Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1965, p. 38

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~~" ae oS a eapereeenranstanteees =e sore pre tere tee i tevosemestris ' = a = | a4 =~ : - ees ss Thursday, December 9, 1965 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Tep record-holder in Masters' Individue!l Championship Pley) MOL A AL MSIROBNRL. 2% NEE-20NG. 9) PREAM |" CERTAINLY WAS & COINCIDENCE, WASN'T fT? RGER * BUZ SAWYER ) ait Sct ' North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. és iy @A53 e 9952 os4 . s Th &AKI109 'om omsen 'WEST EAST THEY SET FIRE TO | BUT REMEMBER, UNABLE TO AFFORD A REGULAR ART THESE CR. 10962 oi8 EVERY HOME, AN' CHILLUN, THIS RE-ENACT- STUDIO, TOM THOMSON SETTLES cw | [KEEPS TUMEREP TOG eh ae Tas OF aaa Atae A thus ; 376 99104 MUNT GOTTA ALL BE IN A TAR = PAPER SHACK IN-TORONTO'S| |THE COLD WIND WHISTLING THROUGH SPECIAL | IMPORTANCE... o8753 @AKQ108 TH SPIRITO" GOOD 2 YORKVILLE AREA... THE CRACKS... 7 od : i $35, $743 CLEAN ; ' 2 SHACK, SIR. LITTLE ¥ @KQiT4 '» PERHAPS, @AKSES . oo6 o : ware ; ; : ee : The bidding: { TS jf North Fast South West =< : wll | eed ee -- 4 ce Im 2 Pass see AND moe HIS. GREATEST | 1917, Hee CANNOT KNOW 38 vad GANVASES » SUCH AS "WesT WIND", THE THAT "JACK PINE", AND "SPRING iCE'?, AWAITS HIM THERE © Opening lead -- three of dia- monds, The knack of finding sound solutions to difficult problems is potentially one of declarer's most important assets. The fact that a play is rare or unusual is certainly no bar to its use. Take this hand where South is in four spades. East cashes two diamonds and returns a heart, atken with the ace. How should South play the hand? If he cashes the A-K-Q of jspades, hoping for a 3-3 trump break, he goes down in the actual hand regardless of what he elects to do next. Thus, if he now leads a trump, the de- fenders cash their diamonds to inflict a three - trick defeat, while if he attempts to run the clubs instead, West ruffs the third one and South eventually goes down two. What South should do is tny to cover not only] the possibility. that the trumps are divided 3-3, but also the possibility -- the more likely one -- that the trumps are divided 4-2. He can accomplish this quite simply by leading a low trump from his hand at trick four and playing a low one from dummy. This trump-control play ren- ders the opponents helpless. Regardless of what return East AGREED! NOW CLEAR THOSE TRAILHANDS OUT OF TOWN =< ecg SY Saab SN li cs ete THE LONE RANGER Me pert tien ge LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY INTHE CAT FAMILY "i THE FEMALE IS OFTEN MORE TREACHEROUS THAN THE MALE ~ lenin ign ne cee Sywdicate, Ine, 1965. World rigl NUBBIN SECRET AGENT X9 King Fontaree Syrdicate, tan, 1965, Wordd rights tered ee . Vi makes, the contract is secure. j $ : 7 Me DUCK! A diamond play permits de- 4 LOAN clarer to ruff in dummy and Dae thus make ten tricks, while a | more prosaic heart return al- hs lows South to mate the con- oS tract by scoring three spades, > two hearts and five clubs. a Of course the play of a low a trump from each hand when ul declarer's trumps are headed by < the A-K-Q is highly unusual, ! = but that is not a good excuse 2 for failing to make the play. fa Practically everyone tries te i | win, and if an exceptional play ; is ever necessary to accomp- d | lish this, one must be prepared ff to use such a play as a matter i TELEVISION LOG _ [orinetrre: SIAJUIN 0: ccasi whe ACROSS 46, Hammer 18, Herons ni 1 uly it Secuuee Gaon oe is a 1, Unad head i is : y "es . 5. ree -- DOWN. oy -- Channei 2--Buttalo 10:00 Pte. 12:08 MOON ally easy enough to execute -- 9. More 1. Island in Channel 3-Barrie, Tig The Mery Griff thew | Toronto, Today housioed play, The hard part is painful Malay 22. Channel 6--Toronte 7--The Long, Hot Summer | sdinaay 'Movie o think of it. q } 20.Song birds | Archipelago Sat basis | Spence | élunmen Be ; 12. Journeys 2. Dry Channel. 9--Toronte 2-Man From UNCLE | '"Qemh end Weather =| TRAVEL BROADENS BILLS Pe sept NE SS ee [em | tonoon Gey aoe 4 corde 3 wegtrigghry W18 Pa, Margaret's 20-day U.S. visit | . 4-Bpeek i 3 ve eee = eae rn | nagnel the Sarat "lca taxpayers about e000 | ; 16, Music 5. Blank 28, Com- Yesterday's Answer | 4_pamity Theetre cals 1--Albert J. Steed ($90,000), Parliament was in " h note coins mands 37. East 9--Five O'clock Movie 1118 Pte, | 9--I Love Lucy formed Tuesday. The chancel- q if 17. Another 6. Narrow 380. Some Indies ae uesiony ener ra SViowpeine Pega Tex ea: Fomartow| 10k of the exchequer, James : \ music note roadway _ 31. Figura- fikerplant | yee ney Sanayl |Callaghan,.made.the statement @ if 18..One kind 7;-Vase "tively, a" ~~ "38. Enclosure Lloyd Thexten | 1--4-Late Show 19:48 Bae lin response to a question by a of light 8, Craniums Jand of 39. Skin 000 om | @---Night Metre i--News William Hamilton, a Labor & S 19. Thickness. 9. Severe plenty disorder S---Leave it Te ih ee ibe caee dt cg party critic of the Royal Fam- = TESTING \7--7 20.Connecti- 11. Kills 32.Strikes: 41. Bird ery oe er i Mevte Vinee ily. E Payee { cut city, 15, Whale sl. 42. Bark 3 --Maverick count | $--James Beard Show a ; -Gunamoke 7--B $ . i @ nan PATE TOE FT | ramet & | ERR... | ER [SALLY'S SALLIES Pd omb; 6--McHales Navy 12:30 AM, ti 4 | S = =. "eg 9 70 i 'News, wan | News - Weether - | 7A" pougias 'Show & ' = OO. FAQ Chwck = Heely Sports | priest nek: é--Newscap 100 Po j ws 27. Sorrow 12 na PRIDAY | #--Sergeant Blike 29. Of interest boa i oie 0:00 Ama | &4--As The World Turns : ha to those 14 Y NPamiv Thestre Me, 9| lic-Schnitzel House 2100 Pan. 5 te om Meee, eee | eee tae ee " 100 AL be = ac Half ems Y LA ¢--Huntiey Brinkley ag igs With Uncle | $4 >Passwora i ' y je Exclama- 20 a Y ae Josmaverick v--Orall fer Deters | t--Meoment ef Trvth 35. ma Vp, Pte elgg ort Ton | tion rene . 2:15 P.M, 24 25 [26 GY 4--Mike's Carnival - 36. Fish 1:00 P.M. 9--Dear Charlotte 4 37. Farm Wl WY) Y, l-Farmach' Daughter 1 AM 2:30 PA. ' i Peutiive 27 [28 29 [30 at {32 9--The Munsters oe $--People in Contlict e : H-M/ NOW, WHERE ARE] [JUST As I GOT OUT MY ... THEY ALL SCRAMMED 38. House in a cee 4--Gypry Rose Lee 04_The Doctors ¥ } THE KIDG GOING P CUTTING BOARD WITH OUT OF HERE / " Stadrid 33 Z Y, Ec Y, 3s Sports &--Dodle Glilis 7--A Time For Us q | THE HANDLE ON IT... ZL a 4---Forest Rangers ; $ 40. Severed <c Wb O77s0 139 5 aren Acer . oo Am -- = z os YW 7, 3--Huntley-Brinkley 9--Playtime With 'Uncle | $lpovie 5 fo} 42. Pleasure 40 41 Vaz Report Bobby bs ° craft 1 Pm 8-2--Fractured Phrases 100 Pe } Fl 'A i a 43, Hum 45 V7 a4 Bers hte ia ee 63--Canadian Schools ae pelos ge ' it © 44 Girl's l¢-0--Deniel aes 4--I Love Lucy ractur races : 1 neme #-4--Danis 6-8--Anether Wer F , ' V//A 45 4e 7---Shinding 10 Am 7--@eneral Heepttel u } 4 45. Certain aa ee Ed Allen +43--To Tell The Truth ; 4 + 4--A_ Charlie Brown fi legatees are A Chbeines 5-2--Concentration ; o | 3-The Adams Family | 7--Donna Reed peste ea : , | 4--The McCoys 11--Funny Company t ba id depcbaics | £00 PM 6-3--Friendly. Giant %--Ite Your Meve | 3 129 a OHA he Hockey 9--Bingo oe bey | ; os YOUR HEALTH Tae on [ome [TT . | ; gan's: telan 4--fidge of Night 3 11:00 Awe a -- et 90 Pim 11----Miké Douglas &--Kartoon Karnival X-CHANGE : Vy, LT \\) po WELL, THAT WAS A 2 ' a B | fits Your Move W--Bonnle Prudden «100 PA { et AL | Vii TIMELY WARNING..ONLY Wife Can t Match b | 7--Okay Crackerby secu ie $--Mickey Mouse Club i heal} ///] SHE DIDN'T GIVE IT | &--My Three Sons 7-The Young. Se +The Match Gome ew and Used ij Vi \ Yj, yf! TO ME IN TIME !! " | 100 Pe. 6-3-Butternut Square 7--Early Show -- : Oey | 2 ' . ® Pd Ss 4-Andy of Mayberry -- /4.3--Bonnle Prudden Show | o-oo 2 i Mate's Drinking ane ta ka [cage | Yall Eachange Skates That | | 63--| Dream of Jeannie | 63--Across Canada ~ il Are Smell For A New or 5 nn 4--Movie i : s 2--Quarter Back Club 100 A | am Pe Used Pair. ; i=) By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD | --Raci Ns c i = | ia pee ae ee WE WILL ALLOW UPTO HALF] ' ; 9--Let's Sing O i 7--Hart Dear Dr. Molner: Please help|kick him in the shins. lpacMene tctluehey tbc kay ba _Reclia" Daizle THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. " me before I am thrown out of} There is no more justification | 7--Peyten Piece 6--Musical Interlude 4--The a SOY Club DITION. 5 my happy home! My husband/for insisting that people drink| *?--Telsscope iat ta ches ede tal dBi debtac is-a-businessman and entertains|more "than" they want, "than 2 ced 4 = quite often. Until about six|there is for insisting that they|bonated water. Or what's wrong| Why be afraid of the hospital?|} COMPLETE LINE OF 3 months ago I was able to keepjeat more food than they want.|with letting a drink ,sit on the|Qbyiously your doctor feels that] HOCKEY 4 up with him and his drinks.|How would your husband like|table untasted if you don't want|yoy should have thorough ob- } Now all I can stand is .about/for you to insist that he eat two a ' eat 4 , servation, probably both physi- EQUIPMENT e . drinks . q reakfasts every ? most of all, can't se@leally < > ally, to deter- f P EAN, W MI ' KE YOUR WORD FOR IT, four drinks and then I know I breakfasts every morning? u : : ; cally and emotiona ye i Ro. DELMONICO! NO MAN--~ CALLING Le hho un ieee CHARIE. PRINT IT. SURE I'M = must stop or suffer headaches} Medically speaking, it is ob-{how your husband has man-'mine what is bothering you. Hockey Sticks, Pants, 4 NONE--IS E& SURE.,.ROZ FAIRLIES € and stomach trouble all thelvious that: your system is re-|aged to lose his perspective. A) perhaps he can't tell how long : oe toryersecbiry ty : ink | H Sweaters, Stockings 5 EMOTIONAL WOMAN! a next day. |belling at the amount-of alcohol|little bit of straight thinking oniyou would have to-stay, until Shi p 4 ' fl ; He says 1 should have myjyou take aboard. You wouldn't/his part should end the whole|there are results of the tests.| in Pads, etc. q 4 head examined, but I just can't|be quite bright if you refused|problem. |Then again, perhaps he can es-| --_--_--_--_-- z= | take drinks the way I used to.|to heed the signs. It is reason-| If not, just say no. You oweltimate the probable length of} y | e oO}; He claims I am just acting, andjable to expect that if you keepjit to your health. istay. Ask him. But don't be! ; ope | that I should be bappy that ation drinking exéessively e ail afraid. : e least he takes me_along. Since! presently have more serious ail-| Dear Dr. Molner: I have pe- lie toads your column everysinenis than just the haugoversjsiods of Copicssioi, am very! pecagD To PAST 1 SHARPENING & 4 day, I hope you can explain that|and 'stomach upsets. nervous and can't 'think sensi-| sis aaalanass RENTAL LTD. ' I'm not acting. --Mrs. M, H. I can't see how drinking your-|bly. My doctor has suggested! Archeologist Theresa Goell| ' 4 $ A long time ago I read a sug-|self sick is going to help your/that I be hospitalized, but I aM/has spent 14 years researching 223 King St. W. || gestion that oo se time some jhusband's business. eee afraid. How. lons enon fn and°10: years digging: atthe. 2° 723-3224 \ ? Vii tene YOU J lave @ Uililib A GiSO Cali & SEE Wiiy tit SiVUlU Lane i wouia tine sv iucn pare g | i. i 4 q you don't want, say no. If he jobject if, when you have had|to always feel tired and nerv sv eo depen tomb of Antiochus} wer) Sea eben bes 4 insists, you are then entitled to!enough, you switch to plain car- and depressed.--Mrs. H. E, C.'J, in southeastern Turkey,

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