Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1965, p. 8

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per 23, 1065 REFEREE STOPS THE FIGHT | eee ee ee By BOB TRIMBEE TORONTO (CP)--If anyone i puzzled about Hamilton Tiger-| The Cats' domination of the Eastern|Hamilton -- corner linebacker Football: Conference a look a Ten Tiger Cats Named To Eastern All-Stars |Montreal in 1961 and 1962 and s|Walton 'in 1963. | fourth player sent t|Ted Page -- finished third in the the 1965 EFC All-Stars provides|balloting. an impressive Fey. Ten Ticats were name 2%4-player squad including three of four players who came to Hamilton in an off-season trade} that sent quarterback Bernie) Faloney to Montreal Alouettes. The Hamilton list the EFC's outstanding player, top lineman and top Canadian and seven stalwarts who an- muscular chored Tiger-Cats' and hard-nosed defensive squad. No player was a unanimous choice at one spot, though vet- eran John Barrow of Hamilton was named on 18 ballots as a defensive tackle and on the re- maining three as an interior linebacker. The Tiger-Cats will game peg Blue included three players named earlier as make their fifth consecutive appear- ance Saturday in the Grey Cup in Toronto against Winni-\and defensive tackle Angelo Bombers, the fruits of|Moca made their third and end] Faloney, 33, the EFC"s most d-to the valuable player this year, pro-| vides Als with some solace with his play. It earned him his fifth All-Star award. Captain John Barrow of Ham- team, an EFC record, He was voted the EFC's this year. player, this season made his second All - Star squad in 10 years and defensive halfback Garney Henley, voted the EFC's outstanding player, made his third consecutive appearance on the team. |Sutherin, another Hamilton de- fensive half, was named to his fourth All-Star team while of- fensive tackle Bronco Nagurski a solid performance in the EFC|Stan Crisson his first. final against Riders. All four teams placed players on both the offensive and defen- sive All-Star units selected by the Football Reporters of Can- ada. Ottawa placed five men on the attacking unit and three on the defensive team while Mon- Argonauts|Ken Lehmann and defensive treal and Toronto each had two players on the of fensive squad and one on the defensive side. THE OFFENSIVE TEAM Back--Dave Thelen (M) Back--Jim Dillard (0) Back--Bo Scott (0) Flanker--Terry Evanshen (M) Quarter--Bernie Faloney (M) Centre--Norm Stoneburgh (T) Guard--John Pentecost (0) Guard--Chuck Walton (H) Tackle--Moe Racine (0) Tackle--Bronco Nagurski (H) End--Ted Watkins (0) End--Stan Crisson (H) THE DEFENSIVE TEAM Back--Garney Henley (H) Back--Gene Gaines (0) Back--Billy Wayte (H) Back--Bob O'Billovich (H) Interior L'backer--Lehmann(0 Corner L'backer--Z. Karcez (H) Corner L'backer--R. Brewer(T)\hurch it was his fourth selec- Tackle--John Barrow (H) | Tackle--Angelo Mosca (H) End--Billy Ray Locklin (H) End--John Baker (M) Ottawa Rough|SIX FROM OTTAWA Six of the eight Ottawa play- ers were named to their first |All-Star team -- fullback Jim Dillard, a WFC All-Star half- back in 1963 with Calgary Stam- peders; halfback Bo Scott, tackle Moe Racine, guard John {Pentecost, interior linebacker -|half Bob O'Billovich. | Ottawa end Ted Watkins imade his third consecutive jteam and Gene Gains, an All- Star linebacker in 1963, was voted to the squad this year as a defensive halfback | Terry Evanshen, EFC rookie jof the year, and defensive end John Baker, both of Montreal, |made their first squad. | Dave Thelen, cut by Ottawa and picked up on waivers by Toronto after Dillard joined the Riders, was named to his fifth team. He won the EFC's rush-} ing championship despite a hor- his rendous team. performance by Centre Norm Stoneburgh and} teammate Ron Brewer, a cor ner linebacker, also won All Star spots despite lack-lustre record ) For Stone tion while Brewer made his sec ond team. WARREN DOW DIES to ilton made his ninth consecutive! top lineman) Corner linebacker Zeno Karc7z' 3 the CFL's top Canadian - born) 3 EFC scoring champion Don| Toronto's Patterson, in obvious pain de-jouipointed Eddie Machen at spite having been given two spi-|Chicago in an elimination bout. fiealkt (RAT OC Quin arn acura i AUTRRAS IU RS RRRRTRU ERROR By MURRAY ROSE LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -- Heavyweight champion Cassius Clay, having made good his bost to skin '"'the rabbit" -- Floyd Patterson--said today he would be willing to take on Er- nie Terrell within three months "if he's the best man and the public wants it." "Whoever is the best man-- that's for me," shouted the tri- umphant Clay, or Muhamad Ali, following his one-sided, one- knockdown, technical knockout of the game Patterson in 2:18 of the 12th round at Convention Centre Monday night. Referee Harry Krause stopped the slaughter with the 30 - year - old, former two-| time champion still on his feet|® l ' : [although his face was battered|a great jab and could give Clay land swollen, his back ached/a lot of trouble." land his legs seemed ready to! If Clay fights Terrell -- and lerumple under him at any sec- |Madison Square Garden's Harry) jond. But he had been down only |Markson said he'd like to put it) in the sixth round. jo injections after--the spasms in his back in the third!/stronger, round. "I am very sorry about whatjheld happened tonight,'"' he said. had hoped to give Americans a|punish "the rabbit." better fight. Unfortunately I) The six-foot-three was not able to do so, did nothing but dance "I am not going to use my|taunt Floyd in the first round. back as an excuse." to one of his pre-fight victor. fighter,' he said. 'He needs|combinations to the head. more experience. I don't think|rarely went to the body. except perhaps in confidence. ive him a better fight. He has|hands were swollen. "Tdi lot "He took my _ best ches. He didn't fall. He \Clay. pun . . n in New York--it would help) E ] F "T wanted to stop it a round clear up the heavyweight mud. ml e rancis au hae although the 23-year-o' ® Be cia ihe teteree, whol tems Un seoeratly, 18. roy Said At Fault r x > garded as the king of them all. : called in Dr covers Loop es Clay and Patterson both) MONTREAL (CP) -- Clar jatter the en agin eo © posted $50,000 bond agreements|ence Campbell, p Ployd, « petwees Des rie Ka that the winner would fight the National Hockey League, i and dae ne wuntal six - foot - six Chicagoan within| Monday night that Emile Fran o continue? cc tains Association stripped Clay of ti-/York Rangers, triggered -- tle recognition for signing a re-\fracas at Madison Square Gar turn bout with Sonny Liston lden Sunday night Terrell then gained WBA rec jognition as champion when he lit," the NHL head said. Three Rifles 'Chosen Stars | LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) --|n2 Charleston Rockets, the power|W : ' of the Continental Footbal liPlayed at the Garden. Sunday League, placed 10 players on} Francis protested to goa the FL's first all-star team,judge Arthur Reichert the league announced Monday. Floyd Smith's The undefeated Rockets won|marker did not cross the goa : the CFL's Western Division and line. | 4 lwill meet Eastern Division/scALE BARRIER ichamp Toronto Rifles Sunday} minor test with the to said sion for anybody get volved," Campbell ing with any Ww --o three all-star team members. {suddenly decided to join in an CFL coaches named 31 play-|surrounded the pair. Severa ers as all-stars, including tie! votes for several positions. lthe 10-foot barrier which separ j '|maximum 10 votes was Charles-|nlaying surface and came to as ton punting specialist Jim Hol-|sist their boss yards for 69 kicks and estab-|fered a cut under the left eye lished a league record of 89! Reichert has been a goa yards. |judge in New York for 30 years " Ranger president \Jennings said he would ba Reichert from the Garden. REMEMBER WHEN... By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Australian national swimming team of Rose, Wood, Strah and Windle set a world record for the 880- yard relay. three years ago today--in 1962 -- at Perth, Australia, finishing in eight minutes 13.4 seconds, The same day, the women's team anchored by Dawn BERNIE FALONEY Fraser set a world record | for the 440-yard: relay. by the six clubs. cannot be barred from the sta dium. The NHL president added tha fines will be assessed and that he had_ given thought to suspensions as form of punishment. said he developed muscie; Clay, tal ler, faster and handed Patterson a jfearful beating. Apparently he "Tlstatements that he planned to speedster and \From the second round on it He had only praise for the|was pop, pop, pop, with sting- ling left jabs right smack on tar- "Mr. Clay can become a great|get, followed by sharp left-right He he benefitted much from tonight) Clay denied that he had car- lried Patterson. He showed his "T think Ernie Terrell will|pare fists. The knuckles on both dn't carry him,' said was resident of the said)45 and 10-1 in rounds, also giv- six months. The World Boxing'cis, general manager of New| had it 54-44 and 10-1 in rounds, the|awarding Patterson the first. "There is no question about "Had he not gone over to pro- official, there would have been no occa- in- "He has no business interfer- league official." The fracas erupted in the fi-\999 on his 40 per cent, and Pat- _|nal period of the Detroit Rediterson $375,000 on his 20 per ings-New York Rangers game cent, lfor the league title. Toronto hasieis and Reichert were arguing i d Leading the balloting with alates the goal judge from the William clay Goal judges are appointed by|clay the NHL from lists submitted' patterson Campbell said the goal judge clay those players involved in the melee no a Cassius Still Champion, Ernie Terrell Is Next determined. He's a good fighter. You gotta give him credit." The RnocKdoWwA in the sixth round. came after Patterson had absorbed a barrage in a corner. His right glove touched the can- vas and he was down momen- tarily. As the referee was tolling the mandatory eight - count, 'he stopped at five and ordered Clay to go to a neutral corner. He waited four more seconds for Clay to get in the corner and resumed counting. The count went to nine. Patterson never landed a jar- ring blow. Several times he at- tempted his famed leaping left hook. that had knocked out Ar- chie Moore and Ingemar Jo- hansson, but mostly it was blocked or away off target. GAVE CLAY LEAD Referee Harry Krause had Clay ahead 53-46 on the five- point-must system, and 8-2-1 in rounds. He gave Patterson the \first and ilth and ealled the ififth even. Judge Bill Strem- |mell had it 54-43 in points and 10-1 in rounds. He gave Patter- "json the first. Judge Harold Buck had it 54- "jing Floyd the first. The AP card the at- of which The promoters said tendance was 8,106, 7,402 paid, and the gross re- ceipts $300,011. The bout was broadcast by CBC and ABC ra- dio and telecast to the theatres and arenas in the United States and Canada. It was also beamed by Early Bird satellite to theatres in the British Isles. Clay may have earned $750,- The betting was even money llin this legal gambling centre thatithat it wouldn't go more than third - period five, 1! Clay, a 13-to-5 favorite at fight time, weighed 210 pounds in boosting his record to 22-0, in- Fans in the area where Fran: cluding 18 knockouts. Patterson,!o¢ Chicago Black Hawks who scaled 19634, now has a 43- j\losses. | New York players then scaled | Fight Scorecards '| LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Score- \eards of Monday night's Cas- lingsworth, who averaged 46.5) In the scuffling Francis suf-|sius Clay - Floyd Patterson|goals with 15 and has six as-| :'|world heavyweight champion- liship fight: BI Referee Harry Krause | 455 555 555 54--53 ¥/ Patterson 544 453 444 45--46 Judge Bill Stremmel 455.555 555 55--54 544 442 444 4443 Judge Harold Buck 455.555 555 55--54 "| Patterson 544 543 444 44--45 The Associated Press {Clay 455 555 555 55--54 {Patterson 544 443 444 4444 "CATS FAVORED | yo | OVER BOMBERS VOLKSWAGEN TORONTO (CP) First betting odds quoted by bookmakers on Saturday's Grey Cup football game | here 'between Hamilton Ti- | ger-Cats and Winnipeg Blue Bombers list the Ticats as 314-point favorites This means that if some- one is making a wager on the Tiger-Cats he must give 34% points and Hamilton must win by- at least four before the Hamilton bettor may collect. ites sisi MUFFLER EXPERTS 1957 TO G 95 1957 TO 1964 ll 95 e e 1964 with Ges Heater INSTALLATION 6.00 YOUR SATISFACTION Is OUR AIM All Cors Sorry Our GUARANTEE Kelly Disney Used Cars Ltd. 1200 Dundes E. SSOCIATE STO CLAY LANDS HARD RIGHT IN THE ROUND Canadiens Rousseau Leads NHL Scoring MONTREAL (CP) -- Bobby;17, Rousseau, Montreal Canadiens'jof New York. little right winger, is making his| presence: felt in Hockey League this season. jtied for sixth place with The 25-year-old Montreal na-|Points apiece. tive, who scored a mere 12} the NHL individual scoringjage in 14 games. race, ing leadership from Bobby Hull|t byjerage. scoring three goals and picking York Rangers Saturday night. Statistics released by headquarters today show Rous- two more than Bob Nevin Doug Mohns of Chicago and! the National|Don Marshall of New York are 14 | The Montreal goaltending goals and picked up a. total of} combination of Gump Worsley 47 points in 66 games last sea- and Charlie Hodge: have moved son, has found his scoring touch|into the lead in that department early in this campaign to lead with a 2.65 goals-against aver- Glenn Hall of Chicago and un- Rousseau took over the scor-|derstudy Dave Dryden slipped 0 second spot with a 2.75 av- Jacques Laperriere of Mont- 5 record, four of them knockout | yp two assists against Newjreal leads in penalty minutes with 34, one minute more than NHL|team-mate John Ferguson and Arnie: Brown of New York. The Leaders: GA Pts. PiM 10.138 23 2 15 29 10 8 2 12 0 12 Rousseau, Mtl Hull, Chi Beliveau Mtl Mikita, Chi Nevin,. NY Mohns, Chi Marshall, NY Esposito, Chi PATRICK G McDANIEL, A.A.C.I, REALTOR & CONSULTANT Appreisels: a I Estote '9! P- YOUR INVESTMENT BROKER |169 Simcoe N. 723-2861 seau with 23 points on 10 goals! land 13 assists, two more than 'Hull, who leads the league in 0.H.A. JUNIO | sists. | However, Hull sustained a knee injury Sunday against Tor-| jonto Maple. Leafs and is a) jdoubtful starter for tonight's) lgame against Detroit Red| Wings. Jean Beliveau, Montreal's) |towering centre, picked up a} goal and four assists against) |New York Sa urday and jumped| linto third place with 19 points. | Stan Mikita of Chicago is} urth in the points race with! el ' Ifo BOBBY ORR R "A" HOCKEY 7 es TOMORROW NITE GAME TIME 7:15 P.M, OSHAWA GENERALS St. Catharines Black Hawks Season ticket holders use Series NEXT HOME GAME SAT., -NOV.- 27 Generals vs Montreal No. 8 for this game. BUS SERVICE Leave Downtown 6:00 - 6:30 - 7:00. Return after the geme. INSULATED HOUSE CASH & CARRY rae | | The All-Stars gained by Ham- } ilton in the Faloney trade were) WESTWOOD, N.J. (AP) --} guard Chuck Walton, defensive| Warren Dow, 60, a former U.S end Billy Ray Locklin and de-/fencing champion, died Monday fensive half Billy Wayte. It wasjin hospital. He was a member Wayte's first all-star selection/of the 1936 U.S. Olympic team but Locklin was an all-star with'in Berlin, | Whitby 668-5891 sadeaas 7° y season BUDGET TERMS DROP IN FRED A, SMITH CO. LTD. 115 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SPECIAL ----_ KEEP WARM THIS WINTER COOL NEXT SUMMER INSULATION #8 60 Square 53.49 FIRE PROOF In lots of Smoller lots add 20c per carton ton ef! Parts) Cobblecloth BY SAMUELSOHN #8 90 Square Foot cartons Now you can choose from three superb varieties of MARACA [= the new light taste in rum peer The light, smooth flavour of Maraca Rum 'The weaver's skilful hand adds dash to the manly texture of the traditional 'pic-n-pio' worsted. ("Rich, not gaudy" says Mr. Shakee speare!)And the dramatio result is this forthright suit, softly tailored to merit the most flattering critical notice. PROPERLY PRICED AT... $105.00 com | will tell you it is one of the world's finest. Sa Sun-mellow, distinctively dry, Maraca.is som wih Mens ani Bois' wear Eight north Stmcoe Street(725-2599 | - getting the fashion in rum drinks phone dsp encnawrs |e aditional | rum flavour Murray Johnston:osHawa-Limited | 3 20 er more Ask About Our 6 Month Deferred Payment Plan MILLWORK & Building Supplies Lid. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Daily 7 A.M, te 6 P.M. Friday till 9 P.M. AMD BOTTLED FOR & SPIRIT MERCHANTS ONTO, CAMAL LIGHT, and Golde' Mellow MA-RA-CA- the musical instrument of tropical rhythm, Exotic net-covered bottle _Light and smooth as tropical rhythm marks the finer light rum

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