Zz TRE SHAWA TAS, Friday, Beeember 3, "Want Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 9--Morket Basket 17----Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted By RJ. SCOTT [he annie, 42.75 busta, Free = BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | jjypeseraigqueotinwgg Gefetcr= cinst | sovs 1 | 1 | Delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291. NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, 75-15. bag, $275.1 If you have a pleasing @) ; Telephone 723-9439. --_--** personality -- like work- B pa i nitor Service ing on your own, and Accountants Barristers Je ms s DEAD and crippiég, farm stock picked 9 y . SEPM GUTMANN, Chartered Account-/JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar-/ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- a s . ? up promptly, Margw® Fur Farm, Tyrone.| have lots of initiative, IF YOU ARE BETWEEN Jose Plensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street|rister and Solicitor and Notery Public,|nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by ' inewce id THE AGES OF 12 AND East. Telephone 723-48 723-4833. the cnibig teen ant ioe bord pl ark occ lag estimates. Work TV TOWERS Licence 389-C-65, read on... TW wa, Ontario. Client parking 'N saat ' Cc ¥ Enerered econ 30 King Bt. e able 7a crabs ie M T i n », : e A 2 f t geese, ducks" police put" 66s M47 --t An Ajax firm requires a girl 15 sae YOU CAN EARN Oshawa, 7254800; Winiiam, C. Hall A pegs joney. 72 608 gi ; ge oe \BALE WHEAT ond oat straw. Brooklin Friday, who is on accurate Bicomm, CA; - id a Perkin, CA; centre, Street. yng oad ~~ 'elgg 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at @ rea- i ECONOMY, AND nN! 7 3 ea 655-3055 Pe Ss fiiaonttee deo: FE a MONEY FOR CHRIST- 4 rnin neh crilfiedGenerai|™- "Evening | appointments. Dial|sonable rate of interest to consoli DELUXE , FISH 35 ae! ant * |RODNEY OATS « 'aw for sale. Bow-| typist, has a good knowledge GORDON : sea ed a ee OY i ME CHINESE. WIGWAM, -- | manvilie 623-5077 evenings. of bookkeeping and eon act MAS. Suite 205W, Oshawa a ota: providing you are steadily em-| Priced to suit your budget, USED 1K $0) ping n e ping. Centre, 7259953. Building Trades ployed and. have good reat. Telephone! --§ TERMS ARRANGED DHIGS MONASTERIES » THE FISH whan' ic 111_--Pets end Livestock is canted So Rm PB BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. gids =bs ROSEN CASE A ESCM hs cacti eka chet cae n : Ce ae. Mortgag OSHAWA TV Fee Talee Hid vasa chore miner POR INTERVIEW GALL boys to sell The Times in ALBERT HOWMAR, Chartered Account- BIGGEST OFFER ee mall miniature, bi 10 MRS. McDONAL the Downtown and Shop- ant. 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, FIRST -& SECOND ° SUPPLY LIMITED "4 wae Cpritnish relaphene mice hold' til RS. McDONALD | ping Centre areas, each i 72. K s i ou se ONDER "AND CO. IN TOWN | | MORTGAGE FUNDS TAUNTON RD. E. carers val \ grhueroni, |TWO SADDLE horses, mare and gelding, 728-6051 day after school and Sat- Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus- oe fiat Eo of Riteon f 7 Mab FORMERLY oFfEA and saddle, Telephone 728-0950. po urday afternoons. * i krupicy, 52% Simcoe Stree i . : AEMPORARY T h d in dogs: ; Nerth. oshawa, 7209371... And we mean business, the finest for well located homes = ' Div STONE AGE cig WHITE 'shepherd pups and grown dog! If you are interested... : i By MAH MAKE Music AND OF RUDE. part-Spaniels, .4 months; part-Police and : RORMINKS BEADLE CAND COs Cher-lin materials ond workmanship on ° -8 t : > CONSTRUCTION, | Husky pups. Reasonable, 668-2067. DR AKE Apply in person only to or, Poe ect. OO TV--Radio Repairs NS a 10--Farmer's Column __ USED FoR, cage SR tered Accountants, Financial Trade Build- Prime apartments ~* , ' by BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for ing, 187 King Street East, Oshewe,, On- Srneens Nc i, training, ~ oe "ey ae tario, 725-3509; jopkins, iH. A. j u oO} ercials ES WITHA A Broad, 114 Elgin East, ' * Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA ALTERATIONS dah aa ible: FAST T.V. SERVICE Gf ont Wir PULL A PLOW THROUGK seater aes jiSRERS> BGAROMG "oo hew, ovieial PERSONNEL The Circulation Dept. Barristers ~ oars CUSTOM BUILT . Purchase of Mortgages Service Call only $2.50 MUD WHERE HORSES CAXT STAND UP. $3. Porn" bok. gale, Bab ctven iy. Breckin, Sere KITCHEN CABINETS © Rae Panes Sete ns Tt. ol ie mare Dial 655-4937 CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, | MURDOCH, and and CUPBOARDS and =a)8 aan Oen DOMINION |COzY-J RANCH KENNELS. ,, oerman 5t King St. East THE TIMES Shep is, traine wv ck; "pups eee oe cea bane © giee| ot ELOOR a ine CENTRAL ONTARIO TELEVISION ; Palomines, Pintos, tosis, pontes. Ashburn 9 Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K.| TILE, ETC. TRUST & SAVINGS !728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m./8--Articles For Sale \8--Articles For Sale 655-4662 evenings PeOee Soatnamnet ---- Creighton, GCi_ or residences: G. -iFor the deal of a lifetime... | Pot aoe ee --____---- H uemeenaae |3000 LEGHORN HENS, one year old, é5c. en ra ares Te Mickey. Me ml CALL NOW! CORPORATION |____All work guaranteed. : cag Nowak's Chicken Farm. Telephone TELETYPE 3 Mortgages arranged | 723- 522] mbbctecitl . a eT WINTERTIM STON BULL TERRIER --- house- HUMPHREYS. BOYEHYN, and WiLL: : Fo mee ronan a eae Tv. TIME 303 RIFLE | proven, one year og nas nea meets] ~S\W1TCHBOARD raid bil chet ie Bhp C OY S onst. er be j | ? and obedience training. Telephone 668- ME HANI ee amen. Ot) W. A. Hillman, R MORTGAGE T.V. Service Anytime | Known for its accuracy and | . | 3008 La : RECEPTIONIST & cS LLB; J. D_ Humphreys, BA, LLB Ottice: and GENERAL REPAIRS LOANS 7 R | O | reliability, this rugged gun | An All & Paid PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS -- ae 725-1177; Reesidence: 725-4604; Whitby; | . ote . will deliver years of satis- | /\N xpense raid, miniature poodie, male, $75. Registere required by 648-276): 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and Oshawa 725-8576 Money for first mortgages : nine weeks. old. Also American Cocker|. Industriol firm requires per- other first mortgage funds available. Open Mortgages TELEVISION factory shooting | Week Long Trip To __|Spanieis wind Toy Poodles. Deposit! on vith good: parsonaliiy te GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici B ill Interest at 7% 728-5143 | $24.95 posted bbe | meet public, should have : GENERAL tors, etc, 114 King Street East. Dial owmanvilié No B - Ree KEESHOND puppies, like silver teddy| fon kee Be 773-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, 623 3411] | 0 Bonus | FL A bears. Registered, reasonable; also fej verage typing sp i MOTORS QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, ~ No Charges for Valuations TV SERVICE | male, one-year-old, all needies. Telephone vious experience preferred, Goer sinas dormyar BAC Lie Mortgages and. Agreements A | Dunbarton 839-2537. but not essential, Telephone DEALER 725-2662 -- eFC Si a Soe igi purchased DAY OR EVENING For Two So ais KEESHOND PUPPIES -- Just like wee| or write to: JOSEPH _P. MANGAN, Solicitor ¢ | 5, T B Wonderful temperament. Neray % Ree Office, 14% King Street) Money for Second Mortgagés 728-5286 Big savings on Skating Out . Pe ES peti ee ade net Fork fetes we ey. 32 CHRISTMAS Fast Service. |: file for Ge ite Forely, dur. er ga Telephone 725-1753 © $2.58 per hour flat rate cGi8 5 isters, | ing our Big Fall Sale ny order o ee -- , be an Phe me ge ey SPECIAL M. F. SWARTZ OSHAWA y (a; Kukcinn Weed CANADIAN © 8 Stotuetory Holidays ; from $7.25 pr. ene Onterio Hospital, BI Trust Bulg 3 Or iacelbben, woe; 25% OFF go cig rag coals ICS $ B | DIXIE LEE CHRISTMAS TREES, high avality gal JOHNS-MANVILLE ef Sa tereeh tas -- Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm wa, rt os eed a | jor write: Headley au ne nee ilabl. ~ | 'sictmiee' carey, in 723-4697 ----| SNOW TIRES | = CHICKEN {fer Bz seman he", "Ss co. o Excellent working bigdog ei a i we Oslionin' s Boston SA Sok SHEL aE CsA eG WEST HILL P.O conditions Classified Rates teak were fiatiba Oa MORTGAGE LOANS NIGHT SERVICE oh Pgh heed > and ba Gives you a FREE condition. Telephone 728-5838 ONT ~ @ No shortgoe ef work troughing, plastering, cement FIRST & SECONDS tis Winice aes priced almost ENTRY FORM. WANTED -- BUY -- Set of drums or : WORD ADS e ' drum with ¢ymbals. Reasonable price. APPLY Cath--1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08; bral of ed pekars a NO BONUS 725-8541 or 723-0065 as low as a retread. & Telephone, 329-6164. PLEASE PHONE KEN McGARVEY Va hy 3 Con. sai ws, siding. pm hibit eo sa sae batten sores, ig ses, it SO iudlad Wen foady. to Ask 758 BI Et il RAE'S from $ ] 7.56 up Dixie Lee Chicken and 13--Articles For Rent 282-1131 THE additional words 2c. each, 6 serve you. Entry Forms available seat, iaarians 2A wordy #56; NELLIS' HOME Active Realty Ltd, RADIO & TELEVISION DOMINION we - CLIFF MILLS IMPROVEMENTS a ae : ---- Pa eae ie da" "| Ophae -- 726-2061 (AT eNniM® WMORTOABE wenane [Weil Drilling --Digging TIRE STORE MODERN GRILL RENTALS PART-TIME MOTORS LTD. jane Catia -- Leis then 4a |: ane jNorth, Whitby. 668-3338 WELL NG by machine specializing $1 to $1.50 per hour inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut F ALL KINDS OSHAWA eras' counts as 40 words) each word, |ROOFING, 'concreme Tora, Tat roohng.|FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale|in_30-inc Ritson Rd. S. O Woman for pleasant tele- intel, TTigure or abbreviation counts {our FING, cone New work and repairs | agreement ts purchased and .soid. Hennick) Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809 145 King St. W 345 hb k Pies rs dait 723-4634 as one word: phone number counts (Large and small aK L. and H. Roofing "9 leas ga Barristers, 31 King Street) ------ Siete ing ' é Phone 725-3887 phone work, urs daily. fwo words. 725-6987 ast, 723-7232 --Women's 8 Column Telephone. 725-6511 Sanding Machines 723-5051 i inger| PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for! - : ek ; : BIRTHS--DEATHS-- \SEsAsEs Gal Tada Peas asta Poe waranocte Wistioeer sak See DERMAMNATS on intel Page HN. u MR. GOULD SOCIAL NOTICES ym.1742 ments of sale purchased. Creighton, |9ressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of PIA at Plumber's Tools VAR. ¢ $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents eddl | ExXpERT PAVING, 22 cents square footlricterem) ere" tne Victor. (See "Bar-| Westmount. Telephone 725-5363, NOS 24-hour Burner MECHANICAL sein ; ; ' bee charges If not paid within 8 | nctudes 'prading and fi Movear sae 2--Personal SALE PRICES Cunvlce Painter's Equipment WAITRESSES REQUIRED DESIGN - i Pepe aaa 7st. |Optometrist : es BERT Wal TEXACO -- Fuel ond Stove Welding Equipment Full and part-time. Yeas ¥ | Tae To , SCHUBERT ----- Art alnut |, "Blue Coal' stove. nut f " : work. New or remodelling, Special falliF, RICHARD BLACK, | 0D, 136 $I Removal of superfluous hair > , oil, lue s : * oe pong fy An Hl ag glo fa Prices. Call Tony 725-4953. |Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Taisshon| Marie Murduff will be in finish with bench. List price stoker coals @ Slab Wood @ Builder's Equipment 7to4 aires * 11 p.m. DRAFTSMAN verse; 25¢. additional charge if not |NE PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, | 729-4191. Oshawa, Dec. 13th, 14th $783 Cannel Coal @ Building Sup- paid within 8 days. bos soap oe hi ee **|Pointing and Decoratin and 15th. Phone Genosha with bench, Our Price $609 plies. SKATE AND Apply MR. CAMPBELL is bes wee ve Beltane CARDS OF THANKS a. . E] Hotel on these dates for ap- : 668-3524 HOCKEY Genosha Hotel ef mechanice Bh ae $2.00 for the first 38 words and sc. |ALL TYPES building, rooting repairs pointment BELL -- Art Walnut finish SAWDONS' (Whitby) pte Dasaleh sign each thereafter, with 25¢. additional 'and remodelling; chimneys, new and re PAINTING AND ELECTROLYSIS with bench. Modern styling. LIMITED EQUIPMENT GIRL for night shift 4| Commercial antenna strue- charge If not pald withing 8 days. |paired; sidewalk snd concrete repairs. DECORATING 723-464) List price $820. to 12 only. Apply Scott's Gnickon Vilie,| tures and associated equip- : Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. | - : , 244 Brock St. §. -- Whitby 295 Simcoe Street South, Osh ment | | a sis th bench r Price $719 bak ih NR a Ai ' ee eat ie i D | INTERIOR ond. ERTERIOR | | ecebamaparion me nas powaen,| V'M Denchy Ou ; ese Oe Cos ais tae ES EXCHANGE FURNITURE STORE requires lndycmal| The successful opplicant will $2.00 per inch (display); $ or ientistry | Broadioom, Custom Draperies | Telephone 725-6185 BELL At Walnuk finkh. | have bookkeeping and sales experience In| have q minimum of 5 yeors first 20 words and 5c. each thereafter {oO . FREE ESTIMATES BELL --- Ar ainut finish, PARTS retail business. For appointment call ' , > yeor (Word Ads). CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental DODD & SOUTER \aures DELIVERED anywnere, Canada, continental styling with Ta : " Now at Stan's you.can ex- |Aiax 942-6410. vores -- Soeriene a Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa. es ¢ or Washers, Stoves an 'EAU igh or' AUCTION SALES For appointment, 728-5171 668-5862 jronto Drive-Away Service, $385 Yonge| bench. List price $1,110 On change your old SKATE |DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" cai] light general mechanical w 10 PER INCH PER INSERTION - ---- | Street, 225-7754, with 'bench, Our Price $895 ryers on you? We may need someone in your; or aircraft design and be cap- $2. SIALEK, OR. E- Pe Dental Seroeen.| ° ' ELECTRIC MOTOR and HOCKEY EQUIP. |area, or call for products. 723-9349. able of self-supervision and imcoe reel 'ot ishawe. 'or 4 . . ts DEADLINES appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441 |Plumbing and Heating _ | 3--Sportsman's Column ONE SMALL USED PIANO-- Repair and Exchange MENT with a fair allow- ee one arenas, "ie. somata |. Work echaduling, : WORD ADS laLL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-|WE SKIN CUT :and wrap deer or moose.| as is special -- with bench OSHAWA ance on New or Used Five-day week. Working mother. Write, Benefits include profit shar- 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Dressmaking |plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark| Telephone 623-2888 Our Price $295 | Equipment stating phone number and wages required) | ing. Office is modern and air DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,|L'd-. Plumbing, Heating and Engineer- rae | : | APPLIANGE : to Box 10068, Oshawa Times. conditioned. Engineering de- a che oe PuaLiCATiON alterations. Fitting a specialty. Quick|'"9 225 Simcoe Streeh South 7--Swap and Barter wee] | 186 Simcoe S$ 728- 7535 WOMAN or gir! to mind children and live} partment is relatively new service. Phone 723-8755 __|ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, THREE-PIECE baih sels, $85; shower,| WWilson & Lee Ltd. [we H | se near snopning Contre, Teemen 7) ond ghowing rapidly, BIRTHS AND DEATHS DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,;new and used materials. Reasonable medicine and kitchen cabinets, stainless . W, dale -- vacuums, polishers. Re- 1390. hase R Apply giving full details and 9 a.m. day of publication alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a/rates. Estimates tree. 72-1191, J. Foley. |sieel kitchen and bar sinks; sump pumps, 'id ; [pelts fo all_makes. New 'hoses. Phone} HOUSEKEEPER |specialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 Fe ------ ---- |pressure systems. (repairs); piping, fit- Eastern Ontario's Largest [Jack Lees, 728-6956. eee : ry Xl for firee children 'iwo: scioot 2 LASSIFIED DISPLAY. ! Tings; beers; rads; small boat Kits; New Mus entre' |PLAYER PIANO, used, fect i o J 6 evenings: Telephone 725-7547. ee gee Te Pe ALTERETION,. pant cutting, © mending. | ie Uphois ery Service ___ |laundry tubs, $15, 4. Chins Hillside and aah Pred a tion. Court's Furniture and. 'Appliances! WANTS ate a -weany *@ BOX 10462 umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous , accurate service! Gift items made/ | CHESTERFIELDS re. iuhdcetae int to re Perl | Rd. South, 723-7088 87 Simcoe St. N. 725-4706 |Ltd., Lindsay, 324-2272 WANTED practical nurse, steady em- to order. Telephone 728-1873 EES | r Rental Ltd. 1 9691, Th CANCELLATIONS AND | ae -- |styied Free estimate. See our material] |TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- avi. Sha pening & Re ployment. Write Box 9691, Oshawa Times. OSHAWA TIMES wt |for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75| |8--Articles_ For Sale "Open Thurs.' and Fri. structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower i h GOOD TYPIST to work ip. dispense Sra tay oF PUBLICATION Gardening and Supplies |Charles Street, 723 7212. SR Sere cy zaseaa l nights till 9 "P.M, included, single all-channel antenna com- Bas King St. Wait Omawe agi § better. Appiy B8x 9707, Osh- RE-UPHOLSTERY by experis' Esiabiien-| | plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed av 124 Sn ee SR EH ais t Ht 0 ly exper s' | ----~ ninaenniaanaintyoens ~ Dueliagiion wil be charged att 'a " " [00 17 years. Complete range of materials.| HONDA SHOP [BEST QUALITY aluminum windows, |Televisien, 'cornse" Bend mers at TRIO PHONE 723-3224 AAR hy bt tay: BS geen insertion. for the BIRDS |Workmans hip guaranteed five years.|) SNOW HUS-SKI | Television, corner Bond and pba aad boy. Live in or out. Vicinity of Henry doors, awnings,. railings, etc. Low, low! 729-5143-4. 5 ait eames. Credit terms. Mattresses! Model 600. 10 h.p.. $595 -- jprices! Call 726-385; or. 723-3690 Streets ANDY. Aner EO eRe ee MBER RENTAL -- 50c, ebuilf. Furniture refinished. Oshawa Up-| TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, stand. ; 2496, TRAINEE BOX NUMBER RE WILD BIRD MIX holstering Company, 287 Dean Avenus,| XMAS GIFT |ANTIQUE CANE chairs, 6 dining room| ards, portables, electrics. The Idea! gift! Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- RELIABLE middie-aged woman, Elgin a s |rocking chair, all refinished. Also one While every endeavor will be made SUNFLOWER SEED 725-0 | helmets carriers, windshields, 'ocking |for students. Large stock to. choose trom. es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee |Street East area. Two children, one forward replies to & Sot numbers to HESTERFI and old regen" | |modern occasional chair, mantel clock,| jOne year full guarantee. Low prices " 3! fete: hool-age, one -pre-schooler, Telephone an te advertisers as as possible, | PEANUTS vere Tks hae. Ger bora Iess| gee Roce ant $295 O-gee wall clock. Telephone 725-1550. | Jenkins Business Machines, Sales and} Urns, Punch Bowls, Briad! |Scraoraae one pr = Required by we aceept no Haitity In respect of A at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe s WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| Service, 728-7783. Open evenings. Wear, Men"s Formals, White ------_----____.- : loss or damage aiieged to arise CHIC SCRATCH Street South. Call 728- 6451, Free no down payment lture or anything you have, The City| 7 rage -- oar, " YOUNG -- LADY for general hee eo Progressive Manufacturer (e, CARTAGE BOX for 2 - 2! ton truck, Mink Stol Good wages. he through elther failure or delay in for. Bird Feeding Stations Jestimates 199 King W 728-4242 | Trading Post Store, 446 SimeBe Street! length 12° 6", widin 7.6", heh? Sy pire| FOX Furs. Mink Stoles. te 5 ae ord preaches wor we uatekie ce chek ICE SALT spre a apenas " |South, 723-1671 |frame with tarpaulin; rear gate and two A live-in care for pre-school) The applicants must have @ whether by nectigence or otherwise. |\Tires -- (four) 650 x 13, "almost ; new, cated ' ' 1 » light hi ties, re i The Times will not be responsible. for WATER SOFT. SALT (Sales. 'and Service _ [fit Corvair or Acadian, Phone 725-5560, |TYPEWRITER, standard, $25 jable,| Side gates. A-1 condition, 728-3577. SARGEANT'S RENTALS | |chilaren, tig pr cogs 4, lg minimum of Grade 11 edu- replies uncalled for In 20 days Pete ae $35.) $25.1 electri tvpe-|SKATE EXCHANGE -- $2.97 plus vour S. 725-3338 wuntes aie center cation and possess an apti- STRAW [GAS DRYER, Westinghouse, one year|,, rs two total electriael 463 Ritson Rd. NURSES-AIDE + required for ¢ REGULATIONS PURITY DOG MEAL Before You Buy A "cash trade. Sportsman's Corner, 103 Byron The Oshawa Times will not be re | MASTER DOG MEALS S " old, Best offer over $125, Regular $219 register, $75. 723-4434, ISS Whitby. One block west of Four ------|Nursing Home. Ritson Road North,| tude for figures. Piano or Organ, See | 723-8045 SOUTH AFRICAN SEAL coal, full-length,| Corners. sponsible for errors in advertisements |Multi-purpose broiler and deep fryer. | THREE- TON ) STAKE "TRUCK for rent, Columbus 655-4931. 3-4 CABBAGE ROLLS -- orders taken for HAIRS, card and banquet tables, - shuren ful tail submitted otherwise than in writing not | PURINA DOG MEALS HEINTZMAN : | weekends, parties. any amount, $1.25|Set oie Teoh ene a egtalt Price Or) Kroehler; GE and Phillips small appli-| © fers, Cleve; Rows Rantala; 412 ell toad les nledekcs doze _ evenings, with driver. T: 72: size 22'%. Cost $1,100, like new, Black Per| MERCURY FURNITURE -- Sklar and cake 18--Male Help Wonted Please send a resume giving (best offer. Telephone 725-2480, jances, TV's. Discounts for Christmas!(aisie runners. of " zen. 725-4 } advertisement nor' bayou, the rice | PET SUPPLIES & Co, Ltd. \aaay CARRIAGE $4.7 Infont clothing; LOVELY ANTIQUE SOFA, pair of iamps,|Open evenings In: December, Alex 942: i ee ts , charge for a single Insertion in which 165 S,. Osh lgints Wice'4: cast ond leueieae, 4GioTine: brass bird cage with stand. Telephone|37! ______ | ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred Mr. Ninaber error occurs. Simcoe Oshawa |snowshit, size 3, $37 girl's coat, size 12,| 729267: ________ | USED WRINGER washers, from $20.|people! Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- 1 , COOPER-SMITH TELEPHONE 728- 2921 56. Telephone 728-1079 |ROOM DIVIDER, chrome fable, four|Wayne's Appliances. Telephone 723-1411. /quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. The Oshawa Times reserves the right @ ----|REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire. Bargain) chairs; electric heater; refrigerator (me-| RANGE, GE, 30', with rotisserie, one|Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason- A SKLAR fo classify advertising according to BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can-|* + (Frigidaire. Bargain! igium); rangette, all good condition. Tele-lyear old, Also TV antenna. Telephone(@v/e rates. 728-6315. its proper classification. C€) vas awnings. Complete service, free esti Heh frozen food compartment, In| phone" 668-429), Yon. 4568, J be WHEEL CHAIRS hospital 'beds, walkers. ss ' | : +o ba excellent working condition. $50. Tele SHIH : yi " 5 uy : In the Cases of display advertisements 4 ee oe phone 728-5076 THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No| ELECT NON: (incon), PINAY, cs eon ine Keates, IA urniture Company The Times will not be held respon- 16 CELINA ST. GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer . . ,\down payment, $15 monthly at Honest! double oven, clock and timer. Good con-|A!d Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 Responsible young man. over sible for more space than that which ;Washers and ranges. Free estimates, Calli WEOOING - ENGAGEMENT ring set bi Rntalbl WHITBY, ONT. 5 Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 s|dffion, $40. or best offer, 723 -0535. " i 17981 hite.gold, size 5'; modern gas heater 3 2) yedrs of age with good th U Th 4 28-1742 "hs - sii 4 ies fahere: gelenou $0" rappemies. alle: 723-1139 - 723-2312 |" ae [Wilh fan, suit small home: cash register; VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses.| NIAGARA CYCLE massage, compieie| V4 Business Opportunities * education, will be. trained in jwith tax button, 72 '] . 'Vertising matter correctly, but assume |TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim Or i'l cui|Septic Service Scale rath em | Blaming Vacuuta' Servite, Angin aie, witn. the executive cushion Reasonable: |BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Large home!' all aspects of tire ond allied no lability. of advertisement if any ithem down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or --=--_--__.. | TWO column speakers, V2" plywood C&b-| pickering, '|unit. In lovely case, as new. Reasonable. | in 'anached grocery store, plenty of] srades including sales, book. inaccuracies in any form are contained SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt serv-|inets. (solid, airtight, unfinished- surface); | Telephone 728-3241. |space for parking and future expansion, rades, including sales, 4 78-0610 | p therein. eli jice or calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut| six slant inch speakers per column, 90) STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, "new, used,| WASHING MACHINE, White, in good|This property includes an excellent build-| keeping and cerdit manage- [Street West, Wh ity $68: 2563, watts, 12 ohms. Nearly new, suit large|cash registers, adding machines, $35. up.| working condition, $25, Telephone|ing lot plus double qarage. Call Dick ment Previous experience IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Instraction | pe -------- |hall. Phone 725-4511, P. Salmon, 9 to 6| Year Guarantee, Oshawa Business Ma-|/ 723-3757 Pocock 728-5103 or 623-2898, W. 0. Martin nat b ; pera Growitis: cothetebaie- wasn TIMES ACTION WANT AD Surveyors p.m chines, 728-3664, 725-9748 | Realtor cou e an asse 9 pany : | BEAUTY. EQUIPMENT including hair ise a! Call Classified Direct A HIGHLY-PAID FUTURE ------|WOOL DRESSES, $12.88; Wool suits, FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free.jdryers, hair basin and chair, dressereties| GARAGE AND SERVICE sfalion, in requires an experienced man 723-3492 In just a few months you can [8 PLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land|$14.77; wool iumpers $7.77; uniforms 85.44] |Guaranteed trouble-free winter if youl with mirrors and chairs, etc, Telephone| Bowmanville, for lease with option to| This is o Company expansion lor x idine has urveyors: . 113 Elgin Street East. Phone) and many more items at Nesbi tts Annex,|purchase from Western Oli Co., 725-1212 668-5455, | chase. Stead ear round local busi- rogram, which assures pro- have o highly-paid career, . 725-688) § Celina Street a! King. All | 8-545, Whitby pur y. year rou prog irst quality | Yi 7 ipme ailable, i : With indanbadata Gan he merchandise, guaranteed w STEAK DINNERS, .99, consisting of steak,|GUNS -- Boughl, sold, tr@Med, repaired Evenings, 623-3591, i ae motion to the right man. ® STEADY EMPLOYMENT : h ' 4 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario, --_-- bie chips, colesiaw and roll. Crowley's Restau-| at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, " oe Wea BP Snare Hf INDEX TO chance to create something" |Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, FILTER QUEEN, Sales and Serv Taunton and Garrard Roads, 725 |728. 9731 GROCERY and butcher store with al-| Comprehensive pre-paid med- © FRINGE BENEFITS 7 y 1 tari treet, 725-563 | Repairs t 1 kes vac s. F : beautiful every doy of your |11 Ontario Street, 725-5632 eu Itimates, 323 King West, 728-7552. "| TELEVISION General Electric 21, Good |'2ched five-room home on large 110 x 115) ical and death benefits, to- ®@ PROFIT SHARING PLAN CLASSIFICATIONS: life, PAUL POGUE BEAUTY " |BUY AND SELL -- Good used cod Phone 728-1 ee ced dla he Ag pal Ma ether with excellent pension SCHOOLS. will train veni fo ba TV--Radio_ Repairs ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash-|and appliances. One location only. Pretty | jlishea business since 1920. Store fully) 9@ " @ SALARY BASED ON ties Celene h fyi f ae x lers, duplicators, chequewriters, files,|Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used equipped inciuding @ walk-in freezer. In- scheme. EXPERIENCE '$Paurs! 0 idir-stylist, cosmetician, desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service} kates. Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen-|terested? Then cal) Anthony Siblock at - 3"Sportsman's Column gion manager. Your talent is HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED land trade, with budget terms. New and! [les deg Lagat sorenascnpet. portrait ing. Cycle Centre; 204 Bond East, 725-6344, | 728- "the an inspection. Sibby's Real Apply to Manager walg ? | mpi nines Mehta S--Trallers leveloped under _ personal TV. TOWERS ro age low prices. Bill Hamilton, |{igure Shia: Coe and weekends |REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, Estate Ltd. Please Contact ayne é--Marine Equipment guidance. No advanced edu- Salee and key | OO MN7-_325_Brock North, Whitby. sea ee ie | Oe 95; 17--Female Help Wanted -- GOODYEAR MR. C. TAYLOR 7%--Swap and Barter arte cation required, Call or write: J |SKI-000 | Snowmobile -- Serle b_Arieies ter tele ; Aine of ULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS o@ Specials) mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24.95; 9--Markel Bask PAUL POGUE BEAUTY ARE THE BEST * sath heh one doy Wilson Road) Hered now for Christmas. Telephone eve-|$49.95; space savers, $54.95) dressers 86582 10=Farmer's SCHOOLS" tIMITED, 2337 WHY SETTLE FOR:LESS! - nings chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and SERVICE STORE CROVEN LED. N--Pets and | Yonge St., Toronto, telephone ee iy RAO he ee eee SKATE EXCHANGE' new and used, |sed. Valley Creme 16 Bond Street West GIRL WANTED 500 BEECH ST ticles jan - © = v ? urnitur on 2 i] mp 12-Artictes Wanted 487-2107: oF 249 Gone pail ° "oom, 'kitchen "ener Baver skates, hockey equipment. Valley|SNOW TIRES (one pair), size 750 x 14, FOR 162 KING ST. EAST ' 13~Articies for Rent ' wue Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-440), Teo ees Opee rites Avenue: ~ London," retephone ie ie ea © Jae: ' eo $2.--Wwhhjge Unbeatable! creek: 16 Bond $12. Phone 728-3708 i? SALAD BAR : OSHAWA WHITBY 1S--Employment Wanted 439.0101 value! Barons Home. "Ft Mphings, 424/RANGE ne Bive, ribbon, " neavy duty,|BABY CARRIAGE, Gleddon; play pen; 5 AM. TO4PM ee Wanted + AISSeS ama fiat Nees oe TELEVISION Simcoe South. good condition. Apply 2 rew Street (off rocker-bouncer, all reasonable Telephone : ats emaje Help Waniea - LEVIS 0 1 SCRAP "HARDWOOD -- onetoor longing: [King Street East |726-6189 Aine We OC bell PHONE 725-9351 TELEPHONE 18---Male Help Wanted Conada Driving School Corner Bond ond Division pply Mr. Campbe $7.75 single cord. Phone 723-2281 before|TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower) CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch pine, 8 3025 gt noe ee ie Wanied ©. Fully insured dual control | 728-5143 9.20 a.m. or evenings |structure all-channel antenna installed,|pruned, 4 19 7 {., first cutting. Charles GENOSHA HOTEL 66 - Rea $ 'or Sale | " > BL G OR SELLING ral $50 Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361/Stapieton, RR 2, Orono 3RT1 SERVICE STATION--altendant requi required, 20a---Summer: Properties cars @ ed-by- Ontario | VY LLING furniture. ar Gibbons: Street, 728-8180 spas excellent opportunity for, energetic «young 2 ns for Sale sal mo ~ipliances. Call Elmer, Hampton. 263-2294 |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnit i 2--Lols for Sale Department of Transport @ | T.V. Towers $50 Up T 263-269 HONEST CAL'S Furniture" and Appil-| 3000 yrniture man. Good working conditions. Apply a A and appliances. Gord's Furniture, 215 al Oil Service Centre, Highway 40) Lots for Sale Eira wilted 'Nie Coomeonent RON'S TY 0 [siane-waw-iokona sama saara lene in: seu iat "aerhto|BenadP et i i'ES a SALESLADY '(Seicc ae tae" SALESMAN } P | | $2: Ww / / tore: ffi Sh Text Ham, me p alit 424 King Strpet West, Oshawa, xine. ~ sails 24--Stores Offices and Storage es * Home ip. set 3.00; 9 x 12 a $38.00. 20 Chureh rong iE io oe CHROME kitchen suile, table, four REQUIRED FOR TV SERVICE MAN for part-time out | 25--Houses for Ren 26--Apariments i. Rent vice © $4 per lesson | ae pe a WwW Stree! |chairs, turquoise, white, in good condi bh ech ide work. Experienced only. Telephone a > ta 7 eri e bo Sa hlgg 0 ee os 39,| CANADIAN COINS, Silver dollars nick: |tion. $35. Telephone 728-7403 - | phase al Pol re 4 728- 481 I All Work teed E White eb gre ang 5 ley had oe Oe eens tt eee sae fe BICYCLE Boy's sidewalk. Reasonabi FLOWER S OP eal ergs or ALERT young man for Osh- 29--Wanted to Rent PRIVATE TUITION In English: Lavia,| b pe |S_Telephone 7254270 other Canadian coins or starnp. collec- : asonable.| $1.50 PER HOUR, middle-aged man to do] "44, s finest MEN'S WEAR fanted 2 > ' |tions. Telephone 728-0194 after 5 | Telephone 728-616 cleaning and maintenance. Some heavy 3--Automobiles for Sale French and Math. for adults and high| RON BRIGHT ING \ ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS -- two com.| ~ TWO SKLSETS wilh Eckel Tully aaiusre Experience preferred work, about:40 to 44 hours weekly, includ-| STORE. Experience not nee- 31--Compact Cars for Salp schoo! students, 6468-3846. | | fe sets HOG Ny BOBSLED Bob-O-Link, § long, $40; Tri i 9~Trucks for Sale neat scar | 9 AM. 9 P.M S [plete sets bauye. Tr ang. Many BCCES| A Scalectric set, competion series|able automatic release and Barrecratters| AJAX 942-6060 ing one-half day Sunday. Write Box 10324,| essary -- we will train. Automobiles Haddad' Improve your ch grades TELEVISION i Sories. Telephone 4396 af CHAX with fou rs, track and building! | poleas one dacaber, nia) g aa adh Bes j Bil lean. JOO TR ee 2 Write stating age, experience Experience riv tutor ailable < RADIO service. Fred) PIANO, woright, good condition, mahog-|lights, t nr id parts. Worth $120, Told gias, bot ie 5 ele MAIRDRESSER REQUIRED / part-|/ YOUNG MAN 'interested In learning ye 01 ' English German o at! Thompson Elliot, 723-9792. Parts and » t 0 seat Her. |v ell Telephone 723-9075 phone. 722-9075. 6 lime. Telephone Pickering, 942-2088 bindery trade. Apply General Printers if any and telephone number all grade levels. Call 723-1445 atter $ p.m, iwork quaraniee Telephone 728-3 -- 2 | Ltd., 723-2233, Ext. 53 to THOUSANDS or --_-- io TRAIN SETS, Lionel, Tyco and Tri-|RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want; EXPERIENCED PRESSER wanted to xX] 53 ng Ever Alia eves search the pete ITY TY TOWER, antennas, also repairs. CHILD'S SPRING HORSE, like new,|ang, with transformer, $25 set. Acces-|Ads give you speedy 'elp, on any kind of werk on eutomatic reas, Gord wages. | EXPERIENCED PRESSMAN for rolary BO 04 38 ven! ited. © t rk guaranteed, $11 Dean Avenue./$10.; swing set, $10, Telephone Whitby |sories, electric turntable, track switch,|weather. To buy, sell, hire or rent tele-| Apply Scugog Cleaners, 524 Cromwell|forms press. Apply General Printers Ltd., %--Notices 723-492 end pu! your 'sar before them, l7elephane 725-0800, 668-4274, any time, color light. signals. Telephone 723-9075. ohone 723-3492, Avenue, Oshawa, 723-1159, Oshawa, 723-2233, OSHAWA TIMES { i =!