16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Nevember 4, 1965 DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. <<. eR VIVIUBIA LAUT AM DELVE LODGE 55 The re Victoria 55 was shipful Mistress iding, assisted Deputy Mistress Phyllis pf Bg De- yotional exercises were led by Chaplain Eleanor Mitchell> invitation to go to Brock- ville on November 20 was ac- cepted. White degree will be put on for members wishing to take the degree at the next meeting, A penny sale was held and re- freshments were served. OSHAWA REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 The regular meeting of the Oshawa Rebekah Lodge, No. 3 was opened by N. G. Luella Smith. The flag was presented by color-bearer Sarah Vande- walker and the chaplain, Betty Parm, performed the devotional. Past Assembly President Mabel Disney presided for the ceremony of Draping the Char- ter in loving memory of the late PDDP Evelyn Fickes, Solo- ist PNG Anne Cook sang "Be-| yond the Sunset,\' accompanied) on the piano by PNG Luell Bagshaw. There were 17 PNG present. Treasurer Ann Jones read the financial report and PNG Goala Couch gave the auditor's report of the year. VG Dorothy Holdsworth read a leng- thy report on the sick. A donation of money will be sent to the Muscular Dystrophy. Ada Tonkin accepted the office of Degree Captain for the year. A penny sale is to be held. November 24. Members are to bring gifts to the Uovem- ber 10 meeting. Birthday greet- ings were sung for Brother Harry Peever. Ann Jones showed colored pictures, and refreshments were served by members in Hallowe'- en costumes. SILVER CROSS REMEMBRANCE CHAPTER Silver Cross Remembrance Chaptet was held at the home of Mrs. Agnes Carter, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. Herbert Brately in the chair. Mrs. Jack Hogan read the minutes. Corre- spondence was read by Mrs. Brately. Plans were made for the ba-| zaar, November. 18, at the| Legion Hall. A donation was) made to Muscular Dystrophy. All members are asked to attend the Remembrance Serv- ice at St. Mark's Anglican Church on November 7. Draw prizes were won by Mrs. Bratley and Mrs. Hogan. Arrangements are being made for.a Christmas party. Refresh- ments were served. 8T. PAUL'S C.P.T.A. The October meeting of St Paul's C.P.T.A. was presided over by president, Mrs. Joseph Gangemi. The opening spiritual message was given by the Rev- erend Joseph Borg. Open House will be held No- vember 22, and a social bingo will be held February 14, con- vened by Mrs. Bernard Jones. It was decided that the First Communion class will be pre- sented with a small gift. The at- 0, r meeting of the|the turkey. supper, al Blue Lodge No.|November 6, a Wor-|5, bel Blow The regular meeting of ota | udiiees ses A somindes was extended to all concerning Saturday, settings at 4, and 7,00 p.m. Tickets may from a UCW member luck sup) change. Fr mn phrey will be in charge 0 m wi of the devotional period. Re- freshments were served by the members in charge of the night's meeting. CENTRE STREET U.C.W. The regular meeting of Cen- tre Street United Church Women was held recently with Mrs. Percy Fletcher presiding. Re- ports were given by the secre- tary and treasurer and from the various conveners. Evelyn Goodwin Unit announc- ed its Christmas bazaar for Wednesday, December 1. Plans were made for the con- gregational dinner to be held November 11, in conjunction ith the visitation program, |will be held December 8. | Mrs, Fletcher thanked the members for their work in mak-|at the home of Mrs. Reg. Mc-'thanked by Mrs. R. L, ing the turkey dinner such a suc-|Intyre. cess. |the devotional period choosing as her topic "Responsibility": Refreshments were served by) the East Unit, It was announc- ed that at the regular Novem; ber meeting, a toy demonstra-| tion will be given by Mrs, Fred! Langille. | 8T, LUKE'S LADIES' GUILD | The Ladies Guild of St. Luke's Presbyterian Church held its] annual thankoffering meeting in the church. The president, Mrs. Dennis; Abbott, presided, welcomed the| visitors and read an interesting} story on 'Brotherhood', | Miss Phyllis Glass was guest soloist and during the evening) sang two selections, accompan-| ied by Mrs. Jack Barkwell. The guest speaker was Mrs.| Helmuth Dyck of Albert Street] United Church. Mrs. Dyck spent! several years in India working jwvith the Mennonite Missions. She showed many beautiful slides and gave an interesting} account of each. A | Mrs. Donald Sinclair thanked) the guest speaker and soloist on behalf of the group. Delicious refreshments were) served by Mrs. George Russell and her committee. CHRIST CHURCH W.A. (Martha Group) The monthly meeting of the Martha Group of the Wom- en's Auxiliary of Christ Memor- ial Church was held recently in the church lounge. Mrs, G. A. Fletcher reported that the near- ly new sale was-a great success, and thanked all who had helped with it. Subscriptions for the bulletin will be taken by Mrs. I, K. MacDonald and are .25 cents to start in January, 1966. It hoped that all outstanding fees would be handed in by the end of the year. | | & tendance plaque was won by Miss N. Rowden's Grade 1) class.. | The guest speaker of the even-} ing, the Reverend Gerald Al-| corn, Chaplain of 'the Whitby} Ontario Hospital, was introduc-) ed by Mrs. William Edwards. Mr. Alcorn spoke on the many} dutues entailed in rehabilitating! the patients both spiritually and| that the! It was announced new calendars would be here soon and were being looked after by Mrs. D. H. Moore. Members were asked to keep December 5 in mind as that is the Sunday the auxiliary takes| corporate communion with the other groups. | A nominating committee of} mentally. Mrs. Henny Shetfield/ Mrs. D. H. Moore and Mrs, C.| thanked the speaker. Mrs. Stanley Walsh, assisted|Port. results at the December)jand of Trinidad, which she| Plans for the November meet- visited this year on a tour ar-\ing at the Boys' by Mrs. J.cA> Cooper and Mrs: P. Vandepol served refresh- ments. The draw was won by Mrs. William Gardner. WESTMINSTER UCW The regular meeting of the Westmount United Church Women was held Monday night with a very good attendance. The president, Mrs. Carrington welcomed the visi- tors and guests. Mrs. George Lofthouse intro- duced Misses Anna and Nellie Dovgaley and Miss Jane Delaney who sang two inspiring numbers, accompanied by Miss Trudy Manson. Mrs. Lofthouse and Mrs. Richard Schad conducted an in- teresting devotional period on "The Bonds of Peace". The president conducted the . Band was set up and will re-| meeting Mrs. R. C. Day, Mrs. A. R (Garrett and Mrs. W. H. -Gib- |bie were appointed to be in| \charge of advertising for the) |Christmas bazaar on December) jl. Plans were discussed for the) jbazaar and Mrs. Alvin Hilts is |proceeding with arrangements} | J. A. Flet- Tea was served by Mrs. |M. Greer and Mrs, G, jcher, | PHI, PHI CHAPTER, | BETA SIGMA PHI jof the Phi, Phi chapter, Beta {Sigma Phi was held at the jhome of Mrs. Patrick Ryan, {with Mrs. Don McClennen pre- |siding. Rushees were in attend- jance at this "Model Meeting.". The QUALITY name to look for when buying GINGER ALE |The rushing party was held at The secret pal Christmas party) Mrs. D. F. Aylsworth led in|held at Spruce Villa. \the for making stuffed animals. | Leonard | The second monthly meeting) WHITBY RESIDENTS VACATION IN BERMUDA Bermuda, street, Whitby, who recently spent their vacation in | Pictured here are Mr. and | Mrs. R. A. Hottot of Charles is ---- | }mentator at a 'big' dress fash-|\She stated that there was an the home of Mrs. Robert James.|ranged by the United Church|in Bowmanville were made with Pearson wasjeach member taking part. | Mowers.|° The group is responsible for| Refreshments were served by|part of the luncheon on Decem-| The Preferential Tea was held|Observer. Miss The Christmas party will be L i |sionary weekend. CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC | The 1966 executive were elec The Young Women's Mission|eq with the following results: | |Circle met at the church with) president, Miss Jean MacInnis; | |Mrs. Harry Grant presiding. | vice-president, Miss Grace Ken-| The speaker was Miss Joyce|nedy; secretary, Miss Mildred! Luke. Miss Luke is a kinder-|pavyidson; treasurer, SIMCOE STREET UCW igarten teacher at Adelaide Mc-| Montgomery: "Glad Tidings (Astra Unit) | Laughlin School, and is the/secretary, Miss Madeline Sin- The regular meeting of the/church librarian. clair; bale secretary, Mrs. A. Astra Unit of Simcoe Street! Her topic was . "'Developing|y, McDonald; welcome and wel- United Church Women was held|The Readiness of Reading." fare, Mrs. J. B. McGregor. recently with the president,|She told how important it was a sg Mrs. Howard Toaze, opening|to start reading to the very, VON DIRECTORS' MEETING Mr. John Weiss gave a dem- | onstration of modern hair styl- ing, and discussed the trends for the future. Refreshments were served. the meeting by reading a poem.|young and getting them ac- : m The devotion period was led|quainted with good christian|in the board room of the City by Mrs, Murray Davidson's|books, She encouraged the| Hall. : group. ladults to read more, firstly their! pr, H. R. Roussell presided. It was announced that the/Bible, then good books. Miss|The minutes were read by Miss Astra and. Phoebe Scammell|Luke invited the women into Helen Boddy and the treasur- units would be responsible for|the library to browse around. |er's report was given by Mr. the refreshments at the next| The next meeting will also bec, L, Gunter. general UCW meeting. held at the church November 8) yyicg Jsobelle Sorley, the Mrs. Toaze commented on the|and will be a work night. Re- nurse-in-charge, gave her Sep- success of the recent rae freshments were served. ltember report. The total num- beige. ea' Déagies Cosriney| , UAW AUKMAARY --_|ber 6f vide. maae ia, Berets reported on the results of the| A Hallowe'en party was held/ber Were tts te 1 teat aut recent toy demonstration, and|instead of the regular meeting of of sania agg thanked Mrs. Eric Hempstead Auxiliary 27 UAW recently. bene att im the University of and her group for supplying the| The winners for costumes|student fro ' eee RO . ye 8: i Toronto spent one week observ refreshments. were as follows: original, Mrs, |+9F0 the branch in September. Mrs. Toaze presented a list of Claude Comerford and Mrs. Roy|!"8 in the bra . members for nominations for|McHugh; funniest, Mrs. Lloyd) pops Losin' LASSIES CLUB general UCW elections. Parker and Mrs. Stephen Mel- Plans for the bazaar to be held|nichuk; fancy, Mrs. Douglas on November 17 were discussed | Clark and Mrs, Grove Sutton. and tickets for the bazaar and) Popcorn winners were: Mrs.\ynder the leadership of Sheila tearoom were distributed. |Edward Dobby and Mrs. Wil-)McLaren and Pauline Shaw. Miss Beryl Bassingthwaighte,|liam Werry, Balloon winners,|weight was recorded by Mari- Executive Secretary of the|Mrs. Claude Comerford and/jyn Nash, secretarial reports Local Branch of the Canadian| Mrs. Roy M. Hugh and the win-|were given by Lois Stuart and Mental Health Association,|ner of the doll draw was Mrs.\the (treasurer's reports by spoke on the "White-Cross" and Stanley Saramak. Mafion Hoskin. Inspirational its functions in a comirtiinity.| Two films 'Grievance Proce-|readings for the month were by Mrs. Norman Eddy thanked the|qure' and "Union Dues" will be|Betty Alexander, Helen Calder, speaker. shown at the next meeting. Sheila McLaren and Barbara Refreshments were served by = Parrinder. Mrs, Murray Davidson's froup,) ARVILLA McGREGOR WMS | qwenty-nine members weigh- The first meeting of the sea- dn Order Gees ee the 80" for Arvilla McGregor Wom- Friendship Unit of King Street|¢?'S , Missionary | Soviety _ was United Church Women was held|"e!4 in the lounge of Knox Pres- recently, with the unit leader,|P¥tetian Church recently with a ' Mrs. L. G. Glover presiding. 10 members and one guest pres-|diet-cola and can of diet-fruit. Meander aie : * lent. i | -eived a cup Theme of the devotional serv- Betty Alexander receive: ice under the leadership of} The president, Mrs. A. J.land saucer for four consecutive Mrs. R, L. Mowers was "'Life's|McDonald, presided. Mrs, J. B.|losses. The Queen of October Pattern." She was assisted by|McGregor conducted the wor-/was Carolynn MacLean with an Mrs. H. §, Myers and Mrs. |Ship service. Mrs. Gordon Brett/8!% Ib. loss and she will receive Wilbur Rusnell, -- joutlined the results of group dis-la charm. Mrs, MacLean and Members were reminded of | cussions on the work of the|Betty Daigle are the only mem- the church bale being packed|Church, covering such subjects|bers. eligible to win a $ hair-do November 10, and the UCW tea @8 education for christian living, |in the "Take it or leave it' con- and bazaar on November 17. |responsibility for others, money|test. Two stork members who the net loss was 42 Ibs. Joan Rockbrune was Queen of the week with 10 Ibs. lost and she was presented with a carton of Miss Lueta Pearson showed |raising and church housekeep-|did not gain weight this week} in|were presented with a diaper jeach It was announced the bake Training School'sale to raise funds for anniver- excellent colored slides and de-|ing -- held in Pickering scribed the people and the Is-|September. {beheld Marilyn Lavender, The October meetings of the|pook, TOPS Losin' Lassies, held at/meeting wearing Chinese cos- |the ORC building weely, were|tumes. The prize for the best) 5 lication it is asked that the the Nov. 13 deadline adhered pecial Women's Supplement To Be Published In November The Oshawa Times is preparing to publish a special supplement later this month publicizing the activities of women's service organizations. Space will be available in the edition for organizations wishing to submit items naming their executive members and noting their Main projects, Such ariicies siould be no more than 200 words in len items be typewritten, Those which are not should be legibly written on one side only of the paper. Deadline for those organizations interested in submit- ting reports is noon Saturday, Nov. 13. To facilitate pub- Precious Coats -- Surprisingly . It is preferable that the summaries be kept brief and to by all organizations. | | sary expense would be held on November 12 at 1.00 p.m. The Christmas party date was set for Décember 16, and at that time the new executive for 1966 will be installed, Joan Pearce, a new member, was welcomed into the club, Edna Brown gave a reading on the value of hobbies to the During the summer vacation members had forwarded to Mrs. Harold Ball gifts to be raffled at this meeting. Mrs. Ball led the bidding for the gifts sent from all corners of the world. At the close of the meeting tea and Chinese food) were served, The next pees is. scheduled to be held at the | | dieter and then showed the members a display of her own hobbies -- coin collection, rock collection, special saying scrap- book, scenic card scrapbook, history of Oshawa scrapbook and an elaborate assortment of weaving. The members were especially interested in the home of Mrs. Clarence Freek, | Whitby. The speaker pill be} Miss Joyce Power who will | speak on the subject of 'Mexico.' | Ways and means chairman, | Mrs, Harold Ball, reminded the) members that her committee is planning to finish the project of selling teen-age doll clothes and weaving and appreciation was expressed to Mrs. Brown for anjany sales that they may be able exceptional evening. Carolynn MacLean was com- ion show. The models were members who had lost a good deal of weight. Mrs. MacLean's apt and humorous remarks were \Mrs. A. S. Clark and her group. |ber 4, in connection with @ mis- 77+ 6g by all and it was hoped | .|the evening was one of inspira-/ The president, Mrs. L, F. N tion to the new members, A disguised mystery guest came to the club one peek, When the lady removed her oa \padding to the accompaniment gi a the 'Stripper', the members for- mer club member who had lost 74 Ibs. -- and is keeping it off. A diet luncheon followed, and the hostesses were Marilyn Nash, Lois Stuart, Margaret The directors of the VON met|Stauffer, Mary Calvert, Joyce Fulling and Pauline Shaw. BETA SIGMA PHI (XI Alpha Sigma Ch.) At their regular meeting held recently at the home of Mrs. |James Carson, Bedford drive, members of XI Alpha Sigma Chapter entertained Mrs, Thom- as Platt and Mrs. Harold Gil- mour, members 'of Gamma Epsilon Chapter. Mrs, Platt and Mrs, Gilmour are both during eligible to receive their Exem-| One public health|pler Degree and upon conferr-| jment of this degree will be- jcome members of XI Alpha Sigma. | Taking the theme for the jmeeting from the current study members attended the costume went to Mrs. Clarence Freek, Mrs. Harold Ball con- ducted a Chinese auction and the successful bidder was Mrs. |Thomas Platt. After a short business meeting, presided over by Miss Joyce Power, members and guests enjoyed a Chinese game organized by Mrs. Mer- vin Perkin, Winners of the game received tea bags. In keeping with the Chinese ed in on the 28th of October and |theme, Mrs. Kenneth Young dis- Played various Chinese articles jand a short discussion followed ion Chinese art. urged all members to complete} to make and turn in the mon-' ies to her at the next meeting. lexcellent assortment of clothes still available. | ST. GEORGE'S WOMEN'S GUILD | |Hind, presided at the regular meeting of St. George's Wom-| jen's Guild held at Cowan House, | Mrs, W. R. Hambly and Mrs.) A. E, Barnes who. are conven-| ing the Christmas bazaar and tea to be held in the Parish| Hall on November 20, asked the) members who had articles suit- able for the antique table to contact them, They would like| to obtain these articles at least! a week before the event, Mrs. Norman Hinds, Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs, Leonard) Brash were appointed to a nomi- nating committee to prepare a} slate of officers for the coming! year. | It was announced that the/ next meeting would be a chicken) supper on December 6, at 6.00/ p.m., at the parish hall, i Mrs, F, J. Rundle's \served tea, group| | MOTOR CITY BATON TWIRLING CONTEST director trene Hervey Sat,, Nov, 6 9 am. to B pm. et O'NEILL COLLEGIATE Come and see All-Onterio twirlers in ection Adults 50¢ Children 25¢ \ | 1 ELECTROHOME STEREO HI-Fl WITH THE DIFFERENCE. Solid state; rich, brilliant sound, 6 precisely balanced speakers; 25 watts AM/FM Stereo Radio; Garrard "3000" changer; AFC; speaker contro! centre; designed for satellites and remote speakers. Cabinet by Deilcraft. Available in walnut; Swedish walnut, custom brown mahogany, antique finishes. © SAVE DURING OUR CLEAROUT OF 1965 ELECTROHOME MODELS... SHOP TONITE Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre WILSON & LEE Ltd. 87 Simcoe St. North OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. MUSIC STORE Ph. 725-4706 Young elegance in a:laminated suedine girls' coat. Fully pile lined. Popular half belt and gold color button trim. Attached hood, Brown only, Sizes 7-12. Orion pile -- a high fashion fabric that is as practical as it is glamorous. Here in a chic girls' c with quiltegNi Beige, brow wa" ef ota. Belge, Ores Deep Orlon* Pile % Coats new look COAT CLASSICS Richly rewarding in style and warmth... yet inexpensive, topped with the beauty of a stand-away wedding ring collar, three large pearly buttons and two neat slit pockets. Beige, Brown or White. Sizes 9° SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded 88 STORES SERVING ONTARIO $22 * $22 Open Daily 9:30 a.m. to. 6:00 p.m, Open to 9:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday. 8 @