Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1965, p. 16

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Basic Pointers: Ouilined Again To Find Needlework Customers By ROBERTA ROESCH | gible evidence of the producta "Where can I find customers|you sell or make to order will for the needlework items 1| get around and people may start make?" asks a reader. coming to you to ask you to "I'm hoping to make money) make similar things for them. at home this way," she contin- 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, November 27, 1965 ues, 'since either a full-time or|sHOW YOUR WARES part-time job away from home| Since neither the whole would be more than I could|world -- nor even your entire SOCIAL & PERSONAL nee ay ah "From time to time in the|your door all at once, go out : : past," she writes, 'I've made a|with samples in hand and call Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor few extra dollars by crochetingjon gift shops, 5 ty stores Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department for people who have asked meland retail establishments that : : : : to do it, But this is a difficult| might sell your offerings or take In town today attending the Nihornick and 'Miss Patricia l * \way to boost the family budget, |orders for them. Motels, hotels Ellis-Grierson wedding are Miss Nihornick, both of Montreal; é so I'm wondering what the mar-jand restaurants with gift coun- Gladys Grierson of Ottawa; Mr.|Miss, Mary Pl ag nm Le He Ket would be for little 'halt. tas te ate lobbles are other : : ; Mrs. aine Robertson, aprons that are nice and neat.|potential selling places for your and Mrs. Clifford Grierson,)Mrs. Bernard Cox, Miss Cathy : Ae ered Ses . ; "How can I get people to bu and Mrs. Cltford Grierson. jars. Berard Cor, Mist CMY) ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT --|inent"ana now can 1 got tnem|, 6 While you work toward tn as Grainger, Packenham; Mrs. Michael Boris and Mr. and Mrs. : into the stores?" teresting customers in your Nora ee sie. Croix and Mrs.(Eddie Monostori, all of New) Making wedding plans are prospective bridegroom, the |" cince this question is one 1 re-(DOMlework, lsten to comments Ralph Haugh, Trenton; Mrs.| York. Mr. Keith Edward Hooey son.of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- |i. 4 often--regardless of how or criticisms about your work. =D. Wales and Miss Eee i liam\Hooey, Oshawa, is an tn! a If none come your way volun- a pp ae Dig 'aie; ins Mr. -- Patrick Norris; and Miss Rosamond Marie (rina) cadet at the Royal --: oe ~_ Bre: tarily, ask store 0 sh os Lynde 'Higgins, Kingston; Mr.|/?- 4nd children, Patty, Lynn Hooker. The bride-to-be, the College, Kingston, P Slers for their suggestions for im- tomers for needlework items Edward Long, Mrs. Forrestjand Lenny, were recent guests| daughter of- Mrs. Erwin cus proving your products. When MAKING DECORATIONS FOR MISTLETOE BALL Grierson, Miss' Lillian Grierson, lof Mrs. Norris' parents, Mr.| Pretty, Oshawa, and ie tate. tg Cantal that you produce in your home.)yqy are fortunate enough to re- Miss Heather Grierson, Mr. and) and Mrs. Leonard Pelow, Al- Sa bee Bb -- glib ire gee HAVE SPECIAL TOUCH ae ruggestions, ry them toe Ball is new individual table decorations are: 'Myrna Brown, Lee |Mrs. Terrence Ramsey, Mr.\bert street, on the occasion of| "uate from the Oni 0 H108- etalis 0 1. Be absolutely sure that thejinto consideration and improve uaee le an Fade-A- which will decorate the Macko and Diane Omelan- jand Mrs. Scott Brown, Mr. and|Mrs. and Mrs, Pelow's 40th pital, Kingston, in 1966, The be announced later. needlework you offer -- aprons,|Your needlework accordingly. "Weighs Tops Club. Here they © UAW Hall on Bond.street on --chuk, leader. Mrs. George Hamilton, Mr. and|wedding anniversary. Also at- bibs, Christmas ornaments, dec-| 6. Finally, keep persevering "are seen as they make the December 4. From the left "Oshawa Times Photo |Mrs., Charles H. Ellis, Mr. Hart-|tending from out-of-town were KEEP IN TRIM lorator items or anything else until you have a growing list of well Ellis, Miss Carol. Ellis,)guests from Kingston, Ganano- right on down the alphabet--has customers, stores or shops for f But in choosing such mater- Miss Shirley Ellis, Miss Patricia|que, Toronto and Port Credit. a special touch that distinguishes| Your products. CHILD GUIDANCE Kerr, Mr. Lloyd Kennedy, Canon : me ' : + ; your products from similar ials, some problems arise: If/anq Mrs, R. K. Perdue, and Mr.|_ Mrs. William Sprules arrived Spine-Straightening Ideas items already available in the) SEEK SUBWAY SILENCE recently by air from Basing- stores. LONDON (CP)--Free tickets Books Of Easier Text ay the coon! and guage | Mr" Bercy sean, Peer Woke, Ramos, Rogiand tate squal read, the content.and language|Mr. Barry Stranks, Peter- , : ris , Sh ed B A y I Hi 9. Make equally sure yourjhave been offered to subway ' visit relatives in this area, She - - i may seem babyish to him. He borough, andMr. George Alfred, | sosian wi i trenaraniae ar y oung n eart specialty is outstanding in vane: motormen by the Royal Court \hardly will be much interested] Wa'¢rl00. «= --_|and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. A manship, style and appeal. ItiTheatre if they can make fess Ma Hel Poor Reader \i "Clarke Ak aaa By IDEA JEAN KAIN_ |... . cut down on food. It's as|has to be nice and néat, or|noise while passing underneath. \in reading such. Vancouver guests attending) Wells, Clarke street. On arrival.) : lsimple as that, Forget about|course. But those latter qualities|The management says the rum- | For example, if be is in the the Barnoski - Esposito wedding|Mrs. Sprules was greeted by| Wisdom is the distilled es.|simple ot oT good nourishing|alone won't make it a "Go-Go" ible from nearby Sloane Square By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD a. His teacher also may fourth grade and can read well are: Mrs. Walter Krystan, and|nieces and nephew whom she)sence, gleaned from years of . 8 : a F ; : "\toods, but only half as much asjitem. station disturbs audiences. Suppose the teacher of your have given him a standardized Mr. Raymond Krystan. Other|was meeting for the first time. wonderful living. A young-in you are aes at present, Self-| 3. When you are certain you reading test and found him fall-jonly from materials of primer|out-of-town guests are: Dr. and|Whlle in Canada Mrs. Spruler|heart reader shares her spine- ee ee ee ae Sate asthe om hag pom ing far below normal achieve-|0r first grade or second grade|Mre 0. R. Savijarvi; Brace-|Will also visit another sister,|straightening ideas with us. Her|control is the whole answer to ajhave something unusual and i i i i : ' A ight problem. You did not get|salable, makp up samples to poo A the|ment in reading for his grade. level, his pride may be wounded|pridge: Mr. and Mrs. John|Mrs. Victor Bourgerie, New.|strong words gave me glad- welg' : ; ee meen? oo F If the child in the third, fourth|as he reads from them. This|+ojowecki and Mr. and Mrs. | tonville, dened strength. May they do pod yh nif . -- « a 5 pote p Magen Frog WITH A , or higher grade must read. sim-|problem may grow more serious|G. Daze, Windsor; Mr. and this for you, too. She be-/@n¢ lt w ake time to g' a 4 Sect pete tox o0 She probably finds that heli, selections in history, geog-|with the very poor reader in the| Mrs. Kurt Zetsche, Detroit; Mr.|. Among the women who jour-|gan, . . . of it and perseverance to stay|zaars and door prizes for com- can't read orally with ease and raphy or elementary science, |upper grades, junior, or seniorjang Mrs. Kon Roth, Hamilton; néyed to St. Therese, Quebec, rid of it. Eat to live, do not live|munity events. In this way, tan- t meaning from the reader|,. ; a last ek, it "Some months ago I wrotels, eat. ted in his grade. He pauses or en an on ee aoe bai " Legg neg ong = Chaser vf po el suet the enclosed ---- fag Mang AND STRAIGHT, TALL \ready for an active day... a -- Me La seen pressed in this selection. lah ugh wed oe these and Mr. Jamés Dickinson Fer: sgh eg Riordan, |Trinking ae oat at age 85, ret for puters think of your really fe elt ike drot ioe sats oe 0 . He m ve jee ° Mi end Kit,| Mrs. Clayton Lee, Mrs. Gordo ; ' : : one who felt like dropping into trouble with short words--as,|/2¥ |/" like manner discover! j.rotuities some school books|SuS; Miss Margie Erband, Kit-| Conant Mise Olive Petiey, Mere (to offer advice to YyOUNgEr|gpine as the trunk of a treé Of|an overstuffed B mirage n © Sportswear saw, when, by, in, of, on, was, ' ' : @ Evening Gowns this trouble of his. chener; Mr. and Mrs. Walter | i re made available which are ' I women. So you decide if it is were and or. PRONOUNCE ALOUD not labeled as to grade. How-|Frank and Mr. and Mrs. ars Se (ae goed for ete a has Stand Seudly head "ap, ents sa clsersblon imasioing you ybesesscang He seldom reads a whole| But if you or the teacher ever, the poor reader may €8S-|-. 130) Hall, London; Mr. 4 jbeen for me for the ast 40\) vel. tummy up-and-in, hips|need a pill for this, a capsule © Blouses phrase like "'over the fence,"|should have' him read factual| ily handy he he ere ae Mrs oKay Lycett, 'Oren; Mr toc eandayeaer es the yer 00d? It's 'Terrific! lcontracted and feet planted|for that. What a price to pay) © Coats and Jackets Beet Sela ecru cmt Oy 2 eae a ied ty, nso mech ok mem Yu eo Mee eta] mips toute, the phrase without get-|three grades lower than the|be dooled. Moreover, these Mrs. Fred Hrynuika, Miss Doris|Roman Catholic Church are: hasten the improvement, try|which is dragging down on that GIFT CERTIFICATES ting the meaning of the wholejgrade in which he now is, he pa para hie am reel 2 gay oe wa we pote Dag --- oi en ee SOCI AL NOTICE this workout in bed. Stretch out|good spine which should be A Small Depasit Will Hold. =, a he oe, read oh wef read --_ beng rei ar poli se Sar alton tenants Mr. Vickie Zabicki, ri Rie" cna ie. atantey flat he ged eo = ogee -- -- ~ ee ' pase 'tell tn his oon, words casts Aa he ponte alod. peated and thé content is very Poland; Mr. and Mrs. N.|Opala, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley ENGAGEMENT Soeur a ee pvegeer Seenty. of Pa a -- BLACK s Cuat they said, or if he is set| As a rule, the poor reader is/dull. Stranges, Brockville; and Mr.|Kulakowski, Mrs Anne Kula-| -The"engagement is announced| with soles of feet flat on bed.lis the real breath of life." Ladies' Wear Ltd. to read a page or paragraph si-|a poor reader only of materials Sometimes teachers find s0- = Mrs. William Pope, Kings-| kowski, the bridegroom's grand-| of Rosamond Marie Hooker,)make like walking--draw in} Reader$; isn't sheos_honac? Is 92 Simese North lently he may not be able to tell|of difficulty in vocabulary and jcalled trade books which have peng per cpa pred daughter of Mrs. Erwin Prettys|muscles of stomach, pressing|that how one can feel at 85? : a what he-has read. meaning for the average child|such interesting and mature con-) Out of town guests at the|poroy "4 iB roa br na eter-|Qshawa, and the late Mr. Perry|spine hard against mattress, You may in like ways havelof his present grade. In order to|cepts that they appeal to this/Manilla - Holbrook wedding | yy wa ie Waleed ing are|Hooker, to Keith Edward|still moving the hips and thighs. discovered him to be a poor|help this child improve in read-|poor reader. Often parents are|were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hol- Mr ana Mrs. Pe azienicki,|o9ey, son of Mr. and Mrs.|"This "walking" reduces hips, reader. ling skill, he needs to be givenjable to find such books in the|brook, Newmarket; Mr. and ou -" 4 7 higuaas C ergaye William Hooey, Oshawa. Wed-|stomach and waistline. Certainly, you rarely see him|to read materials easy enough|library or book store. Mrs. Ronald Holbrook, Sheila| 5.0, ick! rs. Ugenelding plans will be announced] 'Now, don't you feel better? ehoosing to read anything forlfor him to read for meaning. In this direction a number of|and Karen, St. Catharines; Mr. axienical, at a later date. Tired, perhaps, but relaxed and the children's magazines offer|and Mrs. Brian Simpson, Mr.| Toronto guests attending the ready for a good night's rest. good services. They are out of and Mrs. Wesley Kelly, Mr. and|Barnoski wr" Esposito wedding Miss Maureen O'Sullivan, Mr. Before you get up in Sc a. 4 the setting of most school read- ~ Robert Edgeler, Mr. andj/are: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan| Vincent Sguigna, Dr. Richard|ing, = age a few ge | et and prevent wig varityMre. Leonard iene? and)Gring, Mand Mis. Aln|OUDhan MS, A a ------------ of interest: ' ; Mrs. ,. Mr. s. Lucien| Mr. . JOs mbardi, , difficulty. But more: parents Elgin Crowe, Peterborough; Mr. Sokomed, 'a ener Ponte ile ow Cleustte, Miss M. 24-Dey Escorted Tour To + CH RISTMAS Kk than teachers, _ a gi _ ae sue ye i Miss M. J. Green, Miss Denise|C. Game; Mr. Anthony Maca- FLORIDA ; i cover their usefulness in help-|an rs. L. A. Oliver, Detroit.!McLean, Miss Maureen Jar-|luso, Miss Marilyn Sheridan, |] py Air-Conditioned Motor Coach TREA: ing poor readers, even average) 4. yon 9 distance at-| eau, Mrs. Anne Macinally and)Mr. Emil Jursa, Miss Evie] | No Nisht Trev 1944 URES readers, to read better. tending the Manilla - Holbrook|20 Mr and Mrs. C. B. Wade; Norbet, Mr. James Hughes.) Carlee TRAVEL SERVICE Some poor readers also neediyeqaing were Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs, William Collier,|Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pineault and SOX 631, Bowmenville guidance and practice at attack-|Green Bermuda; Mr. and Mrs.| MT: and Mrs. Carl Zanatta,|Mr. and Mrs. Packer and Dar- Phone 623-3265 ing ee Re gg Howard Lindsay, New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell,'lene. naw and. vam -\\Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Sarma- few poor readers have poor vis- _ ion, which may be discovered) UK. Winnipeg; Mrs. William and corrected. { next semester. What would you ANSWERING QUESTIONS do? Q. Suppose your child in ju-| A. After conferring with his nior or senior high-school. gives|school counsellor, 1 would try to evidence of more than averagelinduce or require him. to select learning ability but chooses only|some 'harder,' course worthy of so-called "easy" courses forjhis ability. f From Black's... 7 RE OS OE WS ae A TURNBERRY in{eriors @ Finest. Furniture @ Crystol Chondeliers Lamps, ete. @ Sponish Imports @ Oil Paintings -- Mirrors Ladies' Pattern 2006B Custom-made drapes -- broedicom --- full decorator service. THE FLIP ee TURNBERRY INTERIORS *s."%""" ~ THE FLIP SKIRT is |; something new this season | e Mohair... "and is really two outfits in eee Tees | IN THE HIGH FASHION WORLD = "=,*" oo "gray flannel on one side and | TO MEET rust paisley on the other. Without removing the skirt, f "py, f) oe ®@ MRS. HELEN GENIK "the wearer may untit it in 0 oH Ctr, KNITTING front, turn back the panels et "and have an entirely differ- | tee CONSULTANT ent look. To complete the | : _ Knit these exclusive Mary Maxim designs in Fer onto ig is a seg j , | "Multi-Tone" or "Brushed Mohair," the "s be . paisley louse with long H > Ecce 5 beaehteek ene: y fashion wools... soft and fleecy ... dressy and Mary Maxim ing and a round collar. Ce ape . durable. .. and #0 easy to knit the can Mary Maxim way. --By TRACY ADRIAN ¢ pa aaiidinaite onl ; : Lu ISTMAS Mary Maxim full color catalogues and a NOVEMBER 29th and 30th Mrs. Gentk will be in our Wool Department complete range of Mary Maxim wools DECEMBER Ist como won are available from 1 count: H E STILLWELL 0 REQ + ee. | You'l like the solortsl saat had Ay AA She will be glad to help you with . . if : eo questions about petterns, sizes end STUDIOS Diamonds : : || of the new Malti-Tone Mohair. -- a Cuff Links | preetate ee Oe ee vee to call in PASSPORT SERVICE = Watches Pies peso a 1.00 | + Rings ALL MARY MAXIM PRODUCTS ARE "GUARANTEED QUALITY" and visit her here ot Ward's. Tle Bars OPEN WEDNESDAY 'til 6 P.M, Lighters ASK FOR A "MARY MAXIM" PATTERN CATALOGUE DURING MRS, GENIK'S VISIT BRUSHED MOHAIR -- A soft and fleecy easy-to-knit CLOUDSPUN WOOL -- Femininely soft and yet so dur- Greeting Card Special \ Sitting plus 12 cards 3.25 3 ge - ; shy China Sitting plus 12, cards 4 Strong or misty shade effects. KNITTING WORSTED/DOUBLE KNITTING -- To knit (deluxe) 5.50 f as 7; ( Silverware Luggage ih l-oz. ball , oe luxurious shell or sweoter in one of the lovely new Wedding Coverage ' : : Il NORTHLAND WOOL -- The world-known sporty and, fallYwinter styles... @ bulky yarn with @ fine smooth 3 : rugged yarn for outdoor garments for oll o'casions. finish when knit Into so meny garments for the whole nom, church end reception |] Available in 27 shades. family, Dozens of light and dork shades. 860 tae tua ten OPEN THURSDAY AND hams ---- Spies We also carry a complete stock of "Mory Maxim' knitting accessories... . see out displays of knitting Business Sittings FRIDAY "TIL 9:00 P.M, meedies . . . zippers . . .. buttons . , bodkins. . . needle gouges . . .. stitchholders 1 glossy print 7.50 ' . crochet hooks * sweater liners, We carry a full stock of "Mary Maxim" knitting patterns dnd catalogues to assist you im your sweater selections, CUSTOM FRAMING @ TWO LOCATIONS @ ' LISTEN TO C.K.L:8. RADIO AND LEARN HOW TO ENTER THE TURKEY-A-DAY DRAW -- ONE TURKEY Odnelic " DRAWN EACH DAY FOR A LUCKY SHOPPER. . = pale : eparlinent HE STILLWELL eg MOE TREE DELIVERY sic nals to 'WARD oY DRY GOODS puone 773-2245 OSHAWA 'pHone 725-3546 728-480 | ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | Don Mills 444-7231 @asiph |) | 31 Simcoe St. $. At Athol'-- Phone: 725-1151 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITRY PLAZA l-oz. ball jevired bis + shade bulky effect is desirec. te-ta~4t -- 6o* |] MULTI-TONE MOHAIR -- A fluffy ond fleesy blend of 2-02. skein . ; Cut Glass |} compatible colors in these multi-tone knitting wools. @ e e 'Christmas Portraits tia) SN Jewellery @ Desk Sets i] week. Severat-cotertut-chedes te cheese from, QR@ _ sble . . . use It for fine garments where the histo e e

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