Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1965, p. 2

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~ On employment, the brief said: "When you consider that about 3,000 Indians live close Kenora, come often to Kenoi and that great numbers of them desperately need employment, how can we explain that scafcély more than a dozen UNDERWORLD SNATCH PLOT FEARED 1450 Indians At Kenora Train Robbery Trio Charge Discrimination Under Close Guard Less than £250,000 of the lootistead, a freelance mob wanted has been recovered. But two of|to get hold of. them and their the leaders -- Charles Wilson|secret millions. and Ronald Biggs--have been)... , sprung from prison by armed REPORTED TARGET ; gangs and have vanished with-| Goody, a smooth-talking big- out trace. \time criminal who used a wom- Three other known leaders of\#"'s beauty salon as his front business, was reported a par- the gang never have been)? caught despite a police search|ticular target. The men in the throughout the world. Scotland | 8208 pl ge ge a Yard believes they probably are army guard 'was bene ee! tween back in Britain, having filtered|to total 16 men patrolling in wera perineal hoe oo the cash abroad and then in- pairs and a sergeant. An army) dian officials. vested it here. spokesman said they are a "de-| H ia th ti terrent force to be called Upon heduled as Thursday "06 dis. Because of the Wilson andy aed." j - sec needed, | Biggs escapes a special secur Goody, James and Wisbey\°Uss conditions (on the re- ity wing has been built in Dur- ; ham jail with steel cells and|were said to be in cells con- ee ne mars aa ties bs KENORA, Ont. (CP) ---Altion against Indians seeking/have jobs in Kepora? Obvi- march Monday by 450 _ Indi-}employment and when they at-/ously Sr acathine is terri- ans protesting discrimination it|tempted to transact business | bly wrong." 3 this northwestern Ontario _re- sort community resulted in an announcement by Mayor Ed Norton that efforts were al- ready under way to. explore means of improving the situa- tion. ' Mayor Norton told the mass delegation, after two represent- atives presented a five-page brief of complaints and recom- mendations to town council, that he. had written to Welfare Minister Louis Cecile Nov. 8 re- with Kenora merchants. It also appealed to the: town to aid In- dians in getting the provincial and federal governments to im- prove inadequate. living condi- tions on the reserves. seme ert ne Indian high school students, it said, never seem to be able to get the type of employment ob- tained by non-Indian students, such as in supermarkets. DURHAM, England (CP) -- Troops with fixed bayonets and automatic rifles today patrolled the top-security wing of Dur- ham prison to thwart a re- ported plot to snatch at least three key men convicted in the Great Train Robbery. Underworld sources have for some time been talking of a pri- vate army raised to grab the robbers--and wiih them the se- cret of their looted millions, The government showed Mon- day it took the talk seriously. In a move unprecedented in| peacetime it ordered a regi- ment of infantry to take charge of the top security wing where), nected t l y ' ullet-proof windows. nected to an alarm system. three and perhaps five of the Three convicted robbers They are watched constantly|@ Project area for community ° train robbers are held. serving 30-year terms--Douglas by closed-circuit television. development. | ' i : The underworld tip was thatiGoody, Roy (The Weasel) One press report said the) Plans for the march on the; a BINOCULARS BY ea an attempt on the jail would be|yames and Thomas Wisbey-- freelance London gang planned | council meeting were started a at ri ' made in gos Phipps oer are known to be held there.|to land a helicopter inside the week ago during a conference HK : lI 1 Wrote Ph ; : DIEF'S GREETING TO HEES SEEN WARM was not announced Two more of the 10 still injPr tbe: of the Kenora Indian - White usl ne : was not announced. aa prison are thought to be there,| Underworld reports of moves) 1 nittee, Mayor Norton said : Cc rce min- s held in Ottawa Mon- The Great Train Robbery was|underworld tipsters say. |to free them spoke of a gang . * 4 en Trade and Commerce oe d The ufderworld story is that of up to 30 armed men pian: however, representatives of the] Looking for a special gift ... Conservative leader Diefen- baker (right) extends a warm greeting to former Trio Dies something every man wants? Custom 7x35 The first major advance in binoculars in 26-years -- all-new optical system that permits a wide field of view even when you wear glasses, built-in ultraviolet filters, beautifully sculptured body built-in tripod adapter and or len staged in August, 1963. : A gang ambushed a Glasgow- | the planned snatch was not toning to break into the prison committee would not be invited be organized by the robbers or|with special equipment tog participate at Thursday's London mail train and scooped }' j more than £2,500,000 ($7,500,-|tneit former gangmates. In- "jam" the television system. | meeting. |\TRAVEL BY BUS 000) in untraceable cash. | o WEATHER FORECAST Indians from egeou! Feed | W alkout jarea were brough > ister George Hees at the party's first post-election Teamsters Plan day. (CP Wirephoto) lin buses chartered by the com- jemployers. Ferndale. Workers (CLC) have been on HERE and THERE. IS A RULE AT Two new members -- Major Gordon Holmes and John E. Houghton -- were welcomed by the Rotary Club of Osh- awa at its Monday meeting. » meeting in ; perfect Thirty-seven members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa received attendance pins Monday from District Gover- nor Jack Hughes. Topping the members with perfect at- tendance was Reginald G. Geen, who has not missed a $2 years. Other members with long records of attendance are: » George F. Shreve, 21 years; * Walter R. Branch, 18 years; + Dr. * years and Jack Ovens, 17 13 Douglas Langmaid, . years. The Oshawa Fire Depart- ment was quiet yesterday and last night. Only one alarm was answered, along with four routine ambulance calls. Gerald Ray Wooll, a former residentsof Oshawa, has been named citizen of the year at Niagara-on-the- Lake. Mr Wooll, who served three terms as mayor of the Niagara Pen- insula centre received the Niagara town and township chamber of commerce award in recognition of out- standing leadership and service in community and business fields. Municipal Affairs Mini- ster J. W. Spooner and former Oshawa riding mem- ber of the Legislature, T. D. "Tommy" chatted briefly yesterday at a Metropolitan Toronto and Region _ Transportation Study public hearing. Mr. Spooner, hearing chairman, welcomed Mr. Thomas and his wife Christine, a city Thomas. | |STEPHENSON'S| alderman, to the hearing and said he had "high personal regard' for Mr. Thomas when he served in the Legislature. City Council last night, at a 20-minute special meet- ing, awarded a $57,675 con- trace to Tripp Construction Co., for the construction of storm and sanitary sewers, watermains and_ related work. The Tripp tender was the lowest of three received. The Lions Club of Oshawa will hold its annual party for the blind here Noy. 30. City mayor, Lyman Gifford, and his wife Louise, will be 6.45 p.m. at Hotel Genosha. | The party is for blind people from the' Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Whitby districts. A representative of the Canadian National Institute for the | Blind will also attend. FR "ENDL Y Ye" PHILOSOPHER os MONEY ODESN'T ALWAYS BRING HAPPI A MAN WITH FIVE MILLION GARAGE FRAMI GENERAL REPAIRS 725-0522 725-0560} 15 CHURCH STREET on | hand for the affair, to start at | FUEL OIL Why Pay More... SAVE!! 1 6 c ON PREMIUM QUALITY ' gal. Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajax Districts IS YOUR DRINK, " 'THEN WOOD'S OLD NAVY IS YOUR RUM Make no mistake about it: Wood's Old Navy is every bita man's rum. It's dark and mellow, rugged and robust, a blend of the world's finest rums (many as old as 9 years). Next time get all the real, full-bodied flavour-you expect _and deserve from a rum. Next time try Wood's Old Navy. a TE AUTO MAGIC BEST SYSTEM, BEST EQUIPMENT, GOOD STAFF SOMETIMES JUST ISN'T ENOUGH. DON'T EXPECT A SO-SO JOB, IT'S NOT LIKE US. AND IF YOU THINK IT 1S -- THEN WE'RE ALL WET. IF SOMEONE FINDS THEIR CAR NOT EXACTLY THE WAY THEY E PECTED -- TELL US AND WE'LL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. WE DON'T MEAN TO SOFT SOAP YOU AND EVEN THOUGH WE ARE THE BEST CAR-WASH IN CENTRAL ONTARIO WE WILL STILL TRY HARDER. "CUSTOMER SATISFACTION" IS MORE THAN A WATERED DOWN MOTTO, AT AUTO-MAGIC-IT'S A FACT! MORE FEATURES FOR QUICKER SERVICE AND CLEAR CARS! See our newest equipment for whee! washing. The automatic wheel washer gives you the brightest whitewalls in the shortest time for quolity and convenience, Also new to Osh- awa is our Jet-Wox sproy for lasting For only 50¢ you can have your car waxed next time through the wosh. lustre FILL UP WITH OUR PRETTY GAS BARMAIDS CHECK THESE CAR-CARE SERVICES @ CAR WASH, MOTOR STEAM CLEANING @ CAR POLISHING .@ .CAR INTERIOR SHAMPOOING @ CHROME CLEANING e@ LIQUID GLAZING (Simonizing) @ MOTOR REPAINTING (Original Colour) @ ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR "ECONOMY" BOOKS OF CAR WASH TICKETS AUTO-MAGIC WASH LIMITED 116 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA 725-0322 In Hospital "Hot Oil' ; | fa ° | , t mittee: They gathered at a matching case. $89.50, In Hospital, Ban On Hot O1 'Cloudy, Slightly Cooler -- iissiny uit "het pF nag ty ; ue ee 'marched one-quarter mile, four Probe Opens By JACK MORRIS strike against British, American Is Probed | Tureast, to the Legion" Hall Hey say re VANCOUVER (CP)--A key,Oil Co. facilities here sinte S ls 0 W d d where town council decided to series, superb ii ; \union Monday night virtually Ye" arte ine Fs poe s OAKVILLE (CP) -- Officials! pe een n e nes AY joie its meeting. | mapas on $38 om ' ich. (AP)--Fed-|Put a seal of effectiveness on}! ae, et S of the Ford Motor Co. of Can-| | At least three Kenora police- to $135, 20-year guarantee... scad ood sas WePeiaigatere are taste for a 48-hour _generaljinto Ontario. The union has alsoada Ltd. have called a meeitng) TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast|Victoria +++. veces 36 48. |men escorted the group through attractive carrying case. trying to determine what/sttike in British Columbia. jstruck an Imperial Oil Ma sub | with members of local 707,\issued by the weather office at/Edmonton ......-. 10 23 the largely empty streets and Banner 6x30 Easiest on the aes ts came vena t! 'The powerful Tosmaiars' Un sai ee aa oni OillUnited Auto Workers (CLC) to-|5:30 a.m.: Regina + (17 20 \there were no incidents. pe ech rtiysny Four rugged of two children and a young|!0?, whose 11,000 members hold/OP>Tt tt v9 strike all petro- day a determine > cause Of} synopsis: Only slightly lower| Winnipeg -4 27 :-} About 150 white spectators Is priced from $34.50 to 'mother at Pontiac Osteopathic | Vital jobs in Loy soir lage" leum companies in B.C. at mid Bis St ag s car anditemperatures are expected for ice ' 3 24 | joined the marchers at the hall wy toa rale on , try rovince, de- Lu. 'ltruck pla ere. ; howore| Lakehead .. 35 "3 es . ' weer: clared tte inating pti eg oil night Wednesday and the 110, 4 Fa iialxninak ewe. 60 a. ib oy at owese white River b : where Mayor Norton and his é p "f 14 The three patients died within| ores "it they. strike all oil|000 - member provincial labor|m4.a emplo 748 oe lbs change to light snowflur- Kapuskasing ..+. 30 30 jcouncil conducted their busi- Every Bushnell is offered on a 30 day exchange privilege! Let us '24 hours of each other in TeCOV:| companies as planned at mid-|federation called for a two-day|;,.. Hoge gud ear plant is ao site Saks ek oe el ee the auditorium stage. | help you select that special gift today! very rooms last 'Thursday and/night Wednesday night. general work stoppage to shoW| morning and the remaining|Lake Erie, southern Georgian North Bay Sos | 35 Fred Kelly, co-chairman of | 'Friday. 'The hospital disclosed "i yagh the independent labor's solidarity for the strik-'1959 day workers were sent/Bay, Windsor, London: Cloudy Sudbury .. 32. 92. [the Indian. - White committet, ithe deaths Monday. \Teamsters rejected a call by ing oil workers. lhome by the company. lwith scattered showers today,|Muskoka . 33. 37 |and_ Peter Seymour, | grand) * * Harry Whitlow, administrator C. Federati f Labor, /eamsters support of the M : A Ares ichairman of Treaty No. 3, each; ' ' jthe B.C, Federation of 1 peas ri At the same time, 400 work-|changing to snowflurries this| Windsor .. 40 48 | A | 'of the hospital, said in a for-|(CLC) for a 48-hour work stop- strikers would hit almost every ! , Sant ukcuaes aint y Leeds 4 as read half of the brief. al ate: {Ci ca Ane can mo nao fd t,t erie liryc vce |X commaed ot Sari "All three patients received/ers, they agreed not to "haul, |flow of supplies to construction : '\Slightly cooler. Winds west to| ()--$--$--$-- $$ -- -- i i " obs and factory deliveries and|the Ontario Truck assembly|® 2) y iTrenton .++» ee ---- og appeared to ire gag oye petroleum stop tho "ovement of of] and|COmBeny. Inorthwest 15 becoming light to-|Ottawa ..... . 9 31 CKACH E? & AY) 6 "i ; . 7 iain ey si er ae identify co EGS att plane. mers "gasoline from refineries to gas) Officials said the workers' Mgnt - pp tg obo sday./ Montreal sii ao Late . * Aili ry Teamsters admitted privately| Stations. mies "abnormal absenteeism" forced| gara, Lake ©! , TOYr-\Quebec ...+ 27 29. Ok LD BE IRRITATED BLADDER 'the medications. He said all) *' : oy'"A tie-up of the trucking indus- reed'onto, Hamilton: Cloudy with)Halifax .. 39 44 'three received the same anes-|their plan was an effective way) Ford to shut down operations|showers becoming less frequent| Chic: 7 DRUGS 'thesia. He said other patients|around fears by other wavering|tty would affect almost every), 1+ oia1 and pai nis afternoon, Wednesday! AZO seveeveves 92 53 ' ie a th Tapa peeia|unions that they would be faced|facet of life--deliveries from|'" trim, final and paint depart-) Secs aud 411 ei hs nesday |New VYotkinswns 4 MANY HAVE BEEN HELPED "onie aT itteck nts hesiay ith law suits for damages ifjsuppliers to wholesalers, from|ments of both plants. poy Bons fh chai cooler.|Miami ...++. me DEWITT S eee 28 KING ST. EAST -- 723-4621 + without ill effects althoug elthey joined a general strike, |Wholesalers to retatiere (And| 'a ation followed an €&r| Hatin, K | |Los Angeles....+. 62 66 \ Lis 'were complications in one case./tey Join g Ai ' | Haliburton, Killaloe, northern|-- i es Sib NHC IAD ATC ATS Whitlow said surgical meth-|. °° Teamsters, by declaring from retallers i tl There|ijjer walkout Monday afternoon|Georgian Bay, Timagami, Al- cone OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. -eds were not to blame. all oil products "hot," would le-|would be no milk, bread, news-) 10, some 300 night-shift work-jgoma, Sauit Ste. Marie, North ---- _ ily be exempt under their/Paper or many other deliveries | ne j | ' soatt ¢2 (sane De P ' A f' j |Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with oc- One investigation is being|contracts from handling oil o homes, ers left their jobs and 1,900) vasional Wehr rain or wet snow paceman "made by agents of the U.S.|products or even driving trucks| WOULD AFFECT MAIL employees were sent home. today, Mainly cloudy tonight Mr. Car Wash Sez oe e eS 2. to. to ee a 4 'Food and Drug Administration.\ioaded with '"'hot" gasoline or| Mail would be affected as| Ed Bruce, vice-president ofland Wednesday. Not much % J i e € * ) 'Oakland County prosecutor S-\diesel fuel. lwould shipments of food to vil-|the local, said the walkout re-\change in temperature. Winds) |} ae ,Jerome Bronson, saying it was ini llages along the coast, There are|sulted from dissatisfaction with) light. | mr ; incredible" that he was not in-|WILL CONTINUE ~ few industries not served to|working conditions at the plant,) White River, Cochrane: i , formed earlier of the deaths,) Ed Lawson, president of thejgyne degree by the Teamsters,|20 miles west of 'Porento, loteuay with pi fight praniae | CUSTOMER : : a '4 tL . * {C. § . hips. endered an isesiry. Teamsters in B.C., said Teams) he Teamsters' decision came| Mr. Bruce said the walkout is|day. Mainly cloudy and a little) }! Dead are Mrs. Laurea Coving-jster support would not end aftet|,. gnoxesmen fo 1 , , , 5 : ton, 24, Pontiac, mother of two; |48 hours but "will continue untillfons rejected the J Poirier t ine not authorized by the union peaicones -- and Wednesday.| Jj we Kimberley Ann Bruneel, 8, West|the oil workers' dispute is set-); general strike! sotings will be held through-| Qneerve | ee 'Bloomfield Township, and Wil-|tled." \idea, many claiming they would Observed Temperatures | - eee ele roel Ketchum, 18,| 'The Oil, Chemical and Atomic|De, open 10 lesal action by their vou the day to try to settle theitaw overnight, hgh Monday: S ATISF ACTION Ty ~ Le hii . : spute. |]DAWSON wsecesseee -- 8 wa } bs 1% i : tailored by Deacon--of course Soft, warm lambswool blended with long-staple cotton --that's Viyella! Then there's 60 years of shirt tailoring know-how -- that's Deacon Brothers! With comfort-fit collars and cuffs, careful finishing of buttons and seams, the Deacon Brothers take extra care making their Viyella shirts. eS take extra care with their Viyella shirts sy K CHOOSE FROM OVER 20 SOLTD SHADES 13.95 | GENEROUS CUT FITTED COLLARS } Extra shirt tail For perfect com= ; length gives com- Sort collars and ped plete coverage and cuffs ave carefully no "ride-up", Sitted by hend. Poses PERFECT MATCHING All collars and yokes of sportshirts match. Sor a clean amooth finish, You can get your Deacon Brothers Viyella from: "Door Way to a Man's World" / 232 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Phone: 728-7974 HOE HAHAHAHA OOOH ~

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