Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1965, p. 17

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39--Notices MAKKAH KKK HK KKK KKK VOTE TO ELECT GUIDE REALTY Ltd. To Sell Your Property Call 723-5281 OPEN DAILY 9 am, to 9 om. See our regular od under Real Estate For Sole KKKXKKKKKKAK KKK MAKKHMK 7 ADAIR -- John and Dorothy (nae Wick- i wish to announce the arrival of @ John McCreadie, 6 ibs., | oz, on on Friday, Oct, 29, 1945, at Oshawa Gen- ere! bay Many gg to mA A 8 King fourth jaff, The 18th pi PE Fae a cf Adair ei bbe randson Mr. and Mrs, Harol ickett, a ot Whitby, Ont. CROSMAS -- Dan and Pat (nee Wil iams) are happy fo announce the birth of @ son, a Richard, 7 ibs, | ozs, on October 29, 1965, A wee brother for Shawn. Many thanks to Dr. Anderson,| Dr. Kowolski and fourth floor staff, at the Oshawa General Hospital | PARKER -- Sheri-Lyn wishes nounce fhe arrival of her baby Kimberly weight 6 Ibs., born October jist Oshawa Hospital. Proud parents are Paul Anna. ig ag dogger for Mr Mrs, ©. E. and Mr. and Mrs. Bycok of AB ontoyad Third great-grandehild for Mrs, 8. Wyatt WOOLCOTT -- | to an sitter, 12 o78., General and and Bob and Wendy are preeres te announce the arrivel of @ inier, Janice Lea, 6 ibs, 15 ozs, on 1965, af Oshawa General Hospital, r¢ sister for Karen and Gien, DEATHS PRIBSEN, Lana Jeannette Suddenly, at Senepe Genera) Hospital on) Sunday, October 3), 1965, Lana Friesen,| aged month, beloved daughter of Frank and Paviine Friesen, of 18) Fore} weil Avenue, dear sister of Paul and Tammy. Private service was held at Ger- aed Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, Novem- ber 2 at 1) a.m. Interment was at St.) John's Cemetery, Whitby HOLMAN, Ethy! Mae At the Oshawa Ge | Hospital on Mon: | day, November |, 1965, Ethyl Mae Hill, beloved wife of the late Harry A. Holman, | 'and dearly loved mother of Drusiila (Mrs. E. Gallagher) of Willowdale and Giorie) (Mrs. Jett Brooklin, pre deceased by # son, Robert. Resting at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin. Serv lea in the chapel on Thursday, November 4 af 2 pm, Interment Groveside Ceme-| tery, Brookiin. (Rebekah Lodge service in the chapel Tuesday evening at 9% o'clock.) | MORGAN, Florence Edith At the Fairview Lodge, Whitby on Sunday, r 31st, 1965. Florence Edith Proud foot wife of the late Henry Crosby Mor- an (fermeriy of Toronto and Owen jound). Beloved Mother of Mrs, &. H. ag (Helen), White Stone, N.Y. Mrs. , Mackean (isabell) of Montreal. in her 'vain ar resting at the W. C. Town re japel, Whitby for Requiem Maas in St. John The Evangelist Church Whitby on Wednesday, November 3rd at 10 a.m, Interment, St, John's R. C. Ceme tery, Whitby, (Rosary wil! be recited et the Chapel, Tuesday at 7 p.m.) RICHARDSON, Pavia On Seturday, October 30, 1965, after « sy lliness, at her home, Summerside, pid, Bailey) of «ly in her 36th year, beloved wite of pinerege Rae » (formerly of Whitby, deer Tyler, Susan ine pm, informent in Summerside, WARD, Biixe Jone At Terente on Sunday, October 31, 1965, Bilza Jane Mennell, beloved wife ef the late Levi Ward, 100 Langford Avenue, Toronto, dear mother of Eimer Ward and the late Winnie Mae Ward; sister of Mrs, Rose Burns, Bowmanville, Resting at the F. F. Morris Funeral Home, Bow- menville. Service on Wednesday after. moon at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmen. ville Cemetery. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions OSHAWA _ SHOPPING SHOPPING 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 72e68sS Kindnes beyond Price, within reach of al! GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 yet IN MEMORIAM FREEMAN -- In loving memory of my Gear wite, Alice Maud, who passed away Nov, 2, 1963. My tips cannot tell how | miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how | miss her, in a home that is lonesome today. George MONAGHAN -- jn loving memory of a| dear mother, Elizabeth Monaghan, bali | passed away October 31, 1953 She was @ Mom so very rare. Contented In her home and. always there. She guided my path and helped me al 1f | follow her footsteps | will never go wrong. ~-Sedly missed and lovingly remembered by daughter Dolly, son-in-law Doug,; grandchildren Garry, Sharon and Colleen. STEPHENSON -- in loving memory of @ dear father and grandfather, Charies, -- who passed away November 2, gs often think of bygone days, When we were all together The family chain is broken now Bul memories last forever Sadly missed and aiways remembered by daughter Evelyn, son-iniaw Clifford and _grandchitdren | Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER thot we supply ond install; Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS) |, Rank Co _|ter of St. i\Church, conducted the service.|Rev jInterment was in the Christianitnomas Anglican Chutc STOCK MARKET By The Canadian Press | Toronto Steck Bxchange--Mov. 2 Quotations in cents unless memes s iol, aia or ar Ee Font xecBxwarrents. Net change Is from previous board-lot closing sale. INDUSTRIALS _ Seles High Low @.m. Crge) no Sth 30 We Abitibi pH ~ ae at Alta Gas 1100 Alta Gas w = 528 17% ~- Alta Net 125 19% bat Con eo w% aluminl Alum 44 pr 100 $40 yd 29% eS s pag) Ppr 5 ze " Stock C Safe 4pr (210 cS 100 V5 heal CAE 70 2450 5S ag 8 0% 70\9 + \a] % 67% | a +" vero C Hydro pr Cc imp Bk C cpr CPR pr 4 Cdn Tire 20 ne Nate 670 50% 20 914% 14% ign Crush int Dale Ross Dist Seag Dom Elect $i7% 17% 17% $38 A $6 Ss $27% 274 27% 'i $100» 100% 100\% 70 $16 «616 COS 435 425 «#5 sis bray 1s 825% $182 ine 5 935% $464 "a 64 7% $13%4 725 912% 12% 12% 35 $110% 110% 110 oo 6 66 OM 116 $120" 120% 120% 0 $7% % % 259725 225 75 1425 $214 2) 21% 300 $322 124 2% 722 $25% 25 25% 1106 $12% 12% 12% 250 813% 13% 13% 6% 05 16% 12% + Vel iM" -- Ve 770 | 53 52\a--- Sel 6 16 Dofasco p Dom Glass 4% Say -- Ve) iy x mM 24% 265 270 +58 Lad Ind Accep ind Wire 10% ie O'r--m & 1004 + Va 4% + \6\4 it Ingis Inland Ges Int-City Gas IMC Int Nickel int UN Inv Group Inv Grp A 200 $182 18e 100 $69\2 69% yan S10084 100Va 1M 16% 14% 0M Nn Va 14% 5" | +:Ma 100 $224 100 $14% 705 $54 725 $26 26% 125 $18% 18% 16% 20 $27 Bla 00 $13% 13 210 $31%@ 314 3M 125 $8% 18% 18% 150 335 335 335 $154 15% y si8% 84 200 $84 8 45) 811% 11% 250 $112 11% 11% Yel 74S $7 17% We + Vel 100 $234 24 2 | 100 $234 234 23¥4 14 | MB 699 $27% 27% 275+ M Laut ath 1900 816% 16% 16% + 4 Mass-F 1065 $34% Mu Mia+ % Met Stores 200 811% 11% 11% + 14 MGF 100 38% 8M Molson & 100 $37%4 3% 37M Molson 8 $0 $38% 3% 4 Montex 200 We 17% Moore 95 a4 Morse A 200 S16 16% Morse 8 300 $l4@ a Nat Drug 1235 8% 13" Noranda 375 $53 53 NW UH pr 18 $80 a Oc0oan Cem 1220 821% 21% 14% 3s 27% -- 1 +5 Sa Mal VWiab Va w+ WW A . Maclaren rere Si" 40 4 1% 14a 1 53 * 274 14% 35 7 n 47s 100 $ 12% 12% 4 200 Sida 14a 14 os 4 «7 700 $11%-- 11%-- 11% 75 $27% ve 27% $00 185 185 185 250 $13% 13% 13% 2100 $23% 27% 23% 1S $73 175 $23 220 460 Qs $1) 1985 SIR 18% | 3200 600 «595 «600 240 $15% 74 $30) (1 $184 150 700 Pow Corp pr QN Gas Reichhold Romtield Ronald F Rothman Royal Bank Russel # Salada Shell Can Shel! tw Silverwd A Simpsons Simp Sears SKD Mtg Slater Steel Slater Aw Slat SH pr St Pav St Radio Stee! Can 1405 Stuart House 225 Tancord 100 Texaco Tor Bom 2 %7 $6 | we TFin a 70 83 300. 90 340 135% Pgs a US'S 1% 0 40 (430 1745 $364 be Wie 10 "a i W% mo $64 OILS 164 loodwa ¥ Kata 4 Pl one "a a On Cat 4 63 210 io 0 ne 7m +5 1200 226 918% Union Off y Woetetes Weburne W Decalta 500 355 355 MINES | A Am Moly; 600 210 Ang Rovyn Ansil Armore Bethim Big Name Black Bay Bounty Ex Bralorne Brunswk 3400 255 2000 1000 $00 335 150 §a00 115 45900 «(19 $00 340 $00 107 Bunker Camfio Camp Chib 'Conigo ppv gs Brewis pet 21% % 75 40 a0 9 778 100. 4 Cc Halli Cc Marben € Mogu! ¢ Morrison € Regcourt Conwest Cop Fields Croinor D'Aragon O'Eldone Denison Genex Giant YK 1000 1600 1600 3000 2525 700 }000 13444 » x0 5 "112 9 107 7s Cd 190 8a 770 100 1§ 1 a »w 335 495 16 wv 107 "4 2 Swe 7 38 175 405 180 770 100 8 5 om % yiand Mrs. Stewart Alger; Bessie|,,, 105 ig 1% 19% % " 00 360 340 260 360 360 450 345 3300 265 2000 4000 400 $26% 8 500 100 Hollinger Hud Bay Int Bibis int Helium Iron Bay Joutel Kerr Add L Dufavit Lalteh Lt Lac Louviet Macdon Madsen Marchant Mattgm! Maybrun McAdam Mcintyre Meken McWat Metal Mine 5 125 1105 7900 100 baa? Newconex Neonex w N Hosco Newlund Nick Rim N Norbeau Normetat Northgte Norsp A w Obaska Opemiske Orchan Parameq Patino Pax int Pine Point Preston Q Mattgm! Radiore Raglan Rayrock Rio Aigom Rockwin Roman Salem Sherritt Silverfieid Slivmaq Sit Miller Siscoe Steep ® Sud Cont Sullivan Territory $20 one 53 940 Ss 10 Mu $84 6 1400 213 20100 117 ios Rid 10000 -22Va 2645. 610 4600 325 4812 38 2320 15a 1040 248 2000 710 300 2% 200 575 8000 «617 153 2 15 2000 1200 2500 600 200 4200 13500 7000 200 1000 $00 100 2s § 300 Un Buffad UCL Mine 1 Un Fort Upp Can Urban Q Vespar Violam West Mines White Star Wileo Wiliroy Wr. Harg Yk Bear Yukeno Zenmac 2500 $00 Sales to 11:00 a.m. 18 1s V0 190 175 «180 «64+8 id, 45 265 A $774 774 123 4 265 i" 1akK Wh 4 7 + | Limited; ? 6% "a 123 125 ™ WwW 78s 'a "a > % 1s #15 1s 485 485 790 53 940 40 10 80 Mu ha 4 92 23 105 a Y 605 325 % is 248 700 % 5750 7 53 1M 1%. 11% > 4s 0 980 u" Ra 24 " 3 Ws 7"? 875 22 nN 26 182 12 5 rt 7 ding +1) W Boza; 28 MS 505 ? 70 198 e 64+ 3 000. FOREIGN TRADING Cdn Pet Falcon Denison Gunnar Upper 200 $12 rio 4 Cen 200 178 OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF ] MRS. NELLIE BLACK ters, Mrs, E 2 ws vs 8 - + + + % 18% S% 11% 1+ % 150 -$ +2 870 915% 15% 15% + +3 +10 +2 +1 +$ ad +2 +10 +1 4{Purniture; + Ya 'alBarber Shop; ,jawa Fur Cold Storage; Chest Donors, 'List Of Names Donations made within the last week to the Greater 'Osh- awa Community Chest have come from: N. H. Edgar and Son Ltd.; West End Shoe Store; 4|Ward's Rilliards: Angelo Sac yfeddy's Shoe Repair, M. Col I. Collis and Sions; Oshawa Hardware, King nut; Rose Bowl; Gabe's Ayppli- ance; Oshawa Auto Trim; Val- ley Creek; Oshawa Shoe © Lioyd Smith; J. Zambonelli; G. M. Reid Awnings; Roy L. Whittington; Miss J. A. Mina- ker, G. Puckett; Phillip Jan- ici; Miss N. Scorgie; Framklin of Oshawa: A and A Surplus Store; Black's Men's Wear; The Bank of Nova Scotia; Murray Johnston; A. R. Garrett; Miss I, Pawson; Miss G. Pawson; Brown Upholstery; Bilsky IGA Grocery; Wilson Rd. Gnocete- teria; McCordick's Pharmacy; Mrs. Heidi Suess; Smith's Hard- ware; Willis Gift Shop; Arcade Barber Shop; Rudi's Fiashion Hairstyling; Miss S. Langmaid; FE. L. Pipher, M. A. Turner; Murdoch, McMurtry and Tur- ney Insurance Ltd.; Fisheteria; Virginia Fish and Chips; Mr and Mrs. Chas. A. -Latmon; G. .W Read; F. T. Lambie; Guaranty Trust Canada (employees); J. 'I. Ves-|7 sey; Fundy Sea Foods; Etiviera Hairstyling; Walter's Watch Johnny's Grill; Vern's Barber Shop; Alex Kuch Shoe Sales; Vic's Barber Shop; Leo's Food Store; Rutherford Furniture Co.; Joyce, Jackie and Paul People's Plaza Palace; rick Variety; Mrs. G. Ewen; Presto Pest Control; Page's Sim's Confection- Nichols; J. H. Ellesmene:, Osh- Trans- Canada Credit Corp. Ltd; Alger Press Ltd. (employees); Alger C, R, ery; Mrs, Little; Mrs. { 4|Press Ltd.; Michael H, €layton; +3 +10 --10 4 cs Canada; re + aol t "4"|Goods; Eastway Lanes; Casey's! pipsy pace +10 +1 +5 2 +10 +s | Sila 10% lie+ =) | +0 4 19% 1% 19% + YeiJohn Sachy, 5 1 5 +10 + Yai Smith; 95 415 lheth Beauty Shop; Ruth Shan-| 1 +1 ~4 a 24 +l Lee: George C 38 2 ase eed Nake Nas ad 100 240. 20 20 +2 wis 2"| \Mr. and Mrs. W. S Alger; Mr. |Knox; Glazier's Store; Mrs. Margaret Wilsowy; Mr. Higginbottom; Mike's Place Flintoff Hardware Ltd.; Plaza Barber Shemp; The |Excelsior Life Insurance Co.; hy he Seaboard Finance Co. of Erick Hall Trysurance Houdaille fiadustries Manufacturing Department F ,| Adjuster; "ibid: Coulters $|Ltd.; Robson Lang Leather Intd.; Mr. Malcolm Smith; |atons of Canada Ltd!; Eatons jof Canada- Ltd. (enrployees); S. Kresge Co. Sim«oe 'st. s |(employees); |A. Mellow Frank Paul; Mrs Joyce Stark; Jim Bishop Sporting) jerly; 'Bernard's | Studio; Barber Salon; Ltd.; Shop; Grandview Beauty. Rundle Garden: Centre Doreen Misztak; Peter Francis; Jobn Steffeu; Mr, E. Luke; Mr. George Ruther- Clancy Mcleod Printers; \Mr. H. Hesley; Mrs. §. Simp- ison; Mr. C. Glassford; Mr. F. Calegera; Continenval Steam Bath; Mrs. P. Muller; Sharp Electric; Betty's Gnocery; Col- lin' s Barber Shop; Kien Bradley; | "\John and Jimmy Phillips; Di- jana and any Phillips; Mrs iS J. Phillips; Mrs. G. L. Bird; Tailor; Ontario \Barber Shop; Dougtlas Barber iShop; Charles Mills Watch Re- Bi el Kinick Barber Shop; »\Lucky Strike Grwttl; Harry's *| Rarber Shop; G.M. Employees; iIMurray Maidmew; Murray) A Swayne; Eliza- ford; J Davidson Shoe Store; Mar- Albetrt Rich; V. Lamencs; Mrs. ¥.. Trich; Mrs. Jokeland; Cook's Of- H. Leipneir; Repair; W.N.A Lee Ltd.; |non; jorie Corey; |Smith; M. \Sears Ltd.; fice Equipment, |Stan's Shoe Patte; Wilson amd \Edward H. J Women, Mary E. 1... Wilson; W. F. Wilson Jr; Mr. and Mrs. W, a Wilson and P. Tennings. "| Back From Baise, 'Long Shot Victor MELBOURNE, Australia (CP- AP)--Light Fingers, a 14-to-1 long shot that 'was injured only ..|three weeks agro, got up in the Gallagher (Dru-| |silla) of Willowdale and Mrs.| The funeral service for Mrs,\Jeff Bailey (Gloria) of Brooklin Nellie Black, 112 Oshawa boule-|and seven grandchildren. was predeceased by a son, Rob-| |vard north, who died Oct. 30, at} the Oshawa General Hospital,) was held at the McIntosh-Ander- Nov Rev 1 Walter Jackson, minis-| Paul's Presbyterian! Cemetery, Little Britain The pallbearers were Frank) Lovelock, Lawrence Crowe, Peter Gilbert, Gordon Burkhart, | Kenneth MacLean and Charles} Smith MRS. HARRY A. HOLMAN The death occurred Noy jat the Oshawa General Hospi tal, of Mrs. Harry A. Holman,} ert, of Claremont. The funeral She} jlast stride today to win the 104th running, of the annual \Melbourne Cup, Australia's top| lhorse race, by half a head in al |photo finish. The four-year-old mare ran the two miles; in three minutes, 21 seconds--1,.6 second off the jrecord -- and picked up first jmoney of £20,650 Australian service will be! ¢¢49 973) Id ] son Funeral Home at 2 p.m.jheld at thé Robinson Funeral bh agton sr oS purse money was iChapel, Brooklin, at 2 p.m. Nov. £30,000 ($72,800) 4, followed by Groveside Pryce, interment Cemetery, Brooklin. rector of St in | 'Glacier Advances Brooklin, will conduct the serv- 1g Feet Per Day hice 'Hawk-plane AUCKLAND, NZ 'Successtul (CP) ~ of Brooklin. The deceased, who|™0del aircraft painted to resem-|from : the alpine regions to fin-|Miss Nama Byrd Al GREYMOUITH, N.Z. (CP)-- {Residents om the west coast of jNew Zealanci's South Island are \jubilant at 'the spectacular ad-/ }vance made by the Franz Josef|* Glacier, one of the area's most)' jnoted tourist attractions. | | This great glacier drops at aj iremarkable rate of steepness! |p RIDGE -- We wish to extend our sin thad been in hospital for four|ble a hawk has had a dramatic-jish only a few hundred feet cere thanks and appreciation to our! friends and neighbors for their kind ex- Dressions of sympathy, cards and flowers, extended to us during our recent bel reavement, weeks, was in her 67th year The former Ethyl Mae Hill, Auckland jet airport Mrs. Holman was a daughter) due to; jally successful debut at the New above sea! level and near thelali ages. Purse $700 ( since 195] | 7Sulttvan isea coast. However jit had gone: into retreat, much tolS jopen next month. The Hawk, ra-ithe dismay' of the tourist trade. Do-lthe man is 57, sometimes uses Company of|4 Kilpat-| The Reverend H.} Riuth Cav- | Simpson-)} A. |Sloppy Slippers, * |My David, Dittfach 117 - |Snow Water, Armstrong 114 |4Lord Dean, " 1 2-Kintuitca | Rascal Sandy three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) |}-Marion Mohawk, Suspected Spy Alive, Well Despite Reports: Province later that only one Canadian had co-operated from the start of the pe divcrmetannad 'The other VANCOUVER (CP) -- The Province says a spy suspect the ---- claimed was hospital in Western "Canada. The Province says this is the man found in Vancouver, and that he admitted he had an op- alive"' = Vancouver. The morning newspaper says the namé Wilson and works at the post office here. "He readily agreed that he| was the man whom members of the RCMP accused last May of supplying information to a Russian spy network," the newspaper says, and was. very ill when the RCMP questioned him. The newspaper quotes the man as saying he had some connection with extreme left- 'wing groups, but had never Two members of the Russian|been a member of the Commu- diplomatic service left Ottawajnist party. He has no'idea why May 7 after being declared -|the security forces have left sona non grata. The external af-/him alone. fairs department said they had) "If 1 got into a position of been trapped by the actions of telling all I know there would two. Canadians \be some heads swimming in ONE CO-OPERATES Canada and elsewhere," he is Prime Minister'Pearson saidiquoted as saying. GREENWOOD RESULTS MONDAY, NOV. 1 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim-|B--Dane Hill Acres Entry ing, maiden, two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs| winner a f, 2, by old Pioneer -- Sadiana, 2) Chop Chop. -Dr, Bricker, Ferro 28- fn Dittfach hose Who Wait, Leblanc Also Ran in Order: Mr Clipper, A-Mighty Chic Vichaima, A-George's Hope, Our Boy, Real Lady and Irish Gir! 6Tylran, Gomez JReed and G C Dangerfield Entry.| Also Ran in aoe Machavoine, Whip'n s J € Hughes and H Maidaver Entry, george ilo rh PALD our. , toro ch ¢, 2, by Jamie K -- Golden! winner, ch © by Fi Path -- J Snow Bi Mink, by Petiti Pool $24, Ya) Dally Double Poo! $46,297 Poo! $26,336 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,700. Allow. jances, three- and four-year-olds, filles. 1 11.70 7.90 5.50|Mile (8) 1-Dandier, McComb 2179 10.70|7 "Northern Doll, Herre 5.0 he re -Alirullah, Dittfach 10-Nobody's Lady, Inouye 18,80) 4 Also Ran in Order: Glenspeed, Galactic) ee oh fy Rig Ala vied Chi keyl Tryst, Nakina, Mint Bloom, Steve C., Bay| , Also Ran in Oroees eVect ex. Flight, Field Trial, Love Quest and Med- |Bvone Fortuna, orte «Garden, Sx: land. $t pressed and Brief Attire. A--Windfields Farm Entry. DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 9, PAID $136.50. winner, b f, 3, by Nearetle--Duske Doll, Winner, dk b or br ¢, 4, by Mister Jive | ny Arden, Hadn't Orter, by Polynesian, Pool $64,887. Pool $47,196 | THIRD RACE --~ , two-year-olds, [Mille (12). 11-Kours, Barroby j 8-Strayed Inn, Gordon 7-Red Saimon, Leblanc Also Ran in Order: Paris Fashions,/Henry Rocket Twinkle Jay, Golden Shamp, Java Jive,|winner, ch @, Hy a4 'Ky Lee ~ Atte! Able Ruler, Itsfordem, A-Perfect Lane, Mara, by Don A-Smoky's Last and Cover Night Pool $61,610 A--Miss J°Wood and E | Mack Entry , ch c 2% by Phalanx -- Mene- 12.0 5.90 5.50] Pool $62,307. 480 3.90) 6.70, FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Claim- Goo, Parisjing, three-year-olds. 7 Furlongs (6). B-Jewet,|I-Little Red, C'bertson 10.10 4,40 2" Tom) 2-Just Plain ers Fitr'ns 3.00 Hr bed Quinella Pool $38,843. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim "itt three-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs *Rip Van Jive, Fitr'ns SEVENTH RACE--Purse $3,100. Allow- Purse $2,400. Claim: | ances, three-year-olds and up, foaled In foaled In Canada. 1 cenede One and one-sixteenth Miles (5). aKy. Miracle, Barroby 6.90 3.90 2.40 77.9 4 6.60 13-Windkin, Fitz'ns 5.90 2.90 $.00 5.40) 5.Top Victory, Harris 4.40! Also Ran in Order: EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Clalm- ing, three-year-olds and up. 1 Mile (11), &Navy Grand, McComb 28.00 14.10 §.30 7-Blue Zip, Barroby 5.00 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,700. Allow-\4.Doug's Chop, Leblanc ances, two-year-olds, 1 Mile (9) 6 -Ploneer Polly, Fitz'ns 16.10 8.00 5 -Margabella, Turcotte 9.80 2B-Dudiey, Barroby 6.10 Burn Roman. Also Ran in Order: A-Arctic Troops, A-| Winner, ch 9, 7, |Warm Reception, Arab Prince, Black Kit-/clad, by Grand Ti {ten Blue Chimes, and Jimgee. Pool $70,916. Windfields Farm Entry 'Attendance, 7,581 Pool "$55 319 5.20) Discard, Real Black, Canisteo, Lady Do- 46.20} main, Robin Redbreast, Money More and » Navy Page -- Grand- ime. Total Pool $498,198, GREENWOOD ENTRIES (3900) pie Bn Bel) X104 'ee View, Cuthbertson 102 |admiral Armbro, Gordon 112 Argo Bound, Fitzsimmons 119 |Bully Keane, Potts 113 | Also Bligible: Split the Loot, Finley + What @ TimeWNe Boy 112; Secret Star, No Boy 114; Haka, No Boy 115; Bronze Turkey, No Boy 114; Prime Prin- cess, Steve X104 Purse $2,100 Claiming two-year-olds. 7 Furs Sweet Trouble, Lebiane 111 Aldenstart, No Boy 114 Don Cecilio, No Roy 119 \Itserday, Finley X104 Warcarth, MeCMomb 4 on Ginny H., No Boy 114 |Knight Out, Werry -X109 {Silver Run, Gordon 117 |Neptunes Hostess, Leblanc 114 |Candy Feathers, No Boy 109 |Minda, Johnstone 119 Pirkka, No Boy 116 | Also Eligible: Najlord, {Ricky's Rita, No Boy 109 |Boy 116; Malor Roberts Man in Flight, No Boy No Boy 107 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,200 (7500) Claiming Maiden two-year-olds. Foaled In Canada. One Mile Harris 117;| Kill Shot, No Boy Allg Gaystone, No|Roman Dollar, Steve X110 No Boy 112;|/Mighty Gar, No Boy as 117; $i Jolie,|Somebody Cry, No Boy Risky Attack, Ferro oy" {Broth of a Boy, Harris i Purs ¢3000)| Mr. Jet Myth, e yn Bs All Ur9e 92.600 toni A-Dane Hill Acre: TQUINELLA WAGERING) SIXTH RACE ~~ Purse $2,100 (4000) Claiming three-year-olds and up. 7 Furs Fast-n-Fleet, Walsh 119 Red Snapper, Finley X114 }Tanwood, Finley X111 Bourbon Blue, No Boy 116 Yukon Squaw, Armstrong 113 Sky Spark, Harris 113 Nacuba, No Boy 116 Strong Willed, Gomez 115 tnda 122;; Wir! of Glory, No Boy 113 |Hootenany Annie, No Boy ior: ArtistalGuest, Speaker, Fitzsimmons 119 Armstrong 116; First Fashion, Steve! Superior secnie Inde, 122 |X110; Woodcote Park, Johnstone 119; SEVE' RACE -- Purse $3,000 Rampant Lion, Inouye 112 Allowances pb oa and up. 7 Furs |Royal Spirit, Leblanc 116 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,100 cay] glen pe Ne 20 ie Claiming Two-year-olds (Divn of Ist) 7/ Misty Bandit, ie. a nN Furs Butterscotch, No Boy All0 |Mornins' Mornin, Walsh 116 SECOND RACE |Claiming three-vear-olds and up. |Auturnn Rose, No Boy 109 nie Flare, Harris 109 Isr Runnymede, Harris 112 |Blue Week, No Boy 105 Bonus. Ghost, No Boy Mineral Wealth, No Boy + bate Roman, Walsh 109 Ace Award, Barroby 112 |Falls Way, Potts 122 Gandio, Gordon 115 jet @ Question, No Boy 1146 Yancy, Bell x11) Also Eligible: Silver Beau, ? 12 No Boy 111 |Brant, Werry X112 | Warriors Day, Fitzsimmons 116 |Belarctic, No Boy AllS | Winkle, No Boy 116 1 A-Viscount.' Hardinge entry. Rejected Trouble, No Boy 119 Rose Signora, No Boy 112 9 Miss Telso, Werry X09 Grave) Pit, Walsh 119 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 (3000) jCiaiming three-year-olds. One and one )Teth Miles |Sail Along, Inouye 112 Also Eligible: Stan's Brief, Ferro X106;| Montel 'Challenge Ne Bey. 117 Jr Her-/Land Ahead, Inde ount © | Royal Pleasure, Armstrong 112 Greek Tar, Harris 109 | Wild Fabius, FOURTH RACE Purse $2,000 (3000) | John's Fre Claiming three-year-olds and up. (Divn of 2nd) 7 Furs | Top Cadet, No Boy 112 indian Line, No Boy ti4 Smart Flyer, Dittfach 10? Zoom Zoom, No Boy 1/0 Souzem, No Boy 110 Keep a Thinking, McCMomb 115 Triple Alliance, Leblanc 115 Miss Escar, Gomez 116 Harry Hughes, Turcotte 117 Bive Briton, Inouye 117; Wheels Jr., ris 114; Squadru, No Boy X117; War, No Boy 112. Johnstone 112 » Nash 109 Moss Park, Turcotte X119 Nordstern, McComb 117 Royal Autumn, No Boy 14 King Legend, Ferro X105 | Also Eligible: ian wer a ar jLondon Wise, jerry ; Bronce, Werry x10 BE beatea, Ne oy i X-5 Ibs AAC, Post Time 7 p.m. MOHAWK RACEWAY MONDAY, NOV, 2 1 FIRST RACE 1 Mile (Trot) for) SEVENTH RACE -- 1 ree-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8)/ three-year-olds and up Purse sa00 tt) sh 7-Lemac Feagen 4.40 3.50 2.30| Judge Herbert, Herbert 8.10 5.00 4.50. 4-Lord Dean, 5.80 2 80) 4- "Pleasant Way, Knight 4.10 v4 Hansen S80 2.80) Grattan Hat, Feagan Ingles 2.50} Also Started: Mighty Mi i Aino Started: Star Nib, American Pilot,| Goose, Elinors, Postive wuaran, Sine Miss Royal Betty P, Chub Hanover and!tain McGregor Hansen EIGHTH RACE "Brantord Stakes" 1 Mile (Pace) fori! Mile (Trot) for three-year-olds. Purse 1$3,500 (7) SEddie's Pride, Feagan 9.80 4.70 3.10 A.1-Riddell's Counsel, steer e ie Geiset pair $.70 2.90 S-Superior Chief, Zirnis 0 esi F Also Started: Direct Vista, Richard's sFeoriees Dect ypc bas: Pride, Noble Argot, Willor Sue and Rose| iso Started: Potomac Less. jerber! DAILY DOUBLES, Nos, 7 = Lemac and Santee ttyl As > Eddie's Pride, PAID $24 A-Coupied SECOND RACE : | 2 3 8. House end Beck ~ Webster Stable entry THIRD RACE --- 1} Mile (Pace) for [three-year-olds and up. Purse' $600 (8) NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for 6Gay Robert, Varcoe 6.20 3.70 280 three-year-olds and up. Purse $900 (8) 2-Jean First, Feisel Jr 940 Sao /Oaden's Husterl. Wil'ms 18.40 9.40 9.20 15-Wilmington Retie, Ren Filion aso SMinor Helen, Ca 13.90 8.70 Also Started: Jimmy Song C., Floyd's @ Timber Hal, Feagan 5.10 Also Started: Chasmar nore. and's Dusty, Silver Ronnie, Jerry Can- Mile (Pace) for uck and Hal Ba Hie FOURTH RACE giopener 20 Already Die ia Also Ran in Order: Good Ovation, No 0 during a trip to Greenwood, Ye a Paes Opt pA wc ge aoe Oshawa's NHL Schedule Play In Oshawa NHL Tyke League action, which got underway on Friday night, with all four teams in action, Canadiens defeated Maple Leats 5-1 in the schedule 4-in the second 2: Black Wings 13-2. lan Cyllen paced the Cana- idiens in their win, with two eration for cancer last spring|g0als while singletons were scor- ed by Mike ountain, Kevin) Duignan and Chris Robinson. m was the lone sniper for Maple Leafs. In the Black Hawks' victory, Jim DeMille was the high-flying Hawk, with five goals while Billy Locke had three and Steve Brooks scored a couple. Terry Patfield, Peter McAvoy and' once while Lloyd Miller and Casey O'Connell were the two Red Wing scorers. ATOM LEAGUE The NHL Atom League sap two games on Saturday, the first a keenly - contested tussle be- tween Canadiens and Maple Leafs, that ended in a 2-2 tie. Harmon and Northey put Leafs jin front 2-0 only to have Jim Duignan scored twice in the last period, to tie it up. Rival goalies, Shaeffer for Canadiens and Hart- wick for the Leafs, both turned in strong games. In the second. Saturday game, Black Hawks whipped Red Wings 8-1 with Jeff. Rorabeck pacing the Hawks, with three goals and three assists. Tony .| Viola, Bert Hoefs, Bill Cos, John- ny .Muzik and Ronnie Williams, each with a lone tally, complet- ed the winners' total. Gould saved Red Wings from the whitewash brush. | EUROPEAN SOCCER SCORES By THE CANADIAN PRESS WEST GERMANY South Reutlingen 2 Freiburg 1 Augsburg 5 Fuerth 3 Stuttgart 4 Waldhof 0 Hof 2 Vfr Pforzheim 1 420 Mannheim 4 Weiden 2 1.FC Pforzheim 5 Ruesselsheim Frankfurt 3 Schweinfurt 1 Ingolstadt 1 Darmstadt 2 Kassel 1 Offenbach 3 West Duisburg 1 Marl-Huels Bielefeld 0 Wuppertal 2 |Aachen 2 Muenster 0 |Rotweiss Essen 2 Bottrop 1 Gelsenkirchen 3 Leverkusen 1 Victoria Cologne 1 Schwarz- weiss Essen 2 Oberhausen 5 Bochum 1 Hamborn 0 Duesseldorf 1 \|Horst-Emscher 1 Herne 2 North Kie] 1 Luebeck 1 Hannover 5 Bergedorf 9 Goettingen 2 St. Pauli 1 Altona 2 Victoria Hamburg 2 Concordia Hamburg 2 Wolfs- burg 1 |Bremerhaven 2 Osnabrueck 1 \Friedrichsort 1. Hildescheim 0 | West Berlin Hertha 6 Tegel 0 Neukoelln 1 Staaken 3 Hermsdorff 3 Lichterflede 1 Wacker 3 Spandau 3 Gatow 0 Borussia 3 Victoria 2 Suedring 2 Berlin Sv 0 Reinickendorf 1 SPAIN Sevilla 0 Malaga 1 Zaragoza 2 Real Madrid 3 Atletico de Madrid 1 Mallorca 0 Elche 0 Atletico de Bilbao 0 Cordoba 3 Sabadell 0 Espanol 1 Barcelona 1 FRANCE Paris State Francais 2, Nimes 1 Angers 1 Nice Bordeaux 2 Valenciennes 0 Cannes 2 Strasbourg 1 Lens 0 Sochaux 1 BELGIUM Fe Mechelen 2 og White 0 Beerschot 1 Daring 0 Lierse 1 Antwerpse 1 Anderlecht 3 Tilleur 6 Liege 2 St. Trond 3 Fde Brugge 1 Standard 0 Berchem 0 C.S. Brugge 0 Gantoise 2 Beriengen 1 THE NETHERLANDS Amsterdam 5 Fortuna 1 Goahead 1 Dos 1 Telstar 0 Heracles 2 PSV 2 Sparta 1 Elinkwijk 1 Ado 1 MVV 0 DWS 1 Wants Explanation About Plane DIGBY, N.S. (CP)--Conserv- ative Leader Diefenbaker said Saturday night Defence Minis- ter Hellyer should explain why he used a plane registered to an American aircraft company N.S., in the election campaign. He told a Conservative. rally that Mr. Hellyer ended his re- cent Greenwood visit by flying from Greenwood on an aircraft idwin. Attendance 2 aa Total Poo! $132,433. Lee registered to North American Feagan 7.00 3.90 2.20)5 6-Brother Nobie, Geise! Jr 2Chathem Adios, Beitiich Also Started: West Scott, Ben bearer: b 1 2.8/9 Richard Tanquay each scored) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 2, 1965 [7 WESTRURY, NV. (AP) Red|Balenzano's bid for the three- year-old filly pacing champion- ship was brought up short day night when she finished po of the money as the Canadian- owned - Woodlawn Drummond took the $50,639.25 Lady Maud Pace at Roosevelt Raceway. Under the guidance of Keith Waples, the daughter of Gene Abbe from the Drummond Sta- ble of Quebec City stepped the|Lee mile in 2:04 2-5 for a 1% length margin over another Canadian filly, Adios Alice from the 'sta- bel of the Armstrong brothers of Brampton, Ont. The Thunderbird Stable's Time Out of Caroga Lake, N.Y. trailed by another three-quart- ers of a length for third place in the field of 12, as Balenzano faded in the stretch and wound up fifth back of Bonnie Duane. In winning $25,319.63 of the purse, Woodlawn Drummond boosted her earnings for the year to $79,109. As the second choice she paid $7, $5.40 and $5.20. Adios Alice returned $13.20 and $8.20, while Time Out returned $11.60. CAMPBELL VILLE, Ont. (CP)--An opening night crowd watched Ronnie Feagan come Canadian-Owned Entry Takes Lady Maud Pace up with three + first four races as gong Raceway began a 30-night fall on-|session Monday night. The 23-year-old Goderich na- tive, who leads racing with 183 wins, won with in the first and Eddie's Pride in the second to complete a $24 daily double, Feagan sat out the third race, but poet ge behind Sullivan wned by Cecil Sacks of Desboro, Ont., in the fourth, WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) ~ Kahla Kat, owned by Mrs. Ed- ward Schreiner of Batavia, N.Y., captured the featured miles pace at Windsor Race- way Monday night before 2,103 fans. Driven by Harold Well- wood, Kahia Kat returned $9.70, $5.50 and $3.30. BATAVIA, N.Y. (CP)--Bobby Reid, owned by Reid Ballantine of Bad Axe, Mich, made his first start here a winner in the $1,500 trot at Batavia Downs Monday night. The five-year- old has been campaigning in Canada, where he won at Gar- den City Raceway in St. Cath- arines Oct. 23. He returned $13.60, leading all the way. The 1965 "'Man of the Year" Award of the Independent Re- tail Druggists Association of Quebec will go to Frederick A. Tilston, president of Sterling Drug Ltd. Announcement of Mr. Tilston's selection was made by J. La- berge, president of IRDA. The annual award, which honors "outstanding contributions to the profession of pharmacy', will be presented at the Asso- ciation's annual dinner-dance on November 13 at Montreal's Mount Royal Hotel. In its citation, the IRDA said the award to Mr. Tilston "stands as a milestone in the 22 years of its existence since it is the first time the recipient has the rare and enviable dis- tinction of being a VC'. Colonel Tilston, who is Honor- ary Colonel of the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment, re- ceived the Victoria Cross in 1945 for heroism in action during the Second World War, when he was severely woulded several times. Victoria Cross Holder Chosen By Druggists As 'Man Of Year' The late King George VI award- ed him England's highest war- time honor at Buckingham Pal- ace. Mr. Tilston has been asso- ciated with the profession of pharmacy and the pharmaceu- tical industry during his entire business career. His apprentice- ship began at the age of 12 years when he worked after school as a messenger for Hennessy's Drug Store in Toronto. His car- eer was charted after graduat- ing from Ontario College of Pharmacy with the second high- est scholastic record in class. Climax of a life-long interest in pharmacy was Mr. Tilson's service as president and one-of the early directors of the Cana- dian Foundation for the Ad- vancement of Pharmacy. He is an honorary director of the Foundation today, as well as @ director and past president 6f the Proprietary Association éf Canada. Founds His Own Kingdom 'On Summit Of Mountain LANDAFF, N.H. (AP)--Nate Kidder, a man with no taste for a world he calls "the precinct," has founded his own kingdom with more than 29 descendants on the summit of a smal! moun- tain. Kidder heads a nearly self- sufficient clan the size of a small town, at the 2,500-foot ele- vation on 285 acres of timber- land in the Cooley Hills of northern New Hampshire. The population includes Kid- der's wife, nine children, more grandchildren than he keeps track of, and cows, pigs and goats. The 81 - year - old patriarch, born in Vermont of combined Indian and Yankee stock, said in an interview he hasn't taken Falls, Vt., years ago. "Out here, we have it our own way," Kidder says. "It's quiet. We can do what we want, raise what we want and keep what we want," Kidder still refers to the world below as '"'the precinct"--the nearest town is 10 miles away-- and says: "You have to do what bo tell you there and I'd hate hat. The Kidders raise their own food and do without doctors, dentists, butchers, carpenters, and even undertakers. BUILD OWN HOUSES Nate and his wife live in a large tar paper-covered house and other family members in small wood structures with tin about 60 miles away, a trip since he went to Bellows roofs that they built themselves. on instalments. The fimit is of 5.03% a year when held any bank in Canada. Canada Savings Bonds ® EASY TO BUY--You can buy them for cash or $10,000 per person. © GOOD TO KEEP--They give an averagé yield to maturity in 1977. @ SIMPLE TO CASH --They can be cashed at any time for their full face value plus accrued interest at Place your order today. Just write, telephone or i $) | come in and see us, --Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 4. Ridge angiof the late Robert Hill and Jane femily Traviss. Born in Chicago, Ti VAMPLEW -- We would like te thank MOIS, she came to Canada as a ochinver Todd and Walnut Herbert./ Scratched, Captain Duft i RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING In Your Home . . . or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 OSHAW, 94 BRUCE STREET jdio controlled from the ground.) Since last May the glacier has|$& jcan fly at 40 miles an hour, and! begun advancing again at the! lalmost incredible rate of nearly)», *\three feet a day. FIFTH RACE Mite (Pace) for | ree-year-olds and up. Purse $400 (a) | September Morn, Ves Coke 6.70 4.00 280) |3-Ambrose Abbe, Waish 5.70 470) A. E. Ames & Co. Limited Business Established 1889 $20 Bay Street, Toronto--Telephone 363-6611 tor = iar DIVISION OF OSHAWA CONTRACTORS CLEANING ie on many tine, culatives, ond. neigh-tohiid She was a resident of|in its menacing colors makes shawn ai the 'recent fos of our peg | Whitby or Some and prior tolrealistie swoops toward flock sire sade ehine 'ver Vamp sp Markt te Or Mankiow and the Rev lto live, with her daughter, had\ol Seabirds, always a danger BEARS UP TO MISCHIEF |" Ave Stories:"N) Acros Aver, saacow "Mrs. Mary Read and family, Mr. Lee|lived in Cannington near airports | -VIGHOIRIA (CP)--Fourfootedlars brace' er oy Veroten are tornty Mrs. Holman was a member, In 'its initial tests, the model jhooligans have been blamed for! gicyy pace -- 1 mile (Trot) ynirney we 'andl sites, Seymoor Of Cannington United Church|was highly successful in scaring|the latest incidents of campsite|tnree-year-oids end up. Purse $1,000 le utferin treet Ww wiah to thank their friends, relatives ol aren was a member of Queen|away tong-established bird col-|Vandalistn. Black bears have Lppenggey the on coer Ae yee, neighbors hereg yl ;|Mary Rebekah Lodge there ited Wad attlusteaent he.(been marauding camps in Man-|$dhndam. Victo .. sasek pod con csaune . Tne gceanc hl Predeceased by her husband ie SATUSREOS Are: He- ning Paik and may have tobe! Also Started: Squaw Valiey, Willow versary. Than ange Daye mae enh by in June of this year, Mrs, Hol-/ing made before it goes into full/shot, Re-creation Minister Ken-/Pro™,{eoty. chappie's Soy and Winnl- their congratulations, man is survived by two daugh-|service, |jneth Kiernan says, QUINELLA, Nos, 1 and 4 PAID 829,00! ie

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