Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1965, p. 18

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we 18 THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Seturday, November 27, se FROM GREER GARSON TO PATTY DUKE -- SOME THEORIES ON OUTLANDISH HAIR m them to wear iong hair. That ew -which..ore_the girls and, Makes it hepato for girls to) which are the boys. It's not a LIVES A GOOD LIFE : Nas an average isc oF SS eethe. 'The United States doliag witibin circulation. find tren." \canfusing: it can be 4 Janet Leigh (Three On Ajous." Couch): "If I were dating, 1) Film Stars Delilahs On Long-Locked Lads THE CHAPS WHO STARTED THE WHOLE HAIRY BUSINESS Politics An Additional Spur For LBJ By JAMES MARLOW Associated Press News Analyst) peen lost. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- dent Johnson has another good reason -- besides and preventing a Communist takeover--for wanting an early victory in Viet Nam. It's polit-| ical. Although Republicans gen- erally support his Viet Nam pol- icy, they already are warning the war may be an issue in the 1966 congressional election when all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and one- -third of} the seats in the 100-seat Senate} are at, stake. At the rate the war is going) it won't be over next year. Johnson was in Congress dur- ing the Korean War and can hardly forget how the Republi- cans made that war-an issue in| the 1950 and 1952 elections. In both wars the problem was basically the same: Commu- nists in the northern half of al country attacked the southern half to seize it. President Truman, like' John- son, got broad support from both parties in the beginning. When North Korea attacked South Korea June 25, 1950, Tru- man sent American troops' in. He used his presidential author- the obvi- ; it formal. It extended the draft ousness of ending the killing) .14 packed him in other ways |Truman's To End Viet War Republicans, generally, have backed Johnson on his Viet Nam |policy. act, South Korea might have But Congress.gave its appro- val immediately without making] LEARNED A LESSON He had learned a lesson from troubles and _ fore-} \stalled any attack such as Taft's| on Truman by asking in 1964 \for congressional approval be-) iforehand on action he might) ithink necessary in Viet Nam. He! got it promptly. Nevertheless, Senator Robert) A. Taft, Ohio Republican, got fon Truman's back, accusing) him of usurping Congress' au- thority. That was a congres-| sional election year. Within three months after the war began, the Republican na-|@Way at him. Last week former | tional committee made it a/Vice - president Nixon said he campaign issue in a document! jthought the Vietnamese war) lthat cited the Communist at-/Would become a major political] Htack on South Korea as a Tru-| issue if Johnson failed to take |man failure: jsteps to win. Nixon urged intensified bomb- | In the November election that), ing of North Viet Nam and shut- year the Democrats lost seats in both houses. Korea continued ting off auppiies reaching 3 by to be an issue in 1951 and was} a big one iri 1952 when the Re- }publicans captured control of |Congress and Dwight D. Eisen- pporse became president. The House Republican leader-| jship also has had things to say about Johnson's conduct of the 'war. Representative Gerald F. iFord of Michigan, Republican PLAN NDP CAUCUS | House leader who has repeat- OTTAWA (CP)--New Demo- jedly denounced "irresponsible leratic Party members of Par- jeriticism"' of Johnson's Viet liament will hold a caucus here|Nam policy but has called for Dec. 6. Stanley Knowles, mem-|heavier bombing of North Viet ber for Winnipeg North Centre|Nam, said the American people and party whip in the last Par-|are confused and called on John- iament, said all party MPs are/son to be more candid. expected to attend the meeting a Wrong Number): Show): pose girls find long hair on men | 14 days, 4 ports. From $458 (U.8.), But Republicans have cal : i ithout first aski to map out strategy for the new siooal approval. asking Coneres-|session opening Jan. 18. SATURDAY FILLS WHOLE BLOCK NIGHT TIME WAS. A FACTOR | If he had done that, and there} The largest balloon in the had been a long drawn-out de-|Philadelphia Christmas parade bate before he got approval tolis 185 feet long. DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI and his GEORGE MEEK PRODUCTIONS Canedo's Foremost Promotions Presents for the Last Time in The Arena ew warrrT EVar LETT FRANKLYN SH rFranLv GOOD SHEPHERDS TONIGHT Whithy Arena - CLUB ESCAPE Dancing Every Set. NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group Tickets at the Door mee Rehoboth Choir of Bowmanville nd The Glory to God Choir of Oshawa WILL PRESENT Handels. Mes sah SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27th Simcoe Street United Church SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th The Trinity United Church, Bowmanville GUEST SOLOISTS: William Perry, Bass; Vivien Sadier( Alto -- Ross Metcalfe Tenor \ Rosemary Merkley, Soprano. 8:00 P.M. TICKETS -- 1.50 Adults -- 75c Children RED BARN | HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Beatle- inspired hair styles have been catching on with some teen-age boys, to the despair of their par- ents and teachers. Those lads would be shorn, if a group of film stars had their way. The stars, interviewed onsets of movies and television series, gave these opinions: Elke Sommer (Boy, Did I Get "Long hair on a man is too effeminate. | think men should be allowed to do more than part their hair and comb it to one side;- think of the things we women do with our hair! But men's hair should not get too long. I see to that by cutting my own husband's hair." Patt Duke (The Patty Duke} "T think the length of boys' hair has been carried too far, I like a long cut on small ® boys like John Kennedy. But on bigger boys it just looks dirty." Greer Garson (The Singing RCAF BEATEN certainly wouldn't want to go PARIS (CP) -- The RCAF out with anyone who had longer hair than I have." hockey team from Baden-Baden it removes the) Martha Hyer.. (guesting onjair base in West Germany element of sex. But it's un-|/Beverly Hillbillies): 'Long hair|dropped a 6-2 decision Friday healthy for girls te admire men|looks too feminine on men. It's/to the French hockey team AC who are female-looking. I like|getting so bad that on the Sun-|Boulogne - Billancourt, Agence thick, clean hair on a man, not/set Strip these nights you can't'France-Presse reported. a crewcut, I enjoy running my hands through a man's hair-- but not down to his shoulders." 725-4178 Jane Russell (Johnny Reno): or "When a boy's hair hangs over 263-2039 his ears or is long enough fori - bangs, it's time for a cut. If my sons don't get it done, I'll cut it for them." Julie Andrews (Torn Cur- tain): "I don't mind long hair on men, as long as they have a good comb." Debbie Reynolds (The Singing Nun): "With a shortage of men still prevailing, it's unfair for a safe image; ROUND MODERN MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE AT THE TRIPLE 'C' RANCH 2 Miles Best Of Hi Off 6th C i TO THE COUNTRY SOUND OF LEO CURTIN AND HIS COUNTRY PALS LEO CURTIN, Rhythm Guiter GARRY WATT, Violin NEIL MATTHEWS, Bass GORD MATTHEWS, 'Steo! Guiter EVERY SATURDAY 9-12 -- Admission $1.25 Per Person MEALS - REFRESHMENTS - AND -- SQUARE | "AN EVENT! FASCINATING! = Sow Times--~1:30 - 4:00 6:30 + 9:20 LCS - 9:15 ommended A STANLEY KRAMER PRODUCTION ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A COLUMBIA PICTURE Viven LEIGH @ Simone SIGNORET © Jose FERRER Lee MARVIN © Oskar WERNER @ Elizabth ASHLEY George SEGAL © Jose GRECO ® Michael DUNN Charles KORVIN @ end Heinz REUHMANN co-starring Lillian SKALA AT THE INN Nun): "I find long hair rather attractive on certain men--in} the profession, that is. Next) door to our set were Herman and his hermits; and looked charming -- like toretto angels. But must be cared for: combed, brushed. Tin- of men, as they have of. us women," Anne Francis (Honey West) | "I don't understand it. I sup-| IZZA telephone 728-0192 EPI'S they} long hair} Washed,| I'd hate to} see the beauticians gain control) Royal Canadian Legion Hall "Joie de Vivre" 90 Centre St., Oshawa CRUISES 1965-66 "PRANCE DEC. 21 African Cruise | from Le Havre and Southampton®, | . Featuring The Dodsworth Orchestra SATURDAY, NOV. 27 9 P.M. to 12 P.M. 2.00 PER COUPLE WN ii i GET THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Featuring: JAN. 13 Caribbean Cruise from N.Y. 12% days, 5 ports. From $450 (U.8.). JAN. 28 Caribbean Cruise from N.Y. 14% days, 7 ports. From $578 (U.5.). FEB. 14 Caribbean Cruise from N.Y. 16¥2 days, 8 ports, From $628 (U.$.). | BIG BAND. A-GO-GO SATURDAYS COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT and his orchestre PLUS JERI JAE JORDAN PLUS "A-GO-GO-Girls THE LINCOLNAIRES 50c Members @ 75c¢ Non-Members DRESS: -- Shirt and Tie MARCH 5 Special Spring Crossing from N. Y. to Cannes via Gibraltar and Naples. First Class from $492.50 (U.S.). Tourist Class from $280 (U.S.). MARCH 15 Mediterranean Cruise from Cannes**. 16 days, § ports, Tai | From $8865 (U.8.). Optional extension Cannes-Le Havre 3 days. Ge HERE TH 1EY COME via $.3. UNITED STATES from N.Y., Dec. 9, 1965. Return via STARTS SUNDAY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "ALONE AGAINST ROME" PLUS "THE WASTREL" With Ven Heflin ee Tages Released Thru UNITED ARTISTS | $.S. FRANCE, Jon. 7, 1966. | to nine vie 88. FRANCE from Le Hevre, Apr. 8, 1966. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT | Trench dine 4 Yonge St., Suite 240, Teronte 1, Ont., 366-2001 Mes UNITED ARTISTS GEO, MAHARIS MARK STARTS SUNDAY AT 5:30 P.M. For Trevel Information Cell or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 King St. E. 728-6201 OLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE Central Hotel KING ST. W., OSHAWA "THE PHILIPS BROTHERS" Direct from New York City 'TOPS IN MODERN ENTERTAINMENT OSHAWA'S FINEST @ Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. © Matinee Saturday -- 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - NEXT WEEK THE FRANK MOTLEY QUINTET Call Now For Complete Travel We TRAV. | MEADOWS TRAVEL 1 SERVICE 25 King St FE. Oshawa Phone 723-7001 WHEN So SKULL { YOU'LL SCREAM! "SSSSSSHHHH, DON'T 'NOISE IT AROUND !" Oh, come on Miss Claus, we don't mind, Let's tell the world ! Th at w! shirts cleaner than we know? Byeryone tell us so. heads tho us.@ éeall ot 728-5141, we twinkle of the eye, right, we don't mind beeeuse we're proud of the fact , Consequently our quality end service is always the best. Yep! "CLAUS CLEAN" shirts (ond slacks, and suits, ond dresses and ete., ete.) is the woy we do them. Give || ACADIAN cLeaners 299 BLOOR ST. WEST TECHNICOLOR ° TECHNISCOPE ADULT PETER CUSHING PATRICK WYMARKCHRISTOPHER LEE: cerammee | SEE OTHER AD FOR SUNDAY MATINEE STARTS SUNDAY A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE | TODAY CLAY vs. PATTERSON FIGHT ONLY Also 'THE REWARD" IN TECHNICOLOR| SUNDAY MATINEE ONLY ! Look Whos Here! x enyone else in Oshewe. How do We try not te let it go to our os pick-up ond deliver free, in @ . 728-5141 SAM LOCHRAN -- Moenager STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge at the WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundas St. W. Whitby The Finest. in Nightly Entertcinment Proudly Presents THE EXPLOSIVE "CLIFF DAPHINEY DUO" Direct From The Riviera Hotel Las. Vegas LAST TIME TO-DAY seeeeccessesensy "THE GALAXIES" MATINEE SATURDAY -- 3 P.M. TO 5 P.M. Matinee Saturday ... 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAY ONLY -- At 1;30 -- 3:30 | | | | Entertainment Nighily at 9 P.M. @ JAMES MAHER--Manager

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