Teenagers Boos UNICEF Appeal A $500 donation from the Get-, lege Hill, ye aggre mae id : Together Club and a $500 con-|Coronation, 00; Dr. C.. F. tribution made by students of|Cannon, $203.05; Dr. S. J, Phil- gee : oa OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1965 O'Neill Collegiate boosted Osh-|lips, $444.64, -- awa's 1965 UNICEF collection} Duke ef Edinburgh, $24.20; to $5,827. E. A. Lovell, $143.27; Gertrude oe j 4 e Mrs. D. K. Stiles, local com-|Colpus, $180.33; | Grandview, ; : ji : : mittee chairman for the United|$76.56; Harmony, $90.30; Hills- j : eo ey dale, $201.15; King Street Sen-| 7 3 SO ; : Nations International Children's Emergency Fand, said todaylior, $64.07. the sum marks a 40 percent in-|. Mary Street, $4.75; Maxwell ; ; , ' crease over last year's fund|Heights, $65.70; Queen Eliza- ; ies : : i drive; : beth, $44.77; Ridgeway Senior, 4 ; "This amount represents the|$101.09; Simcoe South, $117.36; s P n C Tm direct involvement of at least|Sunset Heights, $207.72; T. R. P ' g 7,000 collectors as well as the|McEwen Senior, $142.13; Vin- ' , : ; generosity of a large percent-|cent Massey, $146.29; West- aroma sade" Sparate Scots --Cors| Ee | : HOBBY SHOP SMASH, GRAB, | Pickering Police Stop Christi, $198.91; John F. Ken- GENEROUS EFFORT inedy, $72.63; St. Christopher's, i 4 | "The Oshawa UNICEF com-|$199.47; St. Francis, $55.30; St.| ga i ; 5 TRANSISTOR RADIOS GONE nd ' mittee is grateful to all those|Gertrude's, $52.92; - St. Greg.| , ee ee Fie f 2 ' atro Ing Ga 0a who demonstrated. concern forjory's, $60.; St. Hedwig's,| ae ¢ 4 A smash and grab raid at the Pollard's cage Pgh - the welfare of children of the|$101.89; St. Joseph's, $178.69; | B a . Simcoe st. n, netted thieves two small transistor radios early | . ; os ; world by contributing so gen-|St. Phillip's, $26.94; Sir Albert| Bis * : ' is this morning. : ee i pec or were |ditions were the worst I have erously of their time, effort and|Love, $45.12; St. Thomas! ba ; ' The raid was reported at 7 a.m. A north store window or tate ones as often as CRIS ONE eee coins." Aquinas, $148.34. ; ' : had been smashed. Value of the two radios has been estimated |8° ait , BCTapes in Oshawa) City police, he said, were Local residents still have time! Private School, Emmanuel, § we / ' at over $40. and district Saturday and Sun-'kept busy throughout the night to lend a hand to the work of}$142.25. y : re The radios were picked out of a window display day when streets and side-|investigating traffic accidents. NICEF as calendars and| High School, O'Neil CVI, j oe co - ; A walks were coated with alAlmost the whole force was reeting cards issued to raise|$500.; McLaughlin CVI, $78.35. 2a mi # pre cau common tied up. funds by the organization are| Others Master Ernie Tay- é f a j t : : Officials at Ontario Provincial still available. Mrs. Bruce Wil-|lor, $3.60; Shoppers at Oshawa } Z aes s a Abandoned Pooch ous Of the cones. we Picee headquarters Whitby, re- liams, greeting cards chairman,| Shopping Centre, $11.40; Junior , reo? il ". a warm air flow 5,000 feet/ ported today the force handled may be contacted at 728-1216, | Auxiliary, Christ Memorial ; Se i Cy above the ground that dropped|a rash of accidents in Ontario 4 list of the contributors to|Church, $1.22; Simcoe Hall am , : oes : . F rain into a layer of cold air,;County, but no injuries were the work of UNICEF follows: |Boys' Club, 37c. 4th Oshawa' 3m ! ' Be 4 : Reward Now $155 resulting in s 'general freeze-'reported. "Most accidents ghee Public Schools --Adelaide Mc-|Guide Company, $1.; North- ee 4 , i ' A Up. in the northern section of the Laughlin, $365.74; Albert Street, minster Sunday School Class, err ; : ; ee irer wea icted | C y g r ' ass ; wg 4 f il A $25 reward jumped to $155jreport about a dog being Jed) Fairer weather was predicted | County. $83.05; Cedardale, $20.40; Col-|$3.; Get Together Club, $500. : i the t ' ecasts a " : over the weekend in the week-|into the brush a week ago cl a er aig pay Bah gen 4 NOTHING SERIOUS ' . . ; * ' ; a. ' old case of a dog found lastiterday near 'Thickson.. ra. cloudy skies OPP spokesmen at. Bowman- 7 » ' ; . a Monday in thick. Whitby brush/Fifth Concession. ville, Ajax and Whitby report $ ace gains ime j ; , oe ; 4 after being tied to a clump of} Mr. Davidson says hag sound-| PATROLS ABANDONED no serious accidents, but a - x A 9 7 ¢ ate "95e | si a i | 4 - , y an 4a ees, 4 fallen trees for almost 24jest lead to date in the case is! 1 Pickering Township, things|they handled a flood of minor oe ! . "fd : hours. jthat a black and yellow three-| yore so bad that police patrols | mishaps. ie e* a ' H Al Davidson, district inspec-|quarter ton truck was seen|..., abandoned except for] Paani 0 Ins ] usiness Pe a ee Fe ' (a \tor for the Humane Society, said|stopped in the area where the), a fe eople on foot were going eS Ea he f today that the society's initialldog was found. apes ection sé 'tenia pivendheahnr Bag nt x 2 , " . s ' ; : award was hike' 30 by -| The inspector says that leay-|, "2urch-goers were reluctantiville to Ajax ani ospita City council is galloping down|the establishment of a full-| § 4 f ; "nl g tog -- at ogy ing a dog to die is "murder-|t® attend services yesterday|spokesmen say they treated 20 the home stretch in a race/time mayor for the city; ' Pe Paes ' s As Oshawa and Whitby after theyjous." He said there wasn't and abandoned cars were com-|or 30 people who broke bones race against time to finish out-| -- A labor council request that fee pas f ; read an ad in the Oshawalmuch logic in this particular|mon in hilly traffic areas and/in falls on the ice. standing business by the end of|the city establish a policy not ot . ¥ i S\Times Friday that offered the|case. 'The dog is nice and has side roads |; One example of the danger the year _ |to purchase goods from strike: 1 \ ; ; Z ' i : a good disposition," the inspec-| weirisirerie jthat was involved in walking is But there are several big}; P / ; e ; ; rewart ; ; . 46 ACCIDENTS | ; S ; : >i bound firms ) - 1 the .|tor said. He added that the dog Mrs. Lulu Hill, a 61-year-old hurdles which council may Or] 4 giscussion on Centennial 4 G ; ' ~ Mr. Davidson found the cross-| +' ain at the local animal}. During the 24 hours of freez-|registered nurse who is in bed may not be able to clear in Parkway is lkmty to be held ; ' 2 sssnkistl ede : bred male German Shepherd) yoier for about three more|i2s Tain, Oshawa police in-jat Oshawa General Hospital cong: Hyena during the) intil the negy year when final , ; ae ied by short rope to the clump|days and then it will he placed| vestigated some 46 car acci-\today recovering from a frac 8 a reports are received from en- : : am jof trees when he checked out alin a home. dents. Most were minor andjtured and dislocated shoulder, i ; sata cord Enea -|injuries were light. |Her condition is . satisfactery. f h ft . ws ee | gineering consultants Damas i r i f * s ni 7% : is ame | ill 4 of council traffic, works, fin and Smith Ltd | Most serious local traffic mis-|Mrs. Hill incurred the injuyies ance and parks, property - ; , wee } " ; . 46 . . * : pie : . : : sek Ae (Sree oes 3 E # 4 ' lhaps, both Saturday, involved|when she slipped yesterday = agalige dn reel nagar -- INAURGURAL MEETING , 3 : ' Shooting, Fishing Awards ja car that plunged off the side| morning on the doorstep of her mittees have meetings ached.|. Aftet next Monday's meeting, é ne as : "4 lof the Albert st. railway bridge|home, 185 Mary st. n., after sa nde? council is not scheduled to meet z OLE a. Pee cities : we a and landed upside down on ajreturning home fom _ night- led today again until Jan. 3, when the} r 7 . h H . M [road beneath and a chartered|shift at the hospital LAST MEETING 1966 inaugural meeting will be} LIGHTING UP LIBRARY 1g 1g t unters eet jbus that went into # spin and | ANY TREATED On Wednesday, council meets held The 13-member council! The Ageroid cusilon of When she climbed the lad managed to spare a smile rennet - ' -- wee | ki J . t t dag committee and next Mon- = pa oieng a "gerd vain the) decorating Christmas trees der Saturday with the first for the camera 'before settl- New executive members of Art Walroth of Lindsay, a dis-\Ng oNE HURT Pia Hesniial sok, oe geen sgh = pate pe ome cay pesca some! is back again. And 18-year- batch of ornaments for the ing down to her chore. The |the Newcastle Sportsmen's Clubjtrict forester for the Depart-| noone was hurt in either|15 others Oshawa people were the gular council meeting of ee old Janice Tierney knows tree Miss Tierney said: "It tree, expected to be fully jof Oshawa were welcomed bY| ment of Lands and Forests. | accident although the car was|treated for minor injuries re- eget Before the inaugural, how-| it. She's got her hands full will take_the weekend to do lighted by today, is in the |club members Saturday at tne : jae * | The hurdles will probablyjever, and possibly between) with a 10-foot pine at Mc this job." But even 80, Miss main hall of the library lannual banquet held at. the/During his address he con-jso heavily damaged that its|ceived in falls. 4 ' face council at Wednesday's|Boxing Day and New Year's Laughlin Publie Library. Tierney, a student page, --Oshawa Times Photo |Hotel Genosha peg pees! pene of _ t -- orig J be -- On the agenda are such matters|Day, council will probably meet ------ ~ ------$--____-- sdward Powell is the new/vation work accomplished dur- st. had to crawl out 20m Unter srUCNS ee ee roe ear as: in caucus to elect, by secret Edwar well rfloniaas the wreck. He had a scratched/day afternoon to Sanday night, 3 president replacing Stanley/ing the past year. |spreading traction pads of salt igratulated the club for conser- -- the proposed $1.7 million| ballot, bers of th ; F ; | arm. ' eivic ane ype ba pro- evar ay sot Po ped inn, OUuUT- nt n Hockett, who continues in office A special guest at the din-| Oshawa Chief of Police, Herb-|and sand over hazardous side > posal; and also to appoint representa-| ee Biapaicbers cache Donald |2er was William McKernon of|ert Flintoff, said today: "'Con-i walks and roads. -- 'An Oshawa and District|tives to a variety of city groups | |Gravenhurst, chairman of Zone} . A dbs ? Douglas, treasurer. *% fed Labor Council resolution urging and organizations. A highlight of the evening was Five, Ontario Federation of| ' | the presentation of trophies and] Anglers and Hunters. | . 400 Feet From Proposal Comes Under Scrutiny #2227" le op verseas hurch Job "The Art Hockett trophy for the . ee st sh went) | 'vest, specimen game 'eh vert! Art Banking | You're Told Of Hearing Goes ne E Cit Mi £ t The possible formation of ay Mr, Branch said Ontario hasjawa; Walter Beath, Eas tiof a eight and three-quarter 0 X- ] y 1nis er | four-county Regional Develop-|been divided into 10 develop-|Whitby Township; George ,Loft- pound brown trout Being Mixed | A 100 foot extension of the] Public hearings before the jment Association, including On-|ment regions and nine associa-j|house, Whitby Township, and} - 5 | ificati ic} ci tario County, will be consider-jtions have been activated. | Reeve Ross Murrison, Picker- MUSKY WINS fase nage gee nd ye! Lees Pogo Fi pcg - ed Wednesday at a meeting in|Money raised by associations|ing Village he Annual Competition! ny bby , [ROACHES On: See oe cua eA bite - Wee i 2 E y as g Elio » Jack Parker| 2U¢ lobby of the Central On-|tions was revealed Friday. portunity to state their reasons appointed director of Christian|~ Oshawa from member municipalities) Mr.-Branch said the Wednes-|trophy was won by Jac oe itario Trust and Savings corpo-| All property owners 400 feetifor approving or opposing @ education for the Presbyterian| Newmarket Peter Branch, regional de-land other groups is matchediday morning meeting at the|With his catch of a 10 and-a-|'@™ ye ; sg pia \trom land being considered for|change in land use. Church of New Zealand. Mr, White expects to take up Velopment officer with the de-idollar for dollar by the prov-|Chamber of Commerce office in half pound muskellunge. Steve|ration on Simcoe st. n. is doubl- Fexoning will be nodfied ef any : '4 a é . ae |his appointment in New Zea-| partment 0 economics and iince the city, is being held to con-| Russe won the r Yjing as an art gallery as a ae od For the past four years he PI Zea-| part f 1] g guano "Won te eet eit pe ap |hearings held by city planning! "14: has been field secretary for the|!and by May riext year. He will|@evelopment, said today he is| ANOTHER MEETING sider future action. He said the | with _ at ak pony Paintings and works of art|board or.the Ontario Municipal New Buildin . ; , . eo wi » |arranging t e€ witl , 2 2e] or 2 ste nbow trout, / ree . z . " a : beard_of Christian education of|leave Canada with his wife,|atranging the meeting with) Members of the steering com-jnext step by the committee| aul of ra pound smali/by Oshawa and district artists|Board. Previously, notifications g the United Church "of C 'Shiela.--andtheir--three~chil-;members of an ion| mittee include Ald. Aalice Rear-| might be to hold another county|and _ 8-quarter "9 5 Y ch "of Canada in it | th bass won the angler's|will be on view in the lobby|"ave been sent only to those Peterborough: ~ _d dren. lsteering committe ablished|don and James" Ves f Osh-l wide meeting mou * |persons within 300 feet. Ki it Mr. White was. born in Osh-| In both Australia and New during a county meeting inj ee ------|trophy for Peter-Golisch from_now_on. Some of the works |G A. Wandless, city planning Ingsway 1 e oo a cine up in|Zealand the' church is prepar-2UD> 1964 . i 7 b ak ---- _ oo araDiot the--Kendall.artist Richard director, said the -- muntelpal/ Ki be page Scotland. He was ordained -ajing new curricula and part of NOTHING DONE H orous ule Yo r rophy senior © rifle ; 4 board order {extend the--no- ingsway College students A . NG DONI ' pean st mes -| Morton are now on view board order 10 exteniu tis ne hi : r minister of the Church of Scot-jhis work will be to help pre- gr : thank by 9 am trophy was taken by Randy : ie H eee ._|tification area was received|have moved into a new $200,000 land in 1953 and returned to|pare and introduce the new cur e said nothing has been doné Carroll. The junior rifle trophy) The paintings depict views in| received Friday. plus, 10-classroom science build- Canada in the following year. jriculum in New Zealand nie oe oe vices Sig Aor F 0 h ! Old F lk |was won by Arlene Doidge the Haliburton Highlands, show-| The OMB 'had required that |ing on the King. st. e., cam- semaine --| pe ES easier Michael] Oulette was the Win-|jing autumn and winter Jand-| notifications be sent to property| PUS. ton, Peel and York Counties or S. aWa $ 0 ner of the junior. fishing trophy | capes owners within 300 feet and the| Percy Manue, college presi- . " . Local Militiamen : Battle joining together to form an with his seven pound pike while city board followed the same dent, said today the new build- arporayon has been revived Oh to be at Hilisdale Manor,jauditorium. About 36 Manor|the junior open fishing trophy! The management of the trust) procedure, jing increases the total number ut, it is entirely up to the now that Ohristmas is here. | diabetics were there |was awarded to nine-year-oldicompany in a press release,| The city board, however, last/0f classrooms on campus to 23. | pre e : . s|A large library and facllities for . . e 'wager x local people whether or not an : | ; 4 j : 0 Cold, Ice During Exercise association is formed," said Mr Despite the lack of snow,| Carols. are big this week, | Heather Vaillancourt (for her! cays it is throwing open its| month decided that in situation ; Branch these elderly residents have al-|Following tonight's concert are| atch of a six pound pike. doors to art lovers as a public] Where apartment buildings over|@n industrail arts course are 4 i r: seven storeys were proposed for|also located on campus. A battle with the elements was; Sgi. Cottrell stated that the a valbi ¢ neennk tends avin sayy visits by the 25 re y.| Mr.-Parker was also awarded " all part of the course for a con-|team was on duty for 18 hours die anise snei cig oattors 4 oo a ies oh ibe Patteconal Young the club's most active member|S€rviCe. land gvhich would have to be} The college now has 500 stu- tingent of Ontario Regimentjeach day on Saturday and Sun-! ang make Sanavisedndations to round of festive - time partie People's Singing Group (both | trophy for his outstanding) The lobby is open six days aj rezoned, that notifications would|dents, including 350 above the personnel when they attended a;day. The temperature hovered eri i mibiicipalities and 'the It is a schedule to make a) ig norroy night) and a visit|¢fforst in the group's activities.| week from 9 a.m. to 6 pm ibe sent to everyone within 400\elementary (grades one to two-day field exercise at Campjaround zero degrees and never} province. Associations also are|Y°UNSer Person wince. by the Kinsman Club's Santa/The outgoing president, SEE us ";, |feet. The city board changed its|eight) level. : 5s Eo é , : ae Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to) nolioy because of the greater} Mr. Manuel said the colleges Gagetown, New Brunswick. over rose above 10. degrees, he said.|; re » But Manor superintend W aus |Hockett, made the presenta- . «linvolved ir things ur- I perintendent W.) Claus a , D) eo ' : : the weekend, The party flew back to Downs- res bea nae § tour itions. The new executive was|9 P-m., Friday and 9 a.m. to 5leffect high-rise buildings havejhas no immediate plans for Douglas Johns points out that) santa © , ition an th ss a eine E omes Wednesday ' i : : i The 16-strong , headed view Sunday but were unable|-- the singing, entertainment and|,icht. He will distribute gifts 1,/introduced by the guest speaker|p.m., Saturday. on surrounding property. ifurther classroom construction. by Lieutenent Fatrick Dooley, to land because of the ice coat- fellowship. provided by city | the bed and special care sec-| practiced tank warfare tactics\ing left by Saturday night's UAW S groups is there if the residents, oe h ore on a course led by the Royal storm. The' RCAF plane then upport want to take advantage of it. hee ct angry pnd out sn from | Canadian Dragoons flew to London, Ont., and the And take advantage they do MS DACK tn the auchorom. Sherman tanks were used injcontingent returned to Oshawa Pl d d I This Thursday night the Pilot) the exerices, he said by bus e g nN #6 AT CHRISTMAS Club, which sponsors the Golden} f | e "We have about 265 persons ia ipetings at Simcoe Hall, | here now and only about 60 of| will drive members to the an- ' K-Mart Issue \them go home at Christmas,"/nual Christmas party. Club 'he* support. of Onhawa's Mr. Johns said today members also serve a lunch, largest union local was pledged Of course, some of them are) Saturday _ Salvation Army Ito' members of Local 414, Re confined to bed and could not|members srill hand out gifts to ltail, Wholesate and Department| ™4ke such a trip. And the rela-)residents and Sunday afternoon | Union, Sunday; minutes| tives of others are too far away.|St, Gregory's Junior Choir will! they voted to strike at) "'But there is so much for/stroll through the Manor sing- the K-Mart «store if contract|the majority to do they stay/ing carols negotiations fail. iright close to home. And why) The week before Christmas is The unanimous strike yote|not?" he asks lalso filled with parties was recorded at a membership; "There's great excitement) ae ae - meeting held at the Unitedihere and Christmas Day is A iceedinn teen Ga tee oe Auto Workers hall on Bond st.}madhouse. What with visitors,} sat gainer Xm ' sale . Th Douglas Sutton, first vice-pres-|relatives and grandchildren, Ace after it be tik St Gan * ae ident of Local 222, UAW pledged'there's hardly a moment to Anti Cc} >. porae ¢ ithe support of his union local catch your breath.' Rgitan Chiieth Boys) Cua, He said that a co-ordinating) Ten parties, includin to-, FUN, NONSENSE committee will be established/night's carols and campfire} [Three nichts hefore ? 7 to work with the K-Mart union|service presented by the Osh-| the es ee ee negotiators if it is necessary to|awa 6th B Guide Company, are) supper and put On a mane for |Strike "to get a first settlement) scheduled up to Christmas Day./the residents. There are gifts of the issues in dispute." Adn the Manor has three orj singing, entertainment. "and '< Norbert Robichaud, chairman} four wing-dings behind --it---al-ljot of fun ani-sitiinenee " adds }0Of the Local 414: negotiating! ready y Mr. Johns ; sommitice, outlined the course e ttend Gelden of negotiations jo the mén PL Age eeting Xmag.d ship and said thi 4 concilila-'ner at Hotel nosha a wee hye ape r has been appointed.|ago, courtesy of the Rotary|Sing carols: in the auditorium: "The company refuses to bar-|Ciub of Oshawa. | There are eigh . eae has : Find. : eae he 2 eight Christmas gain in good faith," said Mr.| The city's Legion Branci: (43) |trees inside the Manor.and an- z Robichaud. "It hides behind|brought films of Christmas" in : : 3 ey. a 2 2 ry Fy y 4 ' 4 ts x = inde dace enur = a"! of a 16-man team of government legislation and isjother lands on its monthly Oe ccna: Ela cncg ste = NEW CITY LEGION SITE oanea Cattrel! taka a boawe eg al ew who stalling in providing the work-}last week. And last Thursday|qecorated by imaginative resi- for lanch Saturday during cise learning the Pera ers with a living wage and job/the Westmount United Church dents who make many of the It doesn't look like-much structure will be built on building. Included in the will be called when specifi- tached iditine "a ry pyle eng SF eon security enjoved ny thousands! Junior Choir sang carols in théltree bells themselves right now but the modern the Simcoe st. s., opposite new branch headquarters cation drawings are com- the Camp Gagetown. New The team had also' to ¢ P eettieuaat CL ee Manor i eames shen hee building for Branch 43, Roy- Mill st. Ample parking for pvill be an auditorium, club pleted by architects John Brunswick, training tend with Arct ane pide lanagement spokesmen were| Saturday afternoon the Osh- ss ipage se as been! al Canadian Legion, will rise visitors will be available on rooms, offices, a dining B. Parkin Associates of 'Tor- E Fi gga g pores vith Arctic-like winter ast available for comment this|awa Diabetic Association heldjcompleted and is set up in the} on the site shown above. the lot with entrance on Al- - room, and a steam bath. onto. ; Both ¥ em- tions. morning. ite annual Vole party in the|Manor's main hall. The $350,000 one - storsy bert st. at the rear of the Tenders for the building Oshawa Times Phota_ r A former Oshawa resident,; For a time he ministered at Rev. Duncan White, has been|singhampton, Ont., and later at 4am cs if t | On the following night the 20th} +, | Oshawa Pack Girl Guides | will|