Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1965, p. 7

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: THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 GOODY! a1 aus HoPes THty WAVE 4 (REAL GO-GO BAND! Seturday, November 13, 1965 DON'T FORGET 'THIS IS LATIN 'AMERICA, TINKLE, BRIDGE THE DANCING 1S By 8. JAY BECKER ALSO LATIN, J (Top recordholder in Masters' individue! Championship Pley) WE'RE GOING DANCING AT THE PLACE IN TOWN--~THE niet | : pulpy 1 WOULDN'T (ree BETTER bie) UI veh een red North dealer, Both sides vulnerable. BUZ SAWYER © King Features Syudtionta, lan, 1965, World @ DIDYOUTRY J 7 hi chogton ke --Robert Bartlett FPTER THE MIRACULOUS AESCUE THE KARLUK CREW, Se, roe BARTLE He pi > HAVA N 426 'SAILED 200,000 MILES OF AND. 1941, THE 'CY SEA, NO MAN IN THE NEWFOUNDLANDER| | WORLD EVER KNEW THE SECRETS OF THE A THAN ROBERT BARTLETT, MASTER MARINER OF THE NORTH J' West Pass Pass Pass Opening lead -- queen of dia- monds. = : § You don't always get punish- = : me ed for bidding or playing badly. ; Lt BUT WHAT ABOUT US? 1 GOTTA © 7 5 n a NUT Tis Say por Ae: WKN BE GETTIN' IN SCHOOL SOMEWHERE; \r ii /-/i4 Nor SAYING 1 \ fm |Sometimes the gods smile kindly WAS AWEUL STUBBORN-- BUT NOW AN' MR. FLING HASN'T WRITTEN ONCE CAME HERE TO FIGHT YOU, CLAY -~ BUT RE minim " i when you goof, and reward you - EVE BEEN UP HERE ~SO ey i " generously for poor bidding or SINCE Wi 1M NOT BACKING QUT OF ANY - HAVING WD WH) i = ly f biddi } NP = By THATS OFFN MY MI Z =. WHATS GONNA HAPPEN play. Of course, this gives you ~ 5 ree > * S wl a 2 fay opponents and pretend you're actually a superior player who knew all the time what you were doing. Take this hand where South wiggled into six diamonds. This was certainly not a good con- 7 3 ¢ wee 5 tract, though it was not helpless. i - frei if ( ae : tt The odds against making the the right to look smugly at the ~s 'THE LONE RANGER my : it sa ' j Z if slam were about 2 to 1, which | ) Ah } i SY | in itself made six diamonds an ees WM lllh fa \ Tae i : undesirable contract. OF COURSE, SOMETIMES The two club bid was artificial THEY'RE PRETTY HARD / hn y p jand forcing; two hearts svas an TO IGNORE / P j ace-showing response. Two no- J P ' trump by North showed a bal- anced hand and denied impor- tant values aside from the ace of hearts. P robably South should now have bid three notrump, but when he bid three diamonds and North jumped to five, South was then unable to resist the temp- tation to bid six. It turned out that South made the slam, which makes it rather difficult to conduct a lengthy sermon here against his bidding, But he did play the hand well and was dtly rewarded for the r ' effort. rept j | West led a trump, South cash- | j ed the A-K, learning that. he IMPROVEMENT i had to lose a trump trick. He | was then faced with the diffi- cult task of avoiding a spade loser. He solved the problem by executing an elimination play. After entering dummy with a heart, he took a spade finesse. When the queen held, he cashed the ace of spades, the A-K of clubs, and the remaining hearts, West refusing to ruff. He then 'put West on lead with a trump. | West had only clubs left and - nh aed Had to play one. This permitted © -~--~_-- . , ; : South to discard a spade from P THATS WHAT I BETTER 20....6ET m4 I | . Openings 25. Bibli- SINT TO MMESTTIAl8 eee as he ruffed in his hand, ME A COUPLE PACK HORSES....GET > . i Wily 1. Market . Monster cal : * ean so the outcome was that South THAT GOL? SAUDLED UP..AN' ; iH] pend vee ee OT Ie|D) Is ' A , i ' 5. Enclosure » Atti F TER MAIHIA Cini: santa 10:80 Ata | Voyage To The Bottom | won the rubber and got a bonus 9. Barton or tudinize 26.Public | SME'IM | Channet 2--Barrie 11--Carasello | Of The See lof 750 points for making a slam Bow . Mandarin notices (3G M Channel 4--Buffalo &--Herald of Truth 6-3--Hank ; jj 10. Jargon tea 28, One ! | Channel 6--Toronto 6--Sunday School +Loeole he never should have bid. 0. ch 1 7--Buffalo ry Unte My Peet epipeliks gui sags of hundred cE f i Channel @-Rochester | $---Cwreh InvRatien ae 13. n strike aq. E ne Ww} Channel 9--Toronto 10:38 A.M. ie ah Burk 14. Past . Male off- 3 we Channel 1--Hamilten -- l11_oHA Jr. A Hockey | Sscolney's World of nsec amages 15. Hawalian spring ' S eeeae SSIES IRC IAE DESAY 6--Extension | Color food .Accosts and SILle a MT Oe Si ie stay ere iin 16. Even: poet. begs: 5 Yesterday's Answer om Pan. | TH00 AM 4 a Sam rees 17, Intones slang : 42. Signifying piven To The Bottom! iw ie The Lite | 7--The peg a FREDERICTON (CP) Th 20. Prosecu- . Hebrew maiden pag {octet ae SDE I ¥ _ C) : Of The S$ 7--Bullwinkle Sh +8 iven shew tor: abbr, prophet name twee a tot aa Church: Service Pg rg federal forestry department of- 22. Ahead Thorny 37. Benja- 44. Hail $--Countrytime | Frontiers Ot Paltth |. \--pectei Mevie fice here says the balsam gall | 23. Tosca, for . India mail min's 45. South <--Wresiling : 11 Aa | Ser. Kildare midge, an insect whose attacks 3--Shindig +3--Branded * habs on balsam fir Christmas trees SECRET AGENT X9 PLEASE SAY YES AND YOU'LL. MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE ---- OH, VE! Gi%s Walt Disney Productions DONALD DUCK | one Finnish sea- first American 2--Checkmate | $-Flying Fisherman Sere Print 38 Tart 47 eo Micke Ando « G aly AOR lt uae sted ils may seriously affect their mar- y i ie y 7 38. ; $ 1]--Mickie - - Go- 7 st ' WHERE 00 THe si = ete bole: ao GM pot halons pret J-Shindio . {2190 ROOR on vals, iF on the increase in iS 1S ONS COMIC BOOKS ) ae : 6--U.N. Review 9--Itallan Album TV | | ' ' OF OUR ) COME OLT? , 30. area ; +-Musical Showcase =| "Tween Set' | REE na oo Extension officer C. C. Smith COMPUTERS. : : rs peg re re 4 FL Nk 5 | 118 Pe | aia Bik has warned. woodlot owners, teed | e ' 1--Top Cat | fy w I] s tar' $2. Verb farm | porte Roeals the Oat | satis Conade Pageant (WO? Will soon start to cut trees 33. Pseudonym a 190 PM. Congress #3--Wackiest Ship in the (for the Christmas market, to | 36.Came} hair Sadadile Bleaioh 2--Silence Please | Army examine new needles carefully | ba Y Big Show of the Week 1" Pa. ie ee for small swellings or galls be- - 39. Perish eo --Beverly Hillbillies vers Talk With | guconele Camera fore any fir trees are cut in 40. Man's : | S-Have @un wit Trave: | Father Meehan 1965, Te galls are caused by tiny midge larvae within the 8--My Hero | fete Pm, name VW ne Pte --Tennessee Tuxedo | 2 e--biving | ocwmate inv Line needies; 45.One time +2--F lipper | 43. Remember 1\--Candid" Camera i* ¥, ;2 ¢ ; He says infested needles ara : ey " | Family Playnevse | P [rials of O'Brien | 11100 Pm. : 46, Living /, Sais flceson | is | 11-0 Patt 3-3 ---Newer usually shed in the fall and 47. Sharp 3---McHale's Navy | i-Centinentel Mintetere | weather: trees cut with a large number 48.Soft drinks } 9s 11190 P.M. of galls may be rejected at th t:00 P. pectrum | 3 jected a ie 49,Game fish Z Nee t Mest The Press | 11-_This Space Age grading or shipping yard be. IFA PERSON 1S _Y..DON'T YOU THINK WELL,I suPPOsE )] [ SEE? GRANDMA AGREES DOWN 4 LaMar or cunnie | 4--Geaeebeut Geadin | SAgers reste cause of excessive needle drop. GONNA LEARN TO) THEY SHOULD 60, ROY / WITH ME / 1. Dross Y; V, Slits Gine O 3--Sir Francis Drake | etre 5 DO SOMETHING START THEIR Me 2, Ruinous heresy Dede ee : TRAINING AS EARLY // damage 10 Pe ee eaone SALLY'S SALLIES placid _ | Ines AS POSSIBLE ? lly 3. Metallic M--Club 11 Dance Party) \y--spe"igtt Line ty "~~ rock $-2--Get Smart | B--My Little Margie | MOM@AT J--Lawrence Welk | 7--Sunday Playhouse | 4. Keystone 63--NHL Hockey | 4---NFL Football Fre Barn state: abbr. New York at Toronto) 6-3--Country Caleenndar tain Kangeree 5.One of the 4--Trials of O'Brien 108 Poe. Cap hills of a8 | 1l--Mickle-A-Go-Ge 1% AM. Reine Vp 0100 Pe |9-8-2--AFL Football %--Romoer Room is 86---Movie |6-3--NFL_ Football 9:00 AM. s: Seblemecns = Ore 100 PM. 11--Topper -- | 10 Pe | 11--Club 11 Dance Party | %--Playtime with Uncle 11--Great Music | @--Movie | 7--Hollywood Palace | | y 4--The Loner | Z-Ase S228 -. a| |YOUR HEALTH 'iin (eae KUHN- ®---Run For Your Lite |b3-Movie 4--Gunsmoke 1--Dialogue 3 AM, = | 4 j / é S : i a ; U TUATS RIGHT! You. GET DOWN SO GO AHEAD.,,WHAT Ba | Plastic urgeons F 63-Juliatie. so |Top oa 5 pha 'Rose ead Ps ie: | Truth L2SS €LBLE a tRSERES ret Mickey Mouse Cle BEGINNER'S HILL ONCE woHoUT | |Y CAN I SAY? I KNOW PANTS WON'T BE ABLE TO ® theo Bet al Iigegs og nN Role E lained ' i 4 hang | 7--Challenge | ee _--< ' ~The King Family | 11-<Nurses oF es A St Stn moet, FALLING ... AND RIGHT AWAY WHEN TM LICKED! KEEP YOU PROM GETTING Ls athe guige "Doctor, my boy friend called 'TOO BIG FOR YOUR By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD i : a 1-9-6-7-4-4-3-2--News) |1--Tiny Talent Time BRITCHES ! 6-3--Sight and Cast 4--NFL Football 9.--Bl Weather) Sports |essien a "me a 'real pill." Do you see i blance?" . Dear Dr. Molner: Please tell,people do, that plastic surgery 11118 P.M. ngo any resem! |me how to contact a plastics something apart from the| "--gwck Suster Com su ak So--what's Thie Sone surgeon regarding breast im-,|world of medicine. True, there| ®--Metre Final |11--Pamity Theetre $3---Friendly Glant plants, and the cost of such an are occasional charlatans who] §3™gMtuy wine ot | 7 Sanadian Talent +The McCoys BARTENDING operation.--J. W. claim to have "secret" ways of] "The Mavies &3-Nature of Thin |1)_gonnie Prodosn SERVICES I've briefly answered this\removing wrinkles, just as " one Pm. | -GE vig taal o--Mr. and Mrs, type of question frequently, but|there are even more dangerous ar oie | : #-3--Cencentration Wedding, Dances, since inquiries keep coming, in, cancer quacks and faith heal- 1:89 Pom o---Berer Fotemus 7--The Young Set Banquets, etc. 8 s p B, | q § + Shasta Hare apo fg the Week | 5.3-Butternut Square Telephone: : Ss. | ymn some further elaboration is in ers : 11100 PM aaa el 4--Andy of Mayberry 725-8329 or 725-8303 order, But a certified plastic surgeon! s--Answering Service 100 Pe. 11138 A.M, Pa , | l--Albert J. Steed It isn't just about breast sur-jis just as much a member of| ¢-Festure Showcase #--Walt Disney Presents | s-Abracadaba } \ |gery--although at times I think the medical profession as a} é | 6~Perry Mason #3--Jeopardy " A aged bp lay oma wh we Breet jthe writers who have inveighed heart surgeon, brain surgeon or --catmedrel Chinen Boge ccrclt Shawl Aha | eat pi zag TOWN and COUNTRY 2 Pd against the god, Mammon, other specialist. He must have ge Hh BR on Te %--Toronto Today might devote a few words to standard medical training, then] 9 --pwane Don ue Space $-2--Call My Blut the goddess, Mammalia. specialized training, first in sur- 7:8 A | Shen Teleonone Hour | Money, Movie , ¢ j j -.| '--ttallan Journal | é--Luncheon Date } However, whether the pur-/gery ard then in plastic sur-) |{~jtellan | 'Playhouse re +News and Weather This Restaurant wos greated for Pm. ose of plastic surgery is to gety- This takes some years! 7_Rocketsnip 7 | $--Please Don't Eat The 1218 PAM, your Dining Pleasure. Our food Is fapiere peels 'oie wrinkles. of work. | Sarthe Anewor ; Daisies + Oneecer' Be Heme the very best money can buy. cleft palates, etc. ask your reg-. His prime goal is not making! Z ; If you are planning @ family ular physician to refer you: to people prettier. Reconstructing|gery, Those are just a few ex- lected cases changed their out gathering, club meetings, or @ a specialist. It's as simple as faces mutilated in accidents is|amples, look on life. : Christmas Party or Banquet. En- that. If you don't have a regu- one example of the very serious} Some interesting work: has SAVED RIDICULE quire about our BANQUET ROOM, lar physician (although every- responsibility of plastic surgery] been done with certain crim-| Correcting protruding ear aba atk and see us or phone one should) you can get reli-|... and correcting cleft palates|inals who were influenced byjhas saved a good many youn . able advice from your county with-which some children arejparticularly distorted features,|sters from thoughtless ridicul 1S Bond. & 723-1821 medical society. born. Some heart surgery is, injand correction of their appear-|Chins that recede to a disfigu si Do not assume, as manyla very real sense, plastic sur- ance, I've been told, has in se-'ing degree car be built up.) queer Charcoal House

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