THE OSHAWA TIMES, 1] Wednesday, November 17, IAN'S FOE Josiah Moses Gondo, 50, is the leader of the opposi- tion United People's Party in the Rhodesian waster assembly. (CP ca Ajax Schools Facing A Facelifting AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax Public School Board decided Monday night ti hire architects to draw up plans for alterations and renovations to all Ajax Pub- lic Schools. Monday night the board passed a resolution that costs of the plans are not to exceed $1500 and that the ac- tual work would be included in their 1966 budget. Property Committee Chair- man J. D. Reid reported the Lord Durham School addition is progressing satisfactorily but that it vas not believed that stu- dents could move into the six- classroom addition before Jan. 1. The board decided that a fence be erected at the north- east corner of the Lord Durham property at an estimated cost of $752. Finance Chairman Bruce Gowdy said that according to the expected provincial grant the Ajax School Board's 1965 budget is expected to show a surplus of $5,000. The provincial government, in answer to questions by the On- tario Board of Trustees, regard- ing parents' liability of willful damage to schools by children, was informed by the board that from Jan. 1, 1964 to Oct. 1, 1965 children in Ajax have been re- sponsible for the breakage of]' $2,550 of windows, storm win- dows, screens as well as some roof damage and wood carving. The board said the damage dur- ing 1965 had abated to a large extent due to the placing of no trespass signs after dark on school properties. Management committee chair- man H. Philps said a new cross- ing guard had been hired at the intersection of Burcher rd. and Bayly st. and had so far report- ed no problems. Trustee David Lewis suggested a sign be erected at the inter- séction probhititing right turns on red lights. Bruce Gowdy sug- gested the traffic signals be regulated to disallow right turns during peak pedestzrian per- jods. It was estimated that up- wards of 500 school children use the busy intersection daily .s. at Karn's | POLAROID COLOR PACK CAMERAS from CA ™) [ RYAN 28 King East -- Oshewe 723-4621 ! Deep Browned In Tomato Sauce Reg. 2 tins 480 -- BAVE 190 LIBBY'S BEANS | 5 rtorm 89 Nescafe (i4c Off Deal) Reg. jar $1.19 -- SAVE AN EXTRA 40 INSTANT COFFEE = sé: 1.15 Shirriff Lushus, Assorted Flavours SPECIALI JELLY POWDERS 9 2:50:1.00 KETCHUP 3 shoes .00 Now, right before the holidays, your Ads makes it easy for you to send "just what they wanted" to friends who would appreciate a gift of feod. A&P is making available gift certificates in $1 and $5 denominations redeemable in any A@P Food Store in Canada. BUY YOUR GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW A@P Sunnyfield WALNUT PIECES Marvel (Assorted Flavours) pint brick 27¢ ICE CREAM half gallon container B9- Perma Sharp, Double Edge. Stainless Steel pkg of 5 5 % RAZOR BLADES 3-0z aerosol tin 99: DEODORANT 15-fl-oz Hin 29: 215 fl.oz Nins 3 9: Fancy Quality, Halves or Sliced 14b vack pack tin 1.1 5 Welch's PEACHES _ vemontt PRUNE NECTAR rfloz bt 3 Oe Fancy Quality Yukon Club (Plus Bottle Deposit) Mix or Mateh--Your Choice PEAS GINGER ALE = son 8 20/076 99e 8-07 pko 4 5 DEL MONTE Choek Full O° Nuts COFFEE Wonders of the AMMAL Wunepom PACKETS 2 through 9 NOW ON SALE--BNLY 19¢ ea. : BAKED Fo8 Fox YOU WYFW LOVING CARE BY JANE PARKER LARGE ANGEL CAKE "=". JAME PARKER SUCED Reg. 27¢ -- SAVE 6¢ ITALIAN BREAD CINNAMON ROLLS CHEESE ROLLS -- Detergent Reg. Price box Se -- SAVE AM EXTRA fe OMO tx OFF DAL stent see box 7 Qe White Swan (White or Coloured) SPECIALI TOILET TISSUE 2 re a2 5 3 Gerber's (All Varieties) Strained SPECIAL BABY FOODS = 8 shorn 95< Jell-e Lemon SPECIAL! PIE FILLING 3 mor pro 9c FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Mixed A&P VEGETABLES 21 pot bas 49 Carnation SPECIAL! TATER GEMS 5 toa pkos 9c Bare Lee Reg. Price pkg Pee -- SAVE 4e CHOCOLATE CAKE 14-0080 7 5c LAKE PERCH FILLETS +59 HADDOCK FILLETS 16-01: 49 Sea Seald Shopsy's ROAST BEEF o Gav sertotbes 3 3c Shopsy's (With Spaghetti Sauce) Pon phe BBC MEAT BALLS These "Aap Exelesive 'Brends" ere Your Best Money-Saving Volves | A:P 20% PEAS => 20-fi- ox tins SAVE UP TO Me OVER OTHER BRANDS Cheloe Quality AYLMER PEAS 2.=:«4.7% APPLE "oe sauce 9°99 Cholee Quality, SAVE UP TO 16 OVER OTHER BRANDS AsP WHOLE an 89. POTATOES wr WHOLE POTATOES 2=+.-21¢ AP) FOOD STORES ALL PRICES IN THIS AD QUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1966. OSHAWA, WHITBY and BOWMANVILLE AGP Fancy Quality JANE PARKER Reg. 99e--SAVE 46 JANE PARKER Rog. 29e--SAVE 4a CALIFORNIA EMPEROR GRAPES Lerge Sweet Clusters, No.1 Grade 4-49 In co-operation with Conadian Apple Growers, A&P supports "APPLE WEEK" APPLES GRAPEFRUIT SPINACH LETTUCE CUCUMBERS ~2#2:-~ POTATOES dane Parker woh 3D 24-02 loaf 21 ¢ pkg of 8 3 5: reste D, De Woodbury Hair Conditioning Reg. Price bt! 88e--SAVE Me CREAM RINSE bfx bi @Qc Sweet Treat, Sliced or Tidbits Reg. tin 350 -- BAVE ibe PINEAPPLE 3 20.02 Hine BYe Geisha SPECIAL! ORANGES mrcien 4 thor ins 99e Mutt & Jeff (Ground Liver, Midney or Beef) SPECIAL! CAT FOODS 4 700 hrs AO Macintosh ORTARIO GROWN, FANCY GRADE CURLY LEAF, WASHED, READY TO COOK, No. 1 GRADE 3 caterer Se oabeatstioc: 10 69 soar eto bor Qe eech 1 9. 225: 25.8. |. O9 CALIFORNIA, LARGE, FIRM HEAD, No. 1 GRADE ONTARIO NO. 1 Reg. Priee each 480----BAVE 100 APPLE PIE 24-01 Peek Frean --- Mix 'n' Match -- Your Cholee SPECIAL! BISCUITS you cic Ch tox ptas av. Gorden Creams, Custerd Creeme, Beerben |. Prot Creams, Assorted Premium SPECIAL! CLARK SOUPS | 6 vtorm 99 Chichen and or Vegetable 24 ke 5 De Australian RIDDELL RAISINS At? G@uarantess the EAY os wall ox a Ae SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY -- CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND STEER BEEF WING ROAST or SIRLOIN STEAK Boneless TOP ROUND STEAK ROAST Boneless POINT SIRLOIN ROAST Boneless RUMP ROAST 89 SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, VAC PAC ALLGOop SIDE BACON COOKED HAM «59: SMOKED 1-LB ; ICED - RINDLESS ¢ PKG SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED BEEF LIVER MAPLE LEAP, SLICED BOLOGNA r3% 639 8X BRAND WIENERS BURNS, RINDLESS, VAC PAG SIDE BACON 8% Zrvs Oe wtroke > Qe SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, VAC PAC, HALVES SMOKED HAMS