HAVING HER '}//I IN. THERE ALL THE TIME, WATCHING MY MONEY?! 2.DON'T KNOW WHETHER I LIKE, ER PICTURE ONCE THROUGH "BACHELORS BOTTLENECK', WE GOT A FIGHTIN' CHANCE 27--~ --, BACHE!) OR DRUG TH' FINISH GOTTA UGH! ~LOCJAL BELLE, WHAT DRUGS HIMSY ait : \N ") sik ear use te, 5 ae fe , i g te, \\ W 4 THANK YOU POR GOING TO BAT FOR ME, THIR! THERE STANDS "1 WORLD'S STUPIDEY HIS T.Q. MU MINUS TEN?! THE GIANTS = T/L GET-THAT COYOTE AN' MAKE YS NOT UN THE HAY! joer we ADNDE te HIM TALK/ IT WHERE IN TAUNDER 15 --O.-' O1ms - oe Productions Reserved DO o:.1ocoo=--™ -- 220 o> YH} + 1'M TOO CHICKEN TO EAT HERE MYSELF / 1 HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WOULD BE GOOD FOR LUNCH TODAY, GRANDMA /, NO... 'LL LET YOU IN IN A SECRET... = "-22 CHAS. bea. KUN" FORGET IT, BUBBA... BACK AND TELL HIM YOURE ALL TIED UP// ' § SY © King Fenterne Syadicntn, tne, 1965, Woskd righis venerved. * EDITOR, ROZ "" BUT WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE IF YOUR PAIRLIE. 'YES, I KNOW, YOUR SECRETARY EXPLAINED EVERYTHING, BUT, UNFORTUNATELY, THE FELLOW YOU FOUGHT WITH |S ZAPATA, o~ ACADA'S BITTEREST ENEMY, THER DETERMINED, THE THI FA THE 8-YEAR-OLD INE ---------------- a DON'T BE A SWIM...OR SINK HIM 'AND BECAUSE ACADA'S PRO- AMERICAN, WE'D LIKE TO SEE WIN THE PRESIDENCY OF PANAZUELA, TM ASSIGNING OU 'TO FIND OUT WHAT ZAPATA AND HIS CRONIES ARE PLOTTING. Ony wis miner f iN HIS LIFETIME, "RED"HILL WILL WIN (FE SAVING MEDALS,» MORE THAN ANY OTHER MAN THE LONE RIINGER SECRET AGENT X9 BUT I'M BETTING HES B.. PLAYING CAT AND Mouse! JUNGLE CAT AND DONALD DUCK ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 22, 1965 BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Individue! Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS East dealer. Neither side vulnerable. AK $0 9865 ¢ : oA hI87648 pare? Q7z ; K1097 : oKI743 > 4KQ 'The bidding: East Sonth West North Pass 19 Pass 49 Opening Jead--ace of spades, ~ One swallow doesn't make a> summer, and one bridge hand" doesn't prove a theony, but this deal gave the experts something' to think about when it occurred during the match between Italy _ and the United States in 1959. Everything seemed normal when the hand was played at. the first table with the Italian - stars, Avarelli and Belladonna, . holding the North-South cards. ~° They quickly reached four hearts and West cashed the A-K°~ of spades, followed by a club to the ace. East returned a 'ow _ spade, Belladonna ruffing with . the nine and West with the queen, East later scored a dia-_ mond and the Italians went - down two--100 points. At the second table, with an- American pair North-South, the ~ bidding went: 3658 b +++ , ~% North .- 29 : <9 Pass Not only that, but West (Sini- scalco, playing with Forquet) made the contract for a score of 550 points. He lost only a heart ~ and a club. Moreover, there was nothing the defense could do~ about it. Siniscalco's two club overcall . with such a mangy suit was - schocking, by expert standards, but even more shocking was the excellent result he obtained by .- the bid. Practically all experts, stress safety as the chief in--- gredient of an overcall, and here ~ was Siniscalco casting safety to- the winds in order to mention * a weak six-card suit headed by the jack. ? It reminded one of the time - in the 1957 match when this samé Siniscalco overcalled a_- 11, Grows old 12, Move restlessly 14, Russian river 15. Scion 16, Alcoholic 17. Cite 19. Sorcerer 20. College TA}! INBRE IMJE|N/O} IRIE (LTE ITMMAISISIETS) Saturday's Answer 29, Twilled fabrics 31. Family member 32. Relieves 34. Sacks 37, Florida, export 38, Stitchbird 40, Thus Y 7 8 WA Y 5 Channei 2--Butftalo rrie %--The Big 7--Ben 4--Steve Lar Channel 11--Hamitten MONDAY EVEINNS oe Pm 6--Toronto Ni--Pemiy Theetre %--Five O'clock Movie 6--Supermen 6--Passport to Adventurt Movie Lloyd Thexten om Pm. t--teave ™ Te Seaver 6--Music Hop 3--Gunsmoke 6108 PM, "eReech For The 7 eyy 'or 'op 4--News, Sperte with é--Sports Chuck Healy $-2--Tonigh 6:20 P.M, N--News om Pm. N--Pemily Theetre Mevie 0-4+3--Neows, Weather Sports @--Huntley-Brinkley int si Yes pela) 11--Schnitzel +--Coptein 10 Ph 1l--My Three Sons 9--Thunderbirds 8--Doble Gillis 6--News, Weather, Sports 4--Littlest Hobo 2--Honey West 2~--Huntley-Brinkley 1 Pm, 00 1--T r Playtime Bobby ¥--Dialing With Giri 8 9--Meta 7--12 O'clock High 63--Don Messer's Jubliee 4--To Tell The Truth S:08 P. oo Pe. pa 11--Nu! YOUR HEALTH For Baby Deb Right Temperature ated By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Our son-in- law claims that 60 degrees is the ideal temperature for all) children until two years of age What do you 'have to say about this?--Mrs, T.S. He might be right or he might be a kook. There isn't any ideal temperature because we all have our individual preferences, but room temperature isn't the important thing--if that's what he means. How warm is the baby? It is true that healthy habies tolerate lower temperatures very well, first because their metabolism tends to be high, and second because they usu- ally are snugly dressed in sleep- ers or whatnot. A bedroom, for babies or} adults, at 60 degrees is com-| fortable and proper with appro- priete night clothes and covers. If covers are light. however, 60 | degrees wouldn't be very com- fortable. If your son-in-law is talking about living room temperature, that's something else. Even he, I suspect, would.want a sweater or jacket at 60 degrees. Common sense ih dress is the main thing. Most babies, being part of the family, live in the same temperature the rest of us do. It is true, though, that some people go overboard and keep baby bundled up in wool when the temperature doesn't call for it, Baby is uncomfortably warm, and can't be blamed for fretting. As to the claim that 60 de grees is '"'ideal,"' what about babies in climates where the temperature seldom or never gets that low? They thrive. Dear Dr. Molner: J lost 110 pounds in a year with thyroid ex tract and a 1,530-a-day diet, and I'm a happier person. My friends tell me my bloodthyroid gland hag contributed to'often is an extremely useful and +2--John Forsythe Show +3--The Fugitive 4--I've Get A Secret om Pm 11--Tony Bennett %--Andy Griffith +2--Dr. Kildare 7--The Legend of Jesse James 4--The Lucy Show *:00 Pi %--Country Music Mall 8-2--Kraft Music Halil 7--Man Called 9--Bingo 7--Donna R 63--Friendly 10:45 Mr. and 8-2--Moerning 4--Andy Griffith 1 Pm Mona McClusky &Taxe A 7--Peyton Place 8-2--Paradise 4--Last Days of Kinzua 4--Dick Van Albert J %2--Run For Your Life Coeey 63--The Sixtiees 18 PA 3--Mone McCluskey 10:45 A.M, 63--Chez Helene T00 Pa. 19-4-7-4-43:3--News) Weather end Sports Tie Pe, 6--Viewpoin? %--Metro Final 11:38 Pa, 180 Pe. The Saint 3--Third Man 1:4 PM %--Plerre Berton @--Siattery's People 12:8 T1--News; Weather; Soprts 6--News Cap TUESDAY 4--Mike's Carnivel 8d Allen 4--Gypsy Ri 2--Doble G 10:08 Am rses 9--Playtime With Uncle 6-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Canadian Schools 4-1 'Love Lucy 1:38 AM, 8-2--Concentration 4--The McCoys AM, 63--Chez Helene 7--The Young Sef 6-3--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Mayberry 43--Aeross Canada A.M. W--Racing Forum and TELEVISION LOG 0:00 Pm. a 11--The Merv Griffin Show %--Toronto Today Valley 8-2--Jeopardy wrence 12:18 Pe 4--Speaker of the House 12:3 PA, %--! Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play 64--Search For Tomorrow 3--Neonday Repert 12:48 PM, 11--News 64--Guiding Light 1:00 Pm. Theatre f--James Beard Show 6---Matinee 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date File Weather sew PM. A House Kengeres AWB. Kids Is People J--Nurses 64--Password 3--Basedall 2:15 P.M. %--Dear Charlotte 2 Pa 9%--People in Conflict With Uncle For Dollers Talk La 4--Linkletter's Party 8:00 Pe, 11--Donna Reed %--Fractured Phrases 6-2--Another Werld 1--@eneral $43--To Tell The Truth 0:00 Pm. ll--Funny Company eed Giant %~--Kartoon Karnival 4:00 Pe, Mrs. %--Mickey Mouse Club Star 8--The Match Geme 7--Early Show 6-3--Bonnie Rudden Show 4--Secrat A.M. Steed 9--Abracadabra Bay |&3---Razzle. Dazzle Dyke Show | 4The 4Thirty can turn into water. Some say it can affect my head. Is that true? The doctors give me credit for will power. My looks certainly have changed for the better--Mrs H. I will never understand why the excess weight. And it stil takes will power, restricted die = exercise to accomplish re sults. No, this medication certainly will not make your blood turn tc water or affect your head. club by an American player - with one spade (vulnerable) on: .. 476482 YIL004 @EQS AS + His partner jumped to two ' notrump with spade AS heart . A8652 diamond 1092 club KQ6, over which Siniscalco bid three. hearts, which went down one, - but at one point in the play, Sin- iscalco actually could have. made the contract. t 5 MEN OUTSTRIP FOOD ~ Food production in Latin © America grew 6.5 per cent in. the last five years, while the - population grew 11.5 per cent. . MOST ARE WORKERS About 80 per cent of Russia's, , college students have worked in ~+ industry for two years. 4 SALLY'S SALLIES ~ X-CHANGE You Con Exchange Skates That Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. | WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF | THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- | DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Note to J.: The wheat germ won't hurt you, but neither will ir improve your eyesight or "open up your arteries." Dear Dr. Molner: Is a hiatal hernia the same as a diaphrag- matic hernia.--Mrs. 8. P. Yes, they are the same. Mrs. B. P.: 'Encephalalgia" A Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, ete. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. calamity-howlers get so much pleasure out of telling people that something terrible is going to happen to them. Clearly you have done this re- markable job of reducing under medical supervision, and equally obviously, your thyroid was not operating properly, so the thy- roid extract was used to get it)means pain in. the head. info normal condition \'lumbar puncture'? means a Thyroid treatment is. not '"'an|puncture (a very tiny one) in easy way to reduce". Rather, it/the lower part of the spine, to helps in cases in which a lazy|get a sample of fluids. This 723-3224