ficial opening of the French-|land adjacent to the Fairport) Trustee R. H. Brown's motion|would come to $3,000. man's Bay Public School. The|Beach School site. to offer the owner $18,000 for the} Trustee John Williams College Head ceremony will be held at 8.15) The land, in question, would|property was defeated. Mr.|gested the board had be used by the school as a play-|Brown said the board's lawyer|around with a decision p.m. on Dec. 6. Open Sc ool The board also passed a mo-|ground area. The board's offer|had stated the property migh too long and To h tion to proceed with expropria-jof $11,500 was refused by the!be obtained at 315-000 through Free fewer ation to ROSEBANK (Staff) -- Picker-|tiom Proceedings on a parcel ofjowner who asked $24,000. expropriation and that legal fees|priate the land. ing Township Area 2 School Board has asked the princi- pal of Scarboro College, Dr. Plumptre, to officiate in the of- 22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 17, 1965 High Court Reverses Ruling On Communism LBJ Would Aid Jury System WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- dent Johnson said Tuesday night he will ask Congress in January for legislation "to pre- vent injustice to Negroes at the hands of all-white juries." County Team Places Second UXBRIDGE -- Ontario County was well represented in the Inter-County Livestock Judging Competition at the Royal Agri- cultural Winter Fair. WASHINGTON (AP) = The,tivities Control Board in 1962 'United States Supreme Court to- day declared unconstitutional a requirement that members of the U.S. Communist Party must register with the government. The requirement is contained in a section of the 1950 Subver- sive Activities Control Act. Justice William J, Brennan delivered the 8-to-0 decision. Specifically involved in to- day's decision were William Al- bertson of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Roscoe Quincy Proctor of Oak- land, Calif. The Subversive Ac- ONTARIO COUNTY FARM CALENDAR Nov. 17, 8 p.m, -- Uxbridge Secondary School -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir Rehearsal. Nov. 18 -- Queen's Guineas 4H Club calves taken to Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. 4-H Club members participating -- Jim Newman, Udney; Larry Bagshaw, Wilfrid; Donald and Sandy McTavish, and Ian Hogg, Uxbridge;_and Dorothy Brown, Oshawa. Nov. 19, 10 a.m., Toronto, Coli- seum -- 4-H Club Queen's Guin- eas calves judged. Nov. 23, 7 p.m., Sandford, Community Hall -- Annual 100 Bushel Corn Club Banquet and Award Night. Nov. 23, 8.30 p.m., Greenbank Community Hall -- November Meeting for Port' Perry Junior Farmers. Nov. 24, 10 a.m., Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room -- Annual Meeting for District No. 4 Toronto-Milk Pro- ducers. Nov. 24, 8 p.m., Uxbridge Sec- ondary School -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir Rehearsal. Nov. 25, 7 p.m., Zephyr, Com- munity Hall -- Annual 500 Bush- el Potato Club Banquet and Award Night. Nov. 27, 7 p.m., Cannington, United Church -- Annual Ban- uet for Beaverton Junior 'armers. Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, Peterborough -- Regional Conference for Ex- tension Workers in the area. Nov, 29, 7 p.m., Uxbridge, United Church -- Federation of Agriculture Banquet and Annual Meeting. Dec. 1, 8 p.m., Uxbridge Sec- ondary School -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir Rehearsal. Dec. 2nd, 8.30 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall December Meeting for Brooklin Junior Farmers. Dec. 8, 8 p.m., Uxbridge Sec- ondary School -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir Rehearsal. ordered Aiberison to register, A similar order to Proctor was is- sued in 1963. The justice department said Proctor was a member of the Communist Party's national committee and was on the New York State governing board. The Communist Party of New York expelled Albertson July 7, 1964, calling him a "police agent." He asked, however, that the supreme court rule in his case as well as that of Proctor. Albertson and Proctor ap- pealed to the supreme court after the U.S. Court of Appeals here upheld the board orders. AFFECTS 34 OTHERS The supreme court was told that outcome of the case would affect board orders against 34 other persons and seven simi- lar cases pending at the board level. Justice Brennan said the risks of self-incrimination involved in individual registration "'are ob- |the county, the team had visit- The Ontario County team, con- sisting of Carle Parliament of RR 2, Cannington, Keith Phoe- nix of Greenbank, and Fred Waines of RR 1, Cannington, placed second out of 13 teams at the Royal; following the visit- ing North Simcoe team by 25 points. Keith Phoenix was a box, in both state and federal courts, the sacred domain of justice under said. He spoke to delegates here to plan for a White House ciyil- rights conference next spring. Johnson described the juny as 'We intend to make the jury law," Johnson "the cornerstone of our system of justice," adding: "Tf its composition is a sham, its judgment is a sham. And when that happefis, justice itself is a fraud, casting off the blind- fold and tipping scales one way for whites amd another way for Negroes. high individual in the competi- tion, with a score of 884 out of a possible 1,000 points. Fred Waines was awarded the gold medal for high individual in beef cattle. The Ontario County team, sup- ported by alternate Fred Cather- good of RR 2, Uxbridge, had partiipatedc in a series of judg- ing tours and programs prior. to competing at the Royal. Within ed the herds of Neil Raines, RR 2, Blackwater; John Leask, RR 2, Seagrave, and Elvin and vious." The requirement to fill out | and file a specified form, he declared, "is inconsistent with the protection of the self-incrim- ination clause" of the constitu- tion. Ken Beggs, RR 2, Sunderland. The team was coached by Bill! @ Cooper, assistant agricultural representative for Ontario Coun- ty. Explaining the court's ruling, Brennan said an admission of membership, such as required in the registration statement, "may be used to prosecute the registrant under (for example) a section of the Subversive Ac-| tivities Control Act." RELICS WEIGH TONS | Among the monuments being saved from the rising waters) behind Egypt's Dam are four statues weighing} 1,000 tons each. | FRIDAY JAY'S RAYDER'S SHOWN aT 8:55 SPECTACULA "Peter O'Toole is fascinating!" -N.Y. Herald Tribune A Film by RIGHARD BROOKS Dencing 9 p.m. ill 1 2 BIG TECHNICOLOR HITS! (aa, Dec, 10, 1.30 p.m., Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room -- Preliminary Meeting, " Ontario County Milk Marketing Committee. WHI YOU ARE! COMING SUNDAY--BILTMORE TODAY FEATURE AT: 1:40 ~ 3:35 5:30 - 7:30 9:35 p.m. PLAZA ° ___ [wmucorons) Ig ONE COMPLETE SHOW STARTING AT 7:15 PsM. FIRST TIME IN OSHAWA! _s LIVE ON STAGE ! "A Major Ballet Company of the World!" « - + DENVER POST COMPANY OF 85 @ NATIONAL BALLET ORCHESTRA ONE NIGHT ONLY! WED. NOV. 24th -- 8.30 P.M. PROGRAM ONE IN FIVE @ CLAIR DE LUNE @ SOLITAIRE THE NUTCRACKER, ACT II TICKETS NOW ON SALE sas ALL SEATS 3.00 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE "THE LARK" by Jeen Anouilh OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE'S "A MUST FOR THE FIRST MAJOR PRODUCTION THEATRE GOER"' November 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 in McLaughlin Library Theatre Curtain Time 8:30 P.M, -- General Admission 1.25 MICHAEL CAINE . Joseph E. Levine _-- 'Stanley Baker Juliet Prowse Siegfried Mynhardt_ Ken Gampu comme JAIMI® UYS ane vy tin poten STARTS TODAY, STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge at 207 Dundas St. W. Whitby The Finest in Nightly Entertainment Proudly "THE GALAXIES" Direct From New York City THE TINIEST BIG BAND IN THE WORLD EXCITING COMEDY AND VARIETY Entertainment Nighily at 9 P.M. @ JAMES MAHER--Manager a the Presents IAT Buehler's 12 King St. E. SIRLOIN and WING STEAKS BONELESS RUMP or ROUND STEAK ROAST CUT-UP TURKEY LEG, THIGHS 69: and BREASTS .... lb WINGS, ......°...... Ib. 39 NECKS and BACKS | Ib. 19: LEAN SLICED 19 FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED TURKE (5 to 8 Ib. Average) 39: 123-3633 SPECIAL Hind Quarters OF BEEF 03: i} END | l | CENTR 9 PEAMEAL 'BACON 89: By The Piece By The Piece WIENERS 2-99: SKINLESS CUTS SALMON STEAKS E CUTS 9 ANY ONE ITEM 8 Ibs, Pork Hocks 3 Ibs, Veal Patties 3 Ibs. Rib Stew 4 Ibs, Country Sausage $1.00 A 12 KING ST. E. 723-3633 STORE HOURS: Open Friday till 9 P.M, Saturday till 6 P.M.