Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1965, p. 33

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MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE JULIET JONES DID YOU GET THE RAISE? No--THE BOSS WASN'T THERE~ T WAS JUST PRACTICING HERE'S YOUR Buz! You BUZ SAWYER LITTLE ANNIF ROONEY ITS IMPOSSIBLE FO'ME 10 BE DE-BACHELORED OR DE-MENTED, COME ee HAWKINS GULP!!-- waL-siGH/MIGHTY MAH, GOODNESS GRACIO 'AM SIMPLY JUS' LOVE IT, DONT MIND IF AH CALLS YOU Buz, DO YOU, HONEY? AN' LIL OL! SWEETIE-EETIE GOLIATH 1S GONNA LOVE IT, TOO! DINNER, TINKLE. AFTERWARDS as TILL SHOW You THE TOWN, 'YOU Jus! THe SWEET-EST MANE AH'D dus! LOVE I, King Fosterse Syadtente, lan, 1968, World sights rmervad. FEW I5X-YAR-OLD BOYS HAS | Wins svarawseon HAD TH' FULL YOU DELIBERATELY AVOIDED ME LAST NIGHT-- YOU SKIPPED OFF AND LEFT ME-- WHEN I TELL A YOUNG LADY I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH RI THOUGHT YOU KNOW IT'6 THAT COLUMN NOW HOLD IT, PUCKY=I_ WERE CARRIEP AW'Y Lockap IN AN Ks WEDGE, THE KARLUK (3 CARRIED BY AN A ARCTIC CURRENT NORTH OF SIBERIA, FROM THE POLE! ON THE SHIP, CRUSHING IT, ICY WATERS THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO NOW BUT SET UP CAMP, INALLY THE (C& CLOSES IN NO SINKING IT-IN THE YOU CAN 6TAY HERE AND iF YOU LIK@, BUT WE'RE MOVING ONT AND THINK THIS OUT. PERHAPS YOU #f FROM NOWONE WILL DO THE THINKING FOR THE LONE RANGER HE MMEW WHAT UP To! DIDN'T HE? 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 11, 1965 ' BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in . Masters' Individual Chempionship Pley) South dealer, Neither side vulnerable. Opening lead -- eight of spades. .In choosing an opening lead against notrump, a _ defender should be guided more by what , jis best for the partnership than by just the indications of his own hand, Defense is basically a part- nership project and not the ex- clusive province of either de- fender. A joint effort will nearly always produce better results than a solo venture. West decided against a club lead because there was too much danger that declarer might gain a trick by the lead. With hearts and diamonds ruled out by the bidding, West led a spade in an effort to hit part- ner's long suit. Both opponents had failed to bid spades and it d likely that East would -- LIKE HOW TO GET A NEWSPAPER AWAY FROM THE. MAN OF "THE SECRET AGENT X9 H-tt Witte cas DONALD DUCK ORINK PLENTY PT 1 GODT MY ADVICE. 1S) A BAD COLD) STAY IN BED, IWAND JA TAKE SOME! [ ae A DOCTOR! J! ASPIRIN AND | ne ~ a I WANT A DOCTOR AND FAST! Distributed by King Features Syndicate, JUST STAY IN BED TAKE SOME ASPIRIN AND DRINK PLENTY OF LIQUIDS! A LAW AGAINST FEE-SPLITTING, DOC? FIND ME..... MAYBE I COULD MAKE SOONER OR LATER BLACKJACK WILL IT TO CALIFORNIA... ca Alta ACROSS 1. Beam or stake 5. Shetland Islands' land tax 9. Fiddler and limulus 10. Fertile desert spot 4. 12. Leah's son 13, "I've never seen a ------ cow": Burgess 14, Peer Gynt's mother 15. Stop 16. Chinese mile 17, Sifted for gold 19. Buzzing 43. Employs 44. Assistant DOWN 1.A lead in music 2. Poe poem 8. Japanese sash After- thought: abbr. . Spiritual force . Gymnastic feat: 2 wds. . Snake . Cultivating . Applaud . Grabs . Walks BLT IMMY UNCA MICKEY'S NEPHEW! [ . Female fowl . Noc- turnal period . Edom moun- Yesterday's Answer 33. Rifle capital of firing Formosa. pin 25. Flying hero 36, Knocks 26. Cot 39. Under- 28, Search world god 31.Greek epic 40. Portuguese poem coin 32. Meaning 42, Music note sound 21. Office- wa 7 [8 'LA holders 22, Oilstone ZZ 23, Men's parties 7, 13 YZ 26. Masses OF ice 1S 27. Every 28. Girl's name 29, Food regimen alt Disney Productions orld Rights Reserved 30, Enroll 34. Exclama- W tion SINCE I TACKED THAT UP BUTCH... THINK /] we 1 ACTUALLY CATCH MYSELF THINKING NOW AND THEN." SO I PUT UPA SIGN IN MY BEDROOM... ' i t lo unk. Ni KUUN- + - AND MAYBE IT'L! L WORK WHEN I HAVE INSOMNIA ," ---_____--§, 35. Migrate 37, Hawaiian garland 38. Three-toed echidna: | t < New Guinea 40. Encircle ty 41. Scrimp: colloq. 42. Rental as contract YOUR HEALTH NAW...ITS A NEW SWITCH ON THE PROTEST ( WHAT DOES IT PROTEST? \ UT .. MINE PROTESTS | THE PROTEST SONG! )} ee] ! For Diabetics : |Dear Dr. Molner: With all due {iirespect to your honorable pro- j|/,fession, I am utterly confused. '|;{ am supposed to have a mild jcase of diabetes. Right now I am taking one Orinase tablet a day and my family doctor tells me I might well get along on that for the rest of my life. | My doctor at the factory says| jit is inevitable that in later years I will have to take insulin. I am 43 now. My family doctor, also says that a cookie or two a day can't hurt me. My factory doctor dis- agrees, emphatically. Sir, what is your opinion?--A.V. With all due respect to my honorable profession, there is no way in the world to make everybody agree, but what I am going to tell you now will be approved by 90-some per cent! of all doctors. Or so 1 hope any such percentage in politics would be the landslide of the century- AND EARL SAID THAT AS: SOON AS HIS BOSS--I THINK HER NAME IS ROZ | FAIRLIE--SEES THE PICTURES OF ME, TLL GETA FULL-TIME | JOB AS FASHION MODEL. FOR "VENUS"! By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Here's Answers Here's my advice to you and to anyone else with diabetes: If you have a mild case, no-| body can predict with any ac- curacy whether you may, later in life, need insulin instead of| pills. It will depend on how well you stick to your diet, how long you live, how rapidly your case tends to develop. Lots of people, by.being careful, have diabetes and manage to get along on pills, However, and this is a big "however," many people think they can eat their cake and have it, too. They think they can get along forever on pills, but they don't stick to their diet. These are the people who get into trouble and do have to switch to insulin. 'KEEP YOU HAPPY' TELEVISION LOG Channe: 2--Buttalo 98-2--Dean Martin Show 7--Money Movie Channel 3--Barrie 7--Long Hot Summer 6--Luncheon Date Channel 4--Buffalo 6--The Gift 4--News ond Weather Channel 6--Toronto +-Man From UNCLE Channel 7--Buffalo 10:38 P.M. S--Popeye and Pele Channel 8&--Rochester é--The Serial 1 9--Toronto 11:00 Po W118 PA, ' 4--Epeaker of the House 12:38 Pom, Channe! Channel 11--Hamilten "menus ar aRe errs N94-/-4-4+3-1--News, Sports 9--! Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play TMURSOAY SVB. pry 18 Pom Metre Final éViewpoint 64--Search For Tomorrow 1:38 Pa, Repert 7--4--Late Show | +Night Metre 1 1:38 PM N--The Saint & Movie | A--Pemily Theatre 9--Five O'clock Movie ¢-- Superman 6--Passport To Adventure Pam. 3--Neonday 12:48 Po 1i--News 3~Atom Ant tLleyd Thexten } on Pm 64--Guiding Light Leave it Te Beever é--Music Hop t : 1:00 Pm. Be Maverichk --Theatre 9--Pi 9--James Beard Show 6:00 PL erre Berton Party Pe 7-2--News 12:30 A.M. 6é--McHales Navy 1l--News - Weather $--Lvnchieon Date --News - : i 4--News, Sports Meet The Millers Chuck Heely 6--Newscap Fame ly 6:20 P.M, | 1--News PRIDAY Douglas Show 188 Pm 9--Sergeant Bilko 64--As The World Turns 2:00 Pm, | 9--Kids is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 6:30 Pe. 4100 AA | 11--Family Theatre Me, 2|!!--Schnitzel House Captain Kengeres | 0:00 A.M. |!--Topper j o--=Piaytine -- W! 7--Maverick | Bobby é--Across Caneda 7--Diall fer Detters ok 1100 PMA. Plt 11--Farmers' Daughter | rae e eg 9--The Munsters | 110 AM O--Littlest Hebe |N--Ed Allen é--News, Weather | 9--Meta . 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 4-Forest Rangers | 2---Doble Gillis 3--Green Acres } A 2--Huntley-Brinkley lavccauiting a Reoort 9--Playtime With Uncle ne Pm, | Bobby 1l--Donna Reed 8-2--Fractured Phrases 2:00 Pima. 9--Holiywood Palace | 6 3---Canadian Schools #2--Daniei Boene | 4-1 Love Lucy |W---Donna Reed 7--Shinding | | 9--Fractured Phrases 9-43--News; Weather and rts @--Huntley-Brinkley 9--Dear Charlotte 2:30 PA 9--People In Conflict The Doctors | 7-A Time For Us | 6--Zane Grey Theatre | 4--Linkletter's Party | Movie 6--Hogan's Heroes | 10:30 A.M. #2--Another World 4--The Munetars |8-2--Concentration 7--General Hospitel | 3-The Adams Family | 7--Donna Reed |$43--To Tell The Truth | 4--The McCoys 3:38 PLM. 0:00 7m. 6-3--Friend! ian 1I--OHA Jr. A. Hockey ipopiee eet \1--Funny Company 1--Donne Reed thew 10:45 A.M. | S-Ite Your Meve 6-3--Seaway |6-3--Chez Helene i 4-Gilligan's Island 1:00 A.M 0) Pim |1]--Bonnie Prudden 9--Its Your Move | 9--Mr. And Mrs. +-2--Laredo |8-2--Morning Star T--Okay Crackerby | 7--The Young Set | 4:00 Pa 4--My Three Sons +6 3--Butternut Square | 9--Mickey Mouse Club +00 PL | 4--Andy of Mayberry | The Match Geme Branded 11:20 AM. | 7--Rocketship 7 7--Bewitched 6-3--Across Canada &3--Moment of Truth 63--1 Dream of Jeannie 1 AL 4--Movie Albert J. Steed 2--Quarter Back Club | 9 abracadabra 1» F. |8-2--Paradise Bay | | 6--Musical Interlude | !!--Super Car 4--Dick 'Van Dyke Show | 9~Sea Hunt tow +3--Telescope 12:00 NOOR |&3--Razzle Dazzle 10:00 Pm '9--Toronto Today 4--The 4Thirty Club 11--The Mery Griffin Show 8-2--Jeopardy 2--Sting Ray 2--Kartoon Karnival %--Let"s Sing Ou? +2--Mona McCluskey t--Peyton Pleee And that's probably correct. Ifjinsulin. you watch your diet! | Stick to your diet and forget But you also want to eat your\about the cookies. cookies, too. And I'd bet 24) Dear Dr. Molner: bottles of insulin against one|eyes be changed to cookie right now that you have|lighter color?--S.B. been a rather hearty eater all) No. There can be a slight your life, you like your vittlesjamount of fading as we grow and sweet stuff, and have been|older, but there's really nothing wheedling your family doctor'we can do to change. the color. with arguments like, "A cookie} oncé in a while won't hurt me, tl au ho, Just guess that it may be 'seborrhei f . nti dermatitis of the scalp, but i The factory doctor refuses to view of the location, keepin; pine ete i ey eae, Mea dye baa ys, . c '1 iclean may not really do any- sweet stuff, you're going to wind | thing. Suppose (and this is pos- up needing insulin. sible) that your skin is sensitive I've watched plenty of people|to something (dye, or whatever) Can dark show a Note to H. G. B.: From your description, I'd agree with you Now here's my guess. Your Andijfamily doctor is trying to keep ing, you happy' so he says it is pos- sible to get along with pills. 'That's what you want to hear. 4 try to kid their doctors by say-jin the hathand? Why not go "Just 'one little cookie|without a hat, or try hats that won't hurt me, will it?" Thenjdon't have such bands, for a they go home and eat half ajtime and see if it helps. If so, pie. And pretty soon they neediyou have a precious clue, have considerable length in that suit. Declarer played low from ' |dummy, losing the finese to the king. East had no trouble read- ing the spade as a short suit lead and saw no future in con- tinuing spades. He therefore shifted to a club, dummy's weakness. South covered the eight with the queen, which lost to the seven, taken by declarer with the ten. South had no choice now ex- cept to lead hearts, but when he played the king, East took the ace, returned a club, and West's A-9 gobbled up the J-5 to defeat declarer one trick. The defense was indeed excel. lent, and East-West were en- titled to A for effort, but the fact is that Sough brought about his own downfall, He should not bave taken the spade finese on the opening lead. ; All he had to do was take the ace of spades at trick one and then force out the ace of hearts. This would have assured ~lhim of nine tricks regardless of how the adverse cards were di- vided, The-principle that applies fs a relatively simple one. You don't take a finese just because it's there. A far more impor- tant consideration is making the contract, and that take prece- dence over everything else. Bright Lights Of Broadway? NEW YORK (AP) -- The tra- dition. of the entertainment world--the show must go on-- took a beating in the Broadway theatre district Tuesday night because of the massive powet failure. "The show must go on, but how could we do it tonight?" asked a spokesman for The Zulu and the Sayda, which had to cancel its premiere. Broadway marquees were dark. At the Mark Hellinger theatre, where the musical On a Clear Day You Can See For- ever is playing, -a~spokesman said, "on a clear night you can hardly see a thing here." Off-Broadway, one show went on by candlelight--playing to an audience of seven persons. At Carnegie Hall, famed pi- anist Vladimir Horowitz com- pleted an invitation rehearsal before several hundred persons with the aid of a flashlight held by an attendant. -- USED TO TAKE BOAT London's traditional Lord boat, on the River Thames, from 1422 to 1857. SALLY'S SALLIES ae 6 | Te Pay "{ didn't take a coffee break, so I'm calling this my beauty break." HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS

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