« 1 u Pp s t a si s, a n o a h eo 88 MICKEY MOUSE i BUZ SAWYER | YO' WON'T BELIEVE THIS, TH' GREAT MASSACREE, WHICH BUT ONCE IT WAS A FLEA-BIT, CRUMMY LI'L WE WILL RE-ENACT, BEGUN WIF A SNEAK ATTACK ON PEARL HARPER? AH ALLUS TAKES THAT ROLE £7" LISTEN! I HEAR ZERO UP AHEAD BARKING! Vereat MERCIFUL, PROVIPENCE-- A ROAD, ff ANP ITS BEEN CLEAREP-- THAT MEANS WE'RE VE HERE, TATER!/ TIME TO GO SWIMMIN'J C'MON, BOY! a WASN'T HURT. IN THE AFTER MAJOR WORK, TOM THOMSON QUITS COMMERCIAL ART JOB MOVES _TO ALGONQUIN Tel Toronto THE LONE RANGER r THAT TRUCK DRIVER BUNGLED HIS "GASEN.ACADA MERELY. SIDESWIPED SELLING HIS FIRST "NORTHERN LAKE Po anaes, Baer it BE UST _ A HOBBY ? HIS AND PARK . "PORTURATERY aid RANCH * AND MY GAUCHOS ARE DEVOTED. FURTHER: FOUGH AND THEY LL WOUND ¥ WADE GET CHALMERS! TELL HM We Wile. TRIPLE HIS PAY --1F HELL ACT OWS SECRET AGENT X9 ot King atten Semen, Nar. 1068 Wald Aen mere nee 4 HES ALIVE! NOW HE KNOWS WHERE I HIV THE MONEYS ¢ Pe oa a eG UNGA AICKEY , YOU f SS QUGHT TO HEAR '¢ OUR BAN? NOw! [ | Distributed by King Featores Syndicate. WHATID You A DRUMMERI * OO-7D., . IMPROVE / (we FINALLY GOT i/ POOR GRANDMA, Is: ALL SHOOK UP THiS AFTERNOON ./ -_4 Bsa nat, West ght weenie MUGGS AND SKEETER OH ? DID SHE JUST RECEIVE SOME BAD NO/.. SHE FELL ASLEEP INHER \ HIGH-SPEED VIBRATOR CHAIR / NEWS THAT UPSET MENS SHOP, %. DRAIN! Wide |v S DONALD DUCK SIXTY BUCKS DOWN THE THAT'S WHAT I GET FOR BEING A PERFECTIONIST!, I MADE THAT LAST ROBOT TOO HUMAN! HE REFUSED TO APPEAR IN PUBLIC UNTIL. I BOUGHT HIM. A suit! ACROSS 1, Avoid 5. Shellfish 9.The "leg" of Europe . Hauled . Early American . Starvation . Corroded , Boise is . Transition its capital Monotonous Supposes Well-known Field uncle deity 19. Bene 5, Beseech . Flowed . Minced 21. Lampreys oath 22. Speak . Bridge position . Empire State: abbr. . Abyss . Batters . Assumed names . Bay of 23. Owns 24, Calendar Yesterday's Answer 33. Surrealist painter 36. Under- world goddess 38. Compass point luctant . French river . Went forth: poetic . Manacles abbrevia. LM 2 ¢ion $ 7 Ts LA Channe! 2--Buttaio 100 Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buftalo Wee' Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel %--~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Weis Weongsoay ave. | 6:00 Pa. | \--Pamily Theatre --- | 9--Five O'clock Show | 6--Superman | 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel tLleyd Thaxton | 1 Pm. §-3---Midweek t--Leave it Te Beever | 7--Rocketship 7 | 12:30 6--Sports | BMovie @--Music Hop | 11--News; Weather; Sports } 3-Hudson Bay | 6--Newscap . Footlike part 10 27. Like 29. Doomsday AA 300k money . Stealthy 32. Earthly . Portuguese coin 35, Beehouse 36, Antler . Stone tablet 8. Meaning . Slipped . Otherwise DOWN , Rank . Seraglio 3. Mexican rubber tree YOUR HEALTH I THINK I'VE GOT A CASE OF HEAT {| EXHAUSTION !! Fie ~ 5 Zn LOOK-YOURE A MIXED-UP KIDI YOU DON'T DIG WHATS GOING ON--} DONT T;THOUGH? GROWN UP, THANKS 'TO YOU, ONC&I WAS A LITTLE FOOL. NOW... FOOL!! Vi The "Proper Diet" For Glaucoma Seen By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: What do you mean by "proper diet" for glaucoma? My doctor says that 'if diet affects this disease, he doesn't know about it. I would eat anything to save my eye- sight.--J.- M. if I misled you, ¥ apologize: It was not my intention to sug- gest that eating certain foods will prevent glaucoma. How- ever, some things should. be avoided. Other than that, an adequate, balanced diet is suffi- cient--common sense _ nutrition. Glaucoma, as you know, in- volves increasing pressure in- side the eyeball. Prevention de- pends on keeping tension__or pressure down. Caffein can increase this ten- sion. Therefore, coffee is 10 be avoided, and the same is true of cola drinks which contain caffein.. Likewise some head- ache pills which contain caffein,! Tea, although it contains some caffein, does not appear to have the same effect as coffee. Just why is not understood. (De-Caf-| feinated coffee is acceptable.) NO RESTRICTION Imbibing large' amounts of fluid alse can increase tension. Indeed, one test sometimes used for glaucoma involves drinking a large-amount of water in a short time to determine whether pressure increases. Please do not think that this means you should restrict fluid unneces- sarily. Normal liquid is health- ful, but in ordinary amounts only. ; People who are habitual beer drinkers often put away consid- erable amounts of fluid jn a short time--so I would avpid this habit. Likewise I ve known physicians who restridted glaucoma patients to no more than: one or two highballs a day ~1i-HeeSehnitzet 4--Captain Kangeres 9:00 | 11--Topper 9--Piaytime 4:30 P.M. Bobby | 1--Family Theatre | 9-43--News; Weather | end. Sports | @--Huffley-Brinkiey | ews Girl Tak 4--Mikes 3 | 7--Cheyenne $--Acrose Cansde 7:00 P.M, '--Gilligans island | %--Camp Runamuck &--Rip Cord | 6--News, Weather, Sports | 4-The Honeymooners | 3-12 O'clock High 2--Huntley-Brinkley | Report 1:38 PMA, il--Green Acres | 9--Gldget | #2--Virginian 7--Orie and Harriet 6--Provincial Affairs | 4--Lost In Space | 8:00 PLM t80 1\--Special Movie %--My Favorite Marten 7--Patty Duke Show | 63--Okay Crackerberry 6:00 Pm. --NHL Hockey 7--Gidget 63--O.K. Crackerby | 4--Beverly Hillbillies | 0:08 Pia | 7--The Big Valley 8-2--Bob Hope 4--Green Acres | 1--Nurses 11--Ed Allen 9--Bingo 7--Donna | 63--Friendiy | 4--The 10:45 8-2--Morning d--Andy of Weis 9:38 Pda, ¢-3--Festival 4--Dick Van Dyke 1 fa \\--Merv Griffin Show +2--I Spy 7--Amos Burke -- Secret Agent 4--Danny Kaye Show 10:38 Pa 9--Sports Hot Seat 7--ABC Scope |+3--Festival §-2--Paradise 6--Musical 6--Luncheon 1144-7-443-3--News ther, Sports Night Metre | 11,28 PL ll--The Saint 1:48 PLM, | #%Plerre Berton THURSDAY eo Am | 7--Dialing Fer Dellars Carnival 1--Ed Allen 4--Gypsy Rose Lee | 2--Doble Gillis 10:08 AA, | 8-2--Concentration Reed McCoys 6-3--Chez Helene 1l--Mike Douglas %--~ Mr. And Mrs. 7--The Young 43--Butternut Square 9--Summer Fun 6--Fields Of Sacrifice | 14:20 43--Across Canada "The Ma' %--Abricadabra 4--Dick Van Dyke Show %--Toronto Today &2--Call My Blut 9---Sea Hunt 7--Money Movie TELEVISION LOG 12118 Pa. 4--Speaker of The House 12:38 Pm W--Albert J. Steed | 9-1 Love Lucy | &2--Let's Play 64--Search For Tomorrow 3-Neonday Repert ng Pm 1i--News &4--Guiding & ight 10 Pm '1--Thestre 9--James Beard Show &--Matines 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Summer. Carousel &--Mike Devgies shew | 1:0 Pome, } %Sergeant Bliko &4---As The World Torns 0 Pm 9--Kids 18 People 7--Nurses 64--Password S--Mement of Trvih Pada, P.M. Theatre AM, Mouse Aa, With Uncle _ 2:18 PAM, | %--Dear Charlotte 2s Pm | %--People in Conflict | @2-The Dectors 7--A Time For Us é--Love That Bob | 4--Linkletter's Party | 3Movie 2:00 Pm | Donna Reed 9--Fractured Phrases 1\--Bonnie Prudden | B2-Another wWerld | T--General Hospital +43--To Tell The Truth | 8-2--Fractured Phrases | 63--Canadian Schools | 4-1 Love Lucy 10:38 Ada. Giant A.M. A.M, 42 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday. December 8, 1965 ~ =) prince. 'By 8. JAY ae (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) West dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH KQ7 84 A10985 baer 1053 PAoTOS, o42 sss West North East © Pass 1@ # £Pass 2NT _ Pasa. 3NT Opening lead -- six of hearts. Defense is frequently said to be the most difficult part of the: game, and there is no doubt that some players have a lot of trouble when it comes to de- fense. However, good defense is a logical process, and most mis- takes made in this area of play are due largely to lazy think- ing. There are nearly always vital inferences that can be drawn in any hand, and the player who looks constantly for them to guide him to sound conclusions is bound to do well on defense. Here is a simple case which shows the process at work. Let's say you have the West cards and lead a heart. East wins with the king and returns the five, South having played the ten and then the queen. If you are an impulsive player . who refuses to think things out, you grab the queen with the ace and return a heart where- upon South, after taking a dia- mond finese, proceeds to make four notrump. But if you are a really cau- tious citizen, you beat the con- tract. It is not hard to figure out that South started with pre- cisely the Q-J-10 of hearts and East the K-5-2. Once you reach this conclusion, it becomes ob- vious that the best thing to do is let South win the heart at trick two and hope he cannot run nine straight tricks. South's play of the 10-Q in conjunction with East's plays of the K-5 are highly signifi- cant. South cannot have the Q-10 alone because, in that case, East would have returned the two, his original fourth - best, not the five. South must also have the Q-J-10 without the deuce, be- cause it would not make sense for him to play the ten instead of the two on the opening lead if he' started with the Q-j-10-2. In the actual hand, the effect of ducking the gueen is that South must go down. A little bit of thought can do a lot. | CAREER HIT HEIGHTS GREENWOOD, N.S. (CP) -- Group Captain E. L. (Shan) Baudoux, commander of the nearby RCAF station, has a fly- ing career studded with "firsts." Among them are the first operational flight in a ra- dar-equipped aircraft, the first jet flight in Canada, the first complete test-flight series with a tail-less glider, and the first test-flight of the all-Canadian CF-100 aircraft. SALLY'S SALLIES che > ot on tow Ste Dh St th "He wants to know if you have board ... with lots of nails in it." 12 Pm 'l--Funny Company i %--~its Your Meve &--You Don't Say 7--The Yeung Married: +3--Teke 3 4-Hdge of Night 2--Kartoon Karnival 10 Pm. AM. ickey Mouse Club ich Geme Wayberry Ass. Ada, 7--Early Show 63--Bonnie Prudden Show Bay 4 Secret Interlude 8--Recky end His Friends noon ns Pm Ni--Atom Ant --Harty Show 63--Razzie Dazzie 4--Movie 2--Huckleberry Hound Date with seemingly good results. Whether the benefit was from restriction of alcohol or simply of excessive fluids is open to debate. Gi z These are the dietary restric- tions I had in mind, rather than intending to imply that either eating or not eating some par- ticular food would have an ef- fect. @Btet" involves what we eat and drink; not just what we eat, Dear Dr. Molner: If the retina of the-eye has. been. damaged by diabetes, can vision ever be corrected by glasses, or is it bound to get worse?--E. C. The answer depends on the extent to which the retina has been damaged already, and the .|many regards: Blood pressure, rate at which the damage is progressing. In many instances glasses will improve vision. But if the damage has affected the focal point (the macula) of the area upon which the light rays. must fall, then glasses will not help. Dear Dr. Molner: What is meant by an electrocardiograph reading of within normal limits? Does it mean it could be better? --Mrs. M. M. It means normal -- nothing that warrants worrying about. There is a substantial -differ- ence between normal people in temperature, weight, and so on, and not an exact, rigid right SKATE X-CHANGE New and Used You Can Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey. Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, ete. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ~ Sat. 8.a.m. to 6 p.m. figure.