Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Dec 1965, p. 32

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: SSaWA TIMES, Tusstay, Cscomber 14,1965 on THE vrs 23--Real Estate Waniec smgencnagse ; oo oement for Kent elas ED "Toon 127---Rooms. for Rent Board if desir Warden Wilson, Whitby, 20---Automobiles For Sole 134--Automobiie Kepair 30" 'i "MORE 'CASH = FRED STONE LIGHT housekeeping room. "Suitable for Paid tor Good Cieari Cars. BROOKLIN Do .You Want It SOLD or just listed? Business is good. We are just about out of listings. If you have o home to sell in Osh- awa, Whitby, Ajox, Bay Ridges, Pickering. PLEASE CALL GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-4645 SSSSS3 5855595 PUT A TIGER NOW RENTING ! The NONQUON TOWERS 1, 2 and 3 Bedroom Suites Including . .. * 100% Fireproofing * Solid Soundproofing Generous Closet Space girl, Close to hospital. Phone 723-0734. | Trade up or down, Liens paid. Phone 655-3653 FURNISHED room for rent, second floor. DODD MOTOR SALES @ Motor Rebuilding i ee to Shoppi 2 Cenire. Telephone. 7233822, :§ oo 314 PARK RD. SOUTH e Sab toes gage ; CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Partly fur- 723-9421 s oe ° )_Crankshoft & Valve Service MOTOR SALES LTD. nished, two-room apartment; also single room. Abstainers. Gentlemen preferred. Apply above address. ROOM to rent with use of modern kitch- 35--Lost and Found en, for nice clean gentleman. Apply 22! . ve Sanat ts -4870, Lost -- 1 --~ Boy's Timex watch, with pei i sion bracelet, at Whitby Santa aus Volkswagen Sales and Service Parade, Finder please call 668-2564. New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. 5. 723-3461 Open: Evenings Dovedale f Drive, Whitby, 668- LARGE room suitable for two. Central,| LOST -- Since November 30th white Per- sian Cat, 7 months old, wearing flea collar, Children's pet. Please telephone 725-0743. ae PO ee LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE PRIVATE BILLS Monday, the Seventeenth day of January next, will be the ight housekeeping. Telephone 728-6402. CARGE front bedroom for gentleman to share. $7. weekly, 2 blocks from north of hospital. Telephone 728-2758. CROMWELL AVENUE 476 -- Two fur- nished bedrooms with equipped kitchen | - to share. Apply above address. o "CHEVROLET ; station wagon, % "oylin- " "EAST, 23 -- Furnishea|der, radio. Metallic green, matching in- Se PT oscars isekaeoiiig privi-|terior. No down payment! Terms to suit! leges. Close to downtown, Apply after 4 gla X6535, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., tuk aa asa ns CHEVROLET imnptasfear aa In clean quiet home, a - Yr PURRIED RODE fn cone 89 Osh-|hardtop, 8 cylinder, -automatic, eawer awa Boulevard South or telephone 728- steering, brakes, radio, whitewall tires, 0236. discs, 5,000 miles, balance new car war- 'ee ---- ranty. 725-3870. FURNISHED BEDROO: irrudent Wary Of Winter . The Canadian Winter, among other disagreeable features, presents a four month period of hazardous motoring conditions during which the prudent motor- ist has to modify some of his driving habits if he would side- step the perils which are con- stantly present on snow-covered _|thoroughfares in a country with one automobile for each. three inhabitants, Dominion Automobile Associ- ation, whose interest in accident- free driving -on winter-glazed roads is understandable, through Mr. .W §. Chalmers, Manager, Members' Services Division of the Association, of- fers below a time-proven set of rules which will, if adhered to, help guide the motorist through the winter months without mis- hap. Check your own driving habits with the suggestions con- tained here, and if necessary, revise your methods to con- form. 1. Start Gently; To overcome rear wheel sloughing in snow, start, slowly, Second Gear, or even high gear, will frequently get a car moving, when the usual. low gear start only spins the wheels. 2. See and be seen: Don't drive with a befogged or snow-covered windshield and windows. Don't fi and snow. 5. Brake Before Turns: cipate a reduction in speed and let your engine help you brake for a turn. A fast, right-angle turn on snow can throw you out of control into an '"'about- tart ta' wall centil others see. vou, by turnin, on your headlights afternoon. even it it isn't te (3. Get The |Road: Check the braking effi- ciency of the existing road sur- face with a light test pressure on the brake. If you slide, re- duce speed accordingly. 4. Don't "Tailgate:""' The gen- erally accepted "car length for each 10 mph" doesn't apply at this time of year. It takes from 3 to 12 times the bare road factor to stop your car on ice Set up your follow- ng distance with this in mind. Anti- "in--- the "Peer. OF ace" skid! 6. "Pump" Brakes When Slow- tne fant MrassiirAs i. Garry Awng: Sole Traction | Makers: Always carry a shovel, - some sand, and tire chains (if you don't have snow tires) in your trunk. Try putting the sand lin cardboard milk containers for easy spreading under whec's, 8. Don't Take Your Car Muf- fler For Granted: A leaky muf- ° fler or exhaust pipe can spell . "curtains" for you under winter conditions, Have the boys at the filling station check these parts every time your car is on , the grease rack. 4 9. Don't Try To Push Your Stalled Car Out Of A Snow- jbank: Especially if you are over forty! A severe strain on a faulty heart can result from unaccustomed exertion pushing of a car out of a snowbank. "60 TRIUMPH TR3 sports car, red body, red bucket seats. Excellent condition. No down payment, Terms. Licence H40551. Gus Brown Motor: 568. '59 ANGLIA, idea home, + Apply Large Storage Lockers All Electric Heating Individual Heat Control Modern. Kitchens 2 Hi-Speed Elevators Privote Large Balconies gentieman only. Parking space. after 6 p.m, 574 Crerar Avenue. SINGLE ROOM for rent, new furniture, kitchen privileges. Single man only. 1216 a fame Brot 0S Sa eee -- dition. Terms available. Licence 107069. FURNISHED double rooms, oe Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 beds, for gentlemen, near sou eneral | ~~ ern a Motors, parking. Telephone 723-1748. | 83 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door "hard. a -- top, V-8, automatic, double power. Trade TWO SINGLE rooms. for rent. Gentleman considered. Terms available. Nothing adults preferred. $7.50 weekly. After 5)down. Licence 79550E, Gus Brown Motors p.m. Whitby 668-6449, | kt. 725-6568 FURNISHED bedroom in quiet com-|1963 CHEVY Il, dark bive, two - door, fortable home; Also small partly fur- F standard transmission, posi-traction, nished room, will rent combined or sep-|undercoated, very clean condition, one arate. Suit adult gentleman. Parking. owner. Call 728-4134 after 5.30. ; 1 ecti SBT a eo ve to south plant 728-3014. Inspection | usr SmLLI 1966 Mustang, 6 pind ~|automatic with radio. Best offer | PRIVATE FURNISHED room for woman, | $3,000. Paid $3,600. After p.m. what we want you to do! home privileges. After. 6 telephone 728. eae 8556 ia CHEVROLET imoale" oner Yi sich 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, power equip- ' WE RENT FURNISHED ROOM, near Dupiate, kit. |ped, four-door hardtop. Privately owned : chen privileges, girl or woman only. $8) Reasonable. Call after 5 p.m. Telephone 'SOLD OUT! !! ON PREMISES ONLY -- [fretPTetcpnone 29-1132. [728-190 |38--Coming Events _ ' y iy r LARGE spacious rooms, private entrance. |1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 automatic, |-- i oe rte agt Appl |Two minutes from north plant, Ladies|excellent condifion, $395. Phone 668-6077 Ee aoe ng oS pply at: jonly. Telephone 723-6583, _|i961 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe needs some B N G 0 TUES. DEC. 7:30 P.M. want it SOLD... call /s0uTH END -- Large, nicely, furnished |p body work. $400, Telephone 'efter 4 pi bedroom, priv. trance, parking facil-| 725-9231 OSHAWA REALTY 190 Nonquon Rd. bedroom, private en (East of Simcoe N.) 20 regular games $8 and $10 SHARE THE WEALTH es, sult two gentiemen. Aoply 73? Albert PONTIAC Pari : ses (BOND ST.) ys « eet at Annis or 723-2625 io ee Ba slenne coe vert ble, Vt 28 Bond W. 728-94 or call 723-8365 in apart| $150 JACKPOT 58 Nos. $20. CONSOLATION room, heat, light,| See! Save! Nothing down. Terms. Licence| shopping. FREE ADMISSION furnished or untur- Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. | DNIPRO HALL Main oT aon Street| 64 BUICK Skylark convertible, power! Corner Bloor and Edith lequipped, radio, bucket seats. Still under| --|warranty, $2,850 or best offer. Telephone; 39 EACH PERSON -- Rooms to share;| 723-4406. private rooms, $14 Also bacnelor SP8't: cians PAID OFFI We trade up, down.| mens ses --..-| Choose from over 60 cars. No downpay-| FURNISHED rooms, suitable for Tadies,|ments! Gus Brown Motors. Lid.,. 2227275 clas 18 North Apply 218 Dearborn ave, | 61 RAMBLER American convertible =| wh y power equipped, radio, low mileage. Ideal! TWO FURNISHED rooms with xitchen,|lady's car. $1,050 or best offer. Telephone| 'or tw et living people. Bloor-S mecoe | 72 23-4406. | ; 728-7443 a eRe | i dada |63_ PONTIAC convertible, V-8, auto-| |SINGLE ROOM, partly furnished, cen-|matic, power brakes, steering, red, black rally located Available immediateiy. ges No down payment. Terms to sult.} Tes ephone 668-286! jLicence H37825. Gus Brown Motors Ltd i - ----1725-6568 28--Room and Board |S) OLDSMOBILE Super Cinch, "packd. Mi FREE ADMISSION A SCOMMODATION for _male_boarders| |SNOW TIRES 14" - 15"; wheels $3 up B | N G @) walking distance to downtown; trally located; seven-day week. Tel€-)253 engine, new. Courtice Auto Wreckers, | 'frig. Telephone after 1 p.m., jz ---------- 723-5238. Nights 725-4404. | TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, main| ROOM AND BOARD in citar aoe packed, |1%65 IMPALA Super Sport 2-door hara| Wed Ni ht floor, suitable for couple. Lights, ay _o not 8 aN? before. el sy top, V-8, automatic, power equipned,| y g water included,' After 4.00 p.m., tele-| Five-day we |radio, whitewalls. Telephone 723-9144 arter | phone 725-7577 ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen,|6 p.m | ing ds, willing to share, lunches! | TWO-BEDROOM nae 2S . |1965 IMPALA, sedan, blue, low mileage, | Available February | ked. 7 days per week, ample Parking.) automatic, V-8, radio, Royal mas 12 years. Apply Park Plaza ly 237 Nassau Stree = eS other extras, excellent car, Telep 170 Park Road South, Apt COLBORNE ST. EAST 57, room and| 2437 phone 725-0460 board, gentleman, to share. Close to north i9¢3 BONTIAC convertible, buckel seats, THREE-ROOM apartment, one child wel-|General Motors and downtown APPIY! automatic 283, engine, power brakes, | come, private bath and entrance, $75.)259V8. | Power steering. Red with black Interior Telep! e 725-8486. ROOM AND BOARD in pr ivate home. | radio. Telephone 725-7959. DREW STREET, 74 single room, gentleman preferred. Seven|igs; PONTIAC, Good condition $70. Appiy| Bloor Street wes: 195,000 ft., . heated. Lift truck service. DOCK LEVELLER PHONE 728-1603 ' JANUARY Ist, '66 830 SQ. FT Suitable for variety office, ete (Corner ss ~ "asl £.) Bt NTED fo "yore oe rs, Oshawa or 46473, IN YOUR FUTURE LIST WITH US WE'LL MAKE A GR-R-R-EAT TEAM last day for depositing Pri- vate Bills with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. free of penalty. Monday, the Seventh day of February next, will be the last day for presenting Peti- tions for Privote Bills. Monday, the Fourteenth day of February next, will be the last day for introducing Pri- vate Bills. RODERICK LEWIS, QO.C., Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. December 9th, HERE'S WHERE TO FIND GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ! Aristmas i pss whet Ban 723-4651 Don STRADESKI REALTOR Bus Service Neor Shopping Ploza, Schools and Churches. 63 King St. West OSHAWA SSssSsssSsssss der, over call Seeing is believing .. .. that's ; $ S 3 $s $s $ S $ $ Ss S| Ss S$ S S S S S s 5 5 $ Ss $ 5 $ 5 5 5 Ss ; $ $ $ Toronto, 1965 ssekeeping 1 etc, lady or , vacant. 14th FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE NO MUSS, NO FUSS, DON'T CUSS, CALL US. ACTIVE, ; REALTY LTD. : 728-5 1 37 apartment building. All : ____..._|Ample parking. , Immediate REE-BEDROOM house, that meets| infant in arms welcome. Apply LA requirements. Must be near school | So pe ca and bus. Telephone 728-6650. |TWO'- BEDROOM apartmen Unfurnish-| led. Private bath, semi-private entra -- FOR YOUR HOME. Call Bill John-| Couple with one school-age child welcome. fton af 728-1066, Schofield-Aker Lid. {Call after § p.m., 723-1857 WHITBY -- Three. room apartment ;, Storage, OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE ly. Heat and hydro included. 924 Brock Street South. 668-2258 In Times Building * COZY FURNISHED bachelor apartment, 3! contoct: : T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES STORAGE SMALL APARTMENT, private entrance TO RENT -- COMMERCIAL LARGE one and two bedrooms, ment buliding, near schools and Telephone Ajax 942-0130 TWO- and three - bedroom apartment OT) Telephone SMITH BEVERAGES LIMITED Authorized Bottles for PEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD, GIFTS FOR THE 'PUT YOUR HOME HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Air- plane, Boat Kits. The Big- est Selection in town, POLLARD 92 Simcoe St. N., 723-9512 * FLYING TRAINING * PLEASURE FLIGHTS Government Approved School CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE J. V. Aviation LIMITED Oshawa Municipal Airport, 728-3191 ARTIST SUPPLIES Easels --- Oil Paint Sets -- Canvas Boards -- Mediums Books, etc. By Grum- bacher -- Reeves --- Wind- sor Newton. in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT !! *Christmas Trees * Lights * Decorations 2 LOCATIONS: J. A. --. & SONS 843 King eg 28-9429 AL PRESTON'S SUNOCO Simcoe St. North 5000 TREES ON LOT Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Also Spruce and Balsam 6 ft. - 7 ft. - 8 ft. DY od 8 Era 97¢- 1.50- 2.00 Sprayed any Color For Nominal Charge 88 hardtop, aviv radio, black body,| Licence 47442. Gus 725-6568. | and Crush International Limited 750 Farewell St., Oshawa Telephone 723-1011 Garage, SINGLE "ROOMS and board. Apply 25/9; --anoiia, top condition, two door sion Street. | Standars, $395. Telephone 668 6653 ROMAN CATHOLIC ARTICLES ETC. Lovely assortment of Ros- aries, crucifix and nativity sets PARKVIEW VARIETY STORE 98 Olive Ave., Mrs. V. Bachand: owner. Open till 105 00 p.m. 725-8232. GIT PROBLEMS SOLVED AT... HARRISON HARDWARE 337 Simcoe St. S. Telephone 723-4425 Gye © * * That Lasting Gift "A Gift Certificate" For A PORTRAIT IN OIL Sittings by appointment only, CLARK STUDIO 325 BROCK NORTH WHITBY -- 668-4497 soe GIVE * * *your Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa tay | Centre 25-1023 1120 aes St. N., 728-2361 Pick-Up and Delivery $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 52 ond 53 Eorly Bird Game 7:45 Jubilee Pavilion BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION Jackpots 52 and 56 Children under 16 not ollowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners ~ modern apartment No children under Apartments, B02 or The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride with MERCURY TAXI 725-477] 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi ot Edgar's Decor Centre 34 King St. W. 723-7351 INDIA HANDICRAFTS For your Christmas gift selections, may we suggest this year a. handcrafted gift from India. On display are brass and wood coffee tables, Rosewood and Ivory carvings, silver jewellery, silks, evening purses, vas- es, candleholders, rose bowls and many other beautiful and exclusive pieces. New location Solina Rd. S$. 1% miles south of N. 2 Highway. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 725- 2987 ELMER'S "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore" Got gift problems? Drop into-Elmer"s-Bargoin-House and see the large selection 6 months payments defer- of gift ideas for the whole red with up to 4 years to wre > | MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT | 1 Pity for "CORP. CANADA LTD. ELMER S © BICYCLES 36 oe Aare 690 Drake St., Oshowa BARGAIN HOUSE STORE HOURS: 725-9151 -- 725-6582 (New and Used) TRICYCLES After hours 725-3661 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sat. ICE SKATES (Sold and Exchanges) Closed all day Monday 253 BLOOR ST. E. three .| days | after -- Two Tinday week, | Matic, fully powered, inches packed. Willing ed Near Rossland-Simcoe. Telephone! 57 bred. trims. Termes L to share. 57 a: Brock Street East, 725-9843 Brown Motors Ltd.; 725-6 |1960 ENVOY, built-in motor, good run CLEAN, @ wee devs parking space, home| ning condition, clean car. Contact Jan's} es snag A ts rate. (corner Athol and Albert Street, perrerd: ee --<.|Oshawa) or phone 728-3601 before 6 5. il \19 ROOM AND BOARD for General Motors| fs CORVAIR Corsa, A-] workers. Home cooked meals. Park Road |Tel North area, Telephone 723-011 -|ROOM AND BOARD for one or two, pret es Abt germ, LE gas oo jerably General Motors workers, to share.|¢4 784° Sacrifice! Terms! Licence Some home privileges, Telephone 723-995. Cu Brown Motors Lid /28 ROOM AND BOARD, five days weekly, |;, parking facilities, Shift workers welcome i Me tcldiben pig Close to a General Motors, Tele-| matic. $carce model rie | Phone 7a} |Terms. Licence H48092 APARTMENT Newly decorated, re-l|ROOM AND BOARD "Central location to| Motors Ltd., 728-7375 frigerator, downtown location: Three|south end factories. 5-7 day week, lunches|; rooms and bath. Immediate possession. | packed, Telephone 723-4054 ae eae Parisienne, couple pester red. tele . ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen will-| white, TWO - BEDROOM apear tment, 19 to share, single beds, lunches packed,}cence H35631. ment building, refrigerat King areas. Telephone 728-| 728-7375 enol oA dots gh 692 ______ |"S9 PONTIAC Laurentian coach, tix, ay or aay 8 ' ys jmatic, radio, two-tone copper, ES asd REACT TD 29---Wanted To Rent Don't miss this perfect family car! $5 SINGLE, $7 aounie, datly, spec. weekly |cence 50367, Gus Brown Motors rates, Small apartments availaole, Board|UNFURNISHED two - bedroom ~apart-| 999-7375. i ; hot estaur-|mer young married couplej ib | Cc wth ni + sacs a aa aa Possession by Decem-|60 CHEVROLET station wagon, 6 cylin N Telephone 728-2036. der, radio, Metallic green, matching in- COZY smaii unturnished apartment, - lterlor. No downs payment! Terms to sultit room, kitchen, private bath and | Licence X6535. Gus Brown Motors Close to South General M 728-7375, {smoker only. Heat, water | | ss Iplied. Parking. $45. month 5 | rage "with lockable| ONE - BEDROOM apartment in triplex ALL CASH Whitby area. Call with study room. Available February 1 For lec nees supplied, electric heated. $10 : north-east Oshawa. Telephone ing couple or three individ ers, non-smokers. No children. possession TWO-BEDROOM aparim unfurnished. Up to th: come. Telephone Whitby 66 THREE-ROOM ment, unfurnished, 'condition, to. with options and extras for just $2, ephone 623-2724 - am id Immediate 300 | | | hard new, | - K74321,} self - contained apart | heated, stove and re frigerator optional, $70 monthly 20 Brock Street South, Whitby. Telephone two - door hardtop, | white, red interior, V-8 auto- Will accept trade. Gus Brown Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simcoe St. N., 723-1161 OPEN EVENINGS ~ A-Go-Go_ con-| fully power equipped. Yorkville! black top. Terms to su't you! t Gus Brown Motors Ltd., CHRISTMAS TREES. Sold by Pentecos- tal Church Youth. "Ist Class Scotch Pine, Free delivery, Whitby or Oshawa. Brock Street North, next to Canadian Tire. Cail jearly and reserve, 668-6772. CHRISTMAS SOCIAL BINGO ST. JOHN'S. HALL orner Simcoe and Bloor) | WEDNESDAY, December 15th At 8 p.m.. Everyone welcome, Lunch served 39--Notices ~ REWARD. a Any seeing or *knowing matic, sedan, with extras, metallic gree marauders maliciously {Driven only by retired owner. Phone| 1728-3917. ; damaged Blue Spruce tree on Ave.,Friday evening, please Write Box 11532, son and |CHOICE PRUNED Scotch and Spruce PING PONG TABLES |Christmas Trees, Seott's Farm. Harmony Ready to assemble |Road North, to the end of pavement, %" op Reg. Size jturn left, 3rd house, north side, $19.95 1Go four miles east of McCrae's Church MILLWORK AND }on Hwy. 115, near Pontypool. Austin Pat- BU | LDI NG SUPPLY bent Millbrook, Ontario. SCOTCH PINE -- sage 1 ied, 6 to 8 f " 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 | Retail or whol Will deliver. Call eat Ltd.,| store, A [CHRISTMAS TREES, SCOTCH PINE -- bed- | _ Ro *|30--Automobiles For Sale Non 65. WILDCAT, convertible, white, red }trim, black top. Fully powered. Corner'ng \lights, reverberator, Owner driven. Li jcence 46407) Brown Motors Ltd.,| 28-7375 | }1964 PONTIAC Gus | Jelinek, 728-1993, cars or trucks, We j down, Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITE f < ST. NORTH SCOTCH "PINE - A Tf pruned, e to ri feet. Retail or wholsesale. Wilt deliver. Call jMil Jelinkek, 728-1993. Manufactured in Oshawa ! POOL TABLES 11 models NO MONEY DOWN opted FOR RENT # and Golf Streei area. Tele-| 728-0194 leueNisHED apartment --lerat Motors plant. Suifabie jPhone 728-2061 'WO large shed Plenty cupboard space, Suitable for quie ne " who near south G NICELY PRUNED Spruce and Scotch [Pine. Ptantation a Free delivery, all Bloor E., 723-228 25--Houses_ | for r Rent TWO-BEDROOM house on large fenced lot i Whitby. Garage. $110 monthly. New oll) fUPnace, large basement. 725-6797. Vette immediately, A THREE-BEDROOM brick home, with! Avenve double garage on Hancock Road South, t toom ap $100. month. Available December _11.|MODERN two-bedroom ap Cail Leon Manitius, at Guide Realty, 723- Controlled di S21 or 728-7754. preferred ARM HOME, four bedrooms, Mariana Av Conveniences. barn, two acres, $1 rent i Stradeski Estate. Tele-| THREE ROOM apart Phone 723-4651. 3 [central location; heat & (OOM farm house, ail conveniences. | Avaitable now "Te + 80 monthly; also four room apart-|HosPITAL AREA, ment, farm house, all conveniences, $5: ined apartment, completely pily. _Tekeptone - OEE. in modern styling. Suit bus GENTRAL LOCATION Five-room|References _ required brick house. Business or retired couple, |immediately. Telephone $80. monthly. Please write Box 11430, | FOUR > ROOM aparim: Gshawa Times. ____ | room, kitchen with c "Two-bed-| ferred. Telephone 725-0349 NEW, ultra-modern two - ment, walk-in clothes heated. Adults only 2 Pickering. 942-2744 after 6 p.m | MODERN two-bedroom apartment, Rent} includes stove, refrigerator, heat, water! and drapes. Controlled doors and elev for. Adults preferred. Apply S dent, 321 Marland Avenue. Ph UNFURNISHED = four-room 107 Colborne Street, Whitby, ly. Available" immediately; trance, bathroom. Telephone ONE-BEDROOM apartment, refrigerator stove, heat, laundry facilities, broad parking. Couple preferred; $85 mo Available January 15 Apply 183 Art main floor Jones furn 31--Compact Cars For Sale KELLY DI USED CAR 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST A BY --- 668-5891 ught and sold ens paid off wie Zoltan, Nick and Dan's Oshawa Times Your Authorized Datsun voniversae" | Frozen' Vision "Repair ond Service, 'Cold Weather _/Road Hazard 160 Simcoe South ty 728-0051 '|32--Trucks for Sale aoe You have to see danger first OLET one ton stake, Excel |to avoid it, safety experts warn nt be F ok 5 tires, 6 x 9" body with o roees" pte'! Many motorists take unneces- tires, 6 x 9 body with 6 racks, Price| $400. Telephone Ajax 942-2495 j}sary risks during cold weather j1959 HALF-TON Volkswagen truck. Re. >| when they attempt to drive with-| never used. Needs Out adequate visibility. The ha- Best offer. Telephone yard of snow, ice or fog cover- --jing car windows can be strick- jen from the list of serious win- \ter driving dangers if you fol- low these few simple rules: --Clear all windows, - inside 'and out, before starting. A clean "Teg? {cloth and an ice seraping de- Talk "Cash" to the Wew jvice will help you to remove Cor Dealer and 'Save' jdirt or ice from the windows TED CAMPIN MOTORS {without scratching the glass. ps | 723 4494 Res. 725- 5574 | Pressure cans containing a de- "4 PONTIAC Custom sports, bucket seats,/OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted PA lea chemical are handy ang SELF-CONTAINED three and hell raom| floor consul, radio, power _ steering wrecking, |safe when used according to Tires and parts for sale, apartment, heated, centrally' located.(brakes, heavy duty suspension, many|1178 Nelson' Street, 'Telephone 795-2147 |directions. Available January Apply Black's /@xiras. Must be seen and' driven. 723-1239 ; ESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wa | --Chec » Ladies' Wear, from 9 to p.m | USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make|cars for wrecking. Highest ppd wan | heck windshield wiper ~ [irailers, also used tires 509 Bloor Streeti200 Wentworth East, 725-1181 'blades and windshield washers ast, after 4.-723-228 -- i : -- ao WANTED -- Cars for wreckings and make sure winter solvent 60 CHEVROLET station wagon, perfect! phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols. is in the jar to prevent freezing. mechanically, 6 cylinder, standard, radio. Alwe a , nS f t down payment. Trade considered SHAW" AUTO" WRECKING CO. Cars) --Always use wipers, defrost- available, Licence X6535. Gus|Dought, parts for sale. Iron and metalsiers and headlights when driv- ng in bad weather. Visibility is Motors Ltd., 725-6568, {bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311, VR j OSHAWA AUTO PARTS-- Wanted 7 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, absolute. "or sae Sharply curtailed in fog, rain or snow and all available equip- ¥ perfect condition, New motor, $goo|for 'Wrecking. Tires and parts for sale cash or terms. Licence 523529. Gus Brown|1!175 Nelson Street, Telephone 725-2162, ; ment should be used for maxi- .}/mum protection. by the week, Motors Ltd., 725-6568 sedan, 6 cylinder, stand --Be sure to open a window WHITBY HOTEL 1988 METEOR : rd, Ne int job, radi Whitby 668-2337 _|2"@-,New,paint Job, radio an rer spear : or vent to allow air to circulate inside. This will prevent misting or best offer, Telephone 728-8612. of windows. It is also suggested that you jtake time before beginning to drive to allow the heater- and defroster to reach efficient oper- ating temperatures even if win- }dows are clear. Failure to have idefrosters working properly may result in ice blindness. Use fans to expedite cleaning of windows if necessary. Win- dows can fog and freeze. from | GENERAL TIRE SERVICE the moisture created by the 534 RITSON RD. S ae of passengers. This - 90 £" dition may appear in seconds 728-622) blinding a. motorist: in heavy ed or at high speeds. It can be avoided if defrosters are put- ting out engine-warméed air, and tor , modern dent, 2,000 or | 4368 drapes. Adults 321 Real MAKE IT "A TRAILER CHRISTMAS" Give Trailer Accessories. Miller Trailers AJAX 942-3491 s top top qual HOCKEY EQUIPMENT TOYS, ete. YCLE ENTRE 204 Bond E., 725-6344 Layaway Now ! self-con-| furnished three-room s Bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322 'ha * VOLVO & PEUGOT * MERC BENZ Gene epair and Jake and Bill's Garage Auto-Electric Ser 449 B tson Rd. South vawa 728-0921 1965 CHEVELLE Super red with b ack leather stick shift, 230 en Phone Newcastle 987-4853 after 6.30 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. "0 @ ote Boy CHAIRS FOR CHRISTMAS * High Back Swivel Rockers .... $22.95 723-7500 private bath-| th Aduits pre ary yas | ng house. Telephone Ton 3050. BROOM house, on Simcoe Street bh T y |conditioned motor {some adjustment. | 668-5271 Whitby. BABY BUDGIES -- Something the fam jily will love. Assorted species, colors, |Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin East, 723-9767. EATON GIFT CERTIFICATES Solve Gift Problems Easily efficiently and pleasingly for everyone on your Christmas Shopping List ! bedroom C Bi Avenue |33--Automobiles | Wanted -- CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? ENJOY LIFE in GOOD HEALTH SUNSHINE SHOP 24 Prince St. 725-2241 QWuice extractors, health appliances, etc.) %6--Apartments For Rent * Platform Rockers $39.95 * All Vinyl Recliner Chair ... $68.00 WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 "Planning to move ee "MALA GLEN "COURT - we - vice Sell your used car to private : 942-5223 * Sport, nterlor, No. problem Sove -- Walk to Work Only 5 min. from South General Motors ® Immediate occupancy @ |, 2 arid 3 bedroom apartments @ 2 bathrooms in all 2 and 3 & bedroom suites @ FM music © @ Intercom controlled @ Mail " delivered to your door @ 2 » elevotors @ Large balconies -- CAPONS -- -- TURKEYS -- Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG Rossland Rd. West Oshawa 725-6837 27--Rooms for Rent ROOMS "Tele CHRISTMAS SALE ! Brand new, beautifully designed HAND-WOVEN RUGS Size 9' x 12', 1 inch thick. Made in India from the best quality wool, Originally priced at $825. NOW .ONLY $625. each. TELEPHONE 725-8963 anytime " ™ Rental Representative on ditty Daily 1-9 p.m. at apartment 835 Oxford St. PHONE "728-9468. or 728-9466 "Oshawa Realty (Bond: St.) Ltd After Hours 723-6255 LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS 34--Automobile_ 'Repair The gift that lets 'them' choose is always o welcome gift ! Beautifully packaged in Christmas cylinders if value is over $5.00... Starchief, power steer: » two-door hardtop, elec aiso two 950 x 14 fires. SEASON SPECIAL AT GENERAL-TIRE @ Complete 7--point-minor i 11958 PONTIAC § ATTRACTIVELY ng, power brakes FURNISHED ROOM __|irle fuel pure Available in . private "home: F = ¢ 962 PONTIAC Bonneville, 389 i Call between 5 and 7 p.m neh, V-6 fi alle poner alee 82 PARK RD..N, [eter Sern cerca wer mmce| «tune up ow mileage, a 12 4 owner. A-] condition. Telephone 725 Reg, $12 728-867 | wh plus part PONTIAC sedan, standard 6 push} @ Wheel alignment rad Id by December] Telephone 725-9345 $10 only $7.95, Easy credit terms ovoilablet See your service specialist festive envelopes for smaller amounts, "after F BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V,-Towers $50. Up. OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY LTD. Taunton Rd. East 728-8180 BILL LEASK Available in denominations of . . .25, .50, 1.00 2.00, 5.00, 10.00, 25.00, 50.00 and 100.00 ORDER FOWL NOW! 723-4722 LITZ PROCESSING PLANT For Banquets - Bowling Alleys. Special Rates. 117 BLOOR ST. EAST OSHAWA oles Seatepinscii |HEALTH FOOD for health's sakel |Natural. Vitamin: Mineral Sunshine Shop. 24 Prince Strect, Oshawa i 50 only $7.50 {TWO single rooms, furnished. App! | Court Street, Oshawa. Teleph one PRs "A athe |FURNISHED ROOM for v7, yer 1256 Celina Street 11962 PONTIAC TLaurentian, 6 cylinder. ON furnished bedroom in private home, | automat C, fowr door, Diplomat bive with | good locality, § minutes walk to bus, park.|™4'ching Interior, low: mileage, one jira Telephone 71% 8706 or 72 best cash offer. Telephone 7%5-| |ONE furnished bedroom ir | Centrally located 1302 Kingsdale Aven Be Reg ---- appointment single. ---- Front Office Space 18 SIMCOE ST; NORTH ~, Engel Building apply 'Top Town Tailors' 18. Simcoe N. (downstairs) 725-0632 OR Toronto Collect RU 2-4922 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTS OFFICE HONE 725-7373 Smart Business People Sing the' Praises of Oshawa Action Ads lowner, 4497. '64 OLDSMOBILE 380. quiet home: | Avaliable: now Apply Jet $2,49 four-speed. | Star, fidsay 'es ENB 24-6870 betw rn - " xi 2. mblor,.power » al adie, coltcawey ring wheel. Excel-/ TRANSMISSION specialists lent gondition, Low por Extra snow/sions are our only business. tires, 668-2524 after 7, North, Phone 738-7339, | Very central. 728-0130 raffic ROOMS for rent in clean modern nome, 'eantrally located. Telephone 723-0655, 1038 'Simeoe| }

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