1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 DOOR SEDAN V-8, automatic: transmission, radio, 460413 ON SPECIAL TODAY ONLY ' 1961 THAMES VAN Ideal light delivery truck. Very economical. Lic. 17555B. 1965 CHEVY Il 2 DOOR SEDAN This compoct hes only 4,500 miles, 6 cyclinder, outo- --_ transmission. Economy on wheels. Lie, 42045, AT THESE 1965 CORVAIR VALUES ! 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE ¥-8, automatic transmission, (327-250) engine, radio, powered. Finished in mist blue. Convertible time is ber- gain time when the snow flies. Lic. 38408 $2444 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 DOOR HARDTOP V-8, automatic transmission, radio, power. Only 11,000 miles under new cor warranty. Lic. H33687, ONLY 1964 RAMBLER " CLASSIC 4 DOOR SEDAN This is Americon Motors top seller. Hes economical 6 cylinder engine. Autoniatic transmission, radio. Gleam- ae finish, Lic, H36113. HOW IS THIS FOR full power. Lic 1965 CORVAIR 500 4 DOOR HARD TOP Finished in a deep maroon with automatic transmission, redio, Here is value again. Lic. K30507. $2111 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, radio, power equipped. In ee beige with matching interior. Lic. H42789 $1999 999 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 DOOR HARDTOP V-8, automatic transmission, radio, fully powered. New eer warranty, ANOTHER TREMENDOUS BARGAIN, Lic, H50690. 1960 CORVAIR 700 SEDAN Has automatic transmission, radio. Ideal second car, You won't beat this for value. Lic. H35045. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES MONZA CONV. 1965 CORYAI -- ge in regal red. This cor fully 0 OO with 180 h.p., 4 speed. Special discs with white walls. Radio, Listed new for $3936.00, VALUE VALUE ONLY Lic. H30834. 1961 CHEVROLET SEDAN 6 cylinder, standard transmission. VERY CHEAP TRANS- PORTATION, Lic. H30492, ONLY 3999 AS-IS SPECIALS ! 1960 DODGE Excellent, mechonically end body $ wise. TODAY ONLY 1959 CHEVROLET rt ACN oe SAME ee gine, standard pa Lie. 296495. $444 1957 PONTIAC 4DOOR SEDAN. 6 cyl. auto. trans- $1 49}. mission, Lic, H27101 @ USED TRUCKS e@ 1960 G.M.C. 4 TON DUMP TRUCK, Look at this $77 7 1958. Volkswagen MONZA CONV. 1965 CORVAI Finished in @ very attractive Canary yellow, wire wheels, automatic transmission, radio, Many, many other extras. Under full warranty, Lic. K33981. Listed new $3745.00. $2555 1963 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD 4 DOOR HARDTOP With every option including leatherette interior and vinyl top. You will be proud to own this one. Lic. 32752, ONLY $3999 1965 FORD XL 2 DOOR HARDTOP SEDAN Finished in metallic 8 pile block leatherette. Console model, bucket seats, i f the Ford Motor Compen 'Y. "it fs. fully equipped, Lie. K23084, ONLY ver CHEVROLET CONVERT IOLE. ; ep engine ory ue. 89011). SNOW. 'TIME SPECIAL sine 140 BOND STREET WEST -- OSHAWA 1965 CORVAIR 1941 1 OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR HARD TOP SUPER 88 Hes full powsr Y-2, cutomatic transmission. Radio, Lie, I H45625. This is tremendous Velue at 1963 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF SEDAN Two tone blue and white. Has V-8 motor, standard trand- mission ond redio, The travelling man's car. Lic, H47540, 1964 ENVOY DELUXE SEDAN Hes original 13,000 miles. This cor in exceptional condi- tion, Lic. H48350. MONZA ' COUPE Finished in gleaming black, 4 speed transmission, 110 h.p., radio, whitewalls, shade lite gloss, New cor warranty. Lic. H33966, You just connot lose ot '1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 DOOR SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, powered, radio. Lic. 257317 DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL AT 1959 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE t-- stick and radio, Here is value. Lic. H49857, ONLY 1963 CHEVROLET S-S 2 DOOR HARDTOP aM jusise exterior Pablo Serna icer side, bucket seats, aute- netle tranemi Cylinder' engine. Lie, H46073, TODAY'S SPECIAL ONTARIO MOTOR SALES @ SPORT &