED Sau, inlaid se me nee Street_ East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, TILE, ETC. F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe RAE S 8--Articles For Sale |8----Articles For Sale harry ow stalls, 638 monthly. Brookiin.| 177 Fer cie Help Wanted 2%. McMullan CB; J. D Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: |For the deal of a lifetime . Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone RADIO & TELEVISION ; the | BAF wh Pp rsa Reesidence: 725-4604; Whitby? CALL NOW! A idee tiles cana cae : € ot OP y/é ' EARS ivade for 150 Dales of hay or $50 tgage funds available, Painting and Decoratin BOT ssi IMPS +3 ) Jae Fg | lag nt ll aw creak ANG KELL isters, Soliel / s S| Wett DIGGING by machine specializing F at Ie regiseree. Shatlong, boty ton BURROUGHS 668-6201 GREER AND, "xing. Stree Eash Dial C oy S onst. In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chosinut FURNITURE [sistent winners, Ideal gift for Christmas tors, ete... PAINTING AND Street West, Walt, baseband or « 3009 Big savings on Skating Out }iali Pal Milne, Ounbarton, 899-4779 BOOK KEEPING esl QC, 725-3968; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, and GENERAL REPAIRS DECORATING fits for the whole family dur- . P #5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB ES TERIOR 1--Women' s olumn Bio hall. Sote (OLY) WAWEW" KENNELS, German EXPERIENCED Berd Oshawa 725-8576 | gINTERIOR ond EXTERIOR Iremuanenns or apc PoFar,| "0 0" Blo Fo CLEARANCE [fret tiie smear! = MACHINE ' Onis, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- ; | FREE ESTIMATES Westmount. Telephone 725-5363 CENTRE 655 466) evenings lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King manville "4 IDEAL Christmas pel, five month oid West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Bowma DODD & SOUTER 2--Personal 303 RIFLE Just in time for Christmas |Terrier, 'female, house trained, had OPERATOR MANAGER EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and| H | ; BEAUTIFUL baby" budgies, ready tor Seren een eee etree fo (Plumbing and Heating Removal of superfluous hoir "nown for its accuracy ond ited, so early shopping lirsining, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T.| have experience in payroll ATTENDANTS Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING su : -- : Eregiein QC; or residences: G. K. CHRISTMAS \plles. Telephone 725-3593, Harold H tt Oshawa Dec. 13th, 14th will deliver years of satis- to save money |THOROUGHBRED Dachshund pups and working conditions, For REQUIRED Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, » {Ltd Plumbing, Heating and Engineer-| and 15th. Phone Genosha factory shooting. | idea pets, standard bred. Telephone 721 interview call Q Mortgages arranged. 8 : SIAMESE KITTENS, purebred sealpoint, Excellent opportunit for lace TYPES of repairs and remodelling, pointment 4 Ft. F Mrs MacDonald pr y C KY, u. FEEZELS \cight weeks old, adorable _ Christmas : ANTHONY EDWARD, LAKOWSKY 4 25% OFF new and used materials. Reasonable ELECTROLYSIS C Bg Be PM ce Et qualified personnel to work in 3m. Evening appointments. Dial 773-168 | nee ' "pene | emg Pd na Deposit will hold. T | Remodelling, carpentry, til- [Rug-Upholstery Service AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Can wotronty. 5 yeor food protec. iS cuummas cme WIN Neld. Tele. and Company Benefits. ke rive-A\ ice, 5385 Y ' Classified Rates trical work, roofing, eaves- [ea 0 ears. rompers, sare Of materials: | Street Telephone BSA ong®! depth traction tread, A brand $259.95. Davis) weccer te) Senipecannent fei. Apply in person to: ed stock. ; rtion of 24 words, $1.08; j |holsterin Company, 287 Dean Avenu: ae ised cisely isclsialeaibehosdinisadaae ONE TOY Terrier, fernale, six weeks cid, eusthonst 'words, Misc. each! 3. con- a and windows, siding. +f "la GREAT GIFT fora Girl Is @ Waller from $17.56 up ; white and brown, $16.00, Telephone COMPANY additional words 2c. each, 6 serve you a STERFIELDS and old "chairs, re-\improvement. Gift Certificates in any east ncv ni) SORE S [covered like new.\.Get the best for less! TWO DOOR $3. AND UP, 100 geese for IMPROVEMENTS timates. CAR LEAVING for Nova Scotia Decem Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge pedi WHITE SHEPHERD pups and grown} fret paid within € days. | Oshowa -- 728-2061 |CHESTERFIELDS mph and teigg ne sc es TIRE STORE Freezer dogs: pert-Speniels, tour monthay pert Se ne re ee ae YY ae en ~ ' HOPRING, BEADLE i Yeats. Bult 261% King St. E 1340 Polis - sree ts, Financial Trade Build- 2 King St. East » WK. ft. . = licence ond local experien tered Accountan' ni naw | | > ; DEAD and crippled tarm stock picked 15- --Employment | Wanted experience, + S. T. Hopkins, . - / ' ', --e a et tario, fg veg Bel Lukow, CA. And we mean business, the finest 723-4697 728-5143 i 4 PS enire Plage PR CLERK-TYPIST 2 years of age "with| others, if you have the quali« DEATH prow FLERTS : fuses (j 660-067, 7 9. L port . All inquiries held in strictest East, Oshawa, 725-6539; William C. Hall, REMODELLING North, Whitby, 668-3338. _.| OSHAWA AND WHITBY geese, ducks, polloe pups perience, Reterences, Telephone 125-4648 . HE ISH GO BETWEEN" PRECEDED By SiEER lop pr ' Hi for faem, Tyrone. | cai Pleas / 7123-039 J. Grenem MacMilleny 6A. ALTERATIONS St Tipreeven, Marieeues | One. Baeee NIGHT SERVICE 7 For HIG TRIBE. CAFAICAD OR COMA telephone alloc Hemeten" SASATE esac ase For Interview 4 | HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- ond CUPBOARDS - a ee \11- dishes; wiso baby-sitting, Telephone 723 AS QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman,| * "1773-4191. one [PAPPLE GREY SHOW PONY. Will" sei Real Estote Broker 668-2761; 728-4326; 125-5133. NHA and Well Drilling--Digging 723-2278. Residence Phones: M. Greer, JAMES $ "MACDONALD, | BA LLB, dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of from $7.25 pr. Palominos, Pintos, SERVICE STATION available. 723-4716 or 725-4717. -3411 -5862 vwedies, Telephope 7234134 atter 6 p.m 623 668-586 gifting! Items are lim- |needies Veleohoe Required by local firm, Must AND Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcce Marie Murduff will be in reliability, this rugged gun is suggested if you want |Bread, 114 Elgin East | oF similor. Excellent salary QC; 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. SPECIAL jing, 225 Simcoe Street South, Hotel on these dates for ap- $24 95 2 ONLY tle BA, BCL, rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J, Foley. Porcelain lined, fast freeze gifts. Will hold. Telephone bata Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m.-5:30| ON ALL ORDERS ees ee 723-4641 SNOW TIRES throughout 5 year system |CHIHUAHUA puppies, registeres, ready Oshawa Area, Good Salary ing, painting, plumbing, elec- | RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish-|ada, Florida, California, Bonded drivers.| 4) nylon construction, full tion. Floor samples. REG. |eesHono puppies. Just like wee teddy PERSONNEL troughing, plastering, cement Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses| vy or asia' hanvaenk new winter tire priced almost " : 'ders. vd 25-1753 won Abe cas a incon eolumata di germ' Mattresses! ACCOMMODATION for male boar 279 95 725-1753. : work of all kinds. Aluminu: |rebuilt. Furniture refinis shewe Up |Telephone 725-6185 as low as a retread : 51 King East, Oshawa MURPHY OIL secutive insertions of 24 words, #2 od skilled men ready to ~ | Thornton Course in Modelling or Personal 1 ONLY 14 CUBIC FOOT Brooklin 655-3244, 728 6051 peti ig he gn 1506 NELLIS' HOME Jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe| denomination Prensa ter, Sere DOMINION Refri t ducks, $2. Christmas pups, a . 78 BOND ST. W. addition Straet South, Call 728- 6451. Free - m "Deven | etrigerator- small. 668-2067. | "No charge to applicant MR. LYTLE OR MR, OTTAWAY see Bye Free estimate. See our material) Bei Automatic defrost, porcelain Police and Husky pups. Reasonable. hod of Counting -- Less than 24 BG RC * --~ for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, ' f 668-2067. way counts as of words) each word, ROOFING, concrore Meaekad sof roofing, Charles strash, 723-7212. : *'3--Sportsman' s - Column lined, double porcelain crisp- Sc Rew rar init bbreviation counts jour specia lew work and repairs faite Rts Sete ¢ = GOOD as a "sore? "phone number counts |Large and smali jobs. L. and H Roofing | SKATE EXCHANGE -- Sharpening; new, 145 King St. W. ers, plus meat keeper. 5 year [out Ghuliite Aniecation" Pail two words. and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 Sales and Service lysed, Bauer hockey equipment, Valley warranty on unit. Scratched | ciassed filled. Enquiries invited for Jan- OPPORTUNITY Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401. Telephone 725-6511 in transit ;vary classes, Telephone 723-9708. D ane BIRTHS--DEATHS-- ccd cg gdh i El td Before You Buy A me j REGULAR $329.95 PUREBRED Toy Terrier puppies for SECRETARY SOCIAL NOTICES 728-1742 : 6--Marine Equipment OL eae sale, Brooklin 655-4617 > bie SG vreenen™ geet Bas Tag . ' ermanent future for a re- $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents addl- \a>--cagpEwTRY. block and eT ea Piano or Organ, See 14-FT. SELECTRIC Fibreglass Runabout 289 95 PUPS of Pom stock, five weeks Old, $25, With top-notch skills required by te tional PCharges not paid within © | work. New or remodelling. Special 'all iH N A with 40 HP Evinrude motor, both. like F R E E ss Will hold to Christmas. Telephone after) go Whitby office, At sponsible executive or sales- days. prices. Call Tony 725-4953. E| TZM N new. Will sell complete with skl hitch, 1 ONLY 23 INCH 6 p.m. for appointment to see, 723-2008. bast: two "years experience type individual accustomed to -------- fwo five-gallon gas tanks, boat I'ft end ONE red and white registered American . : active contact with t ub- IN. MEMORIAMS .. |NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, & Co, Ltd. trailer. Phone 725-0789 evenings. $100 ORGAN COURSE Siivert TV Cocker, female, for sale. Telephone Alax| Excellent salary and company he. Three vane fie gd <n $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc, sidewalks, remodeling. rec-roums. Free 148. Simete, 6, Oh ----$$___---- So with the purchase of livertone 942-1507 benefits. Nie Boe year at salary ae shines Shares i not aan. ue -- : <d TELEPHONE 728- 3921 |7--Swap and 'Barter | Hips oradyy | or Console model, custom cas- |SiAMESE Seal Point kitiens, sired by . i heneetine wet Geacuk tee, id within 8 days. gt Pr ati eeee cena Z |CHRISTMAS TREES Free with $10 pur- ELECTROHOME code tuner, perma tune, |double champion. Call Ajax 942-0926 eve or appointment ca : - -- si ALL TYPES bullding, roofing repairs|BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, chase, Tobe kl; DaGINs Str ieletas afeer rae. vibe power trarstormer 29 dubs (UME ie 668-8181 fits. Oshawa resident pres CARDS OF THANKS and remodelling; chimneys, new and re-|vas awnings. Complete service, free est medicine and kitchen cabinets stainless { i] 'f net AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL puppies, | jd ferred, 21-40, no travel, and 5c, |Palred: sidewalk and concrete repairs.|mates. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993. steel kitchen and bar sinks, sump pumps, PECVOMANES EU LNG registered, champion breeding, exceilent (Ne | $2.00 for the first 35 words Whitby 668-2774, Gord Ma: siete rate | eg q Ip 9. No Carge to Applicants each thereafter, with 25c, additional : 4 y. | GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all _wringer|Pressure systems (and repairs) fittings, b ed channel indicator, walnut |pets, goldens and blacks, $50. Poodi2s: | Position offers stable career charge if not pald within & days. |CARPENTER WORK, cabinets, recrea-| washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call|piping, radiators, boilers, boat kits, laun- Heintz man & Co. finish, Slightly marked in |black miniature, $75.; white Toy, reason-)-------- with substantial income and }tion rooms, and trimming. Free esti-| 728-1742, dry tubs. H. Chinn, Hillside and Park j 5 able. 725-6473. . | 723-7088. LTD transit. REGULAR $289.95. to the right person managerial COMING. EVENTS mates. 728-7680. SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable. Exc Road South. Phone 70 ¥ Bast ahaa GRNEINEe Ge $2.00 per inch (display); $1.50 for the | i parlenced, reliable, reasonable. Phone Arti le he Par 3 s se 165 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH one handy with horses! Four unbroken Opportunity. first 20-words and' Sc. each thereafter |Cartage Ted Taylor, Ajax 942-1663. 8--Articles For Sale | OSHAWA 728-2921 ; jhigh spirited mares, two studs, two pony piiais tal - ATTENTION A ie ------ aes: an a Reply in confidence to AUCTION SALES $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION MAN with naw fwotsn panel truck tor Septic Service ATTENTION MEN SRR sears oe 1 ONLY ae gras ater a acs) EXPERIENCED hire, odd Ss, etc, Ajax 942-0623. | : ' . SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt sew| MAKE IT A "WHITE" | FREE -- 24-hour Burner | xenmore AUTOMATIC les Wanted BOX 9122, Dentist lls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut! Service : sot : ed Pd ge Whitby. 668-2563, sais SEWING MACHINE TEXACO -- Fuel ond Stove _ SIG ZAG |. USED CHILDCRAFT Encyclopedia, aij Vanted to-work on auto- OSHAWA TIMES ee Surgeon, 172 King. Siree!" East," Osnews, CHRISTMAS cil, "Blue Coal" stove, nut, | SEWING Machine _|theen voumes ne recent ein: Tee] matic press. Good wages. WORD ADS Surgeon, -- . s iH, ove, , A ' phone +2544, 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS For appointment, 728-5171. Su rn sh | Brond new S stitch, zig-zag stoker coals @ Slab Wood @ In beautiful cabinet. Decor- |cie--Ripio, General Melos, Ti Vel, Before Scull: ost Ane oun BIALEK, DR. E. P., Dental Surgeon, . FLIM rd ying tah b ee and automatic portables, con- Cannel Coal @ Building Sup- ative stitching. Ideal gift for builf-in speaker; also large battery, con erore 2 cali: if rveyors. 's mi vd e LOST AND. OUND cari 112 'Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. |For! Surveys gin Street East. Pho soles, and desk models. plies. Mom, REG, $229.95. verter, taperecorder; violin, any con 723-1159 SUPERVISOR BIRTHS AND DEATHS ; DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Bake TRO 447 20 a ee 159 95 OF SHIPPING % a.m. day of publication Dressmaking : Land Auevevor. Commercial bive prints, White. & Elna. dealer SAWDONS' (Whitby) . 13--Articles For Rent After 5 Call: ED DISPLAY DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, Ps ----- LIMITED N Receiving and Stores Toe 4 p.m. day previous; 2 col jalterations. Fitting a specialty. Quicki TW---Radio Repairs OSHAWA SEWING 244 Brock St. §. --- Whitby 1 ONLY CENMORE 723-7388 Depart - db umns or larger--10-a.m. day previous |Service. Phone 723-8755, SLO ina aeaeuaaug tinea enemas CENTRE Ga BUY. cam lind dideece te Auto: Washer R F N F A LS Pe ment required by CANCELLATIONS AND a eoreerny gegen roma 329 Simcoe furor anything you have, -The_-City| 3 washing programmes, five H =o : rogressive Firm CORRECTIONS ag "y : Trading Post Store, ~446--Simcoe- Street Rand ; ' 2 SOR rs tia ckrion Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. Day or Night South, 723-1671 : ube an a ey gts soy OF ALL KK | NDS Complete Enowledae of light Any advertisement cancelled before [ALT ON, pant alte, mending. 728-239) for appointment. se rn = -| plus two speeds. . tub, Gi | W. nt d and heavy shipping. Receiv- DUReRtOn WAN we eharaee one. ahy*s Fas scours service Gift Items made $35.; adding machine, $25.; electric typ. 6 vein agitator. 2 : ir a e ing stores and procedures fearten order. Telephone 23. ECONOMY, AND : writer, $40.3 two total electrical cash REGULAR $239.95 * Sanding Machines FOR "1: etential 'Ga d "e Su li DELUXE HONDA SHOP jregister, $75. 723-4434. : ( ial, BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c. ardening and Supplies Prichd 1 tall your badost SNOW HUS-SKI |rHREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No $219 95 * Plumber's Tools Salad Bar 'ani dae . a bs: insce ice ' get. Model 600. 10 hip. $595 idown payment, $15 monthly at Honest . i x : OR APPOINTMENT eos to forward replies Yo box numbers Yo ce ere XMAS GIFT | VACUUMrapeiie all proven --tames,| JUST A FEW LEFT * Painter's Equipment yam. % 4 om TELEPHONE t a * 1 1 j 3, o 05 F . pais he advertisers as si as possible helmets carriers, windshields Pp Double & Triple DRESSERS, | * Welding Equipment MR BOIVIN as soon el * if" ! gd gee! Wy Enjoy Yourse OSHAWA TV piveg tackats Fleming Vacuum' Service, Mein Sire! 9 Pe Chesterfield Suites, | ALSO r f if in fe } , ickering. ; i U j through uch replies, nowever. caused | SUNFLOWER SEED SUPPLY LIMITED ee HODES TYFEWAITSRE-Se teed ref Occasional Chairs Builder's Equipment GRILL COOK 668-3348 whether by negligence or otherwise. WILD BIRD MIX TAUNTON RD. E. 199 King W P "728 4242. |$a5h registers, adding machines, $35. up. Reduced for quick clearance. SKATE AND 11 p.m. to 7 a.m, 8:30 0 to § Ft) ates ES a Ce +o : m, p.m, The Times will not be responsible for Year guarantee. Oshawa Business Ma- replies uncalied for in 20 days. CRACKED CORN - chines, 728-3664, 725-9748, HURRY . . . HOCKEY : APPLY MILLET Just East of Ritson PARTS FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adlusied free.| DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED MR. CAMPBELL REGULATIONS varanteed trouble-free winter if you ee oe i ln BIRD FEEDING STATIONS '1 8180 For Washers, Steves ond purchase from Western oll Ga, asf SIMPSONS p-pcieneeall GENOSHA HOTEL SALESMAN submitted otherwise than in writing not WATER SOFT SALT ELECTRIC MOTOR fresher! Ge see Price wait acta EXCHANGE for more than one insertion of any ia: ; a ae a Raaai i Eich ances, TV's, Discounts for Christmas! SEARS : advertisement nor beyond the price | ICE SALT TELEVISION RADIO pair and Exchange Open' evenings In December. Alax 942 Now at Stan's you can ex- PART-TIME ALERT young oui ier Ou charge for a single Insertion in which error "occurs, SAND 24 HOUR SERVICE OBA ARTUR change your old SKATE | $1 to $1.50 per hour | wa's finest MEN'S WEAR yi TOBOGGAN, aluminum: fiyi i ; The Oshawa Times reserves the right | SNOW SHOVELS ine Sincee So Soke Girl's skates, size 2; Tricycle; cate kit LIMITED and HOCKEY EQUIP- Wonien for Wlansont' tele STORE. a not nec- 6 essary -- we will train. f lassif dvertising according to < jaisjchen curtains, 3 pair (new); 30-inch 48 Simcoe St. N. : . lo classify a i STRAW j HOLMES FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS _ Specials cen curtabigg 3 pair, (new)s O0-inch MENT with a fair allow- | phone work, 4 hours daily, Write stating age; experience its proper classification. offered now for Christmas. Telephone i _ Telephone 728-9411 iis: 4k ie at Ghasiey etvartianineats PET SUPPLIES evenings, 668-6583 Ziyt covered "seat, Telepione 72516 1 e ance on New or Used 723-5051 if any and telephone number c ) TV TOWERS "SPECIAL -- "40+ foot tower i The fimes will nof be held. respon- BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-| ; ° shile ter Tork. wee. Ten that Wel Cooper-Smith ELECTRONICS -- pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 structure all channel antenna inatatied, SCOTCH PINES _ Equipment. MR. GOULD t BOX 10453 . jes i 263-2695 ¥ Taurean Pogo gl ae for abe service jars AND SELL -- Good Used furniture jGibbons Street, 728-8180. DARE NEAR Beautifully Pruned M aug he veg GOOD TYPIST to work in dispermary. OSHAWA TIMES vertising matter correctly, but assume . SKATE "EXCHANGE - -- $2.97 plus your on, = Fra. a.m, - p.m, -- i and appliances, One location only. Pretty trade. Sportsman's Corner, 103. Byron Grade 11 or better. Apply Box 9707, Osh Dee no liability of advertisement if any 16 CA ei Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 Appl Sot. 8 - 6.m --________ inaccuracies In any form are contained ce '4 s Whitby -- "668- 3679 wintEe ones ui ace S., Whitby. One block west of Four : PPy : fem. pe. es: | DUE TO INCREASING business, we need therein, Moet ise e wt 391 ghee atanlany Baad 20¥a, one Persian Corners. MRS. SADIE HAMILTON | BOOKKEEPER, experienced _essential| salesmen. If you want to earn better than 3-1135 - x e ' ae to handle a complete set of books 15 trial IT'S EASY TO PLACE A ss eecnes Walking coat (corduroy). Telephone 728-|SPECIAL! Used televisions, $29.95; new R.R. 2, ORONO . | A N C balance. Apply Wilson's Furniture, | 20 I public, contact the Mosl prparectee Real i 8319 after 4 smooth top mattresses, $19.95. Valley ee TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim, or Vi cut| HOT DIPPEDGALVANIZED | ' ae "Lincoln -are-weider,| Creek 16 Bond West, 728-4401. Telephone | Ring 16 = Church Shy WSN | Estate ition Oshawa for" 8» confide Call Classified Direct : + 2 ortable Lincoln arc welder. TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL wR. NO NIGHTS, no Sundays. Excelent| tial interview wi ao hoes aneoer. them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or TV TOWERS Completely requilt, winterized battery RALEIGH racer bike with rear and head- structure, hot dispad galvanized 1" lower dy Srecldnted: Weta fer tee Some: asles eiperMine hmerrae tires ; 2 w 723-3492 cornea start, has 110 volt supply outlet, cables fie pump, fire irons. Good condition. included, single all-channel antenna com: Sharpening & Rental Ltd, |restaurant. Apply immediately Car-|Mecessary as we will train you. Guide Barn ARE THE BEST !. |inctutes:s525._ 723-3642 after 5 p.m. See ae ene, rie litale inateliads tas Incline Anarene michael's Barbeqe, Park Rd. S., 725-0907. South, Psat Realtor, 16 Simcoe Street nstruction * |LIVING ROOM couch Braemor. Suitable Sue pele cee Ce oe eee onan Bond ane a men 223 King St. West, Oshawa | HOMEMAKER -- housekeeper, fo live injreeeee $$ ' for den or recreati Gi , i ift} Television, corner Bond and Division, . i LICENSED MECH i INDEX TO PRIVATE TUITION in English, Latin, WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 'Mion en nod OE NOW Iter students. Leroe stock 10 cheese from. | 728-5143-4, and help care for two children. r vate pl Legal wine a French and Math. f it: high Pat worn RATS: i} ee. a Good remuneration. forty Mrs. a lor eae sand hig! T R l 0 ere res One year full guarantee. Low prices. BASS amplifier, 25 PHONE 723-3224 Sherman, Telephone 723-3211 East, Oshawa. CLASSIFICATIONS School students. 668-3866 combination television, | tenkins Business Machines, Sales and ---- radio and record player. Five speakers.| Service, 728-7783. Open evenin s. power speakers, $200" T lephane "23. R 7 ture n mii hil DRIVER, Part-time, with own compact 1<cWernae'e Caliran beeen --_ + ones Deluxe model, new condition. Also Frigh-lee gree venaNGE --N - 678 bs GENT! Mature woman to Blas Fh Gl car to take Pickin' Chicken deliveries, on 2--Personal Sach Enh Gein oe Line daire frig, family size, late model, Apply|SKATE EXCHANGE ---- New and used ae TELEVISION, $75, or best offer; i i desired, Wilson and Bloor area. Afier 6,| Weekends, Top commission. Apply in per ' -, 4 lencairn reet. " '* eh | Son, ord's in' icken, i --Sporfamen's. Columa oll grade level, Call 23-145 after 5 p.m. TELEVISION 684-Glencairn St ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, Tasos [2130 brown chesterfield and hair. Excel | TObles Chairs, Linens, Dish- |teiepnone 728-8550, Gord's Pickin' Chicken, 522 Ritson 5--Trallers in nlc Corner Bond and Division NEW, USED -- v a; polishers, Reto i Pret, Sst Tae lest condition, Telephone 728-3695. es+Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ARTTIMG PEMALE hao Wotan ot 6--Marine Equipment Janitor S$ : pairs to all EDipeege fgg Be TZ NEW 'high-back "swivel rocker, PARTY DRESS, ri Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal [fan ynMe,, no MALE In person MiyiRELIABLE, over 25" and married, To a a y 8 yi 2 7 s' rea. Nn. , ety < Resi dag Aland aaitor Servis (728- -5143 the tse AN be {Street 1h EO eae IN ternily dresses, Bahar ite eva Cllrs Wear, Men's Formals, White Roger Fish and chips: Cedar at Went Grive oil truck, Mechanically inclined to a--Ariicies tor Sale ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco-|---_-- Reine ""IREFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12.) |g00d condition. Apply 23 Drew Street. lite: MATIC Silas: worth, learn furnace work. Steady employment, rbharket Baske nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by new smeathton . matireises,' 924.95,| UNS ==> MoUphiy 601d; traded, repaired : is Fox. Furs, Mink Stoles, ~--______.__lApply 238 Kalser Crescent. 10---Farmer's Column modern machine, Free estimates. Work FAST TY, SERVICE toves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; new crib|at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, TWO BRAND NEW Snow Cruisers, 196s LN a de ee age gh gta Aa EXPERIENCED WAITER for cockiall li--Pets and Livestock guaranteed 728-7736. s s 4 J gett 728-9731, models, reasonable. Can be seen at 127 SARGEANT'S RENTALS male, not over 35 years oid. Afternoon cocktail 12--Articles. Wanted Service Call only $2.50 mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24.95; TV's, an | Park Road South after 6.30 p.m. 725-8540. - [shift 4 to 11 p.m. 725-3772, 205 Bond St.|!ounge and beverage room must have 1cArticles for Rent vic y $49.95; space savers, $54.95; dressers,| HUS-SKI snow machine, Model co Ove iy Ms ! West. good character references. Steady posi- 14--Business Opportunitios Money To Loan DOMINION chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and|HP, 35 mph, demonstrater, $5.50 "}TRAIN SET -- Lionel, 22 ff. of 463 Ritson Rd. S. 728-3338 tion, Apply manager Hotel Lancaster, -27 1S-Employment Wanted i WILL LOAN yo Up to $5,000 ala Used. Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West.|3993 after 6 pm. of 8 ose 2 wheel bicycle. Tele. a rg ana a Mebie No nth i King West, Oshawa. + + you safesemaaonniioh -- ot nan tects '4 erien ick an jependabie. a aemneeaniatimpasiatbencrescetions s--Agents Wanted reasonable rate..of. interest. to consolidate TELEVISION BUY AND SELL -- Good Used furniture|SCcRAP HARDWOOD = one-foot lengine,| non -- ----_-- WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Piaht re ian manager Hotel Lan.' REAL ESTATE Salesmen, uniimi 7--Female Help Wanted your bills or for any other worthwhile and 'appliances. | Gold's Furniture, 2i3157.75 single cord. Phone 123-2281 betore| NEW TRICYCLE) boy's Coats, #10, 1hi| reducing. machines, sick -roont.-supplies: jcaster, 27 King West, Oshawa. portunity "for "aggressive: meni training oie Hg De le4y Wantes Purpose providing you are steadily em- 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, | Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 9.30 a.m. or evenings. gir i tai Srey 2 Men Ba Vil vio-|Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 25-1 644. |RELIABLE WOMAN tor cleaning irom S ' net confidential interview call -- " - 6 megs sper ragaen mp -- le planter stand; oys. estmore- od nia tamneni ing trad nt '* 20--Real Estate for Sale a en All_work guaranteed [FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-|FILTER QUEEN, Sales and Service. |Iona CHAIRS: card and banquet tables, church! three ty five hait-deys for weer Tush ee oe radeski_ Realtor _ 723-468 20a---Summer Properties J! --------|ity_ furniture, only $299.," inc. complete| Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free eet we ay ag srragger raf tpap he and ge cat Fh tid 412| 4 good worker. Telephone Whitby 668-2 DAYS TRAVEL -- 4 days ai home, Aura tor tale Mortgages ITTV Tt $50 Up-T bedroom, living _Foom, filchen ensem-|timates. 323 King West, 728-7552. bist seat dake A ad Ph hegre wer hg Pe peti dnb ALIS albu 4928, Qe ove eat! peg Osh..wa, > st Bi ay only $3. wkly. fibeatable $12 i c u - up to jo $6, in @ year, ie Ty Reng Oe <i «ARs NDE ER owers Pp vaiuet Barons" Home Furnishings, -424| SHOE SHINE stand with itll, eauipment,| white, coral_and' red. Telephone 725-395", |THREE-TON STAKE Telephone 723- ijn' | BOOKKEEPER, part-time, to_take com-|Write B.D. Dickerson Prec, Seam 2--Stores Offices and Storage oO RON'S TV O|simcoe_soutn ye, sealers (Hest otler. 0 Bond: Syset ea epee vee agen ne. a |plete charge of company books "olet We Petroleum Corp., $34 N, Main, 25--Houses for Rent MORTGAGE LOANS ELECTRIC TRAIN 7: ee OR Gairs teal) mekes. New hoses, Phone ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred Preparation of same for submission to/Ft, Worth, Texas, 26--Apariments. tor. Rent rae -- Lionel; GE refrig- SKI-000 Snowmobile -- Sales and Ser-|Jack L. r people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-jaudifors, Write stating age, telephoni SEE) . FIRST & SECONDS 12. Years' Experience erator, doll carriage, ski boots, size 8, Unit 1 Pea Mare na ele hal quels, parties, weddings, anniversaries. number and" qualifications 10° Box. 10541, SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT want- --Rooms for Rent = - like new; washing machine;44- steel bed| Vice. United pevoeuee ae biliagn Road]; eee mre gas PRIN ENE a4 ¥ d, experienced preferred. Apply 215 2--Room and Board NO BONUS E All Work Guaranteed £E and spring. 887 Ritson South. South" (at Olive) EXERCISER, 'one-third horsepower. | Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking. Reason- Oshawa Times. 'ing Sires? Wrest: CHINE oe finibene Re -- ----wnertrnernoems | EXErcycie in excellent condition, . $125.jable rates. 728-6315. " S0Automoblies for Sale sk for "Bile R 723-7521 R ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash.|SPECIALI two Lionel ~ electric trains,| Would make excellent. Christmas. present ea to ted. four cuteten oie, Tohono oes Sa haere i--Compact Cars for Sale Ask for "Bill" Homer RON 'BRIGHTLING lers, duplicaters, chequewriters, files,|Gouple track with trestles and switches on| Apply 648-2315 after § p.m. - 14--Business Opportunities|tign'" housenols "duties. tive-dey 'ween, WAITERS Tor cocktall Tounge, Telenhins t 728-5157 s, chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service 4, fl. by 8 ft. layout, Complete, Phone! ~ oo PP ny ROPE andl caaec Rbk eer TRSOT Trucks for Sale j 9AM 9 PM i W 4 Ys a Pee y sae 728-5331 INTERCOM sys sysiem, m, $10; gas eng'n.e;|-- ; -- " vicinity Burk and Quebec. 728-1804 after utormobiles Wanted t terms. d eee (MOE sirpl Lionel 'rain, s- SERVICE STATION and rage § T TENANCE MAN Yequired utomobile Repair Active Realty Lt. Ltd CITY TV TOWER, antennas, 'also repairs./used. Low, low price Hamilton, |STEP TABLES, walnut, one Boir, with|sorles, $900; hockey equipment," seding!Gusiness. In Bowmranvilie, excellent' worn) sores sce, HIGN MAINTENANCE MAN required pk sions _|Ai work g aranieed 511 Dean Avenue f shelt and glass tops, 25! inches hiqn $15 half-price. After 5, telephone 25-2438, tion. Well over 100,000 gallonage. For eres gla in fo AY eu Set ese, eee 1 eee. elephone 725- Lands " each, Teleph 7 3 --_-- = angst rae Sym a wilting %o take FIRST AND SECOND mortgage, Sale| ve --, ees jOIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, |C@Ch. Telephone 725-0653. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appii-j!Urtner_information telephone 423-5063. _|responsipility, Top. wages. Also. pariciCITY-WIDE COVERAGE and at iow cost 3 ering Suse json pines Rinna "cine -- id L on inno ene oe gh tes figure work, custom picture framing. UPRIGHT PIANO with bench, | dark "oak, ances. Big discounts without sacrificing|SHOE SHINE | STAND "with al equip- time heip weekends. Apply in person, he hy you ge? with Times Action Want . : 4 nemipaor 7 HS wines ¥ ong i Saolndoned Sebel biwnieeh-.<fibie. Leo Pickin © rs Ros elephone 7 "e--Not Gast, 723-7233. work euaranteed. $4a-4a9P) S28 arock North, Whitby. '. "pacrret "Viiraet Wasi eee : Neth -s eumena apate e eee hat - Nie seer aeeele

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