Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1965, p. 11

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ime lp Ring abt eon Sebi he oy aS FE, Husbands, Wives | ANN LANDERS Ermine Nightie, For Christmas |" ""* "Sr * ; ns - Wi ssh ec unant een 02 ae Combine Talents Modesty Is Not Henry's Gift To One Of His Wives lsist.*%eta".tirc' tot 2° | PERMANENTLY In Unusual Jobs aie ha sg NEW YORK (CP) -- od ong haan't cm coreg collarless fur coat with a but- ROBERTA ROESCH "4 . 4 mine nightgown was a Christ-|how to pluck guard hairs and) a tow weeks ago in this cal Extinct Yet ! SP \ ras citt trom Henry VIII to one|sheer the pelts to a flat beauty. ton-on elbow-length cape whtch umn, we vited some examples of his wives. In medieval| This winter there is great and|can be a formal entity in itself. bog of hu#pands and wives who is Be.» Bitrance, the nobility wore col-lrenewed interest in fur linings. ocotrast firs are tatersating| Ey os eh combined their talents and cre-| jjear Ann Landers: Last night,will tell you the father-dauchter|ored_furs From the 16th-century_or eae By MARGABET NESS have detracted from the effect.| Aaiso new and practical is his Superflupas. aig ond the: newest 7 fastest selek- F Shortwave F ' : : vo iiere, as seal vi ieopard, aied their Gwin jobs. j i * is stronger than the fa-| But furs had been in fashion|and coats were mostiy fur lined. As a result of those stories, a yen _ 7 F ccnage Ss "omaha tend" bathers may re-|centuries before Henry's lavish|Then Worth started the vogue aoe ak as Pigrarenan "4 rp ye in ean ot very geek reneurem., &. See iepert (heir sok bat they adore oe. t known exactly when ae ek Men niet to in slightly rippled skirts and with accounts Of bo! ei i hters, -- Mother "s not kno , ; i : unusual jobs that husbands a ot the. poste Sa Sp ah eae tae they ceased to be bag gar- -- ia Psat right up to the pee in clutch styles for eve wives are pursuing jointly. - h our meal I Mother: I've received ajments and became luxury ce . ¢ fet enjoy each letter that comes to war totes ee the coune A ge mail on this subject andlitems. Certainly primitive men Fur-lined coats were reintro-| Fur hats or hoods are impor- Will be in Oshawe at the | \me and hope to receive Many) mother unbutton her blouse andjone little poem keeps cropping}and women wore them for duced by Mainbocher in the|tant also. White or black|{ Genosha Hotel Nov. 22, 23,244 = \more. : proceed to breast feed her child|up--about 3,000 times. I'd like warmth in cold climates. First 1940s, went ype style ae leather hats make a stunning PHONE 723-4641 4 One that intrigues me most/right there in the dining room. |to pass it along. they tied the skins around their|and have been staging a revival|contrast with a fur coat. today tells of the joint occupa-| 'Two boys, about 14 and 15| "A son is a son until he takes\bodies. Later they sewed fur-|the las' couple of tion of Dorsey and Joyce Alex-lyears old, were seated at theja wife." lined trousers with bronze nee- TWINNED WITH TWEED | ander, Berkeley, Calif. next table with their parents.| A daughter is a daughter all/dies. | Some 10 years ago there was Together the Alexanders run|phey didn't take their eyes off|of her life." ; | By the time the Normans con-| "U0? 1 iry mood of fur on The Turtle's Quill Scriptorium|the nursing mother. Their par-| Dear .Ann Landers: I was|quered England, furs had been) 303. niacy and white fox ap- in which they design and letter|ents finally changed seats with| widowed when I was in my latelelevated to fashion. Otter and| a' 00 tweed coats and books in much the same man-|the boys so they would not be|20s. I have been married to my|marten adorned silks and bro- etinky evedinn gen. Fix CLEANERS ner that was used for copying/facing the "floor show." second husband for 18 years.|cades. By the middle ages furs)) oy oS this winter on ' manuscripts in the writing) | expressed the opinion that|They have been the happiest 18\became status symbols. Cardi- 1520 h wae ack and oven NOW HAS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS room, or scriptorium, of medie-| nursing a child in public was in|years of my life. inals wore ermine as a symbol! (°° CS' "Tt 'Hoor-length for- 1120 $ val monasteries. They also OD-|very poor taste. No one at our! About a year ago an interest-\9! purity. Later it became the ae e 0 Simcoe St. N. 728-2361 erate a commercial lettering/table felt as strongly as I did.ling lively couple with three chil-/fur of the nobility. Leopard |™a's- iad te a © Oshawa Shopping Centre business. Am I old-fashioned, crazy orldren bought the home next|Skins were worn by early Greek | igi oe - oe Po vad pl 725-1023 The Alexanders came up with|what?--All Alone door. The woman is attractive) Priests. : "it ng ability te Nantie fae : : |their idea for a modern-day| Dear All: You are not alone.|and 15 years younger than I|_ What is new in furs Hoge Ard boven ei 'ein neccip ora A for pick-up and delivery call |scriptorium when Dorsey began|I'm with you. The person ifijam, (1 am 50). Perhaps the only thing is that | i ni a de br a a Ae rol 728-2361 copying original handwritten|charge of the dining room) 4: fret 7 thought I might be|"O¥ there are so many cca ari nf de: er iodariy manuscripts in the rare books|should have shown the mother), ing things but now rm {ties from so many countries. | public note, pop ek 4% \department at the University of|to the ladies lounge. People who Sr oe B ecchtor woman is try-|, For example, there are at) These suits and dresses aren't =| California library to obtain aldon't know better need to be ce Taw we ther husbana|least. seven colors in fox, in-lentirely practical for warm,| \better understanding of letter: | told ey v sbiy Thee Med. in(cluding the cross, a long-haired |centrally-heated homes arid res- 4 |ing. Dear Ann Landers: A recent Parag * ae Tataae, s in| jelt somewhat similar to silver|taurants, but they are elegant. | Joyce, who had studied com-| column about fathers preferring Tar i aie i at a righ with a reddish tinge. It's be- And what woman, if she could mercial art, was interested injmale offspring to females na or di ee utr : "isd coming quite popular. Lilly afford this extra fur ensemble, | e . i 4 \what Dorsey was doing. |goaded me into writing my first a sia ge ann k US*! ache featured it in her fall col-|would mind a little discomfort | so fie. e : lletter to Ann Landers. aise aig 4 staat rinks in| ection for Wells-Treister, in alto look so ultra-elegant? Leo} we TO COLLABORATE Why do'so many people as-|the other room. Last night she| a oneq and tied cuddle coat./Ritter of New York has de-| -- P } ee ee " | lee saat cape | WT So, after they thought it over,/sume that fathers want sons |SPid, presumably kidding, "If jsigned ultimate elegance in a TOTAL BRITISH LOOK they decided to open a scrip-\and not daughters? This theme|YoU ever get tired of Bob send BEAVER FAVORED |Russian broadtail suit, the jac- : _. |torium and collaborate in book! has been driven into the ground|"!m to me and take Harold." | Canadian beaver became poP-|yot handed in black fox. From Clive of Lond - laut sod 6 oreo hig | production. lon ay ie the poi Raber) Should I play dumb and con-jular in Europe after Jacques For this winter the most im- lag Dre wat To pect and flame checks, Un- | Typical of their work is the)novels and daily conversations|tinue to be friendly or would it|Cartier opened up the Las "\portant fashion news is the re- | hat Fi designed especially der it is a suit of jade green |recent hand - lettered book|--and it just isn't true. Many |be best to chop the friendshipiport trade in, se Persia? iturn of the jacket. It has never by Graham aaith to be wool and the turban is drap- |Chinatown--A Legend of (ld/families yeam to hae a girl/at once?--J. A. G. W. lamb was goers y Atl ry,|quite gone out of style in Can- rn with the outfit, The ed in jake green jersey. |Cannery Row published by Mil-|and they get boys, boys, boys,| Dear J. A. G. W.: Even with- nent in the mid-19th hia Y-\ ada where it has a definite pe 1a? seomnictths in --By TRACY ADRIAN |ton Morris Publications. land more. boys. But we neverjout the problem you describe|Miss Dache uses it in @ Disque) 7) to) evening. Ritter be- <1 4:28 nd vedhhe oivinaetinidle eae iss Sees | The text was compiled by|hear about them. lit's always best to be on a luke-|dyed coat and hood, double-|) 7. firmly in the jacket as} |winston Elstob. The entire book; My husband tells me that|warm, invitation-only basis with breasted and with notched la-) -- CHILD GUIDANCE was lettered by hand by Dorsey|Very few men care one way orjyour neighbors. Under the cir- pels. land illustrated with wash draw-|the other. He says the "I want|cumstances, however I strongly) The great designer Charles IN NEED of a lings by Joyce. a son" routine is a little game|recommend a_ sublte cooling Worth brought sealskin into Stubbornness Is Cured lg 'OUr system is to. work on|it© BOYS Play. Any pryehiaristland finally a permanent (reeve. eh "previously it had. beni HOMEMAKER? \the same page directly or by) With Kind Words | pasting the drawings next to the| KEEP IN TRIM Pate gn Aggie yond eng tee] ' \lettering,"" explains Dorsey. lenuffs and neckpleces were' all aa ee OR EDR. RAIE OEE EEA ARNE SOLE AL "In this way, each page of a) the rage. And just before them Call... By GARRY C. MYERS, ch him if he did not Pook Is complete before it goes Dieters Always Eager |First World War, lingerie was | the printer and little is left ltri ith f simply be- If you have a child between) ey. : : i jtrimmed with fur, simply RED two and five years of age, He| Having requested this young-/'° erence ope Mmaxiniuen Unity |cause it was scarce and expen-| may be very stubborn at times.|ster to pick up the toys I Tih ae sing on ee To Help Each Other |sive. | Honmdmaker Service Published studies reveal that | plied that he could choose Working' ts On ee Furs have even gone out of; pa gy rg gi elit he didn't che egy te ae (doing something that they both| ,, BY IDEA JEAN KAIN _ let-down can be both unpleasant style. In a as gomge ig he at 723-7073 youngsters during this age pe-jIf he didn't choose so ee! is. important artistically| _1t has been the heartening ex-|and unproductive. This need not dresses were so new and fash: | riod. had not disobeyed. I had not : : ¥\ perience of this dietitian that/be, for there are ways to cope ionable that bulky furs would 19\commanded him at all. Then 1|and at the same time serves aj; | wi : Suppose your youngster aks no occasion to punish him|Practical purpose giye Dorsey dieters are eager to help each|with hunger and sustain energy ' ach |wi WITH or, three scatters a ox of ;lit he chose not to pick up the|and Joyce deep satisfaction. Tie vechniaues which have en-out of hand. © SS : van NOW ONLY °259. srace y' Tr s ; in ; -- - ; 4 4 about to leave them there.|blocks. But once I had com-| "And from a woman's point/abled them to reduce and be. This is where the controlled YOUNG Contemporary console in Walnut finish featuring preys xx Then 'suppose you command|manded him, told him he ec view," Joyce says, "being in| happy. Ni Transformer-powered chassis . : J ' snack plays its important and ' | New. Visto. Tuner,; %", D. 1534". this child to pick up these toys.|Pick up the blocks, I, naturally,|a business in which we can) One dieter who had repeat-|helpful role. The best hunger ye AGES eee | speakers. H. Th Wins Sod OA cirfcuits @ Automatic ' | i | bine our talents to create) j ; | st : 2 Illuminated channef in- He probably won't. Suppose you felt obliged to make my word)com ' ledly failed in her attempts to|quencher consists of a protein to Sronnel equalizer, @ Bete ade Ph ant proceed to make him obey, and good. heed = jobs wong ~ I can lose because of her habit of in-| provide energy at a given rate, > You con see the prettiest and most peace fashions : dicator ° New ae Se pal your, view= say, "You mist." You spank) Here is a nice distinction|*) '@ Orne An vive I be poe discriminate nibbling, now has|together with sufficient bulk to fon BOVE on GIA 1's. + HARUN Te Ie, . oo Bae ey tre special treat! him, and he screams but which makes sense. But in alljW! giving up the creative par'iiost 12 pounds without goingigive a feeling of fullness. | LAY-AWAY for Christmas Early doesn't pick up the toys. the years I've been writing this|}9f running a home which, as @lhungry Snacks can be designed with The Best Costs Less ot... | 7 AS LOW AS 2 A WEEK Ing hours an ex "t thi wife, I feel is so essential to) «7 7, : A , our anger grows you|Column I don't think I have pre- ; fawn I feel that I must give a these two purposes in mind. The en ype svc se ana|vailed on very many parents 'ola happy marriage. ____|word of encouragement to other|pick-up that helps to cut ahead span " jdiscern and observe this dis-| jstruggling dieters. I find theof hunger and wards off over- harder. Still he doesn't obey. If|tinction. Most parents, regard-|" THE STARS SAY late afternoon energy pick-upjeating at the evening meal, is you beat him almost to death,|less of their native intelligence included in protective pattern is all to the good he almost surely won't. In des- ota amount bat resign ~ By ESTRELLITA the life saving answer." The working girl who does not : : sider a request they make of a | Right. A purposeful snack canjhave a late afternoon break, ji Deration Wty tee agent ee child the same as if it had been FOR TOMORROW save the day for the dieter.|can have her pick-up immedi- - 88 Jaslee w. bodily with is and an S'a command. This is a time in which to|\Come the late afternoon, and aiately on arriving home. Here se right hand with your other jf they ask the youngster of/emphasize your originality and) ------------ ------_------ are a few ideas for these sus-| Open Fri. to 9 p.m. i i te : pre gey | hand, drag him to a toy, closejany age to do something and|Spirit of enterprise. Try to fin-| ynich time your prestige should taining pick - ups with calories) his hand over it, yank him tolhe doesn't, they are angry and|ish incompleted tasks in the|jave risen considerably. limited from 55 to 115. (Calories | ; ' ; , A distinguished Indian was an out-of- i jadd in word or deed, "You|forenoon and don't let unex- : in brackets). pes i bo: s . W 6 4 guest at a civic reception, During the box and release his hand.) 1,» pected obstacles faze you. A mere Ti MENT 8s are con the course of the evening one of the ; ; St. ; 4 i Cup of hot tea with % oz. j ; red) You say to him or silently to {minor revision of plan could/cermed, you can expect the first) at Pe tity officials 'rather potronizingly de- yourself, "I'll show you that/PHYSICAL DISCOMFORT -- ..|solve any problem. \10 days of December to be ex-| cube cheese and 2 crackers ided to recognize the 'poor savage'. you must." Yet you just fooled) When you wish your child) ce jcellent; also the first three prcenlet on Sik made bs : "How: do yeu like eur.sitve' he asked, yourself by supposing you made|two, three or four to do some-/FOR THE BIRTHDAY weeks in January, the first 10} Cup of skim milk, non-nutri- ; : Ning. tee ted man: reviled, "How de him obey; you only used him as|thing, make of him a request;| If tomorrow is your birthday,/days of February, the first) tive sweetener (100); Sliced , you like our eountry?" | any weather-ee a robot. He didn't really pick don't command him. But if he|Your horoscope indicates that/week of July, mid-Aygust, when| half apple Half ounce Swiss up the blocks. is doing or is about to do some-|YOU now are at a pivot point| you may have an unexpected) cheese (100); Glass of but- 4 STORES: | any CivPeCece In a single day you may have|thing you are sure he should where realization of not only|stroke of luck, and throughout termilk (85); Half cup fresh " many tragic scenes like this|"ot do, say "No" or "Don't"|immediate, but many ultimate/September and October. | "Or frozen: orange juice (55); , j 92 WOLFE | one. You must have been prac-|just once in a moderate tone,/80als is concerned. In fact, as} One admonition, however: Do) Cup of hot bouillon, -- pe 17014 MARY'ST. ee tising him: in stubbornness. If he does not obey promptly |°! yesterday, you entered an ex-/be cautious in fiscal matters in| Slice, two rye wafers (69); Fe , : raat. 'sme shi Cup skim milk, 2" square ef 12 BOND E. ; ard give him physical pain or some cellent year-long cycle which}late February, most of March ; ' ' ; rgd er a went other chtective cioaet a promises a gratifying upgrad-|(but especially during the last saltines, toasted with se- ; : 924 SIMCOE N, would you have done: mediately. As you do so you|iM& Of your career and finan-|week and during the first three-|_ same seeds (100); My answer is that I wouldn't : 4 iz.(Cial set-up. In the former con-|weeks of April) when you may| ° AGENTS: have told that little child in the/'¢ter him; the forbidden act it-| J : | : ; ne\self becomes repellent o ss(nection, you should make con-/be joffered a. risky proposition} . ' @ United Toxi, 143 King St. East first place to pick up the toys.|Stlf becor s repellent or less|i 0 progress between now and/and, with the Sagittarian's tend-| Mess! Agicror @ Roxy Variety, Resslynn Ploze I would have asked him in a® * ; : phe Dec 20; again, during the lastlency to "take chances," you quiet, persuasive tone to put the : a ae whet non little} week of January, in May (alcould yield, svith unfortunate re- | toys back into the box. Hoping tot to do something and give', most profitable period for|sults. Also, be conservative to win him to do so I would -- Fo hag "anges pie both employer and employee),jnext November, when you may ASTHMA CURES : . | Snowy days, rainy days, have, cheerfully, helped him, B you want aim '0 ©° through August, September and|be faced with some unexpected! If 9 Can asthma be cured? | : : ; and as he joined in helpiig me, becomes repellent and he in- oa : ' . Can " ee | windy or chilly days... J pimg m feats ; ~ \the first half of October, bylexpenses. A. The basic principles of I would have approved him|clines not do to it. Make pleas-|--__ Pa - cine Gra inoue bit-ewal cuvenla you'll be ready for ore hard to come by. Asthma] with a loving pat and gracious 2%t the many things you want) ee words of praise. your child to do in your pres-| ; | FOR YOUR | them all with these jence and painful only the few| We Guarantee to breathing tubes, which tend to] is due to inflammation of the| a DIFFERENT ACTION \things you want him never to) | a A | fashionable all-purpose _If, however, he were seven orjdo. Then you won't have aj SAVE YOU Se 2 ies Gots of case -- coats that h eight years old, I would have'!stubborn child, Cirintiy avaiable Anica ont Since | go everywhere. | ore ~~ Nave PARENTS' QUESTIONS $100.00 rete oo eligi of oc i ates RES Q. Can we praise a child too @N YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST ma; they cure nothing. Cure BAKED HONEY CRUNCH often? | PHONE 723-1163 933 RITOON RD, 5. | ; : Apples" is a recipe which in-| 4, Hardly, if it is for a def- is the cause of the irritation and | . "i ~ she | removing it, correcting com-| cludes a touch of crunchy|inite desirable act he per- | | % ea rs ; : % plications that may have de- crispness, a bit of honey for/formed with effort. THE FOOD PLAN THAT veloped, and co-operating with| sweetness, and spice and lemon - | | of asthma depends on finding nature in her efforts to heal/| juice for delicious flavor. it you e) S | fi the irritated tissue of the| | i 7 3 : cuoose FROM midieerpeloccn: "3c TOWN and COUNTRY | | ACASMUASCAMS DIMMS) Bho rr) PEE Cancesr partment of Agriculture, Par- ists 2 aaa eee I mation is removed that heal-/ s liament Buildings, Toronto. Charcoal House =f ing will occur. Selection if you are looking for a quick, This Restourent was ereated for | FISSURE or FISTULA. & : 3 : o your Dining Pleasure. Our food is ' : b : easy, new, and different com: IB the very best money can buy. a : . ; Q. What is the difference be-| pany dessert, the Ontario Food If you plonning @ femily / ; . tween an anal fissure and on Council suggests "Cheese Good-[% gathering, club meetings, oro fl) BS / Ete anol fistula? : | ; f Ph ies' served with fresh, tangy [ Christmas Party or Banquet. En- 1 fi : ees ¢ 32°C Ft ee . } A. A fissure is a slit-like elon-| j for every decor; bud-} apple sauce. Instructions for JM auire ebout eur BANQUET ROOM, I : gated, shallow ulcer. A fistula ---- Bats F Paget er teste. making the Cheese Goodies drop by end see us er phone ; i , peck ge or tube-like abscess. | f may be obtained from the On- § 723-1821. : 3 | cia Gt bance or a tario Food Council, Department H Le : : Bows § : , ing... e of Agriculture, Parliament 15 Bond E, 723-1821 1 5 i €, . : | a ae in for Buildings, Toronto. : i % eur CALL her's lt ond ~ 3 ; ; ; Sa é we'll pick up ond deliver your prescription, MODERN HAIRSTYLING 4 'gad eo Zz aan aati" INEUER TED Toronto, Ont. Pp yet out cold in winter; hot sun in summer, Is Proud Te Announces et | FIBREGLASS PERMANENT The Return of o- : A new drapery fabrie thot's easily kept eleen; wesheble; ettractive and Suburben Coots -- a POW. iccccececss WE © Custom Mode pes ur trimmed, From ..ccceseecs 29.98 R I T A A N H U 7, : a ~ = Bnedicun phlei tl in most populer size ranges for | Leather and Suedes -- From immediate installation. f CUSTOM MADE-TO-MEASURE To Its Excellent Styling Statt "ere T fica" Sars St ycrny, "hte moment ne ee BL ACK' LADIES' _--" WEAR LTD, Se Call Now for An Appointment HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 28 King Eost Oshewe! wy A ay 2] tf » . imese St. N. 72 Si N 728-1 132 13 Prince Si. 926 boner big N Open Evenings til 9 p.m. imcoe North i | Free City Wide Delivery i Simcoe St. $. et Athol 725-1151 Open to 9 P.M, Fridays

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