At Coulter An Ajax man was taken to Oshawa General Hospital early) this morning after an accident at the Coulter Manufacturing Inquest Affirms DC6-B Exploded | VANCOUVER (CP) -- A cor-,of the RCMP investigation, said oner's jury Friday returned ajextensive investigafions | verdict of unnatural and acci-|made into the backgrounds of | Sgt. Malle ek saig Dagar} aorthera B.4.-to work. Be data named his wife beneficiary forjsearchers found reloading $80,000 from his insurance. His|equipment "and gunpowder in daughter, a-niepe--and_his|Broughton's home. But the ° mother were to receive $15,000\powder was fot pawertes each, enough to cause the explosion, The sergeant said Broughton|according to previous evidence was returning to Cassiar iniat the inquest. were) dental death due to an explo-|the 52 persons on board. There) Company on Richmond st. w. According to a company spokesman this morning Ernie White, of 863 Narroch ave., Ajax, was struck in the eye by sion in the fatal crash of a|were satisfactory reports on all! Canadian Pacific Airlines! but three. -- aay 8. died 'twee! The three exceptions were: | pon piel ah Mile ae in| Steve Koleszar of. Vancouver, ja wrench. The man's safety the British Columbia. interior a powderman--one who sets off} glasses gave way and he sus- The seven-man jury was Gn explosions for such as construc-| tained a serious injury to the | able ta defarmine the fall 4s a companies--and father of ve; aye. : \tails of the origin of the explo- The spokesman would give nojsion and recommended contin-| Peter Broughton, formerly of ntario (community unknown) 4, CAMERA B ae : HN SLIDE CAMERAS Fully automatic press and forget, sturdy construction ~--* highest quality lenses complete with carrying case --- automatic electric eye meter, CROWN OF ST. STEPHEN -- PART OF VATICAN HAUL This is the replica of the both symbols of phen I, first king of Hun- famed Crown of St. Stephen a gary. stolen from the Vatican's sovereignty, The y Apostolic Library last night crown was worn by Ste- MOVIE CAMERAS BRING THIS CHRISTMAS BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN--IN ACTION! The Camera Centre hos a selection of movie cameras to suit every budget. See our famous nome selection of cam- eras and equipment. Starts As Low As Full Sound Fidelity _ TAPE RECORDE along with two priceless sceptre, manuscripts and other valu- able objects. On left is. the giobe and at right is the original (AP) NATO Talks Sales Of Ontario Tobacco OnGermany Inspires Robarts Meeting And N-Arms LONDON ele nematic 89%" |285,000,000 pounds. \United States has a surplus PARIS (Reuters)--The NATO|ranged a meeting between visit-)) oa. to be priced higher than|pounds of tobacco hanging over I'd Rather Fight Than Switch ! "Why? Because my Shirts have never looked better! | sent my DIRTY SHIRTS te PICKWICK CLEANERS and they came beck os fresh ond white as new". ELECTRONIC FLASH No more flash bulbs--fully transistorized circuit, com. plete with 21.88 batteries, MICROSCOPE KIT Magnification range 75x te 600x--comes with dissecting kit, Sturdy construction -- includes carrying 10,88 cose, Now .... FUN SAVER MOVIE CAMERA KIT Complete with-- i e Dawxaye 8 movie eemera By CARL MOLLINS {Using full capacity, Ontariojmargin of advantage over U.S. igrowers could produce about | growers. On the other hand, the A ; ~ "a TAPE RECORDERS "Fuji 4 transistor with all the built in includes carrying batteries 24.88 THE ELECTRA Best value in quality--super sensitive dynamic microphone, input and output, jacks, tone control, self-containing case, 6 month guorantee, @ Fun Saver movie idea 88.00 i Now book, 1 88 Many others to choose from. made by Kodok. i OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE LIMITED The "extras" cose, ear phones, ond tape. TRY PICKWICK CLEANERS EX. PERT SHIRT LAUNDERING. YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWITCH TOO! @ Kodachrome 11 mevie «fb iN DRYCLEANING film ities could give no details as to Douglas Edgar of North Sur-| . . d Beating Chil utes before takeoff. members. will attend a two-day); sn. in connection with thejone taid in Canada. He had a Plant Chairman Louis raw | called to deal with regular) plants, here in Oshawa, at) Alliance -- how to satisfy West|ping up sales of Ontario tobacco cents a pound and the price for |before Ontario growers set their Oshawa delegates. Today's NATO meeting was ory committee, a body repre-/are competitive, if only because |keting board as promising. | SERVICE yo ------ APPROVED SERVICE 2 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LAYAWAY NOW -- BUDGET TERMS 2t 3b > ob ot 2 ot ot Shows 35mm slides, Super Slides, and slides FROM CARLTON from instant cartridge cameras. Christmas Cards 32 attractive cards decorated with gold. Regular 1.00 box, FOR PRICE SAKE e thd LOWER LEVEL Inghram Electric ALARM CLOCKS Medel No. 217 "Pride"... smart rectanguler styling in ivory case with white tace and black numer- els for easy recding. Regular 8.95 No other projector, at any price, does so much, so well. USE OUR : | LAY-AWAY end Grundi PLAN 4 end Small A EASY A Small Deposit Will Hold Any TERMS AVAILABLE Purchase 'Til Christmas OPEN FOR PRICE SAKE 6. Aiso Giner tisctrie Movers fr 4.22 LUWER LEVEL -; Boys' end Girls' Flannellette ma tA Beam FIVAMAS Hints ccccccs NM a Genuine Leather Sheerling Lined EN'. WINTER VESTS detaiis as to what exactly|yed investigation of the crash| caused-the accident. This morn-|hy the RCMP. jwho was extremely interested | ing Mr,/White was in the oper-| 'sgt. Bob Mullock, in charge |in using sporting ammunition ating room and hospital author-| -- and reloading materials; and . his condition. F h Ad ts rey, B.C., an unemployed man} race at er ml who lived mostly on gambling : and who took out $125,000 in Trio Attends flight insurance about 20 min- OSP Meetin OTTAWA (CP)--Wilfred Pat-| The sergeant said Koleszar g rick Sauve, 32, of Ottawa " ~ yogi ean te i : inn |(Pleaded guilty Thursday to ajord and had been acquitted on A delegation of Oshawa union charge of assault causing bodily|"one or two" murder charges, council meeting of the Ontario ' , sa tidishonorable discharge from Steel Protects Co. 'Lid, em.(Destag, Wednerday night ofl eee ot var erg Chatham today and Nancy. |ous courts martial, from the Oshawa plant will lead! the three-member delegation. Union officials have said that the council meeting has been business. | It represents more than 1,300; United Auto Workers Union l members in the three OSP| : ' Chat i . defence ministers met here to-jing Premier Robarts and Brit- Papdesian ionaen Hohtly. leselthe int " atham and Milton, Ont discuss one of the thorni-jish tobacco manufacturers to|*"0Ges!an tobacco, slightly less|the international market. Ernest Burrus and Douglas day to dis faci the Atlanticjinvestigate prospects of step- than U.S. tobacco. The Ontario) While developments in Rho-|Sutton, first vice-president of est issues facing the Atlantic 4 ' {price in 1964 averaged 56.66|desia could change the situation|local 222, UAW, are the other . ig-'t tain. : ger voice in nuclear policy and|Robars, ore' on a itday ite, Rhodesian cigp_ marked crap quoias net May, an On ° db Sod 0 ve, last spring was cents. ario ouse spokesman e-| yet limit the spread of nuclear visit, will meet Wednesday with An Ontario government ex-/|scribed relations between Brit-| SALES & weapons. members of the tobacco advis-| ert here said Ontario growers|ish buyers and the Ontario mar- ey a aay pene ne Beek Oe ic i relay inne | Premier and. Mrs, Reber Us. Defence Secretary Robert British economic sanctions " 'Sei, tespatern Ofer COS ae ee nae sidiens | VOLKSWAGEN McNamara for setting up a spe-|against the rebel white-minority Duty fl danas po bb ape ; eeing = visit- cial committée on nuclear par- regime in Rhodesia include an uty on flue-cured tobaccojing friends after a 20-minute ticipation and improved consul-|embargo on Rhodesian tobacco. ie or yao gl ag with Queen Elizabeth | WERNER'S tation among the Western Al-|While Britain now has a stock-|/. Ag hasta dee Seti re 'sig Tee ' ad | tie. pile of tobacco that. could meet/tion for Commonwealth prefer- e meeting took place in the SERVICE CENTRE McNamara and U.S. State Un-\needs fot about 18 months, an i yt eg cag 4 to Jig bied emg s kbs agi pers shove wacl aad é ict] into|Pound on tobacco from Canadaj|while regimental pipes an MANCHESTER H detsecretary George Ball ela Gabe wip the yore Mined until sanctions withdrew|drums of the Cameronians ac-|} ond Highway Ne. 12 SHIRT SERVICE & CLEANERS | here from London, where: they) ts of Ontario growers. |Preference rights, from Rho-\companied the changing of the : South 728-5133 2 diseussed the nuclear sharing|Prospects of On hetshnla a PO d outside Buckingham' Pal 985-7162 434 Simcoe Sout | prdblem Friday with top Brit-| Britain last year imported)" \) 7 | ii. ant RN ee OG stents est stat ns 1 | iiaticais about 250,000,000 pounds of flue-;_ Ontario thus has a 23-centlace. ne = era ae 5 s Bo ane cured tobacco -- 121,000,000 0 § ] e ro ec or France, which is opposed to, ds f the United States, | | tegration in NATO, |POunGs irom the Uated * a | pigpear integration {1 >» |ahout 85,000,000 from Rhodesia ; | refused to participate in today's. 14 39 999.000--worth about $20.- | For Practical Santas s pil at Pa i ee 000,000--from Ontario. | Famous Products Sold ever looked like atfehding for various reasons orang gh ipl ng = ites For Particular Shoppers ' * |pacity to fill any gap in supp: } : : The defence ministers of the|caused by the Rhodesian sanc- | Fun - Premium - Savings * U.S., Britain and West Ger-|tions. C4 For Price Sake 1S e ore , 2 me many, the three key powers at! The Ontario Flue-Cured To- For Pérfect. Selections . 8 98 the meeting, held preparatory |bacco Growers Marketing s ' consultations at a dinner Fri-|Board set a 1965 acreage quota For Powerful Specials e day night. It was expected that|that resulted in growers produc- | Fantastic Price Slashin a d h at today's meeting small work-|ing at only 57 per cent of ca- Hine Piclecsicncl seers =< or i as muc ing groups would be set up to/pacity. The crop now --_ ] examine all aspects of the nu-| marketed in Ontario amounts to/ é : | : clear-sharing problem. 'an estimated 163,000,000 pounds. | me" TONITE and MON SPECIALS | It's the dramatically successful Sawyer's. ¢ ; ' | Shows 100 slides non-stop with new circular tray. Takes regular trays, too. Can even epee show up to 40 slides automatically without a tray. SHOP AT ROGER'S WHERE PRICES CAN'T BE BEAT ! Shop brend nome quelity et the lowest prices GE, Philips, Keivinetor, meCiery-= Freer Dument, Rogers-Mejestic, N 4 Stereo end Tepe R WINTER COMFORT Torcan Eelectric ROOM HEATERS From Endress ELECTRIC BLANKETS From 2 to 6x 13,88 LOWER LEVEL DAILY 10 - 10 Adults Only _ Allowed Specials 7 PCE. DINING ROOM SUITE A beautiful Set. A es FULL SIZE MATTRESS Compere at $39. OUR PRICE $29 280 Watt Solid State STEREO Here's @ velue you will heve to see to believe . . . it's in our mew Stereo Room. $, Compere at $749. OUR PRICE FREE 2 --, box spenkers os a Christmas Gift to you, We reserve the right to limit quantities. CHRISTM TREES 97 2 Pee. CHESTERFIELD SUITE Attractive nylon frieze. 129. Compere at $189. 19" PORTABLE TV SET AS cor F Largest PLUS DRAW Stock PUREBRED oF FRENCH Cut Trees in The North Americen Continent C POODLE PUP Registered with Canedion Kennal Club OUR PRICE A beoutiful gift at Christmas. 5159 Compere ot $209. OUR PRICE OTHER MODELS FROM $124. 40 ba or State STERE eA PIECE . TOWEL ENSEM re ot $459. 4 aeey: ompeore at 3.50 OUR PRICE *339 ae: Can't mention brand nome, price too low! Parking For $6 Cars Right Next Door ROGER"S APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 50 BOND ST. EAST 728-2151 Formerly the Credit Union Bidg.) CHRISTMAS Ff. PS. S-PIECE EMBROIDERED 98, F. PLS. @ ONE PAIR PILLOW CASES ered by Lady Belle. Compere ot 2.98 FP. S. @ 5-PIECE TABLE CLOTH & SET. Compare et 2.98 f. P. MAIN FLOOR q. & * * GIFT BOXES @ 3-PIECE GUEST TOWEL ENSEMBLE by Kotnowoy: Compere at 2:95--4 a * 1.88 ® SET by Ledy Belle. Compore at 2. OLD SPICE GIFT SE @ AFTER SHAVE end C Regular 3.00 FOR PRICE SAKE BLE by ts OLOGNE 2.69 # ey eghage SHAVE & TALCUM, Regular ~ FOP poice cave FOR PRICE DRESGER SAKE 1,88 embroid- 1,97 NAPKIN 1,88 | 12,7" FOR PRICE SAKE @ DESERT FLOWER DUST MAIN: FLOOR @ 3-PIECE TRAVEL SET. Regular 2.50, ty @ DESERT FLOWER &-PIECE BUBBLE BATH CRYSTAL. Regular 2.00 1,69 ING POW- DER & BODY LOTION. Regular 2.50 2.24 Ladies' Leather WINTER BOOTS 3 smort styles to choose from... ankle height, shearling lined, non- slip soles. Compore at 8.95 Boy's or Girl's All Sizes SKI MITTS Leather palms; quilted nylon with elastic wrists; worm flannel lining; water repellant. Compote at 2.98 POR 1,57 FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR FOR PRICE SAKE ... LOWER LEVEL VUE LIGHTERS By "Scripte'"'....lets- you know when the fuel is low, Regular 4.95 won PRICE SAKE : 3,97 MAIN: FLOOR £ Men's Heavy Canvas Duck HUNTING COATS With heavy corduroy collar and double recoil shoulder pads. Big hunter pockets and two chest pockets. Compare at 14.95 The Famous REMPLE SPRING HORSE Non-tip frame with stirrups, sed- die horse and heavy duty springs Compare at 19.95 14,44 FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUS with long kidney tails. Compare ot 9.95 FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN: FLOOR ms Kota Purchese ! Comet GAS ENGINE MODELS Ready to fly of run . . you control th em. e@ CURTISS P-40D TIGER SHARK, Compare ot 14.95 . F. P. S. A , @ MUSTANG P-51 with recoil starter or at ees 12,97 @ BELOND AP "SPECIAL" RACE CAR indianapolis Winner. Compere g§ 97 at 14.95. F.P.S. v6 bl LOWER LEVEL ROSE CHARM BLANKETS Hend screened printed by "En. dress. Large 72" x 84" size for twin or double beds. Compare at 9.95 each FOR PRICE SAKE . wa MAIN. FLOOR 8-Or. Gloss Curity BABY BOTTLE NURSERS Shaped to fit the baby's mouth to reduce air swallowing. Regular 49c each. FOR PRICE ae 1,88 SAKE Kenners Battery Powered PLAY DRILL With work and ploy bench ond 7-piece tool set thot fit into ehuck, includes sutomot'c trip hammer Just like dad's but sofe for the child's . . ..stops if pressed eainst the skin. Compare et 5.00 MAIN. FLOOR FOR PRICE SAKE On LOWER LEVEL 1038 KING ST. WEST AT GARRARD RD. "NEW 550-R" Remote control forward, reverse and focus COMPARE AT 137.50 sms ~ 119,00 Complete with | roto tray ahd 1 easy Edit Tray "NEW 550-ER" s Remote control to advance or reverse slides COMPARE AT 199,95 99 0 00 COMPARE AT 119.95 Complete with Roto Tray and Easy Edit Tray . 28 King St. East Open Evening till 9 P.M.