Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1965, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 23, 1965 3 WON'T BE ABLE TO FORGET -- LB] Guilt Plea Solemn Tribute pte In Murder e é 1 | VICTORIA (CP)--An Assize Court. Monday accepted what is 5 believed to be only the fourth ' : guilty plea to a murder charge WASHINGTON (AP)--At his|York, was in Brazil, midway | Attorney + General Nicholas|in Canadian legal history. hillside grave, in the snowy/through a South American tour.|Katzenbach placed a presiden-| David Leonard Robinson, 24 streets of West Berlin, in a Rio|Some of his children, accompa-|tial wreath of red and white,accused of slaying Susan Fres-| de Janeiro hotel--and in the/nied by a nursemaid, placed|carnations, dotted with tiny blue|chi, 14-year-old Glendale, Calif..| Dallas streets where he wasiflowers on the grave Sunday. flowers, at the Kennedy grave.|schoolgirl last May 11, pleaded| shot--the powerful and the hum-| All day long a stream of citi-| As he fulfilled that mission|Suilty after the Crown reduced} ble paused Monday to commem-/zens came to Kennedy's Arling- # its charge to non-capital from orate the life and death of John|ton grave to pay silent homage. |{°" President Johnson, a bugler capital murder Wr Kennedy. '|The grave was ringed with|Sounded taps on the damp hill- The th i h In ype pt ate a flowers and wreaths. side behind the grave. i Sacha Scie a tae oston to s Angeles, Amer- rat : : roa -- gathered tee memorial viction life imprisonment in-| services dedicated to the young stead of hanging. president assassinated two U.S. Says It Controls Legal historian Cecil cee years ago. former commissioner of the President Johnson, whose * 1 ; B.C. Meighleay Police, said it residency dates from the mo-| was the fourth such plea in his- feent Kennedy died, recalled! NATO S Nuclear Heads jtory--as opposed to the tradi- that time at an interfaith serv-| jtion of an automatic not guilty lice in St. Mary's Roman Cath-| : : : |plea' in murder. cases. | jolic Church in Fredricksburg, WASHINGTON (AP) -- The; The New York Times said) It was also the first guilty' 3 iTex. |White House said Monday that/Sunday in a Washington dis-|plea under the non-capital mur-| | "No one of us who lived on all nuclear warheads madejpatch that the president "has\der section written into the =" that terrible November day willjavailable to NATO forces in|been kept informed of the gen- Criminal Code of Canada sev- j | Ce cteiniane a ee eer eeascr. SL eee 4 a lever be able to forget what hap-, Western Europe are* under. U.S./eral' program' but that it was/eral years ago, he said. i ' i : lpened then or what we lost/control and cannot be used with- understood that at times he and' Robinson was arrested 18 ee |there," Johnson said. out "'specific authority of thejother top policymakers have|days after the nude, beaten and SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY AT GRAVESIDE In her New York City apart-|president of the United States."/"'been largely unaware of the bound body of..Miss Freschi-- jment Mrs. John F. Kennedy re-| The statem ent issued by|specific arrangements made by who disappeared while walking Senator Edward Kennedy, | Kennedy in Arlington Na- of flowers on the grave'on {mained in seclusion on the sec: Press Secretary Bill D. Moyers|the defence department with the near a relatives home -- was Dem., Mass., and his wife, : ' "tod Th this Gs kocond: Anniversay ond anniversary of her hus- at Johnson City, Tex., also de- allies. found in woods six miles west Joan, kneel beside the grave . "onal Cemetery today. The wah clea ahaa ve |band's death. ag clared: : In a statement. apparently of here. of former President John F. couple placed small sprays of Kennedy's assassination. | But the children, Caroline, "President Johnson is, and as\prompted by The Times dis-| A pathologist testified at Ro- : oe ---- seam aise jand John Jr., 5, went to schoolvice-president was, fully aware|patch, Moyers said: "As has binson's preliminary hear ing " as usual, lof the specific arrangements/often been stated, we have|that she had been sexually as- HER FLOWERS FIRST |(concerning nuclear - weapons;made nuclear warheads ayvail-|saulted. tores ee i ore e p Mrs. Kennedy's was the first)control) made by the depart-jable to our NATO allies, but! == floral remembrance place d/ment of defence with our NATO Custody of all such warheads|] NEED Monday at the Arlington Na-'allies." remains with the United States. oy s : tional Cemetery graveside. Her) The U.S. has deployed thou-| "'As has often been stated no Fuel Oil } Labor art een 1g t |mother, Mrs. Hugh D. Auchin-|sands of tactical nuclear weap- nuclear warheads on U.S. weap- | closs, brought a bouquet Of|ons in Western Europe, particu-ons or helu on U.S. custody for CALL | small white lilies, and placed |jarly in West Germany, in re- our NATO. allies can be used PERRY I By DAVE MILLER A cross-Canada survey showsjomy and higher employment the widow's offering at the base cent years. And there is reviy-|without specific authority of the Sey or Night 723-3443 } Unemployment, the chronic/culty, but most other holidayjrate, leaving many retail out- of the eternal flame that flick- ing controversy now over pro- president of the United States," enigma of the Canadian labora tight labor market and ajlets with a back-log of unem- ers over the grave. fi ay posals for a NATO_ nuclear REPRE 0: market, seems to have switched shortage of holiday help in Tor-|ployed elgg to fill the tem- Rgrrnsens ee ae A teen force. in which West q se onto, Ottawa, the Atlantic prov-jporary labor force. 0 assachusetts ¢ rmany wou participate Pa v raaidinn stores and post of-inces, Quebec and British Co-} Other reasons for the short- the afternoon to place bouquets American forces stationed in Fresh Christmas NUTS lices are faced with king-sized lumbia. age include ge eh gs of a and chrys- se Pipcored oa Delivered to Your Door shes esearch for) National Employment Service/examination schedules and a anthemums. i nuclear warheads for delivery wines dicey te Couns officials attribute the situation|late, pre-Christmas closing of| Kennedy's other brother, Sen- by missile or aircraft. In ad- AT 10 % SAVINGS Canadian econ-|many Canadian educational in- ator Robert F. Kennedy of New dition, warheads have been de- All. Orders €.0.D. holiday season. ite an improved ~ |ployed, under U.S. physical con- pene aiae we -- ----|stitutions; lack of men and|~ | i : |women willing to work night-| a trol, with West German forces. ij shifts and shortage of experi-| A ks SAY FIGHTERS ARMED yi In R AF enced part-time workers quali- | Indian S | According to informants here, it fied for skilled jobs, some West German F-104 jet fighters have been armed with s . i" | |WAGES HIGHER R |nuclear weapons to put them i In Toronto, the shortage is | €vision ; ~ é t /, n : readiness for quick action but In Ground Jobs «20% Sees ere Vv e post office, ourly cons r, ' ries, | wages have been raised 25 Federal Act pasadena ese ede cents for approximately 8,000 | { OTTAWA (CP) -- There are} Officials added that it would sorters, letter carriers and cut-|) OTTAWA (CP)--Elliot Moses, | | 5,000 fully-qualified flyers in the/|be. difficult to obtain RCAF re-'ters needed to handle the holi-\77-year-old Delaware Indian Royal Canadian Air Force but |cruits unless there were serv- day mail. from Brantford, said Monday 3,800 of them--three of everyjice careers open to them once' jn Ottawa, William Thomson, 'night the provinces rather than four--hold down ground jobs, /their flying days were over. director of the National Em-|the federal government should authorities have disclosed. | Even with allowances for ro-/ployment Service, said the hir-|supervise Indian affairs. | The aircrew surplus was even|tation between air and ground ing of extra help is difficult) 'The time has come and may greater until last year when De-|jobs, there is far from a short-/pecause housewives, who make be past when the terms of the fence Minister Hellyer orderedjage of flyers in the RCAF, one yp the normal holiday labor Indian Act should be revised ' 500 officer pilots and navigators /highly-placed official said. lranks, are not under the sameland perhaps abolished," Mr. S compulsorily retired. } It now costs more than $85,000 pressure due to a general pros-|Moses said. § Official sources said the 500-|to train an RCAF pilot. perity raising family incomes.| He was addressing Carleton ! man surplus was built up dur-/GET FLYING PAY : | Elsewhere in Ontario, most|University students at the be- J ing the 1961 Berlin crisis even, In 1963, Mr. Hellyer disclosed centres report little difficulty in| ginning of an Indian week spon- MEN'S WEAR though the RCAF ordered no ad-|that more than half of the offi-|finding part-time help, but Kit-|sored by the Canadian Union of ditional planes for these men to cers in the RCAF--1,720 of @ to-\chener and Sarnia officials an-|Students. Other speakers during fly. tal of 3,112 at that time--were ticipate a shortage in qualified!the week will include young In- "There are a total of 4,308 qual- receiving flying pay while per-'workers for mail delivery andidian leaders, federal officials ified aircrew in the armed rege ces es My sales personnel. and others experienced with forces who are holding ground|did not necessarily involve My") In the Maritimes, G. A.|Canada's 220,000 Indians. : jobs--3,794 in the RCAF, 308 in ing. ten llowances for|¥t28er of Moncton, N.B., re-| Mr. Moses said both Quebec SANTA 5 FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER } the navy and 206 in the army., Cost of aircrew allowances fo gional employment officer, SaYS/and Manitoba last year de- *. 9.8 i 'About 1,400 of these, however, these officers was $2,055,000 an- 1 jan9- market is 'much I ae . i j yhic i lly. Cost of maintaining and/.- : : manded full responsibility for , are in jobs which have to be)nually tighter than it has been in some their Indian populations but CASHEWS ;\5 race 1.89 MIXED NUTS avis price 1.89 Call Today -- 725-7151 THE GOODIE SHOPPE i by aircrew personnel--|operating aircraft for them was | 7 : ! ie in the. RCAF oo in the/$7,036,000 a year. eee s cponisnt aiicals were told by the federal gov-| ' in the y |' informants said this situation| @ucbec employ jernment this could not be done navy and 132 in the army. | say the labor market is down) der the British North Amer- This. still leaves 2,912 flyers--jhas been corrected to some €X-|5)" 167 cent due to a higher|-. ' : : : ; $ ica Act. 2,589 in the air force, 249 in the tent- but that many officers in| provincial employment rate and! «7 have Liwave besn a aaah: y 74 in the army--occu- ground jobs still do enough fly- . hile Aethieat . ways b n x rt Baga a bs where no air- ing--100 hours a year--to re- a sig a alr gg cena cate of provincial supervision of ; pying pia 1 jo tah ceive aircrew allowances versities and schools. Tndian affaire hecnuse the sive ¥ crew status is required. i s. alent essed cic eae ed s | \€ 5 Officials said these flyers are) An air force spokesman said of the country .. . makes fed '] 2 e i i i i . eral supervision the most com-} 3 available for rotation to squad-jaircrew officers must keep up oe r gene : a rons. In other words, the 1,200/their flying proficiency while on ou | ical thing you've ae «from England , men now flying RCAF planes|ground duties. Many. would he cake goer gab ps % expected to keep flying turn to aircrew duties while jyear de r . : for the rest af their service ca- others had to be able to judge Over 60's aoe far gr ie ple le a abet : JAF i ds. = | e praise e well-tai : . sd daha FE sidaie pqupment sendmeradat - in treating reservations like ae a in this 7 ee s es municipalities and Indians like | suit for all reasons". u u s be "first - class' citizens, giving The British Barathea Meg Endures Rain And Cold, With Plan them the full benefits of provin- Weave lends an enviable cial residence while respecting | air of breeding +6 this sa: | TORONTO (CP) -- Bernard|their rights. : Gives Plug To British Trade iy; 40 skid Mhseday be wants omens = : crisp, shape-holding Pure |Ontario government assistance Virgin Wool fabric that's NEW YORK (AP)--Princess|smiled and nodded a happyito ig a small plant to provide| HEAT WITH OIL woven in the British Isles hea ; aiebni 5 6 Margaret splashed through Yes. ' WOre TOL Perrone Over 3?: | , Th ; : : ~ | The princess remained seated) "If a man retires 65 and e slim line of the rain and cold Monday plugging |.+ the reception, and du ring he happens to be lucky enough! DIXON Ss natural shoulder -- the British trade. Then, she donned most of the evening. Despite |to live to 70 or 80, that's a heck | OIL Attaché. Definitel a black lace for a private party the fact she was radiant "at of a long time to do nothing, | . A es P initely the 4 san: iret smiling, her heavy schedule jisn't it?" he asked the legisla- shape to be in. 'and midnight pancakes. smiling, he : | : a E . was taking its toll. ture's select committee on 313 ALBERT ST. © gad tint sagen agg ani ee Monday's itinerary included a |aging. 99 50 ties, _inc rd Ta Senet */dozen business stops and sev-| 'The stocky, jovial Toronto 24-HOUR SERVICE Tailored by Jerome Rob td EA aa ey eral miles of walking. Late in resident and his daughter, Mrs me eS oe poy i ot the afternoon the Ce ta Sandra Shiner, held the com-) 723-4663 PURE VIRGIN WOOL dl ae ise 1 changed to low-heeled shoes mittee spellbound for about 90 Mm ll pancake party een > Broad- She and Lord Snowdon stayed minutes as they emphasized a| SERVING OSHAWA OVER ok for this label way producer Harold Prince. overnight and planned to spend person's usefulness doesn't*end 50 YEARS Traditionall fine cloth : Earlier, the royal couple today, their last full day here, /at retirement | y omnes, Jt guarantees quality sipped cocktails with 300 guests on the 500-acre estate of her - at a reception in the private post, John Hay Whitney, former Colony Club. U.S. ambassador to Britain and Climbing into her Rolls-Royce publisher of the New York Her- at 1 am., the Princess snug- ald. Tribune. é gled under a heavy lap blanket, The couple and their party waved to onlookers and, when leave Wednesday for Bermuda} asked if she had a good time, en route to London. | | ° HAPPINESS IS 444% wot.' | oe 2072 OFF | Gi SNOW TIRES HAPPINESS IS 4% ChequING ACCOUNT t Sia ka . 7 ackwoa u jess HAPPINESS IS 6% ne aT pent Reg. 29.95. SALE PRICE .... 23.95 . 3 | WINTERIZE YOUR CAR NOW HAPPINESS IS SWITCHING NOW TO Avoid Costly Service Calls Your Christmas Shop for oo 2 THE RYE WITH © GIFT CERTIFICATES UNSINKABLE FLAVOUR | ® its flavour right ; say it's Gold Stripe for unsinkable This to the bottom of the flavour, at Ontario's most popular price. Specie! Rates on CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST * TUNE-UPS and BRAKE REPAIRS : GARY'S i & SAVINGS CORPORATION &€ "89 E59 Service great M EN'S WEAR LTD. glass. Compare the robust Canadian whisky keeps ESTABLISHED 1924 E goodness of Adams Gold Stripe y rye whisky...you'll see why we: 723-6532 Pick-up end Delivery. HEAD OFFICE: OPEN SATURDAYS pune Oshawa 19 Simcoe St. N., 723-5221 Bowmanville 23 King St. W, 623-2527 a | 74 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN TO 9 P.M. FRIDAYS

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