Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1965, p. 22

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7 SS: Saw GEHAWTA THES; Temreiey, itovemser 25, 1565 <5 % "11 T: 2 pre eS pin Fy to talking ; tudents ting, vane from: March Cut Sugar Cane ftormed by economic 'students, ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE. ¢ For Caribbean |Hopes For One More Strike ("om a atesnnys sieres| heel be seed ater OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min- boosters is Tom Booth, $1, a| HAV AN A (Reuters) --Hs-laays trom March 14 to April 9. A Relocation Of Workerssi ti: Site sii 08 idee 0 hone Selacme secre f Matealee Caer cede . fs y for 8 : gM pancaosbaed Sets 3 in Southern California. He re-jstudies has been split into three oan announced Wednesday|"49ers' themselves, this town's} Other townspeople spend days , a 4 glory days as a gold-rich boom|panning on Kanaka Creek, tired two years ago to the sum- to allow students and TODAY 6:45 - 8:15 Vi $5 Milli on L re) an Fun d The annouricement said de-|town are long since past. named tor the Hawaiians. Still/mer house he had built here 14|professors to take part in sugar @ TWO HITS e ¢ j : tails of the visit, apparently Mr.} But Alleghany lingers on--ex-|*thers live on rejief chequeSiyears before. Vea : : 1 Pearson's planned post-electionlisting on a dribble of gold and|and surplus food distributed by! Now he's working in The first section, comprising] "GAT BALLOU" OTTAWA (CP)--A winter to find, among otheryings, where J. A. Habel was re- ---- will be made public well by dreams of one more big|the county. mines because "1 eet bored just|most second-year students, will LEE MARVIN loans grants to helpjthings, how the lake distributes|turned for the Liberals. jater. ie strike. ~- | pRosp' B sitting around, I can use 4 : petbeins saee to jobs in pollutants. They hope to estab- |_ The prime -- fe be - Gold spawned Alleghany, and =~ sj --. industry.|the money." be sent to the may fields, for] "EAST OF SUDAN" areas will go into operationjlish a connection between un-| PLAN LIBERAL MEET (Toronto Saturday to take part/coig keeps it alive--116. years|And prospects for the future] Booth says the mine is pro-|4! days from Feb. 28 to April ALL COLOR SHOW -- x " in the cer I kickoff of the 9. "within a few weeks," Laborjderwater waves and the shift of} OTTAWA (CP) -- The execu-|" after Ha geal ped|look bleak. ducing 20 tons of ore a day,|?- " Minister MacEachen said Wed-jwater in an effort to predict pol-itive committee of the Libera Grey Cup game. ship in San Prnacisco Bay and) fricials of the original 16 to\Which he estimates yields about) The second group, first-year BILTMORE nesday. . jlution movement. federation will meet here nezt/. on. thira|?e24"_ Panning for nuggets inione Mine, the town's biggest|9e Pound of gold. students, will spend 34 days cut- Pi y will shoulder one-thirditne twist a _ The manpower mobility pro- COUNT DELAYED Jan. 15 to discuss "all aspects" | "the cost of developing theline sierra focihalic Wnty eus|employer with 11 workers, say eaten ' gram, to involve a $5,000,000 COCHRANE, Ont, (CP)--Bad|°! Party activities, Federation)y oi Gosigned to fly over en- it costs them $50 to produce one , ; fenind and ohm year] COTTAM, On, (Crea reient ohn Nihal of vane, devine tO er om ghany. aS teat uae ae THE BOWMANVILLE & OSHAWA 'in outright grants, was first al| itt in the Nov. 8 federal elec- Propped' on the side of almust sell the gold to the fed- nounced in the Commons 1A8!/tion in the Cochrane riding. The tograpks. 4,500-foot peak in Sierra countyleral government -- at $35° an p CE THE F CE CONTEST : May 18 by Prime Minister Pear-/ olete election tally may not| _| Wa. JOIN PROJECT TWELVE MINERS DIE |--200 miles northeast of Sanlounce. LA A . er then the National Em- be known until Dec. 4. The few) OTTAWA (CP) -- West Ger-|) CARMAUX, France (Reut-/Francisco and near the town The company recently sold its ' many will join Canada and Brit-lers)--Twelve miners died in ajthat inspired Bret Harte's Out- : * ployment Service has been De cae ceoeieens Page eye ain in development of a Cana-ldawn explosion, 750 feet belowlcasts of Poker Flat--Alleghany|®°14 specimen collection for > working out details of the pro- dian - designed picture - taking|ground, in a coal pit Wednes-jis the only California to w n|$24,000. With this money, and by ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED * gram and training special staff jet missile, the industry depart-iday in this town in southern|where gold is the basic econ-|selling timber rights,. the mine " for its 250 local offices. T h P il ment announced Wednesday.|France. omy. : hopes to keep going until gold Your Quality G.M. Dealer : CUTS COAL COST ypaus rer) -- ch ie Ci ee "GOODWILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" dents draw $2 an hour wages| T le see little ai oa In Pollution "AN EVENT! FASCINATING! bringing out gold ore from!of that. But their pessimism dis- 166 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-3396 = three years," a Hydro official : MASTERFUL! Tidor Seon Ganedelt Fanon Promstans) || PETER KOWAL Jr. || PGW seaven || PADDY'S MARKET * Units by 10 per cent in the last s > gaid Wednesday. H. J. Sissons, Vi a Sew. 'a e é- rey * Sow Times-----1;30 - 4:00 P. os b's MA fees. of he publle uiility, sald g 6:30 - 9:20 CANADA'S TOP SHOW BAND REAL ESTATE LUMBER || USED WASHER PARTS ORLEANS, Ont. (CP) --J LCS - 9:15 ingin ir ion Wi palate ta somute' Seetor ot & Fools You nett Biss ae Neg i Is _e ue as \\ én. x0. & REPAIRS 28 to. eupply|the national capital, 1,300 people District Real Estate Board live on ground a medical officer says has reached a saturation LITTLE CAESA joist 623-2453 Your Home Improvement ea level for sewage absorption. Secommanded ot A STANLEY KRAMER PRODUCTION PLUS A-GO-GO. DANCERS PAM end MARLENE Heedquerters Sixty per cent of the comms- A COLUMBIA PICTURE liens pase et nt hrmcag 623-3388 Complete Line of Beatty-Thor-Crow nity's wells are unsatisfactory, Vi LEIGH 5 SIGNOR 5 ERR z "ge & Wood Products Homes ws ley Appliances, Speed Queen, Dr. L, H. Douglas said in # re- iven © Simone SIGNORET © Jose FERRER : = 52 King St. W., Bowmanville ille port, Lee MARVIN # Oskar WERNER ¢ Elizabth ASHLEY = aaglt: 96 King tS heer Nompees S8heeoet Half of the unsatisfactory George SEGAL © Jose GRECO @ Michael DUNN rs rs ae : = wells "show definite evidence of Charles KORVIN © ond Heins REUHMANN , i N eee ae oe co-starring Lillion SKALA RP ES Li % S WwW POT IEV AAI officer for Gloucester INS URAN CE Township. | ' SERVICE There is no municipal sewage N OW é : ' "Where The +5 00 IN , B $ re o s CASH All Clesses Of Insurence" system in Orleans on the Ot- vemie @ andie of an out- 1 PLA YING ] . re 4 'fs Well-Dressed EACH WEEK Contact Don Mountjoy et i bout|break of typhus or infectious nadian contributions are abou' ' : Women Shop" } DeWith & Mountjoy $250,000 below last year's fig-hepatitis, Dr. Douglas reports.!] 6 possigie PLEASE SEE THE FILM FROM THE START : Some cases of infectious hepa- INSURANCE AGENCY ure. Ani titis have cropped up in the - oly as 7 King W. } @ RULES @ Sie Ga weiee mab ae ae ee -- ian = villa 625-5084 | fot, we fr 26 wea vec en| 629-2900 Rw, 623-3614 DSO On. SATURDAY and SUNDAY | OF: ae | Bovmanvile 623-3056 |i is Heras eandg| "Mamma man Catholic-sponsored interna-jsulted from pollution of the} you are asked fo do, is tional centre for religious edu-|wells." H ' : a agg dbs Moody ang pista cation, the first of its kind in) Reeve Earl Armstrong, who| MATINEES ONLY! The Teen and Twenties A-Go-Go Club | WHYTE BROS. ites' rains fo te pinoy. Wt te : GOODBRAND rth American, will be estab-|will put the community's plight) picture and the question that is asked. lished in London, Ont. next Sep-|before a meeting of the Ontario AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE ' ata a the Conte Ekin as Teo tember. The new school will be|/Water Resources Commission Furniture and Upholstery Times, o known as The Divine. --. says the situation is dan- THIS FRID AY FOR ALL srower Grown' wie a $8.05°com ") 5 tries APPROVE BARS Gloucester councillor Robert | YOUR apm, Tuesday of each week. Enter 4 lf! 1 now, TORONTO (CP)--The subur- MacQuarrie says 'the pollution Tickets Available et the Door. Record Crowd Expected. RNISHING ban Mimico Vote X for Yes As-|problem is 'not only dangerous, Presents \ . @ QUESTION @ Cupranium sociation celebrated with softlit's critical." He said the prob- : es NEED drinks Wednesday night, despite|lem was prolonged by failure of -- aecpanzia etree ti Printed Cotton the fact voters had just + jain: ter gag ag out oe % Tolandive 'Tim in Bowmanville to roved cocktail bars and li-|su o the town council. F P | porescom: rnin RRREESRA_g INE KpmERRIUSRERgRNNpE efeisad f ceeaed dining rooms. Only 15 b. : ' ea F THE PRICE FOR N Vv RI 102 King St. W. 623-5252 ; , 28 King W. 623-5551 per cent of Mimico's 11,600 vot- ------ ee : ' * ers approved the -- outlets i ' tattte own tad bon S| RIDA Y | 1 he | THESECRETOFTHESATAN BUG)| juny & Loven. | SCHWARZ cent. The town had been dry since 1945. g : LTD. Se WILL STUDY LAKE -- Recording Artists | MATINEE re COMES HIGH -YOUR LIF E H Get that GO-GO ee é BROTHERS a "hs eg: Som megane gece cm emcees li ith ; ; of ee Oant Istes institute willl] SPARROWS || oar cE a [A --_--- _ DAIRY CATTLE .. study Lake Ontario from the | SUPER PLENAMINS , Bought and Sold ch ship Porte Da Dencing 9 p.m. till 1 1 E has fia : --_-- = Admission 1.75 ALL ny |} R.R. 3, Bowmanville 623-3361 COMING SEATS Wamu 0 "ae ee ee Bowmanville 623-2895 FRIDAY DEC. 3rd } ; 3 F 2 KING E, BOWMANVILLE ; Z ? or 725-0815 The Fontabulous ; : Cie : @- ANSWER @ ria . 7 2 2 au = 9 Charmaines" , we | GILLARD Cadillac Billlards ee eeeeeeerece soreveeevesos A MONTH 2 DAYS ONLY : Bee ra ' > - Cleanit Service coishbvaskeduncenneasaene este 005 96 BY SATURDAY AT 12-2:00-4:00 P.M, ie 4 eee < OPEN 9 A.M, © 11 P.M, FOR LIFE u bi | SUNDAY AT 1:30-3:30 P.M. ' ' ch ees . : 725-3555 | = = |Name ...+» crsvereeneseesewreees: | oping the ' P vr f : gee FE (sevecssescttessenscess | Fam". Lad: f ies, Gentlemen DEPOTS 'and ~~ Children ye. B 2 Yate duc. 4 ith Parents. From Age 68 ' jpteeun a [|| 92 Wolfe --- 170% Mary] © LAST WEEK'S WINNER © "arte TRY THE BiG "M" BURGER : Seiclee | ee rene Here is « plan to provide for at the -- sista dead BYAM & BARNES A, VIRTUE & SON your family if you should ~ as = : : ; PLUMBIN ING reti nt L) 8 3 UMBI EAT! or for your retirement yeers Home of Country Style " ' G&uH pron Say x busi cuiendin CE TIME BEGAN MAN AGENTS FOR ; | @ MUNTED THE ULTIMATE vie q DUO-HEAT & PRESTON FURNACES B.A. SOLAR HEAT FRIED CHICKEN |_| Seas ; : j 4 Tyrone 263-2650 or 263-2288 263-2431 ' AORN STURGES WHO GAVE YU-TME GUAT ESCAPT™ araTE And Tosty Flaky English Style ' |# WOW BARS YO) Te We sperense) CITY TV TOWERS WOODLYN MIDTOWN ' 4 Slee end Installation BEAUTY SALON TEXACO ANNE . Grace Ann Wood, Prop. PE aN i ' 11 Qualified "Come es You Are. vourcer etal Atal pres poseoooon, Sasson To Seve |] @ COMPLETE. REPAIRS ome as You Are... Eat in Your Car ss -- \ 5 Gerry. : : e.Letest Hair |] © QUALITY PRODUCTS McMURRAY'S Foy ceethe ewes aS |: sees cee So a a | § Cross The Mersey 0 z 723-1143 3 Class "A" Mechanics Paul Cieslar--Prop. DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Phone: Ash : | Be hae bist a y || S11 Dean Ave. 725-0500 || 81 simece N. Oshawa || 117 Simcoe N. 728-0541 SIMCOE ST. NORTH AT TAUNTON RD. 798.299{ a ; =< if We the Big "M" Drive-In of Course It's MeMurray's ae Rug & Upholstery ROGER WOLFE oi BiG Cleaning err'"e UNIT MANAGER SFLYINGS=SERVICE= || Mew AF in Your tome aa | DOW + tr sneha || LR iene, |] ten ate -- wes ia c H A M P ! O N Cc H A L LE N G E R ) eS saa < Custom Py cen h a ; , = % Phone : ei Pho wen ec ine doo 10 -------- oe C.1.L. Paint Service i 725-9961 pelow, you con in bhi ~~ : Beg 5g ER N oneve sine "rasta || See eee t phe ; ng t i ' ON THE SAME PROGRAM 94 Bruce St. ind of Rosslan . & 4s "A GREED burst upon the -- "§ U N | ; ie ' desert like a bullet | EQgae-gp oS, FIGHT PICTURES! | Ae om 'by © L | F F "a aS screaming from a .45. -- ve L rs {? A - P @ Beautiful European Dishes . 'dl u N } . 3 . e whi Mga etch on Satur- c Py ATEURANCE COMPANY wo R LD S H EAVYWE | G HT ue diy * e $iv50 Business Men' Luncheons oe te a ag ¥g Tonno ee penne "'- ph ? Canada Outdoor || \__ > CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT!! , ia WAvonSYDOW-YWETTE MINN FFREM ZIMBMISE IR. STEAK HOUSE Supply Company BN : ; 1437 King E. 728-1555 723-7711 a ee aaj vy | cies ae 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 % Mile' E. of Town Limits 254 PARK N. =a oe oo 1:30 - 3:30 ~ 5:30 « 7:30 = 9:30 Se cits ciees : -- e See THE BIG =! » Ie) 4 CUSTOM WOODWORK PUNCHES IA >) aa ties FILING CABINETS iy STORE FIXTURES | a PU - Hie TUR 4 Beet Dote of Birth 1... s 0. : 7 $ OW MOTION! ee f Residential --_ Commerical -- Institutional { PS 6A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE 723-7143 OSHAWA, ONT. wwwwewwwwewwwes ow A

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