Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1965, p. 40

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sn SENS en 258K. IRAE. MAL OMRAME Modwcsdas,. Pssambei., ent Oe A parks, property and recrea- #1948 fantation menue A. traffic. committee recom- abe ie pS t j Sin SENS eA "Wit @ wylaw = oc inn "committee --_---- Separate school board trustees will be advised by city council that their request for construc- tion of a sidewalk on the west side of Elmridge ave., the en- tire length of the street, will be considered when the 1966 side- walk program is being pre- pared. _-_~_~-- Charles F. Foote's application for a public garage licence for the of a coin-oper- ated car wash at 470 King st. w., was referred to the parks, property and recreation com- mittee. ' Referred to the public works committee was a request by the Public Utilities Commission that) pital council approve the extension of a water main 118 feet north on Fox rd., from Champlain ave. Council approved a board of education request to permit it to proceed with the drawing of plans and the calling of tenders for a 10-room public school on Ritson rd. n., to be opened Sept. 1, 1966. The board estimates the total cost of the project will be $286,000. The board said a request for final approval will be submitted when tenders have been received and the actual cost established. The board also said the present five-year capi- tal construction plan contains a total of $468,000 for 1966 and the Ritson rd. n., school request brings the total of the board's requests to date to $426,000. Local 250, Canadian Union of Public Employees, asked council by letter for an early meeting to discuss pension plans. J. E. Gorin, recording secretary, said the local established a commit- tee but it was unable to arrange a meeting with the city's per- sonnel officer. A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs regarding integration of pension plans was also received. Both CONNCIL. BRIEFS that a City of Port Arthur rese- lution concerning the Commun- ity..Centres..Act and the. winter! works incentive program be re- ceived and filed was approved by council, P. W. Manuel thanked city council by letter for its co-op- eration in preparing and pre- senting briefs to the Select Committee on Youth. Mr. Man- uel said city clerk Roy Barrand and recreation director Wen- dell Brewster were especially helpful. Council endorsed a City of Windsor resolution that the Municipal Act be amended to provide that where any hospital has been established as a poll- ing place, an election official be authorized to issue certifi- cates to electors confined in hospitals to entitle them to vote at the polling place in the hos- Council agreed to advise Mrs. F. Swithenbank, 246 Court st., of previous investigations by the city on her complaint about vibrations, bell ringing and whistle blowing caused by the shunter behind her property and that the city has no authority to take any action on the mat- ter. The amount of $4,620 was ac- cepted from H. Kassinger Con- struction in lieu of the 5 percent! conveyance of the 31-lot plan of subdivision on Marigold ave., and Orchid ct., subject to ap- proval of the Minister of Muni- cipal Affairs. The acceptance was recommended by the parks, committee. Council's Toronto lawyers ad- igus vised that the city's $2,110,000 debenture bylaw is a '"'good and valid" by law. The letter was received and filed. Council adopted a parks, Brop- erty recommendation that a rental of $100 per month be charged for the city - owned house at 69. Queen st., and the County be billed $50 per month retroactive to May 17, the date on which the juvenile and fam- ily court took possession. A Public Utilities Commission suggestion that an extra $300 be spent for underground rather than overhead wiring, and con- crete rather than wooden street light poles -- two in each drive- way leading to the Civic Audi- torium parking lot -- was ap- proved by council. Total cost of the work will be $2,100. Council approved a_ traffic committee recommendation that all on-street and off-street meters be in operation from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Mondays to Saturdays inclusive, excepting oficially proclaimed holidays. The new hours are expected to be introduced in January. Bylaws establishing part of Nelson st., and part of Bond st., €., as public highways were pas- sed by council. A bylaw authorizing the con- struction of asphalt pavements on granular base with concrete curb and and gutter as local improvements at an estimated cost of $721,811, was passed by council. The work will be done on parts of Brock, Church, Centre, Fairbanks and John sts. Council agreed to advise the board of education that the sug- gested bridge at the west end of Humewood ave., has been in- vestigated by the engineering department and that construc- tion of such a bridge is feasible at an estimated cost of $1,750. The board had requested a re- ne __|port on the feasibility of con- Bylaws providing for parking| structing the bridge. times and no parking on Alex- andra and Alma sts., authoriz-| 4 public works committee amended to prohibit parking on both sides of the two driveways Neading to. the Civic Auditorium was approved by countil; © A parking lot- bylaw will be amended to include two new lots at the northeast corner of Church and: Bond sts., and on Simcoe st. s., at St. Lawrence and that the bylaw be amended to provide for the enlargement of the parking lot located at 64 Bond st. e., by including the land at 56 Bond st. e. Council approved a_ traffic committee recommendation that bylaws be amen ded to permit: two-hour metered parking on the north side of Hall st., between Simcoe st. s., and a point 270 feet west; and that parking be prohibited on the north side of Hall st., between a point 278 feet west of Simcoe st. S., and Centre st. Brock st., will be made a one- way street westbound from Sim- coe to Church as soon as paving has been completed, council de- cided. A parking bylaw will be amended to ban parking on the west side of Simcoe st. n., be- tween Brock st., and a point 300 feet north of Brock, and to ban parking on the north side of Brock between Simcoe and Church. A public works committee recommended that Jacobus Janssen's offer in settlement of a land expropriation not be ac- cepted, was approved by coun- cil. Ald. Cecil Bint, works com- mittee chairman, said the en- gineering department is prepar- ing cost estimates for the open- ing of Gibb st., to the Civic Au- ditorium for consideration at budget time. Commenting on the 'messy condition' on the west side of Church st., between Richmond and Brock, Ald. Hayward Mur- doch asked if a sidewalk of |some type would be provided. |Mr. Crome said the minimum teal' Tr: FALLS CREETK.,. Australia (Reuters)--On the chill slopes of a mountain here, six Austra- lian athletes are 'undergoing a unique training program they hope will help them win gold medals at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games. The athletes are training on the newest and highest sports track ever built in Australia. On the densely-wooded, snow- covered slopes of the popular winter ski resort of Falls Creek, in Victoria state, they hope to become acclimatized to the con- ditions they can expect in Mex- ico City, which lies at an alti- tude of more than 7,000 feet. Even at the relatively low al- titude of Falls Creek, which is only 5,500 feet above sea level, the athletes have already found the going difficult. SOME GET OXYGEN Oxygen has been administered to some of the athletes after a "maximum effort" test, and oth- ers have suffered painful cramp and injury. A team of doctors from the Sports Medicine Federation of Australia is supervising the group's program of daily cross- country runs, sprints, jumps, and other strenuous physical tests. They are taking electro- cardiographs and blood tests to check the athletes' ability to perform, endure and recover at high altitudes. The six athletes taking part are Australian six-mile cham- pion Geoff Walker, 27; Austra- lian 1,000-metres cross-country runner Jim Langford, 21; Aus- tralian long - jump champion Phil May, 21; 30-year-old mara- thon runner Jim Crawford; 19- |year-old middle distance runner Bob McMaster;. and Australian universities three-mile record holder Frank Larkins, 23. THREE ORGANIZERS The project was organized by the Australian Olympic Federa- Unique Training Plaii zers said: '"The first thing I ob-| served was how very tired and) drawn the boys were after their | first day of training and tests. | "They were so exhausted that) they tumbled into bed at 5;30/ p.m. and were still sleeping| soundly at 6:30 a.m. next day--| which is unusual for them." Specialized equipment is to a) large extent responsible for this sudden attack of mass lethargy. | A bicycle ergometer, which} measures energy expended, and| a spirometer, which measures lung capacity, tax the strength of the athletes in regular weekly sessions, j Frank Larkins said there was) "a significant drop in perform-| ances' on the bicycle ergome-| ter. "The exertion in this high al-| titude brought on cramps, ex-) haustion and a feeling of nau-) sea," he added. "I just wanted) to lie down and die." This, and other tests,..as well) as track and field training, will) continue for as long as it takes' the men to reach the perform-| ances which they have achieved | jat sea level in Melbourne. | WILL SKI HIKE © | TORONTO-BANFF | WATERLOQ, (CP)--Rudy | Buckman, 2. band Walter Horst, 20, bothYof Waterloo, plan to establish a new long- distance record this winter by skiing from Toronto to Banff, Alta., a distance of 3,000 miles. The skiers will carry about 40 pounds of equipment and | follow the Trans - Canada | Highway. They estimate the | trip will take three months | and cost about $2,000 and are seeking sponsors. WILD LAND KILLS | Since 1947, a total of 324 men} 2 PAE a enna te Oe AP LG IEE POEL at BUDGET SAVING PRICES LECOFF'S Supermarket Wit pew Grocery Specials Zor tot 5 tor OO "BUTTER | POUND ONLY Save 8c ee MARGERINE TULIP. 3 Ibs. 84° for Maple Leaf Cheese Slices T-lb. pkg. ETS 33° Kellog's Corn Flakes 8-ox. 45° OR 5 ae 1,00 Pkgs Robin Hood Flour 5 Ib. bag «BAe Save 5¢ GREEN GIANT GREAM CORN wen Specials New Crop Sunkist Navel ORANGES 59c a Doz. FLORIDA TANGERINES 39c a Doz. FRESH GREEN SPINACH letters were referred to the finance and assessment commit- tee. ing the execution of a deed; providing for the clarification of the qualification of an appren- tice plumber and to eliminate an unqualified plumber from recommendation that "all resi- dents on Mary st., who sub- mitted letters requesting infor-| mation regarding the proposed; Ald. Thomas asked the works widening of Mary st., be pro-|\committee for a report on whe- which will be provided is a tion, the Sports Medicine Fed-|and 24 women have been offi- | gravel footpath. | jeration of Australia, and the/|cially reported missing in Nor- | |physiology school of Melbourne|way, and two-thirds are pre-| University. |sumed dead in rivers or moun-| 10-0z. Pkg. 19c LETTUCE 15-oz. Tins 7 ' 1 00 ef 'or Ea Save 29c ... Shell Canada Ltd., applied for the rezoning of land at 230 Celina st., and the property at the corner of Celina and Hem- lock to permit construction of a service station. Shell said it plans to reconstruct the exist- ing station at the corner of Celina and Hemlock. The re- quest was referred to planning board. performing plumbing work with- in the city; and amending a by- law to conform with the Lord's Day Act and to provide certain regulations governing permitted activities, were approved by council. vided, by means of a letter from the commissioner of works, with any information regarding the proposed location of sidewalks and trees to be removed which the commissioner finds it pos- sible to provide,"' was approved by council. The committee also agreed to inform those residents affected who did not submit let- ters asking for information. A bylaw expropriating a lot at the northeast corner of Ans- ley ct., and Rossland rd. w., A spokesman for the organi- tains. ther the city considers hiring consulting engineers other than Damas and Smith Ltd., for such| things as bridge design. The} committee said it would prepare | a report. | | Ald. Gordon Attersley asked if the timing of signal lights at the) intersection of Simcoe and Bloor| st., could be investigated. Ald.) SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to MEAT SPECIALS ' Large Head 19c en Cecil D. Reid was ordered by council to immediately remove signs placed on city property on Bond st., just east of Steven- son rd. The signs mark the entrance to a car wash business located at the intersection of Xing and Stevenson. Mr. Reid, through his lawyer, asked coun- cil by letter for permission to leave the signs in their present location. from John Kemp, 71 Garrard rd., was passed by. council. A motion offering Mr. Kemp $8,- 500 in full settlement for the land was also approved. w 73° | the area is being made and that Miksa demamities toons the town will be contacted when _ e TecoM-| study results are available. mendation that the treasurer be -- : authorized to transfer $250 from Ls. 89° A footpath will be constructed uw. 45° FRESH GROUND HAMBURG STEAK 3. 1.00 sdanteA ss sccpiec 2 ee DRUGS and CLOTHING CHRISTMAS REG. 98¢ SPECIAL 79° GIFT WRAP rrow 99° 10 1.50 or mail early for Christmas adopted by council. necessary" clause. Dnipro Hall Association re- Council approved a subdivision zoning requests to permit con-|agreement between the city and struction of an auditorium and/Michael Zygocki and Manning to provide for a three-acre play-|Swartz concerning property west) ing field were approved byjof Waverly st., and that $13,-) council. The requests were/600 be provided in the 1966 bud-| recommended by planningiget to cover the city's share of| board. The land is at the south-lservice costs = Brady said action would be} Council agreed th tnteria:the| talon 0 tenprobe tieslng. vee $26.00 on your auto insurance, RIB STEAK Town of Whitby that a study of|sible, before the next meeting.| See } a garbage incinerator to serve | sci es 'Plant Slated | JOHN RIEGER ff 2 % Nicara | At Owen Sound 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA = RINDLESS BACON the police department budget to r. TORONTO (CP) -- Goodyear - the police commission budget to ee 98 = pong sat ri Pa Tire and Rubber Co, of Canada Di AL : pay the salary of the police|;ear of St. Gertrude's school Ltd. will build a plant at Owen| HONEY BRAND __|commission secretary for 1965/,roperty at an estimated cost Sound to make auto foam prod: | 728-75 67 A letter from a Toronto firm|(six months) was approved by|of $4850, Council approved a ucts and one at Chatham to) requesting that it be considered) council. lecrke sonmnitias recommenda-| make auto wheels, the company | PORK SAUSA for the structural design work Ition to this effect jannounced Tuesday. a ae hig apo ndhen gg org - city} Ald. Christine Thomas' motion cain " i Each plant will cost just un- was receiv iled by|that the PUC be asked to in-| , " _|der $2,000,000, Goodyear Presi- = council. The firm will be ad- vestigate the feasibility of i en "tha dent L. E. Spencer said. The vised to deal directly with the| viding improved lighting on|the city pay: T. and M. Ermis- Owen Sound plant should be| city's architects. Simcoe st., at Memorial Park,|coft $1,400 tn full settlement toni coarsest by June 1 and the ; was approved by council. land expropriated from them for|P!ant at Chatham by July 31. A city planning board recom- lroad widening at 147 Church st .| About 100 persons are ex- mendation that the subdivision) Council approved three mo-\mrs Wladyka $9,110 + full set./pected to be employed initially of W. Schleiss, located in Eastitions to release holdbacks 2 |tiement for the expropriation of| t Owen Sound. At the Chatham Whitby Township on Harmony/final payments to three city|per entire property at 330 Sim.-| Plant there will be 200 employ- rd. n., be not approved was contractors: Tripp Construction,| aoe st, 5 jees at the start of production. adopted by council. $8,945; W. B. Bennett Paving, ig | ee ocd ee Construction,' procedures in posting adult) OFFER TASTY CARD trea yg oe el yesvoon crossing guards were amended; TOKYO (AP)--Although pre- board recommendation that the iby council by substituting the|dominantivy Buddhist, Japan 18-lot subdivision on Lomond st.,, Procedures and meeting Wates| words "traffic and public safety| celeb ates Christmas. A new south of Dean ave., by the fed-/recommended by tre asurer|committee' for the words "traf-|type of Christmas card offered eral-provincial partnership, be|Frank Markson for considera-|fic advisory council.' The ad-jfor the first time this year is| approved subject to the payment/tion of the 1966 current budget,|yisory council has been dis-|made of chocolate, to be eaten! of all service costs as required|were adopted by council subject| panded. latter delivery. by council. to substitution of dates as deem- ---- ed necessary. Mayor Gifford,| A planning board recommen- noting that three Saturday meet- dation that a five percent cas-ings of all council members VADIAN : in-lieu of land payment be ac-\were scheduled, said it was not cepted for the 17-lot subdivision|fair to hold members to thre of Jackson, Walter and Jackson,|Saturdays in a row. His objec- CLEANERS located west of Cedar st., and|tions resulted in the 'subject to south of Wentworth st., was substitution of dates as demeed NOW HAS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS @ 1120 Simcoe St. N. 728-2361 @ Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 for pick-up and delivery call 728-2361 BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS east corner of Bloor and Edith sts.' Rezoning was approved subject to an agreement guar- anteeing the erection of build- ings and a development of the site as per plans filed. Rosslynn Estates Lid. ad- vised council by letter that it is withdrawing its application for rezoning of lands on Steven- son rd. n., to permit apartment buildings, Council concurred in a plan- ning board recommendation that no change be made in the zon- ing of property on the south side of Bloor st., west of Park rd., as requested by Machaels and Leon to permit a retail fur- niture outlet. Specialized automobile service shops dealing in the sale of auto parts and installation of com- ponents sold on the--premises will be permitted in C-1 zoning areas. Council adopted a plan- ning board recommendation to this effect. The recommendation was prompted by a zoning ap- plication submitted by Speedy Auto Glass Ltd., involving land at 263 Simcoe st. s. A request for a grant by St. Leonard's House, Windsor, which helps rehabilitate men éither on parole or after their sentence has expired, was re- geiyed and filed by cowicil. | on boundary; ~ istreets. Another agreement be-| ltween the city and Holshawa jconcerning six lots on the south |side of Adelaide was approved) 'and $1,300 will be provided in the 1966 budget to cover the icity's share of the cost of in- stalling subdivision services. THE A $90,386 tender(for construc-| tion of a high rate trickling fil-| ter at the séwage treatment iplant was awarded by council to Mel-Ron Construction. Fred Crome, works commissioner, said the tender was the only one received. He said the esti- mated cost of the project or- iginally was $93,000 but was now $115,000 -- a little less than a 25 percent increase. He said the Ontario Water Resources Commission has reported cost increases of up to 100 percent over estimates. equipment, or other e funds spent for fixed and refinance existing A. $4,292 paving contract for Halliday Manor was added by council to the city's contract with the W. B. Bennett Paving Lid. The Oshawa Housing Au- thority, which will pay for the work, requested that the con- tract be added to an existing }contract. amounts of $25,000 to terms of 3 to 10 years. industrial or business RoyNat Ltd. at HALIFAX, M WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALG / ©r eriquire through any branch of. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA Council authorized P. J. Ken- nedy, parks, property and rec-| reation commissioner to act as the city's agent and bid for land required by the cily at a tax jsale Tuesday. ' SYSTEM & OF FINANCING provides loans tailored to fit the needs of your business: to finance the purchase of land, buildings, and provide additional working capital or replenish nesses or start new ones. Funds available in xpansion programs...to assets...to consolidate debt...to acquire busi- $1,000,000 or more, for For assistance with any project. call: ONTREAL, TORONTO, ' ARY, or VANCOUVER " BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY POLIO IIIS A PRI for local delivery and please remember: . unsealed envelopes require a 3¢ stamp MEZ/0D y, BLEACHED SUGAR BAGS | 3 1.00 NYLON rn 39° GLECOFF'S 174 RITSON RD.S. -- SHOP BY PHONE --- 725-3445 FREE DELIVERY $10 OVER = CHRISTMAS. FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! TICKETS BOWLING TICKETS Free Game of Bowling at Eastway Bowling Lanes at Townline with over $5.00 Order Ist QUALITY

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