& 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 27, 1965 27----Reome ter Rent 30---Automobiles. For Sale |23---Automobiles Wanted |38--Coming Events - 23----Reai_ Estate Wanted. \26--A Apartments For Rent. ROOMS KELLY DISNEY CARS WANTED a : FOR RENT Goh DUNSAS sr Ear | Buying A Now Core" |. Ceateel Count oF The Oshawa Times i : WHITBY ---- 668-5891 Sell your_used car to 'Ted' Neighborhood Association Reward |NOW RENTING | wirey ore. | Swunesa* | Teh sete om Ma" | pec ay GBS Trad d ow TED CAMPIN MOTORS OFFERED FOR HOMES The Whitby 668-2337 Always top. quality 723-4494. Res. 725-5. 74 ' FURNISHED m, suit twa gentlemen, OSHAWA AUTO PAR' ; -- Wanted < We are practically sold out kitchen to. share, private bath, private Cars Bought and Sold for wrecking. sites and petty for, sale. at this time, ond are in des» entrance. Oshawa Bivd, North. Telephone RLEY STALKER lelson i +2162. porate need of homes in NONQUON 725-9280, RE SWS Sao -- R SALES . |CAKESHORE AUTO WRECKE®S want } Whitby, LARGE panelled compl jurnisht MOTO: cars for wrecking. i aha paid. ' Oshawa Ajax, 1 y os Bow of bed-sitting room, also own refrigerator, 137 KING STREET E. 200 Wentworth East, 725- manville, etc. n two-bathroom home. Parking, Suit one WANTED -- © for wrecking. Tele TOW E R S : OSHAWA ars ae We are offering a REWARD or two. 728-9279 after Spm. 593-6322 an y2g-dide, Renert Nichol at the Of buyers, many with cash, SINGLE ROOM for business gentleman, me hes oe AUTO WRECKING CO, ' G d who ore just waiting to be 1. 2 and 3 in clean. quiet home. Central location. | On the spot financing aon Aarts tor ald Kren an OSHAWA CIVIC Your viae to shown your home Bedrocen Sultes noereediets Possession. Apply 227 Chad-|i99" ORD standard, radio, absolutely phr-|Dought. 8 Bloor Street East. 725-2311, : : i ideclocibascnccciita nee [fect running condition. $425 cash, Te " | h odin rey er Si. SINGLE furnished bedrooms, for sieadily | phone between 5 and 7 p.m. 726- 5904, 34--Automobile Repair AUDITORIUM Practica C ristt Y 1as py hg a tlemen. Newly decorated, g $123 or 728-0483 Including . . . SoG Barking. One block north. of| 195 CHEVROLET Impala VrTouT-door|osHaWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers , --_-- hardtop, automatic transmifsion, power auto electric service, Pe General Motors. 728-6697 Stéering, and. brakes, radify whitewalls, (pert carburetor and au FRI DAY ' am =f so = ay ADEN RD eee f BOLAHOOD BROTHERS TOORS. Fteeenoting : FURNISHED BEDROOM in quiet home,|Very low mileage, Telephohe 725-3870 a asion ee TTERIT same | ber 3rd. 1965 entieman only. Parking space. Apply | - LIMITED Solid Soundproofing shay ag Sag Crerar Avenue. aod okw went ates ub sons. are our only 'busines, 1038 simee| PECEMDEF Ord, On Vest Gift List : "ag ccedidedose' : Nort one Generous Closet Space FURNISHED clean single room. "ABPIY| 1959 PONTIAC "Giraldchief, new tires, ----------- | ae Toe Oe eee good condition, will consider trade on 35--Lost . ond Found '63 to '65 model or reasonable for cash. patie Aas eng 28--Room and Board Apply 235 'Eulalie or 728-1773, CLOCK, open-faced, 'placed in ety dump Over > * "geen r Keepsake. rewar' All Electric Heating WARM ROOM for quiel man willing 10|1999 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, 6 cylin-| S¥nday Dy mistake. SOLD Ci share, breakfast, lunches packed if de-\der. Good mechanically, needs minor! to finder, Telephone 723-6392. : . Individual Heat Control sired. Close to South General Motors. 81\body repairs. $325 or best seffer. Tele-|LOST -- Small black dog with white and or just listed? Park Road South. [phone 725-5555. brown rl rials sab gd Pee ay vr ic, ty Wilson Roa OU! i i j Modern 'Kitchens ROOM AND BOARD good meals for 1wo|1955 FORD. Automatic, good body and| Vicini : ; Business is good. We are just clash quiet oeetiernia. Large clean toom, pool tires. Best offer. Telephone Whitby, |Pet. Reward. Telephone 725-2907 in prizes about out of listings. If you 2 Hi-Speed Elevators twin beds, block from downtown, bus at 668-4405. LOST -- lady's gold signet ring with-dia- ROMAN CATHOLIC CAPONS PUT YOUR HOME have a home to sell in Osh- door. Apply 203 King St. East 11963 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, low|mond iy initifals, A. Har Weanesd A ARTICLES ETC. in the awo, Whitby, Ajax, Bay Private Large Balconies COLBORNE STREET EAST, 57--Room, |mileage, one owner. $1,600. Can be fi- OL Oe emir 925-3242. : $1500.00 Jackpot Lovely assortment of Ros- -- TURKEYS -- CHRISTMAS SPIRIT If Ridges, Pickering Ce pt bv bapayres alt aad Boots -- iS pa R DSA baler sted aries, crucifix and nativity Dressed and Delivered *Christmas Trees Bus Service GM and downtown, Apply above. --_| i939 BUICK four door hardiop, automatic, oe MBG ities it isreiearaces : ee ' ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen only new paint- job. Best coffer. Telephone 36 Legal $500.00 Snowball site. PRANK. HOAG z eas AL aR GRIFFIN Near Shopping Plaza, lunches packed if desired, very centrally | 728-7291. Evenings after 7 call 728-4733. $150.00 Special Game PARKVIEW Risslond Ric West fe oes Gifting For Everyone Do You Want It Large Storage Lockers Ch + located, Apply at 296 King St. &. near 33 z va fs _ in | Schools and Churches. | seat. A im |tet fines A. Uleeoes 9ae wit'sc:| IN THE COUNTY _|$!000.00 Esculator 98 Olive Ave, Mn. V Oshawa 729-837 _| J. A. JANSSEN & SONS REAL ESTATE LTD Seeing is believing .. . that's | ROOM (board optional), one or two will-| cept dradt, Can finance. 1961 Giasmobiie | COURT 0 Regular games $50. ea. aacd beck fae ai GEES LTD. ° } tir sh | | fou! * steeri: , or ' i what we want you to do! es dayne oe mie ir Gain 2. windows, double Eagle Goodyear tires OF THE 9 Early Bird Games 10:00 p.m, 725-8232. LIKE ARMCHAIR 843 King W., 728-9429 723- 4645 WE RENT | Telephone 723-6690 "| Licence "22430. 'Telephone 725.7887 any COUNTY OF YORK 5 Late Games $50. ea. SETS Oe : SHOPPING ? AL PRESTON' S SUNOCO secu d | ND BOARD bie, Gi : | ON PREMISES ONLY [ROOM AND. BOAR evaleeie. a 190 VAUXHALL Victor station wagon : Admission $1.00 (receive one | GIFT PROBLEMS Phone' 668-3311 Simcoe St. North STOP THINK |workers welcome, Telephone 668-8158 Excellent condition whi tewall tires, esi TO WIT : inte OF caida for penuler: panies), | Fix datalic an Git ack a Beer i For fast action, list all pro- Aso ' ROOM oa'. BOARD for gantienan. ores Telephone ik ee ton Facies A 25¢ doubl 4 SOLVEDAT .a% 'of SELECT APPLES | | sing! A i re, unc! -- - 3 F } ? loub "aor - . perties with ey Ss packed, 7 days per week, ample park-|1958 PONTIAC Laurentian, IWo 406", to me directed, issued out of pe te =e uble ca } RED WING ORCHARDS 5000 TREES ng. Apply 237 Nassau Street automatic, 6 cylinder, radio. In excellent " . ' ¥ = e 7 OSHAWA REALTY se : : Corian. ghtineflphone "4 | the County Court of the Coun | HARRISON os | 90 iN R ROOM AND BOARD 'for " gentlemen. Days 455-3621 ty of York, wherein ROLIN | | ON LOT (BOND ST.) LIMITED l onqu ' oh ei Sy On Vee 196) PONTIAC Parisienne 2-door hard INVESTMENTS LIMITED are DOOR PRIZES ~ ORDER FOWL 25 Bond West 728- 9466 top, 283 automatic, power brakes and - All games will be ployed on | NOW! Nursery Grown 4 Plaintiffs, and PETER COL- HARDWARE ! Pe 5 A tet Atl |ROOM AND BOARD for two teen-age -yoor; ' af ' | THREE-BEDROOM house, that meets} (East of Simcoe N.) girls to share room in modern home of sreerane, Loaded with extras. In Al) | OcOrSKY, is Defendant, | sip hot Nh ae 723-4722 Pruned Scotch Pines VLA requirements. Must be near school |two young ladies, south of South GM Share The Wealth--7:15 p.m. 849 Simena St LITZ PROCESSING Also Spruce and Balsam | ' ; have seized and taken, under 0. | Five-day nd no. shift. workers./1964 GALAXIE convertible 500; black; : ik» Ceca Naas ties ' 'i TT 793 8365 \velehiene feessr?, . 4 ike new condition. Wilf Duggan's BA execution, and will offer for Regular Games--8:15 p.m, h 723. a PLANT 24--Stores, Offices, Storage or ca f TWO MEN BOARDERS wanted, to - Station Simcoe Street North. «| sale by Public Auction in my -- one 72 6 ft. - 7 ft. - 8 ft. ches packed. Car necessary PRIVATE SALE -- 1963 Mercury, V-8,| office in the Court House, BUSES x For Banquets - Bowling r SSG easterly Heavy duly| Telephone. 778-4098 standard transmission, many extras, ex | 2 Nee ee ae rey Alleys. Special Rates. S C lMitngr Ev antenie Good een people | cellent condition. Apply 20-Avenve Street,, 605 Rossland Road East, ys. op PECIAL m Leave Bond'and Simcoe St * ee ene j YING TRAININ' 117 APARTMENT _ |Santed. Anpiv'220 Ritson' ond south." room,,aNE, BOARD for Genaial, Major Apartment 2 ee ; baal ay COP ANAM * FLYING 7 ANN "OSH AWAL 97c- 1.50-2.00 MODERN one > bedroom apariment in| workers welcome, 1545 Lakeside Street or|1964 OLDSMOBILE Super 8, four - door, County of Ontario, on Tues- p.m. Available Govanwhent Acbrved Schonl on ep " . : AND triplex. Refrigerator, stove, drapes, laun-| telephone 728-9523 hardtop, power steering and brakes,| day, December 7th, 1965, at after the Bingo. pp HPALEH poor i health's sake! i dry facilities, private entrance. $110\ Room AND BOARD, sixcday "aS dark nie Pad th matching interior 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, IFT atural, Vitamins, Minerals. Sunshine monthly. Available January |. Apply 196'1 unches packed, Willing to 7 Dg gn elephone 725-8465 ae é : hop. 24 Prince Street, Oshawa. For Nominal Charge. d - Stevenson Road South treat East, 725-98 1 PONTIAC convertible Var avlomatic,| ot the right, title ond interest CERTIFICATES ----$---- ee 9 * r reet East, 7 43, 8, 5 2n STOREY BUSINESS WOMAN with two bedroom " power brakes, steering, red, black trim.| @nd equity of econ ply of MONDAY AVAILABLE Oshawa Garden Centre leoatirient, fully furnished, will shareleiceice: arco s one Doers Apply 25) No down payment, Terms to suit, Licence) PETER COLLOSOFSKY, in ape | : | 1259 Simcoe St. N., 723-1161 a S with another business woman. Central Divisio H37825. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 ark et ok ie hoe ang J V Aviation , OFFICE jlocation, Telephone 725-8023 CLEAN, quiet home, parking space, home FOR SALE '64 Chevrolet convertible V-8| ands, namely: Lots 36 and | 8:00 P.M ¢ . OPEN EVENINGS |ONED AND TWO-bedroom apartments, \brivileges, five days. Near K-Mart. 43) automatic, beige, telephone 725-9807 days bs ' : A fF 'Gargard Road, 723-2786 é 'ae 4 Sprayed any. Color eT built-in. stove, according to a plan re- | LIMITED 5 : _-- --_------ - broadioom in living room, built-i ------ | 1959 CHEVROLET, two-door hardtop, six} ; i ; - MA R 5 FOR RENT refrigerator, free washer, dryer, Davedlog Wanted To Rent |cylinder automatic, good body, motor.ang| -- gistered in the Registry Ofice Oshawa Municipal Airport, SMITH BEVERAGES eb thy' Aba geld Sade ra pli (BR ge oe parking, intercom. Telephone 725-9328 ea : ____ transmission, snow tires, $575. Telephone| for the Registry Rivision of 728-31 ] Free delivery, Whitby or Oshawa, Brock 143 KING ST. E BASEMENT APARTMENT, private bath, URGENTLY required large house in or 725-8885. -- the County of Ontario as No. LIMITED Street North, next to Canadian Tire. Cell De ake couple. One mile from South General out of town, close to schools by family of 1949 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door hardiop| 195. ° Soe HRN eg NONC nN re olan Authorized Bottles for early and reserve. 668-6772. Motors. Available December 1. Call 728-|six school age children. Telephone 723- high performance V-8 engine, standard! i ef Teleoh 728-0091 3427 between 1-2, 7-9 p.m. 5478 Ss shift, positraction, color red, radio. 723! Dated at Whitby this 5th day ST. GERTRUDE' S | INDIA HANDICRAFTS PEPSI-COLA oo, LTD, CHOICE PRUNED Scotch and $ Spruce elephone TWO-BEDROOM apartment on month-|/ URGENTLY NEEDED, two- or three 6496 after 6:30 of sh Novembe 1965 my Christmas Trees, Scott's Farm. Harmony _|to-month basis, Simcoe Street South, $100. bedroom apartment, walking distance to|igg4 IMPALA two door hardtop, V-8 au-| vember, : AUDITORIUM For your Christmas gift Crush International Limited Road North, to the end of pavement, |monthly rent plus utilities, Call Steve! St, Joseph Separate School. Reasonable tomatic, power steering, power brakes,| Englert, 728-5581 Guide Realty Ltd., rent, in house or apartment building for 723-2 | MORLEY. BAIN selections, may we suggest 750 Farewell St., Oshawa turn left, 3rd house, north side, r . , Teleph 728-8875 ' | 'i 793-5281 mother and four school children, Tele- |W _mease:_ Telephone aoe | Shariff. County of Onfarie 690 King St. East at Forewell | this year a handcrafted Telephone 723-1011 SE i ™ - phone 728-4469, 'S) CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan. Abso- : id | gift from India. On display 7 BOWMANVILLE Three-room apart _|iutely perfect condition. New motor. $800 Whitby, Ontario | ve, refi -- - | j | | | IVE * are brass and wood coffee pg dots POY nel tables, Rosewood and Ivory "THE FESTIVE LOOK" carvings, silver jewellery, silks, evening purses, vas- Vadiant Cleaners es, candleholders, rose Oshawa Shopping Centre $80, monthly eos hee age Aut 1 cash or terms. Licence 523529, Gus Brown A\V/AN ABLE . h 725. 30 Au omobiles For Sale : Motors Ltd., 725-6568 FREE j | ee paresis ---JikER GAR PARTS anindies tn make! NOTICE TO | S FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent for|, ville 'a tit : IND ECE FURNISHED, APARTMENT. for vert te! MARE CASH _|tiaiersiaito vie tien. 507 Bloat Stree an a pe : ION ft le, bowls and many other 725-1023 } One owner. Terms, Licence H52033. Gus | beautiful and exclusive 1120 Simcoe St. N., 728-2361 | prbetafe bieicgt na etc., off street parking. Apply 184 Beatty) DODD MOTOR SALES | grown Motors Lid, 725-6568 agoinst the estate of Elizabeth | J Brand new, beautifully designed In Times Building Telephone 668-2631. ea Paid for Good Clean Cars. | 64 CHEVROLET hardiop 3 | pieces Pick-Up and Delive cilacks avenue : : 314 PARK RD. SOUTH | sNow "TIRES 14" - 15°; wheels $3 up Victoria Wagar, late of 85 | 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 New location Solina Rd. S. ena aes pe pee Be tion: FURNISHED two room self-contained steerl tri e FURNISHED | two roo Trove, TY outiet,| rade up or down, Liens paid. | power brakes, steering, wh . All persons having claims FOUR-ROOM apartment, second floor 723-942] 1283 engine, new, Courtice Auto Wreckers,, Nassau Street, Oshawa, On- SNOWBALL----$200. in.56 Nos 1% miles south of Size 9' x 12', 1 inch thick, newly decorated. Adults only, abstainers 723-5238. Nights 725-4404, | : y The Safe Way Made in India from the best 1 nd 1 a ss re tario, who died on or obout A N. 2 Highway. ' a. AG WILSON See --|LIENS PAID OFF! We trade Up, down.| the 11th day of Maal 1965, | Plus $10 each horizontal line, | FOR APPOINTMENT To Celebrate quality wool, Originally Choose from over 60 cars. No downpay-} sae " ~ : ownpa | priced at $825. AT THE TIMES _|Smmsnensatsoin oecnnmer iy fmne, | ALL CASH |i Siint tala a CE | are way ane end | Bs Non "$20. Con. PHONE Teer | oe a 1 . |778-9465 Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Ltd Sve clans cure oo (cia, Wa "4 BUICK Skylark convertible, power) POF! 4 ee | in s. on par eal Rid ith TELEPHONE 725-8963 anytime } C c equipped, radio, bucket seats. Still under within thirty days of the 12th ide wi INSIDE STORAGE |TWO-BEDROOM apartments, available in deal up or down. Liens paid warranty. $2,850 or best offer. Telephone) November, 1965, after which SHARE THE WEALTH err BOATS - TRAILERS | balconies, stoves, | NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED | 7224406 date the estate will be dis- GIVE, MERCURY TAXI BETTER CHRISTMAS | - - ' a ; ic, A Go Parking iy ctric heat and broadioom rent 146 BROCK ST. NORTH 65 CHEVROLET hardtop, V-8, automat tributed having regard only to od 7 PROGRAMMES ' : Ay nnd SIME Har SOIR, sutich - - radio, One local owner, Still under war That Lasting Gift 25-4771 CAMPERS - ETC for $115 a Per month, wi shi T.V. Towers $50. Up. ncludes hydro, water and hot water tank.! Across from Royal Hotel | ranty. Low mileage. Terms available, LI- the claims which the Execu- Extra Bus Service | es 14 ALBERT ST. Sept. to June $18.00 | | 728-6286. ---- dit and the undersigned Execu- No Children Please OSHAWA T.V. 15' Runabout with Trailer Call S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited Whitby 668-3331 |cence H48615, Gus Brown Motors Ltd.) tors shall then have notice h "A Gift Certificate" | TOWNLINE N. OSHAWA $5 SINGLE, $7 Goudie, aatly, spec. weekly 'S? DESOTO" hahha four-deor, fully ped ane Pag Cr ites Poll tors will not be liable to any |- 3 For A Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi SUPPLY LTD. rates, Small apartments avaliable. Board | power condition, clean, no rust,/ wheels, radio. Good condition, Telephon ast esr) | cone eee R = 728- 4732 optional. Hollywood Motel and Restaur-|Must sell. Terms private. 668-3046 Whitby. | 728-3035 Ae : pe son of whose claim they | : x } PORTRAIT SS ' een a 8180 --_--___--_ <= lant. Whitby 668-2067, 1965 PONTIAC Stralo-Chief, four door| '64 CHEVROLET super sport hardtop, 327; Shall not then have notice Oshawa and District | FOR RENT =, Store or office, 306 Kite K-YOUNG TEACHER desires @ congenial (automatic, washers, oversized whitewalls.|horsepower, four - speed transmission.| Dated at Newcastle this 11th # : : IN OIL ener Avenue, 725 young woman to share two-bedroom fur-|Metallic "Artesian Turquoise. 371 Hume-| 22,500 miles, Extras. 725-2180 day: ot Newienbor: 1968 Historical Society REN WANTED to rent garage with lockable nished apartment. For further informa-/Wood Avenue. Telephone 728-4435 '6) OLDSMOBILE 88 4 - door hardiop.| : Sittings by For the CHILD 2 ag or Whitby area. Call tion call 723-9072 after 5 p.m 1957 CHEVROLET Bei Air 6 automatic, Power brakes, .steering. Radio, metallic) LOVEKIN and STUBINGTON -- onthe é > , ointment ly, > be DREW . STREET, 74 -- Two or three|excellent condition, $395. Phone 668-6077, wees matching interior. Licence H28806.| Barrister Solicito: app e only. ar poy sp 86 SQUARE FEET, dultabie for beauty rooms, furnished, central, adults. For "es asy terms! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., %, rs, parlor or office, on Stevenson Road North,|working couple or three individuals, ab: bad 'DODGE PHOENIX fourdoor hore ie 7375 Newcastle, Ontario, CLARK STUDIO GIFTS for $125 per month. Call Jack Zurba at Osh- stainers, non-smokers. No childten. Avail condit Privat Whi 6) PONTIAC | er 4 j 5 awa Realty Ltd., 728-9466 _____|able now a on # vate. 668-8725, Whitby 6 automatic, gee 669 Black ry nr Solicitors for the Executors M F F T | N G 325 BROCK NORTH cere - of all ages OFFICE SPACE or meeting room for BASEMENT. APARTMENT, unfurnished eg et ie A UT aes stand: terior, Can be financed. Terms. Gus Ruth Robertson ond _ < WHITBY -- 668-4497 (N d Used) GIVE DAD rent. Apply 17 King Street East, Bowman: |cvitabie for working couple, stove, re : ici tA {Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 Robert Cairn Wagar | TRICYCLES " ville 623-5567 ' |lfrigerator, heating, hydro included: Avail-.1953 METEOR, very good mechanically, |i CHEVROLET Stationwagon, «door . ' eit i icant cioieeianabiniae shag e aa ae |abie December ist, in Whitby 668-6715. [Good tres, radio, winterized. Telephone Metalic. green, licence B80, "Can be Monday, 'Nov. 29 © ICE SKATES BLACK & DECKER 2 - 23 after 5 p.m Ate . ian Houses for_Rent rue woes Ta lee PONTE ToY Foon SE Me Nee ee | 196s, at RPM | EL AAEDYS Ser Somme, | POWER JO room, private ailab , condition, Mo' t 7 | ore ACouey hein a0 n large fenced | mediately. Telephone 7 es and battery, A-] motor. Telephone! 43" BUICK convertible; black" with' yea | : | | id . 18 a EQUIPMENT MILLWORK in nthiy. New oll 128-657 4 j | * : Y. be aed A DAURLE ROOM with twin beds and two. 576 tr Power" sieering, Drakes," WihtOws CREDITORS Mc Laughl in Publ Le a ate and Building Supply Scisaincn | ohathe a for ¢ ris| 1938 - Garg 'seaan, 65 - - nonce acy 'tarme canoe | . - TWOSTOREY bungalow, four bedrooms, |<in)"es aie ee BEML recat Malas Nee Sener WE teal. tear iat: us Brows ators Cia, FAITE All Library : Me rete ae f YC| F ee oll heated. Spacious playground, on Ger 9 pariment with three speaker, Windshield | washers. 2 "snow ¢4 BORD six cylinder, standard persons having claims | with Gifts Gaiore" a" 5 ard Road. Telephone 72 __lquiet + tes from hospital tires. Very good condition. Phone 728 red interior, $1,495. Also '59 Chev-| Q@gainst the Estate of WIL- THREE - ROOM house, new, no children. and oF References required 8612 Bel-Air six cylinder automatic LIAM IGEL, late of the Cit f $ a oe ae y } ; "ity ° ? nufactured in Oshawa | For more information apply 461 Bloor a 2 163 PONTIAC Parisienne, lwo . door hard both in good condition. Telephone! of Oshawa. in the County a Got gift problems? Drop -- ENTRE Manufactured in O eee TWO - BEDROOM apartment, adults, ab- top, V8, automatic, double power Trade 5-024, Onisiias Gant . 4 y ROWE TOURS | into Elmer's Bargain niece POOL TABLES TWO - BEDROOM bungalow private staine Available now. Telephone unt considered T availab rio, Gentieman, deceas- | and see the large selection $85 monthly Available now.|4 o'¢lock, 723-8464 down. Lic Gus Brown Motors 31---Compact Cars For Sale| 4, who died on or about "Florida" 20 days escorted of gif 'ot ol 204 Bond E., 725-6344 11 models 0 $t F td, 7256 he gift ideas for the whole ' NO. MONEY DOWN 'nat sony Bloor Street West. Tele THREE - ROOM apartment, heav 4 the 24th day of September, January 9 - 28 -- also Mar family Layaway Now ae F phone 728-4071. oe yo antenna, Apply 240 son 89 OLDSMOBILE Super AA hardiop, auto 1. | 1965, are hereby notified te 12. 3) : y Sa RAEN sc seinaisiear NR ees 6 months payments defer- FIVE-ROOM duplex with three bedrooms + beth rihar, information matic, fully. powered, radio, black body Zoltan, Nick and Dan's | Hy . i red with up to 4 years to in Gowmany ive Avatianl red trim. Terms! Licence H47442. G send full particulars to the Mardi Gras" New Orleons - / in Boy vee private yard. vailable| MODERN one - bedroom apartment, ripen, nim, Terms! Licence as Your Authorized Datsun | undersigned on or hefore the Tour, Feb. 12 27 -- 16 ELMER S MAJOR POOL FOUIPMENT Peerven arely- 9 he vate entrance, central. immedi ; ie | , e A} E FIVE - BEDROOM house, partly furnish., session. Phone 723-0406 after 5 p.m '0 CHEVROLET station wagon. perfect 5 and Fiat Soatt 4th day of Decebmer, 1965, days CORP estes LTD stove, fridge, beds, chestertield, etc.|moneRN wes bedragm apartment prc mechanically nder, standard, radio pecializing in wagen | after which date the estate Travel delux air-conditioned, | BARGAIN HOUSE 5 In Whitby $140 ber month. 668-3866. lvate entrance. Newcastle, Electric heat nm payment. Trade considered Repair and Service. | will be distributed with regard washroom motorcoach 690 Drake St., Oshawo ; ese Te S room, private| Terms available ence X6535 5us BS 3 2- -- f 26--Apartment for Rent. [osthroom: Avstebie 'December'. "Ample| Brown Motors Lt. 725-466e . 1 Seen Sa) only. fo claims:st which the No night travel STORE HOURS GIFTS FOR THE "iAtter hours 725-3661 --|parking. Telephone Orono 2228 MUST SELLi 1964 Pontiac Parisienne 728-0051 | undersigned shall then have For information to above tours COLBORNE™ AST AI --~ Two" bearoom| game" Power aauboea, 'Rea wie |-- -- enone or wae seg papmaglgngiak bios Set timent, private bathroom, aval Ice $2,550. : lel Au ; - Looking For an Apartment? | ern Or ye oe era. te atter 6 SABYAN | =GUARANTY TRUST PHONE 885-2527 Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mee hoor the Oa. Check These Features THREE-ROOM furnisned apartment. Pri ihe geisiilee ; ae as © MOTOR SALES Lai, | COMPANY OF CANADA ROW TRAVEL Closed all day Monday est Selection in town. fo ene ae jvate entrance. Apply 164 Grenfell Street © sentiias se eneny igitds ex jaikcwcen Cale é 1 by ite Solicitors \FWOREDAGI ORANG TGNSTS UAT nent etter Whitey) Volkswagen Sales and Satvice | AGENCY 253 BLOOR ST. E. POLLARD jossession, Drapes, refrigerat " New and Used Cars MANNING. F. SWARTZ 92 Simcoe St. N., 723-9512 OF) MALA GLEN tontvaliod anirence: iniertems, trove 1988 PLYMOUTH Belvedere V8, auto-| 334 RITSON RD. S. | RONALD eee' & PORT HOPE: - i .N., 723 : 5 lfacilities. Adults preferred. Apply 349 dio. Best offer. Apply 1396 Ox 723-3461 26% King t stig . ACRE DL reas : 7 \ ree as Marland Avenue, Apt. 414. Telephone |" | ¢ i COURT | 725-2227 '59 ANGLIA, Ideal second car n Open Evenings Oshawa, Ont CHATRS : 4 ONE-BEDROOM apartment, No. 18 on 300 Gle"Anawn moines Cre, ence 070 Oshawa and District cnr ediate O upancy gn Stree) i: Warhy «Me Sn a RAMA * VOLVO & PEUGOT 1, MELVILLE LEMON, of 755 Gifford | NT @ IN FOR CHRISTMAS ntidoan Leann Gre c 1 +) mon y Americ convertible, fe s ree sh. 1 Cniid iyi Welcome ) days possessic pply caretaker, power equipped, radio, low. mileage. Ideal *®& MERCEDES BENZ 2 nig Pe hawa, wil not be reqponieible & ( 5 A ( ) - Ist and 2nd Floors above address, for showing ady's car. $1,050 or best offer Hf > y Cente Sore Cen I ny: Nene High Back Swivel .« Telephone General Repair and anyone on or after this date, N s | 773.440 ' ovariee t 3 minutes to South General cittnads i k i 25, 1965 without my written consent. EXH | BITION Rockers .... $22.93 27--Rooms for Rent 1957 OLDSMOBILE Jake and Bill's Garage Motors ' Super 88 hardtop | . --~Melville Lemon : -- - -- $300 or best offer or will trade for '58 or| Auto-Electric Service See urene oes Nov. Za; ] m.t ] Be 30 * Platform Bath and a half in o s Eta Ford, product wi n soe iy cal P. 0 ocker! © wank 4 badischy suite | ATTRACTIVELY Saas i: with bad motor, 623 A449 Ritson Rd south 38 --Coming Events |) «Coins from B.C. to 1965 Rockers... $39.25 Twin' elevators FURNISHED ROOM '57 PONTIAC hardiop, V-8, floor shift Oshowa 728-0921 Mony dealers buying, selling, exceptional! 3 AUST \ 7 * All Vinyl Recliner Balconies E Acclabis ih advate home x pptiona ¥ good car, Terms|/63 AUSTIN 850, excellent condition, 9,000 swapping Lorge auction Chair .. .. $68.00 | v fown payment. Licence! miles, $995. Phone 723-1955 aH F.M. Music Call between 5 and 7 'p.m 450272. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568. "pap meer | CHRISTMAS Scores. of priges, and: lucky 1955 T-BIRD. Porthole top California car.) Reval Reprsenatves | 82 PARK RD. N. eaten ee Ca eee | 6 BAZAAR | 4; ADMISSION 28 Solve Gift Problems WILSON, FURNITURE 728-8671 pr eee a ee bucks seals. Eauinod, wih aul _ | AUTO WORKERS 723.3211 728-9468 or | FURNISHED ee on 1963 PONTING Pa ening, Iw door, here extras, $975, Fuel price. Call 723-5650 Legion Halt s CREDIT UNION Easily > es efficiently es and eee : 728-9466 [ng Yocitie. Friern vv nn <|MAny extras, Wil accunt trade. Tele owtion naw cut, Price She Tae] Gg CoN RE STREET HALL JCAROR FURNISHED, Gout curt PONTING fur ony sonal eee | Sat., Nov. 27th ------ pleasingly for everyone on after hours 723-6255 lprivate home, Telephone 7287120" after (new Paint good tires. Telephone 728-7291, | 64, MG@B_ convertible, or gg miles," top rab Nee 7 whee Fane condition. Telephone 723-64 . 12 noon -- 6 P.M. ob . . O S H A W A Ae site WARM, clean bedroom i TRIUMPH rR pee car. Red body, is) ENVOY SEDAN A-1 condition orig-| Sonta Claus for the Children B A Z A A R your Christmas Shopping List for nal paint, to 1 tir f lrespectable young man. Telephone 725 ket seats Excellent condition. No bw mileage, good: tires plus 40 sence H40S51| 2 NeW Snow tires. Phone 725-2949 Afternoon Tea | SIMCOE STREET UNITED DEK} 4 rown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 1960 ENVOY, clean car in good running Home Baking CHURCH TT ft that lets "them" choose is always a welcome gift ? cae OE FURNISHED DOUBLE room io share us i "alt EB Laser Pee 0 WO idee : - he gift that lets "them" choose i y me ¥ -- single beds, gentlemen preferred, park AY Hwo-seat---Stationet conor. Contact Jan's Garage, cor-| Ghristmas Decorations Dec, 2nd.--.2:30 to 5 nm, eran he kaged-in-Christmas cylinders if yolue is over MAKE IT Fe ° iol and Alber C r Beautifull aged-in-Christma (BOND ST.) LTD 9G, garage if desired. Telephone 723-9895. ¥@9 ' tedla, shaw | Country Store y ¢ ¥ $f Att Fh) one owner. Maroon 1960 ENVOY excellent running condition hil "6 Ce Auspices W, C. T, U 5.00 festive envelopes for smaller amounts. A TRAILER FREE APARTMENT, for adulia only, in|ROOM for rent for gentleman with park-| colo ephone 723.9023 milenee, fires ike new, pion 4 exice Children's Counter $ sos Teetive Pp a j a Sesiee Ne ecintetilacsng na tence, oe are" Rows" aut We gepoytine' coon amateur Ape "Atabosa| Drow for Automatic Camera | "ce CHRISTMAS return for 'retired gentleman's board.|P70N® wher, Vary. boed: condition, . Talenh pet or telephone~728-524 ouch and Take ae : : : : Write Box 8575 Oshawa Times ROOM to rent with use of modern kitch-| 725-1644 * ig an 1962 ACADIAN four-door station wagon Fancy Work GAS 39.9¢ Available os sskuligibuibacaly " ae Miller Trailer APARTMENT -- 10 share, private bed..°% for nice clean gentleman. Apply 222 oe ~ standard transmission, excellent condition KI / ce oF | * rooms, girl 17-22 Apply alter 6.30 pm io| Dovedale Drive, Whitby, 668-4870 1952 CADILLAC Fleetwood sedan, auto-|throughout, $1,395, Telephone 668-6186 SPONSORED BY, LADIES .00 2.00, 5.00, 10.00 25.00 er rauers girl 17 nat Ww andition, power' steer AU) 1A\ LIC ¥ Vases Ae asin) , : AJAX 942-3491 202 Clarke Street FURNISHED fight housekeeping room ing, windows G. ckttawatie -- - . JX. OSHAWA POLICE - TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, for clear et gentlemen, central seen to be appreciated. $325, Cell 728:|32--Trucks for Sale ASSOCIATION Station 50.00 and 100.00 ' ur li pe lc frig, TV outlet, private entrance. sh.| North Gener tor F f 6 J h ; t corner ainer only. Ap ri 1953 CHEVROLET one ton stake. Excel All Proceeds to the 809 S South ing facilities, centrally locate Giants A 2£ " a Simcoe South ENJOY LIFE 228-7279 ated ephone Street: East 1965 BEAUMONT 3}? 50 HP four speed, | ier body and motor ¢ ripe led Ch Idren's School cor Conant St positraction; telephone -- 623-5307 6 x lial CENTRAL: Tomer three coom spariment,/CLEAN, "Wrnianed room, witale for ayy PONTIAC Parisienne, door haraion | Teephone Alnx 72.245, riatey pe on HEL EATON'S UPPER LEVEL GOOD HEALTH cluded. Senarate shower. Parking. 723-| 728-278 a nage Nice wh vite trim, radio wt 59 GMC '2-ton pick-up, Fieetside box ANNUAL SUNSHINE SHOP : q 2 Bet a lean, local licen i rms m Sah Telephone daysr 10-40. 4 onhy-- | FURNISHED rooms," ehilabie Tor ene or | Mania eaans Merz, ciman, Focal car licence! Recenditioned engine, ply tires. Terms) Y.W.C.A. CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTS OFFICE 24 Prince St. THREE-ROOM apariment, siove ~and|'W2 gentlemen. Ceniral: Apply 252 Arthur |igg PARISIENNE, 7 "| Motors Ltd., 725-6568 CHRISTMAS FAIR 725-2241 'trig, central. Avaitable now. Telephone Street' or telephone 728-0271 Mt Rummage Sale 'ors, health ach . door hardtop with 327 er ", ane Ss) MER RY *% to ick ny fh 728-5 CLEAN LARGE "housekeeping room, : ved 10 8e Hf + . ead fn BICe-Up long: Tieet iaain FCBOK-- Tiree Toom--aparipeni| SUI heme Co i. Ag room. |Aition sell, Telephone 728+ ide hax. Excellent mechanical condi Christ Memorial Church | 199 CENTRE STREET PHONE 725-7373 pga! Bpaliences es with patio. salt-coniained. Tile SE icaiheed ted MO CHEVROLE 4 ra = setter iolltcpha i MON, NOV. 29th, 1 PM perking. Neer Shopping Contre: a a one ofr Bn oo ieee Sie orien Tlestside pickup with) = WED., DEC. I at 2:30. | Goop USED CLOTHING AND oy ier Cre-i¢ Licence 2595) wil pli rear burnpe Telephone Pickerin 942 phone 725-9567. scent, Telephone ot |trade. Gua Brown Mere "Ud marae |aape after & p.m. | Tea Room and Free Boby Sitting HOUSEHOLD: ARFICLES.