ee ee peermrmrw "Want Wet, Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads N Ww" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For Sale 15--Employment Wanted |18--Maele Help Wanted HUS-SKI snow machine, Model 600, 10/2 DUTCH GIRL wants housework by the BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |"gpsmem pais oS acne] "es we APPLES, ng rc ae ya ae osha Farms, Ya-mile 'aunton Village, on Townline orth, Telephone A & W At Leost 5 Years Experience 728-6908. ; : BUTT'S Accountants Barristers Mortgages. TV--Radio Repairs Se fr teeter, i sas, 3 at ree DRIVE-IN BARBER SHOP er eee i ree Sims lieyie unononess wine' ssd] = MORTGAGE TV TOWERS rie hc a a aben anes vas 723-4833. N WINTE: pom 75-Ib, 0. equires pa -time car '7 Eest. East, Oshawa, 728-6: OANS Telephon ccatt, 'bate Sieus Cantu "Bae |Selciors. Mortgages 8 ve Bg see M i $m Moncey Spy apples, $2.50 bushel, Call evenings, heat s ; ccountant, ' awe icitors. gages arrang '0! i t ti ping Centre, 725-9953. Trust Bullding, 32 Simeoe Street South, Deen Mert aed morgages ECONOMY, AND wee er: 655-4983, : ostesses Dus ad ihe he of Chectes BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service,| 228-7336; Charles MeGibbon, QC? 909 ' 'WOULD BE BouxD DUCKS FOR SALE -- Pekin, Roven and . Butt the business will now atl Dogo Aili source 299 Simmeos| Ed9ar F. Bastedo, Ge, Grant H. Arm-| Interest at 7% DELUXE "HE WORDS THE BOOKS IN THE BRITISH . Muscovy, also Bantams, 5 to 8 Ibs., $2.50 Sunday to Thursday be operated by Kenneth W, South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. strong. No Bonus Priced to suit your budget, bg up, 668-6700. Butt. Well established busi« ALBERT HOWMAR, Chariered Account| [Building Trades No Charges for Valuations TERMS ARRANGED 10 Seimers Column 2% belie poy per ness. Modern two chair shop, fered Ai ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Mortgages and Agreements centrally located in a rapidl DEAD and crippled farm stock picked Free uniforms supplied aaening orea, Bie Ontario, Telephone 723-127). purchased OSH A V up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone : 1 ; " : YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO, Money for Second Mortgages WA 7 Telephone Collect. Hampton 263-2721. Private transportation to Salary agreement for the | ogy ng Premera pie ey shut BIGGEST OFFER Fast Service. SUPPLY' LIMITED p 1, if f Licence 389-C-65. your home after midnight first year will be 85% of North, Oshawa, 728-7371. M. F. SWARTZ TAUNTON RD. E { Wy) Se " j 30 GRADE cattle, Holstein, some Cherele, Pleasant working conditions chair receipts with on $80 @ 'ey T . é - Ee uy Qe". i 'A\ geese, ducks, police pups, 668-2067, 7 Experience not required week guarantee, plus two HOPKINS, BEADLE AND C€O., Char- : tered Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld- \ IN TOWN | | 26% King St. East Just Eost of Rit if ( Men |11----Pets and Livestock Training program provided weeks 'paid: veeHtion. in iy, Ss Hi aR lel bg 70 ve Tit Oshawa, Ontario pio cake one ; How OFfen Me : =) an e Married women only need Shop Hours: Monday Holiday, . T. Hopkins, CA; H. sshapmowsiane tere 725-: regs a hay ge And we meari business, the finest 723-4697 728-8] 80 DOES THE AVERAGE f ' suDele: "ior bive, ea, a. apply. Must be neat Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to WALL, PERKIN, MacMiLCAN AND, CO. in materials and workmdfiship on| PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for Me --> Ae Telephone 728-1354. : --_, vf Py tigi i p.m, F airs-red 8 a.m. to Chartered Accountants, ing Stree REC. ROOMS {all mortgages. Mortgages - and 'agree- ¢ SPANIEL and Border Collle pu 'ise age to years. p.m. Employment to com- East, Oshawa, 725-6539; wittlam £. Mall SEMIODELLING ments of sale purchased. Creighton, Nias ae 4 oc rae Nerriar, Seated. Poppies $20. Phone for appointment mence Dec. 20th if possible B.Comm., CA; David G. Perkin, CA; ; 3 Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar- WINTERTIME ONCE EVERY ARE RAISED FOR THEIR WATER $35. delivered. Telephone Port Perry 985 For! davannel SHebsine che ER . Tel y te J. Graham MacMillan, CA. ALTERATIONS risters."") T.V. TIME ¢ 5.99 SECONDS. RATHER THAM AS A FooD IW 2645. o CUSTOM BUILT 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGE available T.V. Service Anytime MANY ORIENTAL COUNTRIES. FOV" Povaeaniads Vemala alent 728-5731 « phone Pickering 942-1075 or Barristers KITCHEN CABINETS W..Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street - piles months old; registered. Will keep until after hours 942-2375. Only cuORMAVE BOVENYI, oad WiLL and CUPBOARDS North, Whitby. 668-3338, a: R | O Beret een ee er We eee ee, |Christmas, $95. Telephone 725-4585 1327 Simcoe Street North those sincerely interested MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King) % FLOOR ond CEILING ) tomet ist " FREE -- Part Labrador retriever, 10) need apply. P.I.T. graduates Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, TILE, ETC. pr got: Se eeaees TELEVISION months, male. Must have good home. ---------| will be given serious consider- Qc; G. §. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, , S WicNAAD ALAC OR. te aca 728-5143 8--Articles For Sale _|8--Arrticles For Sale Telephone 723-7785, ation LLB; J, D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: |For the deol of a lifetime «« «\sireet N 1 ete j * orth, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone} _ Ee WHITE "shepherd pups and grown dogs? 725-1177; Reesidence: 725-4604; , Whitby; CALL NOW! 723-4191, HONEST CAL'S "Furniture and -- Appii-| \part-Spaniels, 4 months; part-Police and Experienced 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA_ and ee ances. Big discounts without sacrificing ih ether first mortgage funds available, A Painting aa ana Well I Drilling--Digging _ quality, 424 King Street West; Oshawa,| HUSKY pups Receneeie. a . Ce WELL DIGGING by machine specializing 728-9191. HORSES BOARDED -- new, insulated ae GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici McKoy S Const : Ss in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut FILTER QUEEN, Salen ond Service,{bar. box. stalls, $35 monthly. Brooklin Typist Secretary FIRESTONE TIRE tors, etc, 114 King =e . Dial e 7 sh t West, Whi Dial . 3.2278, Residence Phones: Greer, ; reet West, Wi by. 668-2563 or 668-3809. Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free Es-|Dial 655-493 i PR et : Be. 725.3968) Terence V. Kelly, BA BCL, and GENERAL REPAIRS PAINTING AND i_w a : timates. 323 King West, 728-75 |COZY-J RANCH KENNELS. German For Progressive a AND RUBBER CO. 728-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, DECORATING ---- womens : Column An All Expense Paid, ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash-|Shepherds, trained grown stock: pups. Chemical Co 725-2662. O h 725 8576 INTERIOR d EXTERIO A jers, duplicators, chequewriters, files,| |Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies. Ashburn . OF CANADA LTD. ENTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, snawa - E an R PERMANENTS on special Page Hair- Week Long Trip To desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service [655-4662 evenings. ok as ; BA, BCL, Barrister and. Solicitor, 73 Broadloom, Custom Draperies |avessing. 396, Ding Avenue, | corner. of and trade, with budget terms. New and!KEESHOND PUPP! ust like wee} Duties are varied and inter- R ire Cl mal Centre Street. Office hours: zl ams ed Bowmanville FREE ESTIMATES 3 : 1 ; ured, Low, low" prices. Bill Hamilton,/Teddy Bears. Wonderful femperament esting and offer a complete equire ass p.m. Evening appointmen Bi wisn 623-341] DODD & SOUTER 2--Personal FLORIDA rae = _-- [Telephone 725.178. ready for Christmas insight in our business. Mechanic ------------ 5 ¢ » crib an ---- Speed, accuracy and dicta- AMES MACDONALD, BA_ LLB, ectieca: eer See Pet Le and Solicitor and Notary Pub- 668-5862 others; floor polisher $10; chrome high|LET YOUR dog start the new year clean. He, The Commercial Building, 286 King aasercu sees Ramovel. Ot supartiucus Wale For Two chair $7; skates, girls', boys' size 3;|The Dog Boutigue. Complete grooming phone ability necessary along for automotive retail store i tient park! C 8 6 . it s ag ata Plumbing and Heating | MorleMardutt will be tn cae 6 Pare Sa les Pes Pedi an, "ris | with pleasant telephone voice: | operation, All company. paid available. 723-4716 or 725-4717. --__ as : Breit oA Ti Siac DB 13th, 14th e |SHOE SHINE stand with all equipment,|® Specially, clipping, a. "| Excellent fringe benefits and benefits, pension ERETGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and CHRISTMAS ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING aup- Te ae \iwo seater. Best offer. 19 Bond Street("alls. Brooklin 655-3847, or 655-4487. macetion. plus. éinaie dann: y : VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, aries, plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark an t one Genosha | East. {st BERNARD pups registered. Excel- Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simove SPECIAL Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineer-| Hotel on these dates for ap- Any order of SeGRBOM GE. Wwilad, bade ace -lient pets and watch dogs, Stud service,| Pony supported. Apply Excellent starting salary, and Oshawa, 723-3446; ng, 225 Simcoe Street South pointment pest Atl Hq na | boarding. Brooklin 655-4760. MR. J. BAHL excellent incentive bonus pro- ; 6. . attress, night dresser; one iehiteisenaihaiial Creighton redone! (2. 5 25% OFF ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, ELECTROLYSIS DIXIE LEE [sewing snactine, console, Seamstress." | PUPPIES -- five weeks old, Black with gramme. 00! Srna. QC, 778-8554; new end : h '985-7115. used materials. . Reasonable i condition, Reasonable price. Tele-|white paws, noses, $2. each. Qc; Use Usage J. & Vietors ON ALL ORDERS rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. 723-464] CHICKEN phone 725-4341. |725-8902, Drew Ch H | APPLY Remodelling, carpent til- Ree wre euR uc ae cemme RTIFICIAL fi white, ric|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for emica in inti z lumbi Ys | Rug-Upholstery Service AUTOS DELIVERED enywhere, Can. Beater ciehs. fio tegen On ihe ge training, talking strain. aa Mrs. T. 4 . ai A } i jure ie " i. - g, painting, plumbing, elec ada, Florida, California. Bonded drivers. Cs ane tai, |Broad.7114 Elgin East Co. Ltd. Firestone Tire Co. ifi tricol work, roofing, eaves- RE-UPHOLSTERY : Toronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge ives FRE eainor Rie -- -- a Classified. Rates ing, eay STERY: by experts. Estabiish-| Loronto Drive-Away Servi Gives you a E FOR TALE ChinvshGe Bop Hits P ; i) troughing, plastering, cement |¢4 17 years. Complete range of materials. nA bar FESR Ct |OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, ' WORD ADS ee fell k 4 r+ |Workmanship guaranteed five years.|ACCOMMODATION for male boarders. ENTRY FORM figure work, custom picture framing. |Ceitent registered. Little oestis ex AJAX -- 942-0150 190 King St. E., Oshawa Insertion ot 24 words sie, | Work of all kinds. Aluminum [Free estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses| Telephone 725-6185 Clark. Studio, evenings and." weekends, | cellent companion dogs. Uxbridge 852-6575) Gaitcnat words, dhe. sachs 9 con | doors and windows, siding. rebuilt, Furniture refinished. Oshawa Up- ni e 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby. |FOR SALE -- long-haired Chi wie 725-6566 secutive Insertions of 2% wore $28) |. 20. skilled men. ready 10. - |reoan," thn ok Mantas 3--Sportsman's | Column FOUR LARGE slock bins. Suitable for|{emale, two years old. Sultable for adult additional words 12. each, serve you PETS PERNA RAT TRE EE -- . Dixie Lee Chicken and garage or factory, $50 each. Telephone] hone: "Telepone Tare, secutive Insertions of 24 wg $504; NELLIS' HOME CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re-| SKATE EXCHANGE -- Sharpening; new, Eni. Fo lobite 728-7341. penne JUNIOR additional words 21¢. each. covered like new. Get the best for less|used, Baver hockey equipment. Valley ntry Forms avai oe per gee perce personae! | |12--Articles Wanted IMPROVEMENTS at, Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe| Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401, only at... ow, Cruisers, | . one Charge -- 10 per cent pene charge Street South. Call 728- 6451. Free} ------- i sew Reortet an models, reasonable. Can be seen at 127|WANTED -- Small metal turning Charge -- 10 per cant ead Oshawa --- 728-2061 LBA A Ad 7--Swap "and Barter Park Road South after 6.30 p.m. jor bench type. Telephone 725-4068. CLERK-TYPIST AND RUBBER (ee) OF 7 Eps re pe ls ENCYCLOPAEDIA Brittanica, latest edi-| USED ELECTRIC train. Must be in good Method of Counting -- Less than 24 "ay Sgt rod ots pean ad gl nigger | MODERN GRILL tion. A must in education. A student's|condition. Telephone 728-2681. . . led. iT ; HRISTMAS TREES Free. with $10 pur- 4 words) each word, ROOFING, concrere teen rat peottiig, jstyled. Free estimate. See our material/C t helpful bi ther, 24 | : . ES. hich auallty. Call es eer abbreviation counts [our specialty. New work and repairs.{for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75|chase. Tubs $10, basins $5, toilets, shower 345 Ritson Rd. S ne re reteaie on oe er oe. vee CHRISTMAS TREES, high quality. Call The Board of Education of CANADA LTD. one number counts |Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing Charles Street, 723-7212. | medicine and kitchen cabinets stainiess |, $275, Teleph 723-2117. or write: Headley Ed-Paul, Inc. Area the City of Oshawa requires a gs_ene word: phi cad' Conmirichan. GCA Peay, - steel kitchen and bar sinks, sump pumps, ody S270, Telephone 72217. Code 201 725-2055, Highway Wo, 2, Sok Sill Hine Junior Clerk Typist R ; : } Oe Sales and Service Pressure systerns (and repairs). fittings, Phone 725 3887 |21" TELEVISIONS -- Your choice. All| 1278, Somerville, N.J., U.S.A. 40h; arelovriant ot pis" equire immediately GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer piping, radiators, boilers, boat kits, laun- ire-conditioned. Console models of Ad-iGRGENTLY NEEDED BIRTHS--DEATHS-- = di tubs, H, Chi Hillsi H i jesti SOCIAL NOTICES rata So eee ha ge wrest Before You Buy A Rood "south." Phone' Tne. nn 30 Lag Ait emg lala shoes, sizes 5 to 10. Please telephone ne the secondary. school offices. a Gas Island $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents Sad | EXPERT PAVING, Pp 'j RANGE -- Blue rib ; pee ital W not id within & VING, 22 cents squere foot i A -~ Blue ribbon, 24' heavy duty, rey oF arum ' Pi B tena charges pa " iano or Organ, See 8--Articles For Sale ood condition. Apply 23 Drew Street (off WANTED -- Good used set of drums for Apply in writing stating quol- Attendant includes grading and fill, two-year guar- beginner. Call after 6 p.m., 728-2938. 9 antee. Terrano Pavirg, 723-584). neta King Street East). nabeaagatnantbonclionaes ~etbent ifi i ; ' EEN a HEINTZMAN A TENTION ~ MEN 303 RIFLE Sica 7 nt | USD HILDE RABY Micyclabedln ifications, experience, and for retail store operation. All an sae a Al CARPENTRY, block ond cement MAKE IT A "WHITE" (ihe gee ee met with case. fifteen volumes, In @ recent edition, Tele-| Other relevant information. company paid benefits, pen $2.00 for the first 28 words @ work. New or remodelling, Special fall & Co; Ltd Batlant "conaiion:: Tene 108-2007: phone 263-2544, including references to:-- sion plan, excellent opportun- each thereafter, plus 12c. per line of Call Tony 725-4953. ' Known for its accurac d "a Siete tdi ace enero ne Me a y an ELECTRIC WELDER -- 225 amps "and j additional cherge -# not 165 Simcoe S.,-Oshawa SEWING MACHINE henvy. doly: plupin cengaite. Phos: 24-1 19--Articles Bor Reut ity for advancement in sales. verse). $6. 4 reliability, th d pain re NEM LASTERING ae vpn hee| TELEPHONE 726-292 CHRISTMAS oie, a A: la iB. BACKS | wane ee Pe ee DNS Sedans Ee CARDS OF THANKS on A, C. Woods, 728-3420 or| BAMBOO DRAPES. enetian blinds, can-| Brand new S stitch, zig-zag fattory shooting. CAMERA -- 35 mm a Reflex, Macro Switar lens, ition. T : and salary. I age ae aetna | and automatic portables, con $24.95 |@aiseten |" RENTALS -- lpoanp or coucation "ama charge If not paid ga 8 days. ALL TYPES build Ing, roofing repairs) -- nase net dehoo dae a soles, ond desk models, Th h! 4 UARANTE REPAIRS to all wringer DINING ROOM sui iece, wainut, and remodelling: chimneys, new and r wringer SALE FROM $49 50. COMING EVENTS paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs,| Washers and ranges, Free estimates. Call 50. good condition. $115. "D8 Pe dsel parts. 555 Rossland Rd. West . Sm perc only) a tre | sae Soe Nay a, Wisi « Sine desler SKATES ee) OF ALL, KIS OSHAWA, ONT. Firestone Co. Ltd. ind Se. each thereafter . s _by "Oster" available, in e tic rvii onditi iced, * i : Dentistry c . Ser de OSHAWA SEWING Big savings on Skating Out- |Wwith' extra ages. Save by pping Your * Sanding Machines "| 190 King 'St. E., Oshawa AUCTION SALES CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M, Dental SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt _serv- CENTRE fits for the whole family dur- jown dog. Telephone 725-5294 TF Y WA Ww Surgeon, 172 King) Sireet Bast, Oshaws.|ice or calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut 990 Sineoe jing Bue Big Fal Sele. HANG RUG Dek de Gk eet oe © Plumbers. Toolk ou ~~ ORK INCH PER INSERTION $2.10 PER ic 14 pointment, 728-517 Street West, Whitby 668-2563. f 2 terial, modern styling. $25. Telephone eve- . , * DEADLINES SIALAK, ORE. Po Dental Surgeon, Surveyors Day or Night rom $7. 5 PI. |nings, 7 to 8 at 7218. | * ~Painter's Equipment cannot give full time, We BRICK LAYERS 112 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa. For ee 728 2391 for eppointment. BABY CARRIAGE, "Springtime". Excel-| %& Welding Equipment have just the thing for you. tor ee ay PREVIOUS appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-844) H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land|-- -------- ------------ ee lent condition, $35. Wedding gown, white D " |Surveyors. 113 Elgin Street East, Phone patin brocede, size 10, $85. Coane 728-666 Builder's E CALL WANTED LOgT AND FOU ressmoking |725-68 FREE +-- 24-howr Burner CHROME kitchen set, five pieces, two uliders EGuipment 725-9696 ABRY OF PUBLICATION DRESSMAKING -- Sulls, coats, dresses, |ONEVAN- "and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Service All nylon construction, full: |foking, cialray Broan ee doers SKATE AND p alterations. Fittin @ specialt ick | Learn urveyor commercial blue prints, r . et (wi four legs), dresser, two doors BIRTHS AND, ie Service, Phone 1 OT a teamed ie iba [11 Ontario Street, 725 5632. : TEXACO -- Fuel ond Stove depth traction tread. A brand [telephone 723-4220 en catty oe) ~ ' $3.70 per hr, e. eee <= | Sil, Blue Coal" stove; nut, new winter tire priced Gimost '| piaNno, wainut, upright, "Newcomb". HOCKEY WAITRESSES: REQUIRED : 4 CLOSED. IN. JOB -- Sults, co oer A 4 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY poor eigi ng ui. i Saat denen, TV--Radio Repairs stoker coals. @ Slab Wood e Os" low aso" retread: $150. "Telephone 720-32i4y 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous) 2 col | specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. 'Cannel Coal @ Building Sup- from $17.56 Up [PUBLIC "ADDRESS "system, "powertut EQUIPMENT Full and part-time. umns or larger--10 a.m. day previov$ ALTERATION, pant cuffing, mending.| TELEVISION - RADIO plies. : Bogen amplifier, two mike inputs, one APPLY uD Fast, accurate service! Gift Items made 668-35 phono Input, two 12-Inch Jensen speakers EXCHANGE 7 to 4 p.m. -- 4 to 11 p.m. CANCELLATIONS A foverder. Telephone. 738-182 24 HOUR SERVICE fe ined Ot SAIS St SNES, IOs 11 to7 a.m Hill School CORRECTIONS | aL ication re SAWDONS' Whitby) D MINION into carrying case. $149. 723-2008 after 6. KGW Ot Stan! : ilicrest schoo hey Nsaveruement "cancaig. before (Gardening and Supplies HOLMES LIMITED PLAYER PIANO, used, perfect condition.| (100 OO ot ig SKATE | Apply MR. CAMPBELL PALACE STREET publication will be charged one day's iad 244 Brock St. §. --- Whitby TIRE STORE CPelaey: 002072 a ppliances aa 9g HOCKEY EQUIP. Genosha Hotel Whitby ae 668-6321 insertion BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢. "Enio Yourself" ELECTRONICS HONDA SHOP is tas bw Vionel electric treim tiots ot irack), 2,| MENT: with a fair allow- PA ws t, ; carpet sweeper, $5.; bird $2. Tele- - While every endeavor will be made | y SNOW. HUS-SKI Bstbon 5 io Mae SN ae eke ele ore on , New or Used RT-TIME fo forward repiles to box sumbers to | SUNFLOWER SEED for wee service Model 600. 10 h.p. $595. |- - a . | WASHING MACHINE, in good condition;| "TU'!PMent. $1 to $1.50 per hour SALESMAN ff G BEST QUALITY aluminum windows, |three-piecé bedroom suite. Will sell sepa DECEMBER HOURS Woman for pleasant tele- we accept no ilability in respect of | WILD BIRD MIX XMAS GIFT 4 ir eeraee : los: or damage alleged. to arise i 1 loors, awnings, raliings, etc. Low, low|rately. Telephone 725-1937. thrush either failure or delay in tor-| CRACKED CORN whitey "668: --? be mets carriers, windshields, prices! Call 728-5385. or 723-3692. BABY CARRIAGE, converls to stroller, Wiese « 4% 8 a.m, - 9 p.m. phone work, 4.hours daily. ALERT yourig mon for. Osh- gloves, jackets WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-|car bed, car seat and high chair; also it -6 P.M. / phek 5051 owa's finest MEN'S WEAR warding such replies, however caused Whether by negligence or otherwise. MILLET Gee 3 spars NEW HONDAS $295 © |ture or anything you have. The City|large crib. Telephone 728-4074. eras, ee ve ee . Experience not nec- The Times will not be responsible for | VW/HEAT HOT DIPP ALVAN no down ent Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street) CONVERTIBLE d ii jet r replies uncalled for in 20 days. BIRD FEEDING STATIONS OT DIPPED GALVANIZED 199 King Wr Pevaae. 4gaz |Southy 723-1671 20-gallon tank, ee fet pune with . MR. GOULD essary -- we will train. FiONg WATER SOFT SALT TV TOWERS : ne TYPEWRITER, standard, $25.) portable,|725915). fe Write stating age, experience REGULATION > $35. adding machine, $25.; electric type-|1¢FOOT cabin cruiser, 75 HP Scolt out- NURSERY SCHOOL if any and telephone number The Oshawa Times will not be re | ICE SALT ARE THE BEST ! GIGANTI ALE! eilioda $40.; two total electrical cash board; Tee-Nee trailer, skis, lackets, etc sponsible for errors in: advertisements SAND C s LE! a ee sa LING new. Reesonenle for cash. Tele Sharpening & Rental Ltd, ASSISTANT " BOX 10453 submitted otherwise than In writing hot WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Christmas wrap, Sacred books, | THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No| Phone 728-104}, : wha (tor baad te pice | SNOW SHOVELS cards, gifts, novelties. Every- {down aya Weer ian'ey, 2 Honest) sKI-D00 Snowmobile -- Sales and Ser-| 223 King St. West, Oshowe Must be qualified OSHAWA TIMES charge for a single Insertion in which | STRAW T e | O doy cards all at 2 price, |------_-->_--_--__jvice, United Rent-Alls, 354 Wilson Road . Full time. error occurs. Saturday, December 11th at |YACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, sD eam ae eck fn as PET SUPPLIES brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| STEAK DINNERS, 99, consisting of steax,, PHONE 723-3224 FHONE Sites citrus Mactiamestit Ineoad. te ° shaw mes ri TELEVISION corner Prince and King St. |!Fieming Vacuum Service, Main. Street, chips, colesiaw and roll. Crowley's Restau- 728-2604 learn furnace work. Steady employment. ° : fo. classity advertising according to C t : (formerly Burns Jewellers). | Pickering. rant. Taunton and Gartard Roads. 725 its proper classification. ooper- mi Corner Bond and Division First come first served! STUDENT T EWRITERS, new, used, new, Used,] 5968. : ee Oe : T bl Ch : Li } . Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. 728- 5143 - ---------|cash registers, adding machines, $35. up.| PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; ma- ables Chairs, Linens, Dish- |tapy HOMEMAKER, good with chil-\DUE TO INCREASING business, we need Year guarantee, Oshawa Business Ma-!ternity d i S141 es Cutlery, Glasses of fe f td salesmen, If you want fo earn better than PARTS 9 i nity dresses, sizes 14-16, Very clean, y, Bigg € --|dren, "one | pre-schooler, two schoolers.| verage 'income and like meeting the The Times will not be held respon- co _ we ror 4 sible for more space than that which 16 CELINA ST. chines, 728 3664, 725-9748 iota sees good condition. Apply 23 Drew Street Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Five-day. week, Working mother. Write, public, contact the most progressive Real the actual, error occupies. The pub- We Delis FAST aS 3 SERVICE For Washers, Stoves and FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free.|THREE LOVELY girls' bicycles, two for| Wear, Men's Formals, White |;12tng Phone number and wages required Estate Office in Oshawa for a confiden- lishers endeavor to. reproduce all ad- e Deliver phe Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you|8 to 10 years; one, full size, in top con-| Foy F; : to Box 10068; Oshawa Times. tial interview with the Sales Manager. werfiaing snetier cat beret fay gs 723-1139 723-2312 Service Call only $2.50 ELECTRIC MOTOR purchase from Western Oli Co,, 725-1212.|/dition. Bargain price. One car trailer, ox Furs, Mink Stoles, GOOD TYPIST to work in dispensary.|Some sales experience preferred but not no Hal 'y advertis mn E ; Sen "SB yee pa newly painted, sturdy construction, only 2 necessary as we will train you. Guide 4 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture f ' Grade 11 or better. Apply Box 9707, Osh- ao ee TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim Or Vil cut DOMINION Repair and Exchange and appliances. One location only. Pretty ps LU nd hitch," Days 725-9608;| SARGEANT'S RENTALS awa Times, ri oo Bo elbel Realtor, 16 Simcoe Street them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or TELEVISION OSHAWA APPLIANCE Burnitars, <6 Sines Sequins Weasels = Pr ag ae TYPIST, knowledge of bookkeeping an tere : IT'S EASY TO PLACE A 7-610 7 186 Simcoe § 728-7535 | GAS CONVERSION unit, practically new,|MAFLE DINING-ROOM suite, in good! 463 Ritson Rd. S._ 725-3338 [acer Apply tully'in own writing to Post|WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Licensed TIMES ACTION WANT AD Scena 28-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- | Best offer. Telephone 773-6274, Best offer. Apply before 2 pm, 285|/CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church| Office Box 235, Oshawa, Ontario. ee ier anvking Eoumviens and Call Classified Direet struction All_work guaranteed. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|USED WRINGER washers, from' S20.|arihur. street. aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 ra ns ai 723-3492 . sais ab Ribtdiee dehedhaldb bb --|Pliances. 'Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294] Wayne's Appliances. Telephone 723-1411. |eyR- Goat > Fulllenaih Baraian| Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, | RELIOEL PERSON living in vicinity of/fringe benefits. Telephone 725-6561. a. 4 or 263- 2695 | ---- Full-length grey Persian itson and Bruce, for part-time baby sit- ' Canada Vrivin hool ----..| BABY CARRIAGE, stroller, _play-pen,|Lamb, smail roll collar, full back, size|THREE-TON STAKE TRUCK for rent,|ting for two small children in my home,|COOK -- part-time, evenings only. Apply g Schoo T T.V. Towers $50 Up - BRAND NEW high-back swivel rocker,|small crib, car seat, all in good shape.|14-16, Excellent condittion, moving south, evenings, with driver, Telephone 723-4740. 'Telephone 723.5539. J to Scott's Chicken Villa, 301 Dundas @ Fully insured dual control $23.00; 9 x 12 carpet, $38.00, 20 Church| Reasonable. Tele) ---- West, Whitb' " U . phone 723-1276. Sell for $275. After 4 p.m., 723-5672 and, Pigeon est, HtDy. INDEX TO cars @ Licensed by Ontario e) RON'S TV Stree! ie ~ | 63-5839, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,|walTRESS wanted for fish and. chip Department of Transport @ 12 Years' + oO CHESTERFIELD and chair, brown, foam reducing machine: ick Hi } _ -- ----tenensemee ' 'own, fo _ Ss, sic room su; es. Experience W [TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 'a4i,|cushions, two-seater, five years old;|CLARINET, good for student use, Tele-|Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, THEIL [eee tote NRSaY ORG APY 19--Male anu Female CLASSIFICATIONS Cars. supplied for Government E. All Work Guaranteed E Help Wanted 1--Women's Column Tests @ Home pickup ser- 723-7521 R $ In the cases of display advertisements 4 structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower | child' drobe, f yy; I h 728-1 r er richild's wardrobe, four drawers; roll-a-|phone 728-1307 ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred eT RRESTER ana ic 2--Personal vice @ $4 per lesson, included, single all-channel antenna com- bed, Best off | +131 Ma De i pleie, Installed, tax Included, euarantend| etter ¢ est offer. .Telephone 728-1318 | WEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re-|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|work on automatic "press. Good "wages one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO pairs to all makes, New. hoses. Phonejquets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, Apply Scugog Cleaners, 524 Cromwell man's Column . RON BRIGHTLING Television, corner Bond and Division, STOVE, | tour-burner, double oven, clock |Jack Lees, 728-6956 | Facilities, bar, ale parking. Reason-| ay, hi 1155 3--Sportsman's 728-4811 nd timer, in very' good condition, $25 Faz_|able rates. 728-6315 bel tele alld lasted ARE YOU SE» ' 9 AM. -- -9 P.M. foscte ante Wittin mas G. E. stove, push button, 24 inch. Inter- ----___________._ | OES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call &--Marine Equipme onivire TUITION, : 2 y TYPEWRITERS, new and rebull : 2 _____.|national_ Harvester refrigerator, both - in{rHousAN in £ h, Latin, ' rebuilt, stand- " i HOUSANDS of eyes search the Timesjon you? We may need someone In your eerie tor due French. and * is Ate ards, portables, electrics, The ideal gift Bhi ach et AA ds me 35)excelient condition, Telephone 655-3856. | Classified Columns every day. Telephone ares, or call I nisducts 723-9349. » EXPERIENC ED ? for students. Lai fock ti , LU Cor- sas ad 17k i if a Maia Bonet school students. Sou-3866 Oshawa Ss Fastest © Gna year full "avaranie." pbriggbili vair Corsa, 140 HP, four-speed and radio,| GUNS, . Bought, sold, Bi Bis cote 253497 and "pur your 'offer "ostore ier: BOOKKEEPER, part-time, to lake com- 16--Farmer's Column PARENTS, improve your child's grades | Jenkins B 8. Machines, Sales and) 2nd other extras, $3,000 for-all. Telephone }79 9731 re 14--Bu & rt plete charge of company books andi On a complete set of books Ni--Pets and Livestock Experienced private tutor avaliable, Service, 728-7783 Open "evenings: 623-2724 usiness ppo --_-- Preparation of same for -submission tol + General ledger trial bal- 12--Articies Wanted French, English German or Latin, at --- ager ae ELECTRIC TRAIN, two tab 1 REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, SERVICE STATION and auditors. Write stating age, telephone 9 5) 13--Articies for Rent all 1 grade levels, call TBAMS atter 5 pm ena SKATE EXCHANGE -- $2.97 plus your| 4: v_ two fables|new smooth-top mattresses, $24.95; ges number and qualifications to Box 10541, ance. he 725-8541 or 723-0065 trade. Sport rs feet of track, three unit diesel engine, ae 1 over 100,000 gallonage gasoline males, cn ; 14--Business Opportunities --------_---- & lea . portsman's Corner, 103) Byron! many cars, worth $300. Will sell for $125, |SOves? 924-957 | cribs, $10.95; new Criblthe middie of the business section of a|ostawa Times. Do you want an interesting i-erpreyren Wanted Janitor Serv: ce RA IS pda ly One block .west of -Four ey eae ees 400. ii ear ace as OT 3 95; eseere| thriving North-West town. Estate sale, ex-| WOMAN or girl to mind children and live| position, pleasant working 17---Female Help Wanted ATTENTION HOUSEWivEsI Fan, eco. E SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and vsed|ELECTRIC guitar and electric amplifier,|chrome sets, radios. Guns, new an fut price rate cor ae teeny In, Neer Shopping Centre. Telephone 723) Conditions, all company bene- ee Ping Ps te IO weites nomical ceiling,» wall cleaning done by RADIO & TELEVISION skates. Sold, ee Expert sharpen-|!iK@ new, also electric dryer. Telephons|used. Valley Creek, 16 Bord Street West.| cipnyh Real Estaie Ltd fits dnd top wages? modi hi tes. 1 cle Centre, ra SEL See: 20---Real Estate for Sale guaranteed. 7287706 estimates. Work : eS a eee ond East, 725-6344 Game Ra BUY 'AND BELL Good used frnllUrs Hy ARIETY. STORM near OCVI, Excellent 18--Male Help Wanted This is the job for YOU NICELY PRUNED -- Spruce cotchiand appliances. Gord's urniture, 215 location. Steady, well oe . References Required $1.50 PER HOUR, middle-aged man to do 204--Summer Properties rites 's Spruce and Scotch 27--Farms for Sale M --_ csiienial pine. Plantation stock. Free delivery. 509|P:n@. Salsam, 97 cents and up. Fresh cut/Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 round business. Telephone after 6:30 Hyves 2! ort ages Bloor East, 723-2281 daily,-good--variety, wholesale retail. We 28-3295 cleaping and maintenance. Some heavy) Only those with the above ain cag igage TV SERVICE deliver H, Chinn, Park Road South, af/FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-|728-329 _______ |worft, about #t 10.44 hours weekly, Includ- quolifications need apply in %--Real Estate Wanted + DAY OR FI lity ff t ly $299. i se . rt fe DESK -- 24 inches by 48 Inches, seven|Hiliside. Telephone 723-7088 BAIA Legh Oe dal? ne. complete' sports SHOP for sale. Agencies for|in half day Sunday, Write Box 10324, 24----Stores Offices and Storage DAY_OR EVENING r x condi en etme Las , living room, kitchen ensem-| oe F | ing one TSENG ENN we ' : 26--Houses for Rent MORTGAGE LOANS 728-5286 SNS aT nti NeW. Tele: emcURY BURNITURE -- Sklar andluies, PAY Only Es, Wkly Unbeatable | oro eee ee ore ee Com oneme Ulmer: Perey). IY 26--Apartments for Rent -- | Kroehler; GE and Phillips small appli- ! Barons' Home Furnishings, au|ppale Vshing tackle and. tive bait. ete |NIGHT MAINTENANCE man required at 27--Rooms for Rent FIRST & SECONDS Sree = 20-inch, heavy duty, good con-|ances, TV's, Discounts for Christmas! |Simcoe South, lmetalent location, Owner has other in-|Genpsha Hotel. Apply In_ person. a. FOLEY = apr Cy poet NO BONUS OSHAWA es suitable for cottage. Telephone Open evenings In Detember, .Alax 942-|S¢@ap HARDWOOD -- onefool lengihs.|terests. Write Steve's Sport Shop, PO|FULL TIME messenger. Apply Canadian Plumbing & Heating Ltd 30--Automobiies for Sale Ask for "Bili" ELECTRONICS Shiie hein Sates |. 8 oleae .____. ___ |$7.75 single cord. Phone 723-2281 before|Box 190, Hastings, Ontario, Only Interest-|National Telegraph, 14 Albert Street, 9g S Sicompect "Cors for Sele sk for "Bill Horner on ange te _, inches usED LUMBER, 3 x %, in good condi-|9.30 a.m. or evenings ed parties need apply 319 College Ave - ' x y inch tv 3 eces. $ -- -- ~ ---- --~ we - =---- -- . an.Feurken tor Sale 778.5157 j lbeds: set of lamps with tri-light Teig,| toni _over 200 pieces. Telephone 725-0897. /EULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- Specials|BEAUTY SALON for sale, Simcoe North jE MAN for parttime our! (1, telephone calls please) 33--Auiomobiles Wanted . I YSLEVISION RADIO " ted : Tv TOWERS SPECIAL - 40-foot towerloffered now for Christmas, north-west'district, Low rent. Excellent cilentele.jside work. Experienced only. Telephone Ly P He Acromotie Repair Active Realty Ltd. | Thompson, 157 'en CADIO) service. Fred itna= BRUIT BRODUCTT-- ;. [structure all-channél - antenna Installed,| area. Oshawa 728-9530 Full price, $3,000. Call 728-9611 72-5154 se ld aa Bt " | : n -- Specials|$50 hawa TV Supp imit 361! ~ -- ------ ae . %--Legal - FIRST AND SECOND morigaga' Sale WOrk guaranteed otterad now for. Christmas. Te@lephave evetoibbene street, tas une y Limited, 361 typEWRITER and cash reqisler, 320; GARAGE AND SERVICE station in'$i2,000 FOR RIGHT MAN over @ In The OPPORTUNITY. "for reliable' 'couple te 37--Auctions . agreements purchased and sold HennickiCITY TV TOWER, anienn. vee jnings, 668-658 " " three spindle milk shaker,. $110; electric] Bowmanville, for lease with option tojOshawa area, Take short auto trips <to)share excellent home with gentleman, ia 50 Pomminn Bvente and. Hendick, Barristers, 31 Kine Streat! Al. wark arias A has, also repairs.| es 7 onteneintvoat |CABBAGE" ROLLS ~_orders taken forlgrill, $40; desk, $39; meat. slicer, $125;|purchase if desired. Steady year roundicontact customers Write Vice - Pres.,|return for board and regular household mw Gadi 32 Qt 1 7 Gelding. . part-She : 2, pert! rapa tant aele meocink sts den, $9. Bilt. Hnmil-locet. business." Tools: and equipment avail-|Dept. NB, P.O, Box 70, Station R, Te Liddell convenient central location. Appip Toespaiaaere eahtn aide a - ; oe ae Wiiine te Sax eer. Behers Ties