BA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 19. 1965 Fuller, Happy Life for Youngsters ms f See ete O Oy See soln spa cl Aim oi Women's Welfare League The Women's Welfare League; The program for girls and && ® | of Oshawa. are the directors of| boys at the Settlement House ; Simcoe Hall Settlement House,|and at the Boys' Club is basic- : Simcoe Hal] Boys' Club, and ally the same, offering gymna- : . Simcoe Hall Crippled Children's |sium activities, Crafts, and spe- Schoo] and Treatment Centre. cial interest clubs. The swim- ming pool located at the Boys' & y | 9 e Club provides the opportunity -- Scout Executive for year 'round swimming. | At the Crippled Children's ied es . . Ladies Auxiliary 'Centre, physically handicapped Tie Oshawa District Commit geet of the area says ~ | Physical, ccupation tee of Ladies Auxiliary held its | Speech. therenh attend Ptah annual meeting recently with! ang have the opportunity of tak- 4 tore Ps Sigh gyre a 'ing part in social activities such e tretary, ; Nag Varnum, read _ the minutes. | sgilnd co esd concen etate Mrs. Walter Atherfold gave the NURSERY SCHOOL treasurer's report. | The Settlement House is the Annual reports were given by |centre for the administration most Auxiliaries as well as re- | and welfare work of the League, ports fromm Mrs. J. A. White, | and also houses the Nursery Mrs. Gordon Varnum, Mrs. | School, Speech Correction Walter Atherfold, Mrs. Jack | Classes, Piano Lessons and the McAdam, Mrs. John Kellington. | Golden Age Club. Mr. Charles, World Chairman! The Golden Age Club for men of District Council, installed the |4nd women over 65 years of new officers with Mrs. Gordon age meets each Thursday. This Varnum and Mrs. Ed. Sim-| Very active group have a num- mons as flag bearers. | ber of special projects including New officers are: Mrs. Frank | raising funds to help with Gravelle, presidenr; Mrs. | Speech Therapy at the Crippled George Fiches. Mrs. J. W. Children's a! entre, and making Sleep, vice-presidents; Mrs. Nel-| and contributing many quilts son Wright, secretary; Mrs. and layettes for the welfare Walter Atherfold: treasuer; | work of the League. : Mrs. Jack McAdam, supply sec-| _ Officers for 1965: Past Presi- retary; Mrs. George Fitches, dent, Mrs. A. P. Fulton; presi- visiting convener; Mrs. Larry | dent, Mrs. H. Millen; 1st vice- Ostrom, Mrs. Roland Kinton, | President, Mrs. J. Chmara; 2nd Mrs. Jack Goyne, telephone vice-president, Mrs. L. Wake- conveners: Mrs. B. H. Peter-/ ford; 3rd vice-president. Mrs. J. gon, social convener. |Galbraith; recording secretary, On November 25 a special | Miss Grace Burns; correspond- meeting for presidents and vice-|ing secretary, Mrs. L. Wake- presidents of all auxiliaries | ford; honorary treasurer, Mrs. will be held. | E. YV. Lander. HOW MUCH SHOULD YOU PAY FORA HUMIDIFIER? Humidifiers are priced according to , Capacity and the number of convenience features included. Electrohome, leading Canadian producer of humidifiers, offers widest choice in price, features and cabi- net finishes. See the complete line. é é e oe __. BLECTROHOME PORTABLE di you k Small, compact Electrohome mow... portable is ideal for single rooms, nurseries, offices. That there IS a Dry Cleamer in Oshawa that CAN get your hus- _ High impact colour-keyed case weighs only 5% *] 995 pounds. bands shirts exactly the way he likes them? Well there certainly is! My husband was complaining again about his shirts, and |. had just about had it, then | saw this ad for Acadian Cleaners, so | dialed 728-5141 and in no time a truck was at my door and ELECTROHOME AH210 A feature-packed humidi- fier. Automatic humidi- stat maintains household humidity at any desired level. Signal light indi- cates when water tank is empty. Unit shuts: off auto- matically. I gave them hubby's shirts (and a suit too). Well you wouldn't believe it! When my husband sow his shirts he was beside him- self. They.were done exactly the way he likes them, and he made a comment that His suit was like new. You can blieve me, we are now a ONE CLEANER FAMILY, try them yourself. ACADIAN 44 with 2- M66 effers H88 _ suitable H110 has water speed fan. ideal choice of decor for 7 reem indicator, quality J 4to " tinishe home, deatures $ rooms, \ CLEANERS __. McLAUGHLIN 299 BLOOR ST. W. 728-5141 Coal and Supplies 110 King St. W. 723-3481