* Moscow Distrihu tes 'Tove ------ ---- adtind? Seal Wien vt AL 2 ayuyeD When New Year's Arrives Indian Help | MOSCOW (AP) -- Kids here like the toys that kids like in the West--guns, trains, dolls and the like. This 'is apparent at a toy ex- position being held here. | Christmas is no longer a real holiday here, and toys are dis- tributed at New Year's. Other- wise, much is the same East and West, There are decorated pine trees. In place of Santa | Shotaun's Tee R Ls) ac onahle. tis oS Sea Ru and all, Another, a. little older, Jelp Assault Charge Dismissed ny tive support for Canada's In- peuaere pi: _ vane eg Brooks, testified they Most of the toys on display in/dian population was promised); ba nr ak te Sknoign isaw Shepherd on the roof of the the exposition and in store win-\late Wednesday by George )'°'C® "means i Peyig seep house and were only standing. dows are plastic or wood. Plas-|Burt, Canadian director of the|# pris es be ec th a wilt around when they were injured tic dolls hang in profusion along|United Auto Workers Union 35 anit sedate ie Baile after hearing a shot. the walls. (CLC). Ca ee *| 'The two, and 11 others, have The impression of ve toy| In a statement, Mr. Burt said) erm, ibeen charged with consptracy to fanciers is that the quality ofjhis union was prepared to offer, Shepherd had been charged onmit an unlawful act. toys here is a long reach below paneer ao 5 5 the support "to eliminate many after three other youths were) those found in West Germany social injustices to which they|wounded by a shotgun on Hal- are subjected because of racial lowe'en Claus, Father Frost appears in the stores. He is the same rosy- ehecked character who gave toys to children under the czar. Not a single toy inthe whole the same. A toy tank has the same trick that came out in Gerniany a dozen years ago. It runs around a table without fall- and Japan but the patterns are} \discrimination,"' He said that the recent march by 400 Indians in Kenora, Ont.,| "demonstrated that Indians do| He testified he had fired over the heads of a gang of youths after they had thrown rocks and shouted threats outside his DEALING YOUR HOUSE ? the "Action" Mtn to . See Is GEORGE VALENTINE | ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 728-5157 exhibit--over a block long--jing off. resent' the discrimination which|home at Verona, about 25 miles speaks of revolution or of the) A little mechanical man pe-|Canadians practice against|north of here. ; : |promised arrival of commun-|riodically tosses a fried egg into|them and are demanding better! He had been protecting his ism. the air from a little frying pan,|treatment." mother, he said, = MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT Extra Fast Service When You Want It! Aussies' Summer Is Near Bush Fire Danger Great SYDNEY, N.S.W. (Reuters)-- - |Australians, looking forward to j the approach of their Southern | Hemisphere summer, are appre- hensive. For this summer, the danger of bush fires is expected to be acute. MONGOLIA STILL LAND OF NOMADS major city of Mongolia. most of these Jive in Ulan Bator, a city of 200,000 Probably less than 30 per yy.0c faina diene Red cent of Mongolia's 1,000,000 Hero, After centuries of people are city dwellers and backwardness, Mongolia, aided by Russia and China, is trying to catch up to the world. Wide street and handsome buildings mark Ulan Bator, a sprawling roomy city that is the capital and only North Role For Youth? OCHORIOUS, Jamaica (Reut- launched united opposition TORONTO (CP)--Youth vol-jers)--Lord Thomson, Canadian-|the legislation. --CP Photo 'Limiting Foreign Ownership Thyroid Link | In Atom Blast 'ii: * | SALT LAKE CITY (AP) --'out millions of acres of forests, Held Infringement On Press | Atomic blasts in Nevada in the destroy livestock and property, unteer groups and the value of|horn newspaper owner, said) He said the Canadian Daily|1950s are suspected of peice and sometimes take human life giving marks in school for phys-| wednesday legislation limiting|/Newspaper Publishers' Associa-|thyroid glands in a group Of, namage runs into millions of to BORROW re DIOOO. "sevrvns" Need money to- A TYPICAL PAYMENT PLAN Het Cash 20 30 36 day ?--Call Citizens You Get Months Months Months Finance right 114.46 7.00 310.78 19.00 away | Speedy 758.89 H i 1489.74 service is as much 2499.80 j- 3107.92 a part of our busi ye ness as the friend- ly, confidential treatment that awaits you here. G Hull, Chicago, 15 ; . Assists: Shutouts: Penalties 41 minutes. Rousseau, 15 Hall, Chicago, 3. Brown, New York 32.00 60.00 96,52 120.00 193.05 CASH LOANS / $25 TO $5000 cd OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 P.M ITIZENS FinaNCE COMPANY LIMITED 61 KING STREET--WEST Phone 723-34 | VANCOUVER (CP)--An $18,-|which the computer can calcu- 000,000 hospital planned for the|late and print in minutes. | |University of British Columbia) poison control information is! iwill be equipped with a com-|cyrrently updated only. periodi- puter able to supply information cajly by the federal food and - 'on all types of poisons, drug department. China Told | The information, when needed) 4 consultant at the poison con- bead on peyaery | Bg centre at Vancouver Gen- . ions, will be fed to all B.C. NOS-ieral Hospital, Dr. John Dean, JAKARTA (Reuters)--Indone-|nitals within minutes. says his tatf can supply about sia has warned China not to in-- The UBC pharmacy faculty,|95 per cent of the necessary in- terfere in its internal problems,jheaded by Prof. J. Glen Moir,|formation for effective poison Foreign Minister Subandrio js busy updating and simplifying control : said in an interview published!,}) known information about ; today, 'We shail not permit outsid- He says there are about 250,-| poisons. 000 chemical compounds that) Prof. Moir said: "Within thelare poisons, or that people fear " ary. OPEN Every Night Fully automatic press and forget, sturdy construction -- highest quality lenses complete with carrying case -- automatic electric eye meter, From MOVIE CAMERAS BRING THIS CHRISTMAS BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN--IN ACTION! The Camera Centre hos a: selection of movie cameras to suit every budget. See our famous nome selection of cam- eras and equipment 19 88 . Starts As Low As ELECTRONIC FLASH No more flash bulbs--fully transistorized. circuit, com- plete with 21 88 , botteries. MICROSCOPE KIT -- ed Magnification ronge 75x to 600x--comes with dissecting kit. Sturdy construction includes carrying an toe 10.88 FUN SAVER MOVIE CAMERA KIT Complete with- @ Howkeye 8 movie camera £/2.3 TAPE RECORDERS The "Fuji "extras" built in includes tose, ear phones, batteries and -tape, i) the carrying 24,88 THE ELECTRA Best value in quality--super sensitive dynamic microphone, input and output, jacks, tone control, self-containing case 6 month guarantee 88, 00 " Now Mony others to choose from. e@ Kodachrome 11 movie film @ Fun Saver movie idea book 1 mode by Kodak, ' OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE LIMITED OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges So young visitors show their,and about every third throw it) Mr. Burt said his union in- Two of those struck by shot- fascination with the samelgoes flying off at a tangent and|tends to raise the Canadian In- gun pellets, Douglas Veley and gadgetry found in toy stores in/doesn't fall back into the pan. dian problem with the union's . rors North America, Britain, Italy,|As a toy, it is less monotonous fair practices department and FILE MUCH MAIL France or Germany. that way. "have the full attention of our qo Smithsonian Institution, | A little brown-haired boy was} There are guns, and ranks of international union brought to washington, receives more than entranced by a wooden Pino-|toy soldiers, and little red bear on it." 7 ienti 1 i i A : ; 70,000 scientific reports yearly, echio, pointed hat, pointed nose| wagons. | "Our likely first step will be; __.____ ae ee Se . |to respond to the recent request iof the Ontario Federation o{ La- |bor for financial backing for its jhuman rights committee so that |professional staff may be pro-| \vided for working with Indian leaders on a full-time basis. "In this way, we would hope The federal bureau of meteor-ithat the momentum gained at ology, which has forecasting and Kenora will not be lost,' he observing offices throughout) ..iq Australia, is able to plot the) wr, Burt said the brief the In- course of weather systems|djans presented to the Kenora which can dry out forests andiigwn council "is one to which grasslands and to forecast the) aj) fair minded Canadians can| speed and direction of hot winds| .inceribe." which can fan a small outbreak! into a major conflagration. The bureau is also able to NHL LEADERS give advance warning to land ' ) ' f o owners, townspeople, and for-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS ical education were discussed in|foreign ownership of Canadian, tion hopes that talks with Ot- Utah children soon to be wy sihaes dollars and, in the case of for-/estry and fire-fighting officers.) Standings: Chicago, won 11 briefs presented to the legisla-|pritish and New Zealand news-\tawa will reconcile government medicai iests at yor ona gh ests, is incalculable: Some aspects of the relation-\joct five. tied one: and Mont- ture's select committee on/papers is an infringement of objectives and the publishers') There are nine children to "| In past years, the greatest|ship between weather and fires|real, won 10, lost four, tied youth Wednesday. freedom of the press which if)objections. examined at the { HIVErsity of| calamities have occurred injare still not fully understood, al-\three: points 23. E. W. Robinson, principal of|unchecked will lead to further) 'The conference appointed aj Utah's medical centre in a week) itheastern Australia, notably|though foresters 'and meteorolo- , Frontier College, recommended infringements committee to draft a resolution 9° So. All have nodules, ori, victoria, But New Southigists are working to solve these. Points: Rousseau, Montreal, that young, educated persons be| Lord Thomson told the Com jon freedom of the press, for con- sea lumps, on their thyroid/wates and other states have problems. 26 recruited by social agencies and|monwealth Press Union, meet-isideration at the CPU's next 8!ands ae also suffered severely. For example, a large number! Goals sent to work among persons of| i icy nay-|meeting, Dec, 9, in Port of Dr D. Carlyle Thompson.|UpKEEP COSTLY res in c ; ' their own age in Tastes Oa-linn aa ee ee ice . Utah's health pee said! Because the pe vary in Ss cal enka Ge tario who have little education. |papers to the local management|that there should be no restric- badge gap eco rm, Severity and not every year is|South. Wales are started by The brief by the college--a|preserves the national interest/tions on the rights of free per- eae _|a bad bush-fire year, it is notilightning during "dry" thunder- volunteer organization which|despite foreign ownership. sons to publish in a free society, wees esate in 30 ants economically sound to maintain|storms me provides part-time teachers to, His son Kenneth, head ofjand that prohibitions, restric.) PAE COMER Shae the always a fire-fighting organiza-| Meteorologists have found work and live among persons|)Thomson Newspapers Ltd.jtions or permits designed to PP et gen gg Bose "i tion at sufficient strength to dealithat major fires developed in MOURNED TOO SOON aye 4 pe r F Fy ly ' < { +i t th i ' 5S s 3 ot < ssi si . Sue 3 Fy a _ Pia a oF rl mv " pote saglaatieeg | pay a Rig hy pied ucasan's at ltasbon ot ge age ig sai winds' from southern Nevada, on eee pur ee rege the Wid teoronened 'cpp The wear ar ils ptsoneng by.helping others the v te |paper empire, urged the CPU CALLS LAW 'SHOCKING' where the nuclear tests took! a ithorities therefore rely onigale force > \tershire town was alarmed when -sperpang on cue veer : oli BE agnor vapanse yea voy Ye ., |place, and scientists say radia-|,._ Se : : oe , teers' self-esteem is raised. jto define its beliefs on press; Kenneth Thomson said the Ca Hoik tedin' the BiaNt wae carried |mely warnings of the approach; Evidence is also accumulat-ifriends telephoned his wife to Mr. Robinson said the Agri-|freedom. nadian legislation on foreign into tan Sai of critical weather conditions tojing that winds and temperatures\sympathize with her on_ his cultural Rehabilitation and De-| In an impassioned address, he newspaper ownership is '"'shock- |) sua jenable them to musier adequate|in the upper atmosphere play|death. On checking, Rev. Phillip velopment Administration of the|said he favors the recent Inter- ing" and has created deep di- ze ine were selected for|personnel and deploy them toan important part in determin-|Stacey found The Church Times federal government has found|American Press Association def-|visions of opinion among Cana- youl ' ek of He ¢ the best advantage. 'ing the behavior of major fires. |had published his obituary after initi i 7 t children in the area foun -- the death of a different Philli Sulittie ache' 1s Shorthorn lamong peblishers on the Cansliutsevention and restrictions on|'@ have the tiodules . siecay ' Ontario is illiterate. jdian law imposing a discrimina-| publishing The children are 10 to 18 Hos ital To Su ] Data |tory tax on advertising in Cana-- Norman Smith, editor of the years old, and Dr, Thompson p pp y " DON'T WANT MARKS \dian, editions of foreign maga-|Ottawa Journal, said that de-|said they are not acutely ome . DEALING YOUR The committee, including|zines, Canadian publishers have|spite the diversity of opinion| The examinations will include| 0 All T Of P | Chairman Syl Apps, agreed wath |= ---- a - ---- studies of the children's thyroid| n ypes o1sons | CAR? George Cass, a teacher, that| glands and their metabolism. | "7" 'The Man Té Sone the giving physical education) Sh ] Bl d Bl d | 7 rye ( marks in schogis is poor public} ape y: ue-eye onde ' JACK relations. | . . . i | Mr. 'Cass, past president of| NJ, Police Commissioner 'Don't Push! the men's physical education s : H UGH ES section of the Ontario Educa-| HACKENSACK,,N.J. (AP) ----|geant put it, 'She'll be the ulti-| tion Association, said school|The next commissioner of the|mate boss." | i physical education is geared too|140-man Bergen County police) Mrs. Mahalick who assumes) much to the good athlete. department will be a shapely her new duties Jan. 1, is no ONTARIO MOTOR The student who can't com-|five-foot-five, blue-eyed blonde. |novice when it comes to police SALES pete sees his average mark; "I get a lot of ribbing but be-|a@dministration. She also was dragged down by his physical|ing a police commissioner is not|the first woman police commis- education mark, he said. strictly a man's job," says Mrs. sioner in her hometown of Wal- "His parents say 'that damn|Doris Mahalick, 41 - year - old lington, N.J. physical education if the|mother of two teen-age daugh-. When she was appointed to school wants any more money |ters. jthe post in 1962, some local Paella? i.| ; for gymnasiums they won't get) «1p, ise 4 residents were apprehensive. |¢tS to interfere' in our busi-jnext year ave hope. to develop Alare poisons. It would be com- it from me,'" said Mr. Cass. |such as 'e bir laess 8 fa on ead ness," he told the army news-|new card index system for alliforting to have a centre with Mr. Apps; e. formet National|( nthe sure ct ci Saee EXPECTED DRAPES paper Be rita Yudha (war|B.C. hospitals which would pro-|nrecise information on all of Hockey League star, said par- G Satery, ; They all expected me tonews). "I have made it clear|vide for rapid information re-|them, ents should be told of pay, (nas just as much insight as a/start hanging drapes in police|to China and I have even in-|trieval and quicker treatment." child's physical fitness, but no?" she explained. \ |headquarters," she recalled. |structed our ambassador in Pe-| Cards will be coded' and fed|i marks should be given on re-| AS commissioner, she will be But, instead of picking. pink king, Mr. Jawoto, to tell thisjinte the computer at A E OHNSON 0 port cards. one step above Chief Charles upholstery for prowl cars, ma-jto the Chinese government." |hospital, which will then serve|! O "a ' D. 7 aia .|LoPresti and directly respon-|dame commissioner, during her} sybandrio said relations be-|@8 a 24-hour poison information| OPTOMETRIST sible to the board of freehold-/one year in office, obtaineditween Indonesia and China centre. Once in operation, hos- 14V2 King St. East NHL BIG SEVEN ers (county council).-As one ser-|funds to purchase badly needed|weré suffering some difficulties|Pitals or doctors can telephone 2 RING of. Sos -- | ralieaeneenciencesmntinr electronic equipment and helped and roforrad ta attacke hyIn..or telex the UBC hosnital for! 722.2721 B : ie By THE CANADIAN PRESS | injured knee. His goal output is|"aise police salaries by an aver-\donesians on Chinese embassy |Poison treatment inf mation! For A six-point effort -by Norm|the best in the league at 15. |as¢ $1,200 eliminating a'staff residences after the abor-| ~~ Ullman of Detroit Thursday) Hull's teammate, Stan Mikita morale problem. tive Oct. 1 coup agaifst the oo ig from lith to of Chicago, holds down third Mrs. Mahalick comes to the government. Communists were Ou. spo' in the National i post by virtue of a victor i , Hockey League individual scor- SPOt with 22 points and is ful-\the.New wdexgey state secon -- os , ie ; ing race. lowed by Montreal's Jean Beli-'Noy, 2 as feeeholder (county! ae 'pa vast 'eal si Ullman, last year's leading Veau and Uliman, both with 19.|councillor). Her'Democrati ccol acelin Oidca eaHankla aps goal-scorer, scoreg three goals) Bob Nevin of New York is in|leagues then named her chair-|~ t and assisted on three others in\Sixth place with 18 points, in-iman of the county's public, SUbandrio said if there had Detroit's 10-2 win over Boston | cluding 10 goals, and teammate|safety committee, which makes|Peen some violation of diploma- to bring his season's points|)Don Marshall rounds out the|her the police commissioner. le a Pages because In the most pleasant shopping atmosphere. total to 19. He has so far scored|big seven at 17. Throughout the freeholder|'h® People had become angry Do all r Chrictmes Buyin You'll 10 times and assisted on nine.| The leaders: campaign, Mrs, Mahalick was|While 'crushing the coup ele- Seeiaue: tiga eres eeewerg Bobby Rousseau G A Pts introduced as "the most beauti-| ments. | find shopping at the Oshawa Shopping remained at the top of the list|Rousseau, Montreal 11 15 26 /ful candidate anywhere'--much He said President Sukarno} " Experience Out of the Ordin- with 26 points, based on 11 goals Hull, Chicago 15 9 24 |to her despair had expressed regret for the at-| fj fs SLIDE CAMERAS Centre "An P and a league-leading 15 assists.|Mikita, Chicago 8 14 "If I had been in a beauty tacks and hoped for restoration) : > Bobby Hull, Chicago's star)Beliveau, Montreal 6 13 contest, I'd have loved x," she of good relations, | left-winger, holds down second | Ullman, Detroit 10 9 said. "But while it was flatter-- He added he also had asked place with 24 points although he| Nevin, New York 10 8 jing, I thought it detracted from|China to stop certain radio Pe- has missed four games with an Marshall, New York 7 10 'my candidacy." king broadcasts. Here is warmth without weight: you literally wear air to keep warm in new Jockey Therma-Knit Underwear. Its secret? Millions of tiny air pockets that retain your body heat at skin level, to act as a true insulating barrier against coid. Be sure to buy at least two (one for wearing, one for washing) and this winter you'll never be caught short! Joc! cey aiveReen = BRAND Wttrastoh oui MADE BY THE ONLY THERMAL-KNIT UNDERWEAR WITH NO GAP, ANGLED FRONT OPSRING 2 LOCATIONS OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE 36 King E. . Open to 9 P.M, Open to 6 P.M. Wed Every Night to 9 P.M. Thurs. & Fri, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5211 LAYAWAY NOW -- BUDGET TERMS