Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Nov 1965, p. 27

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The Liberal Candidate and Family 1966 model cars are costing Canadians less as a result of the Autopact negotiated by the Liberal government. For years, cars and parts have been the biggest drain on our foreign exchange -- 580 million dollars last year. Since the Auto pact was signed, car exports have more than doubled. We have jong- er production runs and lower costs. Dr. ead Mrs. Claude Vipond, with Pamela, age 18, Grade 13; Dorothy, age 16, Grade | "™d the savings will be greater 12; Duncan, age, 14, Grade 9; Alison, age 12, Grade 8 and Malcolm, age 8, Grade 3. Oshawa. next year . . . and the year after .... for 3 to 5 years. Consumers benefit, and so does Labour, through more jobs -- skilled, good- Paying jobs. Since the election was called for November 8, Libera! candidate Dr. ' MVipond has been campaigning. It's a long day -- up to meet workers on their way to the plant, into the committee room for a strategy meeting, out to a coffee party in Whitby, then an afternoon's door to door cam- Paigning in Uxbritige, Oshawa, West Rouge, or on the concession roads. Then a meeting with workers, a quick supper and a talk to @ public meeting. Home ofter the family are in bed, for a few hours sleep before another day on the campaign trail. Ameen Gerrow; Tom Herris gether ereund Ov. hia thinking on 'compeign faues. On- Liberal teammates Dr. Claude Vipond and Trade and Commerce Minister Mitchell Sherp, right, telk te Oshawe Voter. ~ Lower car prices result of Autopact The pact was signed by Presi- dent Johnson in Washington this week. It had been passed by Par- lioment in Ottawa last January and it has been in operation in Canada for some months now. Adjustment benefits are provided for those whe are dislocated as a result of the in- evitable changes that will take place as the industry gears to the tremendous potential offered by the combined market of the U.S.A. and Canada. Tangible steps have been token by the government to pro- tect every Canadian worker, from financial loss becouse of industry change - over in the adjustment period. ' : Want To Help? Central C ; 4 Oshawa ...... 725-5811 Osh City Commi Roome Sos a kes doses. . 5 POEM Ajax .............. 942-5494 +++. AT 2-2652 sseee.. 839-2492 WANT LIFTS? BABY. SITTERS? INFORMATION? Call numbers above VIPOND | X ONTARIO LIBERAL LEADER SRA UHig2H WH SRMAEH Er 7 "Educa Horry Millen, Oshawa, Real Estete agent: | heve known Dr. Claude Vipond for several years. He is a : public-spirited citizen with « wide knowl- edge of public offairs. As « business-men | om confident thot Cloude Vipond would carry out his duties os @ Member of Parlia- ment with common sense and dependable devotion te duty. says Liberal candidate "The best way for our children to ovoid the fears and trials of unemploy- ment is to give them a good educd- tion,' says Liberal candidate Claude Vipond. "When | came to Oshawa in 1948 most jobs didn't change much as te years went past. But now they can cnange very quickly, as new methods end machines are introduced. We want our children to be the masters of the mew machines,. not the slaves. And ed- ucation is the key." Equality of opportunity in education is the Liberal goal. Every child should ond must get the best education he is canable of! No-one can be denied ac- cess to education because he hasn't got the money! Everyone with the neces- sory qualifications must get advanced training! And basic training for the tion is the key fo automation" Anson Gerrow, farmer, Reeve of Scugog Township: Claude Vipond is: in- terested in form prob- lems. He is the son of @ former end wes brought up on a form. He hes visited the farms in this county and knows farm prob- lems. [| recommend Cloude Vipond as ¢ candidate whe could do a good job for us in Ottewe. Dn Me te a ald = Cy Moore, 1.U.0.E, Locel 796 _ I heve greet odmira- tion for Claude Vip- ond, both as « doctor end es «¢ mon who works for people on the Boord of Educo- tion. He hes shown « real interest in people and | think he is ¢ new skills required for automation must be available to all! "| have a background in education and | know we're not doing as much as we could! | want to help get all our children a better chance. I've looked at the Liberal program, thoroughly, and | think it's good. That's one reason I'm a candidate in this election." Liberal governments have provided extended benefits for both technical and university trainirig, in the last Parliament. The Liberal platform includes com- prehensive aid for education and train- ing to meet the demands of automa- tion -- including a $40,000,000 scho- larship program announced recently by Prime Minister Pearson. The Liber- als deserve a majority to put it into the works. Candidete Vipond telks ebout form policy with Harold Phillips, Pickering Township. Liketel sim: More security for farmers, farm workers Canadian farmers are producing more, selling more and exporting more than ever before, says Dr. Claude Vipond, Liberal candidate in the federal elec- tion. These are the early results of a coh- tinuing program. The Liberal govern- ment is asking for a majority on No- vember 8 so that it can get on with the The goal of the government's farm policy is that the family farm should be able to produce a living as good as the average industrial wage, which is at present about $4200 a year. These are some of the specific items in Liberal farm policy: @ increased assistance to crop insur- ance, designed to make insurance available to every Canadian farmer within fhe next 18 months. @ Government action to purchase un- economic farms, redevelop them and then sell them back to farmers. @ Establishment of a Canadian Dairy Commission expected to raise the na- tional average price for manufactur- ing milk to between $3:75 and $4.00 per hundredweight. @ Extension of unemployment insur- ance to the main groups of fulltime farm workers. @ Establishment of a Livestock Feed Board to ensure that feed grains are available in public storage in eastern Canada when, where and in the quan- tities needed. @ A'new mortgage program to fin- ance farm housing especially for farm workers. LET'S HAVE MEDICARE NOW! Doctor Claude Vipond speaks out on vital subject No one should go without med- ical attention for lock of money. The threat of illness in the family is second only to thot of unem- ployment as a menace to the sec- urity of most working people. And loss through sickness is a major cost to all communities each year. The Liberals are pledged to Medicare by July 1, 1967. The j Liberal pion has 4 moin features thet ore important to Canadians: @it applies to all Conadions. | @ It covers a comprehensive range of Medical Services. | @ It is portable right across Con- da. a | @ It is Government operoted, with no middle-man. A Health Resources Fund has | been set up, @s announced by Prime Minister Pearson, to pro- vide $500,000,000.00 for focili- ties to train the extra doctors, nurses and other medicol stoft needed for an eorly start on the national health pion. The 'Liberals started hospitol- ization, beginning with the cross- Conada hospital insurance pion that they made possible in 1957. Since then millions of dollars have been spent eoch yeor improving hospital! facilities, training med- ical personnel, under-writing med- icol research. Liberal govern- ments made grants to the Oshowo Hospital and the Ajox-Pickering Hospital, os weil as many others ocross Canada. | know Medicore will work I've practiced under the National Health Service in Great Britain, os well as here, and in the army, and in Malaya under the Colombo Pion. I've seen how the different systems work, because I've work- ed under them. | have no doubt that Medicore will work in Con- odo, s 'The Record Shows: it's the Liberals who will get the job done The Liberal list of accomplish- ments in the field of socio! secur- | ity is @ long one, from family ai- | lowances of 20 years ago, to the Canada Pension Plan starting Jon- uory |. The record of achievement in | the last parliament is or impres- | sive one for 21% years. It includes the following important measures: The Autopect resulting in jorger markets and longer runs for Cona- dian auto and parts plonts, now sharing the continental morket. Increased prosperity through ex- pansion of domestic and foreign trade. Minimum wage code $1.25 minimum hourly wage in al! fed- eral jurisdictions. Electoral redistribution The Lib- eral government passed legisiation to introduce non-political redistri- bution of the electoral divisions Integreted Cenede's defence ferces increasing efficiency with substontiel cost savings introduced $500 bonus pio: winter-built homes. Cut persone! income fox by 10%. Eetabliched Industry. new Dep of improved form credit with !ar- ger amounts ond extended to machinery partnerships. Increased suppert fer crep in- surence. Restored Cenade's position of world prestige. Since the Libero! government came to office ink 1963, Canada's voice is once again heard and respected in the U.N., in the Commonweolth, in the Atlantic Allionce, ond in the trading world Cenadien unity. When the Lib- eral government come into office the Conadion Notion was in dan- ger of flying aport. The centrai- zation of the wor and post-wor years had been reversed, and the previous administration had been completely unable to cope with the stresses. Libero! government restored national unity. They hove eorned the right to continue pro- viding this national unity with o strong centro! government.

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