DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretarie KINETTE CLUB The November meeting of the Oshawa Kinette Club was held recently in the Rib Room of the Hotel Genosha with Mrs. Lloyd Pigden, first vice-president, pre- siding. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Michael Clif- ton of Whitby. Other guests were Mrs. Rob- ert Osborne and Mrs. Rocco Esposito. The theme for the evening was Grey Cup and roll call was answered by naming a football team. The highlight of the evening was a questionnaire submitted by Mrs. Clifton. Lucky draw winners were Mrs. Morley Robinson and Mrs. SOUTHMINSTER UCW Nine members were present for the regular meeting of Southminster United Women which was held in the church hall. Mrs. Gary Bayliss and Mrs. Harold Nelson took part in the worship service, "Praise Ye the Lord for His Providence'. Mrs. Royce Whittaker, presi- dent, was unable to attend and Mrs. Gary Bayliss, vice-presi- dent, presided over the busi- ness meeting. In the near future chocolate bars will be sold by the group, the proceeds of which will go to the UCW treasury. The group decided to donate most of the monies in its treas- Church reasonable hour. If his parents have a spine they will deny so !ome-made flagstaff. or fails to return home at a Pr are Sear A ' ~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 12, 1965 13 CAMPED IN RAIN PAST CENTURY MARK BROCKVILLE, Ont. (CP) --| Women were first employed Local girl guides slept out of|by the U.S, government in 1861, doors here on a cold, rainy Oc-/by U.S. Treasurer Francis EB, tober weekend and were visited| Spinner. by 100 guides from other com-| FEET HURT munities. High points of the! | cushioning Foot Plaster weekend were making a wash-| this Foot | to right size and shape for fast retiet board from rough wood and raising the Canadian flag on a 4 wy § zh knowledge nowadays than 20 aiecx cenrenin te : years ago, says Mrs, William vighhe Pa og --. fm of commer- Dr Scholls eros ost x cial studies at Alberta College. | s9iM h more protective But English and spelling are| Pas rcher'ter encom colicuses, taader still generally bad--"'the stu- ng. Water-repetlent. dents' weakest points," she SPELLING STILL WORST | EDMONTON (CP)--Siudents| have a wider range of general drive these "pool" cars? How often are they a little late and inclined to make up time car accidents by teen-agers. drives around more. Why By GARRY.C. MYERS, PhD |without # driver's licence, he|home where he plans to go and Ps i cerned, telling him constant! that they are cited at school, 14 y Suppesd 'he fetuses 'to de But if you have one or more) ior state a limit he must not over car accidents may be) | . child off the highway when you will parelty seéie. to Ww inveltes apply for a driver's licence to teacher and your own observa- Oe SNe | Concerning the safety of our speedi hi traffic rules, especially speed speeding elsewhere have hint Don't be ready to sign his @P-\apprise the police department through speeding? How many But for so many cowardly ents, there would be far fewer Police Deserve Your Support |." i 'nse ntuna ppo |tamily car just drives around, i. 3 ipicks up a friend or two and To Combat Driver Negligence sims his parents not require him to state before leaving There are a few unusually|is driving with you in the car,|when he means to return home? safe teen-age drivers. Let's see don't let yourself be overly con- LACK FORTITUDE on the air, and in the press,|not to drive so fast. | Notice the speed limit signs, teen-age children your worries| a: mag exceed, @ moment he does : | i P him the use of the car again heavy. jexceed this limit have him pull lor Maveral weeks. (Iki aad oe ee ee tl take the wheel, not letting him eee. cicers 'reining encren enive Agats, (ok gang Gays, Unue WOM THRE HOH POOP Find out from the training ; ; The first time you have evi-\children riding to and from tions in tiaving him drive with ' you: how carefully ia shennres dence that your child has been|high school in a car-pool; How hand over to you his driver's regulations. \licence for at least a month and plication for a driver's licence|of this fact. If the police get until you feel sure he meansiahead of you and revoke his careful are those youths whol, says. | of these car pools are run in| lieu of easily available public transportation? | Begin with the next baby to Bruce Caverly. ury to the general fund to assist The next executive meeting|in the many expenses of oper- will be held November 23 at the|ating the church. to drive carefully. If, with or/driver's licence temporarily, let them know you heartily ap- prove, follow these four guidelines. All new for '66 *Faster home of Mrs .Donald Lake, 717) The annual Christmas bazaar, | Glenecho street. itea and bake sale will be held! 1, Be sure you can do ex- Before you sign his snetaw| ceptionally well whatever you'tion for renewal of his driver's iget him ready to be a safe driver by and by. Teach him & lat the church on Saturday, No-| LEGION AUXILIARY vember 20 from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 plan to do as a self-created|licence, be sure he has proved E parttiine job. early the meaning of No. Culti | *Sleeker! More fun then . before! Wi SENSATIONAL 1966 SKI DOO himself ready to drive respon-|. te come basic inhibitions in} 2. Research your community |sibly. ; i to find out whether what you|/DISCOURAGE WAYS Fagen, Fay Aap a Miles plan is needed and in demand| Frequently a high school boY|ne ready to observe traffic reg- at the price you will have tolor girl drives the family car tol jations and drive responsibly charge for it school, when his parents may} 2 : 7 3. Make up your mind to in-|have to walk to go shopping or, PARENTS' QUESTIONS vest a great deal of hard workito work. Many teen-agers, use|} Q. The teacher of our boy, and patience in the project and|the family car constantly onjsix, reports he receives all C's jexpect to face and put behind|nights, while their parents arejin knowledge and skills but an jyou mistakes and disappoint-| imprisoned at home. Thus they/F in "respect for authority." ments. ipractise in- selfish ways while} A. Since your child does not 4, Advertise your specially-\also adding to their hazards and|respect authority at school, he job service in news-|their parents' worries, How-|must not have learned to re- papers, on bulletin boards, byjever, we can't blame the kids.|spect it at home. Aim to guide word of mouth and in every|Their parents, for want ofj/him so well at home that his _jother available source in your|moral courage, usually have|good habits and behavior wil! |community |helped them choose such pays.\carry over to school. Background And Interest Open ee The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal p.m. Several members volun- Canadian Legion, Branch 43, teered to serve on the various held its weekly meeting with the'committees. Work days and president, Mrs. Alyn Elliot, pre-!evenings were planned. siding. It was announced that the) Bazaar goods were shown andjnext meeting would be held on the conveners of booths who/Tuesday, November 23, at 8.00 have materials out _ 4 p.m. Refreshments: were served uested to have finished goods : ianieen tee frousht in at next week's meet- CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC ing as prices will have to go The Young Women's Mission on each article before the Circle met at Calvary Baptist bazaar, November 23. Church, with 14 members pres- A shower for the country store ent. Mrs. Harry Grant presid- will be held next week. ed, and welcomed three new A letter of thanks was read)members. ; from Iroquois Falls' Auxiliary, There was @ short time spent for a donation sent recently, |on testimonies, telling of the They lost all equipment due to|blessings received in the recent fire. A donation of $200 will be|missionary conference held at sent to the Men's Branch to-|the church, but it was mainly a HAND KNITS FOR DOLLS all these designs, simply send a stamped self-addrsss- ed envelope and 10 cents to cover cost of handling to the Needlecraft Department of lepated this paper, requesting | handknits for dolls, leaf- | let Number 12-65, These designs are for the 11%-inch fashion dolls and besides. the ones ilustrated, there are included in the leaflet one for a long coat in mohair yarn and a suit in knitting worsted. If you would like the leaflets for UNITED RENT-ALLS SALES -- SERVICE --- RENTALS OLIVE AVE. AND WILSON RD, S. 728-5565 ieitiemmiemneiaaine Ei ward the Children's Christmas|work night. The women prepar- tree expenses. A meeting of the Christmas Tree Committee will be held at 7.30 p.m. November 17. Members who are going to the Bowmanville Auxiliary next Monday evening, November 15, were asked to be at the Legion|Christma Hall at 7.15 p.m. A bus has been| students ed bandages and sewed hospital gowns for missionary hospitals. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gordon i\Tofflemire, 310 Linden street on |\November 22. It will be elec- ltion of. officers and packing s parcels for the Bible of the church, Refresh- chartered and will leave at that/ments were served time. The Remembrance Day Serv- ice will be held at the Salvation »sr4 Oshawa Scout Group Aux-/both of whom are at home with Army Citadel on Sunday, vember 14, at 3.00 p.m. All Aux-| iliary members were invited to attend. Members with Christmas sav- 23RD SCOUT GROUP AUX. The regular meeting of the iliary was held recently at the home of Mrs. Reginald Spen- cer, Tremblay street. There were 14 mothers in attendance. Mrs. James White, past presi- Opportunity For Part-time Job | By ROBERTA ROESCH .|of us can sew on buttons. Be- As I promised in a previous|fore her marriage, she worked column on finding part-time|in a store in the knitting and ljobs, I'm back with some sug-|needlework department, As a gestions today for opportunities|"'moonlighting'"' job in a woman can create for herself from her own special back- ground and interests. | Let's look at a few examples To begin with, one former school nurse and a_ one-time kindergarten teacher I know, knitting books. | Later, when. she needed earn money at home and didn't want to go out to work, she screened off her dining area and opened a Home Knit Shop. Then for three afternoons and evenings a week, she held "of- fice hours" and in addition to selling yarns and knitting supplies, taught knitting, took orders for custom- seven pre - schoolers between \them, combined their past back- grounds and interests with their jpresent needs to create an op- |portunity to find part-time work lin their particular fields BURNS JEWELLERS those days, she wrote instructions for) to two in her little shop 2nd. tags carte Ware Semve 10 DE as couts District Com- |made sweaters and did block- nt of Boy Scouts District Com om ta ei Thesday. / |mittee, installed the officers for Correction on last week's Te-|1965.66, which were elected at port re monies raised by AUX-\ja<t meeting. To do this, they obtained a li-ling and repairs cence to set up a small day} Your own particular forte for nursery in the family room of|creating a part-time job from| fiarie r was $810,000, | ts Dist __. |one of their homes, When the/your special background and in- iliaries last yea $ Mrs. William Fertile, presi-|nurse works at nursing, the|terests won't necessarily involve! WISE SHOPPERS WILL BUY NOW & LAYAWAY FOR CHRISTMAS 4 T EA SET. : HAN DBAGS 18 88 Reg. 4.95 to 59.95 " $1 DOWN -- $1 WEEK 1/3 OFF CORNING WARE 1 handle 1 eradle BIRTHDAY SPECIAL _ 15:88 LADIES' & GENTS' WATCHES © 17 jewel © shock-proof CALL SMOKER'S DIAL 728-2221 FOR FREE ASSISTANCE TO BREAK THIS HABIT 24 - HOUR SERVICE A lovely gift for Christmas © guarenteed $1 DOWN -- $1 WEEK GRANDMOTHER CLOCK 349. ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS & SAUCERS YOUR Ls CHOICE RINGS LADIES' Black Alaska Diamonds In 10 karat gold setting Woodland & Sonata -- 50 Pee. SERVICE FOR 8 Here's reol velue, Regular 29.95. BIRTHDAY SPECIAL BLACK'S LADIES' | WEAR 3 saucepans 3 covers The gift of a lifetime It's 67" high. "Charge-It" aan not $81,000. d i ; : ? _, dent, opened the meeting with|teacher runs the day nursery.|you with day nurseries, candles| Members must have dues paid)ihe Mothers' Promise", re-|When the teacher teaches, the|and flowers or a pair of knit- ible to vote December : At cg|t%o new members, Mrs. Wil-| Another ingenious woman | ve me clusion of meeting tea andjizm Davis and Mrs. Josephiknow, with artistic leanings,, DRESS UP THINKING cookies were served and &@ 80-/rade. creative ideas and former work-| But it can put you in a part- time paying - project that's the ' VanBridger, read the auxiliary's|opened a Candle and Flower t om sag si a. _,jannual report. _\Shop in the basement of her|"P in your thinking cap, then| The Ladies' Group, Oshawa) Nine mothers received their|home. ' a held it's monthly =? re-) "Mrs. Fertile read a note Of/ernoon she makes her own cently at Simcoe Hall. ' \thanks from the Akela, Miss| candles, then later combines Mrs. George Holtern, the pres-|, 518 Jeffery, for assistance at/her one-of-a-kind creations with! ren's Christmas Party to _be|/ Mrs. Fertile gave a brief re-)combination, she produces held in Simcoe Hall Gym-| ort on the Provincial Council|made-to-order designs for a| nasium, on December 11. |meeting in Toronto, which she/florist, a gift shop and a grow- meeting would be the Christmas|, <tudy course for presidents ' Party, to be held at the Gen-|. 14 vice-presidents would be|MOONLIGHTED BOOKS osha Hotel, December 13, atiiniq November 25 .at the Dis-| A third woman I know, who| On display were several imi-\" 1; was decided that the next/her own special background and) tation fur animals and other| meeting would be held in the|interest, could whip up ha) articles made by the group, to)r.n, of a pot-luck Christmas|Knitted items easier than most wee announced that theories: cone 3 ee was 4 ne |) m Ladies' Group would. be in Refreshments were served by Una i ta aang Ts on i. Ril a evening ended----with peren: Holtern as the auctioneer. iI The lucky draw sras won by| Mrs. Louis Kelsey. | OPTOMETRIST | J H Mrs. George Day, Mrs. James}! 14 King St. East Tone and Mrs. Charles 723-2721 Abraham. to end of September to be elig-),eated in unison and introduced|nurse is at the day nursery. |ting needles. cial time enjoyed. | The secretary, Mrs. Thomas jing experience in a florist's, right work for you if you dress n and District Old Country Club, official membership cards. Here for four hours every aft- ident, opened the meeting -- the Hallowe'en party for Cubs|equally unusual arrangements| plans were made for the child-\.nq scouts. lof artificial flowers, From this) It was decided that the next), ttonded. It was announced thatling list of individual clients. 7:00. p.m. trict Committee meeting jinitiated a part-time job from| be donated to the Cebral Palsy/.i5ner at Southminster United charge of refreshments at the)yy,. Joseph Blake, Mrs. Ar 'white elephant. sale, with, Mrs = A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D. Refreshments were served by | SILVER PLATED BREAD TRAY WHAT A 3 75 | | Ladies' DIAMOND WATCH With 2 dazzling diamonds set in @ unique swirl shaped oval case. Precision 21 jewel movement and stylish expension bracelet. 9.88 BIRTHDAY LADIES' WALNUT SPECIAL JEWEL BOX NON ACA APA CA NCA CAL CAL Authentic Crested SCHOOL JACKETS WARM QUILTED ' LINING uchantment 10 DIAMOND SPECIAL OA « -- '= a OSHAWA: Central, McLaughlin, O'Neill and Donevan eee Black Onyx Ring With diamond and initial Blubied, 7) DIAMOND RING" : AND WEDDING RING '$ggs0 Dialid sina GUARANTEED PERFECT WHITBY: Anderson High School: and Henry St. High School INSURED FREE , AGAINST Loss 1 ONDS 5%" COLORED GLASS ASH TRAYS BIRTHDAY 28c SPECIAL SPECIAL OCCASION DRESSES Come In And Choose from our fabulous collection of dresses for dancing, partying or just look: ing great! New arrivals now in stock. 0 ow oon A ll Many items throughout the store OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT RL AC cs have been "Birthday Priced" to bu Maney Bows -- No Carsley Charges give you timely savings on your t Christmas gift list. The qualit OSHAWA DOWNTOWN LADIES' WEAR LTD 9 a nailed SHOPPING CENTRE 36 King E. remains... only the prices have Open te 9 p.m. Thurs. & Friday Open te 9 p.m. Fridey been cut. ES RUS SESE RSE CROP OTIC AS LITTLE AS '1.00 DOWN Will hold your Gift Selection Until Christmas 20 Simcoe North OPEN TO 9 P.M. TONIGHT OPEN FRI. TILL 9 P.M