4 2. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 3, 1965 _ Auto Insurance: Up, Up, Ever Up wasn't until June this year, fol- phrey of Toronto, past presi-|lowing 'ig Aeo ype pei dent of the the All Canada In- premiums, that we were able surance Federation, said Tues-|to catch up with the accident day automobile insurance cma ee * os a are headed one way---up. | As a result of the backlog, Mr. Humphrey told a Halifax|said inseranee, companies, tee greg Langs Sgne 7 service club: in about $50,000,000 to $75,000,-lanq tire chief of Coleraine in " think that insurance rates |000 less in premiums last year f995.07 pleaded guilty to hav- generally will go up again not|than was pald out in claims. Jing set ablaze the Hotel Beau only next year, but the year af-| "1 am serly t we cannot Rivnge in nearby Neuville in ter that and the year after a gory - mney pin al 1963 and to having conspired to tat." Bord on fimitin rth amount set this fire with Eugene Be- fle predicted a six+per-cent recession, limiting we rube, part ewner of the hotel. rent! yf driving, could halt the rising average increase across Can- ; »| Marceau, now a carpenter in rates. Higher medical expenset|ouiec City, was sentenced to oe fancier cars and increased dis- two years on each charge, Sen- He said the upward trend had|apility compensation for acci- s d been 'avident since the end ofldent victims contribute to thelirey, will be served consece- the Second World War when)rise, gl bis sues tel new prosperity multiplied traf-/ Reasonably simple changes city 1 pool artes a pong fie'in North America. lin automobile design--etficient|hgte] fire and has been sen- "We began increasing our|bumpers, bolt-on fenders and tenced to a five-year jail term rates, but every time we in- easier-to-repair body panels --| noise Darabaner, @ Quebec Armed Forces New Focus. Of Diefenbaker's Attention SARNIA (CP) -- Campaign-, He also said promotions in,services, Mr. Diefenbaker said ing in southwestern Ontario, trade categories have beenjit is a shame men are being Conservative Leader Diefenba-|frozen, and that there is a feel-|retired. ker said Tuesday "strangeling of hopelessness and fear in| He said a Conservative gov- things are happening" in armed/the armed forces. ernment would give cash bo- forces promotions. to, Befence Ministerinuses to skilled armed forces He told an election rally in|Paul Hellyer issued a state-lworkers to keep them in ihe nearby Goderich that a "'tele-)ment saying: service. For those who were gram went out from Ottawa on| ("This statement of Mr. Dief-\forced out and want to come Nov. 1 to all areas and com-|enbaker's that promotions are back, he said, the same bonus mands cancelling promotions|frozen is absolutely false. Pro-|premium would be paid. without special authority from|motions are not frozen. There Ottawa." will be more promotions in this MIS LAST TOUR He asked the crowd of 400;|year than last year and there Mr. Diefenbaker whistle- "What's the reason for this no-|will be more than the average stopped Tuesday by train tice being sent out at this|in each of the last five years. through southwestern Ontario, time? Is this a form of intimi-| ('I do not know where Mr, [his last campaign fora into the dation?" Diefenbaker is getting his in- region, The bulk of the 27 On- Mr, Diefenbaker asked if it\formation but it is entirely tario seats won by the party in was "sent out at the present|wrong.") 1963 are in that area. time in order to scare com-| In an apparent reference to He started the tour in Owen manding officers or those in|compulsory retirement under Sound and ended-it in Sarnia higher ranks regarding the tak-jthe Liberal government's pro- where he spent the night. After 2 Years For Former Fire, Police Chief QUEBEC (CP)--The former police and fire chief of Cole- raine, Que., in Quebec prov- ince's Eastern Townships, Tues- day was seutenced to two years tie in penitentiary for arson and HALIFAX (CP)---J, B. Hum- itn Tare (48 -26TS) ------e ----~leynical, tarnished Democratic WEATHER FORECAST KILL 1,265 GUERRILLAS also asked state election offi- Last week's fierce fightong atjcials to impound all ballots, Plei Me and in the Da Nangjsaying, "in our opinion there and Chu Lai areas was reflected|are certain irregularities which in casualty figures for the week constitute fraud.' Both Stokes ending Oct. 30, released today.jand Locher are Democrats, but The attack appeared in the! A total of 1,265 Viet Cong|Stokes ran as an independent. llatest edition of the church's\were killed in the seven-day) Locher received 87,833 votes weekly, La Luce (The Light),/period, the third highest weekly|in Tuesday's election, Stokes The Waldensian is one of-about|figure ever recorded and 500\95 375 Republican Ralph J. six small churches that repre- above the preceding week. \Perk and independent Demo- 4 | Tau sent the 200,000 Protestants Bigg cg ee ee rea| oral Ralph A. McAllister ran far C ' f ) among the overwhelming Ro- ana Port from 143 killed and 474 wounded |behind. man Catholic majority of|the week before. | It was the closest mayoralty {DON WINERY LIM Italy's 50,000,000 people. | American losses almost dou-'race in the Ohio: City's history. Basu bh Adak EAD sce hana st : RED BRAND BONELESS ing of the franchise." t a breakfast reception here to- a enaate gram tointegrate the thret/4.. 16 goes by train to Toronto to catch a plane to Montreal 'Cong Started Attack Well, |": Sci r. Diefenbaker drew crowds creased them, the accident|could help reduce total insur-joiy bysinessman, is awaiting g ' ranging from 30 at Harriston to rates jumped even more. It ance costs by about 10 per cent. trial {0 connection with this fire 1 . ' 600 at Listowel--but most of the -- and others, He is charged with Th F ] d T Listowel greeters were children Storm-And-Flame-Wracked Ship jii'tron. "nS" EN Failed 10 LXECULE ese ameter," mit arson, f FL begga : eas Mason (AP ystlendpbd "atl tiek. Swaply-thrbe TB. porviee-|.lletal Me Riats lands ay Wk Pl GC. ll tl tT I ] d s . Viet Cong guerrillas swarmed|men were killed in action and/horn Sept. 18, 1895 unges a an y 0 re. an in its down from the mountains above|114 wounded compared with 11] Following the afternoon rall : . } coastal Quang Ngai today and|killed and 70 wounded in the|,; Goderich he addressed 4 LONDON (CP) -- A blazing |more than 500 passengers, made an unsuccessful attempt|previous week. 'sgowd of 1,400 at nearby Wal- British freighter, threatened by|sailed Tuesday night, 30 hours} | to overrun a South Vietnamese) A U.S. military spokesman|laceburg The crewd, which gales as well as flames, |behind schedule on its last vey-) ages government outpost. |said the Viet Cong in the last|filled a high school auditorium steamed through heavy Atlantic|age of the season up the St. | "en | j U.S, sources said an esti-|two weeks had struck in larger|was about the same size as that waves today toward Ireland. Lawrence River to Montreal, | } G adh Vi i -| fore a : | LOND: mated 500 to 600 guerrillas at-|force than at any other period|drawn by Prime Minister Pear- The 6,905-ton British vessel Another British freighter, | ON (Reuters) -- Lon-) tacked the outpost three miles|this year. son a week ago Newfoundland, originally bound! chartered to the Saguenay Ship.|don newspapers today splashed SOMETHING LOST IN THE TRANSLATION |northeast of Quang Ngai, in cen- ania Mr. Dietenbaker said. that fof Halifax, turned around in @|ping Company of Montreal, res representative John Lindsay's : sie tral South Viet Nam. U.S. jets| after two and a half years of gale 400 miles out from Britain|\¢yed the 10-man crew of the) ew York mayoralty election An Ottawa driver can't one-hour parking or find a flicting signs appear On |hombed and strafed the Viet) |'"incompetency inability and -- as the fire blazed in 8) polish yacht Wielpolska during|win and ytd it ., -- to} make up his mind on wheth- spot for his car elsewhere downtown Augusta street \Cong as they retreated at day-| egro oses luncertainty" Mr. Pearson is Mr apokesinan forthe vesiel's|* Dave S89 bdpeteil ling Democrats, gee ala eraiting a8 int Bogtieh the oon coe wiveniete (Meco, ace me BO jasking for a majority govern owners said all 39 men aboard The, fevlahes Boniery usually' "poll shock for LBJ," The) -- guage sign permiing OO ---- ------ om. (of enemy casualties. | ' s peec more members in Parlia- appeared to be safe, "But we |Tuns rhage i" cage hig Evening News headlined its nelly vb ayor $ l He accused th cannot say all danger is pest,iand Britis tn "ae his time |story, which led early editions, CARDIN WILL PROBE, BUT SAYS: R s t V ti s|ported among the dfenders of ay npg Pest eygier mw of pi borg would say that about pla ee a y e saring no an hort proee esis a can be png the U.S. ist Air Ca CLEVELAND (AP) State|Mr. Peat is ar ro e at séa. | - ' earthquake that sent shudders | Troops e U.S. Is gp pee . mg: : : : "Delayed by 75 - mile - an -| Gales paralysed coastal ship-|through the Johnson. adminis- ' ns ' | ivalry Division continued to ee hegre cg ones, blank cinaee, Pv without re- hour gales at Liverpool, Eng-/ping in Denmark and Southern|tration."' nce- ying PY Church Urges sweep the jungles near the spe-| re toned ey if ma es ee land, the Canadian Pacific liner|Sweden and flooded several! The News adds in a dispatch lcial forces camp of Plei Me in a ayor of a major U.S. city, Empress of England, cartying|towns in Jutland. \trom New York: 'Tired of the : _ \the central highlands, looking ell 2,458 votes short of unseat- rene Peele ety Biases cohtteti ROME (AP)--A_ publication|for the guerrillas who have ing incumbent Ralhh S, Locher. Poses No I hreat lof Italy's Protestant Walden-|been besieging the camp. | Early today the 38-year-old sian Church Tuesday de- stokes asked for a recount. He nounced the Vatican ecumeni- cal council and called on Pro- testants to resist Roman Cath- olicism. OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Min- Referring to a report from) nny Cardin oe re he| Vancouver that the unidentified will review all aspects of @ SPY/ suspect was in good health and case before deciding whether! orking for the post office, Mr. prosecution is justified. He also said in a statement |Cardin's statement issued here 'that a Canadian involved, now said in part: reported to be working for the} "The state of the man's post office in Vancouver, |peaith caused unavoidable de- | | | party machine which tradition- Cloudy. Very Windy, Cold oudy, Very Winay, Lo ' | Republicans saw a new John F, Kennedy "in Lindsay's boy- plunge southward setting offing northerly 25 to 35. jfeat for the city's once all- concerning his participation in showers changing to snowflur- Forecast Temperatures |powerful political machine and ee de eed caoett mt espionage. operations. windy and much colder with) Wingham ..++++9« scattered showers, Winds nor-|Hamilton ant" who worked outside Ot-land an embassy clerk, V. N. ltawa in a 'non-sensitive" job|Poluchkin, of the Soviet Em-| } By 2 Papers White River, Timagami, Coch-|S 4 REGINA (CP)--The Regina rane, Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, | q a age lin the Nov. 8 federal election. SIMCOE Sh. UNITED CHURCH ; HERE THER | The Leader - Post criticizes | and era." Synopsis: Cold arctic air willlday light this evening becom-|the Republican party, as a de-| prime Minister Pearson an-| sor, Hamilton, Toronto; Cloudy,|Mount Forest...+. | sige | Ld volved was a "'junior civil serv-|cjal attache, A. E, Bytchokov | +. oh . , Tory Switch Northern Georgian Bay, set the scheme. jtelligence data. ' Brrshierbs _|the Progressive Conservatives C Ib lally presides over this an- guished city, the voters have turned toward a new face, aj new man and, hopefully, a new s it cattere owers ish face and Ivy League ac- cent," The News says. | ; The Evening Standard says PP wie he ead " mea a0: bebo ara Bay: Cloudy|the election of Lindsay was in- drecasts issued by the weather|with snow' lurries avid. Much|terpreted "as a major victory)' threat to the securit : ag ' office at 5:30 p.m. colder. Winds southerly 15 to-/for the moderate forces within of the saien" o ihe setur' liays in obtaining aod assessing all the statements and evidence ries over all the district except|/Low tonight, high Thursday: (as a blow to the popularity of A , ; ~ : ' char-| ' ; h been i the regions near the lower Windsor My 50 | President Johnson, who had be- hn er un gy A snl 'i ees rs 4 oy Pg Great Lakes 'Thursday. _,. \Ste Thomas. 48 |grudingly supported (Abraham)idians involved in a spy case deine | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, |London ay 2 Beame in face of warnings he|that resulted in the expulsion |(2roughout." Niagara, Lake Ontario, Wind-|Kitchener .+..++0» jmight be defeated," of two Russian diplomats. od ihe Owe Russians declared | _ |"persona non grata" and ex-| Mr, Pearson said the man in-|pelled May 7 were a commer- therly 25 to 40. St. Catharines.... "Lake Huron, Southern Georg-|Toronto ... fan Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe: | Peterborough jand was "gravely ill." \bassy here. Ly yee] a The prime minister praised| The external affairs depart: | Winds northerly 25 to 40 = the actions of another Canadian|ment said the Russians paid the | : who came to officials at the|Canadians "thousands of dol. outset of Russian attempts tojlars" after approaching them| Leader-Post and the Saskatoon|set information and helped up-|to get classified defence and in- North Bay, Sudbury: Becoming} gee Phoenix, long supporters cloudy, windy and much colder/Kapuskasing «.... 8 lat iberal governments feder- with scattered snowflurries.|White River...... jally and provincially, Tuesday Winds northerly 25 to 40. |Moosonee ... |switched editorial support to |Prime Minister Pearson for} egg = gg rid him- self o' is weak ministers, A $200 scholarship was pre- Victor Henkelman will be the \those who brought Poe iaghes 124th Anniversary Red Brand and Boneless sented Tuesday night to 14- year-old Linda Squires, 173 Burk st., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Squires. The presentation was made by the Holy Cross Catholic Wom- en's League at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church hall, Simcoe st. s. Miss Squires will use the grant this year at Oshawa Catholic High School Stevenson rd., where she is continuing her education after completing elementary school- ing last year at Holy Cross narrator. City council Monday agreed a brief from the to receive ther through fumbling and bumbling or through the sca dais bared by the Dorion re- \port.'" He says: "The Liberal Oshawa Golf Club Nov. 15 re- jrar away from liberalism." lating to the effect of the Creek Valley roadway upon | Liberal the golf club, Congratulations are bein extended to Mrs. Jack Glan- ville, of 93 Elgin st., Bow- manville, who celebrates her The Star - Phoenix says the party appears to have 'been collecting amongst its hierarchy "individuals who R abe a philosophy or ideology we find disturbing." After eliminating other par- ties, the Star - Phoenix says: |sWe are now left with the Pro- | ~ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 party now is| Two Services: 7 11:00 A.M. and 00 P.M. GUEST-PREACHER: | Rev. Earl S. Lautenschlager D. D. PRINCIPAL OF EMMANUEL COLLEGE, TORONTO Get the Meatiest Meat for your Money at BRIDGELAND, Our close trimming of boneless roasts gives you 16 ounces of tender, in every Pound. No Bone No Waste. . . Just good taste in every mouthful. You get both QUALITY and QUANTITY for one LOW PRICE at BRIDGE- LAND. Hamburg ROUND Steak Roast 77: aie Sie delicious good-eating Meat 2 LARGE BOTTLES PINKLADY SEASONED CUT WAX BEANS 15-0Z. 88° TINS Separate School, Simcoe st. &. LARD SHORTENING 4, 1.00 _ Freezer Extra Specials | birthday today, jgressive Conservatives," DETERGENT Wieners, Sausage 3. 1.00 RED BRAND As part of the five-day Mis- gionary Conference, at Cal- gary Baptist Church, the choir will present the cantata "The | Greatest Glory Yet. Untold" at 7.30 p.m. Friday, The can- fata expresses musically the ehief task of the Church to evangelize the world, The MINCE CHUCK eantata is directed by the STEAK choirmaster, Herbert Gentry The soloists will be Mrs, Gail | Moore, Mrs. Johanne Gorham C and Verne Wright, The organ- Ib Maple Leaf BOLOGNA 29: by the Piece Porterhouse, T-Bone Sir- fein Round, Wing Steeks, Prime Rib Short Rib, Rump, Sieloin Tip, Blede Point Roest, Ete, CUT, WRAPPED & DELIVERED FREE Heevy Tip Commercial Steers 285 Ibs. to 300 Ibs. Sides 100% Guerenteed Government Inspected. ' ALRITE LEO ALA TLE Red Brand |Sides of Pork] § Sides .... 48e 47* Ibs. of Hinds .... 58¢ Fronts ... 4le Butter Hinds of Beef} |" 49° | Red Brand T-BONE SIRLOIN WING PORTER- HOUSE 909 Simcoe St. N. BRIDGELAND Open 9 to 9 Thursday and Friday MEAT PACKERS and PROVISIONERS re City Wide Boteary First 4 Ribs -- 'King of Roasts" ist is Miss Ruth Skinner. Mrs. Make Your ; Florida Seediess -- Sweet Juicy Prime Rib Roast i FRESH Cc Ib VOTE Count 69: 0 69: : 49 PORK "~ OULDER C 2 David's Choc Mallow » § BISCUITS FRESH PORK } C 3 PILLBURY-- LEAN MEATY BRAND BUTT c FRESH PORK 7%: ! wf CAKE MIXES Liberal || SHORT RIB 9 'sTeaxs 7 - LEAN MEATY BONELESS ROLLED POT ROAST BONELESS BEEF SHOULDER ECONOMY 6 and 7 RIB PRIME RIB Chucks .. 43¢ Blue Brand Sides .... 47¢ Hinds ... S7e Fronts ... 39¢ 4 Brookside 24-ox. 20 Freezer Orders For Sides of Beef Reg. 49 FRESH KILLED - OVEN READY » CHICKENS LEAN TENDER 2¥a to 3 lb. Ave.