SIM Prot éin, Patience, Exercise Are Face-Saving Meastires By IDEA JEAN KAIN "Please give us sdmé éncour- agément 6n face-saving. I can- not get down to the weight my doctor récommended for me Without looking simply frightful. My facé is the first place I lose and it is already too thin. How about somé isométri¢ exercises, especially for.around the mouth?' Numerous dieters make this request, so here are face-saving measures: Protéin, patience and éxercise. The secret is to losé inches fast, lose pounds slowly. Book entitled Old Age, Its Causé| and Prevention, recommended this facial toner: Insert a finger at éach corner of your mouth.) Alternatély pull and release, re-|can be done without going into sistinig with the lips as you pull|major expense. Additional cabi- strongly with fingers. Do this/nets, for instance, what a dif- twice daily, five timés at each! ference these make. session. "This exercise will speedily|that fit under the wash hasin. strengthen the encircling mouth| since many muscles. Any drooping or sag-| ' ie giness will disappear,' he did at 50. | Diéters, when your face is!basin for convenience. inclined to be thin, on first re- ducing it may appear depleted. | cabinet space, consider the con- Once you.yenience of a built-in laundry have established your weight at hamper. Pull the knob and it This will not last. : prom-| mop ised. In his pictures, Mr. Ben-|washing the floor -- and they nétt lookéd younger at 70 than! allow foot-room which makes it a new, lower level, your system adjusts to the change and your face fills out again. the bathroom and have it look-|them around on the floor and a 'Bus Suen. Unpa. ib. Divses, vaca: flush. with the other cabinets. | This one is @asy to inswwii. and joc sucn am Spry en age tei i \taitly help to indace the family By ELEARNOR ROSS to put dirty towels where they Let's get busy and pretty up|peloig -- instead of strewhig| ing its best for guésts. | Of .course a major alteration or a big remodelling job would) be too late now, if you Wwarited| it in time for the holidays. However, there is much that fixtures. Another suggestion is to put up one of those high-low mir- rors which serve as a door for the medicine cabinet. The mir- ror ridés up and down on its| special mechanism, with onily | finger-tip pressure. This one jshould encourage the small |members of the houséhold to} ac better grooming habits, | since they can get a better look! any clear the floor by)in the mirror. pp gl basis ak psc std Then theré até fine wall héat- | ers that are designed not only) \to shed cozy warmth: but are | \also prepared to sérve as dry-| ers for towels and wash-basin | laundry. One of these is an all-| radiant glass panel electric! heater that adds beauty to the | bathroom. Consider installing cabinets possible to stand close to the While thinking in terms of s for the shower be pre- au that water COMeS Gui ai tae Seance SOMPSIalure (or mane that shower a real delight. ) ¢ any. Also remember the Safety | these but these nee and convenience of a handle-|items do add up to a lot of grip for the shower wall as well| comfort and make *hings éasier as a grab-bar for. tub-users.|and more pleasant for the fam- These items really should belily and house guests. : DAVIDSON SHOES -- IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN. WEEK DAYS 'til 9 They Had Me Crying The men from Ross Mills comé in and gently rémoved the rugs from the floor. It wasn't the mén's fault, | thought our rugs had goné for good, so | cried like a baby. But was | éver glad later! They brought our rugs back l6oking so fresh, clean and room. brightening right | literally pranced with joy. Wheré Rad they gone? To the famous Baker ~-- plant for théir annual cleaning. You try Baker Cléaning "Free Pick-Up and Délivéry" ek mas Orange Parfait, gar- nished with orange 6eg- ments. today, you'll see what | mean. } } = | | * | ~ "JUST ONE GALL DOES THEM ALL" = "Over 80 Years Experience" For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local BAKE Cleaning Co. SNOW BOOTS SHOES SLIPPERS @ DON'T KNOW THE SIZE? -- GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE AND BE SURE! APIO DAVIDSON SHOE STORE Nn, agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. PHONE 728-6218 ' Both these desserts are easy té make, and both lend a festive) ir to holiday meals, particu-|! ldrly the candie-lit. MIKAN YULE LOG 1 3. egEs | 80 SIMCOE NORTH it siti ... at Jury & Lovell CHRISTMAS & =TREASURES + 2 orange rind jing water. Add sherbet, a spoon- f. cup all-purpose flour jful at a time, and stir until | 43 1} teaspoons baking powder | blended. Fold in oranges. Spoon |#} % teaspoon salt jinto parfait or dessert glasses. | maa ground mace |Chill..If desired garnish with! ig: |whipped cream and mandarin |% 1 pkg. (regular size) caramel/ orange segments. Makes 6 serv- | # pudding and ple filling | Ings. 1 cup mandarin orange juice | 1 cup whipping cream Preheat oven to 400 degrees! GIFTS per ¥, Grease a 15 x 10 inch jelly! j roll. pan; line with wax paper) oe -- and grease the wax paper. Béat eggs until very light and - ; foamy; | idually bem in the Frém Black's .. . sugar and continue beating unt! thitk. Add and beat in orange Suits and Dresses juice, and mix in the orange Sportsweer rind. Evening Gowns Combine flour, baking, pow- Sweaters der, salt and mace; sift dry in- Biduses Costs and Jackets Slims and Suirts GIFT CERTIFICATES A Small Deposit Will Hold. BLACK"S Ladies' Weer Ltd. 72 Simcoe North To avoid a depleted look, bol- ster your daily diet with essen: tial nutrients. Often, at the start of a diet, the tissues aré in a shoddy state of repair and some shoring up is needed nutrition- wisé, You will find it rewarding to havé a complete protein food Daily walking and protective ach of the thrée daily meals. | nutrition will restore the bloom. An uninterrupted supply of bal-) omen anced -- acids Nawal SWING IN LATIN not just daily but with eac! ai "wader ment" pit | meas Been shen 10 De ot "aig rant a AT 35 ; real importance. Have a protec- ¥ iktain Yule Log, or Christ- } Windsor Rebekahs' tive pickup in the late afternoon |!@ted the Beatles songs I Want i | : |_<cheése, fruit or skim milk, | {0 Hold Your Hand and All My * . ao F | t 9) t 1 j Loving into Latin for .home-| Versatile Mandarin Oranges (10% TW MM®. |sctciare Tare, with boone) "Om. Now hey are to sing ( : | jlow-calorie fare _ wil jooster| <ongs; to an arrangement by} , " , . | Theta Rho Club nutrients In the form of He ya thé schoor's music master, on} > bh me . tein - minéral - vitamin suppie- aad | i ? ri a local télevision show -- in ; : estive ig 0 istmas WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Wind-| ment. To keep calories low, the| Latiti | sor's Rose of Aughrim: Réebekah| basis should be skim milk pow. 5 Ss Mc " Alread ding across thé)mové wax papér and beginning| Lodge 376 set a "first" for On-|der, fortified with replenishing Naat by epectat freight from|at a darree "iad roll, rolling|tario Saturday with the institu-jnutrients. Be content to reduce RECALLS EARLY COOK the West Coast are those de-|towel up in cake. Cool; mean-ition of Bluebird Club 1, Theta|at the leisurely rate of one-half; The bake-shop of Sally Lunn, lightful harbingers of the ooli-| time prepare filling. Unroll cake|Rho girls' club. pound a week, on 1,500 protec-|who invented Sally Lunn cakes day season: sweet, free-peeling,| and fill with about half of fill-) Fifteen girls between the "ve calories a day. more than 250 years ago, can juicy mandarin oranges. |ing; roll up again and frost top ages of 12 and 18 forméd thé|¢onEs SYSTEM still be seen at Bath, England. Climate and soil cofditions| and sides with remaining filling. first club. Exercisé plays @ beauty role, -} ---- ------ é6ntribute much' to the flavor of Chill. Garnish with orange seg-' fnstitution of the new club for it stirs up circulation and PARENTS all fruits, and only on the sunny) ments. was conducted by Mrs. Audrey|tones the whole system. In fact, H slopes of Mount Fuji do man-| At serving time press three} Whitehead, président of the'mild, regular exercisé is as § TYPeWriting is one of the most | darins seéém to attain the full Christmas candles in top of| Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, important as limiting calories. useful skills ény Student can peak of perfection. cake. Light candles. Makes 8 to|who came to Windsor from) Walking is a. splendid condi-|§ possess. Why not seé that your ff) "Equally at home in salads,/10 servings. Orillia for the occasion. tioner. Child is equipped fér the Fu- sauces and desserts, there is no| Filling -- Combine pudding) Mrs. Jéan Burch of St. Cath-| The best routine facial exer- Givé the Gast Chilitings Gite éfid to' the variety of ways injand pie filling and orange juice|arinés, past president of the|cisé is chewing. In each méal isha bien gf wit' which mandarin oranges can bein saucepan. Stir and cook over| Ontario Assembly, told the ban-|have some food which requires A ju ior T i served. In fact, their only fault| moderate heat until mixture/quet of the Theta Rho's '"hap-|thorough chewing. If back teeth fn yping igs that they aré available only/boils; cover and cool. Whip| pines through service' mottolare missing, have them re- Course at this time of year, so let's|cream and fold into cooled mix-|and aim of building character.|placed, for a full complement & tha pe them. while the season ture. |She hoped they would endeavor| of teeth supports the mouth and ts. 3 jt create within themselves ai jaw. Oshawa CHRISTMAS desire for community service. Sanford Bennett in an old i ORANGE PARFAIT | as -- : . Lida hte Business College pkg. (3 oz.) orange-flavored) rE 2 Bir ie Open to Pupils from jelly powder Pa Grades 6, 7 and 8 cup boiling water WEDN ES DAY Classes are held Saturday Mom- ff} pint orangé sherbet iB ings bigeye! yeor. At- il ( . . tend 9:00 to 10: or 10:30 8) Se cap eae suse, |? SUP atut Paronge) ' , eee pen | ¥% cup mandarin orange juice bos . _ COST IS ONLY ONE DOLLAR || teaspoons grated mandarin.| Dissolve jelly powder in boil- PER SATURDAY New Course ins | Saturday, Jan. 8, 1966 | SPECIAL Register Eorly ---. Enrolment | t Jury & Lovell in OSHAWA - WHITBY - BOWMANVILLE is Limited, Over 50_now in attendance. Oshawa Busines College 10 Simeone Street, North Dial 725-3375 31. Simece St. Downtown Oshawa S| Calling All Modern-Thinking Santas! For Christmas '65... dnd Years t6 Come .. . lnisist on ° COMFORT ° CONVENIENCE © CLEANLINESS with se Afiseé [ CAMERA KIT This fabulous offer GQ inéludes casé, bulbs, films, flash. Regular 16.95 What a gift! gredients, about 2 third at 4 NOW ONLY! time, over egg mixture, folding in gently after each addition: turn into prepared pan and spread evenly; bake in pre- heated oven for about 12 min- utes or until cake tests done; do not -overbake. Loosen edges and turn out at; once on a towel that has been sprinkled with icing sugar; re- <n Blue Grass Flower Mist (1. oz.) and four guest Soaps make a trecsured memento. Also Mémoire Chérie. $2.25 For A Complete Selection of Photo Gifts JURY & LOVELL PHOTO. DEPARTMENT PECERTILE ECOL EEE ! a Perfume Tree Ormoment glitters on the treé until it is presented to some lucky Iody. Inside she'll find a flacén of Blue Gress BIRKS ot Mémoire Chérie Perfume, $2.50 dB little treasures at little prices seoin the BIRKS BOX, The ONLY HEATING System GOOD enough for Modern Living ! AUTOMATIC Each room is individually thérmostaticdl- ly controlled #6 éach <én be set ot the desired temperature. No overheating in one spot . . . under héating in another room... , n® wested heat ! BEAUTY Electroheat units fit flush against the wall, or on the wall surfaces, to provide a clean, neat appearance to each room . ., they actually, and so neatly, become a part of the room decor, CLEANLINESS With Electroheat there Is no fuel dirt, handling or storage. No boilers or pipes. No basement actually néeded. More healthy heating. Electroheat does not affect humidity... . the Rind of heating your doctor recommends Blue Grass trio includes Hand Lotion, Travel Soap, cueing powder Puff-Pulf, $3.7 This Christmas, surprise your parents, relatives and friends with a gift from Birks. While we do offer the rare and beautiful -- and, Blue Grass Flower Mist with Special Atomizer, and Hand Lotion for pampered hands. CONVERT to Electroheat you can enjoy the comfort of elec- trie heat this winter season perhaps, costly in gifts -- we do have quite a variety of articles one BE MODERN LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY dollar and up. Even in these modeératély priced items, you will little .or no inter- ruption of your find the same valué. Do drop in to Bive Grass Dusting Powder and Hend Soaps. Also eyollable in June Geranium and Mémoire Chéries $5.25 our Oshawa storé and browse around 'INSTALL EXTRA COMFORT UNITS Electroheat units « con be Individu- sily placed in:-- :. . you will find many treasurés to suit any pocketbook. @ KITCHENS © REC. ROOMS @ PLAY ROOMS @ tCAUNDRY ROOMS @ BEDROOMS Almost anywhere re. added hegting is de- sired, JURY: LOVEL = ne sae od nelic Deparment TY WIDE FREE DELIVE 530 SIMCOE § OSHAWA "puone 725-354 4 rama' 28-9668 OWMANVILLE AND: \ BIRKS JEWELLERS 8 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-2245. 728-4611 56 PRINCE ST. -- OSHAWA Ss 6 ALSO-STORES IN B