Spotlighting... THE GENERALS By WREN BLAIR General Manager of Oshawa Generals Hockey action returns locally erals in action. Great rivalry a big way tonight and to-lalways exists between these two ng tr lamar -- a a clubs for several reasons. First, front in the Eastern Junior|rivalry because most * standings, entertaining the|are fighting to impress, for leville Junior Squad. \future jobs in professional ranks Tomorrow night all roads lead|in the organization; secondly, the Civic Auditorium where it|the two clubs met in a tough expected that over 4,000 fans|play-off series last spring which ill view the Niagara Falls\also generates rivalry the fol- lyers and the Oshawa Gen-|lowing year. . Ill Feeling Develops Early \far are undefeated, On he arp-rd i evening past they swamped To- sti vege 7 ol a 7 ronto Marlboros 7-3 and natural- already ill feeling has develop-\), the Generals would like to be ed following last Friday's 4-2/the first club in the loop to up- victory over the General's injset their mighty "cousins." Niagara Falls. The General's| We have been busy all week lost Jimmy Whittaker with ajtrying to make a final deal with broken arm following a hook-|the Niagara club involving Dune ing penalty to young Tom Web-| Wilson, First of all let's make ster of the Falls when it ap-jit clear that we know and have peared that Derek Sanderson always known that Dunc is a jumped on Whittaker's arm/fine goaltender but also so is Ian after the whistle blew. \Young. Niagara found them- Whether it was intentional or |selves weak in goal and wanted not only Sanderson knows. In|some help in that department. any event it left an unhappy|At no time do we think it fair taste in the Oshawa players'|to keep a boy out of the line-up, mouths, The game was a rough|particularly at the Junior se) contest throughout with Niag-|level, especially if he can play ara taking 11 penalties to five.|regularly in Junior "A" for The Flyers have another out-|someone else. This applies espe- standing hockey club and thus cially to goaltenders. Dunc Wilson Anxious To Play becomes Niagara's property ut- Wilson and naturally he was/right. In other words, this gives anxious to go to Niagara Falls {Dunc a chance to play regularly if we were going to play Young}while the Generals use Ian and when he then might not) Young and Oshawa obtains the play too many games. Wilson's|services of Wilkins, and left- development as a player is im-|winger Gary Cooke, who re- portant both to him and to the turns to the Falls next season. Bruin organization and since|It all makes for a great deal you cannot play two goal-tend-\of actio here tomorrow night ers at once it only. makes sense|when the two clubs tangleat to give him his chance to play.|the Civic Auditorium at 7.15 Originally ,we had Barry)p.m. Wilkins only ee hoieapeg this! The largest crowd: this sea- season. In completing the trans- sia 3200 action, Wilkins now becomes|S°" has been just under 3,2 This year the two clubs are We discussed this with Dunc lence best-of-three final Satur- Weather In | Calgary May Kill Offensive the chance by eliminating Sas-| katchewan Roughriders in the WFC semi-finals. Men with shovels and snow- CALGARY. (CP) -- Weather conditions may force Calgary Stampeders and Winnipeg Blue Bombers to play a slogging de- ifensive match .in the first game of the Western Football Confer- up at the Stampede Corral to accommodate other fans at $3 a head, : The second game of the se- blowing machines have beeniries jill be Nov. 17 in Winni- removing snow from McMahonipeg and a third, if necessary, Stadium nearly all week. Butlin Calgary Nov. 20. the field, although not covered A scant 42 yards separate 5 Me canvas, was in good COM-lihe two clubs in total offence jon. piled. up during 16 regular- At least eight inches of snow| season games. Winnipeg has --some of it melted--has fallen};,, edge but the Stamps fin- since early Tuesday. The ; weather office predicts A en ue and the "slight chance of snow' Satur- 'one: Bombers a ac taal of day, with light winds and a Gay, wiltime temperature of{fence of 5,134 yards on 3,016 about 25 degrees. yards rushing and 2,118 yards SOLD OUT AGAIN passing. The Stampeders The game, to be televised gained 5,092 yards on 2,525 nationally by CTV, marks the ogo rushing and 2,566 yards ssing, fifth ae sell - out here. Eagle Day of Calgary com Closed-ci 3 osed-circuit TV was to be set pleted 124 of 215 passes for day, despite their good offen- sive records. Driving snow continued to sweep Calgary Thursday and forecasts called for much the same type of weather today. Temperatures were to hit the five-degree mark. The Stampeders, under fresh- man coach Jerry Williams, are looking for their first WFC championship and Grey Cup since 1949. Bud Grant's Bombers are after their first WFC title and Grey Cup since 1962, earning Q R | | | | | Q of that} Chicago Montreal New York Toronto Detroit Boston New York 23 Detroit 3 - pongo at Chicago Montreal at Detroit 'Toronto at Boston New York at Chicago Providence Baltimore Hershey Springfield Cleveland Pittsburgh Buffalo Pittsburgh 4 Los Ange Minnesota Heuston Tulsa Memphis St. Louis Okla. City Niag. Falls Oshawa Toronto St. Montreal Kitchener Peterb'ugh Hamilton London HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League WLT F 0 1.8 522 3% 323 28 $63 & 252 2% 133 8 Thursday's Result A Pt 113 2412 21 34 6 31 6 44 Saturday's Games ew York at Toronto Sunday's Games American League Eastern Division WLT F 10 11 65 5 3 0 22 5 40 29 371 2 28 0. 2 Western Division ochester 820 4 440 28 470 4 7382 Thursday's Result A Pt 30 21 23 10 25 10 34 7 46 4 29 16) 22 8| 47 8) 38 4) uebec les| (WHL) 6 Tonight's: Game uebec at Baltimore Central Professional hae ee Be 5 4 3 4 3 Thursday's Result a| Houston 1 Minnesota 3 Friday's Game Tulsa at Oklahoma City OHA Junior A WLT Cath's Oe ee | AIAanwsuwne SOHWw eH DOD 34 Thursday's Resul' Oshawa 7 Hamilton 4 Montreal 2 Peterborough 2 Tonight's Games Hamilton at Niagara Falls St. Catharines gt Toronto Ploen had 15 touchdown passes, Day 12. |ton Tiger - Cats concede that|The second game of the two-\w ; |Russ Jackson, quarterback for|game total-point series will be ---- agg Hie a ed The Ticats, busy preparing| didn't expect Jackson to run," ; : \ai , , ard Hal Krebs who has for Sunday's. opening game Of!picat coach Ralph Sazio said. fipped disc. Defensive Pi | Kickoff Sunday is 2 p.m. EST|down his i y! passing area, Any} Ploen, who wrenched his kne jand the game will be carried|roliout quarterback is practic-lin the semi-final, will lead the from." vich, who had a bad knee, and punt return man Dick Wozney, \learned Wednesday the 1965 worries Sazio. It's the busted play that)iinebacker Ken Maglicic and halfback Leo Lewis. This means the league's treas-|but when something goes wrong s ury will miss out on the $50,000|his improvised running can be 1] H A Junior e ° e Oshawa's property outright and) {n addition we get Gary Cooke) from the Falls on loan for the) balance of this season. Wilson Generally $ Jimmy Whittaker, young de-| fence stalwart of the Generals,| who suffered a broken arm in Niagara last week,.had surgery on Tuesday past. He had a pin put in the arm to give it _addi- - tional strength. Jimmy is in room 1306 of the Greater Niag- ara Falls General Hospital for those who would like to drop a | | card, Doctors say he will be/to the Junior hospitalized for two weeks... - David Gavel, promising young netminder, will make his first start of the yea rhere in Osh-| awa tonight in the Junior '"B"' game against Belleville. . . . | | Ti ts D " F R 1,892 yards, while Winnipeg's WILLIAMS IS CONFIDENT The Rombers blasted the Ottawa Rough Riders, is more|back here the following Satur-|. ; , {dangerous when he rolls out tolday. , yoy e Stampeder doubt the Eastern Football Confer-| «'when he rolls out he has two Pye ; : | Payne, who had cartil .- ence final in Ottawa, aren't/assets. He can rum or he can sieved from his Rega '~ jally committed, on pass plays,|Bombers Saturday. He was out Grey Cup Oft \to the area he's running to-jat the Bomber practices in American TV SAZIO WORRIED who had a bruised back, also were working out. |Grey Cup football game will not ibe televised in the U.S, by the|/makes Jackson most danger- but let us remember that there the ABC paid in the past for|real dangerous,"' is lots of room at the auditorium |rights to the Grey Cup classic. Sazio's opinion of Jackson as Kenny Ploen was good on 124 But They Respect Him Stamps 22-0 here Oct, 27 but 1" ages ' |pass or run than when he drops! "we've never gone into alfuls are linebacker Wayne Har- latrai . ; ' : afraid of Jackson, but they re-)nass, But it has a minus, too./out of action until, after the |ward. He must give up the side| Winnipeg earlier this week. HAMILTON, Ont. (CP)--The| But there's one aspect Other Bombers nursing injur- American Broadcasting Com-|ous," said the Hamilton coach. for well over 4,500 fans so every-) of 213 tosses for 1,789 yards. HAMILTON (CP) -- Hamil-jon the CBC television network.|wijijams remains confident iback into the pocket to throw. | game with Ottawa that welris with a groin injury and jspect him. |When he rolls out he narrows|second game of the series, lof the field he's running away| Defensive end Ted Rodoso- Canadian Football League|Jackson's rollout game ies are guard Sherwyn Thorson, pany as in the last three years,|"We've handled rollouts before, body can be accommodated. peaking... prospective future Generals when they take in the Crushmen Junior "B" games. .. . Billy Heind! has been returned to a centre ice spot on the Generals with the acquisition of leftwing- er Gary Cooke..... A week from tonight will be little NHL "Tykes" night at the Civic Auditorium. Players from this young group are selling tickets "B" game that between Peterborough night the Crushmen. Also and Jake Gaudaur, general man-\a runner is shared by almost ager of Hamilton Tiger-Cats of|everyone who has seen the Ot- the Eastern Football Confer- ence, who also heads the CFL's U.S. television committee, con- firmed the news Gaudaur quoted an ABC offi- unusually large number of com- mitments, the network would not telecast the Grey Cup. In previous years, ABC showed the Grey Cup on the day of the game, but the tele- cast usually was delayed three hours so as to avoid conflict with the traditional army-navy college games. There is still a slim possibility) that the game will be shown in couple of tyke games will g0 ahead of the "B" game. A good) portion of the proceeds from this special night goes to the Oshawa Little NHL league. | | Fans can get a good look at OSHAWA BOWLING SCORES MEN'S COMMERCIAL High Triple -- Bob Carter 723 Hich single --- Bob Carter 316 Points Taken: Doyles 7, Rebels 07 Dempsters 7, Beatty Haulage 0; Vinces 7, Honyokers 0 and City Yards 5, Dodg- ers 2. 700 Scores -- Bob Vince Barrasse (706) 600 Scores 8 Bill Veitch 636, Vince Bar- rasse 610, Orlando Demarco 643, Vince Serra 604, Ron Holmes 680, Bill Giddings) 675. Danny Potter 678, Greg Element) 627, Wally Proskin 668, Bob Lavergne 646) and Geo. Lintlopp 697 200 Scores -- Wally Proskin (245, 228); Bob Lavergne (252, 206); Ken Bent (214); Geo. Lintlopp (256, 230, 211); Dalton Crawtord (203); Pete Crawford (207); Joe) Crosmas (208); Greg Element (206, 250); John Hubbard (267, 258); Nick Backer (23577 ow 240 Lowe Q | Carter (716) and 2 ¥ ings (224, 255); Joe Le-| ; Danny Potter (258, 232);| David Dow (232); Bill Veitch (294); Vic Whitely (248); Richard Whitely (225); _Or- Jando Demarco (238, 225); Matteo Bar- rasse (257) and Vince Serra (231). Lemons Doug Lowe (95) and Archie McPherson 99. Team standings 24, Dempsters 24, Dodgers Const. 16, Honyokers 16, Bea' 12 and Rebels 4. RAINBOW LEAGUE Standing -- Orange 17, Purple 14, Beige 14, Red 13, White 12, Black 12, Rose 12. Silver 11, Gold 11, Pink 11, Blue 11, Mar oon 10, Coral 10, Brown 9 Tan 9, Lime 9, Grey 8 Mauve 8, Green 5 and Yellow 5 High Single -- L. Burkhart 220, $. Wil gon 214, |. Way 213, D. Sykes 213, oO. Shortt 211 and &, Affleck 203 PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES Over 600 -- Hugh Hutcheson 822 (338, 208), Harry Fayle 790 (301, 248, 241), Art) Bryant 754 (305, 238, 211), Glen Swindetis 751 (283, 239, 229), Ed. Lesiie 703 (321), Ray Branton 703 (257, 230, 216), Lorraine Peebles 494 (280, 211, 205), Harold Cream: er 486 (285, 203), Carman Barkley 654 (245, 218), Jack Neate 649 (272), Joan Wagg 642 (242, 213), Vera Burr 634 (248), Al. Hardsand 633 (235, 214), Dave Bowler 627 (236), Ethel Tonkin 626 (244, 200), Harry Keys 625 (286, 221), Ted Monaghan 625 (228, 202), Norma Norris 624 (247), Jack Mcintosh 624 (324), Doug Pelow 619 (266), BI Tonkin 615 (241), Jim Huxtable 611 (226, 209) and Tom Rae 601 (220) + 200 -- Harold Nugent 276, Myles Smith 266, Pete Wight 253, Ab. Burr 247, Mary Neate 240, Lily Rae 229, 214, Joan Foster 228, Darcy Chapman 227, 204, Bar- ~ Vinces 26, City Yards 18, Doyles tty Haulage | Have Fun In This olf round automobile, with o low initial cost ond on unporalicied operating cost hes offered depend- able transportation to over Two Million Motorists. The Fiet 750 offers you the dependability you desiro of 50 with the ec miles per gellon. ALL FOR ONLY $1,295 Zolian & Nick 160 Simeee S. 728-0051 | bara Willmore 225, Art Taylor 224, Marg.) Arnold 217, Mildred Armstrong 214, 200, Bert Wight 213, Dave Peebles 212, Phyllis Barkley 210, John Norris 208, Olive Mc- Intosh 208, Gen. Bryant 208, 204, Irma Falik 208, Vi Taylor 207, Harold Cornish 206, Jim Morrison 206, Roly Arnold 206, Anne Krasinski 206, Bob Bryden 206, Joyce Monaghan 205, Peggy Branton 204, Cal Irwin 203, Jack Cannon 202 and Lor- ene irwin 200. Standings -- Puffers 24, Hebjojs 22, | Moonlighters 22, Blimps 20, Norris's 20, Kaymear 18, Hi-Lows 18, Bluffers 17, Hide- aways 16, Clippers 16, Lucky Thirteen 16, erteeeres 15, Hasbeens 14, and X-Rays 4, Seek Junior Title TORONTO (CP)--Weston In- the U.S. through a group of 21 stations which carried CFL | | cial as saying that due to an|servers figure there is no club tawa: signal - caller in action. | Many observers feel he's the| most sure-footed quarterback in| the Canadian Football League. | But many of those same ob- | better equipped to cope with| Jackson than the Tiger - Cats, | rated the strongest team in the) East defensively. | It's unlikely that Jackson will) choose not to run. And if he rolls out, the pressure will be on Hamilton's corner lineback- ers and defensive ends to con-' tain him. | The Ticats are exceptionally well off at those positions. Billy Ray Locklin and Dave Viti are the defensive ends while Ted) -- VS FREE Children 12 end under Admitted Free if Accompanied by Parent. under will "B' Hockey "TONITE" 8:00 P.M. *OSHAWA CRUSHMEN BELLEVILLE Admission -- Adults 75¢ -- Children 25¢ Children 12 and receive Free drink of Orange Crush. games all year on a one-week delay basis. Page and Zeno Karcz are the) corner linebackers. victus Redmen, unbeaten this} £ here Saturday when they meet! Montreal Notre Dame de Grace} Maple Leafs at Birchmount Sta-} dium. The winner will meet Edmon-} ton Huskies Sunday, Nov. 21, at} Montreal for the Canadian) junior football championship. Edmonton qualified for the fi- nal by downing Regina Rams 28-10 Thursday in the western playoff in Edomnton. The Redmen beat Windsor AKO last Saturday 34-7 to qual-! ify for the eastern final, while Montreal qualified by defeating Ottawa Sooners 28-6 last Sun-| day. | Aja TO AN CALL OSHAWA x, Whitby, Oshawa CIAL @ INDUSTRIAL D PARKING AREAS OWN PAYMENT 20 Months to Pay ® 3 Year Guarantee 728-1541 MARG : 0.H.A. Junior baa GEORGE BABCOCK TICKETS AVAILABLE AT @ Bolahood's Sportshaven Downtown Oshowe @ Jim Bishop. Sporting Goods Downtown Oshewe @ Auditorium Box Office PAVING COMPANY a A" Hockey SATURDAY NITE 7:15 P.M. Oshawa GENERALS vs Niagara Falls FLYERS Season Ticket Holders Use Series No. 6 For This Game. BUS SERVICE Lesve Downtown 6:00 - 6:30 - Return efter the gems. 188, NEXT HOME GAME SAT., NOV, 20th Generals vs, Hamilton THORNTON RD. SOUTH OFF KING ST. WEST - MARACA the new light taste in. rum The light, smooth flavour of Maraca Rum will tell you it is one of the world's finest. Sun-mellow, distinctively dry, setting the fashion in rum drinks Light and smooth as tropical rhythm why not drink something you'll really like? Now you can choose from three superb varieties of oe 20 FOR WINE © SPIRIT MERCHANTS: Tom rer AND BOTRLED POR INE © SPIRIT MERCHANTS TORONTO, CANADA at fovarsoolas LIGHT, and Golden MA-RA-CA. the musical instrument: of tropical rhythm, Exotic net-covered bottle marks the finer light rum tum flavour THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 12, 1965 3 of New York and Gordie Howe NHL BIG SEVEN |) Detoit who scored a goal By THE CANADIAN PRESS \°h Thursday giving them 10 Positions in the National|Points apiece, Nevin has five Hockey League individual scor-|s0als and five assists and Howe ing race were unchanged fol- has four goals and six assists. lowing Thursday's only game] The leaders: between Detroit Red Wings and New York Rangers. Bobby Hull of Chicage re- . mains in first place with 17 eae: stad points followed by Bobby Rous-|Beliveau, Montreal seau of Montreal Canadiens|Nevin, New York with 16 points. Hull has 11 goals|#0We> Detroit and six ists while R j has six goals and 10 assists. BARTENDING Doug Mohns and Stan Mikita SERVICES of Chicago Black Hawks follow Wedding, Dances, with 13 points each. Jean Beli- B , ete, Telephone: veau of Montreal has 11 points. 830: He is followed by Bob Nevin Tapena? @ 75 i 3 Peterborough at Kitchener Montreal at London Eastern League New Jersey 1 Long Island 2 Greensboro 1 Nashville 4 International League Muskegon 6 Des Moines 4 Port Huron 3 Dayton 5 Thunder Bay Junior Port Arthur 4 Fort William| Hurricanes 3 | Saskatchewan Junior Estevan 4 Saskatoon 4 Flin Flon 3 Brandon 7 Alberta Senior Red Deer 13 Lacombe 4 Drumheller 6 Edmonton 7 LAST NIGHT'S STARS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bruce MacGregor, who scored a third-period goal to give Detroit Red Wings a 3-3 tie with New York Rangers. eaaeaawFEa auaorsa" Sstuunng new Snow Cruser with 'torque sensitive - drive' 3 models for '66 OMC Snow Cruiser's new 'Torque Sensitive Drive' is truly automatic--no buttons, no levers--your thumb on the throttle does the whole job and auto- matically selects the proper gear ratio for hills, for loads, for wide open spaces. 'Torque Sensitive Drive' is like your car's automatic transmission, only more so. Power stays always smooth and constant. The motor can't labour or race. So you get top performance, full horsepower under all conditions. If you plan to use Snow Cruiser in deep snow country, you'll like its new floatation features, such as soft spring suspension of skis, dolly wheels and drive sprockets and its increased tracke to-snow area. This makes Snow Cruiser ride high, wide and handsome. Adds extra stability, too. We've added a host of new features to the 1966 Snow Cruiser line to give you extra pleasure and dependability. 1. New quick detachable cab for easy engine access. 2. New soft spring ski suspension. 3. New style ski with replaceable runners. 4. New soft suspended dolly wheels. 5. New spring suspended rear drive sprocket. 10. Ignition key, light switch, primer button. 1, Hand throttle, Handle grips tested for 50° below. 2. Lower, tougher plastic windshield, 3. Hi-Lo beam headlight. 4. New integral chrome bumper. 5. Disc-type hand brake. 2. Built-in tow bar, 3. No shrink, no stretch track (sub-zero tested) This year there are three Snow Cruiser models. One has a 1514" track (manual starting) and two with 2014" tracks (elec- tric starting or manual starting). All three are powered by the proven dependable OMC Snow Cruser @ PRODUCT OF OUTBOARD MARINE CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD, 14 HP engine with 12 volt alternator, Canadian made by Outboard Marine Corporatior, the world's largest manu- facturer of 2-cycle engines. PETERBOROUGH, CANADA. Manutfecturers of world famous Johnson end Evinrude outboard motors and Lawn-Boy power mowers, SEE THE SNOW CRUISER AT -- OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour Road off Simcoe St. South 723-1901 SEE THE SNOW CRUISER AT -- SMITH SPORTS 353 King St. West 728-7341