2AM F LUD Amos' general message of doom is followed by specific denunciatio: several nations, Israel included. condemnation of Israel is more severe because of her special relatio with God, who had taught her the holy laws now broken.--Amos ns of His seor, In pointing out nship 1, 2. worship and the luxury of the rich in contrast to the dire needs of the national pride and hope under such conditions, he warns of worse judg- ments to come.--Amos 3-6. TRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--Amos 1-3. Amos visualizes the future: locusts the futility of plumbline destroying the damaging the land; fire devouring the earth; God standing at a wall with a : r judging Israel; a bas- ket of rut dating the end; God worshippers.--Amos 7:19:17. and planting a once more land from which they will future restoration.--Amos 9:8-15. sanctuary and the GOLDEN TEXT: Amos 5:24. Oracles--people rebuilding, repairing, fertile never again be uprooted--promise Israel' By Alfred Ruescher! Tr ances Wooing | By NEL SLs BRUSSELS (AP) -- French President de Gaulle's wooing of the British is seen by France's Common Market partners as a move to avoid giving up na- tional sovereignty in a future ---- that might include Brit- ain. The fact that three years after blocking Britain's entry into the Common Market, de Gaulle showed friendship for its former negotiator, Conservative opposition leader Edward Heath, does not surprise many in Common Market circles. They say French soundings to- ward Britain started right after U.K, And Why land Tuxembourg, ' i } munity, and s powerless man | agement instead of the present nine-eman executive commission that has been the driving force toward an economically and po- litically integrated Europe. CONDITIONS CHANGE After meeting with Heath, de| Gaulle this week told a cabinet | Germany. =, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 27, 1965 3 tion to France to join them atjalso proved that greater prog+ the negotiating table to try to ress was made in areas where solve the market's four-month-|community procedure was used old crisis. than ~in- fields ~where decision Belgium, The Netherlands| Were left to co-operation bp- 1) ..| tween governments: as Wel as wa ihe management of = 7007] HARMONY UNITED CHURCH which the stronger powers are likely to dominate. The mar- ket's other member is West Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.0., Minister Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C,T. (Plano and Organ), R.M:T. Eight years of experience meeting that "conditions that formerly obstructed the rap- prochement of Britain and con- tinental Europe are in the pro- cess of easing." Common Market circles com- mented that when France ve- toed Britain's membership in January, 1963, a major French the market crisis over farm 'Action-Talk In Accidents| Amos: First Social Critic, AmongShips First Real Rights-Worker MONTREAL (CP) -- Trans-| BIBLE LESSON | By R. H. RAMSEY To Amos, goodness was essen- Train-Lack In Ottawa Parley +e fice, but justice, and he con- i Prices in August. | Prime Minister Wilson says | \join the Common Market when- jever possible, provided essen- \tial British interests are safe- OTTAWA (CP)--The board of} guarded. \wansport commissioners has| summoned CNR and CPR off.-\;, cials to a conference Monday|waiked out of market meetings \to discuss complaints about the} jast July, partly because they| lack of passenger train service qiq not get satisfaction over the| This. is roughly what de aulle wants. After the French Britain is ready and willing to) lobjection had been the British- |American defence tie, which /has not changed. | De Gaulle wants to pull out lof NATO and build a French- \led European defence system. | It irks France's five partners to be still waiting for a formal Organist and Choirmaster WESTMOUNT °| UNITED CHURCH | Bond Street West at Rosehill Bivd. Gust north of the Oshawa Shopping Centre) Minister: Rev, Frank H. Word, B.A. Organist-----Choir Director Rowland L,. McCord, Mus, Bac. 700 A.M. DIVINE SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts, i 11:00 A.M--Nursery and .Primary 9:45 AM.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M.--Kindergarten and Tiny Tots Classes 11:00 A.M. ANNIVERSARY MORNING SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "THE MIRACLE OF THE CHURCH" | , Rev. Fronk P. Fidler, Guest Minister A Hearty Welcome To All lept, You are welcome to these Services || H answer to their Oct. 26 invita- UNITED SPIRITUALIST Temporary Place of Worship: DR. S. J. CHURCH , | (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) | PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. CHURCH OF ONTARIO Drange Temple Bruce St, Oshawa (Upstairs) tially simple and easily under-|demned religious observances to whom modern Christians|Stood. Rarely do people sin have been enhusiastically at- ve _ P ged ag ; "\tracted because of his courag-| Wher we do evil, and we do 1 pe por yg ne ag gs eous utterances on social prob-|because we are selfish and self- iver : \lems. A humble man with sim-|indulgent. A life of goodness Th fe id the depart-|Ple ideas, he occupied a unique|May seem drab when compared "4 Se a ay 2a 1;(Position in which to observe the with the glamor of -evil, but farth o! "age oo see consult) onpression of the poor by the goodness of life, rithteousness of ear er be \ Kee ed groups! ich, and though he lacked so-|living, purity, honesty and kind ee SCwOD te xRReN. cial, economic or political posi-|dealing have a nobility that He was speaking at an emer-ition, he cried out valiantly | Drings peace to the person who} gency meeting attended by 'atjagainst evil wherever he found|rejects evil and embraces these} least 40 persons representing! jt. | virtues. in and out of Ottawa. joint financing of French farm) by people who were leading un-| On Oct. 1 the two railways|surpluses, de Gaulle said there righteous lives. In his view,|broke their pool arrangement|could be no question of France there could be no purity of wor-|under which they operated pas-|abdicating any of her national ship without purity of life. Go-|senger services to Toronto, in-| sovereignty. ing through the motions of anjcluding an overnight run. The) French Foreign Minister Mau- orthodox, pious life was insuffi-/poo] trains used CPR lines. lrice Couve de Murville, in a cient for God: The CPR has continued one|statement to parliament Oct. 20, In making his plea for social|morning and one evening train|spoke of '"'an over-all review of| justice, Amos emphasized the|in each direction but cancelled|the system of integration in the! supremity of God and His rule|the overnight service, The CNK|European community." of all nations and all' history.\does not now operate an Ot-' France wants a veto on any When He came it would not be,|tawa-Toronto service. decision to be made in the com-| Amos is one biblical chracter port Minister J. W. Pickersgill said Friday that improved traf- fic control and better channels 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery care provided during morning worship 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE Tune in to CKLB at 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr, Ref. Churches in the Oshawa-arec) and at 9:15 P.M. (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) eet SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28th 2:30 P.M. HEALING and MESSAGES 7:00 P.M. Divine Service Messages by the Rev, Esther Mellor of Toronto. New friends welcome. 723-6786 the government, shipowners, Amos was a member of the} Though threatened by foreign maritime unions and underwrit-|Southern Kingdom of Judah, liv-|powers, the northern kingdom ing at Tekoa--a border city be-|had become prosperous; wealth ers. Only one written submission|tween the divided kingdoms--jand luxury were followed by,na- was presented to the minister|who did his prophesying in the|tional complacence and moral and Labor Minister Alan Mac-!northern kingdom of Israel. His|!axity. The rich oppressed the} status was humble; he was an|poor. The privileged besmirched herdsman who pre- ' Union of Canada (Inc.) asked|pared food from mulberry figs Eachen, who also attended. The Seafarers' International) unknown |their lives with drunkeness, vice jand idolatry. Religion consisted the government to create def-|and pricked sycamore fruit tojof little more than the observ- inite shipping lanes in'the river|artificially hasten its ripening as|ance of certain pious customs|{srael to turn from the false and and make all ships carry a min- imum navigation watch. 23 LIVES LOST The present season has been one of the most accident-marred shipping seasons in history, with 14 mishaps as a result of col- lisions, groundings or fire,. re- sulting in 23. fatalities. In its brief, the SIU asked for establishment of an upbound and downbound channel in the St. Lawrence River, with each) lane a minimum width of 500 feet. It also asked the government te enforce rules that certain min- imum watches be maintained on ships of varying sizes both on} deck and in the engineroom, and also that radio telephones} on all ships, whatever the coun- try of origin, be manned at all times. And The Rich Get Richer... PARIS (Reuters) -- Prospects iyrany, infamy and debauchery | 0 for economic growth in 21 of the world's richest non-Commu- nist countries. next year look relatively good, says a commu-| nique issued Friday night by the| sidelines. That the Lord would choose|services this thoughtful, untrained, soli- | |\tary man walking among his| OFFERS REMEDY | to people Israel| social evils about him and of- seems strange until we remem-|fered a drastic remedy: northern His in Judea to sheep preach ber that Jesus of Nazareth was for 30 years among the humblest|fysed into the social order. The|nine tell of the people rebuild-| workmen of the age. Yet He has changed the life of the world. Thus, God often uses the simple and sincere, rather than the high and mighty, to carry out His great purposes. |HAD SIMPLE IDEAS For Amos, there was but one God, and that God was Jehovah He had simple ideas of good and evil, and could not be induced to compromise a fraction of an inch on any moral -or religious matter. Having absorbed the laws and traditions that had come down from the days of ___|Moses to his own time, he pro- claimed that repeating the com-| mandments was their central meaning had to belin connection with the: boom- a not enough; pplied in practical terms. This austere herdsman-prop- and the conducting of religious} in the manner pre-| |scribed by the Book. | | Amos sternly confronted the ret the| spirit of God must be trans- essence of the law was not sacri-| MacMillans After New Mine In B.C. VANCOUVER (CP) -- George) jand Viola MacMillan, president and promoter of Windfall Oils |and Mines Ltd., said Thursday| they are looking for a mine in British Columbia. "Right now, we need a mine more than ever,' said Mrs. MacMillan. She *atrd- her husband were {charged with fraud last Oct. 7 | bust cycle of shares of Windfall primarily, to help Israel in her cluding Israel, who had ignored! made His moral will. Five warning blows--famine, a be tween drought, blight, pestilence and|Brockville. _ 1 , ] An informant said the confer-| coming conflict with her ene-\ence will also deal with com-| mies, but to judge all those, in-|plaints about poor connections| CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre St. REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER EVANGEL | with Montreal - Toronto} trains by a dayliner the CPR| Ottawa and war--had already fallen upon the idol-loving people, all bear- ing the same message: bidding BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm, J, D. Lewis return to the true. But. worse was yet to come. In a series of visions of judgments to. come, Amos prophesied the destruction of Israel. Even so, Amos concluded, Is- rael was not without hope. The brief oracles closing chapter 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. "JESUS, SAVIOUR" "Discover the Difference" ing, repairing and planting in their once more fertile land, from which they would never} again be uprooted. \ HARMONY ROAD Pastor: Rev. R. D, Ellis Pentecostal Church Meeting in the T. R. McEwen Senior Public School Auditorium WILSON RD. SOUTH 725-9617 WORSHIP WITH 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages. 11:00 AM. -- MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. --- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE SUNDAY 4:45 P.M.--"A Message of Life Broadcast CKLB 1350 Organist Mrs, A. H, Foy 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "Advent, The Beginning of the Church Year" Care provided for bables and smal! children during the service. The Friendly Family. Church at the Centre of the City, ALBE RT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. US THIS SUNDAY Organist-Choirmaster: Harold Ellis is es FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Mother Church, in Boston, Massachusetts, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Branch of The and Hypnotism, Denounced." Wed. Service (incrudes testimonies) 8 P.M, READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday 11:00.a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday | on the Toronto Stock Exchange. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE|| The First Church of Christ Scientist "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism PASTOR--REV, RES. 728-2426 BYNG AVENUE _ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. G. A, CARROLL OFFICE 728-2931 REV. R. A District Su 11:00: A.M.--PRAIS Pastor 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC: SERVICE Special Singing by the Choral Group BOMBAY perintendent E AND WORSHIP Speaking het stood against kings, nob and priests to denounce the day because God had spoken to him, proving it is not necessary to occupy positions of influence or privilege to lead a great cause. Organization for Ec ic Co-| operation and Development. At the end of a two-day minis-| terial conference here members| HEAR © FIRST | Rev. N. Frank Swaskchammer, BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD B.A. Miss Judith Davison, Bac, Mus. 11:00 A.M.--A SERVICE OF PARENTAL Church Secretary 723-2570 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL King Street Pentecostal Church One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre Church Treasurer 725-7089 SUN REV. S. DONA OF MONC DAY LD FELTMATE TON, N.B. SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. 10:45 A.M.--Beginners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts, 11:00 A.M.--Commissioning of Visitors Sermon: "DOES GOD CARE" 7:00 P.M.--Church Membership Class for Adults Nursery for Infants and Toddlers A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, ADVENT SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. -- "LORD OF ALL LIFE" The Minister will Preach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M--Adult Bible Study Group Young Adult Bible Class Youth Department 11:00 A.M.--Children's Department . -~-Boby Care agreed to work for constructive! and concerted trade policies! with developing countries. - } The communique says the| €ross national product of the member countries, taken to- gether, increased over the last||' five years at a higher rate than| that needed to meet the OECD! target of 50-per-cent growth dur-| ing the 1960-1970 period. 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. PLUS "TWENTY-ONE . VOICE. CHOIR. directed by Mrs. Anne Andrews *REVIVALAIRES QUARTET *MISS DOREEN COX SOLOIST 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Tues. 7:45 P.M, -- CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS Wed. 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY | Fri. 6:45 P.M.--CHILDREN'S CHURCH YOU ARE SURE TO ENJOY THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE AND THE SPIRIT OF THE SERVICES ----------SSSESESESESESESISESE | _ _L_===== SIMCOE STREET | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. S Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor "NOT ASHAMED" ® Pastor George Smith Speaks || i MUSICALLY. -- et -- Choir -- The MacDonald Sisters || 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. WORSHIP | Coming Events... e@ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 -- DIXIE DEAN e@ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10 ~~ COURIERS QUARTET RESPONSIBILITY The Back. to. the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon. to Set. 9:30 - 10:00 am. C4 ca King St. Bnited Church 1Z¥ KiNG STREET EAST~ REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Miss Noncy Fraser, Deaconess Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist 9:30 A.M.--THE BIBLE SCHOOL Baby Creche Nursery ond Church School 11:00 A.M, Youth Department 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Nursery and Jr, Church KAYE CLIMBS TO SKY Norma Bowen Bruce Danny Kaye is a fully-quali- fied pilot on multi-engined and | jet aircraft and has an instru-| ment-flying certificate. ! 11:00 A.M. -- U.C.W, SUNDAY "GOD WORKS IN ANGOLA" Guest Preacher: Rev. Whitney Delrymple it. Luke 10: 1-11 "How Befutiful Upon the Mountains" Mrs. Alan Thompson Ladies' Chorus: "How Great Thou Art' Piano & Organ Duet: "Mood Melodic' Miss Hozel Rundle and Mr. Rhyddid Williams ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister; THE REV. JOHN F. G. MORRIS, B.A., S.T.M., Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. 1350 RADIO Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Carvary Baptist Corner Evangeline & Postor--REV. ROBERT B. LYTLE Phillip' Murray ni ' eeld Pastor; REV, ERNEST WINTER i 2 Wil Solo: (Harker) (Hine) (Wilson) SUNDAY 7 PM. REV. RICHARD J. BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School #1, ty 9:30 A.M.--Junior and Intermediate Departments (Children 9-13 years) Pre-Confirmation Class--Grade 9 Senior Discussion /Group--Teens 11:00 A M.--Nurséry, Kindergarten and Primary Deportments ADVENT | 11:00 A.M.--'A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART" A Study of David The King. The study and weakness of a me Some ideas for our living today. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV, H, A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D, ORGANIST --- MR. RONALD KELLINGTON DEACONESS --- MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:18 A.M.--Primory Grades 1, 2, ond 3; Junior 4, 5. and 6 9:15 A.M.--lIntermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; Senior Grades 10 and over 11:00 A.M. aad 7:00 P.M. 10:45 Nursery ages 3; Kindergarten ages Primary Grades 1, 2, and 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. TUES. 2:30 P.M.--HOME LEAGUE 'as "FOLLOWERS" The Salvation Army Band will be Christmas playing starting |} Reception of members ond Sacrament of Baptism November 30th | Babysitter Service by Come Double Club P e 7:00 P.M. -- Study Group at 707 Hortop "A Welcome Awdits You at the Army | ] Instrumental Du SSS dee 11:00 A.M.--"The Holy Spirit-and Revival" No. 8 in series, "The Holy Spirit -- and you !" 7:00 P.M.--"'The World's Next Great Event' from | Thessalonians 6:30 P.M.--Prayer Fellowship 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--"DIVINE ENLIGHTENMENT' 7:00 P.M.--"DEAD OR ALIVE -- SPIRITUALLY" 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO 9:45 AM -- BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M LONDON BIBLE COLLEGE QUARTET AND REV, D. BELL 7:45----BIBLE STUDY 'ond PRAYER to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 11:05 CK.LB WEDNESDAY, 7:45 P.M, ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING WED. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS World Headquarters, independence, Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA ...COMING... REV. GLENN V. TINGLEY : _ noted é author - lecturer = evangeiist SERVICES: Nov. 30 thru Dec. SUNDAY NIGHTLY 7:45 P.M. CHRISTIAN and MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH 455 BOND STREET EAST You Are Cordially Invited To Attend. THE SALVATION ARMY Major & Mrs. Gordon Holmes © 133 Simeoe South | TO SERVE coos NOVEMBER 28th MAJOR A. MacCORQUODALE Corps Officers SUNDAY, from the House of Concord will be special speaker t | mA 2 alg) | 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. 10:00 A.M. Church School For Children and Adults 11:00 A.M, Morning Worship 4 and 5; TONIGHT -- 7:45:P.M. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Centre and John ADMISSION FREE | | | | All Are Invited Phone 728-9604 Sts 7;30 P.M. -- Kairos