Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Nov 1965, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 1, 1965 "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For Sole _ 13--Articles for Rent 18-----Male Help Wanted ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-fundred BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | a") sme) MIC END Siar ees QUALITY ) TR Accountants Barristers Instruction Painting and Decoratin A ' Beaut Salon i en gpg 4 a RON and O'TOOLE, expert 9, \ ts x J ersey Dress y Rigo Bagge dog yp 2 Bact ; NDER AND CO.,|ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, n0, YALE PRIBDLARD P nee Wrsine eee dares" chs taht e decorating, paperhanging. Estimates free. { thy and Sweater FOR SALE requires a quolity control ine Chartered q 3 Tel u 1 52a Si Street|Centre Street. Offi + 9 8.m.-.30 wlephone 725-7734, If no answer phone . THREW To : MU eka imeoe Str: sad Fe Ven ih a eae, Ble! STUDENT « fatter 6 "p.m, 4 Fabrics. spector capable of determin- fav. | 723-1661. Five yeors established, Good ing quality standards in con- Plumbing and Hecting _ * i y's JERSEYART steady clientele, Simcoe North junction with the engineering HOPKINS, 8 - tered Accountants, Financial Tra , BA, LLB, Bor- plastid, Ebina Rats tounhisinn RCO 7 Boi ta, I asin EAH Keanna tg Melt] sDRIVERS ----_ atk Faun, aR EATS "a mie WIN AO ARE Fee nene 2e Fe | eerie Clas ot Goo Beadie, CA; E. Lukow, CA Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking a@ all Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, YEARS WAR STARTER RESTAURANT well established on in bus ty se eh graduate of Grade LL PERKIN; MacMiLLAW AND &: able, 723-4716 or 725-4717, Effective N 8 1965. |25 Simcoe Street South a CRAP Si KNITTING LTD jhighway, Oshawa area, living quarters, 12 or equivalent education porn La ge pita B mre 36 King $t. ee ective Ov. oO, AE SVPAE GT canis ane' Tarmec line. * P nailed jaitt eee oon sown, For particulars} Age 25 to 35. Must have the Accou , std: ' p State yssse. Witte in '|Building Trades Due to the tising costs of [NeW 4nd used materials, | Reasonable 7 E 82 Hunt St., Ajax write Box 917 Oshawa Times, ___| ability to read blueprints and az ee m Bacminion: & Jeee Os operation ALL SLICENSED fal Tee tee nib DAs N ' PHONE 942-0100 15--Employment Wanted use precision measuring eid te a sw Oane Stee t¢) sag DRIVING SCHOOLS In the Rug- Upholstery Service BON a Pe First Street South of Plaza BABYSITTING per hour, or w eee lege pal we 205W, Oshews Shop: 10 % Discount following areas N , Open? to 5 rag i uum care. Inter-) Hourly rate of $2.71 per hour ' one ree a ie ; r M alin lus cost of fi SOB CLANCY's x Accounting service On All Orders (OSHAWA -- WHITBY OSHAWA PE em : oneay 3 rig | MOTHER with" one preschooler will thes ae Va os pa aga Mey te ree sel pain \ AJAX -- PICKERING) CLEANERS 0 15 BLACK FROST 3h yin FSH soabbetlacand 4 |mind one or two children, five-day week, pany paid welfare plans, emodelling, carpentry, ti!- apemnyay: my = |fenced in yard. King and Wilson area, JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accouni. ing, painting, plumbing, elec- hove found it necessary to Rug and Upholstery Clean- MeL ADA BLACK dan aA HONDA SHOP 728-7072, Saba Pe EN Reply giving full detoils on ant, Licensed Trustee, W Bond Street! sical work roofing, eaves- increase Driving Instruction ing. At our plant or in your 7 LIKE SARGASSUM eS A ,. _|SEWING DONE in my home. Telephone] background and experience East euptone 23-483. | troughing, plastering, cement Rates ome, WAS THE FIRST Ho. 1115 BERRIES. FLOATING Oshawa's largest motorcycle [Bay Ridges 839-4326, | tom BO ear OR. Ghete| work of all Kinds. Aluminum 5 b CALL 725-9961 \PERICAN fo PLAY wrt A on csp Soren] WEED KMASSED Toe | dealer' Buy - Sell - trade, Rex JEAPABLE woman would The Tivedn Tob ' : | 64 } f ott i ' e i- i iv: me, Ontario. Telephone 723-1331, doors and windows, siding. $5.00 per our 94 BRUCE STREET MAJOR LEAGUE BALL CLUB 1X > Bo cela pg Pe ageadte 4 aig Nasty Tne work, Good references, Fond of children BOX 626 2 q NON. " NTH EGC tes cess; == s, Hi 5, imes. Barristers a0 Srila mney eegay. Ae re -- --|RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Establish | WEUS RUsiihis eee Windshields, ccuriers, jackets, (Wile Box 925, Qshawn Times. penastctaeasaae a salieintcaniabeciianedine serve you O h ed 17 years. Complete range of materials © Raw Pere fpetem bes Mh Wace vale ree tras wie v. Winter" storage. seit witl foi ae any ee e . Workmanship guaranteed five years , C pecializing in shirts an les' blouses. MUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and. HILL NELLIS' HOME Driving School (ragtime frm Mates New Hondas only $295, No |71a#019 fadabeats® TIMES 4 # r| it, F fi fi 0: - = reparowrs§ | Berm, Sorceress Be toner IMPROVEMENTS BVING SENG iiiering Citeeir ait ent Arun, : down payment, sl ciyswie COVERAGE and at" low conl| Bet. $: Barents SG! We A Nomies Oshawa ---- 728-2061 10 years teaching driving {7359511 6--Marine Equipment \8--Articles For Sale 199 King W, 728-4242 . |is wnat you get with Times Action Want , S| aes Seeman mkt oe baka .. |Ads. Telephone 723-3492 and get in touch 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby Peterborough --- 745-2184 | automatic and standard cars. CHESTERFIELDS reiitaraal "ana to Ag: 668-276); 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA * - Professional instructors. sivlad. Free aatitnate, See cur: 'rmoterial JONE 20-06 SEMIATON ume. Buna tS et ee, oe REAL ESTATE other first mortgage funds available. | NOVEMBER SPECIAL for recovering. Dalton Uphoistering, 75} | WINTER STORAGE 18100; one Steven's double-barrel 12 17..Female Halo Wanted EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and) Save up to.15% during No- 728-0091 ; Charles Street, 723-7212 BOATS & OUTBOARD Hee eee ea Rate haw. Rall Eh ee antec SALESMEN VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries) Vember on Rec. Rooms, Cup- ANYWHERE ~~ ANYTIME CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re MOTORS | , 4555 ; be k of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Fide Tice aad: site j -- - - - ~|covered like new. Get the best for less | Known for its accuracy one |ADDING MACHINES, + * North, Oshawa, 129446) 4 ' sipsbeigh pln all genera ie at. Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street} We also store lawn mowers, reliability, this rugged gun [ir duplicators cheqvewrlters," fies, | Salesladies , i + | i] s hn i? r ' rf | Ppa 0 Af ' Sy crasnion OC ARSSA. GL. Murdoch, All Work Gueranteed yeh et Bouin. Call 720-4451, Free setimetes, | 'tillers, tent. trallers, cabin will deliver years of satis- |desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service] tet pee and we ore J. ¢. Victor, 985-7115 : ild trailers, etc factory shooting and trade, with budget terms. New and) short of help, Prefer man with | t. ph i rgan oul ' : | 1 | Mortgages Mortgages arranged | HM Ko 1 TS Beg g Sales and Service WILDE RENTAL $24 95 el low prices. Bill Hamilton, Full or port time. Ladies ex- license and local experience, MeGIBBON AND BASTEDO, Barristers. ' cKoy J- 24 hour practice 'service. CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies ' é ees | . ---| clusive sportswear shop -- but you can learn like: many Solicitors. Mortgages arranged. National i Ries trial Gated. <7 sats \Complete service ree estimates, Mel SALES & SERVICE STOCK and fixtures for variety store, In oth f h Trost Buriaing, 32 Simene Street South, | trial period, Try before | jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. 1415 Dundas St. E, 668-3226 | cluding $2,000 in stock; two showcases;| experienced in selling desir- thers, if you have the quoli- YM-T336; Jes. C. MeGibbon, ad THE | you buy, " % | cosapane aavaR ~ eo p seh SKATES |one 15 inch sheit complete with shelves;) ed -- good appearance -- fications and desire to learn. iron. iroeta es Sie 1 are R. H. CABINET CO. | 725-6617 Septic Service iParlect vonrsiien meat offer, tonenee |imagazine race, Will accep! $1700 for ait} Pleasing personality -- ond | All inquiries held in strictest JOSEPH P. MANGAN, GC Solicitor. | 1414 CHARLES ST WHITBY _ |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned Prompt serv.) 728 4934, Big savings on Skating Out- |Telephone 725-4217 after 6 p.m | references essential. contidence, to loan. Office, 144 King Street) |" : ' jice or calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut) CAgin CRUISER, 16-(1. 40 HP Evin-| fits for the whole family dur- | |GLENDALE house trailer, 35 foot, fully : : Money to loan Janitor Service |Street West, Whitby 668-2563. rude, electric start, with heavy duty tral our Big Fall Sol ' furnished. $1995. Telephone Newcastle. | Highest Wages Paid FOR INTERVIEW TELEPHONE East, Oshawa, 728-8232 668-6911 | Sale |ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco-! er. Apply 52 Jackman Road, Bowman | 987-4490 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici Kitchen cobinets, Vanities, |nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by Surveyors {ville vee from $725 pr. |FOR SALE -- Sieei tile forms, copneet| APPLY IN. PERSON MRE WILSON tors, efc., 114 King Street East. Dial A ~ ' ria 9278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, Cutom built cabinets |guaranteed. 728-7736 ree estimate: rk] BONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario|18i2-FT. Weymouth cabin cruiser, 50] |sizes. Phone Newtonville 786-2270 1%! QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL ROOFING, concrete Toora, Viel" resrine Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints,|HP Johnston motor, Telephone Alax lRIFLE - > 4 19,| -- ---------------------- | A . | | -- 300 Savage; one box of si ' gary Thomes H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,| cinity, New work. and repairs cinne To tan 1 Ontario Street, 725-5632 __ | 942-5056 Bee : | SN OW TIRES i tike new, $90, Phone 728-1550. | 25-266: ae Large and small lobs. L. and y_ " H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| BOAT TRAILER, with spare wheel, $90 # fl cM\uUHAan jand Construction, RR 2, 725-6937 *1V Witt LOAN You Up to $5,000 at @ rea-|Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone|Boat, $50. Telephone 723-1409 | a truet full |\9--Market Basket S & d Real Estate Brok f ALL TYPES building, - roofi irg|sonable rate of Interest to 'consolidate 7aS-68), saenaae | hyion construction, tu Rarer a state Broker Classified Rates os meaatng: Guitase' hee fepairs| your bills or for any ather worthwnile TV_Redio R od 7--Swap ond Barter | sei tection tread, A brand [SPANISH ONIONS," field funy. $2 per portswear td. i purbere providing you are steadily em- aaiiia | in shel ring containers. » Eymann, WORD ADS Ba Gord Mayet "*P*'"® Sloyed and have good credit, Telephone babe pairs _-- |EOLORED BATH seis, trreepiece, $75.;| NeW Winter tire priced almost nnit-mile east (past Roy Nichols garage)! Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3557 1 Insertion of 24 words, ", iol rt wenn, | 723-4631 bar kitchen sinks; medicine, shower, and} as low as a retread {Courtice, go north to Ist corner. Cosh et ng Bag Pot l | AVING, 22 cents square foot) ---- selihaeele kitchen cabinets; pressure systems;| from $ 17.56 |ROASTING chickens, orders taken for add| ; line! ill, undry tubs, $] : . . neludes grading and fill, two-year guaran: |Mortgage 8 TV TOWERS sump pumps; laundry tubs, $15.95; pip up freezer, 4 lbs. $1.95) 3 ibs. Sh18, Pree TIRE secutive insertions of 24 ig si) tee, Terrano Paving, 723-5841 i ings: tle h 0 Paving, 723-58 196, fittings; automatic washers and) delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291 poo eg wore 12¢. each, dhe 4 jators, 4. Chinn, Hill-f secutive insertions of 24 ae $800; |A-) CARPENTRY, biock and ceme yers; boilers, radiators. sa N E sdditional words. 21c. each, |work. "New or remodelling. Special tl MORTGAGE. ECONOMY, AND side and Park 'South, 723-7088 Me DOMINION [ee 1 wine POTATO? "ie. Ra, WA if? D | tthe locale DELUXE i deli Call fenings 655-4983 : Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge |Your LocaL CHIM rm 8--Articles For Sale livery. Call evenings net paid within 8 days. neys built pe feeaireds: postal 'crn INVESTORS riced to suit your budget. | | APPLES: Mcintosh, Delicious, Court. N { full time work nstailed; roofs repaired. Free estimates PTERMS ARRANGED | IR T R |lands. East on No. 2 highway, half-mile urse for Tu ' Young mon 24-35 years te Method of Counting - than 24 |703) é be 3 t Boys', ¢ left at Osh F ' A gue ok bh wordar ach word, (an: | Units of participation avail- REGENT past Bed Boys' Bi tm yd at medical office repair ond sevick: thes: tie | 145 King St. W |APPLES: Macintosh, Delicious, Spy in Brooklin, perience preferred but con $1.25 bushel and up. Bring own containers. | sideration will be given te inval, figure ft abbreviation counts gp A gg iggy A go oble . cha ond second mort- OSHAWA TV as one word; one number repair erent | Wor! jage funds, fo 'words ee ere Se Ce Os STAMP & COIN Telephone 725-6511 Algoma Orchards, 'Thickson Road North, i versification mangge- SUPPLY LIMITED Waly. vy e CALL inbeoaiabede Te hotad Peco BIRTHS--DEATHS-- | CARPENTRY, odelling, rec. ment --~ High yield -- Cop ' i ' i pony paid benefits, la SOCIAL NOTICES isatala, aie. Pareohooe ng. sree: ia | tel daplectation TAUNTON RD. E, SHOP JANSSEN'S POWER APPLES FOR SALE -- fac's, i 655-3321 plus commission, ° $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents addi. | 4555, evenings Just Eost Of Ritson EQUIPMENT CENTRE rege mine tra chen 'me tional charges if not paid within 8 | NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco : Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- ; Se Hietw APPLY IN PERSON days. sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms. tree CENTRAL 23 ATHOL ST. W. Fagen Riding Tractore Te Yn Net ny oe oe MR E N HARRIS Jestimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or | - OSHAWA Ae SPANISH ONIONS, S0-lb, bag, $2.50; Me i! by IN MEMORIAMS | 728-4717 ONTARIO | Service on all power equip- Ww. Eyman, half-mile east past no $2.00 for the first 98 words end Se. | ComPLETE HOME IMPROV ; a ment. Licensed mechanic on Nichols Garage, Courtice, go north to each thereafter, plus 2c. per line of liene to your celia hy TRUST and SAVINGS E P A e duty hl nth nS ' aoe B. r, GOODRICH verse) 25¢. additional charge if not |Home improvements, 725.9428 an TELEVISION - RADIO 843 King West 728-9429 r pod win & Seys. 725-9428, ner ee _843 King Wes 2? __|10--Farmer's Column 88 KING WEST [GUARANTEED repairs to ail wringer| CORPORATION 24 HOUR SERVICE Cee k eseg ce |DRAD and crippled farm" slock -picked| P ent ce a OSHAWA ° BELOW 1936--A | PARTS DEAD and crippled farm stock picked| erman 8 CARDS OF THANKS |washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cail HAWA 723-5221 COINS | 798-1742. Os 23-522 up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. vailable now for secre- $2.00 ed the first 35 words and Se REDUCED PRICES, each eatier, with , ional | BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 HOLMES For Washers, Stoves and Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721. ! : Hy gl Ag gn lDent ntistry -- - . : pol abide oodles ieee taries with. shorthand. Dryers. selina " rn ® y 30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charole, ® COMING EVENTS |gAREFOOT. DR. JOHN sr Dental MORTGAGE ELECTRIC MOTOR geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, 7. 9 CALL Stationary $2.00 per inch (display); $1.90 for the |For" apoointment 728 taped isa LOAN E TRONIC EXCELLENT SELECTION OF Repair and Exchange FOR SALE -- One international cub. trac S CANADIAN AND FOREIGN OSHAWA for equipped with mower or sickle bar P S corn scufflers, a plow, pulley, and belt. 668- 8181 Engineer first 2 Pov tag and Se. each thereafter 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For| Money for first mortgages for prompt service STAMPS, ALBUMS AND APPLIANCE Asking price $575, Telephone 7 (Word. Ai |BIALEK, OR. ©. P. Dental Surgeon, AUCTION SALES appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-844), Open Mortgages Coll AGBESSORIES ae i $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION ; Interest ot 7% : 186 Simcoe S. 728-7535 ae [MATURE WOMAN to care for three h Dressmaking No Bunus Whitby -- 668-5679 > @ eS, 720-7538 11] --Pats and Livestock _ thookage children. for, werking mater, ponies gt. ' for ait scue Sere mn m A f : cozy- erman h t After 7 p.m, tele- " efi Ay DEADLINES PERSONAL STYLING -- -| No Charges for Voluations : WHITBY'S ONLY LOCAL Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups Shopning.Cenre sahex i fired power plant, Rotating |wise women! Dressmaking, alterations Mortgages and Agreement. HOT: DIPPED GA R WANTED---Stomo collect ons ' ' Mg ea Sa Wor Fitting @ specialty. 728-1823 for appoint-| rtgages and Agreements 1( IPPED GALVANIZED P isha TEXACO DEALER fess Ashburn, 655-4662 eventnons Por"! KITCHEN HELP, evenings from § Bim, shifts, 40 hr. week. Good DADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS lrhent | purchased and accumulations i |mer | cc sotto j i to 1.30 a.m. South End Restaurant, salary and benefits with sub- Lost AND FOUND |LADIES -- Have your children's doiis| Money for Second Mortgages TV TOWERS 1940, HIGHEST PpRIC eS | @ FUEL ond STOVE OIL BELGIAN Shepherd pups and grown! Bioor Street East. sidighd hospital putea oad A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION dressed for Christmas. Teen: dol Fost Service | ! PAID. @ WOOD _e COAL dogs, pure white, tan and black, $20-$30; ines Shopping mer eee Kg ei aor ee ne _ | ARE THE BEST! | @ BUILDING SUPPLIES DartSpanielt, $6, Selling oUt. 648-2067, |LADIES, earn Chrisimas Shopping money] pension plans, Please opply > ochied ~ _ ----- he asy | Wi BIRTHS AND DEATHS xP me | ie e CALL 668-3524 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|city sets, Christmas cards, etc. to your in person to 9 a.m. day of publication EXPERIENCED dreismaker, 'sewing and} M. F. SWARTZ |; WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ~ SAWDONS' training, talking 'sfrain. Apply Mrs. T.lejmiae ena aint einslovete: Write. Rew CLASSIFIED DISPLAY De> Heide, Roselawn Ave., 725-5948, | 26% King St. East, MAIL ORDERS OVER Broad, 114 Elgin East leigh, Dep}, K-310-BB, 4005 Richeliek DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL 2 ' 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 2 col. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats dresses, | Oshowa, Ontario. 1: R. I. 0. $2.00 ACCEP TED AwWilthyy Limited SOARO = for two ae cone hg sR at sch ane 723-4697 | $ E . 244. Brock St. South Shepherd; one Collie for one year on 4/SALESLADY with knowledge of "book Oshawa General umons or larger--!0 am. day previous alterations, silp covers, drapes. Fitth a '| yp pe ng farm, Telephone 668-428 keeping, Full time position, Five day specialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 TELEVISION f ission, All CANCELLATIONS AND 1 a " . REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $) --Enolish bred male black week. Salary and commission. com. MDM Re ee ee ® SS erie SREEDING -- Erin i 'and Canadian|pany benefits, Vacation with pay. Write} HOSPI TAL CORRECTIONS : | Corner Bond and Divisior |new smooth top mattresses, $24.95; cribs 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION reasonable. Phone 723-2148 i 90% 798-5143 6 $10.95; new crib mattresses, $9.95; stoves, Kennel Clubs, excellent pedigree, Alax/stating qualifications to Box 824, Oshawa} Any advertisement cancelied before s . . $24.95; televisions, $49.95; space savers, | 942-4786. publication will be charged one day's Gardening and Supplies si We are Agents for $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios and! aeaurimUL ioy Fox Terrier" puppies: FEMALE HELP WANTED. Apply in . Insertion Set pice jini ane --; guns. pew and. used. Valley Creeks 16 185 Border Collie pups; "parents good Person. ..te.-Gord's. -Pickin'..Chicken, $22 --AWALE CLERK 'e ' < P] nd § r BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 5» JTCH Resirential TV SERVICE RINKERS DRY feone, Sireet sven |heelers. and watch-dogs. Gifts for chil-|Ritson Road South. (Sa -- Me "BULB TIME" hiccde Madanen DAY OR EVENING CLEANERS [TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft./aren ot all ages. Telephone 725-6052 | EXPERIENCED wallresses iy " + 'ucty vanizes 'ower ay i While every endeavor will be made E | 728-5286 neloded," single sll-channel antenna: corm Ba BERNARD pu cea uieres ee [Apply ee a ie Bond "Eatt, | Young Man Required forw: x numbers to ellent: pets an "! we -- the advertisers. as soon as possible, | TOP SIZE | Open contract. No bonus or GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired | Dine, 'nstalied: tax anced, ovaranie ce and boarding. Telephone Brooklln/ DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call ro. D Of we seeept no liability in respect of | TULIPS | hidden charges. Get the cash OSHAWA: a) Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, Dre, Yaur, $80. See all towers at, TRIO) (os 460, lon you? We may need someone in your) FOr Cost Department tons or damage alleged to arise HYACINTHS | you need today. or free bro- fe 728-5143-4 1] -A I a. R ae Jarea, or call for products, 723-9349. rough either failure or delay in for | SCRAP HARDWOOD ne-foot length -- ent Be i$ ST warding such reoiies, however. caused | DAFFODILS | chure write or. telephone ELECTRONIG® [tian cea ence Stastny ales FURNITURE -- three coma. new qual: 3--Articles for ___ |ARTHUR™ MURRAY $ STUDIO reeds Local Plant whether by negligence or otherwise. 9.20 a.m. or evenings srniture, only $2 nc. complete , A prod ag A The Times will not be responsible for | NARCISS a an? * j 7 bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles |We train you at our expense, Apply in) Some cost or general office Je, ise iil "67 De responsi ea OE aad C. Realty Limited FAST T.V. SERVICE TYPEWRITER, standard, $35; portable, Pay only $3. "why. | Unbeatapie valve! RENTALS person, 1 to 9 p.m., at 11% Simcoe Street] 9 S i] i nachine, 5; electric type Barons' iome Furnisnings, 424 Simcoe Oshowa Shopping Centre i é | South. experience preferred. Reply REGULATIONS | SNOWDROPS | Stevenker's- Ra Service Call only' $2.50 writer, $40; electric cash register, Item-| South OF ALL KINDS |reviasie baby-sitier required, to care| Giving details of experience, 5U NS C ' : DOMINION ter, $100. 723-4434 TYPEWRITERS, adding" machines "ana for four children, three school age, from! age and marital status to The Oshawa Times will not be re | IRIS 728-1691 WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- time clocks, new and rebuilt. One yeart SANDING MACHINES |the 8th to 12th November, Live in Cour-| sobmitted Bikey nie few etal GRAPE HYACINTHS - TELEVISION Tae '0 Baur' se yb Si Ne st a guarantee, Outstanding good buys. Jen-| Oscillating sanders, disc sand- -- {!/ce South 785-4970, i] BOX 421 7 ae WRIST : radiny 'os fore, imcoe reetikins Business Machine Sales and Ser 1 Booty hee OAs for more than e +) 7 y : lr South, 723-1671 ers, belt sanders, floor sand- Ghtabiad "ar baved te peice | BIRD FE . SUMMERLAND 1728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m, |S 2a ier. _ pial A CaM act Bol AA be tae 1---Mole Help Wanted OSHAWA TIMES EDERS | | BEST QUALITY aluminum windows, OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, | ; PLUMBER'S TOOLS | charge for @ single Insert) hich | S | work , ' fare 2 one rtion in whie WILD BIRD MIX | SECURITIES ___All work guaranteed. __|doors, awnings, railings etc. Low, lowifigure work, custom picture framing.| . 112 Simcoe St. North pice Call Faas sa Clark Studio, evenings and weekends Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise The Oshawa Times reserves the right | SUNFLOWER SEED _ abe & FALL SEASON SOON SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used 968-4497. 325 Brock North, Whitby tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe 2nd CLASS MECHANIC to classy _navertising according to | i Oshawe, Ontario 725-3568 TV CHECK-UP NOW skates. Sold; exchanged. Expert sharpen. FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quality) cutters, pipe threading dies, CLASS "A" LICENSE sific STRAW Ma M 7: qualified servicemen ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East. 725-6344. |furniture; only $299,, inc. complete bed-| follet. auger n j e at or , Al Scbileshs) THREE ROOMS of furniture, $29 room, living room, kitchen ensembles. i Ee " ers oe tree . Available deme payne ais. "muninty tenet (oor anit, "ei" Unoruaaie vavel| -- PAINTER'S. EQUIPMENT Stationar Starting Salary sible for more space than that which | C S : h vatlable a R. : (>. Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S Stepladders, aluminum ex- the actual error occupies. The pub- | ooper- mit Co. c WALNUT double dresser, small dining HIGH CHAIR, child's wardrobe, com: | tension ladders, ladder jacks, lishers endeavor to reproduce al! ad- | 16 CELINA ST Low Interest TELEVISION table, arborite, Refrigerator, table model,|™Mercell Coke cooler, four-burner gas | ffold ompres- : Vertising matter correctly, but assyme 728-5143 Small Xitchen dresser, mehogeny, Ran.|20ve. and grill, two fish and chip out) Stee! Sscatrolcing, compre 723-1139 723-2312 Hit sanded lanes 'and lasses, paee007,, sors, spray guns, wallpaper ngineer re opaidlt a advertisement if any Member Ontario jgette Telephone 723-6073. | bl inaccuracies in any form are contained : ; | nr ~ | ; y ° CITY TV TOWER, antennas, aiso repairs. Gas $TOVE, "Mollai" fourburners 10 HONEST CAL'S Furniture and. Appli steamers, tarpaulins, Ow NURSERY, and field sod. Prompt d Mortgage Brok sociatior é ply i 0 * s r ) " therein estimates Folashone Sortoaae proners J All work guaranteed 1 Dean Avenue.!months old. New condition, Take over ances. Big discounts without sacrificing] torches, propane torches \W ' quality 424 King Street West, Oshawa WELDING EQUIPMENT | RO | Required immediately for SHELL SERVICE IT'S EASY TO PLACE A 7 10, evenings 728-0875. PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for payments, Telephone 668-8289 quay modern gas-fired plant. STATION Excellent working condi- tions, wage scale and em- ; 22 BOND EAST ployee benefits. ees . 128- 8712 ' all mortgages Mortgages and agree TIMES ACTION WANT AD TREE TO TRIM? Cali Slim. Or i'l) cut H 4 thaeh' dew Acs corivinlan ments of sale purchased. Creighton, /Fast service, ail work guaranteed, I88/one year, excellent condition. Best offer, FRIGIDAIRE automatic washer and 200 amp 725-51) ; Call Classified Direct 77.0410 25-5118 OF/Drynan, Murdoch and Victor (See "Bar.|Farewell Avenue. Phone 723-752) | Telephone OSATG Norge gaa dryer, Telephone 728-2624 electric welders. risters".) i BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT - MANURE, 1 - x ts COLDSPOT combination freezer-refrig: PS xo! 723 3492 maa Pe well rotted $4. per yard top| FinsT AND SECOND 'aie Well Drilling--Digging SRATEx-COANGS tes INE 12 euble toot, four years old, aute-| Cement mixers, _ finishing $2.25 per yard. Delivery charge on mortgage jused. United Rent-All, (Householder's | erator two-vard orders of top soil, 725-0697 Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick/ WELL DIGGING by machine specializina|rental store, 352 Wilson Road South (at Matic defrost, $150. Telephone 728-9686 trowels, wheel barrows, elec- RON'S' TV TOWERS, aerials, rotors. Ga$ STOVE, four-burner, grill, us | Acetylene welding outfits, } | } | | ei and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street y i | INDEX TO DANGEROUS TREES rimmed" or ye.\east 193.7932 errayers, ng siree! if 3: inch ne a es Ghastou oP ve) ReCRinenaren FREEZER, and pet tric virator, air compressor, moved by rellatie perty, All 1 Str West, Whitby, or | BABY CARRIAGE -- i Hient Kitchen table and chairs, lounge chair \ CLASSIFICATIONS. (aces sobs pened $70,000. FIRST MORTGAGE wanted on| ---- ICondition, $25. Telephone 728.3585" land three. beds. Telephone. 728-6397 sin ede erie Pras IPI -t J. B. LOWE, | A ASS ATIO arm land, 190 acres thirly miles to To:|1---Women's Column lA ol NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers 7Re-| W2t€r Pumps, portable heat- |Please contact | PPLE PICKERS jaakes.. New. hoses. Bhaial ers, steel scaffolding, electric | Chief Engineer aa, aa TOP SOIL, with or without manure; alsolronto, well secured, good interest rate : Sales and Serv ; Women's Column manure for sale. Wm. Kuzik, Whitby,|Summerland Securities Lim 112 Sim-|PERMANENTS on special, Page Nair-|ice. United Rent-Alis, 352 Wilson Road |Pairs to al ; ly i ae Palo ka Telephone 668-3906 or 668-3981 coe Street North, Oshawa, 725-3568 dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of South (at Olive), 728-565 Jack Lees, 728-6956 } generator, ramset, power rol- Apply in person man's Colurnn 'i Hea LE 4 | y -- |sisa0o Finst MORTGAGE wanveD,| Westmount. Telephone 725-5363 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- BUY ANO SELL -- Good used turniture| ers, electric hammers, mas- to 'Trailers iI nstruction ae nen | and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 , ildi ; oe 6~--Marine Equipment | Half. value summer cottage and. water pliances, Cail Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 y onry saw, - building jacks, -- |front lot, Haliburton, good covenant, 8 2--Personal or 263-2695, Dundas East, Whitby 668-548) qortor Ihixers, norer tenor' Eldorado Mining RED WING 7--Swap and Barter B--Articles for Sale EARN UP TO $100. jper cent. interest. | Summeriand Securi "| STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, new, |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower chain hoist, miter saws, .elec- Koos ORCHARDS and Refining Ltd. | o--Market Basket es mited, 112 Simcoe Street North o ructure all-channel antennae instal Yo--Farmer 3s Column | A WEEK OR MORE Oshawa, 725-3568 Removal of superf ery hair Year guarantee, "Oshawe Business" Ma: S50""Oshawa TV Supply Limited. yee tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° ipcare Wane |. BIG PAY JOBS WAITING | ,augj 1 Servi 2 Marie Murduff will be in Jehines, 728-3664, "725-9748 |ELECTRIC GUITAR, Kent, in excellent} band saw, 4°' joiner, sand i (2% miles west of Whitby oaiae: a. eas fr AY, GRADUATES, usical Services Oshawa Nov, 8th, 9th, and "|RE-CONDITIONED refrigerators, guar. Condition, $50. or best offer. Telephone} blaster, power tamper, power PORT HOPE ONT. on No. 2 Highway). 14--Business Opportunities 1 Hairdressing Schools |WERSATILE tourplece combo avaliable) 0th. Phone Genosha Hotel |anteed. Apply $05 Anerson Street, |/2!-5487_after_4 p.m i | 'post hole auger ' 1S--Employment Wanted for weddings, dances, banquets, etc.|. on these dates for appoint- | Whitby 668-6661 i%5 HONDA 300, ino cz condition. | on We hire at 8 a.m, and 1 p.m. 16--Agents Wanted In principl ities offer ex. | Teiephone 728-9719 : | REFRIGERATOR -- Norge i Best offer Telephone 1 728-97 ' doily. ' Teoeerele Hel Wana clusive "MARVEL TOUCH en "ELECTROLYSIS _([Sarugrenme soar Tots ure Foner Tener ame] 9 TANS SERVICE STATION eee NINGS: Fer tas | Optometrist | a | tone mpliier, fee omonths,, old; Ke) SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD, |. Attendant Required Class "A" DAY or EVENINGS. For free ~ 723-464] Her! " > pt othe / STORM DOORS, two, cor 1 r offer! Telephone 728-1 d nish |F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 134 § combination, and i 20a--Summer Properties brochure, write or visit IStreet North, Suite 4, Oshawa, Telephone AUTOS "DELIVERED anyamnora, Canada six storm windows. Telephone 725-3746. | CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS -- at Wil 223 PHONE: Ee yanioe Also be able to operate a MECHANIC : tow-truck, os ply in-person. 2\--Farms for Sale MARVEL BEAUTY 723-4191 Florida, California, Bonded drivers, To-|PIANO | "Mason and Risch'. Good con-/20n's. Brand pew Iwo-niece suites, mod) at | cr ~|ronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge|'tion. Bowmanville 623-3675 ern stylir mam cushions, From | Apply 7--Real Estate Wanted SCHOOLS eas : ronto Drive. 0 Nilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street,| =. pply Sb-Siores Olfices and Storage BP ibs hit chee Painting and Decorating Street, 22 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture] Oshawa 4 ie Bae: » Chairs, Linens, Dish- 925 SIMCOE ST. N. MEADE! S SUNOCO _2$--Houses for Rent Phebe a 4 P ° pron "----|HELEN COME HOME! | found out the) 2" appliances. One locatinr y. Pretty 00 | s, Cutlery, Glass Coffe 26--Apariments for Rent ept, OT, 210 Bloor St | p ; Cor Wetting and Sobbing eeeck chal sumnilure,: 444 Simcoe Seuth tisaarn, Lins HONDA #0, 3000 miles. tn excellent} Hi Het @ as Soles 725-2552 588 King St. East 2aReoms for Rent Toronto | AINTING AND wheels were out of alignment. | found! EREEI Frunaces cleaned, adiusted"? ondition, $325. Telephone 725-9100 after rns, Punch Bowls, Bridgl | a eee pseoraeidiatie or Telephone - "| u ree " } 34--Room and Board Canada Griving Schesl DECORATING out with a tree check-up at General Tire| Guaranteed trouble free all winter If you vacuom = bah Men s Formals, White 725-8161 Wanted to | mt g Schoo INTERIOR ond eT RRIOR Store son Road South, 720-6221./purchase from Western Oil Co. 725-1212, VACUUM repairs, Ps FE cay sars| ox Furs, Mink Stoles, FURNITURE |FRUCK DRIVER -- Bmwrioncea" tor 3i--Compact Cars for Sale insured dual control -| Broadloom, 'Custom Draper | TWO SPACE heaters, $20 and $30. Will Fleming Vacuum Service. Main Street, ' ltractor trailer. Must | 2 <8 Viana be loom, 'Custom Draperies 3--Sportsman's Column Comoran heat oir to tive roe Pehle SARGEANT'S RENTALS FACTORY REQUIRES tractor traiter. su Ma dndee tes t STIMATES aa ood ¢ i, Telephone 728-8070, 795 4 it, Osha fy at Tenia DODD & SOL DEER HUNTING licences. "New -- and) LADY'S ski boots, site 6) ski jacker| 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 | Production Supervisor [two SALESMEN Yor cloning a) Se--nutomobiie Rep . cle ane SOUTER 'sed ammunition Best prices. |SAXAPHONE 'E'. flat, alto; guitar: ;(medium); ski pants, size 12) two party WHEEL CHAIRS "haspital VounG teat GRR Midaheceaed oe ore, Se-Lege!, , T yee 2 668-586? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West muskrat fur jacket, 14-16; electric View s, sire 9) all items like new. 728. mac rp Capable of maintaining prod ply 3 King Street. East 'fabs oe ne PICKUP ers DEER HUNTERS WANTED. Onenings|°'O0 All articies good condition. 1 : Aid: Raatatss Ste Basi 5 : tio hedul | 7--Ave! ia ening : e ®, 72 ti schedule a t se-coming. Events vic [trainer AND DECORATING. Exterior] first, second week. $70, per week, Hatibure| "0M", 728-18 WEDDING DRESS, size 9, white peau delCHAIRS, card and banaue! tables, church| bontrol also: teed paltry oe Pees ce . re iW -- ye we y 9 interior, Paper hanging. Bowmanville|ton are veryt 4 " | a Si que! tables, .church ontrol, . wh @ up-to-the-minute Business Ser- Notices 728-4811 ee nging. e a. Everything suppliéd, Telephone] ELECTRIC CHORD organ, jus! like new, sole, with train and matching veil. Best/aisie' runners. Cleve Fox | Rental ecto . 5 . is, 412 vi H onan | rabides, Coat 6195, Asking $100, T 728-4471! after. T 7284238 Igimans Btraat Narth Gal) Pan.2414 AJAX 942-1742 bays Base rv dally" Ww: the: Clesaitiog

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