Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1965, p. 34

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talento sensi rt eens veo Gg THE OMAWAT TIMES. Thansdey, Disember 9, 1965 (26---<Apartment for Rent -- i30--Automobiles For Sale {30--Automobiles For Sale |30.~Automopties For Seie (30-Automblies For Sais (36 a--//a--e Sais. raid ~ : 'ig = WHITBY -- Three-room apariment, Pri- : : [4 BUICK Skylark" convértibie, power |: @ CHEYROLET: Ser Air tuo 5 r= Toles BAM TLAE Darigienna tum sane Se 2 3 125..Houses for Kent . vate enirancer a bath Mest. ieee ed: seven-day week. Tele. iUDPR, FES, BUCKET seers. Stn UNUEr] Ip, OrIpiNE: 5740. hile, ial MAO RE C ASH [top, V-B, automatic, double power. 22 I ts For Sale e = wiring. A samiary lig 2 a Se pees Warranty, $2,450 of best offer, Telepione|inrovgiioul, power" Bienes, "power Consigered." Terms sveisvie. é ; Two. 9 house on ah gs oh, eae ae ae re "904 "Brock ROOM AND BOARD tor two teen-oged FINAL J 723-4406. ing. Terms arranged. |, Telephone 72 | Paid for Good Cleon Cors, \aown, Licence 79550E,. Gus Brown fornates large basement. 725 ai; PORMIHEE scitconialned "apartment. hag kg aa gag | de Org e Ke y CHEVROLET super sport hardtop, 327 i) 198 FATREANE Sot, icoor Btone | 334 Trade up or down, Liens paid, potas a cee I ne iorsepower, four - speed engi 2 Z DODD MOTOR SALES (ives cHevy pou "ear blue, Bes A a Pd 5 y r. NEW three-bedroom bungalow with th at-|Available January 1. .One adult. $70|Five-day week and no. shift workers. 22,500 miles. Extras. 725- 2180, good tires, $500, cash. Call Caley, 728 if tached garage, 1284 Valley Drive, $145.month. Telephone 723-7691. Li ode lte steal cl CLEARANCE LIENS PAID OFFI We trade up, down.|2° # ee Eg Ss 314 PARK RD. SOUTH undercoated, very clean condiflen, ~one monthly. Telephone 623-3111 Two iocation. Choose from over .60 cars, No downpay-|82 OLDSMOBILE 98, four-door hardtop, 723-942] owner. Call 728-4134 after 5.30. room apartment, THREE-BEDROOM brick home, with|Available now, Apply m oncing Street 29--Wanted To Rent ments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375.|fully power equipped. Executive driven. MUST SELLi 1966 Musiang, 6 cylinder, double garage on Hancock Road South,|Wst TWO-BEDROOM apartment wanied in i ey eo ------| Black exterior, simultaneous interior.) Maroney ay a i Ye gag han a ea 'apartment wanted im és). RAMBLER American Hurry! Licence 70949D. Gus Brown! with radio. Best offer over $100, mont! vailable emi arr T "POOL, large balcony, Hi-Fi,|mediately, refrigerator and stove. Three s power equipped, radio, low mileage. | Motors Ltd,, 728-7375, 3 " '99 OLDSMOBILE Super 68 hardtop, | auto- $3,000. Peid $3,600. After 7 pm. "call ' a atic, fully powered, radio, black body, | 725-09: / / Lon Manitius, af Guide Realty, 723- parking. Single bedroom gg tarigd with reir heg Reasonable rent, Oshawa or lady's car, $1,050 or best offer, Telephone vik imi 8 ) 4 I ) 28 ' j | A iesrpsctiniain nln ineennrinherrnietlnenbnieoeinnailitiiies > 4 appliances, Phone 6 668-6324 after 4 p.m. vicinity. 725-7184. 9 723-4406, 0 CHEVROLET station \ 'wagon, gon, 6 § cylin- |red trim. Terms! Licence 47442. Gus 1964 CHEVROLET impala, power equip> FARM HOME, four bedrooms, modern! wait urnished bachelor apartment,| ROOM apariment with stove conveniences, barn, two acres, biiggaed i icomplete, available now. Apply _care-| ai private bath and entrance; Two lots available in village pegs Bo age Real Estate, Tele-itsver, apartment one, Marina Apart- under $100, monthly, Telephone 725-2210 of Hampton, Priced at just |onene 7063) ________/ments, 281 Simcoe Street South. TWO-ROOM apariment wanted-by lady. Gus. Brown Molen Li TER TIT oO acerca | ee tae, WINS Tera iar CHEVROLET Bi ia ir Pe 11988 PONTIAC four-dc four-door, F _ $395. Ph Phone cele ; ' THREE - BEDROOM home on Wilson re oe es pe reg bh R aaae baa tinmedinte i $2,600. each. with $700, Road North, immediate possession, $100 ONE = BEDROOM apariment in new) Reasonable ren ne PO pe AAR ill aay '39 PONTIAC Laurentian 6 cylinder, auto- red bucket seats. Excellent condition, No . apartment building, Refrigerator, stove,| possession. Telephone FEA. matic. Radio, snow tires, new exhaust down payment, Terms, Licence H405S1. ee ag Al Pig ois ee Bon! esti ign We PONTIAC } Parisienne a &GOGo ar ET TE TYP PRN Hee OH der, radio. Metallic green, matching in-/ Brown Motors Ltd., 72: '66 CHRYSLER Windsor, four-door hard- ped, four-door 'hardtop. Privately owned. terior. No down payment! Terms to sul!! |swow: TiRES 1a" > 18") wheels 83 Up.| Reasonable, Call after, § p.m. Tel 1904, top, fully power equipped. Cost new, $4,784, Sacrifice! Terms! Licence K74321.|mgence %6595. Gus Brown Motors Lid-1/29) engine, new. Courtice Auto Wreckers, |728- down. and terms for bal- |monthly. Call between 5-7 p.m. only.|/AUA in) li eae possee- M4 . Bice 4 stem, Complete tune-up (winterized). ¥ equipped. eaciie ance. Better hurry . -- ae ey ove Bene ee 72% sion. Telephone after 7 p.m. 725: ate. ee 20--Autemobiles Fay or Sale $425 or best offer. 725-5555. Gua Dien feewee te, opener [sas nil two or sib a06h after five, gg Ha Mag to suit yout ie dition. Terms available. Licence 107069.\automatic, double power, Low mileage. | 728-7375. 63 PONTIAC convertible, V-8, aulo-|'3? ANGLIA, Ideal second car. Good con-|/¢9 PONTIAC Parisienne converlible, V-8,| cence H35631. Gus Brown Motors THREE IROOM brick bungalow, four- an building, near schools and shopping.| : matic, power brakes, steering, red, black 4 Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. See! Save! Nothing down. Terms. Licence 1958 PONTIAC Siar Siarchiel, 1 power steer wo-door hardtop, Call Irwin Cruikshanks piece bath, paved driveway, finished rec- Telephone Ajax 942-0130. trim. Ne down payment: Terms %0 sult, reation room, large back yard with fruit | Licence H37825. Gus Brown Motors Lid., a OLDSMOBILE Jetstar four - 119139. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568.ling power brakes, t : trees, oil furnace. $120 monthly. Tele-| NEW, ultra-modern iwo - bedroom apart- y 725-6568. elec of Schofield-Aker Ltd. phone 725-1408, + j|ment, walk-in clothes closets, electric NEW and wo-door hardtop, very rare model./S8 PONTIAC, Seur-cone, standard shift,|tric fuel Loti also two 950 x re" tires, . 20 MINUTES to General Molors. Farm|neated. Adults only, 42 Lincoln Avenue, : . 1987 CHEVROLET two-door, standard, $900, wot accept trade. Call collect,|6 cylinder, four A ioaad tires and battery.|728-5912 after 7. at 728-5205 house, $60 per month, Call Garwe Realty Pickering. 942-2744 after 6 p.m. S four new tires, two new snow tires, good | Lindsay 324-3870 between § - 7 p.m, Tel jephorie 725-80 i) PONTIAC two. door hi 128-9466. 74 DREW STREET -- Two-bedrooms DEMO second car. $250. Telephone 728-6337. _li943" CHEVROLET sedan. Automatic, | 1993 SHEVROLET, Clean, dependable| Parisienne, white, red interior, V-8 auto si elasiilieliicigielihieoansioni ones | nme | aN sien etl gaan adda four or MUST BE SOLD 57 RAMBLER, real nice car, good molor,|radio, white walls. Like new Inside and. le years inet og aa a ne 728.| matic, Scarce oat. Will » ogceet trade, two single girls or ys working . Aiba and body, ;automatic, whitewalls,jout. Priced to sell. Licence No. 20449, condition. Bes' ler. Telephone Terms. Licen "aaah Gus Brown 23--Real Estate Wanted |26--Apartments For Rent |'wo single girls' or ove oe othe USED CARS $295, Telephone 745-2932. Telephone 949-5693, '6075 after 5 p.m, [Motors \id.. 728-737 . : dren, Apply between 8 and 10 p.m. | |iaoaes ve erie he" PRICED FARMS NOW RENTING | er sir cotritt "t, tint! 1964 CHEVROLET dent, 321 Marland Avenue, Phone 723-4368 BEL-AIR BELOW ; WANTED The Swine rook: a. carers te] 9 passenger sationwogo,, 6 "cost | HERE'S WHERE TO FIND large balcony. After" 4, call 68-6324, eee meipctenients sion, with radio and power Peter Kowal Jr. | NONGQUON [piecrew Bie «fei eel Se" xdrzeo, "| sevtiNG DATES GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! {yen ee ies. * appointment only, DEC 1] TO 18TH antes: TOWERS repens Tarr ot 7 | 1964 CHEVROLET ONLY! |SECOND FLOOR -- three-room apart 52 KING ST WEST ment, stove and refrigerator, private BISCAY NE ~ ' 5 ond 3 |bath. Working couple only, Available Jan & passenger wogon, V-8 en- FS : I, ' phe LE aor al betig Sree a ee gine : standard transmission, LOW COST BOWMANVILLE Bedroom Suites | HOSPITAL | AREA, three-room _self-con- custom radio etc. Lic, XB791. FORD MOTOR Including... [tained Fg bel li oak cape. CRE P NY 623- saad sees "Teaett Maee, feet! 1963. PONTIAC ee * 100% Fireproofing immediately. Telephone 723-7500 PARISIENNE * Solid Soundproofing FOUR - ROOM apartment, private bath- Convertible, 6 cylinder, auto | room, kitchen with cupboards. Adults pre matic with radio, whitewalls, ' * Generous Closet. Spoce [torrem. TEGO TE discs ond washers. Sharp! | c Ing our |CENTRAL -- Private entrance. Furnish Lic. H57806 Lerge Storage Lockers Jed bachelor apartment consisting of bed Ie, |sitting room, dinette, kitchen electrically | | lequipned, tile bathroom, Adults only " Home ? | All Electric Heating |Parking. Apply Apt. 1, 254 Athol East or 1962 CHEVROLET | be | Phone 723-2502 BEL-AIR Motors (1965) Ltd. Il Individual Heat Control nae ' 4 WE CAN, AND WILL |TWO large furnished room apartment! fF... door hardtop, 6 autome- : LIVER THE CASH Mod Kitel plenty cupboard space, free hydro, park if Pr "Your Authorized Deoler for DE ee ee Jing. Sultable for quiet gentlemen, Avail tic, 'radio, whitewalls, discs Lincoln, Mercury, Meteor, ! Lable immediate! Apply 708 Carnegie Hy r fe TO YOU! 2 Hi-Speed Elevators lavenue Cone ae ee doe ri ari A | Comet, Ford ond Mercury real beoutiy! Lic. 56859, Trucks Call today [CENTRAL PARK BOULEVARD NORTH, for ' Private Large Balconies |basement apartment, three rooms and wick action ! | bath, private entrance, Adults only, Avail 5 : /R @ Six Courteous Solesmen q Bus Service lable January }. Telephone 723-7902 1959 Sl "dea fs Serva: You J. B. M Mullan Keak Showing Plaze, [MODERN LIVING for one or two per} ee : : : OT CE Pe STAT q EES : hie a Sarai wd Chuwches sa ie Mere eee | Sede eremate, Ore 1120 Cnet Ste er ee peal or ana agiees pag ee eo $ roker and television, Telephone 648-8170 ' we ING TRAINING € = Oshawa -- 725-3557 Seeing is believing... that's | one kee iaar esheets chal Hwy. 2 and Anderson St. * PLEASURE FLIGHTS ? HOBBYIST | SMITH BEVERAGES ye the Whitby -- 668-6201 what we wont you fe do! Jan, ene aperain, eee, ET ee CHEVROLET | Whitby, Ont. Government Approved School | Model Automobile, Air Authirtead Bottles et CHRISTMAS SPIRIT I! -- WE RENT [Phone 723-0535 95 Seiad" Coen k ree plane, Boat Kits. The Big- PEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD. Pag te gag fe SSS8SSS3SSSS5 | ¢ >» ! N ' > est Selection in town, ond ights ecorations \s 2} .ON PREMISES ONLY \27----Rooms for Rent For above average condition. | 668-5893 AVAILABLE POLLARD Criss Jnemeraesk Linias 2 LOCATIONS: pee oe aa ged ey ee i nee J. V. Aviation 92 Simcoe St. N.; 723-9512 750 Farewell St, Oshowa | J, A. JANSSEN & SONS | LTD. PUT A TIGER IN YOUR FUTURE "un Apply at: ATTRACTIVELY cally sound. Lic, 51181. Telephone 723-1011 | FURNISHED ROOM wes ' N N PICK-UP LIMITED ROMAN CATHOL Ic 843 King W., 728-9429 190 Nonquon Rd. oh pete Pd 7 "gs aes Ruck | Al ME R Oshawa Municipal Airport, ARTIC = ee i oye ie ao "your AL PRESTON'S SUNOCO | ween 5 on m. . ovely assortment of Ros- rt 82 PARK RD. N. 4 ogy er eee" good 2 Siok sas and nativity "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Simcoe St. North : | tires, sets , | 728- 8671 | Motor Sales we _ PARKVIE Ww Vadiant Cleaners | ARTIST SUPPLIES 5000 TREES VARIETY STORE Oshawa Shopping Centre or call 723-8365 O O S | Easels = Oil Point Set 8 O : 7 : | Easels - int Sets -- 98 Olive Ave., Mrs. V. 25-1023 | ROOMS R y NICH L Open Daily 9 to 9 P.M, Convas Boards ---- Mediums ig ae he are pan till 1120 Simcoe St. N., 728-2361 ON LOT | FOR RENT MOTORS CT | Loco! ler og ect for - re celaea FS ey tet 10:00 ) p.m. 725-8232. Pick-Up and Delivery eta Grown NOW RENTING by the week, ou ice tide a. VALIANT. c sor Newton. . ~ GIFT PROBLEMS The Sofe Wey ze Pruned Scotch Pines pores eset sess iNEW -- MODERN WHITBY HOTEL ~ or LOUIS PHILLIPS at feo eit Edgar's Decor Centre SOLVED:AT... To Celebrate Ae ae ee Whitby 668-2337 COURTICE 728-6206 BP Gas, Oil, Lubricants 34 King St. W. 723-7351 THE HOLIDAY SEASON 6 27h & ft. : pie CHRYSLER NEW YORKER | so = ; Do You Want It Self-Contained Ivana, vary catent cook te toe Restor is oe 4 door hardtop,' fully powered, INDIA HANDICRAFTS : HARRISON Ride with SPECIAL . . able. Telephone 728-1070. HAROLD MICHELSON radio, remote mirror, front For your Christmas gift MERCURY TAXI 97¢ - 1.50 - 2.00 SOLD TWO singie rooms, furnished. Apply 254 or TED MILLER ot | bucket seats, vinyl' trim selections, moy we suggest HARDWARE 725-477] Sprayed any Color | oe Tn me LIST WITH US WE'LL MAKE A GR-R-R-EAT TEAM (East of Simcoe N.) 723-4651 APRAANANUN Don STRADESK! REALTOR nw 63 King St. Wesi OSHAWA Ann 3 § § 5 5 $ 5 5 > 3 § : § § 5 § 5 5 § eae P Court Street, Oshawa. Telephone 728-9141 56 throughout, rear seat speak- this year o handcrafted A m I : ---- BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 9 ; : : or just listed? part ents ret oi ed eee ee er, rear defogger, solex gloss, gift from India. On display 337 Simcoe St. S. } For Nominal Charge. Business is good. We are just Suitabe i (ial ee OEY AA YOM epel 1 reba riya a egy satis ge bivseteniants 723-4425 One Pig tats Tox! Oshawa Garden Centre . ing Street East, ac ike new, e owner a vo r ele peat pnt od one! 'agg pC re Fant, ault_ene or cor, Lic, 55676. pr oie silver jewellery, | | 1259 Simeoe St. N:, 723-1161 | - wi ath, two single men, Kitchen privileges, Apply silks, evening purses, vos- ! ewa, Whitby, Ajox, . Bay |428 Park Road North, CER AP ate 1963 FORD FAIRLANE ee candela | hoes "GIVE xk ue OPEN EVENINGS Ridges, Pickering e |LIGHT ; \ | Sa Ee , ol 4 door wagon, radio, mirror, bowls and many other Thot Lasting Gift bas CHRISTMAS TREES. Salt by Panter PLEASE CALL 3 room lower apartment Preferred. Parking. Tatepnone 723-1832. APPIER : One: owner cor. Lic. X7477, beautiful nd exclusive " pede ciei ti in |tal Church Youth, Ist ee ty re Pine. | FURNISHED ROOM for rent, §7, single pineal A Gift Certificate Free delivery, Whitby or Oshawa. Brock Street North, next to Canadien Tire, Call GRIFFIN with bath, [2 Celina Street : | 1063 MORRIS OXFORD A dice ook CEP | FURNISHED double room. for young OL! DAY A dbek sedan, vedle. Winds 1% miles south ef i For A jearly and FRSOrVe. O68-677%. "+ |gentieman, willing to share, single beds, ' ' : N. 2 Highway PORTRAIT PING PONG TABLES |évoice Prune scotch and Spruce REAL ESTATE LTD. Available January Ist. TV, kitchen privileges. Close to down- ' shield washers, side mirror, FOR APPOINTMENT Christmas Trees, Scott's Farm, Harmony town and North GM. 725-9280 a Good clean one owner car. Ready to assemble Road North, te the end of" rf 723-4645 Telephone Whitby 668-4321 | FURNISHED "BEDROOM, in quiet home, ACKNEY Lie. K83009, PHONE 725- 2987 IN OIL %4" Top Reg. Size turn lett, 3rd hou north "oo gentieman only, Parking space. Apply - ---- oe 1961 SIMCA ee eee | Sittings by $19.95 SCOTCH PINE, pruned, 6 to 8 feet, PER AEM 'j after 6 pm. 574 Crerar Avenue. SOLD OUT!!! RENA'S mre two" gentieen, Eoira ete '66 RAMBLER Sedan | 4 door sedan, 4 speed trans- ELMER'S appointment only MILLWORK AND rea a wee Will deliver. Call Mil phone 725-778 V8, auto, radio, whitewalls, | mission, good rubber. Light CLARK STUDIO | BUILDING SUPPLY [cnnisrwas Taees, scoren pine = | ONE furnished bedroom in private home, ing blue, SHARP! Lic, H55399, N / 2 1279 mcoe N, 728-6291 Go four miles east of McC Chi ew 325 BROCK NORTH a Si wae | lip Nor, {ik pose Manvel Reece } | planning to' SELL . and 2 | q ; | good locality, § minutes walk to-bus,. park ae want it SOLD » call Beauty Salon Ling. 'Telephone 728-8706. or 723-4380, | #64 CHRYSLER Saratoga |_ 1960. DODGE-POLARA "The Christmas: Store WHITBY == 668-4497 fon, Millbrook, Ontario. | Have buyers waiting. If your 1350-Dundas St. & ONE furnished bedroom in quiet home \ "a (ie 3847 AE. 2s \ 34 " Monufactured in Oshawa | iacaalbettals OSHAWA. REAL iS g Cantratiytocated:---Avaitable---new:---Apely Hardtop, Li ? 4 door, V-8, automatic, 361 with Gifts Galore sii ieee (BOND ST). LIp for oppointment Sot einmadale Aealine: " . POOL TABLES SCOTCH PINE -- A.1 pruned, 6 to 8 "tect, : : i way power radio, Whitewalls," |" "cG."in., power steering, pow- Retalivor- whotessie, Wilt deliver. Cait Mit 25 Bond W. 728-9466 : FREE -- Two rooms, suitable for lady or} Like new! | "er brakes, remote mirror, new Got gift problems? Drop TT models i ook it den se A i ouple im exchange for taking charge of $2,895. paint ond tires. Good clean into Elmer's Bargain House NO MONEY DOWN two pre-school children and light house-| ge Lic. H53396 ond see the large selection 6 months ts def ; Sensi vouctine fon lun is 3 7 | ne owner car, Lic, ' f ¥ payments defer- Planning to move ng. Telephone | '64 FORD XL of gift ideas for the whole red with up to 4 years te 2% FA | Listings Invited | sce [SLEGPING. rooms, f, Sxmamen wil] Convertible. Lic. 96376. Full | 1961 FORD ECONOLINE | -- family | pay MALA GLEN * Motors. Telephone 725-645 after 5:15. power, 390 engine, radio, | VAN GIFTS. for MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT: | TWO furnished bedrooms to rent tinted glass, other extras. A | yy.uy saint goo i EL HILDR CORP. CANADA LTD. : COURT arately ope fener tare is beauty! | Stee ane a baal ce BICYCLES A ae 690 Drake St., Oshawa ise of | Avail-| i z | é 725-9151 -- 725-6582 No problem ! |abie December. 11th Telephone. 978-8743,"| $2,695. | owner, Lic, 19490B. | BARGAIN HOUSE (New and Used) ry * Sove Walk to Work [CLEAN housekeeping room, suit one or| | @ TRICYCLES fter hours 725-3661 MAKE IT is ' "UY Sed | REA " H ; Hie ta : Hap i ongytate Be = 63 MERCURY Sedan | CES " L EST TE LTD. pe Only 5 min. from two, everything supplied 30: guiet home Bae aca paced j STORE HOURS: ° ine SKATES A TRAILER -7576 South General Motors Adio, ye ' LE * (Sold an | ROOM AND BOARD, lunches packed, | tinted glass. A-1. 12 noon to 9 e@ HOC eee Nota es CHRISTMAS" © Immediote occupancy @ 1, [day week. General Motors. empl | $1,695 i n to p.m. . lat kisah Praga k ; 5, ete. ive Troiler -Accessories, . SE Barger ge geen ROSS nly. "Apply. afterrioons before 4 at 233 ' Sal, © Ga) ee eth. : FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE 2 and 3 bed Opartments | Lupin Drive, Whitby 6) CHEV. S.W Motor Sales ° pent es LM aly YCLE Miller Trailers : ® 2 bathrooms in all 2 and 3 meena Ts - | NO MUSS, NO FUSS, bedroom suites © FM music |Phone Whitby caomy, ne "NR! Lic °Xx9130, One owner, | Call 623-5487 ron oy ee AJAX 942-349} DON'T CUSS, CALL US | @ Intercom controlled @ Mail |CLEAN, furnished. single bedroom for| radio $1195 BOWMANVILLE | 253 BLOOR ST. E. delivered to your door @ 2 |rent. lady or gentleman. Telephone 723-| 4 5. ; x ees } ENTRE CHAIRS eleva dine balconies (00H! ' 20 KING ST. E, entero ~ ACTIVE sche © Large bo FURNISHED BEDROOM, in quiel home.| '60 CHEV. Sedan aS BABY BUDGIES -- Something the fam-| FOR C -- ies EALTY LT Retin! Repasentoiive ./gentleman only, Parking space. Apply! 140075 O, Wak rites ly will love, Assorted species, colors. | 204 Bond E., 725-6344 0 HRISTMAS GOO! 728-5157 duty Dally 1-0-5 in opepatinent |e ee ee | Sint yolk pe ig No rust. | KELLY DISNEY Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin East, 723.9767, | . Laveen Now ! PR ahaa HAR p $9 EACH PERSON, rooms fo share; pri : USED CAR LTD ; * High Back Swivel ie) 3 Rockers .... $22.95 24 Prince St. vate rooms $14, Also bachelor apartments| Sharp! " THREE-BEDROOM house, that 835. Oxford St. | rehsorieble | VLA requirements Must be near schoo! | oom ts ee of modern kitch-| '57 FORD Convert WHITBY <- 668-9801. . PI f MS ay : /HITB 'atform Quice extractors, health and bus. Telepho: 2 50 a a lephone 728-66: PHONE en tor e clean gentleman. Apply 222 \ H57936, radi motor | VHIT 5 3 RL OLSEN REAL ESTATE needs) 799.0468 or 728-9466 Dovedale Drive, Whitby. 668-4870 baa emer ance Cars bought and sold : Rockers .... $39.95 appliances, etc.) 23-1133 for prompt eR phat : VERY large recom for two gentiemen,| ; g a P lens paid o : bt tree: Mamet Na Giifeatiogs a e bed ose 10 South General | $395. | Trade up or down id a Vinyl Rec re -- 1 Me Me vats 68.0 obligat o olors, Shift workers welcome. Free] Always top quality hg. Telephone 725-2915. '54 PONTIAC Sedan CASH FOR YOUR HOME, Cail Bill John ston at 721086, Schofield iaker r Uts, - Oshawa Realt ty WARM enn + nale furnished "bedream L c. 432407, Good transpor- | Cate Bousht and Soll : WILSON'S FURNITURE FOOD 24--Stores, Offic St (Bond St.) Ltd man. Apply 102 Elgin Street East. | ta MORLEY STALKER 20 CHURCH ST. | HOLIDAY es, storage CENTRAL Large room for two $100. | MOTOR SALES 723-3211 Bee | course. Call 723 Trade Up or Down 137 KING STREET W. -- CAPONS After Hours gentlemen. Single beds, also one tight OSHAWA housekeeping room gentleman 49 Drew 723-6255 Siveel Telephone. 723833 me ee OFFICE SPACE Filial niente = TWO FURNISHED rooms with kitchen "TRY OUR FINA PRODUCTS ' 723-6322 Solve Gift Problems A. ba TURKEYS -- | fove and refrigerator; two: sing! m7 Sasa jms al wi decorated | AND SERVICE Dressed and Delivered wd | Front Office Space hare with one girl. Newly decorated. ! On the spot financing AVAILABLE 18 SIMCOE ST. NORTH jApply 146 Division Stree e@ FREE -- FREE |1959° CHEVROLET station wagon, good FRANK HOAG | + B | | Engel Building [Any 286 Frontenac Acukae telephone | Tickets on turkey with each Seovtratines tage ech aoe ene mt Easil effi ier t| d : : Rossland Rd. West n 2% ge 1728-3 nas A tah a SE ° ne mes Ul ding apply 'Top Town. Tailors' sth Soe 995 purchase, 2 turkeys eoch | 1943 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, radio, wash y soy Ic 1 y . an CHRISTMAS .SALE ! Oshawa 725-6837 week 'til Dec, 22nd ers. Perfect condition, 23,000 original Brand new beautifully designed eT | 18 Simcoe N, (downstairs) |28--Room and 'Board |miles. PrWate, 668-5152 pleasingly for everyone on HAND-WOVEN RUGS LIKE ARMCHAIR 725-0632 OR Licensed Mechanics mr te ' 5 CHEVELLE 5 Sport, ¥ i é Toronto Collect RU 2-4922 Is 4s ans tor gentleman, Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Daily | black teather interior, stick shitt, 230" en. = h a 'a cee : Size 9 x 12), 1 inch thiek, SHOPPING ? | week, ample parking. | Saturday to 6 p.m gine, Phone Newcastle 987-4853 after 6.30 you! Christmas SI \OppINg List | Made in India from the best q 4 ICENTRAL "<-- Three - 'room hed Apply 2 , Street pm - quality wool. Originally Phone 668-3311 T.L. WILSON (echo evn iin, et coutonne sneer aia tah g ey OW "ONLY co wsitket Apes : ' 9 , Ir two board. Gentlemen to share, Close to' north| Hackney Motor 5 |: est offer. For quick sale! Newcastle The gift that lets them' choose is always a welcome gift ! NOW ONLY $625. each, af "SELECT APPLES, : ; TELEPHONE 725-8963 anytime | RED WING ORCHARDS AT THE TIMES [scutes une ant cates wr Sppy_abow, S wievard Sout i 21 soNTTKE Fi Beoutifully.pockaged in Christmas cylinders if val over ------$ ROOM AND BOARD, six-day week 1180 § Simcoe N fio CUStOm Sports, BucKel seats, wees HYPO: gé mas. cytit ue Is OV Financing Availoble contact: itTwo - HARERIA Bg hte ice . consul, rad & , BEDROOM furnished apartment.|Lunches pa icked, Willing to share. 57 braked," heaey auty. wiaeereibae ae $5.00 .°, . festive envelopes for smaller amounts. reer eemto eens --_ M ; |Adults, no children. 496 Simcoe Street|Brock Street East, 725-9843 | Petr co MERCIAL rth, Ap SINGLE ROOMS" and board, Apply 25) 728-003 -- " ce scelion? Cooailon tan a TPROGRAMMES ORDER FOWL BUILDING ONE "AND TWO-BEDROOM Modern | Division Stre NTIAC. Excellent condition. $325 A | | | de € : f PROGRAMMES a Apartments, available January 15, and|€cBANTauiel fh ' ~, } ALL CASH Telephone Whitby 468-6720 vallable in denominations of .,. TV. T $50. U - NOW! : February Ist, 1966. No children under 12) ~ aot iat ome, parking space, home| 195) CHEVROLET pick-up truck Wer 3 2 . 2 owers i p. yi : North end of c ity Oe baht Ron's wt ent Apartments Garrard Road Ede ee bie F good mechanically. $100 or id ae 25, 50, 1.00 2.00, 5.00, 10.00 25.00 OSHAWA T.V 723-4722 c It - > 1) Apartment B02 of ee | r Clean cars or truck e 668-4517 ' , > iNG LITZ PROCE SING on Simcoe ot ; telephone 725-0460 : ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen,| deal up or down, Liens pa id archer 50 00 ad 100 00 SUPPLY LTD S , ja ; ~|iunches packed, home privileges. Central USED CAR PARTS, spindies to maxe ' an . + PLANT 4000 2a, Fi, with office apace. 1erteemy 1 aoubre, aati, wore. week 10 downtown, Telephone 773-5956 ;NICOLS MOTORS 1 IMAI FED }reiiers;-niso-usnd-tires: 509 Bloor Street Tounton-Rd---Eost- 728-8480 For B Will remodel to suit. --s |oetional Hollywood Motel end. Restaur: |ROOM AND BOARD, contrat localion to 146 BROCK ST. NORTH \ aa vows at nnd BILL LEASK Alla: Seocial oo ant Whitby Prosi 2067. s and factories day week, lunches Across from Royal Hotel | Galaxie, XL, 90 motor, "power- a 3 Telephone COLSORNE WAST Wl = Two bedroom cece _Whitby 668-3331 oe at rol-away steering wheel, Ex EATON'S UPPER LEVEL "Smart IY OSHA saad Business 33 52 apartment, private hathroom, available al i , cellent condition, low mi leage, extra snow « immediatet 13 day week, close fo South General A 7 44 mediately. Telephone 723-69 peneral Motors, : mm | 957 CHEVROLET, siandard six cylinder CUSTOMERS' ACCOL INT S OFFICE People ROOM AND BOARD "for | gentlemen, =I eid tires, 468-2524 after reentrant (shift workers welcorne. Telephone 723-/) TWO- BEDROOM apariments available In| 755 y perfect HE WANTED to rent garage with lockabie|new buildings with possassion Be toa Maes cash or terms ce geaaie eon wa fs a andition al ale Dodge | > the Praia ES EE ee tot 82 'i Vitam ANine: Of Oshawa mins inerais Sunshins rs, Oshawa or Whitt re o bala PAAM AND BRASS? 5 is feet 9 gg EA op BOF gen iter sephe_ aua a PHONE 725-7373 Princ Sire, ha, {Ritson Read South or telephone 723-8364, | 3 PONTIAC Laurentian coach, six, auto-\60 CHEVROLET station wagon. perlact ©, Action 'Ads > EERE p ann NO FH SINS ond $198 "perf . FILL SPARE "ROOMS with paying quests includ eo matic, radio, two-tone copper, beige.| cludes hydro. water hot er tank ne P eige.| mechanically, 6 cylinder, st: i and hot wat | ROOM AND BOARD" jean quies home,|Don't miss this perfect family cari. Li-|No down vacant Hs pie apes bas | isl 723-3472 now for an ad-writer telCai! 5. D. H yman Real Estate Limited.|for gentleman, to share. Lunche e 347 help yg phrese on od, }728-49R6, lFiveday week, 728-4112 are pak ire ne Metered afewe saetore id aoa ae 4

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