a a a AN a a a a "we aou- Zio u>e O-ce Ter <-eneVae ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE Beauty Of World Scarred By Politics - Play LONDON (AP) --. Politicsjary while on trial, was caught marred the opening of London's ee Bi ar Afri- Miss World contest Thursday as|°8" Security police, It was an- word was received that Miss|"0Unced here. F ae was Spain, dark-eyed Alicia Borras,/270%8 @ Broup of whites ac- would not be allowed to com-|°used of membership in the il- pete. legal South African Communist Spanish officials pulled the 20-|P2""9 year-old beauty out of the con- test when Miss World officials) BRUSSELS (Reuters)--Brus- refused to eject Rosemarie Vin-|sels' 500-year-old manneken-pis ales, the entry from Gibraltar.|stateu--the little boy who an- The government of Gen, Fran-|SWers nature's call--was miss- STATUE STOLEN Tobacco Gains From Rhodesia Contest TILLSONBURG, Ont, (CP)-- Opening of Ontario's flue-cured tobacco auction Thursday co- \incided with Rhodesia's declar- Police said vandals Wednesday ation of independence and Brit- night broke off the statue at the ain's ban on purchase of the ankles--the third time in his- | African colony's tobacco, tory it has vanished. | George Demeyere, tobacco FLYERS DEFECT board chairman, said the polit- TAIPEI (Reuters) -- Three/jcal unrest stemming from Rho- Chinese Communist flyers de-| fected to Nationalist China|4sia's independence might pro: Thursday, bringing their Soviet-|vide an opportunity for Canada built jet bomber down to alto increase tobacco sales to shaky landing'on Formosa. The Britain, Ilyushin-28 bomber landed in) But he added it would be diffi. bad weather at Taoyuan air|cylt for Ontario to increase its cisco Franco claims Gibraltar,ng Thursday, and all Belgians a British colony, is part of|Unite in condemning the theft. base, 25 miles southwest of Tai-\production unless steps were pei, and skidded off the runway.|taken to ease the labor shortage Spain and thus cannot have its own entry, Thousands of miles away, in [adres tense Salisbury, Miss odesia, Lesley Bunting, waited hours to depart for Lon- don. A BOAC spokesman blamed the delay on "technical rea-) OTTAWA (CP)--Nine Cana- sons" and said he hoped her|dian teachers and their 28 de- flight, scheduled to arrive|pendents are in Rhodesia under Thursday morning, would ar- ia government education pro- rive today. igram, Contestants from 48 other; Announcement by the Cana- countries in the contest contin-|dian government that it does ued to arrive at London Airport|not recognize the unilateral in- to begin more than a week of, tours, interviews and competi-| SAME PRODUCT, 'TRAD' OR 'MOD' | tions before the final selection! of Miss World 1965 Nov. 19. MONTREAL (CP)--A_ Ro- man Catholic priest who in- PLANS LONG REST stituted a "hootenanny mass" CALGARY (CP) -- Harry Hays, defeated by Conservative Ray Ballard in Calgary South during the federal election, says| in his church says the he plans a four-month holiday church's "product remains the same, though the package in Hawaii to recuperate from pneumonia, The former Liberal agriculture minister said Wed- may change." Rev. 'Russell Schultz of St. Dominic's Catholic Church in Nine Canadian Teachers, Dependents In Rhodesia encountered by growers this year, Ontario's 1965 flue-cured crop has. been estimated at 162,000,- 000 pounds produced by 4,500 farms on 86,870 acres, Mr, Te- meyere said there was an in- crease of more than three cents a pound this year in the labor dependence declaration by Rho-| desia is not expected to affect|°% of producing the crop. their status, a spokesman in the, The price average at the auc-! external affairs department tions Thursday was 57.28 cents) said Thursday, a pound, 2% cents better than $ The teachers form the largest|th¢ opening average on the 1964 lis no room for French-Canadi-| ate ore Ee Saat ij ihe Bg inp BBE Bric 3 tgs Credit members are English- speaking. The "B and B" royal commis- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 12, 1965 7 MANY TAPPED FEET The manager of New York's| IMBALANCE IN COMMONS ° ; sion conducted a survey of bi- G rits 44% French lingualism and ethnic origins|Roseland estimates 41,000,000) BIG BAND, A-GO-GO 0 among members of the last|customers have danced there Parliament and drew heavy|since the hall opened in 1919, SATURDAYS a criticism from opposition MPs MAN TAKES ON PLANE COUPLES ONLY Tories ut To 8% for straying from its terms of} Australian and American sol- "the 0 | reference. diers are to be equipped with JERRY REIDT Results of the survey will niot|#n automatic, portable 30-pound ond eatre By RONALD LEBEL was named forestry minister/be known until the commission|anti-aircraft missile, JERI JAE JORDAN OTTAWA (CP) -- Parties in|three weeks before the Diefen-|publishes its final report, which ea ae PLUS the next Parliament will have alpaker government was defeated|'® "t expected for another lopsided language composition year, IZzA A ee ee ee anton "bhoud "in the 1962 commission on bilingualism and é KILLED IN COLLISION lecti 5 biculturalism. election and again in 1963, stag MILTON, Ont. (CP) -- Mary 728 O1e2 ing a successful comeback to The Liberal caucus will haveiine Commons in Charlevoix last an unusually strong French- Monde speaking contingent, consisting y: ; of 58 MPs out of 129, or 44 per Other prominent Conserva- cent, Nine cabinet ministrsitives from Quebec are Paul are French-Canadian, Beaulieu, 63, long-time com- Across the aisle, the 99 Con-)merce minister in the Duples- servatives will only have eight|!® government who defeated ex-minister Yvon Dupuis, and li mother tongue 15 Russell Keays, 52, bilingual , Gaspe businessman who sat in The Conservatives' two lead- : 'ing French-speaking spokesmen pg iy eer in nary g in the last Parliament, Leon e Liberals elected this year Balcer and Paul Martineau, include 49 French - Canadians both are gone. from Quebec, six from Ontario, Mr. Balcer bolted his party two from New Brunswick and last spring and did not seek re-|0ne (Veterans Affairs Minister election Nov. 8, charging there Roger Teillet) from Manitoba. 'ie | The 21 New Democrats all are English-speaking due to the par- ity's failure to elect any of its |72. candidates in Quebec. The nine Creditistes are French-Ca- Cantwell, 40, of Brampton, was killed Thursday in a car-truck collision near here, GEORGE MEEK PRODUCTIONS AJAX (Canada's most progressive promoters--in touch with world's lergest egents) PRESENTS ans in the Conservative party jas long as John Diefenbaker re-| mains leader. Mr. Martineau} lost his Pontiac-Temiscamingue| ingle gri " crop. Growers sold a first-day tn ee eee Loe | total of 1,833,387 pounds, over spokesman said there probably|200.000 more than last year's are other Canadians living there /OPCMIns total, y soe that the department does not know about. GET USED TO NOISE The spokesman said there are) SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--Local) 22 Rhodesian students studying residents have become used to|: in Canada under Common-lexplosions at regular intervals, wealth scholarship programs.| \day and night. White-hot billets They will be allowed to continue|sliding along conveyors at the! their studies if they wish, |Dosco Steel Ltd. plant here are The teachers include David|cut by a machine called the fly- Palmeteer, 28, of Barrie, and ling shear, Each chop of the Daniel Farrell, 28, of Port Ar- |steam- powered shear reverber-| thur. 'ales through the whole city, smioinacnteeainte =. | nesday that after the vacation) east-end Montreal told a serv- | seat by 255 votes to Liberal |/2@dians and all five power Thomas Lefebvre. Theogene Ricard, 56, folksy) Ud MP for St, Hyacinthe - Bagot, GORD s was named chairman of the A-G0-G0 Club Conservatives' Quebec caucus after Mr. Balcer's departure, DANCING but he could have competition'] wed. fri, Set. sun, From 8:30 Admission by Membership, (Avail able at the door), Dress Sport Shirts \].and. Slacks. in the next Parliament, |SKILLFUL DEBATER His colleagues will include| Martial Asselin, 41-year-old law-/| ye Me and Skillful debater who! Dance To Gord's Ultra-Sound KING £E, at TOWNLINE he will become a_ full-time} rancher at his 5,000-acre spread at. Pekisko Creek, about 30 miles southwest of the city. CAR PLUNGES MONTREAL (CP) -- A car plunged off Victoria Bridge Thursday night and fell onto the St, Lambert seaway lock, kill- ing the driver and holding up navigation. The signals service of the department of transport said the lock was not damaged but it could not be used until the crushed automobile was re- ice club Wednesday he intro- duced the guitar-accompanied mass with a warning to older parishioners to: stay away if they felt they'd be offended, but most who attended were older persons. Father Schultz has also in- troduced in his English-lan- guage church the Protestant custom of having the officiat- ing cleric greet churchgoers as they leave after the serv- ice. Refreshments Tickets KINGSIDE PARK DANCE Kinsmen Community Centre Sat., November 13 CHARLIE COCHRANE & his 8 Pe, Orchestra For further information Call'725-6131 Available at the Door 9 P.M. NO oH The Fabulous TWILIGHTS This Saturday, 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY WHITBY ARENA moved YANKS ARE COMING SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Americans are migrating Canada by increasing si the Canadian immigration serv-| fee reported Thursday, but! more Canadians are coming south. More than 13,500 persons have entered Canada from the United States for permanent Two Men Die In Car Crash EXETER, Ont. (CP) ~ Two men, one a Quebec native and the other from Stratford, were killed Thursday night when their cars collided on Highway 4 near this town 25 miles west " residence in 1965, compared to of Stratford, 12,565 in 1964, But three times! as many Canadians annually) settle in the United States. NAB LAWYER | Killed were LAC Joseph Noel |Demers, a native of Ste. Sophie \de Levrard, Que., who had ibeen stationed for the last five JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)|months at the RCAF base in| Abram Fischer, a former lead-|neatby Centralia, and John ing Johannesburg lawyer who|Cameron Henry, 40, of Strat- jumped bail of $14, 000 yin Janu- -- i were alone 7 | | ALL TECHNICOLOR PROGRAM | y| FRIDAY || sazvapay || BINT oZnig , NIGHT | : thon uae mga a a N € ui Hilarious ! Big Town Boys OLD TIME and . erties MODERN DANNY is BACK ns ay RUDY sie VELTRI and his NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most. Versatile Group RED BARN THE BADMINTON CLUB GOLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE ~~ NOW PLAYING -- A-GO-GO ! BOWMANVILLE presents WALLY and the SHANDELLS TONIGHT 8:30 P.M. ONE * PROGRAM * ONE IN FIVE CLAIR DE LUNE SOLITAIRE NUTCRACKER ACT 1! ALL SEATS 3.00 Shown Showing at 6:15 e COLOR by DELUXE a BILTMORE ! Central Hotel KING ST. W., OSHAWA THE KINGS IV "COME ON IN AND HAVE SOME FUN" OSHAWA'S FINEST @ Enieriainment Nighily at 9 P.M. @ MATINEE, SATURDAY, 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M. ALLAN MeMILLAN -- Manager THIS WEEK Club Escape Tickets Available ot the Door mn Nonny ad been in the family for years, Mintowar Two lived in terror. Nanny wasnt responsible... WAS SHE? 20 Angther magnificent portratt ly WLIO DU ang PANELA FRANKLIN TOD AY 138 390. 0 REGENT ine "THE IPCRESS FILE 1S A THINKING MAN'S 'GOLDFINGER' FUNNIER BY FAR THAN ANY OF THE BOND FILMS AND MORE REWARDING, TOO!" "NEWSWEER "AIPCRESS' PROVES AGAIN THAT ONE OF THE PRIMAL PLEASURES OF MOVIEGOING IS A TINGLING, NO-NONSENSE 'SUSPENSE YARNI® ~TIME MAGAZINE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE VERY MODEL OF SUSPENSE ENTERTAINMENT|" SATURDAY REVIEW " 'THE IPCRESS FILE' IS AS CLASSY A SPY FILM AS YOU COULD ASK TO SEE!" eS res TL TECHRICOLOR® TECHNISCOPE® also starring NIGEL GREEN Gl aw VY DOLEMAN *SUE LLOYD Crit sametieh steer album) Crit sametieh steer on DECCA RECORDS! by BILL CANAWAY & JAMES DORAN + + Music composed and conducted by JOHN BARRY A UNIVERSAL RELEASE WCHVEL CM Kay SALTZMAN - SIDNEY J, FURIE CHARLES KASHER THEATRE PHONE 723.2843 1:40 - 3:35 - 5:30 - 7:30 and 9:35 P.M. FEATURE STARTING TODAY DAILY AT: