WELL, f WOULD HAVE BEEN FURTHERMORE, I DOUBT THAT HE WILL. HIS WIFE WAS REPORTED LOST IN A TYPHOON, BUT HE 'YOU MARRYING HIM, REFUSES TO ACCEPT IT. WELL --~ AHEM! -- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY JANE ARDEN GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES THE OSHAWA TIMBS, ms THE LONE RANGER THIS RAIN BAI JUST THE PLACE THE MONEY. ew MIGHT BE HIDE ab Mee " te MICKEY MOUSE HAT FE. COME WO THINK ON fT ses NOBODY COOLD BE. IGNORANT EN SHACK FOR THREE 77 LLOW 16.UP lOUGH 1 RENT HUNDRED SECRET AGENT X9 ig Bagh ee ae" 1 OF THE ROOSEVELT, pe gn SAU FOR THE ARCTIC, DONALD DUCK ACROSS DOWN i."Laughing 1. Flatfish Cavalier" 2. First mate i 3. Cash on Via Veneto 4. Enclosure 5. Whitish 6. Biblical name 7, Mosiem princes 8. Reigning beauty 11, Glaze particles 13. French 31. Corolla river part 15.Hawaiian 42.Gaze food rudely 17, Restless 36. Dec, 24, 20, Music May 29, 40. Garden note July 3, ete. tool i Ss jo 17 48 21. Snoop 22. Cloth 26. Silli- ness 27. Wading bird 29, Be ill 30, Co- ordin- ating Yesterday's Anuwer 37. Peruvian fertility goddess 38. Relative of 27 down 18, French pronoun 19. Ecclesias- tical 4 vestment 23. Cubic 9 Ga meter 24. -- G fe Di e fe 28, Newborn 30. Goddess of harvests 33, Abyss 34, Land Y e 35. Narrate GO AHEAG BUTCH/,., TRY iT/ | 0 ig Pome Swen, BI Wad sachs mer, YOUR OLD-FAGHIONED FEATHERGED IS SOFT / @ Kang Tecerm Syetcorn ten. Pas. World he oun Pas wi , -- WAITAMINUTE, j., GIVEME BACK ARK THAT PICTURE, again 37. Ore deposit 9. Barrel part 40. Custom 41, War god 42, Leave out 43, Not so great, 44, Well- known | street | 'YOUR HEALTH Osteomyelitis Analysis Made By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | Dear Dr. Molner: What about but with proper attention it osteomyelitis? I know a young/doesn't happen often. man who had it, but was oper-| 'The answer to the third ques- ated, and the bone was scraped. ition is that it will not affect nator not had pa cnel since, this young man's life span or except some pain when he ge "a earning power. tired. My questions are: Is it a communicable or} Dear Dr. Molner: About hereditary disease? jseven years ago I had a severe attack. of diverticulitis. Since then I have had attacks off and on, although I watch my diet. The doctor advised me never jto take laxatives or anemas |However, several acquaintance jhave the same trouble tell: me they have periodic colon flushes It is not communicable; not|and are never bothered by at- hereditary. \tacks, What is your. opinion?-- It is not crippling. Before we|Mrs. E. R. had antibiotics, the disease} Diverticulitis is an inflamed quite often became chronic, and/case of the "losis" condition. would flare up frequently. To-| Your friends, I strongly sus- day, however, the combination|pect, didn't have as severe an of anti-biotics and good surgeryjattack as you did, and they results in most cases being|would have gotten along just as cured. We cannot say that a|well without their colon flushes | | Is it crippling or incurable? | Will it affect his life span or} jearning power?--Mrs, L.M. Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone, due to a variety of germs. \strated a af i E vi Hi and, at the same a abe ie, : Ap upon not losing a club Robinson was aware percentage play, to the king, was clubs in the hope the king, but he a! percentage play seemed to him to be sufficient reasons. He assumed that if 4 had the A-K of hearts have led a heart f spade. Pursuing this reason Robinson _ therefore East with one' of the high ; honors, and this in turn per-» --e ever = ee _ ve passed the oj 5 bid if he had also had the king of clubs. ots It follow logically club finesse, if. taken, --_ _ no the . chance lay playing of clubs .in the hope. that would fell the 'king.And, true storybook fashion; that = $2--Call My Biull 7--Money Movie $--iLuncheon Date 3--Pepeye and Pats 12:18 PA. 4--Speaker of The House 1:0 PA 1--News 9--1 Love Lucey 8-2--Let's Play 6-4--Search For Tomorrow 2--Noonday Repert 10:38 PLM. %--~Sporis Hot Seat 7--ABC Scope +-3--Festival 1:00 PMA, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports 11:15 PLM, %--Metro Final é--Viewpoint Channe) Channel Channel 4--B: Channet Channel Channet Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton "tematic mean WRONESDAY SVE. 5:0 Racor N--Family Theatre = ese PA 9--Five O'clock Show " peggy Bp ahr ctntont" Metre 6--Passport To Adventure, &-Nig! " 3--Secret Squirrel 1.2 Pa 3--Lioyd Thaxton N--The Saint 5:3) Pm, 6--Sports B--Leave it To Beever | 3. movie 6--Music H paso 11:40 PLM, 2--Hudson Bay | 9--Plerre Berton 6--The Long Hot Summer | 6--Journal Of Hope . | 7 Ben Casey News, Sports With ae he ; | 6--Luncheon Date Chuck Healy 1]--News; Weather; Sports '--ihaat the taiilere 3--Golf 6--Newscap 6:20 PLM, 1l--News 12:48 PLM, News 6-4--Guiding « ight he Pm, \1--Theatre 6:00 PM. 9--James Beard Show 7-2--News 6--Matines THURSDAY 08 AM 6:0 PLM, |11--Schnitzel_ House Ni--Family Theatre | 4--Captain Kengares 9-4-3--News; Weather | by ena Sports | 9100-AMR, 1--T f 8--Huntley-Brinkley 'oppe | with | Une News 9--Playtime ncle is Bobby | e0 7---Dialing Fer Dellers 2:15 P.M, ek | %Deer Charlotte N--Gilligans island 4--Mikes Cornival 9--Camp Runamuck 9:3) AM | 2:33 Pm. 8--Rip Cord | 9--People in Conflict é--News, Weather, \--Ed Allen Bey Doctors Sport: 4--Gypsy Rose Lee sd 2--Dobie Gillis 7--A Time For Us 4--The Honeymooners tits & Love That 3~12 O'clock High 10:80 AMA 2--Huatley-Brinkley Report 1:3 PM, Green Acres 9--Gidget $-2--Virginian . 7--Oztie and Harriet 6--Political Telecasts 4--Lost In Space 8:00 P.M, e-Special Mavie 5 10:45 A.M, | " --My Favorite Merton i¢> chez Helene j}!--Funny Company 1--Patty Duke show [o> -che | 9--1t's Your Move 6-3--Okay Crackerberry 11:00 A.M. :30 PLM, ll--Bonnie Prudden 9--Sergeant Bliko &4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M. --Kide 1s People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 7--Cheyenne é--Across Canada 1:00 P.M. Girl Ti 4--Linkletter"s Party 3--Movle 3:00 PL tee Reed l--Nurses 6-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Canadian Schools rh tare ney 9--Fractured Phrases 10:3) AM, | !1--Bonnie Prudden Me ad #-1--Another World BU So tema ll 7--Goneral Hospital 7--Donna 63--Friendly Giant esos baat Rell 4--The McCoys o:38 Fm, materialized. : Afro-Asian Talks Flop ALGIERS (AP)--The secon§' Afro-Asian summit conference, finally fell apart today, a vie- tim of the fierce political cane flict between Russia and Chine, Foreign ministers of the Afro-" Asian world buried their hopes ~ -- meeting and shelv indefinitely, Already * delayed twice, it was to have opened Friday. The foreign ministers, reluc- tantly concluded that a summit' could not be held new because it would be boycotted by their" most powerful member, China.' ma a number of other mem- rs, ; Peking stayed away from the:: foreign ministers' conference and warned that it would net- attend any conference at this. time which included the Soviet Union. i 9-- Mr. And Mrs. j--Glaget 8-2--Morning Star of Night 63--Bob Hope Theatre 7--The Young Set 2--Kartoon Karnival 4~B ly + 63 nut Square ae Pm " <--Andy @ Mayberry | o_mickey Mouse Club Vets AM, | The Match Game %: f 7~The Big Valley 8-2--Bob Hope reen Acres %--Summer Fun 7--Rocketehip 7 : 63--Moment of Truth bly hago 4--Secret Storm &-Rocky and His Friends ane rm Ni--Atom Ant 9--Sea Hunt 63--Across Canada 1:38 AM, M--Albert J. Steed 10:00 PLM. Lae pharma} 1 iffin Sh 6-2--Paradise Bay pe ha nae 6--Musical nto beni 7 . 4--Dick Van Dyke azzie Dazzie 4--Danny Kaye Show 12s nObN 'n ?- k t 1: Mek tte toy 2--Huckleberry Hound 9:20 PLM, 6-3--Festival 4--Dick Van Dyke sary, and can do more harm| There may be some misinter- tham good, If your bowel regu-|pretation or misunderstanding larity isn't as good as it should|of what he was told. Diabetes ample liquid (meaning an extrajin itself does not preclude re- glass of water now and then),/moval of catacts. Many people and just a little attention to de-|with diabetes are aided by such veloping regular habits will help|surgery. you, without irritating the "'di-) However, if the diabetes has vertick"' problem. An occasional|damaged the back of the eye, mild laxative, if needed, is alljremoval of the cataracts would right: But by all means, don't{do no good. Changes in the eye, assume that enemas (or'colon|other than cataracts, can occur flushes) will assure you of nojfrom diabetes. further trouble. Your doctor; Removal of cataracts is bene- de whal he was talking) cial only if the rest of the eye } \. hese De Wlleue 1 hace ig in adequately good condition friend who has gone blind from| Note to Miss K. P.: Not every cataracts. He has been to spe-jvein which shows is varicose. cialists but they tell him there/Small varicose veins sometimes is no help for him because he/can be coagulated, or dried up, case never can become chronic,/Such treatment is not neces- bis Mhcreatere= vee Pree. Schofield-Aker Lid, 723-2265 SMOKING PROBLEMS CALL SMOKER'S DIAL 728-2221 FOR FREE ASSISTANCE TO BREAK THIS HABIT 24 - HOUR SERVICE has diabetes. Is this ere injections. No, flat feet Mrs. C. §. don't cause varicose veins, ;