THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 18, 1965 13 THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Very little can go wrong when you have loyal backers to aid you in overcoming personal ob- stacles--as you have now. Main- tain the contacts that have value, intellectually as well as materially. In your turn, have the proper compassion for those who are troubled. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, currently, you are in a fine pe- riod in which to advance job in- .iterests in such a worthwhile manner as to not only merit More Poised Jackie Kennedy _ Strives To Accept 'Unthinkable' By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON the conclusion that they will al- NEW YORK (AP)--After her|ways be with her. But the new husband's assassination, Mrs.|Mrs. Kennedy has learned, to John F. Kennedy wrete:|move among them, smiling and "Learning to accept what wasjgracious and at the same time unthinkable changes you." as separated from them as The young widow has marked|though she were securely en- two years since beginning the|cased in glass. ANN LANDERS Police Not Bogeyman But Child's Friend Dear Ann Landers: I am ajfrightened by a bug and you police officer in a large city and|never got over being afraid. z I ask you to print my letter as| It is normal to fear the un-|task of accepting the unthink-| The task of decorating her a public. service. known. If you knew more about|able, the tragic event in Dallas,|15th-floor, four-bedroom Fifth Last week we received a "'lost/bugs you wouldn't be terrified, |Nov. 22, 1 ; Avenue apartment took a long child" call. A five-year-old boy} Read up on bugs--they are| Time and remembering andjtime. The huge, apricot-hued had wandered away from homelfascinating creatures. Then gojlearning to accept have inevit-jliving room where She enter- and the parents were frantic. It/out and find a ladybug and put ably effected their changes. tains at small parties is fur- took 50 policemen' almost 24/one on your hand. From lady- "She will never again be the nished with French period hours to find the child. He was|bugs go on to fireflies, then|same woman," observed Mrs.ipieces upholstered in delicate hiding in a garage two blocks|grasshoppers. You might be-|Herve Alphand, wife of the for-|pastel brocades, The room has from his home. come so interested that you}mer French ambassador to the/18th-century paintings. and gold- When we found him I asked,|may decide to be an entomolo-|U.S. and longtime friend of the/plated doorknobs. Her city "Didn't you see- the police?/gist. Kennedys. a -- A accessible only by the attention of superiors, but ogh abla Feral 4 Gist Adu Laide? 1 ds & Bae ey mg PP gece: private elevator. [long-ago when her bubble hair- to bring you increased profits. swered, "Yes, I saw the police burned up I can hardly see.!nicting emotions. She cherishes|TAKE HOLIDAYS does, semi-fitted coats, collar-\In fact, where finances are con- But mommy' sivave tcid ae Please correct my spelling be-|the memory of her husband and Mrs. Kennedy and her chil-|!€ss pric ooe low-heeled shoes|cerned, your outlook is more that if I was a bad boy the po-|°@Use I am too mad to spell| pants everyone to do so. dren visit numerous other Ken- vad e lel 0 Me sl pleasing than it may have been lice would put me in jail. I was|"8ht- "He has changed our world|"edy-clan households, or take|CeMy Decame reas °F for some time and, if you grasp afraid." wae | I sent a wedding gift to theland I hope people will remem-|Ski holidays. Sometimes the |American a ag \ail the ouigetaniis ilabl Why do parents use the police|daughter of a friend. This aft-\ber him all our lives," she has youngsters remain behind with). What she has become instead) Spo nee syauaye as bogeymen to frighten smalllernoon the bride's mother asked|written. an English governess while|i8 8 social page nai between how and the end of @q pmoys siais3uno, ;uaxpiryo|me to go over to her daughter's| Yet she has found other mem-|their mother goes off for brief Fp eet och eyacgge as March, you should make still taught that the police officer is|apartment to see how nicely shelories too painful to bear. rests at Porto Ecole, Italy; Ac-|? ddeniy © :? THE lace {urther strides along these lines a friend. This attitude of fear|had fixed everything up. apulco, Mexico, or Antigua, it suddenly becomes Pieceiin late July, Septemb d often carries over into adult-/ Well, I looked high and low|HAS NOT RETURNED British West Indies. ier ae a ee | 3 Mrs. Kennedy has not re- Whenever Mrs. Kennedy ac- late October. Other good. pe- hood and the cop is considered |f veddi ft, which Bl As unchanged as it was dur- rc wo's an enemy. ef shoula have beenin Sat. hen turned to the White House sheling her White House occupancy|cePts an invitation to a ee ioe for work interests: Late Please, Ann, explain to people|I didn't see it I asked where it refurnished, despite repeated|is her determination to give the benefit or a first-night opening,|December of this year, and how wrong this is. We officers\was. The bride said, "I didn't ong ep the present youngsters a normal childhood.|tickets are a sell-out and pub-|January, late April, October} need your help. Thanks.--O. M. want to bother you, but your Wher ge 2 an tn eo shad Mrs. Kennedy often walks icity ae guaranteed. a ang: PAY November of next. | Dear 0. M.: You've explained gift arrived broken so I took it)" Jacqueline Kennedy !with the children in Central|Wit outside, hoping to see her.| Personal affairs are alsq gov- JACKIE KENNEDY Ce eee Anytime is the time to be in New York AIR CANADA FLIES TO NEW YORK FROM TORONTO/HAMILTON 7 TIMES A DAY-- | AND THAT'S MORE OFTEN THAN ANY OTHER AIRLINE! $28 Especially now that the pace of life in this great city has picked up with the coming of the cool, comfortable weather. You'll also find the city less crowded... great shopping oppor- Economy one-way from Toronto it--and 'I hope it hits home. garden was dedicated, her back to the store and got some- |Park across the street from her thing else of equivalent value." Talented, stimulating peoplejerned by fine influences, so look mother, Mrs. Hugh D. Auchin-| partment, or takes them horse-."enowned in the worlds of the-/for harmony in domestic and tunities ... bright new shows and old hits on and off Broadway -- it's the International Alrport Here's when we go: Dear Ann Landers: I am al-| | fee] this was one heck of a pita Priggouruyes Pad her. MTs. /hack riding there. On one early|atre, art, music and literature |social relationships; also inter- most 14 years old and I amliot of nerve. If a gift arrived cing * ieera . hpi in of morning she tried unsuccess-|--but not necessarily wealthy--lesting developments where ro- scared to death of bugs. When|broken shouldn't the receiver friends, "because of the pain of} rin 5 persuade a surprisediand friends from the old new mance is concerned. Best pe- I see a spider I just about crack/jet the giver know? Is it the grr ten th lpatrolman to give John, 4, a/frontier make up her exclusive|riods along the latter line: The| up. Even a grasshopper throws|hride's place to take matters! "ae mg! " p vt annt-|ride on his motorcycle. circle. current month, January, May,| me into a seat. Caterpillars and|into her own hands and find out\weonched. Mrs. Kennedy did apt| Once @ week, usually on Wed-| Mrs. Kennedy is: marking/late June and late July. Do not| things that crawl are enough to|how much the gift cost? Please|r spark i" aye eayeoe ot ; nesday, Mrs. Kennedy spends 2 time, wishing off the months take September or October ro- make me nearly faint. publish my letter and your reply pig " aks hi a I the|/ong day at her cheerful Park\and years, her secretary says,,mances too seriously, however. | ' : ee ieee ane se nae ani eng|Avenue offices, for which theluntil the time when Americans Look for a possible change in I hate to think of going-through|and educate certain ignorant! i | newspapers and magazines kept] overnment has allotted her snlwill honor her husband on the Your home environment in 7.30 a.m. 10.20 a.m, 1.45 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 5.40 p.m, 7.10 p.m. 10.35 p.m. When do you want to go? best time of year to enjoy the enter- tainment and excitement of the won- derful world of New York! For details, see your Travel Agent or, write AIR CANADA in Toronto at 130 Bloor Street West. AIR CANADA @®) Great Gift Idea! Give an Air Canada tickét to that special someone! For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHIT BY--BROOKLIN 140 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 © IN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? Call... RED CROSS H ker Service at 723-7073 PHONE 668-8867 This Restourent wes erented for | your Dining Pleasure. Our food is §) the very best money ¢an buy. If you ere planning @ family §) gothering, club meetings, or @ Christmos Perty or Banquet. En- quire about our BANQUET ROOM, drop by end see us or phone 723-1821, 15 Bond E. Homes Heated By Clean & Dependable 723-1821 Black's Ladies' Wear FUR TRIMMED - and UNTRIMMED INVEST IN HAPPINESS ENJOY this CHRISTMAS AND 1966 IN YOUR OWN NEW HOME =o BY -- .Fmstrong 0% BRIGHTER lomes $900. 'Yous BONUS NOW AVAILABLE 40 CHOICE HOMES READY NOW IN ROLLING HILLS ESTATES GRANVIEW AVE. AT OLIVE AVE., OSHAWA The place you'll love to live in . . . Rolling Hills Estates ,in Oshawa . . . is a develop- ment plonned to keep poce with the times, The homes include mony pace-setting trends not usually found in homes of this moderate price range. There is a wide variety of plons based oh modern living for 1965. e CONVENIENT TO BUS SERVICE ,. , SCHOOLS , ond RECREATIONAL FACILITIES All Armstrong Homes Include These Features, 'No Extra Cost 12. Front and side yards sodded. 13. Sidewalks installed from front te driveway end side door to driveway; Fancy ceiling in living-room and. dining-room, 5. Oak floors throughout where Asbestos Vinyl tile is not installed. . Metal iron railing. installed on front porch where there are three steps or more. Copper toned built-in triple paper towel rack. Clay brick '4 Bullt-in Kleenex dispenser. . Poured concrete basement (with lifetime guer- antee) . Mohogany trim. Built-in range and oven, Your choice of bow wiftiow or picture window, life scared of little things. None|people. Thanks.--Mrs. Burnt " of my friends have this problem| Dear Mrs.: Sorry, Lady, ttl Pcidle "Pasere ter beat nao nual $50,000 budget. There|promising day that life began|July; chances to travel in Jan- so I know I'm not normal. Why|f can't understand why your|retary : ee es"|she is surrounded by memor-\for him, his birthday, rather|uary, July and September. am I like this? Please help me./hair is on fire. I think the girl] cm: abilia of that other life than.the day on which it ended.| A child born on this day will --- mr 2. |was considerate, not nervy, She, Rl parila gto gp nd Mckee volunteers help Mrs. /~ ---- = |he._ «sendowed_~=swith sea salt ar Bugged: When you were|spared you trouble by doing the! ee "|Kennedy réply to hundreds of : reliance and integrity; will also very young you were prohatayl igh herself. : ' [mation to be used in suchjietters each week. She has) MORE olbhew cine -_ |be creatively inclined. | ~ a cle bg Pe Sta! __ |articles, I could see her wince|three staff members, all once| Labor-saving devices in Nor- --E jat the thought of the whole ter- employed at the White House. |W8Y have helped 40,000 more KEEP IN TRIM [rible thing starting all over! Now that the Massachusetts, married wou take jobs in mt geste : legislature has granted a site|dustry than was the case in eae The rich and beautiful 36-|for it, the Kennedy Museum js |1950. . RECS Positive A roach F d Pl year-old widow has only lately|Mrs. Kennedy's main interest., pp J 00 an shed her mourning clothes for|/She now is soliciting recorded| PILES UP PRIZES G . : leny's Goel cones saw tia Siperbons "Wan. sate meuae or The winter OF the Mise Came y's ; S Ajpersons who were heads o q ins | ame For Overweight Child | radiant smile and a_ready|state or White House employ-| 202 sea hguie eso a \laugh. But one source close tolees during the Kennedy admin. $6,000 in cash prizes and $24,-| i. ---- sg | ~~ iSchool snack be prepared andjher says that sometimes wheniistration. |000 in merchandise, including a le best way to help the|ready. This can be a low calorie|the gaiety subsides waves of) ' : gy ose "ned to|pudding made with skim 'milk | desolation sweep over her. sg Pf nag nae gta hi ur cantante nano > || use the positive approach, em-'a hard-cooked egg, ingre- s is no longer a fashion- Phasizing the goods theldients to make § Fee calgrie (DECISIONS NEEDED trend setter, a fact that de-| TRY youngster may have. Such re-|soda. Let it be something "spe-,, Ftom the moment her hus-jlights her. She deplored the TOWN and COUN marks as "no dessert for you, |cial." 'band was murdered there havepublic attention focused on her young lady, you're too fat," The nutritionist advises par-\been important decisions tojchoice of clothes in the not-so- Charcoal House only create rebellion. She knows ents: 'Don't make an issue of/Ma@ke. By arranging every de-|------------------__________ mn | ahe's too fat! a weight problem." Helping and|'ail of the president's funeral WOMEN OFTEN This was the essence of the harping are two different things.|ste Showed she can and does) | suggestions given by a nutri- Encourage exercise. One un-|'@ke hold in a crisis. The move/ HAVE BLADDER IRRITATION | tionits who works with over-|derstanding mother persuaded a|t0 New York, the schools for the) atter 21 twice as many women as men | weight children in a clinic. dancing teacher to have a spe- children, plans for. the various | sre made Sane G6 sara, taacericnia 6In this clinic the wor 'et' 'cial cl nthe chubbies, Her|Seimedy. memorial projects te Cau oe et ee eee cae is strictly avoided. ie over-| youngs came home all quired decisiveness and she |taused by Kidney and Bladder irritations, | tg aos Benes thas = smiles, remarking, 'I had fun showed she had a a Fass of water'3 times daily dor a few | r 00 often. In-|, . and I'm not the fattest! er. new confidence shows | days. SO CPRTNG RERAET BTte* stead, the talk centres on the one in the class." ithrough, 'say friends, She is | Hheunatiom, Sciatica Pains, Headache, food plan.". Children love fun,| | much more poised than she was | Backache and muscalsr pains. Get = wd many of them the food A at first lady. j plan becomes a game and a W d K Once painfully shy, she now challenge 1 OW ' eeps is comfortable in the midst of 4 me clinic eg food plan is crowds, as if she had come to worked out with the child or - mith the parents: When tne oy LONely Watch | ---- tritionist feels the overweight is | eager to reduce and old enough' AIN-A-DIEU, N.S. (CP) --| to understand, she likes to work|Eliza Campbell, 62, is retiring with the child alone. "Children|at the end of November after become interested in reducing |29 years as lighthouse keeper on teased by their classmates." {lonely Scatari Island, two miles Growing youngsters have high from this community on Cape calorie needs, so a reducing Breton's south coast. plan should provide ample food.| The only full-time lightkeeper There is no need for the child|in Nova Scotia, Mrs. Campbell to go hungry or feel deprived;|took over the operation of the Variety, choice and substitu-jisland's western light in Sep-| tions are highlighted in the|tember, 1945, following the| clinic food plan. Flexibility isideath of her husband. Mr.| AT the keynote. Campbell had been in charge of Treats are another important |the station since 1930 part of the plan. The treat can' The light may become an au be a low calorie dessert, a soft\tomatically controlled unit when drink, or special party food|/Mrs. Campbell leaves, thus end such as low calorie ice creamling the Campbell dynasty - at with fresi fruit. The idea back the Main-a-Dieu lighthouse. Her of the treat is to help the father - in - law was appointed chubby child be part of the keeper by the federal transport group. department in 1912. s ' She plans to live with her ee, finds it won daughter in Bridgewater, N.S., derfully rewarding to work with following retirement From now} these overweight youngsters: 0" it will just be "'light nouse:| "When they sense you are keeping' for her, she says with really trying to help them they B grin. are eager to co-operate. Often' Mrs. Campbell raised three they will voluntarily limit the|children on Scatari Island and treat to alternate days: or toone of her two sons was special occasions." drowned in 1950 while serving For younger children, the nu- a8 assistant lightkeeper at an-| tritionist works with the par-|other Nova Scotia station. Most! ents, urging them to keep the|of the 20 years, however, she food plan interesting. She says: |lived with only the companion- "Keep the portions: smaller .. .,Ship of the unpredictable sea. a small baked potato, a medium| She isn't 'grieved' at the size apple, a smal! banana prospects of quitting, but she For working mothers, the nu- says she'll miiss the lonely cliffs tritionist suggested an after-land pounding surf | I $1095.00 ene mentees TALISMAN COLOR TY NEV' RLECTROHOME COLOR T.V. -- at -- YOUR COLOR TV STORE | PARKWAY | TELEVISION "We Service What We Sell . . 918 SIMCOE ST. N. . « CHURCHES... Quolity coats... oll your favorite styles, colors ve and fabrics, untrimmed . Copper tone hooded exhoust fan in kitchen. . Stainless steel kitchen sink . Colored ceramic wall tile for bathroom ond colored fixtures. Valance boxes in living and dining room . Kitchen cupboards and doors natural stained imported mahogany (custom built) Doubla loundry tubs . Forced air gas heating -- or forced oir oil heating. All electric light fixtures. i . 100-Amp heavy-duty electric wiring installed, . Divided bosements with recreation facilities. . All services included: paved road, sonitary, and storm sewers, .individuo!l water connec- tions, curbs, and fur trimmed to suit 2 eR your toste. Choose now and be sure of the widest ms ; eX ee a selection, BLACK'S Ladies' Wear Ltd. 72:SIMCOE.N. HOWARD'S Anns See | 926 Simcoe St. N 5 } 725-3144 | ARCA cea Bias @ Custom Made Drapes EXCLUSIVE AGENTS REAL ESTATE ®@ Broedioom Ourselves" PH. 723-3043 ELECTROHOME TELEVISION WITH THE DIFFERENCES e Custom Made Slip Covers OSHAWA AJAX 723-4645 942-3310 PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT