nS & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 9, 1965 wes acer NEN HEAT WITH OIL DINRGH'S OIL .- 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER No Confidence |107: Welfare Recipients Motion Lost Renorted it Bowmanville Se eee Vv sueeees ¥ eae w BOWMANVILLE --:A motion af no eonfidence in the action of the arena board in award- ing the contract for a summer hockey school to Richard Gamble, of Oshawa, defeated by a 5 to 4 vote at a meeting of town council this week. The school was opened last Frenchman's Kay-Water Sewer Work Approved {QPOUGHAM -- third renin given, by Pickering Township Council Monday night, to a by- Total a month amounted to $4,772.19, but as recoveries from pis- vincial and federal subsidies and charge-backs will be $3,- 917.75 the actual cost to the town for November. will be only $854.44. 'was $155,750..The -money re- epived for "huiilding --'nermiis amounted to $356; and $102 was received for the.11 plumbing permits issued. Ther were 60 building inspec- tions in November, and li trench inspections. Building A resolution to ask the depart- ment of highways to subsidize a roads need study was passed unanimously. law providing for the installa- tion of water and sewer serv- ices at Frenchman's Bay. The work will commence in Janu- ary. : Deputy Reeve Mrs. Jean Mc- Pherson, who asked that the project. be included in the win- ter works program, recalled the bylaw had received Ontario Mu- nicipal Board approval. As a result of a large delega- tion requesting immediate ac- tion, Township Engineer P. Poulson was instructed to carry out the necessary ditching to al- leviate a serious drainage prob- lem in Pickering Beach. Rev. Charles Long said a low @pot on Maple ave., caused by the improving of many homes and bringing them to the stand- ard required by having septic tanks and permanent founda- tions had raised land levels and caused flooding. _ Mr. Long said the reeve and Councillor Wank ha" examined the situation and residents had been given to understand the matter would be looked into. He complained that fill had been dumped beside the fire hall in- stead of in the depressed and flooded streets. Deputy Reeve Mrs. McPher- gon had suggested that earth from nearby construction jobs should be dumped on a nearby swamp hole, and said that a major job was needed in the whole area. "But surely we could give Township Engineer Poulson recommended a roads needs study, a request for technical assistance and subsidization by the department of highways, and that Totten and Sims, consulting engineers, be engaged to handle it. Deputy Reeve McPherson op- to the 1966 council that Totten and Sims be engaged. She felt the firm was efficient but ex- pensive. : A resolution was passed last March to conduct such a study, but council awaited the comple- tion of the county road needs study. Councillor William Newman said that at the beginning of 1964 each councillor submitted the work they wished done in their ward. In 1965 a list was again drawn up. 'I must say," he said, 'that in 1965 Ward 2 did or very favorable consider- atidn."' He felt that since Totten and Sims had handled the county study they were familiar with the situation in the township, He said also the department of highways is demanding a new breakdown of programs before it would subsidize. He thought the road study a step forward. George Zeller, of Bay Ridges, was appointed bylaw enforce- ment officer for the township at a salary of $5,000 per annum. He will commence his duties Dec. 13. posed a motion to recommend) George Cawker, that since the tenders opened Mr. cided he would operate ate the school. summer by. Mr. Gamble and of Bowman- ville as a partnership. The partnership has since been dis- solved, As a result the arena board asked both men to tender for the undertaking next sum- mer. u Councillor Paul Chant, chair- man of the arena board, pointed out the letter sent by the board informed Mr. Gamble and Mr. Cawker that all other matters in the tender being equal, the preference would be given to the applicancy would guarantee the longest period of operation. Councillor Ken Hooper said were Cawker, had - de- the school for an extra two weeks with an additional payment of $1,200. He contended the board should have asked both appli- cants to state exactly how long they would be willing to oper- This was shown in the report on the Welfare Department for November, which was sub- mitted by R. J. Welsh, the Welfare Administrator, to Bow- manville Town Council at the meeting Tuesday evening. There were 107 recipents of welfare assistance during November. This total is made up of eight unemployed heads of families with 25 dependants, nine deserted cases with 32 dependants, 12 single persons, 10 patients in nursing homes, and 11 other people who re- ceived O.A.A. and 0.A.8. sup- plementary aid. The department's expendi- tures for November' were: direct welfare, $2,818.30; nurs- ing homes, $1,224.50; supple- mentary aid, $320; excess and medicines, $245.2" and indigent burials $264. During the month three new applications were filed. Two were accepted, and employment was procured for County on Lake Ontario, day night. George Warren, county con- Pollution Kills Lake Waterfowl KINGSTON (CP)--Oil pollu-| tion is killing waterfowl along| the shore of Prince Edward con- servation officers said Wednes- four applicants. Building Inspector Ronald Hetherington's report showed that during November 17 build- ing permits were issued, and the total cost of construction RAF PLANE CRASHES KINLOSS, Scotland (AP)--An RAF long-range Shackleton re- connaissance plane with seven crew members aboard crashed into the sea north of Scotland Wednesday. Wreckage was Inspector Hetherington made were 17 inquiries. investigations, and there 50. YEARS DON'T FORGET Che Rib Room Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL 3) THE GIFT HE OPENS FIRST will Come From 'KINLOCH'S 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Holiday MeNv -- at GLECOFF'S supermarket | OSHAWA @ OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. \GLECOFF'S @ FREE PARKING @ FREE DELIV FINER QUALITY OVER (WITH ORDER $10.00) @ GREATER SELECTION CALL 725-3445 SHOP BY PHONE AT GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET servation officer, reported find- ing 50 dead ducks and several seagulls and loons unable to fly because their feathers were CERTIFICATES 10 King St. West matted by oil. He and other officers were|Bay, 15 miles west of here, the |Seau sent to the area Wednesday tojofficers said. investigate a hunter's report) Mr. Warren said there has that he shot several birds cov-|been a marked increase in pol- ered with crude oil. lution during the last week, The pollution exists in the|while several ocean - going form of sheets of oil up to an|freighters awaited passage acre in size in marshes along |through the St. Lawrence Sea-| problem of sex education was|the shore eastward from Smith'way. much exaggerated and that to0| psecsecmasmenemmmnnanmmecentesnetiient much emphasis is being placed We Guarantee to FOOD CLUB on formal sex education. SAVE YOU 933 RITSON RD. 3. Since Christmas falls on Sat- urday this year, council passed a resolution to close the munici- pal offices Dec. 24, Dec. 27 and Dec. 31. | picked up, including an empty rubber dinghy, but there was no sign of survivors. ®ome temporary relief by lower- ing the culvert to take the water away, and suggesting to next year's council that they proceed with the major problem." Pickering Doctor Against School Sex Education DUNBARTON (Staff) -- A Pickering Village doctor spoke out against sex education in grade school at a meeting of the Dunbarton Home and School Association Tuesday night. Dr. J. M. Atkinson said she could not imagine handing over sex education to the primary school system, She said she felt gex education of children should not be left to the school teacher or older children but should be presented to the child by its parents in their own way. She said sex education should be presented in two terms -- one on how to protect chiidren from sex deviates and secondly to give them a healthy outlook bares : upbringing of children. She said Dr. Atkinson said a teacher|the problem of unwed mothers fs responsible for what he orjis such that every mother she teaches children regarding/should at some stage advise sex education and the teacher/their daughters but that this would not be backed by the/should be at a stage later than school board. She said this was| grade school. regrettable since some prob-| During a question and answer lems did come up at school but| period, the doctor said if the that it was impossible to set up|parents had a good relationship an educational program. with their child, at age three or Dr. Atkinson said she felt the|/four, there is a good chance the relationship would be good at 13 and 14 and at 23 and 24. Farm Executive', S°,:%3 21,2, =™", 0 On World Trip {able and parents should not be | Self conscious when telling their Port Perry -- Dr. D. J. Price, president of Peel's Poultry \children about the facts of life. Farm Limited, returned home recently from a 30 day round- the-world trip to nine countires. Dr. Price's first stop was Vancouver, B.C., where he ad- dressed . the British Columbia! Poultry Conference in Clover-| dale, B.C. From there Dr.| Price continued to Japan, Hong} Kong and Taiwan where Peel' Broiler Breeders are being used for the production of broil- | ers in these Asian countries. | Before returning home De. Price made three calls in the | Middle East and then con-| ferred with Peel's agents in Belgium, Portugal and Spain. Peel's Poultry Farm experi- ence indicates that frequent personal communication is the | most important part of success-| ful world-wide distribution. MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA me GIFT HMM KK HK HK HE Pre-Christmas Special bal BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE STARR i ATRY! A Favored Gift with Everyone -*. * She said unwanted pregnan- cies prould not be reduced by $100.00 @N YOUR ANNUAL FOOD €OST formal sex education and that PHONE 723-1163 THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF - sex education. CHURCH LOSING GRIP Dr. Atkinson told her pri- marily female audience the church is losing much of its grip on children with its rules of "don't" and telling children that sex was morally wrong did not help at all. She said a well adjusted fam- ily life is the answer to moral f hh Shop at Burn's for slippers in every style and colour. @ FOAMTREAD @ PACKARD @ OOMPHIES @ HABITANT BURNS SHOES SIMCOE AND KING ST. OSHAWA * From SMITHS SPORTS Git BOAT HARDWARE Kk kK KKK aKa KKK It's HEINTZMAN for ELECTROHOME ORGANS So easy to play... WRINGER WASHERS Priced From 129 PLUS FREE A CASE OF TIDE While Offer Lasts! GIFTS GALORE Refrigerators Electric Ranges Freezer Chests Furniture Bedding Dining Room Sets JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS FISHING RODS, REELS, OLD WORLD TRADITION LURES, ACCESSORIES SHOT GUNS, RIFLES HUNTING COATS. PANTS & ACCESSORIES Five Easy Ways ! A GOOD SELECTION OF USED OUTBOARD MOTORS Two manuals ond thir- teen note pedalboard provide big organ sound. Special music tells which notes to press which 'voice' tabs to push for best effect. NEW & USED BOATS Earphone jock for pri- Control tabs are up t vate listening, front for quick change without moving hands from the keys. These are only a few of the features you'll find in the new Electrohome Minuet. Come in for a free demonstration. Wheel-type controls produce vibrato, sus- tain and other special effects. 24-Dey Escorted Tour To By Air-Conditioned Motor Cooch Vacuum Cleaners Radios Television Sets Stereo Sets Automatic Dryers Small Appliances so little to pay ! No Night Trevel Jan, 22nd to Feb. 14th, 1966 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE @ BOX 631, Bowmanville Phone 623-3265 And look at the special CHRISTMAS OFFER FROM HEINTZMAN With each Electrohome Organ, get SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF Complete Music Library of 112 Pieces -- --worth $100! EXCLUSIVE 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE On Simplicity Dryers & Wringer Washers Olb> FOOD CLUB Drop in at Heinztzman's soon. See the wonderful new 1966 Electrohome Orgons for your home -- with an experienced Heintzman sales Discuss the best for you ---- HERE IS WHERE THE VALUES ARE- STARR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 491 Ritson South -- 723-3343 OPEN TO 9 P.M, FRIDAY -- IAC TERMS AVAILABLE OSHAWA: 165 SIMCOE STREET, SOUTH a 728-2921 MMM MM MR RK counsellor. He will be happy to help you. But drop in soon -- while you still have the best choice. Shop at Your Stripe Discount Store For Attrac- tive, Fragrant, Gifts For The Man or Woman Ing Your Life. 3 rs mplete Selections of Brand Name Toiletries, Cosmetics, Candy, and Chocolates, at Prices Designed for Gifting. Open For Your Shopping Convenience Thursday and Friday 'til 9 p.m. -- Saturday 'til 6 p.m. S T R Pp DISCOUNT STORES NEW SHOPPING HOURS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Tuesdoy - Wednesday and Thursday Evening 7 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Fri, + 1 p.m. 'til 9 pam. | Sat. 9 a.m, 'til 5 p.m. 24 SIMCOE ST. N. FORMERLY SABATS.