I hate to admit it, Ann, but I ANN LANDERS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, November 3,.1965 2] am a poor drinker and two drinks make me feel dizzy and I get rather foolish. Will you please give me the names of some mild drinks that I can or- der with safety? Thank you-- Social Drinker Dear Social: Soda pop, fruit . agges mapeeeste, ieed be a Genes Combination Greatest Gamble BIRT ial |" Dear Aun Jicanders: Your ad-jof a drinker and neither am 1.\Uice, pineapple juice, grape- vice is usuakly exceljent, but l|Now I find myself embarrassed|irult juice and of course, there's think you 'could have done|when I am out for an evening|@lways plain ice water. much better with your answerjand my friends order martinis,, The reason I prefer these bev- to the 16-year-old girl whose|/Manhattans, whisky sours, andjerages to the ones you named father said: '"If you marry Clark{Bloody Marys because I don'tlis because you can have as you'll regret it because your|know one drink from another. Ijmany as you want and you need children will be ugly and it's not/usually order what the person|never worry about feeling dizzy Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band and I received an en- graved card announcing the marriage of a son of a close friend who lives in a nearby city. The card arrived the day after the wedding. We feel badly that we didn't get the card in time to attend. Don't you think if they had really wanted us to come they would have mailed the card earlier? We had planned to buy a wed- ding gift, but now we don't know if we should. Are we wrong to feel this way? How would you fair . give !«ids a handicap like|next to me has. or acting foolish. feel?--Got The Word Late Dear Late: You did not re- ceive an invitation, you re- ceived an announcement. Some people appreciate a wedding an- nouncement but since you are asking me how I would feel I will tell you that an announce- ment strikes me as a naked pitch for a present. Send a gift! only if you feel like it. PUBLISHES BOOK Dorothy Gordon, moderator of a radio youth forum in the United States, has published Who Has The Answer? a book on teen-agers' problems, AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYERS Sige ig wi with Every Conceivable Feature ! PRICED AS LOW AS $144 have ugly p arents and some of the most go rgeous couples pro- duce phys ically unattractive children. What a cl) iild is going to look like is thie biggest gamble known to nnankind. It all de- pends on tr-yw the chromosomes and genes :::ombine. If the little rascals theit carry the worst features of both parents get to- gether, you 'll have a real loser. On the oth.er hand, if the best features of two average looking people collide you may get a raving bea-uty or a screamingly| handsome boy. | So, why' didn't you tell the girl to give her dad that word, Ann?--Gat The Best From Both Dear Got: Why? Because I) didn't thiruk of it. But you did! and I thank you for providing my readers with a heck of a lot better an: iwer than I gave them. Dear Aim Landers: I am a middle-aged woman who was| recently -widowed. Several of my friends have been very gen-| erous abijut inviting me out to! dinner and to their homes pel cocktail parties. My hwsband was never much | Buy yours today! Savings onds are A modern electric dryer frees you from the worry of washday weather, frees you from the drudgery of hang- ing your clothes out on a line. Enjoy the automatic convenience of safe, odourless, flameless electric dry- ing, Buy ore electric dryer now and get a FREE elec- McCLARY - EASY AUTOMATIC DRYER FULL-WIDTH FLOURESCENT LIGHT AUTOMATIC DRY SETTING (NO GUESSING) PORCELAIN ENAMEL TOP INTERIOR DRUM FLOODLIGHT is SUNSHINE GERMICIDAL LAMP , SAFETY DOOR SHUT-OFF BUY NOW AND GET A $29.95 DOUBLE BED SIZE | F ie - ES ELECTRIC BLANKET INCLUDED (FREE) ELECTRIC Yh No mn BLANKET dryer (any make) we will include at no extra cost, a Double Bed Size Electric Blanket, with a 2-year replacement guarantee. It's a lovely blanket -- 25% acrylic fibre content... convertible contoured corners . : . nylon bind- ing top and bottom . . . illuminated dial con- trol. © STOCK uP ON THE OUTSTANDING SUPER SAVE "DOLLAR DAYS" VALUES AT SPROULE'S THIS WEEK !! GRADE "A" CHOICE 4 J ; BY THE 3s 1.00:;BOLOGNA «: u. a © IMPARE 2 FOR 25c. 434-0Z. JARS. GERBER'S STRAINED LEGS or FOR hie | gle ISABY FOODS va BREASTS RASPBERRY OR J {$$$ COMPARE THE OUTSTANDING "DOLLAR DAY" VALUES $ $$ FRESH SLICED, ALWAYS TENDER © u. 69 MILD SEASONED STRAWBERRY COMPARE 57e HEREFORD, 12-02. TINS CSOMPARE 28¢ -- 20-0Z. TINS (CHOICE TOMATOES 4. 1.00 (SOMPARE 37< -- REEVE'S 10-0Z. TINS v7 3 1.00 "COMPARE 39c -- LIBBY'S 48-0Z. TINS PINEAPPLE | GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 FOR 1.00 ' BLACK PEPPER 3 1.00 5-LB. FRENCH FRIES ue 1,00 COMPARE 2 FOR 29¢ -- GARDEN PATCH 15-0Z. 7 FOR 1.00 7 FOR 1.00 CO/APARE 23¢ -- ALLEN'S 20-0Z. TINS COMPARE 2 FOR 29¢ -- SMART'S 20-0Z. TINS OPEN TO-NIGHT @ APPLE SAUCE 4 WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY . COMPARE 2. FOR Avec ~~ 28-02. TINS NIGHTS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK HABITANT PEA YOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM & PRICE FOR FRYING. PORK BUTT CHOPS FOR THAT BOILED DINNER, LEAN MEATY {PORK HOCKS CC MPARE 35c. MAN SIZE TISSUE INGLIS Liberator DRYER @ FULL 20-LB. FAMILY-SIZE CAPACITY @ AUTOMATIC SAFETY DOOR SHUT-OFF @ HANDY UP-TOP LINT SCREEN @ INFINITE HEAT SELECTION INGLIS 4-Cycle DRYER FULL-WIDTH ILLUMINATED CONSOLE FULL 20-LB. FAMILY SIZE CAPACITY INFINITE HEAT SELECTION GLEAMING WHITE ACRYLIC FINISH © HEALTH & BEAUTY AID ¢ REGULAR 99c BAYER ASPIRIN ror OOF REGULAR 73c -- 7-0Z. BOTTLE 53° LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC REGULAR 79¢ BRYLCREEM tress: REGULAR 64¢ -- VICK'S | VAPO- -RUB or VATRONOL Westinghouse ALL FABRIC AUTOMATIC DRYER Here's your opportunity to throw away your clothes pins . . . give up the clothes lines for good. Wouldn't you sooner have a modern automatic dryer than a line full of dripping clothes in the basement. This fine Westinghouse Automatic Dryer dries 24 Ibs. of damp clothes at a time. And with the new Air Flow System, drying is safer, more effective. Your clothes come out soft and fluffy. Multi-temperature set- tings handle all your drying needs. And a handy lint collector makes cleaning simple. Let us show you this dryer tomorrow ! Break the clothes line habit! Forget about frozen fingers and clothespin fatigue. 9144 BLANKET We invite you to come in, ly known f brands -- \ names you really know you can depend on. Take advantage of this free offer! Buy now! Get 2 items for the price of one! Hurry! This offer expires November 20th. SEACLIFFE, FANCY QUALITY -- 48-0Z. TINS TOMATO JUICE 3. 5 ror 5 FOR BUY NOW AND GET A FREE ELECTRIC @ AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING © VEGETABLE SOUP SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA 80 KING STREET EAST (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA DIAL 728-1641