Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Oct 1965, p. 20

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 29, 1965 ow Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For ae -_ | eee for Rent 17--Female Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | cry ih, gem, So orl RtNos | SECRETARY ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash SANDING MACHINES desks, 'chairs, We buy, sel, remy servics| Oscillating sanders, disc sond- | To act as secretary to and trade, with budget terms. New and| ers, belt sanders, floor sond- director of newly estab- : used, Low, low prices, Billi Hamilton, ers. Raglan, 5 i lished regional planning \ 2 iE CARAS: Sale TES OOL Accountants Barristers Instruction Septic Service \ ACETYLENE ouiflt, compieie, Also 'Si) atta oy j s \ office in Oshawa, GT HOSMAK, Chariered Account| CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and SEPTIC TANKS closned. Fromel serv , : Chev. hardion parity, custemized, Tele ipe cleaning foes, pipe vise ALB! JOSMAR, ' Oshawa, VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries O h ice or calls. Walter 204 Chestnut 4s phone Hampton 263 tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe Sark, ang A \Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Posted or Sireet West, Whifoy aba, en F ahs WEDDING DRESS size 10, maid's| cutters, pipe threading die Proticiency | in ht in FALE, FRIEDCAND ER AND ~CO,|Siree! North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. kK. Driving School ; dresses, three, Bike Wik ane waute |. pallet aug shorthand, Pleasant telephone ALE, FRIEDLAND! d or residences: G. K : a WIS PLANT B1,00MS '} matching hats, size 10, muskrat jacket, manner, Knowledge of book: Accountants, Licensed oa 798-0554; G, L. Murdoch; 10 yeors teaching driving es GEHMMABN, Ontarl OWLY AFTER A FOREST , eo ik Meant, cout' ake ae Beat efter PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT 4 ner, edge fen Mine eankrupiey.stia Simcoe St J. €. Victor, 9867115.| automatic and stondard cars, |P° ni : ee FIRE HAS SWEPT OVER. N/)/ Call 725-6780. Steplodders, aluminum ex- eeping an asset. , Oshawa, 728-7371, Mortgages arranged ' Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, f - Sore oaar ae ~y | j Personol initiative essential, napkins BEADLE AND CO. Char- " | Professional instructors. Tl Ontario Street, 725-5632, % Ye aa), ' GILSON freezer, 23 cu. fy "| tension ladders, ladder jack: Attractive salory. end fines benefits, + 'Accountants, Financial Trade Build- i 792. H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onterio La i . nA steel! scaffolding, compre: Ing 187 Ring Sireet East, Oshawa, i's Building Trades 728-0091 Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone > Hi Avenue between 5,30 - 7.00 0: sors, sproy guns, wallpoper Hopkins, CA) H. NYWHERE -- AN'/T!ME : TOCK ixtures f ety store, in- cr a SPECIAL A ; an icaie Rigg : | Fh |stats saat | forte, ropes torches." Aso WALL, PERKIN, MacMiLLAN A AND iD ¢O., fe) . GLISSANDO --RKadio epairs " \ toe IGN : SNOT. COMEneTe Wi vahoetd Fee if . ; m Q. ay wo 6 inch w WELDING EQUIPMENT Charored Accanteny, 36% King 8,6) 10% Discount Fra a hac 818" | Acetylene welding, vautti, | IRECTOR OF PLANNING 6 599, : ' ' ' 8. Comm., CA, David s perkin. &| On All Orders Organ Guild TV TOWERS DICK LANDAM, A RD SINGH PINDLAY space healers vary| . 200, Ome. electric: welders, P.O. BOX 734 ba PARALYTIC AT p good condition, with thermostat and blow- BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ELEVEN YEARS OF " Y ; ; é er included, Telephone 728-1306 Cement mixers, -- finishing OSHAWA, ONT, ping Centre, 725-9953. | trical work, roofing, eaves- you buy, DEL AGE REGAINED THE WHAL WAS THE AGE . 3 BOY'S tweed coat and hat sei, quilted) trowels, wheel barrows, elec- OB CLANCY'S Accounting service. : , UXE USE oF THE UPPER, OF SHE OLDEST lining, size 6, Baby's pink all fur snow) tric virator, air compressor, comple bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe ge grr age (set 725-6617 Priced to suit your budget, PAR{ OF HIS BODY ALLIGATOR 6x RECORD fully size one year, Bolin In good condi) jack hammers, hand trowels, ' South, 725-0397. Res . : ; SS TERMS ARRANGED BY SYSTEMATIC ASE TIME oF DEATH BED, spring, mattress; night tabie)| Woter pumps, portable heat- Sa esladies doors and windows, siding. A 7 GUTMANN, Chartered Account | B duled: ian teal, ae Janitor 'Service EXERCISE AND 2 wooden chairs; smoker stand-ash tray;| ers, Stee! scaffolding, electric 7 sidan NTUALLY of 7 teen's figure skates (5s); man's over enerato 2 | . Telephone 723-4833. |ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco OS AWA V LYE pa sagt ' g r, ramset, power rol- : serve you, [namical -celling,, wall cleaning. done by H ] BECAME A GYMNAST: 56 YEARS, IK FEETIN CIRCUMFERENCE |coat, size 38, Call 723-7101 lers, electric hammers, wie Full or part time. Ladies ex- NELLIS' HOME |modern maching. Free estimates, Work €105 ANGELES, CALIAY | 0-29 ARE WORN BY KOREAN WOMEN: FUR machine and interliner machine,| 6 'tdi \ clusive sportswear 'shop --~ Barristers SUPPLY LIMITED =. [Run macingon cater ORS oney. sow, baling "Jacks, | use Saraiias I | Need, 728-7796, IMPROVEMENTS ele cl PUTO SRT SOME TAUNTON RD. E. phone Scarborough 691-5305, | Mortar mixers, mortar boxes, ed =: 900d opnaerence = | , |. chain hoist, miter sows, elec- | t Of Ritsoi GLENDALE house trailer, 35 foot, fully , ' , ele f Trust Buliding, 32 Simcoe Street ge Us Peterborough -~ 745-2184 | WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 als rea East Of Ritson : furnished. $1995, Telephone Newcastie.| tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' pleasing personality -- and Be, Siti, cy Oren! M Arm| CT sonable rate of Interest to conse tate 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles For Sale 987-4490 band saw, 4! Joiner, send references essential, ' f f is or for any other worthwhile annie ag TOT REET | case f 7 - a Sa7es GREY kidskin jacket, size 12-14, very blaster, po t ys wares em | NOVEMBER SPECIAL rae id ® steadily em 128- $I 80 COLORED BATH sets, three-piece, $75.1 : Z , power tamper, power : . JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC' Solicitor! Save up to 15% during No- Ployed and have good credit, Telephone bar kitchen sinks; medicine, shower, and) = WHITBY'S ONLY LOCAL good condition, Reasonable. 723-7304. post-hole auger. Highest Wages Paid Money to loan, Office, 14% King Street amb R R Cc 723-4631. * kitchen cabinets; pressure systems; TEXACO DEALER | CRIB -- full size, also wooden high chair,| East, Oshawa, 728-8232. vember on Rec, Rooms, Cup- sump pumps; laundry tubs, $15.95; pip |and toy rocker, One used culvert. Tele-| S ce A N 4 S APPLY IN PERSON JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LL boards, Tiles and all general |, ' HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ina, fitings: automatic washers and} @ FUEL and STOVE OIL phone. 725-0878 far-| Not bil Home Remodelling. i bast skinless i boilers, radiators, H. Chinn, } @ WOOD @ COAL ELECTRIC GUITAR; Kent, | tient ' ey Bie gl A od lk All Work. Guaranteed TV TOWERS Side and Park South, 720-7088, __| @ BUILDING SUPPLIES Canaiion, $80._ of best otter," Telephone wats Kina Ws Wan ae lg SEIGNEUR'S Client dl avail - 9 723-5487 aft 4 ". es' ishawa 4 Ontario, Client parking av Just phone for_my prices. MORTGAGE ARE THE BEST! |e--articles For Sele CALL 668-3524 2es487 after 4 pum ; | oe | | i "dress PHONE 723-3224 H, Mc Koy 725- 8576 | SAWDONS' GIRL'S BROWN COAT, dress, skirt I | NT 7 ASKOWSKY, OA ie | S ) ; dik i nen Ades Parcs 73) i NS WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Panay Unita lumper, All size 10, Boy's winter, lack-| 4 4 bisisaus Gncaioedi | Sportswear Ltd. 8 i M for first mortgage Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m.-8.30) | oney Irst_ mortgages ; ondition, 725-5758, pice iia ; sles : bm. Evening appointments, Dial| Open Mortgages T R | @) R 244 Brock St, South ine HGRA ay eandijion | Oshawa nth Centre 73-166) con awit R. H. CABINET CO. Interest ot 7% . REFRIGERATOR, $50,; stove, $25; wash: Best offer 'Telephone "a a8 ERVICE sishalinatenidicedaiia TTT) Py : PHREYS, BOYCHYN, HIL ti chine, $65; om " 1 0; man Beran Solicitors, 362 | 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY - Lad for. Voluetions TELEVISION STAMP & Col N Hath Hy bi Bg eee ah amps, $20/| GUITAR -- Fender Telecaster deluxe, re. verb amplifier, six months a ei al a ea man,| 668- 6911 | Mortgages and Agreements Corner Bond and Division SHOP |OREP FREEZER for sale, $120 or near-\new Best offer! Telephone 728-1522 TATION WAITRESSES _ QC; G. S$. Boychyn QC; W, A, Hillman. LLB, J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: urchased est reasonable offer, Telephone 728-7224. | CupeTERFIELD BARGAINS al Wil 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby,| Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, P 728- 5143 | REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12;/son's. Brand new twoplece suites REQUIRED 668-776); 728-4326; 725-5135. NHA and) Cutom built cabinets | Money for Second Mortgages z " ° |new smooth top mattresses, $24.95; cribs, ern styling, foam cushions. From Full and Part-time other first mortgage funds available. "--~ = | Fast Service TELEVISION - RADIO 23 ATHOL ST. W. |s10.98) haw crib: matirenses, $995) 'sfoves,| Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, FOR LEASE 11 P.M, TO 7 AM SHIFT GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicl-|ROOFING, concrere foors, nat roofing, | OSHAWA |524,95; televisions, $49.95; space savers, | Oshawa ; ly MR. CAMPBELL fors, etc, 114 King Street East. Dial/OUr specialty, New work and repairs. | M. F. SWARTZ 24 HOUR SERVICE $54.95) dressers, chrome sels, radios @Nd | i9¢s HONDA 90, 3000 miles, in excellent Ajax Area apply J. M. Greer, Large and small lobs. L, and H. Roofing! guns, new and used, Valley Creek, 16\! 723-2278, Residence Phones: and Ci ction, RR 3, 728-6997. 14 rrlaeiein $325, Telephone 725-9100 after G h | 5 1, y | Bond Street West. QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, : 26% King St. East, OLMES * ond Street Wes Sy maler oll: conmaie ma enosna Hote GORDON BR. DAY, Certified Gener Remodelling, carpentry, til- 24 hour practice service, Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop) ing painting, plumbing, elec- Free trial period. Try before ECONOMY, AND BASTEDO, Barristers, Suigtere, Martgngns arranged. National Oshowa --~ 728-2061 Money To Loan Just Lin Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, |FOR ROOF! | Oshawa, Ontario, | TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. - 7 ae nemeeniemreaoage | Mecank Mocann.| 723-4697 CLEARANCE OF OVER 1000 |structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower | RANGE "Smart --Einie" ante | olen sees for Meche ee ae aa RR 3, Oshawa. Brooklin 655-3061, a COINS BELOW 1936--AT |included, single all-channel antenna com-\f0°% sch" *209 Eulalie, Telephone 728-2622} /C. Modest cash outlay re- | schoo! children, One child welcome. ses omenncer A |plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed uired, j j : Classified Rates ALL TYPES buliding, roofing repairs| ELECTRONICS REDUCED PRICES, Jone year, $50. See all towers at TRIO| Aer 6 Q ve quired, Assistonce available, |whithy 660-653, nd remodelling; chimneys, new and re 90% Television, corner Bond and Division,|VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, HOUSEKEEPER required, live in or out, (°] leuirads sidewalk and concrete repairs./ 728-5143-4 brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, st to care for two pre-school children, Good yore a rion of 24 words 41.08 | nitbY 668-2774, Gord May for prompt service 2 FURNITURE -- three rcoms, new qual|/i¢ming Vacuum Service, Main Street, PHONE 728-5617 weoes, Apply at 158 Bvengeline Drive, ' ' : ee ee ee, |EXPERT PAVING, 2 cents» Residential Call EXCELLENT SELECTION OF _|ity. furniture, only. £299,, Inc, complete | Pickering ee Or Write SALESLADY with knowledge of book- secutive Insertions of 24 words $2.68 |!ncludes grading and fill, two-year se yy si y F EIGN bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembies.| ONIETTE TABLE, walnut 'grain, Arbor- wt Full time position, Five day additional words 2c each, 6 con- |fee. Terrano Paving, 723-584) Second Mortgages _Whitby - - 668- 5679 CANADIAN AND FOREIG' [Pay only $3, wkly, Unbeatable value! lite, gold trim, bronze tone legs, Perma 392 ADELAIDE EAST |week. Salary and commission. All com- secutive Insertions of 24 words $4.32 | A) CARPENTRY, block and eem cence | STAMPS, . ALBUMS AND Barone Home Furnisnings, 424 Simcoe font lenigih iy , four leopard sn Ff OSHAWA, ONT. pany' penis, "Vacation eo "oon imes, additional words 8c each, New or remodelling, Special ACCESSORIES. | i) a Call Tony 725-4953. Open contract. No bonus or TV SERVICE |TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and| KENMORE range, 30%, very good condi ----------- Charge -- 10 per cent additional |__| hidden charges, Get the cash it clocks, ebuilt, Or tion, Reasonable, Telephone 728-6385 after gharee, W, napa win, deve, [YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY, casos" Chigs| you need today. For free bro- DAY OR EVENING e ae ene ben en ij of counting -- Less than 24 [neys bul r j » r i Gatnbak 4 os shag as go each word, | installed; roofs repaired, Free estimates. chure write or telephone 728-5286 WANTED--Stomp collectioris vite: mie eee oeer vgs and Ser LaDy's Ski boots, size 6) Skil jacket ' uty Sal on a ie A ont i Ng tine te nl oa C.A.C. Real L d ' and accumulations. prior to OIL PAINTINGS ~ Land traits, pel " arith me i ss) poe. ries mt Ye Appl % ith's . of My 43 one word) phone number counts | ROOFING, ALL SIDINGS, chimneys AC. ea ty imite ~ Landscapes, portraits, | dresses, size 9; a lems like new, [) Pm. Bey mith's Coffee Baty two words. built, repaired. Block, cement work. | Oshawa Shopping Centre OSHAWA 1940, HIGHEST PRICES figure work, custom picture framing, | 5443 FOR SALE |317_ Simcoe South or telephone 725-3932 \Clark Studio, evenings and weekends, : 77 The Nae Workmanship guaranteed. &. R. French.) ; T N PAID, | \ WEDDING DRESS, size 9% white peau de) | pany 'SITTER WANTED full time tor BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- 1723-6991 Stevenson's Rd. S. ELEC RO ICS |668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby sole, with train and matching vell, Best two pre-school age children. Telephone | ; ( SOCIAL NOTICES |SKRPENTEY, Tareaelinay Tec" Toon |FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new qualily|reasonable offer. Telephone 725-6338 Five years established, Good | atter 7 p.m. ing, rec, rooms, | Ge sae Whartinn Wh Me cons ot (Seere ae Haaeee Reset one 728-1691 FAST T.V. SFRVICE & furniture Only $299. ine complete bed: | -- - steady clientele, Simcoe North | expeRiENceD svaliveniee , required, ditional charges Hot paid within. 814535, evenings ce cs . , : om, tiving room, kitchen ensembles. Q__ Market Basket district, Telephone 728-9611. | Apply Town and Country, Charcoal House, AIL RDERS OVER Pay only $3. wkly, Unbeatable value! | i . # pete 0 Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S. SPANISH ONIONS, fiela run, 42 per|RESTAURANT well established on busy|.PPY_\n Person, 15 Bond Bast, WANTE ; Apply | fo Gord's Pickin' Chicken, m R the ays. ¢ r 2,50 NEW PLASTERING and repair: eee Service Co. only $ IN MEMORIAMS sidewalks, re-modeliing, rec-rooms. Free SUMMERLAND DOMINION $2 00 ACCEPTED. {HIGH CHAIR, child's wardrobe, com- (bushel. Bring containers, W. Eymann,|highway, Oshawa area, living quarters, BABYSITTER 10 care for one ene wig estimates. A, C. Woods, 728-3420 or ITIE | | half-mile east (past Roy Nichols garage) itt counter, $15,000 down, For particulars|mother works. In my home. ly j wt mercall oke ooler, four er a mot Mesenar cha tee tine. of |2abea717 SECUR s TELEVISION e ltteve and deli tae Flin kee tie ariel COUrtiees Gb north to Ist corner, __|write Box 917 Oshawa Times. |Gladstone, 729-8 eee verse 25¢ additional charge if not Ao COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS. 112 Simeoe St. North tits; sundae dishes and glasses. 728-8237. WINTER cabbage) Spanish and cooking PAE OR ah "| DOES A AUT | COUNSELOR call within 6 dys. done fe your satisfaction. Call Oshewe! Oshowo, Ontario 725-3568 | 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and. Appii-|onions. Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd, §. First 15--Employment Wanted _|on you? W' jomeone in' your CARDS OF THANKS |Home _Improvere --_ : oe We are Agents for ances, Big discounts without sacrificing) {@rm south, Hydro sub-station (wi tren or call for "product Lida All work guaranteed quality, 424 King Street West, Oshawa. i Y oF week, Seat Waceters ain ate" asatonsl Dentistry Mortgage Money or RINKERS DRY 728-9191 : ie hy cen sibs sti Free eee see Cee 18--Male Help Wanted ea ereafier, Ww ic a ee : : charge If not pald within ® days. |CAREFOOT, DR, JOHN M. Dental Available AERIALS FOR SALE -- Beagie hunting dogs, guar-|"ellvery on 10 or more, 728-5291, |Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. COMING EVENTS For appointment, 728-5171. | Low Interest T oli 0 inch (display) $1.50 for the |BIALEK, OR. &. P, Dental Surgeon,| W_ 12 Years' Experience oes Raa bags Ie ~ FOR SALE -- E R | MOTHER with Feachooler will RON'S TV. CLEANERS anteed, Pups, Trigg hounds. Field dog./NO. 1 WINTER POTATO) 5b, Me MG mind one or two childrens ft five-day week, COST 68 Wayne Street, Apt. 9 |Intosh apples, $2.75 busnel. Free home| sonced in yard, King and Wilson area, Pay : "Hendy" engine lathe, 17./ delivery, Call evenings 655-498 1728 7872. first 20 words and Sc each thereafter. |112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For Member Ontario G ae neha eck, Ghange SPANISH onions, field run $2 per, bushel: c - Spe (Word Ads.) |appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441, "793 555} : 303 RIFLE gear, aulodrive, including one 8:inch.| Brine containers. W.. Eymann, v4. mie citing Will @o, ironing In : ACCOUNTANT # | ck, one inch, jaw chuck. least past Roy Nichols Garage, Courtice; | Land L Tools, Simpson Avenue Sovth,! go north to first corner. | Mortgage Brokers Association AUCTION SALES D n PRIVATE AND CORPORATE to SEARS AA MURR SOE $2.10 PER INCH INSERTION | ressmakii 9 =o Si erthiase: Mestieiens "ane seas: RON BRIGHTLING Bowmanville, : ISLET POR SALE a cox |S BOWE in my home, Telephone 9 Known for its accuracy and Selah ichruteunreon et - |PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion-/ments of sale purchased. Creighton, 9AM Teuit : nd gun |RRIGIDAIRE "automatic washer and/iands, Snows, Spys, Secors, $2 per bushel ORY Ridges _ 699.432 We have 4 challenging posi DEADLINES wise women! Dressmaking, alterations./Drynan, Murdoch and Vietor (See "Bar-|------- - -------- | _ reliability, this. rugged 9 Norge gas dryer, Telephone 728-3624 and up. MayBelle Orchards, 1/2 miles|GERMAN WOMAN wishes housework,| 4/0 ¢ id Cost WORD ADS Fitting a specialty. 728-1823 for appoint-'risters'".) DER a will deliver years of satis- EOLDSPOT -- combination freezer-reirig-/north of Whitby on No. 12 Highway from 9 fo 4 p.m., $9. per day, Interested tion for on experience os $ p.m, DAY PREVIOUS joes ea OY iS FIRST AND SECOND" mortgage. Sale! F ALL SEA SON SOON factory shooting eraior, 12 cubic foot, four years old, auto-| APPLES: Melatosh, Delicious, Gouri. |N_Steady employment. Telephone Orono} Accountant. We are a mane a bak enain |CADIES -- Have your children's doils| agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| TV CHECK-UP NOW $24 95 mafic defrost, $150, Telephone 728-9686 ends bu) Oh Nae © Watwave Waiheie ORE oe eS ufacturing and sales organiz- 5 aah, dey pablention dressed for Christmas. Teen-age dolls aland Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street! 7 qualified servicemen, | REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER, and stove,|Ppast Bad Boys', turn left at Oshawa yee le Help Wanted ation with o varied product ; specialty! 725-8592 Gaal, mera | kitchen table and chairs, lounge chair|Molel, '4 mile north, Bring containers. | /----Femate Melp Wanted | ine, R.I.A, accounting degree BIRTHS AND DEATHS EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing and) $20,000, FIRST MORTGAGE wanted on/ rT R | and three beds. Telephone 728-6397 APPLES: Macintosh, Delicious, Spy,/ is preferable but not essent- 9 a.m. day of publication alterations, in-own home, Mrs. Alice Van'farm iand. 150 acres thirty miles to To ' ELECTRIC CHORD $1.25 bushel and up. Bring own containers. | De' Heide, Roselawn Ave., 725-5948, tonto, wall securéd, good interest rate.| PRE RGTELS CHORD pean, iat sean | Alanna Grenurday Ynickeen Read oworth;| $] 20 WEEKLY tiol, Excellent solory level CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DRESEMAKING Bulls, coals, dresses,| SuUMMmerland Securities Limited, 112 Sim TELEVISION i senor Whitby | ' with fringe benefits fully paid 1 colmn -- 4 p.m. day Previous 2 Col | eee ene ee aces. Fitting «coe. Street North, Oshawa, 725-2568 728-5143 Big savings on Skating Out NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re-| --| by company. umns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous | A P 7 { for the whole family dur- pairs to al! makes, New hoses. Phone Lp specialty, Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, \$4,400. FIRST MORTGAGE WANTED env av FaWaERT Ee : its A ys x 'amily (pel AME ier 10--Farmer's Column _ | We need the services of an 1085 --|Halt value summer cottage and water F antennas, also repairs our Big Fall Sole . - ge i yo Se Gardening and Supplies Tee leh aliborten, need' covenant, sis[All Work guaranteed, S11 Dean Avenve bs BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture HEREFORD COWS (9), registered, with) Ombitious intelligent young Py § AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION : per cent interest, Summerland Securi-| Telephone 725-0500, from 7.20 pr. and appliances, Goold's Furniture, 215|Calves at side, to be sold at Woodville) lady, Must have smort appear- : Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 Sale Barns, Saturday, October 30, at 3 d teleph ' Mi ance, own car and telephone MR J M BAHL | ties Limited 12 Simcoe Street North, | k SOx NUMBER RENTAL -- te DUTCH Oshawa, 725.3568 |Well Drilling--Digging p.m. For Information, 723-4096. gas CAI A [TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower oe ce plekea|__ Will interview local people by v7 m7 r "yee | Ti structore -aliechannet" antennae" instatied;;22AO--a7 pied 2 stock. picked | n ant } While every endeavor will be made BULB TIME Musical Services WELE STOGING By Apacrine. soeclaliting SN OW TIRES |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.| Stig Asis ei cet did AB a8 Drew Chemical Ltd fo forward. replies to box. numbers to . 1, Wh Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721. advancement and increase' in . 4 a. et my i VERSATILE tour-piece combo avallabie| Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 448-380 |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnitore| Licence 389-65, ing penal one Tightly in revpert a TOP SIZE tor weddings, dances, banquets, etc een All nylon construction, full [and appliances. One locatinn only. Pretty| income. AJAX 942-0150 le or cameos bi'ened te ares | TULIPS Telephone 728-9719. 1--Women' s Column depth traction tread, A brand | Furniture, 44 Simeoe South, 723-2271, |30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, BA. A through either fallure or delay in for: HYACINTHS | gst PERMANENTS on special, Page Hair]. "eW Winter tire priced almost |FREH! Frunaces cleaned, adjusted tree,|%° ished citladt seteieMenobicted| : Apply Mr, Weinberger ghia aa iadibib warding such replies, however caused io tometrist dase i! low retread | Guaranteed trouble free all winter if you ay Suite 201 whether by negligence ur otherwise. | DAFFODILS ce crossing: (S96 Fine Avenue, corner. of] 0% iadiepdy sage purchase from Western Oll. Co. 725-1212 11--Pets and Lives stock H : fH ARD BLACK, Ob, 136 Si Westmount, Telephone 725-5343. $ BL i: GO. (2 asd 5 ptieg vreslied yg an es | NARCISSUS + North, suite 6, Oshawa sma -- . from 17.56 UP [GUNS --"Roughi, sold, traced, repaired|COZ¥ RANCH KENNELS, German BROADCASTING cere al one Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,| Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups CROCUS a 2--Personal. [at Art op, 18 Boni H a > R | - |728-9 Boarding; Palominos, Pintos, foals, pon: CENTRE EGULATIONS | The Oshaws wg Wy not_be_re | SNOWDROPS 'Painting and 'Decorating _ DOMINION |SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-tool iengihs|\¢s Ashburn, 658-4662 evenings let ' IRIS -- Removal of superfluous hair |$7.75 single cord, Phone 723-228) before | BELGIAN Shepherd pups and grow 360 King West, Osh pact canted stneewtse a : } Marie Murduff will be = in 19.30 a.m, or evenings. jdogs, pure white, tan and black, $20- $30) by ing West, Oshawa, writing not for more than one inser- | GRAPE HYACINTHS | PAINTING AND Oshawa Nov, 8th, 9th, and TIRE STORE [TYPEWRITER, standard, $35) portable,|Pa't-Spaniels, $10. Selling out, 668-2047, _ ot 4 P.M --"PROMPT" | tion of any advertisernent $20; adding machine, $25; electric type |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, 1 ready for le DECORATING 10th, Phone Genosha Hotel |writer, $40; electric cash register, item-|training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, T. Wanted for Oshawa, Bow: e ri t Waste' ik Which ater eta | BIRD FEEDERS INTERIOR and EXTERIOR wen these dates for appoint: 145 King St. W nar 4100 poate Sree ine mina mine Monday, November Ist | manvile - Blocksteck, end ; WILD BIRD MIX | Broadloom, Custom Draperies ment. 2 WE BUY, sell and exchange used furl: GERMAN Shepherd male, 714 months, ---------- ickering areas. Prefer selling ay wetine earn SUNFLOWER SEED | FREE ESTIMATES ELECTROLYSIS Telephone 725-6511 lure: or anything. you. have. The. City Beautiful black and beige. Telephone 725: E ; experience, Experienced help its proper classification. | DODD & SOUTER 723-464] - --~ | Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Stree!) 3971 after 5 p.m. xperienced and every support, Progressive South, 723-1671, GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, male and fe- form, Contact LLOYD G, LEE, e tn the cases ot 4 spay savertisementy | STRAW 668-5862 AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, Annual Fern MODERN living room suite, and 7 pc.|male. Reasonable, Telephone 7 SECR ETARY F.R.I i ty pe é - i Cal i i Bees sats le tre couch ta Oh ches e BARON and O'TOOLE, expert painting,|"9ri4% California. Bonded drivers, To- [S012 between si30--¢:30,, nnon® 728") BOARD -- tor two. dogs, one German hepherd? one Collie for r or | to Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge i hi rig ' decorating, paperhanging. Estimates free.|oNo, Or Ve A E = H TH ag Hon han lh gun Py As a ooper-Smith Co. | Telephone 725-7734. It no answer phone! Street 225.7754 |BEST QUALITY aluminum windows,|tarm. Telephone 668-4280. . KEI LIMITED Interview phone Ll t repr i is Gatlin Galion ceccetin wk asuun * latter 6 pm TRAVELLING ALONE? Join one of our ldoors, awnings, railings etc, Low, low : : verlising matter correctly, but assume be CELINA. ST TRAVELLING ALONE? Join One ot our $2.43 cisorn. ewnings, (tel SEVERAL Weil-trained saddie horses, required by REALTOR Oe ee a Saveriamnney | Oy " PAINTING AND DECORATING. Exterior Bu jreau Ltd M hlak 942-6690. ' | ~ mii i good condition, Reasonable. Registered inaccuracies in any form are contained | 723-1139 723- 2312 [and interior. Paper hanging. Bowmanville td, Al 2-6690. at Roti cur alneas |SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used Appaloosa stallion, six-year-old, Buckaroo 181 Eglington Avenue East therein, se eaics nem | 623-2583. |HELEN COME HOME! | found out the 4g |skates, Sold, exchanged, Expert sharpen-| Ranch, Oshawa 725-2737 Dodds & D ld : as' cas conus Galen NURSERY and tela "ped, Pemeed de) ~ ein aaa ieee weaving and wobbling wasn't me, Reed 's Florists ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East. 725-6344. BoOHLE pups, miniature and tava Riwly ona Toronto 12, Ont. Bitcation will be charged one day's |ssr9n0, seni meee Cee Plumbing and Heating ET UHC S fed eae ot tout the THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No for Christmas. Deposit secures. Telephone or call HU 7-3333, publica' charged of y'S |723-9710, evenings 728-0875. jout with a free check-up at General Tire 728 7386 dawn payment, $15. monthly at Honest |46a-610S Whitby Barristers and Solicitors : rtion, ee - em oer \ i aa a a Insertio TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. OF Ta cut ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-|Store, 534 Ritson Road South. 728-6221 Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 : VOL a : plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark |----------- ee ---- | . BRITTANY PUPS, reaistered, pointer re IT'S EASY TO PLACE A taone Cree sitimeten Jat Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 3 Sportsman's Column WALNUT. double dresser, small dining trievers, Call 728-4537. 69 King St. TIMES ACTION WANT AD RACES a |225 Sieve Street South rhe JANSSEN'S POWER table, arborite, Refrigerator, table model. gpEEDING << English bred male black Osh A 7 " sser y -- . Call Classified Direct MANURE, well rotied. $4 par yard: 10 ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeling, (PEER HUNTING licences. New and EQUIPMENT CENTRE jSmall Kitchen dresser, manogany, Ran noodie, registered English and Canadian sabes ' per ya livery charge On| oT" end used materials. R sed guns, ammunition Best prices. ge plephone 7426 Kennel Club: Hent Growing electronic ¢ mn 723-3492 two-yard orders of top soll. 725-0697 eee ge eee igs sonable unt Creek, 16 Bond Street West Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- = | 7 rear : 1 ead igi MR ceria UB ie al leph ad : 4 ened ae a1_____|rates. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley |GAS STOVE, "Molfat' four-burners, 10| 942.4786 elephone 123- 2201 requires an experienced ma- DANGEROUS TREES trimmed or re ----- js beer W mings Ferguson Riding Tractors, months old. New condition, Take over : ~~ si moved by reliable party, Allied Tree Rug-Upholstery Service iKied Bolg ARTEL Opening Service on all power equip- |payments, Telephone 668-8289 BEAUTIFUL toy Fox Terrier puppies; chinist |Service, 725-4171 Rosa ton area, Everything supplied. Telephone i | Alto. "Gerder: Collie. puom parents: goed %& FRINGE BENEFITS INDEX TO ------ (100 9 suppl Pl ment, Licensed mechanic on GAS STOVE, four-burner, grill, Used heelers and watch-dogs. Gifts for chit OP SOIL; with or without manures size 23-1386 orl aay Jone year, excellent condition, Best offer.(dren of all ages. Telephone 725-6052, WANTED |! * PROFIT SHARING PLAN CLASSIFICATIONS . pee Noe on eee whitey OSHAWA 5 Manoa Bani : B43 King West 728-9429 | Telenhone 723-1613 - : - : % STEADY EMPLOYMENT phone ® ae CLEANERS ---Marine Equipment |__-- = | SKATE-X-CHANGE Discount! New, 12----Articles Wonted * SALARY BASED ON a Dslr somstiwihieat lused. United Rent.All. (Householder's : PARTS Jrental store, 98% Wilson Road South (at WANTED TO BUY -- Pool fable with) Nurse for full time work EXPERIENCE, \Olive) accessories, Phone 725-1555 between 1--5 Trail | Tula Senswee FOR YOUR FUTURE home BOATS & OUTBOARD Dryers. FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying quests For Washers, Stoves and --__----- |p.m, afternoon. at medical office Apply in person or phone J--Swap and Barter THINK ELECTRONICS TOR y TO Dial 723-3497 now for 'an. ad-writer "| 13--Articl s for Rent ees in Brooklin, MR. C. TAYLOR dcAriicles tor. Sale A pene ee CALL 725-9961 MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTOR w: " a i |help you phrase an ad. an 9--Market Basket | A Radio College Home Study 94 BRUCE ST - We also store lawn mowers, Repair and Exchange CALL Pissak' Gan orapara. Geis ft 4 BRUCE STREET 1 BABY CARRIAGE -- Thistle, in excellent} 10---Farmer's Column urse can prepare you for tillers; tent trailers, cabin OSHAWA r ' nea Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ie li--Pets and Livestoct: bigger income in TV, Autom- RE-UPHOLSTERY py experts. Establish Condition, $25, Telephone 728-3585 "y i } | | ' Hy ful i ( i es, Cutlery, Gl , Coff ee | ager meme ceutam: jeepaeg emg rea mars | Nr, te. APPLIANCE ___|sk990-aroumouie -- suis wr gex:| Gr" per, Can' gore 655-3321 500 Beach St. 1--Woren's Column P ! ' Instruction ie SSrerteman's Coturn ------------- | Rug ond Upholstery Clean- WINTER STORAGE ing. At our plant or in your 13Articies for Rent Workmanship guaranteed ve years. ice, United Rent-Alls, 352 Wilson Road 14--Business Opportunities tiéns.. Beay-to-follow theory Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses | got 186 Simcoe S 728-7535 {South tat Olive), 728-5565. | Wear, Men's Formals, White Whitby 1$=Employment Wanted lessons, proctical work kits rebuilt. Furniture refinished. Oshawa Up. SALES & SERVICE " "es m Boe F Mink Stol e--Agents Wanted A : * Tholstering. Company, 287 Dean Avenue 1415 St. E. 668-3226 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap On Urs. NT oles, Fu 68- 325 credit 5 OO 1415 Dundas S ' 32 17--Female Help Wanted ly accredited diploma on 725-0311 | HONDA SHOP pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 e 3 18--Male Help Wanted graduation, Low budget /CWESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re- BOAT new 16 toot aluminum, sieeper| + ; mrrucle | or 2e:2695 SARGEANT'S RENTALS WAITRESSES eseeale ac PENNS Ham: Wanted rms. Write for free 40- -- |styled, Free estimate. See our -materiai/S0a's: regular $995, Special $795; also one saihoh ae ates reese ee, [STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, new, used) 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 20----Ree i | a sok; Cnraare th Blab for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75% str , 15 foot lapstroke with con: dealer uy - Sell - trade..Re- cash registers, adding machines, $35. up ------ SERVICE STATION _ 2a--Summer Prot erties OOK; ' c harles Street, /23-7212 ve ible Bh 60 HP Mercruiser, regular pair all makes, Free esti- lYear guarantee. Oshawa Busihess Ma-|ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred t liabl 2i--Farms for Sale yal Py $3 100 MP Mercury | lchines, 728-3664, 725-9748 jpeople! Oshawa Tennis Club for banquets, neat appearance --~ reliable Attendant Required 2--Lots for Sale RAD 10 OLLEGE OF CANADA CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re-bmotor, jong ft, controls, used one} mates. Access: -- helmets, gaceun indies ; parties, 'weddings, anniversaries. Facil 23--Real Estate Wanted . cal covered like new. Get the best for less|season, Special 5. Free Storage. Bur windshields, carriers, jackets, TIONED refrigerators, QUAF-/ties, bar kitchen, parking. Reasonable Also be able to operate a 24~Stores, Offices and Storage 46) King St. W., Toronto 2B, at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street roughs Marine, Rosedale, Highway 35 " anteed. Apply 305 Anerson -- Street, | ates 728-6315 j Apply in person tow-truck $s-Houses tor. Rent Ont South, Call 728-6451, Free estimate Burnt River. 28R3 "| tires, ete Winter storage. | Whitby 668-6661 Sithe ota oe "ris n| ae 2%--Apariments for Rent Meee New Hondas only $295. No GIRL' | ) card an panque ables, churc pply ~ - ; oursoar MOTOR, 5\ + S coats and dresses, sizes & to 10/,i9) i 4 2--Rooms ter Rent Sales and Service UTBOARD MOTOR, S\1 HP Johnson.| yo payment, [in excettent condition, Telephone. 725768.) 21310 ¢70nery Cleve Fox Rentals, 412) Tamblyn's Lunch Bar 925 SIMCOE ST. N. y Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414 | 7--Roorm and Board a 3 't condition, Best offer Telephone a Wanted to Rent | Canada Driving School |éuaranteED repairs to all wringer!" we 199 King W 728-4242 | REFRIGERATOR -- Norge, medium size.|wiikEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walker, Osh Sheoning © 725-2552 Automobiles for Sale | @ Fully insured dual control Washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call CABIN CRUISER, 16ti@ 40 HP Evin-| PIANO -- SS\a Inches high, good condi-| 9009, Working condition, $35, Telephone) racing machines, sick room supp "| shawa shopping Centre a---veecenrseranernennon 28-1742, - 728-0508, RETIRED GENT: a gle Sate | gees Cleaned by Gntane 7-1 a | rude, electr ¢ start, with heavy duty trail-ltion. Only $195 for quick sale. Apply 246 |Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644, | Scion te ENTLEMAN -- Are, you i ru j rf -. nin curtats nopies [e° Apply 52 Jackman R a f $ % ' socal een --| 1---Automobiien Wanted Deere er Tinie 6 lence ca a chee ne eee gel gs lg My. Win |EXPERIENCED shirt presser for_mod-|mence duties on. Saturday, November 3, 34~--Automobile Repair Cor ipplied for Government Jelinek. 728-1 suisviitia: ¥ ' -- ee PIANO Antique Chickoring Baby ern dry cleaning pplant in Ajax Shopping You will take one short helicopter flight, 35--Lost and Found Replat: : eer aire Tt. Weymouth cabin cri O/Grand. Very reasonable. Telephone 668 RANGETTE FOR SALE. Two new ele Want- A S Don' +: Centre, Telephone 942-2212 then work wWeek-days. until December 24 %--Lega! Tests @ ne pickup ser e Py ANDe COVERAGE ina at iow cost Johnston motor Telephone . Ajax! $220 men jephone 668-3404. MATURE WOMAN 10 care tor three Apply Personnel Department, Eaton's in orreate tents ct 728-4811 Ade, Teesniee TE902 4nd oct Wh tencn BOAT The GUNS -- Winchester, 4, 1030, long bar-|HARMONY GUITAR, Like new. Als school-age children for workings mother ja, Oshawa Shopping Cen he - s ve UG Wilh spare wheel, $90,/ rel, Also Remington 760, 30-06, Telephone|amplifier. Best offer, Telephone 668-87 } ae Tt Y P |Shopping Centre area, After 7 p.mys tele-/FREE -- Aptitude test. Telepho 39--Notions With @ eourteous ed-writer, Boat, 850. Telephone 723-1409, 723-9672, lwhitby, after 6 p.m. ost Ne ay [phone 726-6639, to 4 p.m, for appointment, 728-0434

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