: s . ' : 24° THE OSHAWA TIMES, KEY! BLONDIE -- Tilt CONFOUND IT, WORSE STILL, HANG THE COST? ANYTHING TO BEAT Saturday, November 27, 1965 '$ DO You REALIZE AMIGOS! OUR TACTICS ff | THE RECENT ACADA. AND. STOP THE REDISTRIBUTION J! u a AT eo oe |-TO-DISCREDIT ACADA POLLS SHOW : } MY DESK. < 'OT WORKI : ; HIM: STIL 2 ue ; 4 rer nor noe a | We STL BRIDGE KEYS AHEAD, a ge. By 6. JAY BECKER , (Top record-holder in Masters Iindividua! Championship Ploy) North dealer. Both sies vulnerable. NORTH @AI98643 @AQ753 a6 WEST EAST «+ "Red" Hill @AJ1048 aKQ85 #210 @K752 "@KI HAQI SOUTH @9762 BUZ SAWYER NEB DAY, WILLIAM "RED" HILL AND BECAUSE «+e I ASKED iF HB'D EVER LLIAM "REO" HILL DIES IN 1942, , XPLAINS TOA REPORTER WHY LOVE TO CHEAT THIS }| GO OVER THE FALLS| | NINE YEARS BEFORE HIS OWN #K109742 HE RISKS HIS LIFE ON THE RIVER OF ITS IN A BARREL, SON, WILLIAM HILL JR+p/S K/LLEO f NIAGARA RIVER. VICTIMS Fr HE REPLIES... GOING OVER THE FALLS INA £ CAUS' NO RIVER THAT'S A § GOULD NOT. CHA YP ineana Ont) BECAUSE ...I KNOW THE RIVE - TUNT ULO HEAT NIA f RS BETTER 'THAN ANYONE FIT ONLY FOR risgekes AND MEN LOVE DOING Tings . \ FooLs F #109 THEY CAN DO BETTER THAN : DRE ; &853 i \ : =n ag "7 " Al M. . 7 + NY OTHER MAN : Lif To AWW 'The bidding. ; ( H } j ~ hl i North East South West hy. 19+ Dble 2@ 8@ 6¢ Dble THE GIANTS ~ Opening lead--ace of spades. = Here is an extraordinary hand THE IN) ' : ga OF | Ee '" Played in a pair championship, The results were many and varied at the different tables, . : but the best result for a North- - =Y MAYBE YOU DIDN'T WHETHER / LIKE (T OR NOT, /F I'M GOING TO. THE i pe ates ' HEAR ME, BUT AS MARSHAL | DON'T /LL HAVE TO HELP CLAY CHALMERS/ ose ~-- oid oe ah toe tau ALLOW GUNS BEYOND UT we Aké MOT | Wi mv ; where the bidding went. as THIS BLOCK~~ LISTENING! , *| shown. r zi. YOU ST'Y RIGHT THERE 'ERE, ERE, DUCKY YOU'RE rare' AND KEEP WRAPPED UP~ CATCHING COLD-ILL GO QUT AND FIND SOME : FOR US BEYOND HERE ighed j aft Bo) | AND THE SNOW WILL THE LONE RANGER West chose what was prob- ably the best action to take with his hand when he: cuebid three diamonds, but North brought considerable pressure to. bear against .both opponents by leap- ing to six diamonds. East should not Ihave dou- bled--he could easily have stood a six spade bid if West's hand* called for it forcing pass by East would have been more nor- mal, but in the actual case, it would. probably have been in- pb bcoesl ty ' q effective. Six spades could not FORMALITY OF | } . " err gg rm 8 the i] ead of e ace and another LAST NAMES / h eS heart--though it could not have been defeated if played by East. West, on lead against six dia- |monds, made the unfortunate |choice of the ace of spades, and South :there upon proceeded to make the contract He ruffed the spade, trumped a heart, played a diamond to the jace, learning that he had to lose ja trump trick, and then cashed the ace of hearts. On the two rounds of hearts West had fol- lowed with the 10-Q while East wy oe ei i : Qa 4 played fhe 2-5. \"F . , bi 7 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 5 (e) COMPROMISE Pr SECRET AGENT X9 Declarer now led the jack of hearts, East playing the seven, and South then found himself jin a quandary. After great thought, he de- cided to discard a club. There jwere two excellent reasons for |this. First, there was the much jgreater chance that West had |been dealt two heart honors lrather than three. } Second, and far more impor- jtant, was the certainty that the jcontract could not be made .if jthe hearts were divided 3-3, but jcould be made if they were di- jvided 4-2. Accordingly, South f . 1 | are sre NY FOR HIM 10 BE | Hi: \ ! "| Will | TELEVISION LOG jdiscarded a club, ruffed a heart, ROMANE Hh : \ a IX i Himba BIRIAIS 5 ruffed a spade, and then dis- TH IN' TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD : \ 3 HH | ACROSS . Nimbus 3, at Hiei lcarded his fast elibob the fine Congr ees eee I Neeser Aue 1 i A) a ER. PTT SATURDAY SVE - MONDAY | geeretces Ares' ture of hearts, thus making six dia- . " , : F | 0 Pa 2--Slience Please 4:00 A.M. claw sister 5. Utility ae doubled with only ii | 11--Flipper (2100 oA. e aioli Poised 6. Attendant . Manorial . Grassy 5 a a puitir y 9--Voyage To The Bottom |lI--Let"s Talk With +--Captain rina 11, Seraglio court field -- MAINS = high-card points! see Of The Sea Father Meehan 8:30 7--World of Spots ' &--My Hero 9--Romoer Room 12, The --, . Pardon Kettle $--Countrytime 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 00 AM Nether- Thorax ti DEVOTEE TO ARMY 4--Wrestling 4--Living Word 11--Topper : lands 4 . Hate- 3--Shindig } 3--Herald of Truth 9--Piaytime with Uncle Pepa cigiy . Slack ful 1 GUELPH, Ont. (CP)--James | 2--Checkmate Family Pieynewse Bobby ita | 13. Foreign "Shield God [OWE INERIAINICIE SRS ile flitar: pak | ie 'sa Oa. --Dial fer | 14, Deport event aie BIEIAITISMMAINIDIE|S Pettit's waxed military m us 1---Mickie - "A'- Go- Go |!1--Continental Mintohore | 4 Mike's Carnival | 15. Placards me Y - tache looks back on exactly 70 | 7--~Shindig 9--AFL. Football S-Mickey Moves Cb | pee . Sharp sky: esterday's Answer | &-U.N, Review &--Meet The Press 1:30. AM. 17. Copper Legal Babyl, years of devotion to the army, | 2--Musical Showcase | -6--Jack-in-the-Box {Ea "Alien coin of matter . Ex-fire 38.Notempty fever since he enlisted at the arm | 4--Gadabbout Gaddis 4--Gypsy Rose Lee Show Japan a ' in]? | 3-Sir Francis Drake =| g_,yns), Rese Lee Show va ene 9, Eager » English 39. Girl's age of 17 in the British army. 18. Caterpillar . Priest royal name | : France in 1915 "DONALD DUCK 1:38 Pe 10:08 AM. | - 11--Spotlight i1--Nurs I hair 1. Audie ini |Petut went to oye vrses j , Audience house 40, Scrutinize } Pm y Lite -atsrote Pt = 3 1 : 4 > | 7--Big Show of the Week | ,7-~SUNday Playhouse Mes Consens 20, Banquets . Noun 35. Metallic 41, Examina- jwith the 43rd co pari | ¢3--Beverly. Hillbillies 6-3-4--NFL Footbaii | 4-1 Love Lucy 24. Swallow suffix of element tion jand organized the 29th sites } 4-UB Round Table Pane 200 Poa | 10:38 AM. | 28. Dilapidated: condition 36. Leaf 43. Hint |Battery in the early 1920s. | -Heve Gun Wi Trevet Toronto Teacn in | 9--Bingo | slang | | , 9-8-2--AFL Football &-2--What's This Seng | : ree 6-3----NFL Football TDonnk Rant | 28. Biblical wen bs a Oi i LA 'LA 11--Candid Camera u | |¢-2Flipper a0 Pte, $-3--Friendly Glant | prophet 6--friais of O'Brien 8--Movie 4--The McCoys | . 80, Scope | 4--Jackie Gleason 7--ABC Scope 11:00 AMA. 81, Sea | 3--McHale's Navy 9~--AFL Football 1--Ronnie Prudden se ; 9:00 PA : 9--Mr. and Mrs etween Jambores Rave Rha scitlelb el Greece and SAcoderyPertormance atayveume et, | Ania Minor | Gar Sing Out Legs ' 4--Andy of Mayberry $2, Rumanian b> 6 om Pm | ZONE Football } 11:38 AM, coins Ge Y \11~Club 11 Dance Party | @--Movie lV scabteadene 34, Bark £4 aa iek 8- *t Smart | oe : Tocawtanes Walk ease ae art #1--Jeopardy 37, Impervious 2 Hockey \11--Tiny Talent Time | Dek Van Dyke Show to solar Boston at Toronto | 9.-Sea Hunt 12:09 NOOR rays Triais of O'Brien | 7---Wrestling | %--Toronto Today 12 14 MICKEY MOUSE 2:00 PLA 6-3--Country Calendar $-2--Call My Biv 42. Mountain | a | | A GARDEN HOSE ? » - , $8--Movie 4--NFL Football | 7--Money Movie spinach \, INDOORS ? f = ( '00 Om. $00 Pm. | 6~Luncheon Date 44 ah of \ a EARS: ap nis family Theetre +--News and Weather " if} ~ a ------ tt : f\ Abii ined | 9~Canadian Taieni | " weight | JmHollywood Palace : 4 12:15 P.M. Sethe Lene Showcase | 4--€peaxer af the Mewse 45. Rascal 7.-Patty Duke Show 12:90 P. : 10:00 Pa. | &3--Nature of Things | 9) Love Lucy 46, Forearm | ®-Run For Your Life | 2-~GE College Bowl | @-2-11 Bet bones: anat, | 4--Gunsmoke $30 Pa | 64--Seach for Tomorrow! 47, Leg | 10:15 PM. | 9--Peter Potamus 3--Neon sag |6-3--Juliette | 7--Big Show of the Week he abd joints O, please don't scare him with 10:30 Pa | i bbe N--Racing Forum 48. Slope grave looks. | \--~@teckbuster 70 Pe 64--Guiding Light DOWN OD Sais canbeee ty saevemaree see | 7--The King: Family %--Walt Disney Presents | 1:00 Pom. 1, Fellow 11:00 PL 6--Perry Mason | Theatre 1-9-+6-)-6-4-3-2~ News, 3 sheer | ¥--James Beard Show ' | Weatner) Sports f t--Matines stad Miia | 8 Pa ll---Lost in Space Seok paca Soo a ae ee ae Oe eee th-@iock Buster C7 3--Filoper -UACHeon ate | tinued 2--Bell Teleohone Hour | +--Meet The Millers Ms P | ecaaete Pima ee me eae SoMovle Tal 0 ut-O1 VOOrS | &--Night Metre | Please Don't Bat The | ike Dovgies Show X (H D = - ; en) ) ICIDENTALLY, YA THINKING O-4--Satureny Night at Daisies 1:0 Pom. ITS A GRE SIGN )) INCIDENTALLY, IM TH pg | Movies 7--Red Riding Hood 9--Sergeant Bilko F GIVIN UND OF The 2 ' a A BOY IS EROWN | gtr eh g Fed copy iin ba Of The Sea 4-4--As Tho World Turns UK Women Blame Agoraphobia WHEN THE FAMIL MBURG! IR, $-3--Rudolph Red-Nosed F R é | 1 jh+t--Late Show Being te PM A ' M if | guaparhe Reing %--Kids Is People -- Nite eae ! oe aaa: LONDON (AP)--Terrified oijwomen, go through life fright- | re Showcase 11--Special Movie 6-4c-PaiawWord:: jthe outside world, thousands of ened to tell anyone about their. ce ricache api | 1140 PM. | CanDisney'e, World of Moment Of Truth {women in Britain are afraid O/terrors because they think they/] You Can Exchange Skates That | @--Answerlng Service | Color | pci ne leave their own houses and/aré abnormal. Agoraphobia is] Are Too Small For A New or SUNDAY iy Favors Martian 2:30 Pm apartments not a mental disorder. It's an} Used Pair. | 9:00 AM | 10 Pat ride ry ac Conflict They suffer from agoraphobia/emotional upset cinco Cathedral Chimes | 7--The FBI pe Cestere -~a morbid fear of open spaces.. How did Mrs. Neville cure 9 | ++o--ae Suilives Skew Ps Be, hd em Mrs. X is 45. handsome, has/herself? WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF ; : : Party 1a 'splemyid house, a loving hus-' "] decided to tackle all the|} THEIR COST IF iN GOOD CON- 1m Awe iechreie : band and three children things I was afraid of,' shejj DITION. Hellen: Journal 11--Donna Reed Yet, for the last 15 years she|said, "and as I did so, the fears %--Cartoon Playhouse t ineciel | 6&anaer | ; J-Rock ; pecia' | raat eke has never once stepped outside |just shrivelled away. COMPLETE LINE OF 7--General rioepitet her front door "TI was petrified of water--so 4-Pope Paul Vi. At last, someone is. doing)! made myself swim. HOGKEY New and Used MUGGS AND SKEETER i T YOU RUN YOURSELF \ Vp Px Coesperarety, by . ae S-Hersii.-@ Trym Candid Camera | esto Tell The Truth [Something about the people who| "I was afraid of ee ie ) RAGGED BACK AT THE | | . ' o£ my Roz. ' ¢ ; 'kare une = gti em fr suffer from agoraphobia any sort of travel--so I made EQUIPMERT '\ MAGAZINE. A COUPLE : eal ee "9, ~ ae | ' : ) | %Crurch invitation Par sb Heid thea 11--Fuynny Company The someone is Alice Neville,/myself learn to ride a bicycle Stick ? OF WEEKS HERE ; ASW 1 lt Pipes s Al } peel ih 10:30 Am | #2--Wacklest Ship In The |. * Your Move 34, who starie suffering from|] got out into the traffic. Hockey Sticks, Ponts, 7 WHILE I FINISH MY SS ca . KOH "em, N--OHA Jr A Hockey Army rn Yaw \ ttn agoraphobia when she was "As I overcame the big fears, Sweaters, Stockings, \ SHOOTING AND YOULL \ wae ' ie extension ©3-This Hour Has | 63--Take 30 seven, She taught herself how|many of the little ones disap- Shin Beds oe * A " 4--Uncle Jerry's Club Seven Days | WIND UP A NEW P ' | : ; y eS 2--This ts The Lite 4--Landid Camera Sena. Nie to beat it 4 |peared."' Her victory has béen so com-; There is no such thing as the WOMAN! | y | Ppdied papa, 2--Cartoon Carnival i i Le 1:00 Pom. | %~Mickey Mouse Club |plete that she started the Open typical. agoraphobe Most of i uilw Show ache: ee ee Door Club six months ago. It|them, however, are oversensi- SUE Seevice : Z now has 1,500 members. Only 49\tive, above average in intelli- orm 4--What's My Line 4:00 Pom. 2--Frontiers Of Peltth Viet Pe. psd it This Space Age | 4--Secret are men. jgence, and they come from all SHARPENING & %Flying Fisherman |)-+-0--Lete Show | "The. most important thing is}professions and income groups / : &The Christ | Theatre 4: Pm. 1% = Pp SeIUnS St E a HOS ce Vkcwaer wee hi ais and the for our members to realize they} Those who join the Open Door RENTAL LTD. ® ine ®wOOR | ie Poe : Phd srt are not alone,"' said Mrs. Ne-/Club get: a list of contacts 22 Kj Teen Ben 3 &--Internatinnal Cinema | >the Early Show jvilie, who lives in nearby Chisle-;The@ when thei' fears become 2 King St. W. : 11:40 PLM. +-3--Razzte , Dazzl 7 ' 2 7 93. | (18 Pe In Wrestling | ithe 'etirty 'show ean ia f le = pee much for_them,-they can 723-3224 O--Felx The Cat." Douglas Fisher You Gear Hundreds of people, mostlylring up one another and talk. JULIET JONES e