Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1965, p. 28

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 17, BRIDGE = By 8. JAY BECKER - E ried col Chomplon in ns igh West dealer. North-South vulnerable. Le THI C'MON, BUZ, HONEY, PING ME TWO POUN' h LET'S DANCE AGAIN, OF GROUND ROUNI FOR HAMBURGERS fhieone NTO M1 THE MARKET Ae pi erG HOUGH_IN H@R TWENTIO®, WORLD WARE, MARY AMAeRiCA GERBON, "QUEEN, WAR BONDE WITH PLAvooY AMER/' : #8 STILL PLAYING CHILD rE ACTOR OOUGLAS FAIRBANKS 8R. ROLES ee ae 'AND Fs ee "tee £ ee pine | E scind jeod ~~ onl cael a t DAY ill ipa | Se Opening Jead--nine of spades. = rita pa WZ In many hands declarer - tell from the bidding the ca: each opponent holds in a pare ticular suit. Knowing CTR these cards are located fre quently makes the play of a hand simpler, and seldom does a competent declarer have trouble with such hands, However, the fact is that. quite often in such hands the ( i declarer fails to read the hand Z.! i Ae ' writing on the wall, as fash-: ioned by the bidding or play, and he sometimes comes out on the losing end as a result of, this. a Here is a case where de- clarer went wrong. South got to four hearts and West led the« nine of spades, Declarer covered " with the ten and won the jack. with the king. After drawing trumps, he led the kng of diamonds which lost .|to the ace, West returned a... spade and East's A-7 gobbled -~ up the Q-5 to produce three... tricks for the defense, East re-.~: turned a club and South went~ _ down one. sata Now let's go back to South's" first play. Suppose he had«~ played the queen of spades on: the nine, instead of playing the. -: ten on it. In that case, if East ~ ; pesca yy would wae HEAVENS, NO score both the queen an ba Gree while if East took the ace, he." 1 GOT A.. would be unable to return a spade safely because of dum--» my's ten, ° This restriction on East's* play would later have proved fatal to the defense. Eventually South would discard a spade on dummy's fourth diamond, reo~ gardiess of how the defense: '* went, and South would make «« the contract. ro? It is not difficult for declarer to figure out how the oppon-'*" ents' cards are divided. He can tell from the word go that'* : East's spade response consists *" TELEVISION LOG |ivrmis'anic e's A-1 and that West's club bid is *" Channe! 2---Buttalo 10:00 PL 11:20 AM, probably based on the ace of Channel 3~Barrle l---Merv Griffin Show = /&3---Across Canada diamonds and a number of clubs ° Channel 4--Buftalo ae kane Show 1180 - headed by the A-Q-J, Ae Toamos Burke Secret |11--Albert J. st Playing the queen of spades. nian ero at trick one is therefore prac... 4 PP your AMERICAN-ENGLIGH SZ 3 I MUST GET BACK TO MY ICAN-ENGLIS a E OOLTEACHING JOB-- ANNIE SPEECH LESS Aaa DOE EA ne v0U WONT HAVE Slot BE RETURNED TO AaB, fig TOSIVE YOU" Even 17 TES PO RETURN TO AUSTRALIA THERE ARE OTHER MATTERS PRESS! Us FORT CUP +++ UY UY fy ¥ FLING= BUT THERES AN EVI i Ly MORE IMPORTANT REAGON-- 'i, 7% kl mo "= Se == | a" =: = ft} THAT EXPLAIN WHY RED TIGER NOT Liker AIRETRIP BUILT ON pooreTeP / THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Z CAN'T HELP IT ANY MORE THAN SHE CAN HELP LOOKING RADIANT AND BEAUTIFUL / FAR RET AGENT X9 me he SE! DONALD DUCK THAT MUST BE WHAT BLACKIACK . RE AN' PE CONE AW Bias CONE TO TOWN LOOKIN' FOR ME, 1. Scrutinize 5. Talk 9. Possess 10. Stockings 11, Sulked 12, Surprise result, Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 8&--~Rochester Channel %-Toronto Channel! 11--Hamilton eae cone oma ' ove. 5:00 P.M, li--Family Theatre « 9--Five O'clock Show 8--Superman 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel %Lloyd Thaxton in Pm, t--Leave it Te Seaver 7---Rocketship 7 é=Musi nag Pia gan fold Bay oe ae 4--Dick "Van Dyke Show Itically certain to do the job, x sci | Bus-Strike : Looms For :: 110-6-7-4-4-3-3--News &2--Call My Biv Weather, Sports in spo! 14, Bird: Latin ters 15. Having a 26. Musica] Yesterday's Answer handle 16. Macerate 17, Unit of 2-Money Movie hls Pe, ya ny oS as %--Metro Final 8--Pepeye and Pots oyiere" 118 Poo 1180 Po 4--Speaker of The Houre 1188 PL, 1--News PmI Love Lucy #-2---Let's Play . Search For T L d . risus zac | ONCONETS 114 Poe, = LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Facea with' a threatened strike by its*'~ employees, the. London Trans<, ~ portation Commission said Mon-* +» day it was prepared to meet ~:~ ° S-Meting with union representatives "ats. 28, Mingling £100 A.M. ELnchens bike any time" to resolve the dis« ~ 32. Edible "iceeotain Kangeres | Soeuelwe daltons, [ute, " seat y T-theyenne. Site Aci, swine" Deugion. The -empioyees Sunday night' : -- BEE: niga OST rm --_ 240 to 4 to go on strike © : Ronikee. wah 'Une rgean 0 after rejecti a conciliation *" Booby Net] &4-AS The World Turns board remit on wages and~* working conditions. te No date for a walkout has" ~ been set, but the men legally ~ could leave their jobs Friday, Seven days after receipt of the report. The decision has been™' . left to the executive of Local -- 741 of the Amalgamated Transit Union. A strike by bus drivers would - | sect | Movie be the first in London since : | 9--My_ Favorite Martian |p oponcentcation | boar dane ae 'nti YOUR HEALTH NE | Saat, Creexeraerry | Saecey Giant /k=Bonne, Read, nent ite ie : r &The McCoys | Frac cae jrecommended a 10-cent hourly ui . o-seert ha macnn wera (SAE; IMeTEaSe retroactive. 0... 10:45 " oe here | PtcAnether wertd |suly i, a further 10 cents fons Many Alcoholics Re 4 | are MON eee eras |-43--To Teil the trum (the first six months of the Pe i S Fe | 100 Pe | een Deceptive <u es fe | 2 Pm ond year, and a five-cent raises): 9-63--CFL Play-OMs Untunny Compene for the second half in a two. - 7--The Big Valley Meve By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD (aa : | i Dear Dr. Molner: Could you; Does your fifth-a-day victim |_'--°'* Ven Pyke |8-2--Morning Star #-2--Bob H t--its Your year contract. | gg lope explain this? A woman, aged 49,/really eat siely and ad Bests ace gd jutte: . i 4--Andy of Mayoury bt A Ah Say The union had asked for a 40--*> |b3-Take 30 cent-an-hour package increase, .-;. .- drinks a fifth of liquor each/quately? Or does she nibble ajhelps, but it is far from thebut that housekeeper just isn't night (more on weekends) andilot, but not get the foods she/Whole story. |talking sense. Not all antacid 81, Deities 33, Before: naut, 37. Cuckoos 38. Solo 40. Ch h+--Lete Show é--Night Metre he PA, ll--=The Saint 4:00 PM, 6--Sports 1-2--N 6---Generation &-Movie 1:40 PLM, %--Plerre Berton 6--The Long Hot Summer Hop 3---Hudson Bay 7 16 ll--News 6-4--Guiding Light 100 Pama, \l--Theatre %--James Beard Show THURSDAY 6--Matinee 6: Ni--News 6:30 PLM. 1i--Famiiy Theatre | *-43--News; Weather | | | 12:30 A.M, |}}--News; Weather; Sports | 6--Newscap conjunction end Sports 8--Huntley-Brinkley ews MICKEY MOUSE 7:00 P.M. N--Gilligans Island 9--Camp Runamuck 8--Rip Cord 6--News, Weather, Sports GRANDMA JUST PUT | | ... GAVE IT A TRY...AND TOGETHER A HOMEMADE | | CAN'T GET OUT/ JUNGLE GYM OUT OF ~~ 38, Yi . 4--The Honeymooners SOME OLD PIPES... . 3-12 O'clock High . 2--Huntley-Brinkley V 1 : : : Report sign Y) nw PM, Green Acres 9---Gidget #2--Virginian 7--Onie end Harriet | 6--Provincial Affairs 4--Lost in Space 200 Pm 9--Kids Is People \--Ed Allen 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Dobie Giills 0:00 AM U--Nurses 8-2--Fractured Phrases &3--Canadian Schools 4-1 Love Lucy 118 AM 0:00 PM, 9--Bingo «8 %--Dear Charlotte us Pm %--People in Conflict. #8--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us &--Love That Bod 4--Linkletter's Party GRANDMA © _--_ cu SUAS 17 aiuialdauit i I MOST OF THEIR ACTIONS ARE CONTROLLED BY INSTINCT... w= JUNIORS A 118 AM, er Fun Edge of Night 4--Fleids Of Sacrifice but added that the workers-<. 2--Kartoon Karnival would consider. settling for a ~: raise of 20 cents the first yearn... and 10 cents the second. 3 Drivers now are paid $2.16. 0.5 JULIET JONES MUGGS AND SKEETER |}with a vengeance) usually eat|or has the most uncontrollable ap-jreally needs? She may be un- petite you could possibly imag-|dernourished in spite of putting ine, yet she is thin and gaunt!on a good show of wanting food. looking.--D. B. G. There are still other possibili- Alcoholics (and anybody whojties. Cirrhosis of the liver could irinks that much is an alcoholic|be a big factor, or other defects with: illnesses -- tuberculosis, mproperly and inadequately. ee An uncontrollable appretite|*! pase common: i8o) ve loesn't always imply corpulence) Sounds to me as though the or various reasons. I just fin-|lady should have a thorough hed reading an articlé by Mil-/Physical checkup at once quite n Golin in which he told of a /aside from her addiction to al. oman whose husband was \Cohol. If her health in general way most of the week. Every|can be bolstered, there may yet 'riday she bustled around and|be time to do something about wut dabs of food in dishes injher drinking. he icebox to look like "'left-) vers" so he would think she| Dear Dr. Molner: I have a ad been eating, instead of lot of pimples on my face and ostly just: drinking, all week have stayed away from candy lent-for such farfetched decep-\should I do?--M. M. against getting into a regular but with ng. Many alcoholics have abut nothing happens. Wha'|sive use throws the digestive|month or two early, and oc- \ " jtract out of balance, chem-|casionally but not often when a ions. Avoiding candy sometimesically, and upsets the digestion, ilittle earlier than that. Dear Sir: My sister had alpills contain bicarbonate, jittery stomach and I suggested] Dear Dr. Molner: Can a baby| that she eat one of those candy-/born six months prematurely roll antacids. Before I could get|live? At what month is a baby one out of the wrapper, our|fully developed?--Mrs. J. B. | housekeeper told us they were; If you mean a "six-month! bad, primarily made of baking|baby," that is, born three! soda, and that they would liter-| months early, it has some| ally eat holes in the stomach.ichance of surviving, but it {s| Do you think they are safe, or/dangerously premature. | will repeated' use be harmful? If you mean exactly what you --G. K. wrote--six months prematurely, I don't wonder that your sis- Meaning that it has been devel ter has a jittery stomach with |oPing for only three months, no, a know-it-all housekeeper like|there is no possibility of sur- that. No, occasional use isn't|vival. harmful, and won't make any) Babies aren't fully developed Holes in the stomach. I do warn\until the normal time for birth, incubators, special habi! of taking baking soda or feeding, and so on, a lot of other antacids because exces-them now live when born a jand mechanics $2.31 an hour. <. SALLY'S SALLIES =~ 9 "While I'm doing his nails, it's Obvious you can take ® #5 ooties beak.

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