, Help Wanted - |19--Male and Femele. 18--Male Help Wa Metp Wanted ---- by | THE PROVINCE : OF ONTARIO c m an _ ---- CUIDE REALTY LTD. . 16 Simcoe St. S. wee : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Piday, December 3, 1965 92 |20---Real Estate for Sele _|20--Reol Estate For Sole |20--Keai stots fcr Scie __20---Reni Esiuie for Sats | KEITH | tu. | CASH PETERS : =~ mast Setate fas Ents 20--Reai Estate ru: Sats | SCHOFIELD-AKER al AND HIGHLAND "AVENUE: BRICK BUNGALOW Well kept home in youd diss trict, Large, modern kitchen ~ with built-in china cobinet. Fenced -in, landscaped lot. Asking $14,900, owner will- ing to discuss offers. Call I 20---Reol Estate for Sale DEWITE 9 BAGOT STREET GRADUATE ENGINEER J With experience in manufac- turing plant. Duties consist of géneral plant engineering, éombined with project en- @ineering, an. new and exist- ing siachinery and equip- ment, ~» Also -- GRADUATE ENGINEER Or equivdlent, for challeng- ing work in the development department, on design and applications of industrial rub- ber products. fringe benefits. e APPLY, TO Personnel Manager GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. (of Canada) LTD. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Excellent RELIABLE married man for dairy farm. Must b@ good With cattle. Separate mod- ern house.. Good salary. Write or féle phone M. Segal, 73] Ansiey Court, Osh-/ awa, 723412). BUE TO increasing business, we need seiesmen. If you want to earn befter than average income and like meeting the pub- lic, contact the most progressive Real Estate Office in Oshawa for @ confiden- tial interview with the sales manager Some sales experience preferred but not necessary as wé will train you. Guide Simcoe Realty Limited, Realtors, 16 Street South; 723-5281. in co-operation with the GOVERNMENT CANADA and the Municipality Of OSHAWA requires TEACHER RETRAINING of the UNEMPLOYED A teacher with good training and experience with or with- out professional qualifications will bé réquired for the trdin- ing program for the unem- ployed, cémmencing 6n = or about Monday, January 3rd, 1966; and running for a period of 8 to 10 months Thesé courses will be held be- tween the hours of 4:45 p.m. and 11:15 p.m, 5 days a week. COMMERCIAL RELIABLE MAN for mink ranch. Single,| live in. Call Hampton, 2632032 p.m. Experience not Cc active monthly debit. after 6 LECTOR, parttime, for established ed. Car essential, No selling. For in-| terview write giving felephene number to Mf. Cartwright, 2405 Lakeshore Blvd West, Suite 205, Toronto 14. NIGHT MAINTENANCE man required at Genosha Hotel. Apply in person. 19--Male or Female Help Wanted Real Estate 'Sales- men Licensed, experienced, only apply. If. you are capable of earning over $10,000 a year, then we need you. Highest commissions paid, plus over- ide. on sales. Join an all male Professionally administrated Office. OVER $400,000 SOLD IN NOVEMBER We have lots and lots of list- ings. Write or phone "BILL" HORNER at 728-5157. All replies are strictly confiden- tial. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED "The ACTION OFFICE" 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa RADIOLOGY STUDENTS Course leading to regis- tered X-RAY technologist begins in January, 1966. Candidates must hove Grade XI (Sr. matric), supported by a transcript of marks. Further information may be obtained on personal applica- tion to Director of Personnel OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL _ TAX! DRIVERS Port or"Full Time Minimur? Age 25 MERCURY TAX! 14 Albert St _725-477\ CARET Church. Salary acenrdir rite Mr. R. A. Holme ar t SALESMEN and women required. age limit. No experience necessary. No Bulid. ey business. For information phone after & p.m, | TEACHER (Elementary bookkeeping, of- fice practice, business ma- chines and English), Interested persons should call Or write to: MR. W. G. FAWCETT Co-ordinator Program \R. S$. MeLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE OSHAWA, ONT. phone 728-9407 Real Estate Sales Manager Required for Oshawa's "Ac- Réal Estate Office, the gréwing Realtor in Oshawa. Qualifications ore very rigid. 15 hours a day on the job required, $1,500 Monthly to the highly skilled selected man. Mony more benefits For personal interview, con- tect "BILL" HORNER at 728-5157 or write. All replies held in the' stri¢test conti- dence. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED "The ACTION OFFICE" 48 Simeoe St. S., Oshawe 20--Real Estate For Sale BUILDING LOTS Pollard Subdivision COURTICE For the finest in rural living -- adjacent to pub- lic school, large new high school, bus. service, paved Streets, large attractive lots. tion" fastest For Appointment 728-5579 pel, Undies PRIVATE SALE AKER tor Brooklin: United a experience Brooklin, On JULIANA DRIVE Three bedroom bungalow with carport, two bathrooms, fire- place broadioom, -- built-in range, rec. room and mony, other extras. PRICE $24,200. 728-1208 efter 7 p.m, REALTY LTD. 103 King Street East 728-7328 VILLAGE OPPORTUNITY Rench bungolow with garage and large l6t, good size kit- chen with hood ond fon, din- ing room, lovely stoné fire- place in livifig room, éxtra room in basement, built-in bookshelves and china cabin- et. Asking $16,900. $12,000 Six r66m bungalow with pri- vate drive, nicely landscaped yord, 3 piece bath on main floor and shower in basement. HOME OF DISTINCTION BELLWOOD DRIVE Bea- utiful 6 room split level home with attached garage, glass patid doors from dining room to patio, louvered closet déors, twindow window in living room. Asking $21,- 900. See this lovely home to- day $500 WINTER. WORKS BONUS New split level home with ot- tached gardgé, walkout base- ment, l6t 50 x 100, birch cupboérds, hood and fan in kitchen. You ¢6uld move into this beautiful home for Christ- mas, PROPERTY COMMERCIAL KING ST, WEST -- 10 ro6m brick 2 storey hone, garage, oil Kéating, extra f6om in bosement. Try @n offer. Call 728-7328. List Exclusive of M.L.S. with this office. ELECTRIC HOMES OPEN DAILY DEVON PARK Here ore 6 few of the quality features: @ Aluminum siding @ Mahogany trim and cupboards @ Plastered walls @ 2 exhoust fans @ Storms and 'screens 6n all windows and doors $14,500 FULL PRI IMMEDIATE POSSESS! Directions: Follow King $t. E. to Wilson Road, turn South 2 blocks to Open House sign, turn East. Joseph BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 REALTY LTD. "ACTION" OFFICE SANTA CLAUS IOSHAWA BLVD. NORTH Different! Superior! Beauti- full This home nearing com- pletion will please the most discriminating buyer. Extra large sunken living room, pre- formed arborite counter tops, sets off the gleaming maho- gony cupboards! Bathroom is large with vanity. Priced ot $21,900.00. Terms. Also has attoched garage. Open to trade deals. Call 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 728-1678 JUST LISTED 3 bedroom tug brick bung- alow. The hailywood kitehen has natural cupboards, vanity in the 4 pe. bathroom, lovely living room with bow window. Large fenced lot and patio. In good location close to all schools and shopping. Asking pricé $16,400 carries for $113.00 @ month principal, interest ofd taxes. TRI-LEVEL This is one of the finest plans for modern living in Oshawa. 4 bedrooms or 3 and a famil room, Large éntrance hall, pc. washreom with vanity as you come in the back door, second level has a large liv- ing room and L shaped dining room and béautiful French provincial kitchen, Then the third level with 1 4-pc. tiled bathroom with vanity and: 2 off the master other good sized ample linén cup- boards2 also an attached gar- age. AllNthis for $23,700. HALLMARK PLAN A cozy finished recreation room with cornér fireplace ond a fourth bedroom or den. On the moin floor there are three lorge bedrooms and a family sized kitchen, living room, dining r66ém and 4 piece bathroom with vanity. Invest in the future. Full price $23,900, CQMMERCIAL PROPERTY Located King St. West. Excel- lent property having o front- Ggé Of 235' by 4 depth of 148'. CARTAGE BUSINESS Progressive cartage business, 1 stake body truck, tarps and necessary licence to operate local cortage in Oshawa. 668-2624 723-3788 668-8558 723-3240 Tunney Morison John Kitchen Larry Cond Phyllis Jubb D. W. McQUAY REALTOR BROOKLIN 655-3663 STOP LOOKING! The property that you hove been looking for is now for sale. Seven room residence, well-kept, all conveniences, quiet location 'in. village of Claremont; 10 miles from Metro Toronto, scenic § acre lot with trout stream a stone's throw from your back door; 800 foot frontoge. on poved road with sewero! building sites, $24,500 with terms CALL HARVEY HOGAN BUILDER'S LOSS Two new homes located in North West, both featuring built-in stoves, decorating and carports. No reasonable offer trodes consid-» ered b refused 4 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE This Weekend 1 to 7 p.m. OT hae 9]2 Hutchinson in WHITBY FLOODLIT AFTER DARK Highway 2 to Bleir Park Plaza, turn South and follow Our arrows. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED BUY -- SELL -- TRADE GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 155 Simeoe St. S$. Member 0.D.R.E.B. NORTH OSHAWA Here is the buy of the week. Brick. 1% storey, 3. bed- rooms. Large lot, Only one catch -- this home is really dirty. Immediate péssession Call 723-4645 evenings 723- 4134, BAY RIDGES $102. monthly carries every- thing. Charming 6 room bung6low.-3 bedrooms. Holly- wood kitchen. Storms, screens, T.V. tower. Early possession. Only $1,800. down. Call 723-4645. - evenings 723- 4143, D. W. McQUAY REALTOR X 985-7242 Get Out Of The City and into this spacious three bedroom bungalow in a quiet residen- tial district of Port Perry, poved drive, attached garage, o large 16' x 16' fenced patio are just o few of the many extros adding to the. beauty of this six year old home at $20,000. For appointment call BON FORDER Millor: 725-1186 or 725- 7; . ' Bi TRADE |... IMMEDIATE POSSESSION your present HOME fora 'HOME oe in Prestige Flarmony Village New Exciting Models 2 Bathrooms 2 Car Garages Sodding front and rear 3 and 4 Bedrooms Stone front and walkout base- ments DIRECTIONS: King St. E. to Harmony Road South to Vil- lage OPEN HOUSE 1 P.M. TO 5 P.M. or by appointment PHONE THE MODEL HOME 725-3557 J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker 725-3557 Metcal REAL ESTATE Lo. 40 King St. E. 6 BLOCKS FROM DOWNTOWN Immaculate 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow with fire- place, gorage, poved drive --and huge 55 x 160' lot. Ask- ing only $17,500 7-ROOM SPLIT Lovely new side - split with electric heat, attached gar- age, family room with patio doors and all underground services, Completely finished ond ready for occupancy. Trode your present home now and beat the price increase. " NEARLY NEW Vendor transferred and living in other city Immediate possession On this attractive 3 month old bungalow with huge family kitchen, Asking only $2,700 to one N.H.A. mortgage. NEW $1,991 DOWN Your choice of 10 new homes, most ready to move in, Bal- ance on one 614% mort- gage. QUIET NORTH COURT Large brick rancher on quiet court. Asking $19,700. HURRY ! Open Evenings 'Til Nine BOB JOHNSTON JACK HOGAN JOE. MAGA GORD HAWKSHAW ELDON KERR KEN HANN JACK OSBORNE Mermber 0.0.R.E.B. wa We list exclusive ond Photo M.L.S, NEW *& BUNGALOWS by W. ROTH Const. Ltd, $16,500 FULL PRICE LESS. $500 Winter Works Bonus $1500 DOWN Small burigalow, | excéllent for a young couple or senior citizen. All conveniences, new oil furnace. Selling for $8,000. Hurry! Call Bill Mil- lor: 725-1186 or 725-2557, RENT OR SELL 120 ACRES WITH NINE ROOM HOME Paved roads all the way. Will sell with trade of home or mortgages, 20 miles from north-east of Oshawa, Phone Bill Millor: 725-1186 or 725- 2557. : W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 King East ACTIVE REALTY LTD. ; "Action" Office NEW 9 SUITER TREMENDOUS RETURN ON INVESTMENT $18,000.00 down, close in location, 2 bedroom suites, individually' heated ELEC- TRICALLY, balconies, broad- loorn wall to wall in all suites, built in automatic stoves and ovens and built in refriger- ators. Lots of linen and clothes closets, beautiful kit- chens, fully equipped with storms and screens and T.V, ontenna. Leundry room with automatic applionces, park- ing, Long term 25 year mortgage at 'low interest. "Shown by appointment only. No trifflers please. Call 728- 5157 before its too late, ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 48 Simcoe St. S$. 728-5157. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED "ACTION" OFFICE CHRISTMAS WHAT A DEAL! OPEN TO OFFERS Only 2. left! Outstanding new -homes featuring clay brick, 3 bedrooms, colored fixtures in ceramic tiled bath- rooms, deep, deep lot, walk out basements. Only $1,885, down. One mortgage for bal- ance, Full price $17,950, Try your offer, owner ANXIOUS, You can move in before Christmas. Hurry ! Call 728- 31574 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 QUALITY BUILT HOMES BY ECHO CONST, LTD, 1,000 FULL DOWN (To Those Who Qualify) WALTON BLVD. WHITBY Large . selection of 64%4% N:H.A, homes featuring 3 bedrooms, storms and screens on all windows, aluminum storm doors, built-in stoves and ovens, furniture finished cupboards' and many other exciting features. DIRECTIONS-- Drive West on Rossland Road to Brock Street, Whitby then two short blocks further west to Walton Blvd, Open daily and week-ends. L. N, BIRD Reo! Estate Ltd. Call 668-6061 NEW AT SHOPPING CENTRE 3 bedroom, 5 room brick bungolow, 4 piece ceramic both with vanity, hollywood kitchen. You must inspect this now. Only $17,400 with terms. Call Jack Appleby of 728-5123. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 6%% Mortgage Joseph BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 $1,991 DOWN @ Brick Bungalows @ 130' to 170° Lots @ One 644% Mortgage Bob - Johnston 725-9365 Gord Hawkshaw 723-1861 METCALF Real Estate 723-5281 A RARE FIND : 1 @ All the charm, convenience, and simple dignity is found in this charming homé, custom built for the present owner, ond designed by a prominent archi- tect, The attractive living room, dining room, three bedrooms and halls are broadloomed. The T.Y. room has natural fireplace. The house is aftistical Or- oted, heating is hot water oil. Attached garage, poved drive ond beautifully treed, hedged and landscaped lot. Phone now for an appointment to see. @ IF YOU ARE LOOKING 11,.@ For @ small home with a low down payment in the vicinity of Oshawa, please give us o call. We have One on Lawson Road, priced at only $7,800. 6 ELECTRICALLY HEATED II] @ Brand new large bungalow with attached carport, on Labrador Drive. Large living room, separate dining room and 3 master sized bedrooms, 4-pc both with lorge vanity, Why not give us a call ond let us tell you oll the extras this home has to offer, e COMMERCIAL ZONING IV @ Simese Street North: Brick home and garage, located on lot of 40 x 140, Ideal for future office space. Call to- night to inspect this property in one of Oshawa's fastest de- veloping commercial creas. ® BUILDING LOTS V @ We have three choice building lots in different areas of the city. Priced. reasonably. Call on these fo-night. e BRAND NEW HOME VI @ For the busy housewife this lovely ronch style brick bungalow will sove you numer- ous steps with its spacious but compact living. 3 good sized bedrooms, L-shaped living room and dining room Priced at $19,150. Well worth « phone coll, e BEAUTIFUL VIL @ Bock split 4 bedroom brick home with 2 baths, large L-shaped living room and din- ing room, family sized kitchen with plenty of cupboards and built-in "stove and oven, Com- pletely finished recreation room. Priced reasonably, Call now, cd LIVE COMFORTABLY VIII @ For immediate possession this three bedroom rug brick rancher with attoched garage and finished recreation room on attractively landscaped extra large lot. In choice North West locale, Priced to sell at $20,- 000. e COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 1X @ Brock Street $., Whitby: 74 x 145 foot commercial lot with five room home. For full particulars call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, e NORTH WEST AREA X © Lovely brick home with ottached garage, priced at only $17,900. 3 good sized bed- rooms, nice sized kitchen with ample cupboards. High base- ment, Large lot of 66 x 158. Call. now for full particulars. s 1% STOREY OLDER XI © Brick home in the prefer- red North West locale, located on 6 quiet friendly street. Very clean home with' attractively landscaped grounds, Sun-room, air conditioning unit in the mas- ter bedroom are just a few of the attroctive features, Priced at $14,900. * SOLID COMFORT XI @ This well kept bungalow ot on ideal East End location is only five years old, Priced very modest at only. $16,500. with o« hollywood type kitchen ond o new paved drive. Call to in- spect as this one will not lost long 'on to-doys market. e CITY FARMER XII @ Your longing for the outdoors, frustrated by the ne- cessity to live close to town? Let us show you this magnifi- cent 3 bedroom ranch style bungalow with attached garage, on 10 acres of leyel farm land, right qt the North -City timits. Barns and stabling now provide for livestock, A substantial down payment will keep your carrying charges at o minimum, Full ask- ing price $33,000. e MONEY MAKER XIV e@ This inexpensive four bedroom home hes provided 4 good ineéme in the past, why not see what it can do for you. Oil heated, spotlessly clean and handy to General Motors north plant. $2,500 down will handle. Coll 723-5281 for full particu- lors. @ Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After hours call: Doug Trivett Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Evelyn Cassel Eleanor deJong Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jeon Peacock Jack Graham El. Ann Thompson George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Bick Young 723-7183 We list exclusive and Photo M.L 723-7390 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-2754 725-3710 728-2949 728-0208 728-558) 725-4330 725-9947 728-4731 728-4241 723-2537 S Member of 0.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS located]. REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street NEWCASTLE A low, Very clean built, Laundry tubs, oil heet- éd, 4-pe, bath, hardwood and tile floors, Nice treed lot. Ask- ing $15,500, Easy terms. 5 roomed, néw, brick home in Westview Height sub- division, All moedrn conven- iences. Carport. Asking $15,- 200. Terms. 5 roomed new bungolow with oil furnece, 4-pc. bath laun- dry tubs, Asking $11,900. Terms. ° 5 roomed, new bungalow with all modern conveniences. Hardwood and tile floors. Asking $12,900. Only $1,- 500. down, 8 roomed, brick home on double fot. All modern con- veniences, Hard and soffrun- ning water, Very anxious to sell. 5 roomed bungalow with all modern convenientes. Nicely landscaped. Asking $12,500. Terms. 4 ORONO, 8 roomed brick home on Moinstreet. All modern conveniences, Hardwood floors throughout. Double lot, Ask- ing $12,000. with $3,500. down, BOWMANVILLE WEST: 5 roomed bungalow. All mo- dern conveniences. Double jorage. Lorge lot. Asking 12,500. with low down poy- ment. 7 roomed modern home on No. 2 highway on 1.6 ocre lot. Asking $13,000, Suitable wor VLA. 5 roomed modern bungalow on 2 acres with smell barn. Partly wooded, Asking $14,- 900. Easy terms. EXECUTIVE TYPE BUNGA- LOW. Extra well built. Very modern. Speciol Tennessee marble stone ledging on front. Triple Pierson windows. Only $5,000. down. We. list Photo M.L.S, and Exclusive, After hours call: Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlanc _ 623-3715 Idso Wiersma' Orono 1649 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lorn C. Duff 985-2728 Ross Davidson, Betheny 30r2 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE. MOVE INCOME PROPERTY 1 5 room aportment ond 1 3 room apartment. Brick semi 2% storey with oil heot. North Eost area, See this now by calling Allen Johnston ot 728-5123 or 725-1381. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Very clean 1% storey house. Good. size kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, full base- ment, extra large garage. Fenced lot 40. x 144. Full price only $8,500. To inspect ~ call Jim Brody ot 728-5123 or 728-0483, DOUBLE GARAGE Conont Street, East of Ritson, 5 room brick with large kit- chen and extra room in base- ment, Hedge across front. Close to schools and bus. Call Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. NO Its. mot over priced, in fact someone is going to get a good buy in this very clean 6 room semi-detached home. The asking price is only $8,500 with good terms. Hurry for this one. Priced for fast sale. Call Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD... 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of O.D.R.E.B, 723-6461 Armstrong Homes IN OSHAWA SEE THE KENT THE PRICE WILL PLEASE YOU $16,900. DETACHED, BRICK, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW: LOCATION: South on Kee- watin off Olive Ave. GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-4645 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY © 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. - INCOME $285 MONTHLY Toxes only $250 yeor. This '3 apt. home has been all freshly decorated. Price of $15,800 includes complete, furnishings for 3 apartments, - plus 3 television sets, plus" washer ond dryer. Call Irene" et 723-2265 or 725-. GLENWOOD AVENUE Spocious 7 yee old 'ranch: bungalow with double garage. on a nice corner lot, feature: ing large L.R. with fireplace, separate D.R,, large kitchen with plenty of cupboards, ond three bedrooms. Good stor- age throughout home. Finish- ed Rec. Room ond laundry® room, This home offers 1500 $q. ft. of living space. Be sure to call Maible Boudreau" ot 723-2265 or 728-2233. . BEAU VALLEY Only $21,000 ---- 7 rom: brick bungalow with attach-' ed garage -- 3 bright bed-- rooms, modern kitchen, din- ing room, large family room panelled in mahogany -- for more details call Don Howe at 723-2265 or 723. 9692. HOTTEST HOME BUY TODAY New electrically heoted 4- bedroom, 2 storey home in nice neighbourhood close to both public and separate schools. L-shaped living room with glass sliding doors off the dining room, 4 pc. bath up and 2 pc. bath down, oat- teched garage ore just « few of the features this large 1800 sq. ft. home offers, Full. price $23,900.00 -- Trades pov a -- give us o call right now --- George Koorn- neef at 723-2265 or 723+ JANE STREET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - Immaculate six room brick bungalow with attached gar- age. The whole family will love this L-shaped living and dining room with natural stone fireplace; spacious modern kitchen 'with ample cupboards; glass sliding shower door in the 4 pe. tiled bath. Priced at $22,- 500.00 and terms, Call Irwin Cruikshanks at 723-2265. or 728-5205 Member of the Oshawa - & District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND MLS. 360 King Street West. Free, easy, safe parking. Peter Kowal Jr. : REALTOR 52 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE 623-2453 EXECUTIVE TYPE BUNGALOW Located in Bowmanville, six - rooms with three bedrooms, ~ living, dining room and kit- chen, some broadioom, 2+ cor garage, completely finish» * ed rec, room and other facill- ties, hot woter heating with oil, extra large lot, beouti- .. fully landscaped. Would suit the most ° discriminating of buyers. Don't hesitate! Call To-day. PRICED AT . $20,000 SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD, © 46 King St. W, 728-7576 MR. EXECUTIVE New 6 room stofhe and brick split-level_home with 4 lovely ponetled 'family room and fireplace plus a 2 car remote control_att. garage, all rooms are large, including the 3 bedrooms, kitchen has @ built-in stove and oven, gar- burator, hood-fan, living room drapes are motorized, all drapery and broadioom in- cluded in sale, complete home finished in broadloom. Fins ished "Rec. room and bar. Extra's too numerous to men- _ tion. Call Nick Siblock now -- to inspect this beauty at 728- 7576. 20--Real Estate For Sale (Continued on Page 24)