REGULAR 10° OPEN DAILY TIL 6 P.M, FRI, 'TIL 9 PLM, 154-02. TIN SLICED WHITE Reg. 22¢ Leet. 15° CHUCK OR SHOULDER ROAST 45° ARNOLD'S -. 249 ALL WEEK SAVINGS -- MON., NOY. 7 fs BONELESS MEALED COTTAGE ROLLS 59° JAYS FANCY QUALITY 29° 115 BROCK N. WHITBY rT, way £4 wreteg 7° = FRESH CUT SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS ..79° FRESH HAMBURG STEAK 3s | Now That The Fast Approaching This space is available for Your Advertising Message For further information PHONE 123-3474 Honey, Real Swinging Gal, Entertainment| May Alter Women's Role By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Honey West may change all that non- sense that a woman's place is in the home. She's the swing- inest gal in television. The television female, usually restricted to apron-wearing ma- trons or sunny Miss Fixits, is getting a new image this sea- son in the admirable form of Anne Francis. As the star of ABC's Honey West, she serves up judo chops instead of light suppers. The show has come in for its own share of lumps, some crit- ics finding the plots wildly im- Napleon's Career Assessed With Scholarly Detachment No individual has stirred the imagination of men so passion- ately and none has encountered so much prejudice as Napo- leaon Bonaparte. He possessed a combination of exceptional qualities which are bestowed on few men. For many people Napoleon really never died. After his body was laid to rest on St. Helena his most enduring conquest began; his ideas and the legend surrounding his name slowly invaded France and Europe which banished him. DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, 107 Byron St. §S, @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES BROADLOOM C.1.L. PAINTS SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS DUPONT PAINTS FREE DELIVERY 668-5862 Octave Aubury, the distin- guished French Academician, is author of the above statements. In his new book "NAPOLEON" (Ambassador Books Ltd.), Au- bury considers Napoleon's greatness and his faults with rare insight and scholarly de- tachment, The volume has more than 800 illustrations in black and white and color, The au- thor traces Napoleon's life and achievements from his child- hood and adolescence in Cros- ica, through his meteoric rise in power --captain at 20, gen- eral at 25, commander-in-chief at 26, First Consul at 30 and Emperor at 35 --to his abdic- tion, his attempt to regain power, his final downfall and his death, an exile on remote St. Helena. Not only does Au- bury describe each stage of his fantastic career in text but it is graphically recorded in the hun- dreds of illustrations, paintings, engravings, statuary, maps and photographs. All of this forms a unique pictorial history of one of the great names of modern history. 100 YEARS Historians have been writing about Napoleon for more than 100 years. No historical figure is so close or familiar to us. But because Napoleon's stature is so great there is still scope for further reserach and analy- sis. Aubury does a highly com- mendable job. Napoleon was the kind of man who was needed at a decisive moment in France's history, says Aubury. He was the living symbol of the transi- tion from the old regime to the new. His ambition was exces- sive. He went too far. He made mistakes. But one cannot ignore the immense debt which France owes him. He saved the coun- try from anarchy and tore her away fro mthe demagogues. He revived this great, exhausted nation. Aubury has done him justice in this. unique volume, which deserves wide circulation. Only two years after publica- tion of The Origin of the Species in 1859 the link between birds and reptiles was uncovered in the limestone of a Bavarian quarry. Estimated to be 138 million years old, the Archaeop- teryx imprint described an agile, airborne creature with teeth and a long reptilian tail. The body and_ three-fingered wings and tail were feathred. Three skeletons, as well as this original imprint, which shows a single feather, are now known. These and other pertinent facts on bird life are revealed in a new book, "Birds Of Prey Of The World" ty Mary Louise Grossman and John Hamlet, with photographs by Shelly Grossman, There are gruesome but realistic action pictures of Vultures, Owls and Condors as they dominate the wildlife world in which they live. The chapters headings are: Prehistory; Birds of Prey and Men; Ecology and Habits; Designs for Survival; and Conservation. "Birds of Prey of The World" is a must for the library of all anthologists and bird livers. a. G. probably, with action, intrigue and drama crammed into a too-fast 26 minutes. But the se- ries. appears to be holding its own against the potent Gomer Pyle in the ratings, Miss Francis, a 13-year. vet- eran of the film studios, thinks Honey West has a lot going for it. GALS GET THRILL "There must be a lot of ladies in the audience who would like to slug their husbands," she reasons, "and they can get a vicarious thrill watching me chopping men--I've had fights in every show so far. "We also stress the glamor side, and I think husbands like that. Teen-agers and girls can identify with a girl who leads an adventurous life. And usually I get beaten up in the stories. Let's face it: There are a lot of men around who get their kicks out of watching that.' If Honey West sounds like a strenuous show for a girl to do, it is. Anne had been working a } MAK. & | HOME REPAIRS REMODELLING * REC ROOMS * ALTERATIONS * KITCHEN CABINETS * Custom Built CABINETS * ROOFING and FLOORING * GENERAL REPAIRS REG. T. . SMITH CONSTRUCTION 1039 KING E. 725-2108 ~~ had 14-to-18: hour day and _ finally had to cut it down to 12. Even though she was a double to per- form in the long shots, Anne must do the closeups of the fights herself, and it's rough stuff. Limerick's Major Gives Rifles Win TORONTO (CP) -- Flanker Dick Limerick's fourth-quarter touchdown--his 13th of the sea- son--gave Toronto Rifles 24-20 victory' over Newark Bears in a Continental Football League game Friday night. A small crowd of 4,405 saw the Rifles solidify their hold on second place in-the- Eastern. Di- vision and keep alive their chances of catching first-place Philadelphia Bulldogs. Tor- onto's record is now nine vic- tories against three losses. ANNOUNCE FIGHT NEW YORK (AP) -- Emile Griffith of New York will de- fend his world welterweight\- title against second - ranked Manny Gonzalez of Houston, Tex., on Dec. 10 in Madison Square Garden, CASTLE INSURANCE Your home Is your castle, It prob- ably represents the biggest a ment you 'll ever make, ¢ ou' be smart to protect inves' ment with @ State Farm Homeowner's Policy. This low-cost oqmeee = rovides broader protection proviges and belongings lici Call lor cies. or: the de- tolled ZEN WARERYCIA 203 Oshawe Bivd. 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